I did wonder how interesting the clockwork range could be. But there’s a really good selection of locos, rolling stock and accessories isn’t there. I’ll bet there was many hours of fascinated fun to be had with them…and no wiring! 🙂👍
@stuartallen8684 yes, it's a nice range, not sure when they started with them, I've got a clockwork catalogue going back to 1953, but I believe they would of been in the hornby book of trains before that 👍
I did wonder how interesting the clockwork range could be. But there’s a really good selection of locos, rolling stock and accessories isn’t there. I’ll bet there was many hours of fascinated fun to be had with them…and no wiring! 🙂👍
@stuartallen8684 yes, it's a nice range, not sure when they started with them, I've got a clockwork catalogue going back to 1953, but I believe they would of been in the hornby book of trains before that 👍
Thanks for sharing this video of the catalogue, I've got some clockwork stuff, I must get around to running it, as always enjoyable John
@@johnbill9201 hope you enjoy running them soon 🙂🙂