Chosen Ones: How we Conquered the Devil! Pt 3

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 17

  • @suzie982
    @suzie982 Месяц назад +6

    Lord Jesus have mercy on us in Jesus name 💛💚🧡

  • @GreggFreeman-qq8yx
    @GreggFreeman-qq8yx Месяц назад +7

    Very insightful! Keep up the good work, brother. You've helped me tremendously through the battles I've faced. Thank you!

  • @kmydesire12
    @kmydesire12 Месяц назад +5

    I seek for Gods presence in every thing I do and every interaction I come across. He is the prince of peace and now I’m able to detach from the world. It’s a feeling I can explain. Fulling trusting him means letting him lift my heavy loads of life and he shows up every single time.

  • @Sheisverygrateful
    @Sheisverygrateful Месяц назад +3

    Amen! The joy of awakening to another day. I like how you breaking down these principles as you encourage us on the importance of walking in the fruit of the spirit. How walking in the fruit of the spirit allows us to experience the closeness of The Most High and experience victories. 🙏🏽⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. Nice Video! Thank you Chozen!

  • @crystalgeter.6294
    @crystalgeter.6294 Месяц назад +2

    Great 😃👍 Work 💯 Percent

  • @iamaquastonethrone77
    @iamaquastonethrone77 Месяц назад +2

    Yods kids are shinning! ❤

  • @241SPECIAL-nb5gx
    @241SPECIAL-nb5gx Месяц назад +2

    7:24🔵Deuteronomy 4:5 Behold, I have taught you STATUTES and JUDGMENTS, even as the Lord my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land wither ye go to possess it.🔵4:6 Keep therefore and do them; for this is your WISDOM and your UNDERSTANDING in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a WISE and UNDERSTANDING people.🔵💥

  • @Livingtruth2024
    @Livingtruth2024 Месяц назад +5

    Nephilim are typically characterized by a profound sense of entitlement and exhibit marked impatience when their desires are not immediately fulfilled. This arises from their formative experiences and leads to an expectation that the world should conform to their will.
    As adults, Nephilim are often perceived as egotistical, with some even displaying megalomaniac tendencies. Their actions are frequently on a grand scale, encompassing both heroic deeds and monumental acts of malevolence. In their architectural endeavors, for instance, they strive to construct edifices of immense size and grandeur, exemplified by palaces that boast numerous chambers each dedicated to a singular purpose.
    The Nephilim's romantic inclinations also mirror this penchant for excess, as they are inclined to engage in multiple liaisons rather than committing to a monogamous relationship.
    These beings generally resist any form of restraint on their own actions, yet they are quite comfortable imposing constraints on others. Their propensity for dominance and influence draws them to positions of command and authority, or they may choose to lead a life of itinerant heroism, pledging loyalty solely to the pursuit of personal glory.
    Moreover, it is not uncommon for Nephilim to establish cults centered around their own personas, reveling in the adoration and reverence of the common populace. They are adept at amassing a devoted following, often using their charisma to manipulate and control others.
    The biblical narrative parallels the era of Noah with the anticipated arrival of the Son of man, emphasizing the cyclical nature of human experience and divine intervention.
    In a seemingly unrelated but intriguing twist, the text suggests a connection between the hairy figure (also baphomet) of Esau and the Nephilim lineage. This character, with his distinctive reddish hue and fur-like skin, embodies a primitive and powerful archetype that resonates with the mythological attributes of the Nephilim.
    Finally, the mention of "IT the clown" and Ronald Mcdonald as a manifestation of Nephilim intent on harvesting children's souls through trauma introduces an eerie, contemporary context. This entity is portrayed as embodying the dualistic nature of the Nephilim, using a mask to conceal its true identity, much like the narcissist who hides behind a facade. This interpretation implies a sinister and insidious method of soul acquisition, aligning with the Nephilim's historical associations with darkness and chaos.
    This raises the question of why the half jinn/human would want to do what they did, and to risk divine censure. There are a number of possible answers:
    1. Demons, like many arrogant people, are in denial about their ultimate destiny.
    2. The task assigned to angels by God is to be his messengers and therefore to serve people.
    Satan, the proud spirit, thought that this task was beneath him and wanted to rule instead (“Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven”). Some of the other jinn apparently felt the same way (“Why serve when we can rule instead?”), hence the defection of many of them into Satan’s camp. Demons are therefore in rebellion against God and seek to corrupt, pollute, and tear down everything that God does and stands for. As Jesus said in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.”
    3. Demons have intense desires to inhabit and control other beings, especially humans. We often speak of “demonic oppression” and “demonic possession” in which spirit beings entice an individual in order to enter that person, oppress them, and if possible, take full control. People are attracted to “occultic gateways” such as Ouija boards, fortune telling,tarot cards, mediums, spiritism, etc. and may become hooked.
    4. Satan wanted to be like God, and therefore capable of producing offspring and creating his own tribe, similar to J.R.R. Tolkien’s depiction of the creation of Orc armies in his Lord of The Rings novels.
    Producing the Nephilim allowed the demons to create their own people devoted to them, and an army of hybrids for attacking and destroying the rest of society.
    5. God created plants, animals, and humans to reproduce “after their kinds” with genetic barriers against the comingling of kinds. Miscegenation is therefore wrong in the eyes of God and prohibited in the Bible. The demons of Genesis 6 sought to produce hybrids that, a) would be a slap in God’s face; and b) would be like them but also amenable to their control.
    6. In response to the sin of Adam and Eve, God indicated that there would be a continual war between Satan and the “seed of the woman” (i.e., the children of the woman including the Messiah who would come later and ultimately crush Satan’s head)
    Therefore the Devil wanted to corrupt the bloodline leading to Christ in order to pervert and defeat God’s plans. He was unsuccessful in corrupting the Messianic bloodline, but may have succeeded with the wife of Ham, with her son Canaan, and with her grandson or descendant Nimrod, all of whom lived after the flood

    • @dabaum6278
      @dabaum6278 Месяц назад +2

      You nailed it! I married a narcissist & he had every one of those traits. Totally possessed by demons. They all act the same.

    • @dabaum6278
      @dabaum6278 Месяц назад

      Btw… many of this world’s celebrities have an over exaggerated mouth that points upwards. Have you noticed this yet? It looks exactly like a clown’s mouth. That tells me that the circus clown emulates a type of fallen angel. They must have bigger that normal smiles/mouthes. Killer clowns from outer space… what a horrific yet truth telling movie. They are so evil!!
      I tried to click onto your channel to see if your posting anything, but YT won’t let me connect with you. I keep getting that spinning oroborus thing. 😔

  • @Cinderalla-ul5fr
    @Cinderalla-ul5fr Месяц назад +2


  • @JP-gt5py
    @JP-gt5py Месяц назад +1

    LOVE 500-540
    1 John 4: 18 KJV
    18. There is no fear in LOVE; but perfect LOVE casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made in perfect LOVE.
    JOY 540-600
    John 15:11 KJV
    11. These things have I spoken unto you, that my JOY might remain in you, and that your JOY might be full.
    PEACE 600-700
    Romans 5:1 KJV
    1. Therefore being justified by faith, we have PEACE with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    ENLIGHTENMENT 700-1000
    Ephesians 1: 18 KJV
    18. The eyes of your understanding be ENLIGHTENED; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints.
    God Bless

    • @chozenspiritual-cf1bb
      @chozenspiritual-cf1bb  Месяц назад +1

      @@JP-gt5py Thank you. God bless you!

    • @JP-gt5py
      @JP-gt5py Месяц назад

      You’re welcome Brother In Christ.

    @ENDORSEGODINYOU930 Месяц назад +2

    Good Work, Brother !!

  • @devonthedivinesolarchild9413
    @devonthedivinesolarchild9413 Месяц назад +1

    It is not about me. It is not my fault. The narcissist lives inside her or his mind and reacts only to internal dynamics. She or he is out of touch with reality. I was chosen by the narcissist because of her or his needs and fantasy not because of Who I am. The narcissist was compelled to devalue and discard me in order to exorcise her or his inner demon's. I could have done nothing to prevent it and neither could the narcissist. 🗣️ Praises upon the Most High the Supreme in Glory forever and ever in flesh and spirit, So It Is.

    • @miraclesforus
      @miraclesforus Месяц назад +1

      Not true.. people have freewill to choose between good and evil.