I would like to read your thoughts in the comments, if you liked this kind of videos I have many ideas, and many stories to tell, and if you have any questions please feel free to ask, I will be glad to answer :)
The peaceful country was achieved through fighting. I wish Ukraine would earn its peace as soon as possible. During the second world War, Romania took bad decisions and paid for it. So did Ukraine. Starting with 1990, Romania started to take good decisions and earned it's peace. Ukraine didn't start to take good decisions until 2004 and it's still fighting since then to earn its peace. In my opinion, Ukraine could have started to take better decisions earlier. What good did it do Ukraine that it fought on the Russian side in 1991 against Romanian backed Moldavian troops? If Ukraine would have taken better decisions then, it would have had a better outcome today. Nevertheless, there's never a bad time to start taking good decisions and Ukraine is on the right path. Ukraine will win.
it was a beautiful country before so called “ukrainian people” came into this country and have gone through many places and not paying their bill. Having more expensive cars than half of Bucharest and still getting help allowance. Even asking for drugs and prostitutes on the first day of arrival. So no racism, but many restaurants and business of my friends have collapsed because of your so called “freedom” and “peace”. Pay for your shit first, then try to have a comment ever again about our country. I wish you a nice day, never.
@@FoxxNoah It lasted for 42 years and it changed our way of being as a nation for generations to come. We distrust each other, we are for ourselves, we have this mentality "să ne descurcăm cumva" (to make due in any way) which can be an advantage because you always are looking for solutions and problem-solving but it is also a disadvantage (good at improvising and workarounds, not good at following processes and be disciplined). And our revolution of overthrowing communism was the only bloody one in Europe. I understand that 64 years is longer than 42 but ours too lasted long and killed and impoverished generations.
@mariarevnic6415 I don’t like to compare cause only the ones who lived it are the ones who actually know what it was like and all that they had to endure! Really glad that is not the case here anymore ❤️🥰
@@FoxxNoah I lived for a very small portion of it (in 89 I was in second grade) but I still remember some things even if, as a child, I was sheltered. And, as a student of history, I have studied the period because because I am fascinated how it changed the soul of my people. Some of the things that we are living through now, and the people are complaining, stem from communism (such as the corruption you mentioned). I don't compare because I don't know what your people are going through, but I can imagine. I would have never thought for myself that Cuba is the land of flowing milk and honey nowadays. That is why I felt your video was directed either to Gen Z or to westerners. But as somebody said in the comments, us, the 40+ recognized what you were describing there: the empty shelves, the long queues (there are lots of dark humor jokes in Romanian about these things, I am curious if they are the same in your country? Because people had to cope with the harsh realities somewhat), the 2 hours of TV program a day (mostly propaganda), the electricity outages, the lack of everything in hospitals, going to school 6 days a week, being thrown in jail by the political police (Securitate and their "duba neagra" - "the black van") and disappearing from the face of the earth, the megalomaniac projects built by a dictator such as Casa Poporului when his entire country was starving, the rationing, being able to obtain something only if you knew somebody (for this there is an acronym, PCR, which stands for "pile, cunoștințe, relații"; funny enough it is the same acronym for Partidul Comunist Român). Jokes: 1. In communist Romania what is colder than cold water? Warm water. 2. A long queue. People are stepping in line and start asking each other: "what are we waiting in line for" ("ce se dă" - literally what are they giving meaning selling)? "I don't know, I just arrived". And the word travels from the end of the line to the very first person, because nobody knew what they were waiting for exactly. And the first one says: "I don't know either, sir, I was sick all of a sudden and I just leaned here against the wall for a moment." 3.People are waiting in line (you see the pattern). A person arrives hurriedly and asks: "excuse me, ma'am, is this the queue for bread?" "No, sir, this is the queue where they don't have milk, the other one is the queue where they don't have bread". 4.This one is a cartoon: A guy enters a butcher's shop. "Excuse me, do you have meat for sale?" "No sir, only what you can see". Guy looks around: "OK then, I would like to buy half a kilo of metal hooks".
I am 43 years old and I grew up during the communist era. I t was like this also in Romania. So I feel what you are saying. Welcome to Romania and all the best.
Very nice to hear about your experience. I am 43 now, got just 8 years of the communist dictatorship but my parents certainly got the worst of it. We always aspired to be like in the west and only now after 35 years I fell that the country is beginning to be nice and has good perspectives going forward, you came at the right time.
Gracias!! No lo veo valiente, lo veo necesario porque no mucha gente sabe lo que se vive allá, y tienen una idea errónea de cómo es Cuba🇨🇺🖤Igual me faltó mucho por decir, pero poco a poco ❤️
Dear Noah, I believe that if it is impossible to change something in your country, you must leave there. I understand that you are now in Romania, which has become your country and your home. And that's the most important thing.
Thank you so much for your comment! And you’re right, unfortunately I can’t do anything from here, but still, I get so mad with everything that’s going on there, it is impossible not to feel it. I am very very grateful to be here, specially in these days that I am living now, cause I can see how I am evolving and how, little by little I start achieving everything that I always dreamed of.Again, thank you for your comment and my best wishes to you❤️
@@FoxxNoah Thank you. I'm not so far from you, in Republic of Moldova (it is also called the second Romanian country). I wish you to fulfill your dreams. A better future for Cuba, for Romania and for all countries in the world.
Cel mai trist este că Cuba are potențialul de a fi una dintre cele mai bogate țări ale lumii .. fără comunism ar fi raiul pe pământ. Sper ca poporul cubanez să reușească să-și redobândească libertatea cât mai repede.
Pero no sientas vergüenza de ser cubana. Nuestra Patria es nuestra!!! …no de ellos. No caigas en su trampa. Ellos no crearon nuestro himno, nuestro bandera, nuestra música, ni nuestras playas y vistas hermosas. En cualquier caso solo han traído su destrucción. Lo más humano del mundo es que sientas esa aversión, pero el golpe más bajo que les podemos dar a ellos, es seguir hablando como tú lo has hecho, seguir criticando separando las cosas que ellos han mezclado, y seguir representando lo nuestro así tan lindo como lo estás haciendo!!! ❤❤❤
My dear, be aweare! We know about real life în Cuba. Don't talk too much about this! 😢 It's important to stay safe and have a beautiful life like all people must have. ❤💐
I've got this video randomly playing while working. "You haven't seen bad", there are 40+yo people who have lived when Ceausescu was in power. Imagine similar conditions but add winter without heating, that's the simplest way I can explain it, there is a reason Ceausescu was the only communist president executed and the only violent communist revolution in Europe . Do not avoid to talk about Cuba and your first-hand experiences, hopefully one day Cuba will be at least at Romania's level right now. And by the way, welcome to a country that is currently evolving while fighting the awful past since XVII'th century, we're finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and really hope more normal and kind people like you comes here to build a strong, safe and kind society.I've visited Cuba 5 years ago, and ofcourse I've recieved "the tourist treatment", but as I exeperienced communism first hand, I could really see the people and beyound the charade.
I really cannot imagine a winter here in those times without heating omg! That must have been awful! It is not the same the Ceausescu times and the current dictatorship in Cuba. I don’t like to compare them cause the circumstances are different but I am truly happy your people was brave enough to fight it, and I am sad mine are sheep, there is a lot of repression and indoctrination there still to these days and I understand the way they act, cause the way we were raised is with our mothers and grandmas telling us that we should not get into politics, shushing our mouths whenever we wanted to say something against the government, cause they were raised like that too. Hopefully one day they’ll be brave enough to fight it too!. And trust me I have seen bad, but as I said before not under the same circumstances, the Cuba you saw 5 years ago, has nothing to do with the Cuba of today, is kind of like they, the government works really hard in making the conditions worse every single day and that’s the only thing they actually get to do right.
@@FoxxNoahhey girls, you're both cubans leaving in Romania?! 😮 you should do a Q&A together 💪😊 honestly , i thought about moving to Cuba ❤ but i changed my mind after i spoke with a cuban living in France😢 I was born in Romania, living in France for a decade, looking forward to learn spanish from a cuban lady ❤ You should Always feel proud for being a Cuban 😊you have strong characters, and you are a beautiful people WE know how comunism traumatised our people , and how you are being brainwashed by their propaganda 😢 Your English is perfect 👍
@toolsandstuff8538 Thank you much for your comment!! Yes we’re both Cuban living in Romania🥰 It’s nice peeple knowing about Cuba’s situation, cause most people only know the nice part.Thank you so much for you comment and your nice vibes 🥰
Cuanta verdad, acá en USA yo hablo con mucha gente de otras nacionalidades que dicen que se fueron de su país porque estaba malo, y cuando yo comienzo a decirles las cosas que pasan los cubano , se quedan horrorizados, piensan que estoy exagerando y todo.
Así me pasa con los rumanos, y muchos no me creen, porque nosotros hemos normalizado cómo se vive allá, estamos acostumbrados, pero cuando salimos nos damos cuenta que de normal no tiene nada 😭
11:40 We who are old enough to remember socialist Romania from 1984 to 1989 ,well,we know what you are talking about,food at ration per person,lack of electricity and heating in the winter and the same brain washed doctrine about the great socialism and bright future.Luckily for us the iron curtain colapsed in europe in 1989 and we started to a new path,to freedom and a better life.For cubans I really don't know when they will have this chance,hopefully sooner than later...
That is correct! 80’s was the worst era to live in Communist Romania! Unfortunately, I grew up in that era and I know exactly what you are talking about! Hope that Cubans will have a better future soon and be free.
Bună Noah , îți înțeleg sentimentele pe care le ai față de de situația politică din Cuba , de faptul că poporul cubanez este ținut prizonier de un mic grup de oameni aflat la conducere , care le controlează viața , libertatea și viitorul , am trecut și noi prin dictatura comunistă , a fost nevoie de o revoluție ca să scăpăm ei și să ne redobândim libertatea , acest grup nu va renunța de bună voie la putere pentru că au foarte multe de pierdut , bani , libertate , situație ... .
@@danchiru1266 Multumesc mult pentru comentariu, e bine ca macar lumea stie despre el. I hope the translation says what I mean!! Thank you for your comment ❤️
@@FoxxNoah Your post brought back to my memory the frustrations of my youth, before 1989, when we lived in the same way, rationalization, hunger, cold, lack of freedom of expression. I hope that the Cuban people regain their freedom, and yes, Google Translate does its job very well.
Hi, i forgot to tell u last time. A book that i would recomend for you to read is amintiri din copilarie by Ion creanga. It is a children book but it is good you bc it doesnt have complicated words and its preatty funny I know it is out of context from what you are telling on the video
The issues in Cuba-poor healthcare, a failing education system, and lack of freedoms-are intrinsic to the nature of its communist/socialist regime, not solely the result of the U.S. embargo. Cuba trades with many other countries, including economic powers like Russia, China, and the EU. The U.S. even sells food and medicine to Cuba, exempt from the embargo. The systemic failures stem from centralized government control, inefficiency, and repression, which are hallmarks of communist systems, not simply external economic pressures. Invoking “the embargo” is a common tactic used by uneducated individuals, regime sympathizers, or gaslighters to deflect from the real issues caused by Cuba’s communist system. It’s a way to justify their viewpoint while ignoring the decades of suffering that Cubans have endured.
@@FoxxNoah yeah that's how I feel. I'm fifty and I've come to realize that as much info u can dish out I can find the contrary. I got hit by the communist bug u got hit by the let's change the world even with capitalism bug. To each there own. You should leave Cuba by the way,it hasn't been the same since the collapse of the USSR.
The change in Cuba must start from the people, like it happened in Romania and other former socialist countries...if people don't dare, it will not change; yes, it's hard, but at one moment in time, it will happen for sure
You’re right, it must be the people!! Many people want to fight for change, but the thing is that at the hard times most of them, back off, cause we’ve been raised with fear, all generations starting from 1959,and it has been very difficult to change that mindset, but slowly it’s happening, I really hope soon Cuba can finally be free!! Thank you for your comment 🥰
@@FoxxNoah First of all, people must start the change, second, from what I've noticed in Romania during the last 20 years, very important is mass media, they must put and keep the pressure on the politicians. I don't know how Cubans are, but Romanians are complaining a lot, almost instinctual. It is another fact that makes the things moving.
@davidionescu2103 Cubans do complain, but complaining does not actually makes changes, or put pressure on the politicians, at least not there. And yes you’re right, change must start from the people.
Nuestra generación no se siente orgullosa de ser cubana porque nunca hemos visto una Cuba linda, sana, buena. Nos ha tocado siempre la Cuba destruida, rota, sucia y sin ética. Y muchas personas no entienden eso, incluso otros cubanos. Lo peor de todo a mis ojos, no ver el camino para que el país salga de esta situación. Porque ya no es solo el gobierno, ya es todo, todo está demasiado roto como para arreglar💔
I would like to read your thoughts in the comments, if you liked this kind of videos I have many ideas, and many stories to tell, and if you have any questions please feel free to ask, I will be glad to answer :)
I’m from Ukraine, a war refugee… so I totally understand your wish to explain Romanians how lucky they are living in a peaceful free country ❤
I’m really sorry about what’s going on in Ukraine,I’m really glad you’re safe, and I really hope the war ends soon😭😭😭
The peaceful country was achieved through fighting. I wish Ukraine would earn its peace as soon as possible. During the second world War, Romania took bad decisions and paid for it. So did Ukraine. Starting with 1990, Romania started to take good decisions and earned it's peace. Ukraine didn't start to take good decisions until 2004 and it's still fighting since then to earn its peace. In my opinion, Ukraine could have started to take better decisions earlier. What good did it do Ukraine that it fought on the Russian side in 1991 against Romanian backed Moldavian troops?
If Ukraine would have taken better decisions then, it would have had a better outcome today. Nevertheless, there's never a bad time to start taking good decisions and Ukraine is on the right path. Ukraine will win.
@@FoxxNoah thank you 🙏 ❤️
@@nydydn I totally agree, thank you!
it was a beautiful country before so called “ukrainian people” came into this country and have gone through many places and not paying their bill. Having more expensive cars than half of Bucharest and still getting help allowance. Even asking for drugs and prostitutes on the first day of arrival. So no racism, but many restaurants and business of my friends have collapsed because of your so called “freedom” and “peace”. Pay for your shit first, then try to have a comment ever again about our country. I wish you a nice day, never.
You described our life in Romania during the 80s. It was the same!
And lucky for you or it didn’t last so long, you were so brave, ours it has been going on for 64 years….and every single day it has been worse😭
@@FoxxNoah It lasted for 42 years and it changed our way of being as a nation for generations to come. We distrust each other, we are for ourselves, we have this mentality "să ne descurcăm cumva" (to make due in any way) which can be an advantage because you always are looking for solutions and problem-solving but it is also a disadvantage (good at improvising and workarounds, not good at following processes and be disciplined). And our revolution of overthrowing communism was the only bloody one in Europe. I understand that 64 years is longer than 42 but ours too lasted long and killed and impoverished generations.
@mariarevnic6415 I don’t like to compare cause only the ones who lived it are the ones who actually know what it was like and all that they had to endure! Really glad that is not the case here anymore ❤️🥰
@@FoxxNoah I lived for a very small portion of it (in 89 I was in second grade) but I still remember some things even if, as a child, I was sheltered. And, as a student of history, I have studied the period because because I am fascinated how it changed the soul of my people. Some of the things that we are living through now, and the people are complaining, stem from communism (such as the corruption you mentioned).
I don't compare because I don't know what your people are going through, but I can imagine. I would have never thought for myself that Cuba is the land of flowing milk and honey nowadays.
That is why I felt your video was directed either to Gen Z or to westerners. But as somebody said in the comments, us, the 40+ recognized what you were describing there: the empty shelves, the long queues (there are lots of dark humor jokes in Romanian about these things, I am curious if they are the same in your country? Because people had to cope with the harsh realities somewhat), the 2 hours of TV program a day (mostly propaganda), the electricity outages, the lack of everything in hospitals, going to school 6 days a week, being thrown in jail by the political police (Securitate and their "duba neagra" - "the black van") and disappearing from the face of the earth, the megalomaniac projects built by a dictator such as Casa Poporului when his entire country was starving, the rationing, being able to obtain something only if you knew somebody (for this there is an acronym, PCR, which stands for "pile, cunoștințe, relații"; funny enough it is the same acronym for Partidul Comunist Român).
1. In communist Romania what is colder than cold water? Warm water.
2. A long queue. People are stepping in line and start asking each other: "what are we waiting in line for" ("ce se dă" - literally what are they giving meaning selling)? "I don't know, I just arrived". And the word travels from the end of the line to the very first person, because nobody knew what they were waiting for exactly. And the first one says: "I don't know either, sir, I was sick all of a sudden and I just leaned here against the wall for a moment."
3.People are waiting in line (you see the pattern). A person arrives hurriedly and asks: "excuse me, ma'am, is this the queue for bread?" "No, sir, this is the queue where they don't have milk, the other one is the queue where they don't have bread".
4.This one is a cartoon: A guy enters a butcher's shop. "Excuse me, do you have meat for sale?" "No sir, only what you can see". Guy looks around: "OK then, I would like to buy half a kilo of metal hooks".
Yes we do also have lots of dark humor, I guess it helps going through dark times
I am 43 years old and I grew up during the communist era. I t was like this also in Romania. So I feel what you are saying. Welcome to Romania and all the best.
Thank you and my best wishes for you too❤️
I hope with all my heart that your family and friends in Cuba are safe...
May God bless you all..😢😢
Thank you so much!! So far they are ok!❤️
Very nice to hear about your experience. I am 43 now, got just 8 years of the communist dictatorship but my parents certainly got the worst of it. We always aspired to be like in the west and only now after 35 years I fell that the country is beginning to be nice and has good perspectives going forward, you came at the right time.
I am really glad you didn’t live much of comunism, and really glad that it is doing better
Bravo mi niña 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 muy valiente de tu parte!
Gracias!! No lo veo valiente, lo veo necesario porque no mucha gente sabe lo que se vive allá, y tienen una idea errónea de cómo es Cuba🇨🇺🖤Igual me faltó mucho por decir, pero poco a poco ❤️
So sad but true....I miss my love...living separately from you is the hardest thing I ever experienced 😢
I know me too, i miss you so much!!
En 10 min es difícil abordar casi 65 años de mentiras pero me encantó el mensaje❤❤❤
Gracias madre mía, sí me faltaron muchas cosas por decir,pero poco a poco, iré contando un poco de verdades....Te amooooo
Dear Noah, I believe that if it is impossible to change something in your country, you must leave there. I understand that you are now in Romania, which has become your country and your home. And that's the most important thing.
Thank you so much for your comment! And you’re right, unfortunately I can’t do anything from here, but still, I get so mad with everything that’s going on there, it is impossible not to feel it. I am very very grateful to be here, specially in these days that I am living now, cause I can see how I am evolving and how, little by little I start achieving everything that I always dreamed of.Again, thank you for your comment and my best wishes to you❤️
@@FoxxNoah Thank you. I'm not so far from you, in Republic of Moldova (it is also called the second Romanian country). I wish you to fulfill your dreams. A better future for Cuba, for Romania and for all countries in the world.
Cel mai trist este că Cuba are potențialul de a fi una dintre cele mai bogate țări ale lumii .. fără comunism ar fi raiul pe pământ. Sper ca poporul cubanez să reușească să-și redobândească libertatea cât mai repede.
Thank you so much!! Yes it is a country with a lot of potential❤️
Pero no sientas vergüenza de ser cubana. Nuestra Patria es nuestra!!! …no de ellos. No caigas en su trampa. Ellos no crearon nuestro himno, nuestro bandera, nuestra música, ni nuestras playas y vistas hermosas. En cualquier caso solo han traído su destrucción. Lo más humano del mundo es que sientas esa aversión, pero el golpe más bajo que les podemos dar a ellos, es seguir hablando como tú lo has hecho, seguir criticando separando las cosas que ellos han mezclado, y seguir representando lo nuestro así tan lindo como lo estás haciendo!!! ❤❤❤
Gracias!!! Que bonito por favor, se me ha puesto la piel de gallina🖤😭
My dear, be aweare! We know about real life în Cuba. Don't talk too much about this! 😢 It's important to stay safe and have a beautiful life like all people must have. ❤💐
Thank you so much for your concern🥰 I’m ok, I’m safe, I don’t live there anymore, that’s why I can talk about it🥰
I've got this video randomly playing while working. "You haven't seen bad", there are 40+yo people who have lived when Ceausescu was in power. Imagine similar conditions but add winter without heating, that's the simplest way I can explain it, there is a reason Ceausescu was the only communist president executed and the only violent communist revolution in Europe . Do not avoid to talk about Cuba and your first-hand experiences, hopefully one day Cuba will be at least at Romania's level right now. And by the way, welcome to a country that is currently evolving while fighting the awful past since XVII'th century, we're finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and really hope more normal and kind people like you comes here to build a strong, safe and kind society.I've visited Cuba 5 years ago, and ofcourse I've recieved "the tourist treatment", but as I exeperienced communism first hand, I could really see the people and beyound the charade.
I really cannot imagine a winter here in those times without heating omg! That must have been awful! It is not the same the Ceausescu times and the current dictatorship in Cuba. I don’t like to compare them cause the circumstances are different but I am truly happy your people was brave enough to fight it, and I am sad mine are sheep, there is a lot of repression and indoctrination there still to these days and I understand the way they act, cause the way we were raised is with our mothers and grandmas telling us that we should not get into politics, shushing our mouths whenever we wanted to say something against the government, cause they were raised like that too. Hopefully one day they’ll be brave enough to fight it too!. And trust me I have seen bad, but as I said before not under the same circumstances, the Cuba you saw 5 years ago, has nothing to do with the Cuba of today, is kind of like they, the government works really hard in making the conditions worse every single day and that’s the only thing they actually get to do right.
La triste realidad de Cuba 😕
Si, lo peor es que no muchas personas están al tanto :(
@@FoxxNoahhey girls, you're both cubans leaving in Romania?! 😮 you should do a Q&A together 💪😊
honestly , i thought about moving to Cuba ❤ but i changed my mind after i spoke with a cuban living in France😢
I was born in Romania, living in France for a decade, looking forward to learn spanish from a cuban lady ❤
You should Always feel proud for being a Cuban 😊you have strong characters, and you are a beautiful people
WE know how comunism traumatised our people , and how you are being brainwashed by their propaganda 😢
Your English is perfect 👍
@toolsandstuff8538 Thank you much for your comment!! Yes we’re both Cuban living in Romania🥰 It’s nice peeple knowing about Cuba’s situation, cause most people only know the nice part.Thank you so much for you comment and your nice vibes 🥰
Cuanta verdad, acá en USA yo hablo con mucha gente de otras nacionalidades que dicen que se fueron de su país porque estaba malo, y cuando yo comienzo a decirles las cosas que pasan los cubano , se quedan horrorizados, piensan que estoy exagerando y todo.
Así me pasa con los rumanos, y muchos no me creen, porque nosotros hemos normalizado cómo se vive allá, estamos acostumbrados, pero cuando salimos nos damos cuenta que de normal no tiene nada 😭
11:40 We who are old enough to remember socialist Romania from 1984 to 1989 ,well,we know what you are talking about,food at ration per person,lack of electricity and heating in the winter and the same brain washed doctrine about the great socialism and bright future.Luckily for us the iron curtain colapsed in europe in 1989 and we started to a new path,to freedom and a better life.For cubans I really don't know when they will have this chance,hopefully sooner than later...
Thank you so much, I have the same hopes 🖤
That is correct! 80’s was the worst era to live in Communist Romania! Unfortunately, I grew up in that era and I know exactly what you are talking about!
Hope that Cubans will have a better future soon and be free.
@@LiviuOlteanu-rf9jx Thank you!!
Bună Noah , îți înțeleg sentimentele pe care le ai față de de situația politică din Cuba , de faptul că poporul cubanez este ținut prizonier de un mic grup de oameni aflat la conducere , care le controlează viața , libertatea și viitorul , am trecut și noi prin dictatura comunistă , a fost nevoie de o revoluție ca să scăpăm ei și să ne redobândim libertatea , acest grup nu va renunța de bună voie la putere pentru că au foarte multe de pierdut , bani , libertate , situație ... .
@@danchiru1266 Multumesc mult pentru comentariu, e bine ca macar lumea stie despre el. I hope the translation says what I mean!! Thank you for your comment ❤️
@@FoxxNoah Your post brought back to my memory the frustrations of my youth, before 1989, when we lived in the same way, rationalization, hunger, cold, lack of freedom of expression. I hope that the Cuban people regain their freedom, and yes, Google Translate does its job very well.
@danchiru1266 Mulțumesc!!!!!
Hi, i forgot to tell u last time. A book that i would recomend for you to read is amintiri din copilarie by Ion creanga. It is a children book but it is good you bc it doesnt have complicated words and its preatty funny
I know it is out of context from what you are telling on the video
Thank you so much!! I will find it ❤️🥰❤️
Praying for the residents of Cuba. The Cubans I have met are hard workers. They are so loyal to family back in Cuban.
@gamingunmasked2726 Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Romanian here, I would never emigrate to Western Europe.
You have such a beautiful country and culture 🥰
Lift the embargo.
The issues in Cuba-poor healthcare, a failing education system, and lack of freedoms-are intrinsic to the nature of its communist/socialist regime, not solely the result of the U.S. embargo. Cuba trades with many other countries, including economic powers like Russia, China, and the EU. The U.S. even sells food and medicine to Cuba, exempt from the embargo. The systemic failures stem from centralized government control, inefficiency, and repression, which are hallmarks of communist systems, not simply external economic pressures.
Invoking “the embargo” is a common tactic used by uneducated individuals, regime sympathizers, or gaslighters to deflect from the real issues caused by Cuba’s communist system. It’s a way to justify their viewpoint while ignoring the decades of suffering that Cubans have endured.
@@aitanapoey thank you for the reply. I will delve in and research. Although I'm not a sympathizer or gaslighter I am a communist
Thank you for your reply, now I don’t have to reply haha🖤
@@FoxxNoah yeah that's how I feel. I'm fifty and I've come to realize that as much info u can dish out I can find the contrary. I got hit by the communist bug u got hit by the let's change the world even with capitalism bug. To each there own. You should leave Cuba by the way,it hasn't been the same since the collapse of the USSR.
My only question is, where do you live?
The change in Cuba must start from the people, like it happened in Romania and other former socialist countries...if people don't dare, it will not change; yes, it's hard, but at one moment in time, it will happen for sure
You’re right, it must be the people!! Many people want to fight for change, but the thing is that at the hard times most of them, back off, cause we’ve been raised with fear, all generations starting from 1959,and it has been very difficult to change that mindset, but slowly it’s happening, I really hope soon Cuba can finally be free!! Thank you for your comment 🥰
@@FoxxNoah First of all, people must start the change, second, from what I've noticed in Romania during the last 20 years, very important is mass media, they must put and keep the pressure on the politicians.
I don't know how Cubans are, but Romanians are complaining a lot, almost instinctual. It is another fact that makes the things moving.
@davidionescu2103 Cubans do complain, but complaining does not actually makes changes, or put pressure on the politicians, at least not there. And yes you’re right, change must start from the people.
If it wasn't for Gorbaciov and the end of the USSR, only the people were not enough to do anything...
@@vasilicavaduva923 nope...Cuba and North Korea are the living proof that is not like that
Nuestra generación no se siente orgullosa de ser cubana porque nunca hemos visto una Cuba linda, sana, buena. Nos ha tocado siempre la Cuba destruida, rota, sucia y sin ética. Y muchas personas no entienden eso, incluso otros cubanos. Lo peor de todo a mis ojos, no ver el camino para que el país salga de esta situación. Porque ya no es solo el gobierno, ya es todo, todo está demasiado roto como para arreglar💔
Si, básicamente hay que construirlo todo de nuevo…..😭