@@PR-cq4zc My friend, every supposed prophecy of Jesus in the Old Testament has already been shown to be false, may years ago. Only apologists use them today. Reputable scholars, even Christian ones, stay away from them. They only work if you already believe and interpret the text for your own benefit or if it is mistranslated or read out of context. I guarantee you cannot provide a prophecy for which there is not an answer.
First of all, I am not your friend. Secondly, reference Psalm 22, Isaiah 53 and Micah 5:2 for starters. Then go to Isaiah 7:4 and 9:6. Bow in awe of the God before whom "every knee shall bow", even yours. Flee to Jesus and plead for mercy on your soul.
People do not believe their religions because they make sense. And people of different religions believe for pretty much the same reasons. Faith , comfort, raised into it, help through hard times, the feeling of having a relationship with their God, mystery and meaning of our existence , hope for a positive afterlife, and other reasons.
No not true. We belive becouse we received the holy spirit. We are reborn spiritually with the spirt almighty hashem gives belivers in Yeshua. This spirit guides us and teaches us in truth and gives us testimony that we are hashems children but the non belivers can not have this and to them its folly. This spirit also was on King David, Abraham, Elijaha and all believers but now Hashem has poured out his spirit on flesh who belive in almighty son of God Yeshua, messiah who will return to earth in power and glory with all saints and angles and all knees will bow before him.
@@johnnastrom9400 Actually it is a response. Me as a Christian believe not bible stories because its been told to me all my life as per original comment but because Elohim, Yahewh God almighty has poured his holy spirit into my soul which gives me testimony of the truth. Do you need another explanation ? God bless you abundantly.
@@Samuel_Gerner698 That is exactly what I mean. As a practicing Christian, it is embarrassing to see the lack of critical reasoning skills among fellow Christians, especially when compared with the intellectually sophisticated thinking you see from people like Rabbi Singer. The claim "you need to have the Holy Spirit in you to understand scripture" is just a lazy attempt to dodge making the case for the Christian doctrine. Another crutch phrase that is used by Christinas is "you get your ideas from Satan" to dismiss people who disagree with them rather than engaging in debate. It is the type of thinking you see from eight-year-olds and has no place in an adult conversation.
The Nazoreans claim Paul: "was Greek and the son of a Greek mother and Greek father, but that he had gone up to Jerusalem, stayed there for a while, desired to marry a daughter of the high priest, and had therefore became a proselyte and been circumcised. But since he still could not marry that sort of girl he became angry and wrote against circumcision, and against the Sabbath and the legislation.”-Epiphaneous, ‘Panarion’
INTERESTING! I've suspected the same about Paul. Apart from the light he saw being Satan (as a primary discredit). This too has been a thought of suspicion to explain his overwhelming disdain for The Man Jesus for the idolization of Jesus Christ
@@edwardkochanowski2531 Have you by any chance read the chapter of Abraham's circumcision that says "this is an everlasting covenant?" In your view and only because of your Testament, it no longer means literal cutting of flesh. What authority deems themselves equal to God to do such a thing.
@@debrapaulino918 The Prophets on the WORD OF GOD, wrote of the NEW AND EVERLASTING COVENANT WRITTEN IN OUR HEARTS,do you see that, THE NEW AND EVERLASTING COVENANT. DEBRA why did HA satan the snake come to Eve first in the garden ??????? Shalom
@@edwardkochanowski2531 Stop. Read the passage of Abraham's circumcision. Read the entire Torah word for word. Every verse that says "do this throughout all of your generations" or a similar directive, mark it with a yellow highlighter. I am not going to argue with you. You are not the the type to have intelligent conversation with.
Well the scriptures waste little time in contradicting each other , starting with the two creation accounts in Genesis . I love Rabbi Singer , and I agree with him that Christianity is a bastardization of the Jewish religion . I just wish he understood that he is worshiping a myth also - all the silent invisible gods created in the imaginations of man are myths until proven otherwise . And that has never happened .
Paul was full of bullshit and he could have even been a fictitious character invented by Rome. The amazing thing it that so many fell for his nonsense.
Thanks Rabbi, good to know more about Paul the deceiver. For all the crying Xtians: 1. Ezekiel 18:20 "The soul who sins is the one who will die."= no human sacrifice 2. Numbers 23:19 God "is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man" = Jesus is a man, so he is not God 3. There is no trinity. 3 persons=3 God's
@@maxprescott9371 Many other pagans had their own divine trinities. In Greece they were Zeus, Poseidon and Adonis. The Phoenicians worshipped Ulomus, Ulosuros and Eliun. Rome worshipped Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. In Germanic nations they were called Wodan, Thor and Fricco. Regarding the Celts, one source states, "The ancient heathen deities of the pagan Irish[,] Criosan, Biosena, and Seeva, or Sheeva, are doubtless the Creeshna [Krishna], Veeshnu [Vishnu], [or the all-inclusive] Brahma, and Seeva [Shiva], of the Hindoos" (Thomas Maurice, The History of Hindostan, Vol. 2, 1798, p. 171).
@@samsungkartit A very poor understanding of scriptures, in the Tanakh there are many references to the Godhead or Trinity . Genesis 1:26-27 26) And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: 27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Psalm110: 1,4 1) The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, unto I make thine enemies thy footstool. 4) The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent , Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. Sound a lot like Jesus our the high priest.. Isaiah 9:6 6) For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, the everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
The learned Rabbi doesn't believe Paul's road to Damascus ever happened, because the Sanhedrin would not authorize it. And why not? They had already violated Roman law by illegal arrest of Jesus in Garden of Gethsemane by palace guards. Judas did formally make an identification nec for that of a civilian, if by hypocritical kiss. But the Sadducees did not have the authority to make an arrest of a citizen. This could only be carried out by Roman guard on orders, issued by Roman Court. The emergency session at midnight was also in violation of Roman law that did not permit court hearings after sunset. High Priest, Caiaphas, personally conducted a cross--exam, after Jesus had been acquitted in a stormy trial, 40 to 71. Only Proculator Pilate could pronounce death penalty, which the High Priest attempted w false charge of treason of Jesus proclaiming himself, as king, against the authority of Rome. Reportedly, there were some thous day converts, after Day of Pentecost to the exasperation of the Sadducees. Saul is thought to have been the chief temple agent, enthusiastically hunting down new converts, and throwing men and women into prison for execution? Saul had no authority of Romans to proceed outside certain boundries to Damascus. Supposedly, they didnt object, since he was doing them a favor, helping them rid their dissension problem bet the Jews and those of The Way? Why should Sadducees object? Why did Paul have to go into any more descriptive detail? He states, that he went to a Believer in Damascus and had his sight restored. Paul, by his own words, was much more educated than the common disciples; and also a Pharisee. He was able to interject himself w the Word, among the learned and philosophers at Athens. Paul reminded new and sometimes lax converts, that he was superior in knowledge, rough treatment by Jewish authorities, and his many hardships, but he didn't hold himself superior; and always came in the spirit of meakness? Peter, a great missionary, wasnt initially consistent, as one can conclude from his conduct following the arrest of Jesus. Paul's criticism of Peter apparently came about when Peter was eating w the Gentiles, until certain persons came; and Peter w drew, fearing them which were of the old beliefs. Other Jews and Barnabus followed suit. Paul admonished Peter reminding him, if he, Peter., a Jew, now lived after the manner the Gentiles, and not after the manner of the old law of the Jews, why was he compelling the Gentiles, to live as the Jews?
@Iyas kelu “Christian preachers have not encroached on the Tanakh and Talmud”??? Are you seriously going to assert that specious claim? They been re-writing, editing, altering, demeaning, the Hebrew scripture since Christianity began!!! Have you not heard a thing he’s said?
@Iyas kelu: Your "NT" is a blasphemous, anti-God, anti-Jewish, hate-filled, replacement theology, work of fiction that absolutely DID NOT come from God and preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai! It is THIS piece of blasphemous garbage, that Rabbi Singer, and the rest of us are trying to get "Christians" to STOP spewing to JEWS and anyone else who listens to their trash-talk!!
@@acircharo True Christianity relies on the original hebrew scripture. They're the same history. I told my uncle one time hey I found out the Bible is factual history. He asked that's cool which one? I'm like......both. the new makes no sense without the old. And the old lead up to the new in prophecy.
@Iyas kelu Except he knows the NT better than almost any Christian I know, even ministers. That statement is laughable. Christians have bee editing the Hebrew scripture since Christ was in kindergarten! Funny! See below:
Exactly Right Paul's Claims of meeting Jesus, are Pure Fiction !!! It's a Big Lie. When Jesus left, he was Gone....Paul is the Self Apointed Apostle who Never met Jesus , , Jesus never said he Needed An Apostle to the Gentiles
I gave up a nice Jewish job murdering people to become a missionary to make Israel jealous you can't prove it didn't happen that's a nonsensical statement
So where's the bloodshed for your sins so where's the temple that Messiah could come to so why is Jerusalem not the capital of the world why did you get crushed in ad 70 while the suffering of the Jews
@@franciscafazzo3460 Jesus chose 12 Men to be his chosen Apostles, And Pauls Name is NOT on the List. If Jesus Wanted Paul then he would have chosen and him He did NOT. But Pauls Name is NOT on the List. Paul MADE UP the Whole Story of Seeing Jesus so he could GET IN on the New Jesus Movement. We Also Know that Paul is a LIAR .... Paul Even ADMITS to Being a LIAR in Romans 3:7 "If My Falsehood (LIES) Enhances Gods Truthfullness and So increase his Glory, Why am i condemned as a Sinner" So We See that Paul ADMITS to Telling LIES.... Rabbi Singer here also Agrees with me that Paul NEVER Met Jesus.... Paul is the SELF APPOINTED Apostle who NEVER Met Jesus and He Knew NOTHING of Jesus and His Teachings !!!!
@@franciscafazzo3460 Take note of all the fallen, great empires that tried to destroy the Jews, they are all destroyed, except Rome who changed to Christianity and kept killing Jews into the 20th century, but they too will fall and the Jews will still be here, long after the fall of the world powers, and their true messiah will rule from Jerusalem, and as God says in Zechariah 8:22-23, OF THAT TIME TO COME. 22 And many peoples and powerful nations shall come to entreat the Lord of Hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the Lord. 23 So said the Lord of Hosts: In those days, when ten men of all the languages of the nations shall take hold of the skirt of a Jewish man, saying, "Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you." Argue with that and you argue with God.
@@sunnydayz8747 no, how can i rely on him yet he himself has no spiritual proof of his Faith? Yeshua said: seek you shall find it, knock it shall be opened for you. Most people in this generation are going through deception because they only relies on what someone says about faith. It is reality and authentic to believe in Jesus, why? Because the name of Jesus is being proved how powerful is through miracles, demons are being casted out through name, sickness bow down through that name. Why should we doubt about Jesus? Why should we listen to Tovia Singer? Is there any name besides the name of Jesus than demons can tremble? People are being deceived not just because he's speaking the truth but he's the deceit monger.
@@samueljali9446 Miracles are no indication to authenticate Jesus. The Bible does not confirm what you've just said. For the love of mankind, the Bible is clear as crystal that even the Egyptian priests performed miracles and Jesus himself said that there were Jewish priests who cast out and exorcised demons. You placing a very high premium on something that the word of God itself does not use as a yardstick. There are other religions where miracles are performed as well. You setting the bar low.
@@bh1422 miracle is the result of faith, either God or the devil. The work God verified by the miracles. Can you explain if God can answer your prayer but not in miraculous way?
@@bh1422 This is what Jesus himself spoke to his disciples: Mark 16:17 The signs and wonders shall follow that believe in my name, shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with the new tongues. How come miracles does not approve the work of Jesus? If someone perform develish miracles, he also approves whom he sent.
@@samueljali9446 Where do you get the idea that the "devil" (whoever that may be) performs miracles? Which doctrine purports this? You claim miracles from God because that's the deity you believe in. Someone else believes their deity performs miracles and may very well tell you that your believe is from the devil. These things are all relative. Miracles do not confirm anything. The book of Genesis was clear when Moses said to the children of Israel "You shall worship no other god but Me". The acknowledgement of other gods was not a foreign belief as most religions in the region was polytheistic. And just as a matter of interest, try to do some research on why the notions of the devil/satan/lucifer/demons in Judaism is not what is believed in Christianity.
@Happy Face ahmed deedat would be proud. The rabbi brings facts to show how fake the new testament is. Deedat would be proud of the rabbi for gaining all this knowledge n saving people from idol worship. Only Jews and Muslims worship the real 1 God so there has always been a mutual respect faith wise between Muslims n Jews. The fights happen only because of political issues.
@@AaronOfJerusalemAndAthens According to 100 PhD scholars of Jesus seminar association of America (according to five gospels ).82% of text in the Bible is not spoken by Jesus by. Gospel of John was written 150 years after jesu(pbuh) some where in Syria. It is therefore Gospel of John is rejected. Many are termed as ‘Son’ of God in the Bible : Adam [Luke 3:38] & Solomon [1 Chronicles 28:6] & Moses [Exodus 4:22] & Ephraim [Jeremiah 31:9] and many others “...the Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28). Jesus said Father is great her than all ... “By myself I can do nothing...”(John 5:30) “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). In Greek Father refers to some one senior, you call the Originator as Father (eg) Charles Babbage is the father of computers) , a priest in a church Father, God as Father as well as by biological parents Father .. it is a homonym..It is a cultural way of addressing seniors... Because he said “I am the way, the truth and the life” [John 14:6] Every prophet is “the way and the truth and the life” for his nation in his time. He is the way TO GOD, he is the truth because he was truly sent by God, and he gave eternal life to those who believe in him, because he who believe him, believe in God. The Bible says: “No man hath seen God at any time” [John 1:18] “No man hath seen God at any time” [1 John 4:12] If he was God he wouldn’t have said this... Jesus (pbuh) spoke a language called Aramaic but the new testament is written in Greek scholars agree that the original word is already been lost. Furthermore Jesus was the prophet only for three years according to the Bible and he addressed the people of Nazareth who were unlearned villagers but the Bible was written several centuries later. The Bible manuscripts are only from the 4 th century which is after the council of Nicea.
@@jesusdeity2010 John 17:3 thee the only true GOD Mark 12:29 the Lord our God the Lord is one 32 you have said the truth Master THERE IS NONE OTHER BUT HIM Luke 18!! Why callest Thou me GOOD there is none Good but GOD MATTHEW 4 Worship THY LORD GOD AND HIM ONLY THOU SHALL SERVE 1 corinthians 10:5 The head of men is jesus and the head of jesus IS GOD Acts 2:28 Jesus of nazreth A MAN APPROVED OF GOD(Not GOD IN FLESH) Your pagan roman new testiclesment testifies and cries that jesus is a man not GOD
Don't worry about Paul. He has his crown . And just to know kept the Law. He also says we magnify the Law... even Peter said that there are unlearned(spiritual dead) who twist the words of Paul to their own destruction.. why does he talk about the curse of the Law... because cursed is everyone that does not continue in all what the torah says... if you offend one you are guilty of all..
7:35 Thank you for explaining Paul is pharisee, and High Priest was Sadducee, and would never have engaged Paul as a pharisee on a mission to persecute Christians. I also note that Paul is in front of high priest in Acts 25 [?], and Paul insults him as a urinal wall, and then says he did not know it was the high priest -- who wears distinctive head dress -- but how can Paul not know him if what he said was true -- that the high priest engaged him on these persecution missions.? But I think it is certain Paul was killing and persecuting Christians unofficially, so possibly he used the high priest cover story to provide some plausible legality to murder. Perhaps comment on that in the future. Thanks for your insights we gentiles cannot know as easily.
How does this man know what a High Priest would say or order or do 2000 years ago? How can this man say The Road to Damascus never happened? He obviously hopes and wishes it didn't happen. And he obviously hates Paul. This man, like many before him, has made his mind up how biblical events happened. How he WANTS them to have happened. I pray for his Final Judgement, Jesus is merciful.
@8:20 Since none of the NT books mention the destruction of the Second Temple which occurred in 70 CE, I doubt that the Book of Acts was written after that event. If you are reading a history of NYC and it fails to mention the attacks on the World Trade Center, then it is safe to conclude the book was written prior to that event.
So true, but then again, the book teaches us that if you dig a pit for someone be careful for you can fall in it. I suppose we have a case here of the ones who has set out to deceive merely deceiving themselves.
He caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humbled, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the Lord.
@@nickg5010: Actually no - "Jesus" is not "the Devil". To learn who he ACTUALLY is (i.e. NOT as is falsely preached by Christianity!) read the book of Job, VERY carefully!
@@nickg5010: YOU said that, in response to *Hrvatski Noahid,* above when you said this: " 'He' being the Devil." I merely pointed out the book of Job, because that is where we are given an insight into WHO and WHAT "Satan" actually is! And...NO, "Satan" will NOT "ultimately, be confined to a foot-note in history", since he is a very important, unassumingly 'main' character in the Hebrew scriptures! If you've actually read Job, as you claim, you will notice that Satan works FOR God - not AGAINST Him, as is falsely preached by pagan Christianity!
@Mike Cribbage I'm not a Catholic nor Jewish, I just gained a degree in Theology, including studying Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek. Just read the different accounts to see the differences.
@Mike Cribbage Jesus warned you of paul, so why would you listen to him? He is the false "prophet" Paul was educated as a Pharisee, a protege of Gamaliel, a famous Pharisee who ran an elite school in Jerusalem. “I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of our fathers’ law, and was zealous toward God as you all are today. (Acts 22:3) Jesus repeatedly warned against trusting the advice of Pharisees. "Then Jesus said to them, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.” (Matthew 16:6) "In the meantime, when an innumerable multitude had gathered together, so that they trampled one another, He began to say to His disciples first of all, 'Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy’" (Luke 12:1). "'How is it you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread?-but to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.’ Then they understood that He did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees" (Matthew 16:11-12). Paul was not one of Jesus’ chosen Apostles. Paul lived in the same region as Jesus for Jesus’ entire Ministry, but never went to meet Jesus or listen to a word of His Message. The only person in the Bible who names Paul an Apostle is Paul himself, ever desperate to be added to the company of Jesus’ true disciples, but never was. Many of Paul’s teachings conflict with Jesus’ message, which would not be true if Paul had been actually taught by Jesus. Are you really telling me that Jesus went against his own warning and suddenly selected a Pharisee as the one to convey his "new message". Not buying it.
@@fidelcatsro6948: Ahh, OK, so you have just one little buddy! I often watch cat videos - they're so cute and I find them fascinating to watch, from kitten to adult! Can't own one though, since I'm allergic! You take care too! 😄
toda Rabbi. I spent 20+ yrs in that wilderness. I learned this from Christians and biblical scholars. Now I'm converting to judaism. B'H for hearing the crys of His children and calling them to His Torah.
Thanks for saying out loud what many of us Christians always wanted to say about Paul. There are 2 things I will never make any sense out of: Anything John Paul II wrote (and I tried, I really tried) and anything Paul of Tarsus wrote. Flowery, dreamy, philosophical...guess I'm just a meat and potatoes soul. Peter, in a letter, said to be careful because Paul was trying to convert people with mysterious and complicated philosophy common in cities and of no use to simple, decent people. He said they could be dangerous. I'm with St. Pete.
Am I crazy, or does Justification-by-Faith-Alone Paul verge on the duplicity so common in Catholicism? It's so much a part of the culture...and also the legal codes of Justinian and the mafia world view.
@@matthewclark9522 As a Catholic Faith alone is not in the bible , Martin Luther put that in , Catholic believe in James Faith and works and tradition , Protestants believe once saved always saved , faith alone , sola scriptura ,Jesus said I came to fulfill the law not take it away , Jesus said obey and keep his commandments .
Yes! Paul was a narcissist. Also, why was Jesus so mean? Flipping tables, calling people fools and then saying to others that it was a sin to call people fools. Walking away from the woman on the road and calling her a dog!! killing pigs, I mean he sounds like a delusional cult leader, not a god.
Rabbi Tovia Singer. "The blind leading the blind." And both he and his disciples will fall into the Pit. The rabbi is still "kicking against" the pricking of his conscience.😢
Bishop Shelby Sprong said that Christianity could have existed without Jesus, but it couldn't have existed without Paul. And it's true. Christianity would have died out like all the other messianic movements in Judaism if Paul hadn't broken it away from Judaism and taken it into a pagan world that had fractured their religion into so many thousands of gods, they had made it weak and unappealing, like a watered down drink.
I think you are wrong. In book of Act of Apostle, Peter went to house of Cornelius and the family receive Holy Spirit from above and then Peter baptized (with water) them. So: who brought gentiles into fellowship with God? Holy Sprit [that is God Himself]. Peter here acted as God's apostle to do his part in this process - water baptism. He have already Peter, John, and other apostles to work the same mission. The elders of church at that time would sent another emissary if there were no this man called Paul.
@@obibrrobjiwo9406 Judaism has produced many messianic splinter groups (I think the last time I checked it was something like 23 or 27). None of them survived except the one where Paul was involved. And as I understood it, the actual disciples were making people convert to Judaism in order to be Christians. It was Paul who pushed to get rid of the idea of keeping the law. (Wasn't it Peter that he was railing against for making people keep circumcision?) A man is a lot more likely to be interested in a religion that doesn't involve circumcision.
I agree with you 100% about Paul!!! This was very informative! I have heard that 2 Peter was not even written by Peter. Can you give me some insight on this? Thank you!
It is easy to conclude LIE Paul's journey to Damascus met JESUS by its different story at these verses Acts 9:7 And the men that journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing the voice, but beholding no man. Acts 22:9 And they that were with me beheld indeed the light, but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.
Sis you misunderstand the 2 testimonies of Paul. In Acts 9 He is saying the other men saw A light and heard a voice. In Acts 22 he further describes that the men did not understand the the voice. The Greek translation of the word for heard would have been better as understand. The Rabbi's sole purpose is to destroy your faith in The New Testament and thus Jesus as Christ our Savior and Lord. He says as much. I only listened to discern that he is very subtle, smart, clever, just like the Jews of Paul's day. But I detected a couple of mistakes or lies. He certainly knows the New Testament. Therefore he is without excuse for his unbelief. Beware. Every time you listen to him he'll steal and kill more of your faith.
@@MrXucinxgaronx Again Acts 9:7 ESV - The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one. Acts 22:9 ESV - Now those who were with me saw the light but did not understand [hear with understanding] the voice of the one who was speaking to me. Many other translations show it as above. Stick to your version to prove your point, but miss what God is trying to teach you.
@@nickg5010 Only if you believe what you just described. If one believes the contrary, then the Church of Jesus Christ is the house built on the solid bedrock of truth and the rabbi is trying to turn the hearts and minds of those that believe in Jesus to disbelief, and to prevent those that may come to believe and keep them captive in unbelief.
@@gaseti Acts 22 :9 GREEK οἱ δὲ σὺν ἐμοὶ ὄντες τὸ μὲν φῶς ἐθεάσαντο, τὴν δὲ φωνὴν οὐκ ἤκουσαν τοῦ λαλοῦντός μοι. οὐκ translation is NOT ηκουσαν translation is “HEARD ” Ouk ekousan is NOT HEARD Acts 22:9 (ASV) And they that were with me beheld indeed the light, but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me. Acts 22:9 (UKJV) And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spoke to me. You make acrobatic phrase on your own NT
Paul himself writes that after his conversion he went to Damascus and stayed there for three years. Around the year 37, Paul went to Arabia but was soon forced to flee back to Damascus from the army of King Aretas and the soldiers besieged the city so Paul escaped the city in a basket. Some have said that when the leader of the Jesus movement in Damascus advised Paul to go to Peter, but Paul didn't understand what he was talking about and went instead to Petra (the capital of the Nabataeans), where he managed to anger Aretas. And the timing couldn't have been any worse, because according to Josephus, Aretas had just started a war with Antipas over the territories ruled by the late Philip because Pontius Pilate had been sent away a year earlier and there was no Roman prefect in Judea. And while the high priest's letter mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles is most likely fiction, Paul's journey to Damascus is not. And what Paul writes about his conversion is that he didn't see Jesus but a "vision of Jesus" that caused him to change his mind and end the persecution of the Jesus movement and this happened, according to Paul, before he went to Damascus. Today, researchers believe that what Paul actually saw was a fireball from space that exploded and Paul, as a religious and superstitious man, interpreted it as a sign or omen sent by God.
I would assume that by your question, you are most likely a Christian. Otherwise, you would know that there were many other messiah claimants after Jesus that were Jews. And knowing that the word messiah (משיח) means the anointed one should give you enough context to know that they didn’t claim divinity, only a status. That alone would not have warranted a death sentence. The 1st Century CE was nothing but disastrous to the Jewish people, so you better believe that if he truly was the messiah as prophesized in the Tanakh, he would have been accepted as messiah right then and there, no questions asked. You also have to understand that the title of messiah was given to rulers, like King David for instance. What this means is that you are interpreting the meaning of messiah to be greater than what Judaism understands it to be. A Kingly, albeit human figure that would save the Jewish people and usher in a new era. In that sense, Jews would not have been lining up to kill Jesus or any his followers as Christianity would have you believe in the NT. You can go online to find a list of all the Jewish messianic claimants to get a grasp of how common this theme has been throughout the centuries. One notable, as well as infamous messianic claimant was Sabbatai Zevi. He caused a lot of trouble to the Jewish communities at the time, and was never killed for it. Also, keep in mind that the Christianity of the 1st century was much closer to Judaism, as they kept the laws and traditions of the Tanakh. Then came along people like Paul as rejectionists in order to distance themselves further from Judaism. Subsequent centuries further separated Christianity from Judaism as the Church became more centralized. Most Christian beliefs today would seem foreign to them. Now that you have enough context, the answer to your question is quite simple. They would not have gained death over such claims, but on the other hand they would have most certainly gained a following, which would have given them influence and power. So, the real question is, why wouldn’t they?
@@AbdonPhirathon But we know they did gain death, we have documented evidence that all of the apostles and most of the disciples for the first several hundred years were put to death. So I don’t know what history book you are reading
@@AbdonPhirathon This ridiculous talk of many messiahs in Judaism is part of the fraud sceme fabricated as a means of helping lie your way around the Christological messianic prophecy recorded in Daniel 9:24-27. The fact is Daniel 9:24 is clearly talking about THE MESSIAH as the Most Holy Lord who will be ANOINTED (Mashiach) by the end of the 70 weeks as DETERMINED by God himself. It says the temple will be destroyed after the Most Holy anointed shows up to be killed but not for himself which leaves no room for speculations and points to Jesus as the Most Holy Messiah as he fits the description to a T. It was supposed to be disastrous to the Jewish people who rejected the Messiah. Read Isaiah 8:13-15, Jeremiah 16:17-19, Isaiah 9:14-16, Jeremiah 23:39-40, etc.
Paul disagreed with Judeans (from Jerusalem) who were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.” Read Acts 15, what does it say about , "getting along" with the Apostles and church in Jerusalem? Their guidelines were consistent with Paul's teaching on circumcision and other matters.
Y’shua said, “if someone says they saw me out in the wilderness, etc (paraphrased big time LOL),” not to believe them! In His own words, He said that when He returns that “every eye will see Him on that day,” it would not be a personal visitation on a road somewhere. 🙄 Very good teaching!
You mentioned Romans chapter 7. This is 7:12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. That's Paul saying this. And he says this: 7:24 O wretched man that I am!....... And this: 7:7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. -- Some Christians use Pauls writings as a license to sin, as much and as often as they want.....they would say it's not really sin any more, but the fact is, it is still sin. Christians use this to somehow prove they don't have to really follow any rules, but that goes back to what Peter said....Paul is easy to get wrong, and misunderstand where he was going with something.
@@akivatalansky Thank you, yes I am subscribed but I only know AFTER the program has aired for some reason! What time Sunday mornings (I'm in California)?
The seven feasts of Israel are remarkable. They reveal how and why Jesus died for the sins of mankind. I was blown away by the hidden truth about Jesus in these feasts
It’s so interesting to hear someone pointing it out and raising the question why Paul went to Damascus to persecute Christians there on order of the high priest. But it also raises questions if this story is concocted. Why inventing such an elaborate story. They could have Paul convert at the preaching of Stephen and it would have been far more believable and congruent. So, why would someone concoct this elaborate story of a trip to Damascus when everyone could have checked it out. People weren’t that stupid then.
Anyone who calls themselves a Christian is essentially saying, "I'm a follower of Paul." Christian is mentioned three times in the Greek text, two times it refers to Christians being a follower of Paul, and the third time Peter tells those who follow Paul, not to be ashamed, just know how to worship HaShem. Acts 11:25-26; 26:28; 1Peter 4:16 Daniel 7:25 [KJV] And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Once Paul is exposed and refuted as the false apostle that he is, then that is the end of Christianity. Because it really is "Paulianity", and many critical bible scholars have come to that understanding too. It has more to do with Paul than it is to do with Jesus. That's the reality.
I think Paul’s thought on eating meat sacrificed to idols is a bit more nuanced. If you *know* that the meat was sacrificed to an idol, don’t eat it. But if somebody presents you meat to eat, don’t be over scrupulous. Just thank God and eat the meat, and don’t ask where it came from. When was the last time you went to the store and asked, “was this meat sacrificed to Zeus before you cooked it?”
He seems to be speaking on both sides of his mouth there with that verse. Pray over everything before ingesting!! Sadly, this is happening right this very moment. It is most prevalent with meat and birds sold in the poultry farms. I have had some really bad experiences with those poultry farms. Without going into detail, one incident was so bad, an angelic being took me back to the poultry farm and pointed out the perpetrator!!! Bottom line, unless they are home-bred/reared, even that, just pray over every food, and just basically anything that you ingest, water included! We are living in very very dark times. I guess it's time to start building that homestead huh?
2 Peter 3:16....Peter on Pauls writings..."As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. " Peter didn't take the chance to say Paul was wrong, but rather that people were taking him wrong.
How do I become Jewish? I found out my Jewish YDNA ancestry roots but they became Christian through the crusades under the service of the Hapsburgs. I was Muslim for almost 20 years and I am circumcised.
According to the Bible, you are already Jewish. But according to modern-day Judaism, you would need to convert by studying at a Shul / Synagogue with a rabbi.
Read Quran with understanding and with translation, try to understand Quran and Hadith, don’t go to the Christianism ,or anything besides islam , islam is the only religion and fulfillment of all previous prophets and revelations ,
You can convert if you want but it’s not necessary you can remain a Noachide instead. Also, Rabbis wouldn’t easily want to convert you they know huge spiritual responsibility could be burden for you. Start reading Torah, it’s the original scripture and direct blue print from god of Abraham, jacob and isaac. In Torah God clearly warns off false prophets, no new inventions of the religion except his eternal words in Torah nothing more nothing less.
@@sammshroo3494 if you are Jew then your great great grandfathers knows that Quran is from god almighty, the Quran is the last book and Muhammad pbuh is the last prophet of god , as it’s mentioned Deuteronomy 18:18 and Song of Solomon 5:16 . Please don’t misguide innocent people,
@@ahmedzaheergaming3846 Can you read Hebrew? Did you at least read the whole passage? Otherwise keep your half baked stupidity to your self. Shir ha shirim or the song of songs has nothing to do with your cherry picked Hamhead ( piss be upon him)
But I am a Gentile Believer in Yeshuah Messiah, and we Gentiles were NEVER given the TORAH Laws and commandments and Statutes and Ordinances and circumcision and Feasts and Temple Sacrifices and Shabbaths etc etc etc, but are saved by Grace alone through faith in Y'SHUAH MASCHIACH EL YISRAEL after being Baptized in the name of Yeshuah Messiah according to Acts 2:38 onwards.
For a true Christian, Jesus is Himself the Torah in his life, his commandments, and above all in the stories He told from everyday life illustrating the profound, subtle character of the Father and how we can follow..."Be perfect, even as your Heavenly Father is perfect...who sends rain on the just and the unjust..." Torah is a living, breathing soul from the Father's innermost being. It is not about rules... in fact Jesus was angry at those who were legalistic, degrading Torah like crooked lawyers.
If Paul didn't come for another two thousand years, they would have locked him up in a mental hospital and Christianity would have never got off the ground.
I would like to see the Rabbi SInger have a lengthy online discussion with Bishop Robert Barron. That would be quite educational, I’m sure and I’m not trying to be derogatory to either of these gentlemen, I would just like to hear both sides of this and other topics from people who know what they are talking about.
It's always been shocking to me that Christians seem to overlook all the nonsense about Paul. Where are Jesus supposed disciples? Sure, Judas is obviously out of the picture, but we still had 11 hand picked ministers of Jesus teaching. Why does some guy who never met Jesus completely take over Christianity?
I enjoy these discussions but remain suspicious of anyone who rigorously defends or denies the authenticity and fidelity of scripture. What can we know today, 2000 years later, with absolute certainty? Paul was either an apostle or a madman or both; and Jesus a prohet, teacher, healer, messiah or Lord. Christianity demands that we make a decision, Jesus is God incarnate or He is not. I like this. If scripture were inerrant, harmonious, consistent, then no room for doubt and no need of faith. But scripture is contentious. As in the parables of Christ, one has to be engaged, to reason and react. Leave room for doubt; I think that's best, even necessary. These arguments between faiths are fun and provoking but ultimately pointless. Either the Messiah will come or come again. It matters, it certainly matters what one believes. But when I read scripture its like asking directions from a passerby; I want to know what way I am heading, a bearing is all, thats good enough for me. The rest of my journey is in God's hands.
The Jews did not believe in Moses, our teacher, because of the wonders that he performed. Whenever anyone's belief is based on wonders, the commitment of his heart has shortcomings, because it is possible to perform a wonder through magic or sorcery. What is the source of our belief in him? The revelation at Mount Sinai. Our eyes saw, and not a stranger's. Our ears heard, and not another's. There was fire, thunder, and lightning. He entered the thick clouds; the Voice spoke to him and we heard, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following:..." (Maimonides, Yesodei haTorah - Chapter Eight).
@Weston S Miracles were made in Egypt to show that Hashem is over nature and that he judges measure for measure. The only thing that proved to all the nation, that Moshe is real, was that Hashem spoke directly to Him, and everyone heard it. Prophets were believed if their words come true every time and if they teach Torah 100% correct. Shemot 19:9 Hashem said to Moshe: "Behold! I come to you in the thickness of the cloud, so that the people will hear as I speak to you, and they will also believe in you forever."
The first time I read Paul's statement that his gospel was to be believed even if an angel of the Lord said otherwise I knew that this man was more than a little full of it . The only suffering that Paul really endured perhaps was in hauling his giant ego around .
He was beheaded but maybe you think he wasn’t? Nero decreed it but who cares about historical records right? Some of you think the world only revolves around yourselves but the world revolves around us ALL at the same time.
@@davidrexford586 who said anything about Nero and historical records other than you ? i speak only of the extraordinary claims that Paul made which had no witnesses other than Paul . Paul - whose ego evidently knew no bounds - also famously claimed that both his suffering and Jesus suffering were both necessary for the salvation of mankind - promoting himself to be a messiah the equal of Jesus . The man must have been insufferable to have been around - no wonder everyone wanted to off him lol .
Paul was a Roman as well as a Mithran on his father’s side. Look up the Aemili also known as the Aemilianus. This patrician family alone was given the title of Aemilianus Paulus because Scipio Africanus defeated the General Hannibal during the Second Punic War. Skippy had a son but his son had no children. So to keep this bloodline, a title went to the Aemili, the title of Paulus. When all of Skippy’s wife’s bloodline were gone, the title of Paulus (Humble) went out into all branches of Aemili to honor Skippy. Aemilianus means Adversary, sometimes used as a name for Satan, Mephistopheles, etc. Aemilianus Paulus is the Humble Adversary. Two things to remember is Paul is a Mithran by faith and a Roman patrician by paternal bloodline. His mother was Jewish, so he is also that but as Jewish as a Zurvanite, not as Jewish as a Judean or Galilean.
You are purely nuts, lady. Paul was a Israelite from the tribe/ family of Benjamin. Paul was not a Jew, but an Israelite. Jews are from the tribe of Judah ( Jewda ) who settled in the land named after Judah's inheritance, Judea. You know not what you say.
@@thomasprice8127 , you need to take up reading. Paul identifies himself as coming from Tarsus, that is a city in Cilicia (present day Turkey). Tarsus is Mithran Faith Central. Paul, whenever busted by the cops (legionnaires serve as police in Roman Empire), Paul of Tarsus quickly squeals he has Roman citizenship. That is virtually impossible for an ordinary Cilician. It is a former pirate 🏴☠️ state that Pompey defeated. In an earlier cycle, same locale was known as Phrygia. They also warred with Rome. Guess who is not getting Roman citizenship this year or next? So Paul has an ancestor who was a member of invading forces. Well, he can’t be a Plebe, his family would be ordinary citizens in a mere generation. Soooo... he must be a Roman aristocrat, a Patrician. Plus Paulus is a title granted to the Aemili to honor the fact that Scipio Africanus Aemilianus kicked Hannibal’s ass at the end of the Second Punic War. Beep-beep, baby. I am the Roadrunner. Eat my dust. You’ll never catch up. Gotta run to the store.
Paul might have suffered an epileptic fit on the road to Damascus (Acts 9, 22, 26). Such is an opinion of D. Landsborough, and he should know being a neurologist.
Question for the Rabbi: We have often heard expressed, by the Rabbi and from other sources, the notion that Paul was a deceiver and was responsible for perpetuating many falsehoods and mistranslations of our the Jewish Scriptures. I have a few questions about Paul's character and intentions: If it is the case that Paul was sincere in believing that Jesus was the chosen messiah, how do we explain that such a devout follower of the messiah knew he was falsifying the scriptures and acting in such a dishonest and vile manner? His actions are more consistent with someone who did not believe either in Jesus or in the Jewish scriptures. More like he was flat-out a religious heretic with respect to both religions. On the other side, if we assume he was a sincere believer in Jesus, it is more plausible that he may just have been swayed by his belief and that, unconsciously, led him to distort the Jewish scriptures. In other words, he must have made some innocent mistakes. What does the Rabbi think is the most plausible case about Paul?
Okay, things we know about Paul (1) He’s from Tarsus, the central city for Mithran worship in all of Central Asia (2) the Roman Patrician family Aemili were awarded with the title of Paulus, exclusively theirs. This is because Skippy (Scipio Africanus) defeated Hannibal and his only heir died, so the title transferred to his wife and her branch of Aemili. The branch died out and all Aemili could use the title. Maybe even Nero whose grandmother was an Aemili. So Paul was very likely Aemilianus Paulus first name unknown So Roman and Mithran on Dad’s side, easy to find Aemili in Cilicia from the time of Pompey and Cilician pirates onward... Now Mom, yep, she’s Jewish... about as Jewish as a Zurvanite... (3) Zurvanites were Persian Jews who were considered practitioners of a heretical form of Zoroastrian faith. They believed Zurvan had two sons engaged in an endless war of good and evil (4) Use of phylacteries is observed in Mithran ceremonies so yes, weird half-Jewish cults were a part of the Mithran faith. One can even see a figure blowing a shofar on one Mithran statue as Mithras kills the Cosmic Cow So mum, who was “Jewish” was also a Mithran Mithrans trying to subvert a new Jewish sect, is it possible? Yeah, I would say so especially since Matthew wrote of Magi (Persian relic collectors), shepherds in a field awaiting the birth of a holy child (wow, it’s Atys - oops, Jesus) Much like Atys proved to be an early incarnation of Dionysius, Jesus became an early incarnation of - well, himself. Last Supper (Atys, Jesus), 12 attending figures (zodiac signs in the older mithraneums (excuse spelling) and... Think you may be overwhelmed. Do look some of this stuff up. Happy hunting
@@cheryldeboissiere7824 Thanks for responding to my comments! The items you mention are all very interesting, however, I don't quite see how they relate to my concern. Would you please read my comment again and see if you can help me with the issues I am concerned with. I look forward to your response.
@@lourak613 , okay, I had to edit so added more. Please capture the names and check on them. There were numerous attempts on the part of Mithrans to subvert the new Jewish sect Jesus ben Joseph had created. Finally, the Emperor Constantine seized the whole faith. He moved the Sabbath to Sunday, the day you celebrated Sol Invictus, the Roman Sun God. Jesus even wound up with Sol’s birthday, the Saturnalia, 25 December. Constantine also had the Council of Nicaea cut out a lot of Gnostic texts just to fit his new religion. Oh, go look at Atys and his cute little sun crown at Ostia and you will see the priest who violated his celibacy oath became a sun god.
Are you saying Paul's zeal for winning converts justified, in his mind, all sorts of misrepresentation and pandering? But he admitted it! However, from another viewpoint (mine) he is saying the Jesus isn't attractive and good enough...that He needs sexing up in togas and Socrates and secular styles. When I read Mark I fall in love with Jesus of Nazareth....when I read Paul I feel Jesus cheapened and tarted up in statues and Mystery slogans.
@@AaronOfJerusalemAndAthens destroyer of Islam? Man literally bodied David woods in whole debate... plus, he already told that in his speech that problem is with language... Allah sends his blessings to Muhammad PBUH... not fake God who got crucified
My Jewish family were sneak ed from Poland under Pius 12,he had at that time a siege CHURCH many wher hidden in catholic homes and broght over,Jews must still remember they are bound by the law, still against him....Christ ,the misseach,as long as you're safe elder brother only we Catholic call you this, keep safe
And on the twentieth day of the month the cloud was removed from over the tabernacle, and at the same time the children of Israel continued their journey from the wilderness of Sinai, and after they had gone a three days’ journey the cloud rested over the wilderness of Paran.
Denies the Acts are factual about Paul, uses Acts to back up his points about Paul. Acts9:26...Would you fear somebody who had been trying to kill you before if they suddenly said they were on your side or not? And about thr John Mark disagreement, what has that got to do with the other apostles? This is 2.people disagreeing about a specific topic and each choosing to do it their way. Nice try cooking a narrative...
The ancient Egyptians, whose influence on early religious thought was profound, usually arranged their gods in trinities: there was the trinity of Osiris, Isis, and Horus, the trinity of Amen, Mut, and Khonsu, the trinity of Khnum, Satis, and Anukis, and so forth . . .
1st and 2nd Peter are considered pseudepigraphic, and most scholars agree that Paul actually wrote seven of the Pauline epistles (Galatians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Romans, Philemon, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians), but that four of the epistles in Paul's name are pseudepigraphic (Ephesians, First Timothy, Second Timothy, and Titus) and that two other epistles are of questionable authorship (Second Thessalonians and Colossians).
Joseph is a type of Christ. Similarities between Joseph and Jesus: *- Both are first-born.* Gen 30,22-24 (of Rachel) / Mt 1,25 (of Mary) *- Both are shepherds.* Gen 37,2 / Mt 2,26; 26,31; John 10,11 *- Both are the most loved of their fathers.* Gen 37,3 / Mt 3,17; 12,18 *- Both were prophecied to be rulers.* Gen 37,5-11 / Dan 7,13-14; Mic 4,7; 5,2; Ps 2 *- The prophecies that Joseph would rule his brothers (the tribes of Israel), and Jesus would rule the whole world, including Israel.* Gen 37,6-11 / Dan 7,13-14; Ps 2,1-12 *- Both Joseph’s and Jesus’ brothers were jealous of them, and did not believe them.* Gen 37,4-5; 11 / John 7,3-5; 15,18-19 *- Joseph was sent by his father to his brothers. Jesus was sent by His Father to Israel.* Gen 37,13-14; / Mt 21,37-38; Mk 12,6-7; Lk 20,13-15; John 5,23 *- Both were stripped of their coat.* Gen 37,23 / John 19,23 *- The coat was dipped in blood.* Gen 37,31 / Rev 19,13 *- Both were sold by one of the 12 named Judah (Greek ‘Judas’).* Gen 37,26-27 / Mt 26,15; 27,9 *- Joseph was apparently put to death, and Jesus truly, by their own people to get them out of the way.* Gen 37,18-28 / Acts 2,22-23 *- Reuben wanted to rescue Joseph. Pilate wanted to rescue Jesus.* Gen 37,21-22 / Mt 27,24 *- Joseph was sold as a slave to Egypt. Jesus was betrayed for the price of a slave and handed over to the gentiles.* Gen 37,26-28 / Mt 26,15; Ex 21,32, Zec 11,12-13 *- After his apparent death, Joseph was taken with a caravan that carried myrrh. After his true death, Jesus body was wound in linen clothes with myrrh.* Gen 37,25-27 / John 19,39-40 *- An animal was killed instead of Joseph. Jesus, the lamb of God, died in our place.* Gen 37,31 / Jes 53; John 1,29 *- Both went to Egypt.* Gen 37,28 / Mt 2,13-15 *- Both were made slaves.* Gen 39,1 / Phil 2,7 *- Yahweh was with them both.* Gen 39,3; 21,23 / Acts 7,9; Acts 10,38; Lk 2,52; John 1,1-2; 3,2 *- Joseph was tempted day after day and resisted. Jesus was tempted 40 days by the devil and resisted.* Gen 39,10 / Mk 1,13 *- Both were falsely accused…* Gen 39,11-20 / Mt 26,59-61 *- …and punished for someone else sins.* Gen 39,20 / Mt 27,35 *- Both were with two others condemned to die, one of which was pardoned and given life.* Gen 40,1-3; 20-22 / Lk 23,32; 39-43 *- Joseph interpretates the dreams of the two prisoners: One of them will be hanged on a tree after three days* (Gen 40,19). *The other will be restored in his position after three days* (Gen 40,13). *Jesus was hanged on a wooden cross and restored back to life after three days.* *- God’s Spirit indwelt them both.* Gen 41,38 / Lk 4,1; Acts 10,38 *- The king of Egypt exalted Joseph out of slavery to be ruler over all to bring all under the king’s rule. Jesus is exalted out of slavery to bring all under God’s rule.* Gen 41,40-44 / Acts 2,32-33; 1 Cor 15,27-28; Phil 2,5-11 *- All knees bowed to Joseph (the gentiles first). All knees will bow to Jesus.* Gen 41,43; 42,6 / Phil 2,10; Romans 11 *- Both were given a name meaning Savior.* Gen 41,45 (“Savior of the World” or “Sustainer of Life”) / Mt 1,21 (“Yahweh is Salvation”) *- Both were given a gentile bride by the King.* Gen 41,45 / 2 Cor 11,2 *- Troubled times come during their rule. 7 years of “tribulation”.* Gen 41,54-55 / Mk 13,8; Jer 30,7 *- The king of Egypt appointed Joseph to be the sole source of life for all. God appointed Jesus to be our sole source of eternal life.* Gen 41,55-57 / Acts 4,12; 1 John 5,11-12 *- Joseph was 30 years old when he started working for Pharoah. Jesus was about 30 years old when He began His ministry.* Gen 41,46 / Lk 3,23 *- Joseph’s brothers did not recognize him. Jesus’ own people didn’t either.* Gen 42,7-8 / John 1,10 *- Trouble for Joseph’s brothers. Trouble for Israel (“Jacob’s trouble”).* Gen 42,21-22; 36 / Isa 40,1-2; Jer 30,7 *- Joseph was revealed to his brothers at their second coming. Jesus to be revealed to Israel at His second coming.* Gen 45,1-5 / Zec 12,10; Mt 24,30-31; Rev 1,7 *- Both offer forgiveness to those who sought to destroy them.* Gen 45,5; 50,17-21 / Lk 23,34; Acts 5,31 *- The evil Joseph’s brothers intended God meant for good to save them. The same is true of the evil Jesus’ own people intended to him…* Gen 45,5-8; 50,20 / Acts 3,12-18 *- …therefore they are forgiven.* Gen 45,5;10-15 / Lk 23,34 *- Joseph’s brothers shared Pharaoh’s favor because of Joseph, not themselves. We share God’s favor because of Jesus, not because we are worthy.* Gen 45,16-20 / Eph 2,4-8; Phil 4,19 *- Both are to bring all under rule of the King.* Gen 47,19-20 / Eph 1,10-12 *- Both are Savior* Gen 47,25 / Acts 13,23 *- Joseph’s sons (Manasseh and Ephriam) come through his gentile wife and are given full tribe status. Gentiles who believe are considered full members of God’s people.* Gen 48,5;9 / Hebr 2,13 (Isa 8,18); Acts 28,28 *- While only Jesus was truly sinless, Joseph is one of the few people significantly written about in the Bible of which no sins are mentioned.* 1 Pet 2,22 (And many more....)
Stop your polytheism: Jeremiah 31:30 each will die for his own iniquity Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, ...or a son of man Deuteronomy 24 16 - A Man Shall Die For His Own Sin | We Are Israel
And Jesus is not God, why you worship a man ? 😂 Jesus has a God. And Jesus was not sinless, because only sinners get baptized Romans 15:6 God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. John 20:17 Jesus says 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.'"
@@suzyaustin5427 God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.'" John 20:17
The denial of the Damascus Road experience of Paul is a tacit admission that if you believe Paul's experience as described by his friend Luke is accurate, then Paul is correct as to his theology. Nevertheless, I would caution that Tovia's claims as to what Paul taught is highly problematic. Paul is not antinomian, nor is he anti-Semitic. Also, Luke, as of the time of the writing of the Acts of the Apostles, obviously he wrote shortly after Paul's first imprisonment and not after Paul's death, or even Paul's second imprisonment that ended in Paul's death.
My thoughts are, as a Muslim, instead of killing Christians, he chose to send them to hell by encouraging them to leave off the Commandments and to worship Jesus as God....then sit back and laugh at them.
@Weston S: Your blasphemous post indicating that you believe God, CREATOR of the universe, was "wrong" (God FORBID!!!), is BEYOND arrogant, self-righteous, willfully ignorant and BLINDED to God's ACTUAL Truth, as given to us at Mt. Sinai. FYI, Jews are PERMITTED, by the rabbis, to pray in Mosques, but NOT in Christian houses of PAGAN worship!! DO THE RESEARCH!!
@Weston S: Well now your previous reply is gone, so I can't refer back to what you said! You'd think Christians WOULD want "pagan, nonbelievers" praying in their churches, so they could proselytize them, and 'save' their souls! WHY would they be asked to leave - they wouldn't be causing any disturbance! I amended my answer to say "by the rabbis" instead of "Jewish Law", because, now that you say that, I'm not sure where I heard the teaching - it may just be a rabbinical tradition; however, the rabbis don't make ANY decisions that are not based on the Hebrew scriptures in some way.
@Lilia murah I'll take that as you have no response to what I wrote. Basically you have no clue what your saying. עיסא עיסה With the H at the end would mean dough...
@@harveywabbit9541 funny because I remember there was a hippie who claimed that Jesus was a fly-agaric mushroom, and the "disciples" of "Jesus" just ate a mushroom and they were tripping balls :D pretty funny theory :D
@@favian669 My Prophet didnt worship a man hanging in diapers on a cross!! Quran tells us " say oh Muhammad if the Lord truly had a Son, then i'd be the first of ones to worship him ..." For Allah is self sustaining and does not require a Son wife daughter or mistress!!
Tovia I thank you for the enlightenment and awakening you have given me as a Christian. It’s been a shock for me to discover your truths you have made known regarding NT Scripture. It’s honestly changed my world. Your knowledge of the Bible surpasses most I believe. I do question something however. Regarding Apostle Paul. The commonly called “love chapter” 1 Corinthians 13. This is a beautiful treatise on the depth of love which comes from Gods heart of love and grace I believe. If these words were penned by the Apostle Paul, then surely at the innermost level Paul could not have been the completely rotten man you suggest. If these words be his, it comes from the depth and heart of God Himself in my humble opinion.
That love came from Roman/ Greek pagan literature he used often. Pythagoras and verions of Orphism were very popular as to were other Greek Philosopher scribes writings were extradited and perseverance made regarding them to convert the free men of Greece in Rome. They even taught on the lie about pathos longing for Greece. You don't know the Greek Orthodoxy in the time of Christ on Earth. Paul's epistles even include pagan quotes. Cant be canon in the least.
PENNY. Perhaps this matter of Paul as an individual and personalty does point to some mental state as his behaviour is indicative of a narciscist and one with depression. Just reading his letters in full shows some disassociation from reality. Of course we know that christianty has corrupted the Tanach to concoct a so-called " neo-covenant ". A lot is made up and is fantasy from many authors so they smoked from the same pot so to speak although Paul got on with not one of them and the other apostles members were equally agressive.. Psychosis? Certainty not. G'day from Australia 🇦🇺 . Am yisrael chai ! and Tikkun Olam.
You guys know who Paul is AND YET you are ready to throw all the prophets under the bus for Paul, a person who misquoted,manipulated,lied and fabricated the scriptures. Amazing isnt it?
Well I'd tell the Jews that the Exodus never occurred and that David and Solomon never lived either What about the fact that Isaiah seems to have been two people and in the Apocrypha the heroine Judith is made up and mythical.
Samson I realise is a sun hero and the secret of pi may be in his grinding corn at the mill with its orbital motion. But I never knew of Isaiahs connection with the sun.
Thumbs up Rabbi! From A to Z ALL of it NEVER HAPPENED and even the few (once removed by the church) stories that are attributed to jesus is actually speaking of someone else that really did exist but by no means has anything to do with the christian mythology. Those stories are referring to different people.
How do you reconcile the 8000+ original manuscripts that corroborated these people and events? The confirmation of existence of Jesus in Josephus and Tacitus, greatest historians alive during the days of the apostles ? Or, that many historians agree the book of Acts and Luke are the two most historically accurate books on earth, more so than compared to any other Greek, Egyptian, etc book during this time? That the Smithsonian Institute’s department of Anthropology says the New Testament alone is the most credible historical book in existence?
Oh PLEEEEEASE. You can have 100,000 "documents saying ANYTHING that you want. There is NO possible way to prove or verify even one bit of this stupid story! Christian theologians from Paul of Tarsus down to Andrew Purves and everyone in between agree that the story was written HUNDREDS of years AFTER it supposedly occurred and once the religion began to snowball down the hill, just like in a Tom & Jerry cartoon, you can not verify ANY of the ridiculous assumptions and stories that prevail amongst the MOB of Romans and their descendants.
@@ardentabacist Actually you can. Here’s what a group of people much with zero Christian bias had to say about the Old Testament alone (which has far fewer original manuscripts than the NT): " ... the historical books of the Old Testament are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archaeological work." -Smithsonian Institution's Department of Anthropology
@@ardentabacist Regarding the New Testament... after atheist and widely renowned historian Sir William Ramsay tried to disprove the Bible by discrediting the Book of Acts, concluded 2 major points after 30 years of deep research: 1. Ramsay found no historical or geographical mistakes in the book of Acts. This is amazing when we realize that in the book of Acts, Luke mentions 32 countries, 54 cities, nine Mediterranean islands and 95 people and he did not get one wrong. 2. He also came to the conclusion that "Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements of fact trustworthy ... this author should be placed along with the very greatest historians." He later wrote a book on the trustworthiness of the Bible based on his discoveries and converted to Christianity.
@@ardentabacist Again, anybody can say anything, but sounds Luke those who actually looked into it and have far greater of a professional prowess in this area than you do, conclude the Bible is not only accurate but more so than any other books of its time.
@@mjay622 In 1 CORINTHIANS 15 : 8---10 , Paul is confirming that the narration about the vision on the road of Damascus, from the book of ACTS, is true, and that he wasn't a disagreeable person but a humble one (verse 9) and that Tovia Singer is lying again in this video like always. I don't know if there is a video of Tovia Singer in which he is not lying.
@@mjay622 The Torah also says "to don't lie " , but Tovia Singer don't care about the Torah, and this is why using a few verses from the books of prophets, he abrogated the entire Law of Moses and is accusing Paul for that.
By faith in him, and asking him and praying to him just like you would if you were praying to Jesus; as long as you have faith and you are doing what you're right you don't need a religious community; because religion isn't Faith, religion refers to the doctrine or the way you go about it. Just have faith and father God and keep the law, that's what I do. You be blessed ✌️💞🙏
Can someone please explain the below verse to me from the Bible. I know Jewish people don't believe in the new testament except me and the other 2.4 billion Christians, but let's assume and play out the below verse is real, how are Jewish people going into God's kingdom? Please advise. Ty! 🙏 " Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6).
And Jesus is not God : " God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6 Jesus says : 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.'" John 20:17
Pretty sure it was Rashi who said something to the effect of, "the scriptures (tanakh) were written only to point to the messiah." I'll tell you a little story. I was estranged from God and a life of faith. I was a young father looking for life answers. Read the Bible for the first time, but began with Matthew. Felt conviction I was not living right, from the words of Yeshua. Prayed to God and Yeshua to forgive me, my whole life changed. I'm sure you've heard that before. Well, I'll never forget the mole cricket incident later. Let me explain. I was walking my daughter to the park after work and she wanted to see a cricket. She was almost 2. I prayed in my mind to God, in the name of Yeshua that she would see a cricket. When walking back, there was the biggest mole cricket I've ever seen. It stayed still and let us touch it. Many other prayers of course are answered all the time, but that was the first. I am a Gentile. I never kept the Torah or knew what it was. I simply had faith in Yeshua. Now many years later, I know Greek and Hebrew, read the Tanakh and the New Testament almost every day and still have faith in Yeshua. The Tanakh strengthens my faith in Yeshua. I was never a Jew by birth. What sense would it ever make for me to leave my faith in Yeshua, for whom God my Father answers all my prayers, and go keep Torah which I never kept, at a temple which no longer exists, trying to sacrifice animals and keep calendar festivals, etc with Israelites? Haha. It would make no sense. I love all people don't get me wrong. But friend, your Maschiach has already come.
It's certainly a coincidence when, in another video, the Rabbi points out that in the old T David says the same thing to King Saul ( double xoincence there) "why R U persecuting me"? Was it Dr . Dennis McDonald who pointed out there's a prior pagan story with the Saul character seeing a vision of some sort in the clouds that impacts his vision in some way. Of course, if Paul's on the level, it significantly helps the Christian cause.
Maraming salamat Rabbi Tovia. I love your videos. You're such a beautiful gift to us. Baruch HaShem.
I watched this and then read the biblical references before making this comment. Fascinating and enlightening. Thank you.
You are soooooo deceived. Read the Old Testament. It all points to Jesus. Then read Matthew and repent and get saved.
So true. Paul was an appalling fraud.
@@PR-cq4zc My friend, every supposed prophecy of Jesus in the Old Testament has already been shown to be false, may years ago. Only apologists use them today. Reputable scholars, even Christian ones, stay away from them. They only work if you already believe and interpret the text for your own benefit or if it is mistranslated or read out of context.
I guarantee you cannot provide a prophecy for which there is not an answer.
First of all, I am not your friend. Secondly, reference Psalm 22, Isaiah 53 and Micah 5:2 for starters. Then go to Isaiah 7:4 and 9:6. Bow in awe of the God before whom "every knee shall bow", even yours. Flee to Jesus and plead for mercy on your soul.
Which Paul are you referring to?
People do not believe their religions because they make sense. And people of different religions believe for pretty much the same reasons. Faith , comfort, raised into it, help through hard times, the feeling of having a relationship with their God, mystery and meaning of our existence , hope for a positive afterlife, and other reasons.
Christians follow Jesus not Paul. Paul was a man like me and you, a sinner at best a condoner of murder at worst.
No not true. We belive becouse we received the holy spirit. We are reborn spiritually with the spirt almighty hashem gives belivers in Yeshua. This spirit guides us and teaches us in truth and gives us testimony that we are hashems children but the non belivers can not have this and to them its folly. This spirit also was on King David, Abraham, Elijaha and all believers but now Hashem has poured out his spirit on flesh who belive in almighty son of God Yeshua, messiah who will return to earth in power and glory with all saints and angles and all knees will bow before him.
@@Samuel_Gerner698 Your comment was a non-response to the original comment.
@@johnnastrom9400 Actually it is a response. Me as a Christian believe not bible stories because its been told to me all my life as per original comment but because Elohim, Yahewh God almighty has poured his holy spirit into my soul which gives me testimony of the truth. Do you need another explanation ? God bless you abundantly.
@@Samuel_Gerner698 That is exactly what I mean. As a practicing Christian, it is embarrassing to see the lack of critical reasoning skills among fellow Christians, especially when compared with the intellectually sophisticated thinking you see from people like Rabbi Singer. The claim "you need to have the Holy Spirit in you to understand scripture" is just a lazy attempt to dodge making the case for the Christian doctrine. Another crutch phrase that is used by Christinas is "you get your ideas from Satan" to dismiss people who disagree with them rather than engaging in debate. It is the type of thinking you see from eight-year-olds and has no place in an adult conversation.
The Nazoreans claim Paul: "was Greek and the son of a Greek mother and Greek father, but that he had gone up to Jerusalem, stayed there for a while, desired to marry a daughter of the high priest, and had therefore became a proselyte and been circumcised. But since he still could not marry that sort of girl he became angry and wrote against circumcision, and against the Sabbath and the legislation.”-Epiphaneous, ‘Panarion’
INTERESTING! I've suspected the same about Paul. Apart from the light he saw being Satan (as a primary discredit). This too has been a thought of suspicion to explain his overwhelming disdain for The Man Jesus for the idolization of Jesus Christ
That is a lie he never wrote against the Sabbath rabi singer is deceived like the Pharisees
Listen what he talking. @@saultorrez800
Paul rebuked Peter for being a hypocrite: Paul circumcised Timothy in Jerusalem.
Paul said: "circumcision is of no benefit"!
@@edwardkochanowski2531 Have you by any chance read the chapter of Abraham's circumcision that says "this is an everlasting covenant?" In your view and only because of your Testament, it no longer means literal cutting of flesh. What authority deems themselves equal to God to do such a thing.
@@edwardkochanowski2531 Capitalization is pithy by the way. Are you going to also use these !!!! next?
@@debrapaulino918 The Prophets on the WORD OF GOD, wrote of the NEW AND EVERLASTING COVENANT WRITTEN IN OUR HEARTS,do you see that, THE NEW AND EVERLASTING COVENANT. DEBRA why did HA satan the snake come to Eve first in the garden ??????? Shalom
@@edwardkochanowski2531 Stop. Read the passage of Abraham's circumcision. Read the entire Torah word for word. Every verse that says "do this throughout all of your generations" or a similar directive, mark it with a yellow highlighter. I am not going to argue with you. You are not the the type to have intelligent conversation with.
there are three Damascus road experiences in the Bible......all of them different.
All three accounts in the same book - Acts.
99.99% of those who think they follow Jesus are actually following Paul's false gospel. Paul was sent by the devil.
Well the scriptures waste little time in contradicting each other , starting with the two creation accounts in Genesis . I love Rabbi Singer , and I agree with him that Christianity is a bastardization of the Jewish religion . I just wish he understood that he is worshiping a myth also - all the silent invisible gods created in the imaginations of man are myths until proven otherwise . And that has never happened .
Paul was full of bullshit and he could have even been a fictitious character invented by Rome.
The amazing thing it that so many fell for his nonsense.
@@stephendavies2925 That would be when the old-as-dirt expression " Where have you been hiding yourself dude ? " would find it's penultimatcy lol .
Thanks Rabbi, good to know more about Paul the deceiver. For all the crying Xtians:
1. Ezekiel 18:20 "The soul who sins is the one who will die."= no human sacrifice
2. Numbers 23:19 God "is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man" = Jesus is a man, so he is not God
3. There is no trinity. 3 persons=3 God's
@@maxprescott9371 Many other pagans had their own divine trinities.
In Greece they were Zeus, Poseidon and Adonis. The Phoenicians worshipped Ulomus, Ulosuros and Eliun. Rome worshipped Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. In Germanic nations they were called Wodan, Thor and Fricco. Regarding the Celts, one source states, "The ancient heathen deities of the pagan Irish[,] Criosan, Biosena, and Seeva, or Sheeva, are doubtless the Creeshna [Krishna], Veeshnu [Vishnu], [or the all-inclusive] Brahma, and Seeva [Shiva], of the Hindoos" (Thomas Maurice, The History of Hindostan, Vol. 2, 1798, p. 171).
@@maxprescott9371 Jesus has a God. Sry Xtian. 3 persons =3 Gods
@@samsungkartit A very poor understanding of scriptures, in the Tanakh there are many references to the Godhead or Trinity .
Genesis 1:26-27
26) And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Psalm110: 1,4
1) The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, unto I make thine enemies thy footstool.
4) The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent , Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.
Sound a lot like Jesus our the high priest..
Isaiah 9:6
6) For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, the everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
@@edsanjenis9416 Rabbi singer has released content debunking all of the claims you made. You need to check out his back catalog.
@@edsanjenis9416 I am not sure the verses you quote show any trinity. The parties here, at best, are 2.
The learned Rabbi doesn't believe Paul's road to Damascus ever happened, because the Sanhedrin would not authorize it. And why not? They had already violated Roman law by illegal arrest of Jesus in Garden of Gethsemane by palace guards. Judas did formally make an identification nec for that of a civilian, if by hypocritical kiss. But the Sadducees did not have the authority to make an arrest of a citizen. This could only be carried out by Roman guard on orders, issued by Roman Court.
The emergency session at midnight was also in violation of Roman law that did not permit court hearings after sunset. High Priest, Caiaphas, personally conducted a cross--exam, after Jesus had been acquitted in a stormy trial, 40 to 71. Only Proculator Pilate could pronounce death penalty, which the High Priest attempted w false charge of treason of Jesus proclaiming himself, as king, against the authority of Rome.
Reportedly, there were some thous day converts, after Day of Pentecost to the exasperation of the Sadducees. Saul is thought to have been the chief temple agent, enthusiastically hunting down new converts, and throwing men and women into prison for execution? Saul had no authority of Romans to proceed outside certain boundries to Damascus. Supposedly, they didnt object, since he was doing them a favor, helping them rid their dissension problem bet the Jews and those of The Way? Why should Sadducees object? Why did Paul have to go into any more descriptive detail? He states, that he went to a Believer in Damascus and had his sight restored.
Paul, by his own words, was much more educated than the common disciples; and also a Pharisee. He was able to interject himself w the Word, among the learned and philosophers at Athens. Paul reminded new and sometimes lax converts, that he was superior in knowledge, rough treatment by Jewish authorities, and his many hardships, but he didn't hold himself superior; and always came in the spirit of meakness?
Peter, a great missionary, wasnt initially consistent, as one can conclude from his conduct following the arrest of Jesus. Paul's criticism of Peter apparently came about when Peter was eating w the Gentiles, until certain persons came; and Peter w drew, fearing them which were of the old beliefs. Other Jews and Barnabus followed suit. Paul admonished Peter reminding him, if he, Peter., a Jew, now lived after the manner the Gentiles, and not after the manner of the old law of the Jews, why was he compelling the Gentiles, to live as the Jews?
Rabbi is awesome, I’ve been learning from him and supporting him for years now.
@Iyas kelu “Christian preachers have not encroached on the Tanakh and Talmud”??? Are you seriously going to assert that specious claim? They been re-writing, editing, altering, demeaning, the Hebrew scripture since Christianity began!!! Have you not heard a thing he’s said?
@Iyas kelu: Your "NT" is a blasphemous, anti-God, anti-Jewish, hate-filled, replacement theology, work of fiction that absolutely DID NOT come from God and preaches AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai! It is THIS piece of blasphemous garbage, that Rabbi Singer, and the rest of us are trying to get "Christians" to STOP spewing to JEWS and anyone else who listens to their trash-talk!!
The most important commandment to this rabbi is to be "nice" fake commandment. He's slinging poop.
@@acircharo True Christianity relies on the original hebrew scripture. They're the same history. I told my uncle one time hey I found out the Bible is factual history. He asked that's cool which one? I'm like......both. the new makes no sense without the old. And the old lead up to the new in prophecy.
@Iyas kelu Except he knows the NT better than almost any Christian I know, even ministers. That statement is laughable. Christians have bee editing the Hebrew scripture since Christ was in kindergarten! Funny! See below:
Exactly Right Paul's Claims of meeting Jesus, are Pure Fiction !!! It's a Big Lie. When Jesus left, he was Gone....Paul is the Self Apointed Apostle who Never met Jesus , , Jesus never said he Needed An Apostle to the Gentiles
Yes you are absolutely right.
I gave up a nice Jewish job murdering people to become a missionary to make Israel jealous you can't prove it didn't happen that's a nonsensical statement
So where's the bloodshed for your sins so where's the temple that Messiah could come to so why is Jerusalem not the capital of the world why did you get crushed in ad 70 while the suffering of the Jews
@@franciscafazzo3460 Jesus chose 12 Men to be his chosen Apostles, And Pauls Name is NOT on the List. If Jesus Wanted Paul then he would have chosen and him He did NOT. But Pauls Name is NOT on the List. Paul MADE UP the Whole Story of Seeing Jesus so he could GET IN on the New Jesus Movement. We Also Know that Paul is a LIAR .... Paul Even ADMITS to Being a LIAR in Romans 3:7 "If My Falsehood (LIES) Enhances Gods Truthfullness and So increase his Glory, Why am i condemned as a Sinner" So We See that Paul ADMITS to Telling LIES.... Rabbi Singer here also Agrees with me that Paul NEVER Met Jesus.... Paul is the SELF APPOINTED Apostle who NEVER Met Jesus and He Knew NOTHING of Jesus and His Teachings !!!!
@@franciscafazzo3460 Take note of all the fallen, great empires that tried to destroy the Jews, they are all destroyed, except Rome who changed to Christianity and kept killing Jews into the 20th century, but they too will fall and the Jews will still be here, long after the fall of the world powers, and their true messiah will rule from Jerusalem, and as God says in Zechariah 8:22-23, OF THAT TIME TO COME. 22 And many peoples and powerful nations shall come to entreat the Lord of Hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the Lord.
23 So said the Lord of Hosts: In those days, when ten men of all the languages of the nations shall take hold of the skirt of a Jewish man, saying, "Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you." Argue with that and you argue with God.
Love learning from Rabbi Tovi. Shalom
Grow up kid.
Many thanks for the truth.
Blessed are those who study the scriptures and begin to seek. Woe to those who rely on someone's philosophy because is easy to be deceived.
@@sunnydayz8747 no, how can i rely on him yet he himself has no spiritual proof of his Faith?
Yeshua said: seek you shall find it, knock it shall be opened for you.
Most people in this generation are going through deception because they only relies on what someone says about faith.
It is reality and authentic to believe in Jesus, why? Because the name of Jesus is being proved how powerful is through miracles, demons are being casted out through name, sickness bow down through that name.
Why should we doubt about Jesus?
Why should we listen to Tovia Singer?
Is there any name besides the name of Jesus than demons can tremble?
People are being deceived not just because he's speaking the truth but he's the deceit monger.
@@samueljali9446 Miracles are no indication to authenticate Jesus. The Bible does not confirm what you've just said. For the love of mankind, the Bible is clear as crystal that even the Egyptian priests performed miracles and Jesus himself said that there were Jewish priests who cast out and exorcised demons. You placing a very high premium on something that the word of God itself does not use as a yardstick. There are other religions where miracles are performed as well. You setting the bar low.
@@bh1422 miracle is the result of faith, either God or the devil.
The work God verified by the miracles.
Can you explain if God can answer your prayer but not in miraculous way?
@@bh1422 This is what Jesus himself spoke to his disciples: Mark 16:17
The signs and wonders shall follow that believe in my name, shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with the new tongues.
How come miracles does not approve the work of Jesus?
If someone perform develish miracles, he also approves whom he sent.
@@samueljali9446 Where do you get the idea that the "devil" (whoever that may be) performs miracles? Which doctrine purports this? You claim miracles from God because that's the deity you believe in. Someone else believes their deity performs miracles and may very well tell you that your believe is from the devil. These things are all relative. Miracles do not confirm anything. The book of Genesis was clear when Moses said to the children of Israel "You shall worship no other god but Me". The acknowledgement of other gods was not a foreign belief as most religions in the region was polytheistic. And just as a matter of interest, try to do some research on why the notions of the devil/satan/lucifer/demons in Judaism is not what is believed in Christianity.
Ahmed Deedat would be have been so proud of you ..
@Happy Face ahmed deedat would be proud. The rabbi brings facts to show how fake the new testament is. Deedat would be proud of the rabbi for gaining all this knowledge n saving people from idol worship. Only Jews and Muslims worship the real 1 God so there has always been a mutual respect faith wise between Muslims n Jews. The fights happen only because of political issues.
@@jesusdeity2010 you have poured literature here. Then again, that is so Christian!
@@AaronOfJerusalemAndAthens Agreed. He simply needs to do better than he already is now!
@@AaronOfJerusalemAndAthens According to 100 PhD scholars of Jesus seminar association of America (according to five gospels ).82% of text in the Bible is not spoken by Jesus by. Gospel of John was written 150 years after jesu(pbuh) some where in Syria. It is therefore Gospel of John is rejected.
Many are termed as ‘Son’ of God in the Bible : Adam [Luke 3:38] & Solomon [1 Chronicles 28:6] & Moses [Exodus 4:22] & Ephraim [Jeremiah 31:9] and many others
“...the Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28). Jesus said Father is great her than all ... “By myself I can do nothing...”(John 5:30) “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
In Greek Father refers to some one senior, you call the Originator as Father (eg) Charles Babbage is the father of computers) , a priest in a church Father, God as Father as well as by biological parents Father .. it is a homonym..It is a cultural way of addressing seniors...
Because he said “I am the way, the truth and the life” [John 14:6]
Every prophet is “the way and the truth and the life” for his nation in his time. He is the way TO GOD, he is the truth because he was truly sent by God, and he gave eternal life to those who believe in him, because he who believe him, believe in God.
The Bible says:
“No man hath seen God at any time” [John 1:18]
“No man hath seen God at any time” [1 John 4:12]
If he was God he wouldn’t have said this...
Jesus (pbuh) spoke a language called Aramaic but the new testament is written in Greek scholars agree that the original word is already been lost.
Furthermore Jesus was the prophet only for three years according to the Bible and he addressed the people of Nazareth who were unlearned villagers but the Bible was written several centuries later.
The Bible manuscripts are only from the 4 th century which is after the council of Nicea.
@@jesusdeity2010 John 17:3 thee the only true GOD
Mark 12:29 the Lord our God the Lord is one
32 you have said the truth Master THERE IS NONE OTHER BUT HIM
Luke 18!! Why callest Thou me GOOD there is none Good but GOD
1 corinthians 10:5 The head of men is jesus and the head of jesus IS GOD
Acts 2:28 Jesus of nazreth A MAN APPROVED OF GOD(Not GOD IN FLESH)
Your pagan roman new testiclesment testifies and cries that jesus is a man not GOD
Everytime I learn something about paul I was never taught growing up. Thank you Rabbi.
Don't worry about Paul. He has his crown . And just to know kept the Law. He also says we magnify the Law... even Peter said that there are unlearned(spiritual dead) who twist the words of Paul to their own destruction.. why does he talk about the curse of the Law... because cursed is everyone that does not continue in all what the torah says... if you offend one you are guilty of all..
Nobody did more to attack Judaism than Paul
7:35 Thank you for explaining Paul is pharisee, and High Priest was Sadducee, and would never have engaged Paul as a pharisee on a mission to persecute Christians. I also note that Paul is in front of high priest in Acts 25 [?], and Paul insults him as a urinal wall, and then says he did not know it was the high priest -- who wears distinctive head dress -- but how can Paul not know him if what he said was true -- that the high priest engaged him on these persecution missions.? But I think it is certain Paul was killing and persecuting Christians unofficially, so possibly he used the high priest cover story to provide some plausible legality to murder. Perhaps comment on that in the future. Thanks for your insights we gentiles cannot know as easily.
2 Corinthians 13:1....Paul had no witnesses to corroborate his story!
How does this man know what a High Priest would say or order or do 2000 years ago? How can this man say The Road to Damascus never happened?
He obviously hopes and wishes it didn't happen. And he obviously hates Paul.
This man, like many before him, has made his mind up how biblical events happened. How he WANTS them to have happened.
I pray for his Final Judgement, Jesus is merciful.
Everything you said can be applied to you as well.
I FELT the samee way about darth vader.
You are my rock in this life, Rabbi tovia.
Thank you.
@8:20 Since none of the NT books mention the destruction of the Second Temple which occurred in 70 CE, I doubt that the Book of Acts was written after that event. If you are reading a history of NYC and it fails to mention the attacks on the World Trade Center, then it is safe to conclude the book was written prior to that event.
So true, but then again, the book teaches us that if you dig a pit for someone be careful for you can fall in it.
I suppose we have a case here of the ones who has set out to deceive merely deceiving themselves.
Shalom Michelle
Yes, yes Mr. Tovia Singer - - - you make it with charm !!!
Have a nice day !
The point is that the Apostles were not perfect ...just like we are...which is why Jesus came for people like them...dor people like us...💖🙏🏼
He caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humbled, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the Lord.
@@nickg5010 There is no Devil in Judaism.
@@nickg5010: Actually no - "Jesus" is not "the Devil". To learn who he ACTUALLY is (i.e. NOT as is falsely preached by Christianity!) read the book of Job, VERY carefully!
@@nickg5010: Actually, no. You misunderstand WHO and WHAT "the devil" is. Read the book of Job, VERY carefully!
@@nickg5010: YOU said that, in response to *Hrvatski Noahid,* above when you said this: " 'He' being the Devil."
I merely pointed out the book of Job, because that is where we are given an insight into WHO and WHAT "Satan" actually is! And...NO, "Satan" will NOT "ultimately, be confined to a foot-note in history", since he is a very important, unassumingly 'main' character in the Hebrew scriptures! If you've actually read Job, as you claim, you will notice that Satan works FOR God - not AGAINST Him, as is falsely preached by pagan Christianity!
Paul, still causing trouble and consternation after 2,000 years.
My father used to say that there's something wrong with someone who can't get along with anyone. That's paul IMO
Indeed, even the accounts in Acts differ from one another.
@Mike Cribbage I'm not a Catholic nor Jewish, I just gained a degree in Theology, including studying Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek. Just read the different accounts to see the differences.
@Mike Cribbage
Jesus warned you of paul, so why would you listen to him? He is the false "prophet"
Paul was educated as a Pharisee, a protege of Gamaliel, a famous Pharisee who ran an elite school in Jerusalem.
“I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of our fathers’ law, and was zealous toward God as you all are today. (Acts 22:3)
Jesus repeatedly warned against trusting the advice of Pharisees.
"Then Jesus said to them, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.” (Matthew 16:6)
"In the meantime, when an innumerable multitude had gathered together, so that they trampled one another, He began to say to His disciples first of all, 'Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy’" (Luke 12:1).
"'How is it you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread?-but to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.’ Then they understood that He did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees" (Matthew 16:11-12).
Paul was not one of Jesus’ chosen Apostles. Paul lived in the same region as Jesus for Jesus’ entire Ministry, but never went to meet Jesus or listen to a word of His Message. The only person in the Bible who names Paul an Apostle is Paul himself, ever desperate to be added to the company of Jesus’ true disciples, but never was. Many of Paul’s teachings conflict with Jesus’ message, which would not be true if Paul had been actually taught by Jesus.
Are you really telling me that Jesus went against his own warning and suddenly selected a Pharisee as the one to convey his "new message". Not buying it.
@@hansm3195 lol..did Jesus conradict himself when He call Paul to do mission for him.
Or are you going to quote Paul's "meeting" with Jesus on his way to Damascus?
@@hansm3195 yes, in Acts
Thax Rabi Singer, appreciate you✌️💞🙏
This is so great. Thank you so much.
youre welcome😺😺😺
@@fidelcatsro6948: Hey, Mr. Catsro, I was just wondering: How many cats do you actually own? Hopefully, at least ONE! 😆😉
@@janishart5128 only one actually, take care sis!😺😺😺
@@fidelcatsro6948: Ahh, OK, so you have just one little buddy! I often watch cat videos - they're so cute and I find them fascinating to watch, from kitten to adult! Can't own one though, since I'm allergic! You take care too! 😄
@@favian669 why not??
toda Rabbi. I spent 20+ yrs in that wilderness. I learned this from Christians and biblical scholars. Now I'm converting to judaism. B'H for hearing the crys of His children and calling them to His Torah.
Thanks for saying out loud what many of us Christians always wanted to say about Paul. There are 2 things I will never make any sense out of: Anything John Paul II wrote (and I tried, I really tried) and anything Paul of Tarsus wrote. Flowery, dreamy, philosophical...guess I'm just a meat and potatoes soul.
Peter, in a letter, said to be careful because Paul was trying to convert people with mysterious and complicated philosophy common in cities and of no use to simple, decent people. He said they could be dangerous. I'm with St. Pete.
Am I crazy, or does Justification-by-Faith-Alone Paul verge on the duplicity so common in Catholicism? It's so much a part of the culture...and also the legal codes of Justinian and the mafia world view.
Paul was a spy
@@matthewclark9522 As a Catholic Faith alone is not in the bible , Martin Luther put that in , Catholic believe in James Faith and works and tradition , Protestants believe once saved always saved , faith alone , sola scriptura ,Jesus said I came to fulfill the law not take it away , Jesus said obey and keep his commandments .
Yes! Paul was a narcissist. Also, why was Jesus so mean? Flipping tables, calling people fools and then saying to others that it was a sin to call people fools. Walking away from the woman on the road and calling her a dog!! killing pigs, I mean he sounds like a delusional cult leader, not a god.
Rabbi Tovia Singer. "The blind leading the blind."
And both he and his disciples will fall into the Pit.
The rabbi is still "kicking against" the pricking of his conscience.😢
Bishop Shelby Sprong said that Christianity could have existed without Jesus, but it couldn't have existed without Paul.
And it's true. Christianity would have died out like all the other messianic movements in Judaism if Paul hadn't broken it away from Judaism and taken it into a pagan world that had fractured their religion into so many thousands of gods, they had made it weak and unappealing, like a watered down drink.
I think you are wrong. In book of Act of Apostle, Peter went to house of Cornelius and the family receive Holy Spirit from above and then Peter baptized (with water) them. So: who brought gentiles into fellowship with God? Holy Sprit [that is God Himself]. Peter here acted as God's apostle to do his part in this process - water baptism. He have already Peter, John, and other apostles to work the same mission. The elders of church at that time would sent another emissary if there were no this man called Paul.
@@obibrrobjiwo9406 Judaism has produced many messianic splinter groups (I think the last time I checked it was something like 23 or 27). None of them survived except the one where Paul was involved.
And as I understood it, the actual disciples were making people convert to Judaism in order to be Christians. It was Paul who pushed to get rid of the idea of keeping the law. (Wasn't it Peter that he was railing against for making people keep circumcision?) A man is a lot more likely to be interested in a religion that doesn't involve circumcision.
I agree with you 100% about Paul!!!
This was very informative!
I have heard that 2 Peter was not even written by Peter. Can you give me some insight on this?
Thank you!
It is easy to conclude LIE Paul's journey to Damascus met JESUS by its different story at these verses
Acts 9:7
And the men that journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing the voice, but beholding no man.
Acts 22:9 And they that were with me beheld indeed the light, but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.
Sis you misunderstand the 2 testimonies of Paul. In Acts 9 He is saying the other men saw A light and heard a voice. In Acts 22 he further describes that the men did not understand the the voice. The Greek translation of the word for heard would have been better as understand. The Rabbi's sole purpose is to destroy your faith in The New Testament and thus Jesus as Christ our Savior and Lord. He says as much. I only listened to discern that he is very subtle, smart, clever, just like the Jews of Paul's day. But I detected a couple of mistakes or lies. He certainly knows the New Testament. Therefore he is without excuse for his unbelief. Beware. Every time you listen to him he'll steal and kill more of your faith.
is were written
acts 9:7 they hear voice
acts 22:9 they hear not the voice
@@MrXucinxgaronx Again Acts 9:7 ESV - The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one.
Acts 22:9 ESV - Now those who were with me saw the light but did not understand [hear with understanding] the voice of the one who was speaking to me.
Many other translations show it as above. Stick to your version to prove your point, but miss what God is trying to teach you.
@@nickg5010 Only if you believe what you just described. If one believes the contrary, then the Church of Jesus Christ is the house built on the solid bedrock of truth and the rabbi is trying to turn the hearts and minds of those that believe in Jesus to disbelief, and to prevent those that may come to believe and keep them captive in unbelief.
Acts 22 :9 GREEK
οἱ δὲ σὺν ἐμοὶ ὄντες τὸ μὲν φῶς ἐθεάσαντο, τὴν δὲ φωνὴν οὐκ ἤκουσαν τοῦ λαλοῦντός μοι.
οὐκ translation is NOT
ηκουσαν translation is “HEARD ”
Ouk ekousan is NOT HEARD
Acts 22:9 (ASV) And they that were with me beheld indeed the light, but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me.
Acts 22:9 (UKJV) And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spoke to me.
You make acrobatic phrase on your own NT
Paul himself writes that after his conversion he went to Damascus and stayed there for three years. Around the year 37, Paul went to Arabia but was soon forced to flee back to Damascus from the army of King Aretas and the soldiers besieged the city so Paul escaped the city in a basket. Some have said that when the leader of the Jesus movement in Damascus advised Paul to go to Peter, but Paul didn't understand what he was talking about and went instead to Petra (the capital of the Nabataeans), where he managed to anger Aretas. And the timing couldn't have been any worse, because according to Josephus, Aretas had just started a war with Antipas over the territories ruled by the late Philip because Pontius Pilate had been sent away a year earlier and there was no Roman prefect in Judea. And while the high priest's letter mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles is most likely fiction, Paul's journey to Damascus is not. And what Paul writes about his conversion is that he didn't see Jesus but a "vision of Jesus" that caused him to change his mind and end the persecution of the Jesus movement and this happened, according to Paul, before he went to Damascus. Today, researchers believe that what Paul actually saw was a fireball from space that exploded and Paul, as a religious and superstitious man, interpreted it as a sign or omen sent by God.
My sincere question, why would ANY jew, especially Saul, or Peter, or anyone fabricate a religion that they gained nothing but death from?
I would assume that by your question, you are most likely a Christian. Otherwise, you would know that there were many other messiah claimants after Jesus that were Jews. And knowing that the word messiah (משיח) means the anointed one should give you enough context to know that they didn’t claim divinity, only a status. That alone would not have warranted a death sentence. The 1st Century CE was nothing but disastrous to the Jewish people, so you better believe that if he truly was the messiah as prophesized in the Tanakh, he would have been accepted as messiah right then and there, no questions asked.
You also have to understand that the title of messiah was given to rulers, like King David for instance. What this means is that you are interpreting the meaning of messiah to be greater than what Judaism understands it to be. A Kingly, albeit human figure that would save the Jewish people and usher in a new era. In that sense, Jews would not have been lining up to kill Jesus or any his followers as Christianity would have you believe in the NT.
You can go online to find a list of all the Jewish messianic claimants to get a grasp of how common this theme has been throughout the centuries. One notable, as well as infamous messianic claimant was Sabbatai Zevi. He caused a lot of trouble to the Jewish communities at the time, and was never killed for it.
Also, keep in mind that the Christianity of the 1st century was much closer to Judaism, as they kept the laws and traditions of the Tanakh. Then came along people like Paul as rejectionists in order to distance themselves further from Judaism. Subsequent centuries further separated Christianity from Judaism as the Church became more centralized. Most Christian beliefs today would seem foreign to them.
Now that you have enough context, the answer to your question is quite simple. They would not have gained death over such claims, but on the other hand they would have most certainly gained a following, which would have given them influence and power. So, the real question is, why wouldn’t they?
@@AbdonPhirathon But we know they did gain death, we have documented evidence that all of the apostles and most of the disciples for the first several hundred years were put to death. So I don’t know what history book you are reading
@@AbdonPhirathon This ridiculous talk of many messiahs in Judaism is part of the fraud sceme fabricated as a means of helping lie your way around the Christological messianic prophecy recorded in Daniel 9:24-27.
The fact is Daniel 9:24 is clearly talking about THE MESSIAH as the Most Holy Lord who will be ANOINTED (Mashiach) by the end of the 70 weeks as DETERMINED by God himself.
It says the temple will be destroyed after the Most Holy anointed shows up to be killed but not for himself which leaves no room for speculations and points to Jesus as the Most Holy Messiah as he fits the description to a T.
It was supposed to be disastrous to the Jewish people who rejected the Messiah. Read Isaiah 8:13-15, Jeremiah 16:17-19, Isaiah 9:14-16, Jeremiah 23:39-40, etc.
Paul disagreed with Judeans (from Jerusalem) who were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.” Read Acts 15, what does it say about , "getting along" with the Apostles and church in Jerusalem? Their guidelines were consistent with Paul's teaching on circumcision and other matters.
Could you do a segment on road to Damascus being a false story and why specifically??
Y’shua said, “if someone says they saw me out in the wilderness, etc (paraphrased big time LOL),” not to believe them! In His own words, He said that when He returns that “every eye will see Him on that day,” it would not be a personal visitation on a road somewhere. 🙄
Very good teaching!
You mentioned Romans chapter 7. This is 7:12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. That's Paul saying this. And he says this: 7:24 O wretched man that I am!....... And this: 7:7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. -- Some Christians use Pauls writings as a license to sin, as much and as often as they want.....they would say it's not really sin any more, but the fact is, it is still sin. Christians use this to somehow prove they don't have to really follow any rules, but that goes back to what Peter said....Paul is easy to get wrong, and misunderstand where he was going with something.
Some carnal Christians but most keep the moral laws.
How do I get a notification while this program is being aired LIVE, rather than after the fact?
Join Tenak Talk RUclips channel and you'll get notified when there's a live program. Rabbi Singer is usually live on Sunday mornings.
@@akivatalansky Thank you, yes I am subscribed but I only know AFTER the program has aired for some reason! What time Sunday mornings (I'm in California)?
@@maryannec55 around 10 AM where I am on the East Coast. 7 AM Pacific time.
@@akivatalansky Thank you! I'm never up that early, but hopefully someday I can catch a live show :)
@@maryannec55: You also have to click on the bell, as well as "Subscribe", to receive the Notifications.
can you do streams when we can discuss and ask questions directly
RUclips streams would be good.
The seven feasts of Israel are remarkable. They reveal how and why Jesus died for the sins of mankind. I was blown away by the hidden truth about Jesus in these feasts
Love the way he knows the Christian scriptures inside and out and can break down and disprove them in such an eloquent manner.
@@hummerwisdom first prove isaiah 7:14 is a prophecy of this Jesus
@@hummerwisdom Why don't you butthurt christians stop watching his videos.
@@dreadfulspiller8766 ; because they know these videos are the truth, yet they cannot admit they worship an idol
@@u.y.3643 opposite of the truth my dude
@Truth Seeker I think you don't know history maybe you should read your rabbinical liture a little more
It’s so interesting to hear someone pointing it out and raising the question why Paul went to Damascus to persecute Christians there on order of the high priest. But it also raises questions if this story is concocted. Why inventing such an elaborate story. They could have Paul convert at the preaching of Stephen and it would have been far more believable and congruent. So, why would someone concoct this elaborate story of a trip to Damascus when everyone could have checked it out. People weren’t that stupid then.
Anyone who calls themselves a Christian is essentially saying, "I'm a follower of Paul."
Christian is mentioned three times in the Greek text, two times it refers to Christians being a follower of Paul, and the third time Peter tells those who follow Paul, not to be ashamed, just know how to worship HaShem. Acts 11:25-26; 26:28; 1Peter 4:16
Daniel 7:25 [KJV]
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Great job thanks
Once Paul is exposed and refuted as the false apostle that he is, then that is the end of Christianity.
Because it really is "Paulianity", and many critical bible scholars have come to that understanding too.
It has more to do with Paul than it is to do with Jesus.
That's the reality.
Paul said follow me as I follow Jesus. So Paulinity is Christianity. Hypercorrect critical bible scholars have gone into misunderstanding.
I think Paul’s thought on eating meat sacrificed to idols is a bit more nuanced.
If you *know* that the meat was sacrificed to an idol, don’t eat it. But if somebody presents you meat to eat, don’t be over scrupulous. Just thank God and eat the meat, and don’t ask where it came from.
When was the last time you went to the store and asked, “was this meat sacrificed to Zeus before you cooked it?”
He seems to be speaking on both sides of his mouth there with that verse. Pray over everything before ingesting!!
Sadly, this is happening right this very moment. It is most prevalent with meat and birds sold in the poultry farms. I have had some really bad experiences with those poultry farms. Without going into detail, one incident was so bad, an angelic being took me back to the poultry farm and pointed out the perpetrator!!!
Bottom line, unless they are home-bred/reared, even that, just pray over every food, and just basically anything that you ingest, water included! We are living in very very dark times. I guess it's time to start building that homestead huh?
All.meat could be considered as sacrificed to the idol of money. That's why cattle, poultry and all animals are slaughtered is to make money.
2 Peter 3:16....Peter on Pauls writings..."As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. " Peter didn't take the chance to say Paul was wrong, but rather that people were taking him wrong.
He wasn’t threatened by women until they overshadowed him like Thecla did.
How do I become Jewish? I found out my Jewish YDNA ancestry roots but they became Christian through the crusades under the service of the Hapsburgs. I was Muslim for almost 20 years and I am circumcised.
According to the Bible, you are already Jewish. But according to modern-day Judaism, you would need to convert by studying at a Shul / Synagogue with a rabbi.
Read Quran with understanding and with translation, try to understand Quran and Hadith, don’t go to the Christianism ,or anything besides islam , islam is the only religion and fulfillment of all previous prophets and revelations ,
You can convert if you want but it’s not necessary you can remain a Noachide instead. Also, Rabbis wouldn’t easily want to convert you they know huge spiritual responsibility could be burden for you. Start reading Torah, it’s the original scripture and direct blue print from god of Abraham, jacob and isaac. In Torah God clearly warns off false prophets, no new inventions of the religion except his eternal words in Torah nothing more nothing less.
@@sammshroo3494 if you are Jew then your great great grandfathers knows that Quran is from god almighty, the Quran is the last book and Muhammad pbuh is the last prophet of god , as it’s mentioned Deuteronomy 18:18 and Song of Solomon 5:16 . Please don’t misguide innocent people,
@@ahmedzaheergaming3846 Can you read Hebrew? Did you at least read the whole passage? Otherwise keep your half baked stupidity to your self. Shir ha shirim or the song of songs has nothing to do with your cherry picked Hamhead ( piss be upon him)
Paul only hated Torah observance on the part of Gentiles. He was ultimately unconcerned with continued observance among Jews
Thank you so much dear rabbi!!
For his lies ?
@@faurioan5265 Go away with your insecurities
But I am a Gentile Believer in Yeshuah Messiah, and we Gentiles were NEVER given the TORAH Laws and commandments and Statutes and Ordinances and circumcision and Feasts and Temple Sacrifices and Shabbaths etc etc etc, but are saved by Grace alone through faith in Y'SHUAH MASCHIACH EL YISRAEL after being Baptized in the name of Yeshuah Messiah according to Acts 2:38 onwards.
For a true Christian, Jesus is Himself the Torah in his life, his commandments, and above all in the stories He told from everyday life illustrating the profound, subtle character of the Father and how we can follow..."Be perfect, even as your Heavenly Father is perfect...who sends rain on the just and the unjust..."
Torah is a living, breathing soul from the Father's innermost being. It is not about rules... in fact Jesus was angry at those who were legalistic, degrading Torah like crooked lawyers.
If Paul didn't come for another two thousand years, they would have locked him up in a mental hospital and Christianity would have never got off the ground.
@@maxprescott9371 Yes, even Freud must attend a mental health evaluation session 😁.
I would like to see the Rabbi SInger have a lengthy online discussion with Bishop Robert Barron. That would be quite educational, I’m sure and I’m not trying to be derogatory to either of these gentlemen, I would just like to hear both sides of this and other topics from people who know what they are talking about.
Spot on 🌾
It's always been shocking to me that Christians seem to overlook all the nonsense about Paul. Where are Jesus supposed disciples? Sure, Judas is obviously out of the picture, but we still had 11 hand picked ministers of Jesus teaching. Why does some guy who never met Jesus completely take over Christianity?
I enjoy these discussions but remain suspicious of anyone who rigorously defends or denies the authenticity and fidelity of scripture. What can we know today, 2000 years later, with absolute certainty? Paul was either an apostle or a madman or both; and Jesus a prohet, teacher, healer, messiah or Lord. Christianity demands that we make a decision, Jesus is God incarnate or He is not. I like this. If scripture were inerrant, harmonious, consistent, then no room for doubt and no need of faith. But scripture is contentious. As in the parables of Christ, one has to be engaged, to reason and react. Leave room for doubt; I think that's best, even necessary. These arguments between faiths are fun and provoking but ultimately pointless. Either the Messiah will come or come again. It matters, it certainly matters what one believes. But when I read scripture its like asking directions from a passerby; I want to know what way I am heading, a bearing is all, thats good enough for me. The rest of my journey is in God's hands.
Discrediting an event that is recorded in the Bible is dangerous. If this is pursued, then how can any of the events of the Bible be verifiable?
@@kevingoode521 some people know better than those who went through the experience and gave an account of it in their own words. Isn’t that ludicrous?
Our beloved rabbi Tovia Singer...thank you for giving so much.
You are soooooo deceived. Read the Old Testament. It all points to Jesus. Then read Matthew and repent and get saved.
@@PR-cq4zc Gentiles are obligated to keep the 7 Noahide commandments and not worship a man.
Jesus fulfilled all the old testament law the no one could keep. And yes, we must never worship man. Worship Jesus only
@@PR-cq4zc You do not fulfill a law by abolishing it. And Jesus WAS a man.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 i agree with you jesus just a MAN
Through Your bitter vitriol, I can now have a better understanding of the early ways of Sha'ul.
Muslims would agree with most of what you said about Paul.
Of course
Jesus said to his disciples do not go to the gentiles. While Paul preached to the gentiles because Jesus told him, that is very absurd.
What Singer says is true. He was the New York Times reporter in Damascus from AD 25 to AD 77 . He was reporting first hand information.
Paul speaks in word salad. I didn't have that term until this administration. I would as soon follow Kamala Harris as Paul.
The Jews did not believe in Moses, our teacher, because of the wonders that he performed. Whenever anyone's belief is based on wonders, the commitment of his heart has shortcomings, because it is possible to perform a wonder through magic or sorcery. What is the source of our belief in him? The revelation at Mount Sinai. Our eyes saw, and not a stranger's. Our ears heard, and not another's. There was fire, thunder, and lightning. He entered the thick clouds; the Voice spoke to him and we heard, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following:..." (Maimonides, Yesodei haTorah - Chapter Eight).
Interesting fact..
Rambams Mishna Torah was rejected and burned initially..
@Weston S Miracles were made in Egypt to show that Hashem is over nature and that he judges measure for measure. The only thing that proved to all the nation, that Moshe is real, was that Hashem spoke directly to Him, and everyone heard it. Prophets were believed if their words come true every time and if they teach Torah 100% correct.
Shemot 19:9 Hashem said to Moshe: "Behold! I come to you in the thickness of the cloud, so that the people will hear as I speak to you, and they will also believe in you forever."
@@Georgevardy9999 They believed God took the form of a golden bull, like you believe He took the form of a man.
@@Georgevardy9999 they are gone who did that died in desert
@@Georgevardy9999 Ummm not really.
Very odd comment.
Maybe learn some more about Judaism and then comment.
Great answer. What is your opinion on Maccoby's thesis that Paul was essentially a criminal embezzler?
I completely agree with you rabbi singer👍👍👍
The first time I read Paul's statement that his gospel was to be believed even if an angel of the Lord said otherwise I knew that this man was more than a little full of it . The only suffering that Paul really endured perhaps was in hauling his giant ego around .
He was beheaded but maybe you think he wasn’t? Nero decreed it but who cares about historical records right?
Some of you think the world only revolves around yourselves but the world revolves around us ALL at the same time.
@@davidrexford586 who said anything about Nero and historical records other than you ? i speak only of the extraordinary claims that Paul made which had no witnesses other than Paul . Paul - whose ego evidently knew no bounds - also famously claimed that both his suffering and Jesus suffering were both necessary for the salvation of mankind - promoting himself to be a messiah the equal of Jesus . The man must have been insufferable to have been around - no wonder everyone wanted to off him lol .
Paul was a Roman as well as a Mithran on his father’s side. Look up the Aemili also known as the Aemilianus. This patrician family alone was given the title of Aemilianus Paulus because Scipio Africanus defeated the General Hannibal during the Second Punic War. Skippy had a son but his son had no children. So to keep this bloodline, a title went to the Aemili, the title of Paulus. When all of Skippy’s wife’s bloodline were gone, the title of Paulus (Humble) went out into all branches of Aemili to honor Skippy. Aemilianus means Adversary, sometimes used as a name for Satan, Mephistopheles, etc. Aemilianus Paulus is the Humble Adversary.
Two things to remember is Paul is a Mithran by faith and a Roman patrician by paternal bloodline. His mother was Jewish, so he is also that but as Jewish as a Zurvanite, not as Jewish as a Judean or Galilean.
You are purely nuts, lady. Paul was a Israelite from the tribe/ family of Benjamin. Paul was not a Jew, but an Israelite. Jews are from the tribe of Judah ( Jewda ) who settled in the land named after Judah's inheritance, Judea. You know not what you say.
@@thomasprice8127 , you need to take up reading. Paul identifies himself as coming from Tarsus, that is a city in Cilicia (present day Turkey). Tarsus is Mithran Faith Central. Paul, whenever busted by the cops (legionnaires serve as police in Roman Empire), Paul of Tarsus quickly squeals he has Roman citizenship. That is virtually impossible for an ordinary Cilician. It is a former pirate 🏴☠️ state that Pompey defeated. In an earlier cycle, same locale was known as Phrygia. They also warred with Rome. Guess who is not getting Roman citizenship this year or next? So Paul has an ancestor who was a member of invading forces. Well, he can’t be a Plebe, his family would be ordinary citizens in a mere generation. Soooo... he must be a Roman aristocrat, a Patrician. Plus Paulus is a title granted to the Aemili to honor the fact that Scipio Africanus Aemilianus kicked Hannibal’s ass at the end of the Second Punic War. Beep-beep, baby. I am the Roadrunner. Eat my dust. You’ll never catch up. Gotta run to the store.
@@cheryldeboissiere7824 he never knew יהושוע.
Paul might have suffered an epileptic fit on the road to Damascus (Acts 9, 22, 26). Such is an opinion of D. Landsborough, and he should know being a neurologist.
Question for the Rabbi: We have often heard expressed, by the Rabbi and from other sources, the notion that Paul was a deceiver and was responsible for perpetuating many falsehoods and mistranslations of our the Jewish Scriptures. I have a few questions about Paul's character and intentions: If it is the case that Paul was sincere in believing that Jesus was the chosen messiah, how do we explain that such a devout follower of the messiah knew he was falsifying the scriptures and acting in such a dishonest and vile manner? His actions are more consistent with someone who did not believe either in Jesus or in the Jewish scriptures. More like he was flat-out a religious heretic with respect to both religions. On the other side, if we assume he was a sincere believer in Jesus, it is more plausible that he may just have been swayed by his belief and that, unconsciously, led him to distort the Jewish scriptures. In other words, he must have made some innocent mistakes. What does the Rabbi think is the most plausible case about Paul?
Okay, things we know about Paul
(1) He’s from Tarsus, the central city for Mithran worship in all of Central Asia
(2) the Roman Patrician family Aemili were awarded with the title of Paulus, exclusively theirs. This is because Skippy (Scipio Africanus) defeated Hannibal and his only heir died, so the title transferred to his wife and her branch of Aemili. The branch died out and all Aemili could use the title. Maybe even Nero whose grandmother was an Aemili. So Paul
was very likely Aemilianus Paulus first name unknown
So Roman and Mithran on Dad’s side, easy to find Aemili in Cilicia from the time of Pompey and Cilician pirates onward... Now Mom, yep, she’s Jewish... about as Jewish as a Zurvanite...
(3) Zurvanites were Persian Jews who were considered practitioners of a heretical form of Zoroastrian faith. They believed Zurvan had two sons engaged in an endless war of good and evil
(4) Use of phylacteries is observed in Mithran ceremonies so yes, weird half-Jewish cults were a part of the Mithran faith. One can even see a figure blowing a shofar on one Mithran statue as Mithras kills the Cosmic Cow
So mum, who was “Jewish” was also a Mithran
Mithrans trying to subvert a new Jewish sect, is it possible?
Yeah, I would say so especially since Matthew wrote of Magi (Persian relic collectors), shepherds in a field awaiting the birth of a holy child (wow, it’s Atys - oops, Jesus) Much like Atys proved to be an early incarnation of Dionysius, Jesus became an early incarnation of - well, himself. Last Supper (Atys, Jesus), 12 attending figures (zodiac signs in the older mithraneums (excuse spelling) and...
Think you may be overwhelmed. Do look some of this stuff up. Happy hunting
@@cheryldeboissiere7824 Thanks for responding to my comments! The items you mention are all very interesting, however, I don't quite see how they relate to my concern. Would you please read my comment again and see if you can help me with the issues I am concerned with. I look forward to your response.
@@lourak613 , okay, I had to edit so added more. Please capture the names and check on them. There were numerous attempts on the part of Mithrans to subvert the new Jewish sect Jesus ben Joseph had created. Finally, the Emperor Constantine seized the whole faith. He moved the Sabbath to Sunday, the day you celebrated Sol Invictus, the Roman Sun God. Jesus even wound up with Sol’s birthday, the Saturnalia, 25 December. Constantine also had the Council of Nicaea cut out a lot of Gnostic texts just to fit his new religion. Oh, go look at Atys and his cute little sun crown at Ostia and you will see the priest who violated his celibacy oath became a sun god.
@@lourak613 , I am really sorry this takes so long to explain...
Are you saying Paul's zeal for winning converts justified, in his mind, all sorts of misrepresentation and pandering? But he admitted it!
However, from another viewpoint (mine) he is saying the Jesus isn't attractive and good enough...that He needs sexing up in togas and Socrates and secular styles.
When I read Mark I fall in love with Jesus of Nazareth....when I read Paul I feel Jesus cheapened and tarted up in statues and Mystery slogans.
Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man"
*You are not a man,* that reads verses im context. But still, *you are a man!* - Got it?
@@swissapologetics 1. GOD IS NOT A MAN OR THE SON OF A MAN 2. HE DOESN'T LIE 3. JESUS is ? A man and the son of a man. So Jesus is not God 😊👏
Always remember that the Incarnation of God assumes that Numbers 23:19 is true.
Never forget this fact.
@@ישועמלכנו Jesus is not God, stop making gymnastics
@@samsungkartit Never forget that what I said is true, and factual, even if Jesus is not the Messiah, and even if the Incarnation never happened.
Allah prays FOR the prophet and not TO the prophet
Allah prays to himself?
@@kardoxcenna260 Possibly, or maybe to Mohammed?
@@AaronOfJerusalemAndAthens this is Islamic theology.
@@AaronOfJerusalemAndAthens yes, you are right! The greatest Islamic destroyer Mohammad hijab!
@@AaronOfJerusalemAndAthens destroyer of Islam? Man literally bodied David woods in whole debate... plus, he already told that in his speech that problem is with language... Allah sends his blessings to Muhammad PBUH... not fake God who got crucified
My Jewish family were sneak ed from Poland under Pius 12,he had at that time a siege CHURCH many wher hidden in catholic homes and broght over,Jews must still remember they are bound by the law, still against him....Christ ,the misseach,as long as you're safe elder brother only we Catholic call you this, keep safe
And on the twentieth day of the month the cloud was removed from over the tabernacle, and at the same time the children of Israel continued their journey from the wilderness of Sinai, and after they had gone a three days’ journey the cloud rested over the wilderness of Paran.
Denies the Acts are factual about Paul, uses Acts to back up his points about Paul.
Acts9:26...Would you fear somebody who had been trying to kill you before if they suddenly said they were on your side or not?
And about thr John Mark disagreement, what has that got to do with the other apostles? This is 2.people disagreeing about a specific topic and each choosing to do it their way.
Nice try cooking a narrative...
Gentiles are obligated to keep the 7 Noahide commandments specifically because God commanded them in the Torah through Moses.
The ancient Egyptians, whose influence on early religious thought was profound, usually arranged their gods in trinities: there was the trinity of Osiris, Isis, and Horus, the trinity of Amen, Mut, and Khonsu, the trinity of Khnum, Satis, and Anukis, and so forth . . .
@@harveywabbit9541 Paul was a fraud😂
1st and 2nd Peter are considered pseudepigraphic, and most scholars agree that Paul actually wrote seven of the Pauline epistles (Galatians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Romans, Philemon, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians), but that four of the epistles in Paul's name are pseudepigraphic (Ephesians, First Timothy, Second Timothy, and Titus) and that two other epistles are of questionable authorship (Second Thessalonians and Colossians).
It is all suspicious - Put the New Testament in the Bin. You just waste your energy and time reading it.
Joseph is a type of Christ.
Similarities between Joseph and Jesus:
*- Both are first-born.*
Gen 30,22-24 (of Rachel) / Mt 1,25 (of Mary)
*- Both are shepherds.*
Gen 37,2 / Mt 2,26; 26,31; John 10,11
*- Both are the most loved of their fathers.*
Gen 37,3 / Mt 3,17; 12,18
*- Both were prophecied to be rulers.*
Gen 37,5-11 / Dan 7,13-14; Mic 4,7; 5,2; Ps 2
*- The prophecies that Joseph would rule his brothers (the tribes of Israel), and Jesus would rule the whole world, including Israel.*
Gen 37,6-11 / Dan 7,13-14; Ps 2,1-12
*- Both Joseph’s and Jesus’ brothers were jealous of them, and did not believe them.*
Gen 37,4-5; 11 / John 7,3-5; 15,18-19
*- Joseph was sent by his father to his brothers. Jesus was sent by His Father to Israel.*
Gen 37,13-14; / Mt 21,37-38; Mk 12,6-7; Lk 20,13-15; John 5,23
*- Both were stripped of their coat.*
Gen 37,23 / John 19,23
*- The coat was dipped in blood.*
Gen 37,31 / Rev 19,13
*- Both were sold by one of the 12 named Judah (Greek ‘Judas’).*
Gen 37,26-27 / Mt 26,15; 27,9
*- Joseph was apparently put to death, and Jesus truly, by their own people to get them out of the way.*
Gen 37,18-28 / Acts 2,22-23
*- Reuben wanted to rescue Joseph. Pilate wanted to rescue Jesus.*
Gen 37,21-22 / Mt 27,24
*- Joseph was sold as a slave to Egypt. Jesus was betrayed for the price of a slave and handed over to the gentiles.*
Gen 37,26-28 / Mt 26,15; Ex 21,32, Zec 11,12-13
*- After his apparent death, Joseph was taken with a caravan that carried myrrh. After his true death, Jesus body was wound in linen clothes with myrrh.*
Gen 37,25-27 / John 19,39-40
*- An animal was killed instead of Joseph. Jesus, the lamb of God, died in our place.*
Gen 37,31 / Jes 53; John 1,29
*- Both went to Egypt.*
Gen 37,28 / Mt 2,13-15
*- Both were made slaves.*
Gen 39,1 / Phil 2,7
*- Yahweh was with them both.*
Gen 39,3; 21,23 / Acts 7,9; Acts 10,38; Lk 2,52; John 1,1-2; 3,2
*- Joseph was tempted day after day and resisted. Jesus was tempted 40 days by the devil and resisted.*
Gen 39,10 / Mk 1,13
*- Both were falsely accused…*
Gen 39,11-20 / Mt 26,59-61
*- …and punished for someone else sins.*
Gen 39,20 / Mt 27,35
*- Both were with two others condemned to die, one of which was pardoned and given life.*
Gen 40,1-3; 20-22 / Lk 23,32; 39-43
*- Joseph interpretates the dreams of the two prisoners: One of them will be hanged on a tree after three days* (Gen 40,19). *The other will be restored in his position after three days* (Gen 40,13). *Jesus was hanged on a wooden cross and restored back to life after three days.*
*- God’s Spirit indwelt them both.*
Gen 41,38 / Lk 4,1; Acts 10,38
*- The king of Egypt exalted Joseph out of slavery to be ruler over all to bring all under the king’s rule. Jesus is exalted out of slavery to bring all under God’s rule.*
Gen 41,40-44 / Acts 2,32-33; 1 Cor 15,27-28; Phil 2,5-11
*- All knees bowed to Joseph (the gentiles first). All knees will bow to Jesus.*
Gen 41,43; 42,6 / Phil 2,10; Romans 11
*- Both were given a name meaning Savior.*
Gen 41,45 (“Savior of the World” or “Sustainer of Life”) / Mt 1,21 (“Yahweh is Salvation”)
*- Both were given a gentile bride by the King.*
Gen 41,45 / 2 Cor 11,2
*- Troubled times come during their rule. 7 years of “tribulation”.*
Gen 41,54-55 / Mk 13,8; Jer 30,7
*- The king of Egypt appointed Joseph to be the sole source of life for all. God appointed Jesus to be our sole source of eternal life.*
Gen 41,55-57 / Acts 4,12; 1 John 5,11-12
*- Joseph was 30 years old when he started working for Pharoah. Jesus was about 30 years old when He began His ministry.*
Gen 41,46 / Lk 3,23
*- Joseph’s brothers did not recognize him. Jesus’ own people didn’t either.*
Gen 42,7-8 / John 1,10
*- Trouble for Joseph’s brothers. Trouble for Israel (“Jacob’s trouble”).*
Gen 42,21-22; 36 / Isa 40,1-2; Jer 30,7
*- Joseph was revealed to his brothers at their second coming. Jesus to be revealed to Israel at His second coming.*
Gen 45,1-5 / Zec 12,10; Mt 24,30-31; Rev 1,7
*- Both offer forgiveness to those who sought to destroy them.*
Gen 45,5; 50,17-21 / Lk 23,34; Acts 5,31
*- The evil Joseph’s brothers intended God meant for good to save them. The same is true of the evil Jesus’ own people intended to him…*
Gen 45,5-8; 50,20 / Acts 3,12-18
*- …therefore they are forgiven.*
Gen 45,5;10-15 / Lk 23,34
*- Joseph’s brothers shared Pharaoh’s favor because of Joseph, not themselves. We share God’s favor because of Jesus, not because we are worthy.*
Gen 45,16-20 / Eph 2,4-8; Phil 4,19
*- Both are to bring all under rule of the King.*
Gen 47,19-20 / Eph 1,10-12
*- Both are Savior*
Gen 47,25 / Acts 13,23
*- Joseph’s sons (Manasseh and Ephriam) come through his gentile wife and are given full tribe status. Gentiles who believe are considered full members of God’s people.*
Gen 48,5;9 / Hebr 2,13 (Isa 8,18); Acts 28,28
*- While only Jesus was truly sinless, Joseph is one of the few people significantly written about in the Bible of which no sins are mentioned.*
1 Pet 2,22
(And many more....)
Looks like you certainly have studied....to try and prove your own belief and not the truth.
Stop your polytheism:
Jeremiah 31:30 each will die for his own iniquity
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, ...or a son of man
Deuteronomy 24 16 - A Man Shall Die For His Own Sin | We Are Israel
And Jesus is not God, why you worship a man ? 😂 Jesus has a God. And Jesus was not sinless, because only sinners get baptized
Romans 15:6 God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
John 20:17 Jesus says 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.'"
Boom! And on cue, people start bashing Jesus..... That's literally part of the proof he is who he said he was.
@@suzyaustin5427 God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6
'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.'" John 20:17
The denial of the Damascus Road experience of Paul is a tacit admission that if you believe Paul's experience as described by his friend Luke is accurate, then Paul is correct as to his theology.
Nevertheless, I would caution that Tovia's claims as to what Paul taught is highly problematic. Paul is not antinomian, nor is he anti-Semitic.
Also, Luke, as of the time of the writing of the Acts of the Apostles, obviously he wrote shortly after Paul's first imprisonment and not after Paul's death, or even Paul's second imprisonment that ended in Paul's death.
My thoughts are, as a Muslim, instead of killing Christians, he chose to send them to hell by encouraging them to leave off the Commandments and to worship Jesus as God....then sit back and laugh at them.
@Weston S: Your blasphemous post indicating that you believe God, CREATOR of the universe, was "wrong" (God FORBID!!!), is BEYOND arrogant, self-righteous, willfully ignorant and BLINDED to God's ACTUAL Truth, as given to us at Mt. Sinai. FYI, Jews are PERMITTED, by the rabbis, to pray in Mosques, but NOT in Christian houses of PAGAN worship!! DO THE RESEARCH!!
@Weston S: Well now your previous reply is gone, so I can't refer back to what you said! You'd think Christians WOULD want "pagan, nonbelievers" praying in their churches, so they could proselytize them, and 'save' their souls! WHY would they be asked to leave - they wouldn't be causing any disturbance! I amended my answer to say "by the rabbis" instead of "Jewish Law", because, now that you say that, I'm not sure where I heard the teaching - it may just be a rabbinical tradition; however, the rabbis don't make ANY decisions that are not based on the Hebrew scriptures in some way.
@Weston S Ah yes, its your daily pagan. Hi pagan, how are you doing today? Is idolatry treating you well?
@Lilia murah haven't read your posts.
But first lines.
Yessah and עיסא
Doesn't match up....
@Lilia murah I'll take that as you have no response to what I wrote.
Basically you have no clue what your saying.
עיסא עיסה
With the H at the end would mean dough...
The Red Sea never happened either Rabbi.
these drugs could have helped Paul
Haldol (haloperidol)
Loxitane (loxapine)
Mellaril (thioridazine)
Moban (molindone)
Navane (thiothixene)
Prolixin (fluphenazine)
Serentil (mesoridazine)
Stelazine (trifluoperazine)
@@harveywabbit9541 funny because I remember there was a hippie who claimed that Jesus was a fly-agaric mushroom, and the "disciples" of "Jesus" just ate a mushroom and they were tripping balls :D
pretty funny theory :D
@@favian669 My Prophet didnt worship a man hanging in diapers on a cross!!
Quran tells us " say oh Muhammad if the Lord truly had a Son, then i'd be the first of ones to worship him ..." For Allah is self sustaining and does not require a Son wife daughter or mistress!!
@Bibi Habibi Chritian Christy Hitler massacred much more...banu quayza was colluding with pagan meccans thats why they were punished for treason
@cathy newton There is mention of Heaven and Hell buts it very little found in Jewish writings...i cant be blamed for your self imposed ignorance...
Paul didn't write Colossians but I agree with the point made.
Tovia I thank you for the enlightenment and awakening you have given me as a Christian. It’s been a shock for me to discover your truths you have made known regarding NT Scripture. It’s honestly changed my world. Your knowledge of the Bible surpasses most I believe. I do question something however. Regarding Apostle Paul. The commonly called “love chapter” 1 Corinthians 13. This is a beautiful treatise on the depth of love which comes from Gods heart of love and grace I believe. If these words were penned by the Apostle Paul, then surely at the innermost level Paul could not have been the completely rotten man you suggest. If these words be his, it comes from the depth and heart of God Himself in my humble opinion.
That love came from Roman/ Greek pagan literature he used often. Pythagoras and verions of Orphism were very popular as to were other Greek Philosopher scribes writings were extradited and perseverance made regarding them to convert the free men of Greece in Rome. They even taught on the lie about pathos longing for Greece. You don't know the Greek Orthodoxy in the time of Christ on Earth. Paul's epistles even include pagan quotes. Cant be canon in the least.
PENNY. Perhaps this matter of Paul as an individual and personalty does point to some mental state as his behaviour is indicative of a narciscist and one with depression. Just reading his letters in full shows some disassociation from reality. Of course we know that christianty has corrupted the Tanach to concoct a so-called " neo-covenant ". A lot is made up and is fantasy from many authors so they smoked from the same pot so to speak although Paul got on with not one of them and the other apostles members were equally agressive.. Psychosis? Certainty not. G'day from Australia 🇦🇺 .
Am yisrael chai ! and Tikkun Olam.
You guys know who Paul is AND YET you are ready to throw all the prophets under the bus for Paul, a person who misquoted,manipulated,lied and fabricated the scriptures. Amazing isnt it?
Being a poet doesn't make someone a prophet or saint. Rumi wrote eloquently about love that does not mean he was divinely instructed or inspired.
When I read the NT I was surprised to find half of it was about Paul!
Well I'd tell the Jews that the Exodus never occurred and that David and Solomon never lived either What about the fact that Isaiah seems to have been two people and in the Apocrypha the heroine Judith is made up and mythical.
@@harveywabbit9541 Sounds good even interesting but I've no idea where you've got it all from.
Samson I realise is a sun hero and the secret of pi may be in his grinding corn at the mill with its orbital motion. But I never knew of Isaiahs connection with the sun.
The Acts of Paul and Thecla is great fun. XD
Thumbs up Rabbi!
From A to Z ALL of it NEVER HAPPENED and even the few (once removed by the church) stories that are attributed to jesus is actually speaking of someone else that really did exist but by no means has anything to do with the christian mythology.
Those stories are referring to different people.
How do you reconcile the 8000+ original manuscripts that corroborated these people and events? The confirmation of existence of Jesus in Josephus and Tacitus, greatest historians alive during the days of the apostles ? Or, that many historians agree the book of Acts and Luke are the two most historically accurate books on earth, more so than compared to any other Greek, Egyptian, etc book during this time? That the Smithsonian Institute’s department of Anthropology says the New Testament alone is the most credible historical book in existence?
Oh PLEEEEEASE. You can have 100,000 "documents saying ANYTHING that you want. There is NO possible way to prove or verify even one bit of this stupid story!
Christian theologians from Paul of Tarsus down to Andrew Purves and everyone in between agree that the story was written HUNDREDS of years AFTER it supposedly occurred and once the religion began to snowball down the hill, just like in a Tom & Jerry cartoon, you can not verify ANY of the ridiculous assumptions and stories that prevail amongst the MOB of Romans and their descendants.
@@ardentabacist Actually you can. Here’s what a group of people much with zero Christian bias had to say about the Old Testament alone (which has far fewer original manuscripts than the NT):
" ... the historical books of the Old Testament are as accurate historical documents as any that we have from antiquity and are in fact more accurate than many of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, or Greek histories. These Biblical records can be and are used as are other ancient documents in archaeological work."
-Smithsonian Institution's Department of Anthropology
@@ardentabacist Regarding the New Testament... after atheist and widely renowned historian Sir William Ramsay tried to disprove the Bible by discrediting the Book of Acts, concluded 2 major points after 30 years of deep research:
1. Ramsay found no historical or geographical mistakes in the book of Acts. This is amazing when we realize that in the book of Acts, Luke mentions 32 countries, 54 cities, nine Mediterranean islands and 95 people and he did not get one wrong.
2. He also came to the conclusion that "Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements of fact trustworthy ... this author should be placed along with the very greatest historians."
He later wrote a book on the trustworthiness of the Bible based on his discoveries and converted to Christianity.
@@ardentabacist Again, anybody can say anything, but sounds Luke those who actually looked into it and have far greater of a professional prowess in this area than you do, conclude the Bible is not only accurate but more so than any other books of its time.
How can we send voice question?
just type here amigo im sure someone could answer you
I ve learn so much from you pray YAH, I love you powerful Man in the truth
😄😆😅🤣You thank God for the lies of Tovia Singer ? 😄😆🤣🤣
@@faurioan5265 pagans getting salty lol
@@mjay622 In 1 CORINTHIANS 15 : 8---10 , Paul is confirming that the narration about the vision on the road of Damascus, from the book of ACTS, is true, and that he wasn't a disagreeable person but a humble one (verse 9) and that Tovia Singer is lying again in this video like always. I don't know if there is a video of Tovia Singer in which he is not lying.
@@mjay622 You worship nobody because you worship something that you don't know, because you don't know God.
@@mjay622 The Torah also says "to don't lie " , but Tovia Singer don't care about the Torah, and this is why using a few verses from the books of prophets, he abrogated the entire Law of Moses and is accusing Paul for that.
Paul was a very open, in warning his followers. 2 Cor 12:7 he admits his words were inspired by Satan.
In Acts, Saul actually isn’t too bad. It’s Paul that is the maniac thief.
so how are we to get a relationship with hashem as a gentile?
how can we find a religious community?
By faith in him, and asking him and praying to him just like you would if you were praying to Jesus; as long as you have faith and you are doing what you're right you don't need a religious community; because religion isn't Faith, religion refers to the doctrine or the way you go about it. Just have faith and father God and keep the law, that's what I do. You be blessed ✌️💞🙏
Can someone please explain the below verse to me from the Bible. I know Jewish people don't believe in the new testament except me and the other 2.4 billion Christians, but let's assume and play out the below verse is real, how are Jewish people going into God's kingdom? Please advise. Ty! 🙏
" Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6).
So Moses is in hell? 😂😂 whom Jesus talked to when he said this ? only to his disciples not to mankind
And Jesus is not God :
" God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6
Jesus says : 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God.'" John 20:17
What’s the first commandment say?
You are repeating Arian Heresy.
@@franciskai4155 I'm not sure who that is but will look him up. What is your take?
Pretty sure it was Rashi who said something to the effect of, "the scriptures (tanakh) were written only to point to the messiah."
I'll tell you a little story. I was estranged from God and a life of faith. I was a young father looking for life answers. Read the Bible for the first time, but began with Matthew. Felt conviction I was not living right, from the words of Yeshua. Prayed to God and Yeshua to forgive me, my whole life changed. I'm sure you've heard that before. Well, I'll never forget the mole cricket incident later. Let me explain. I was walking my daughter to the park after work and she wanted to see a cricket. She was almost 2. I prayed in my mind to God, in the name of Yeshua that she would see a cricket. When walking back, there was the biggest mole cricket I've ever seen. It stayed still and let us touch it. Many other prayers of course are answered all the time, but that was the first. I am a Gentile. I never kept the Torah or knew what it was. I simply had faith in Yeshua. Now many years later, I know Greek and Hebrew, read the Tanakh and the New Testament almost every day and still have faith in Yeshua. The Tanakh strengthens my faith in Yeshua. I was never a Jew by birth. What sense would it ever make for me to leave my faith in Yeshua, for whom God my Father answers all my prayers, and go keep Torah which I never kept, at a temple which no longer exists, trying to sacrifice animals and keep calendar festivals, etc with Israelites? Haha. It would make no sense. I love all people don't get me wrong. But friend, your Maschiach has already come.
Worshiping a man violates the Noahide prohibition of idolatry.
This is the most disappointing thing I’ve ever read that began with a Rashi quote
Jesse that is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your heart experiences.
This guy is lost, I pray he comes to the truth and stops making false narratives.
@@nickg5010 I know the truth his name is Jesus the true Messiah.
It's certainly a coincidence when, in another video, the Rabbi points out that in the old T David says the same thing to King Saul ( double xoincence there) "why R U persecuting me"? Was it Dr . Dennis McDonald who pointed out there's a prior pagan story with the Saul character seeing a vision of some sort in the clouds that impacts his vision in some way. Of course, if Paul's on the level, it significantly helps the Christian cause.