This helped me a lot when I was in Japan a couple of weeks ago, and the casher helped me with my pronunciations when it was not too busy. Thank you, and you just got a new subscriber!
what I found most confusing when I visited Japan, is that every time I entered a store, the clerk would say "Irasshaimase". I knew what it meant, but didnt know how or what to answer back... After about 10 days, a friend told me you dont need to say anything...
Mannnnn I wish I knew this 😭😭 whenever I enter a Japanese store or ramen shop in canada I always stressed when they said that, and then I went to japan and same thing happened
ふくろ really had me stumped for several days when I was there. Lol I realized pretty late that I could use the IC Card for more than just train fare. Thos is so helpful. Thank you for this!
This would have been useful during my recent trip. I have just returned from a 3 week trip to Japan and used the konbini stores alot....Despite not speaking any Japanese, I was able to get by....Certainly the asking if I'd like a bag seem to be one of the first things asked. I realised this and just pointed to my backpack when I though they were asking about needed a bag and that seemed to work fine...I did also have to press the age verification button on the screen a few times as I'd buy a beer or two to have once I got back to my hotel. I have not drunk any alcohol for 6 years...But while in Japan I decided I'd like to try some Japanese beers..which were very nice...I am a little disspointed I did not try sake....I just didn't seem to be in the right situation to do so...I was traveling alone, and did not try any of the many bars...Wasn't brave enough....I wish I could return....Japan was a breath of fresh air to me. I have been suffering since losing my partner to cancer and I really needed a change of scenery....I doubt I'll ever be able to return..Which saddens me...But i got to see my favourite band LIVE in Tokyo....which was the main reason for my visit...I also visited Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Hiroshima, Oska and Kyoto.
i went to japan without thinking about conbini convos, they didn't really cover them in school. that fukoro commented knocked me off my feet several times lol.
I live in Tokyo since several months now and at the combini they often vary the question about bag so I often got caught on that question at the beginning 😂 袋はいりますか? 袋はどうしますか? 袋はどうされますか? 袋は大丈夫ですか? When I told them お願いしますbecause I only heard ふくろon the last 3 they got confused. So I always say 一枚お願いしますwhich clearly state I want 1 bag on all the variations
I've been practicing these phrases and it's just funny because the 1st conbini we went to, the girl asked "do you want me to heat it?, Do you need a bag?" 😂
I wish I had seen this a month ago. This first month has been tough because I thought I could get by. Thank you. Now do you have one for grocery shopping?😅😂
@@mochirealjapanese3430 Agreed then!! Pray for my admission to Tokyo University 😄 but isn't it late there? Why are you awake 😂 You should take care of yourself.
I have heard "onegai" used before but I don't understand the reason behind the suffix "shimasu" after "onegai". Can you help me learn what the suffix is, why it is there, and when/when not to use it?
Honestly; there is no need to talk in convenience store! And no one talk to you. At least here in Kyoto! Near my mansion are 2 convenience stores. I do all without saying a thing!!!😂
You are supposed to be evaluated better than now,and be watched by more foreigners and Japanese to study English. you can make a video for Japanese who are interested in learning English. Cuz,If I were child,I wanna be thought English by YOU!ADORABLE TEACHER( •̀ᴗ•́ )/
I think Japanese convenience stores are the most depressing places in Japan,... the empty sounding 「いらっしゃいませ」and defeated expression of the clerks makes me so sad for them ...
This lecture is no good!! You should have written on screen the Japanese words in English letters as well. It is so given that many people cannot read hiragana and katakana. Thanks
Anyone learning Japanese should first learn hiragana and katakana. She is correct not to use romaji because using romaji can lead people down the wrong path. If you just want to know some quick phrases because you’re visiting as a tourist then English will be fine for you (especially in convenience stores in the major cities).
This helped me a lot when I was in Japan a couple of weeks ago, and the casher helped me with my pronunciations when it was not too busy. Thank you, and you just got a new subscriber!
what I found most confusing when I visited Japan, is that every time I entered a store, the clerk would say "Irasshaimase". I knew what it meant, but didnt know how or what to answer back... After about 10 days, a friend told me you dont need to say anything...
yup😂we don't say anything😢
Mannnnn I wish I knew this 😭😭 whenever I enter a Japanese store or ramen shop in canada I always stressed when they said that, and then I went to japan and same thing happened
I love that you also cover both positive and negative response phrases, thank you.
Funny because I just left the conbini and then saw this on my feed. I’ll be better prepared now! ありがとうございます。
ふくろ really had me stumped for several days when I was there. Lol
I realized pretty late that I could use the IC Card for more than just train fare.
Thos is so helpful. Thank you for this!
I use IC card a lot for shopping!
This is one of the best introduction! Thanks, Mochi-Sensei!
Good way pf teaching very creative and easy to comprehend thanks for putting up such a great work Mochi-sensei !
thank you!❤
Thank you for making such a useful and well crafted video. Clearly a lot of effort and care was put into it! ありがとうございました!👍🏻
thank you I'll make more!
Thank you. Mochi sensei.
John san, Thank you so much!🎉
This would have been useful during my recent trip. I have just returned from a 3 week trip to Japan and used the konbini stores alot....Despite not speaking any Japanese, I was able to get by....Certainly the asking if I'd like a bag seem to be one of the first things asked. I realised this and just pointed to my backpack when I though they were asking about needed a bag and that seemed to work fine...I did also have to press the age verification button on the screen a few times as I'd buy a beer or two to have once I got back to my hotel. I have not drunk any alcohol for 6 years...But while in Japan I decided I'd like to try some Japanese beers..which were very nice...I am a little disspointed I did not try sake....I just didn't seem to be in the right situation to do so...I was traveling alone, and did not try any of the many bars...Wasn't brave enough....I wish I could return....Japan was a breath of fresh air to me. I have been suffering since losing my partner to cancer and I really needed a change of scenery....I doubt I'll ever be able to return..Which saddens me...But i got to see my favourite band LIVE in Tokyo....which was the main reason for my visit...I also visited Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Hiroshima, Oska and Kyoto.
i went to japan without thinking about conbini convos, they didn't really cover them in school. that fukoro commented knocked me off my feet several times lol.
ビデオの最後の部分にその纏めるは上手ですよ。良い先生!👍 ありがとう
I had to listen to when you say arigatou gozaimashite over and over again. It was so quick.
Thank you for this really helpful video sensei ! 💗
7:15 my favorite part
love you, found you JUST in time...My first day Japan and finally went to the konbinni ..huh?? thanks for the much needed vocabulary.... SUBSCRIBED!
I live in Tokyo since several months now and at the combini they often vary the question about bag so I often got caught on that question at the beginning 😂
When I told them お願いしますbecause I only heard ふくろon the last 3 they got confused. So I always say 一枚お願いしますwhich clearly state I want 1 bag on all the variations
in my case I make sure to not need a bag and only answer 大丈夫です with little hand gesture and they understand
Very nice lesson. Your explanations are very clear...
Keep it up, Mochi sensei.
omg i just realized this😢
thank you so so much!!!!!
I've been practicing these phrases and it's just funny because the 1st conbini we went to, the girl asked "do you want me to heat it?, Do you need a bag?" 😂
I learned at lot! Thank you!
Excellent teaching video!
beep.. beep.. beep.. helped me the most 😊👍
I wish I had seen this a month ago. This first month has been tough because I thought I could get by. Thank you. Now do you have one for grocery shopping?😅😂
Very helpful, but I'm not going to remember them all. Lol😂 Arrigato!
Thank you so much.I was confused when they asked me 😢
I learned at lot!!
Can we buy at konbini with welcome suica card?
super useful ありがとうございます!
my pleasure!✨
I used 結構です at my local Yamazaki today and got 日本語上手`d for using that instead of 大丈夫です lol
It was nice.
very usefull, thank you :)
I wish 🙏 we had Japanese-style "conbini" in California 🌴
I'm gonna find you and thank you for these videos when I come to Japan ok? 😄😂
@@mochirealjapanese3430 Agreed then!! Pray for my admission to Tokyo University 😄 but isn't it late there? Why are you awake 😂 You should take care of yourself.
You are amazing ❤
Does Hai Kudasai translate to Yes, please???
Mochi sensei! 😊👍
thank you!✨
I have heard "onegai" used before but I don't understand the reason behind the suffix "shimasu" after "onegai". Can you help me learn what the suffix is, why it is there, and when/when not to use it?
its politeness vs casual. always go with polite with strangers. お願いします。頑張ってください。
Hmmm. So for example, if I wanted to say "thank you" politely, would I say "Arigato-gozaimasu shimasu"?@@caras5590
I wanna visit one day 😢❤
I will not starve. ❤❤❤
if my suica card is on my phone, should I still say suica or apple pay?
Honestly; there is no need to talk in convenience store! And no one talk to you. At least here in Kyoto! Near my mansion are 2 convenience stores. I do all without saying a thing!!!😂
My friend pointed out not to say miso Honey glaze to loud and quickly.
If I’m using a Suica card from my Apple wallet would I say I’m using Apple Pay or Suica?
Sensei, you are way too adorable, I am unable to focus on my studies.😈...Hai!
oh god the plastic bag is killing me, and the rewards card offering too, im always baffled at what the clerk is saying
Do you say something after paying and leaving a konbini? Something likes "thank you for this"?
you can say "arigatou gozaimasu"
it's very polite to say!😊
Now I understand why they are confused when they offer me chop sticks. I usually said 箸があります
Aber es klingt sehr ähnlich wie 箸がいります。
portugal or belgium we have our bags we usually do not buy them is it the same in japan?
if ill go to japan with my own bag is it good ?
its realy a pain in the ass to buy bags haha
You're beautiful and the way you trying to teach was pretty awesome 👍
Aerosmith... ✌️😂😂😂
try it!😂
I been going to daiso and belc and still not used to what to press on the screen i can read kana and gana but kanji nah.
Oh my word, Kanji is breaking me, I only know like 30 of the base 100, and it keeps me from reading so many things
Really helpful video. Thank you.
Thank you so much.. your so beautiful by the way ❤
sensei, you're so cute. yabai! ❤️
yabaaai!! ureshii!
Onēsan your are awesome ❤️
Great video! I have mistakenly said "げんきですか" a few times when at the cashier, but quickly realized small talk is not really appropriate neither.
What is convenience store?
You are supposed to be evaluated better than now,and be watched by more foreigners and Japanese to study English.
you can make a video for Japanese who are interested in learning English.
Cuz,If I were child,I wanna be thought English by YOU!ADORABLE TEACHER( •̀ᴗ•́ )/
You are super cute cant resist of writing ❤❤❤
Ira shi i masuuuuu 🤣 Aero Smith so just yell singing saying Aero Smith in Ni hon go Japanese Sounds really funny 🤣
You are so beautiful ❤️
I think Japanese convenience stores are the most depressing places in Japan,... the empty sounding 「いらっしゃいませ」and defeated expression of the clerks makes me so sad for them ...
I wonder why Japanese girls don't understand when I call them "angel" "天使"
It is the highest compliment in America 😮
Maybe they think you’re a creep?
女神(megami) sounds more like compliment in Japanese😁
Brown hair ?
This lecture is no good!! You should have written on screen the Japanese words in English letters as well. It is so given that many people cannot read hiragana and katakana. Thanks
Anyone learning Japanese should first learn hiragana and katakana. She is correct not to use romaji because using romaji can lead people down the wrong path.
If you just want to know some quick phrases because you’re visiting as a tourist then English will be fine for you (especially in convenience stores in the major cities).
The problem is the the real speed when the cashier talk. Superfast 🫠