Absolutely the most keen and acute observer of human nature, not to mention his ability to put on a great show. One of my favorite people. Just Brilliant!
04:50: "we unconsciously choose daily mail"... 11:00: "and if you choose page 14- hundred pounds a week to learn rubbish". this was subliminal messaging for the finale of this show in which a random word was selected from page 14 of a newspaper. at the end he shows all of the moments of subliminal messaging in order to influence that happening. crazy crazy show, there's nothing like this man
Charlotte is a plant. Notice there is an object on the stage blocking a clear view of her. There are five white balls in the bag and she takes it and swaps with the black ball in her possession. As a plant, Derren knows which name she is thinking of. It's a very basic magic trick but lots of showmanship and entertainment.
I think the first part involves some actual cleverness. By acting as if he already knows the answer, for example the woman with the 'guilty walk', the way he talks as if he's already completely certain it makes the person smile and laugh and give away their answer. If they don't immediately do that he knows they actually have the black ball and then since he hasn't actually stated which colour they are holding he flips his argument and makes up some other psychology magic sounding thing that says they actually might be honest
@@JackOusley That actually makes the most sense since the last 2 who got their balls were the last 2 on the stage and she got the last ball, but how on earth did he force the ball 🤯
@@BMT000 By just dropping it in. He didn't have five balls in the bag. He lies. When someone finds a ball, they just take it out. They don't keep searching to find out if there are any other balls in the bag or not.
I remember seeing the full show not so long ago somewhere on youtube and it's pretty cool, I know a lot of it is just magic and showmanship but I still find it amusing I wish I could see him live
What are suggestive primers? He got the name from the people at the very beginning. He asks them to write their names down large on a piece of paper. And he never mentions it again, bit strange. That is how he got their names. The other part was binary, ie lie or not a lie, he did that with body language I think.
@@ZER0-- I agree, the fact that they were asked to write out the names at the beginning was a part of the trick but how? I refuse to believe that stage hands or anyone else helped him like others are suggesting.
@@Neomeister1 I think so. I think there was a camera above or some one on stage giving him the info by signalling or by earpiece. Some of his tricks are just good old magic dressed up as mentalism, but this is close to cheating, but it is what it is. The guy is talented, but he does cheat sometimes and admits it. Why not? Still amazing to watch.He's a show man. Oh and he's a pretty decent artist too.
@@Neomeister1 watch the full show if you get the chance "something wicked this way comes." he primes his audience with cues for a impressive final finish. i heard two listening to this segment.
The bag has a layer of fabric sewn in ("gate"), essentially creating two pouches. One pouch as the 4 white balls, the other pouch has the 1 black ball. When Derren holds the bag out to the first four people, he's holding the gate closed, so they have to choose one of the 4 white balls. Then when he releases the bag to be given to the fifth person, the gate opens automatically, she reaches in and finds the 1 black ball. Knowing this trick, you can anticipate that the last person to draw will get the black ball, as is what happened.
WRROOOONNNGGG he's not even the one who hands her the bag. I really do think he's just good at reading people's mannerisms and stuff. Im sure even you can admit these people were just bad liars... Even i knew it was her by 3:06 lmao and im not even some mentalist or whatever. Dont know about the other act though
He is good at reading people. Simple as that, I doubt myself.about a.lot of his things but what he does is mostly read people and by their answers of "name and what you do for living" he created a truth base which will take play for the test question about mother's maiden name. Then he can tell truth from a lie. You create a base to compare it to. The way people answer to their name and what they do for living is a truth, making them have no reaction whatsoever, test question has be lied to, and then he sees the effect a lie can do.
I mean the easier answer than any clever layer or gate is that the black ball is curled up in his hand that is holding the bag as he has each person draw from it and then he lets it go as he gives it to the fourth guy and has him give the bag, now with the black ball, to the woman. Just a hunch as to what he may have done. He may also be really good at reading people but if he knew in advance I'd almost say certainly the black ball wasn't in the bag at all until he let go of it.
It's very simple. If you watch it a second time, Derren asks them to write down the name of the sweetheart large on a piece of paper, which is never referred to again. That is how he got the names. I mean why wouldn't he need them to write the name down? The balls were legit and simple psychology and body language.
@@Ken.- The balls were irrelevant. He knew the name of everyone's sweet heart so it didn't matter about the balls or who was picked. He asks all the people on stage to write the name of their sweetheart on a piece of paper at the beginning which is how he knows the name of all the people on stage. He asks them to write it large (I wonder why.) He never refers to that bit again. That's how he got the names of all people, so why would it matter who was picked, ie the balls? Re-watch the video. The balls were frankly a load of balls.
So, he's holding the black ball and only releases it into the bag once all but one person have picked a ball, or he releases it so he knows it's one of those last two, right?
He had the black ball in his hand holding the ball until the 2nd last person. He then dropped it in the bag and let go of it for the last two people. When he told the girl to make sure she had the last ball, the camera cuts to a zoom out, but she clearly shows him the ball “by accident” to show that she has the last ball. If she had a white ball then the other guy would have the black, but in this case she had the black ball but Derren just didn’t acknowledge anything.
Wow, nice. I screenshotted the blushing guy just after he stepped forward and after Derren talked at him. It's subtle but you can clearly see the difference. I imagine he's got a lot of different tricks to pull out a liar, and on a split second decided this guy is a blusher and worked that angle. I mean, it could also be complete trickery (I feel he often drops fake clues to how he supposedly does things), but damn it Derren is a talented dude.
That’s easy. All he had to do was look at the video thumbnail of the woman on stage. She was the one telling the truth. Easy... you don’t trick me Derren.
Yeah, it's easy when you are sitting behind a keyboard, and make assumptions to sound smart or whatever. Edited comment. But, what he did was quite unbelievable, but also based on various procedures he explained as well. They all tossed a fake monkey; and so it was completely random. Explain the PRICE then. You cannot. Even if you explained it, it doesn't mean you're correct. You don't trick me, Oliver. (;
He asked them to write the name of their sweetheart on a price of paper and to write it large. He never referred to that part of the trick. That is where he got the name. I mean why ask them to write it down but never bring it up again. A lot of his mentalism is just good ol' magic, but he has given you, and myself the narrative, illusion, that he almost godlike. If you know a bit about magic, or are just perceptive, you can work out quite a few of his tricks. He's still an amazing entertainer. Oh and a really good painter too.
He had the black ball in his hand holding the ball until the 2nd last person. He then dropped it in the bag and let go of it for the last two people. When he told the girl to make sure she had the last ball, the camera cuts to a zoom out, but she clearly shows him the ball “by accident” to show that she has the last ball. If she had a white ball then the other guy would have the black, but in this case she had the black ball but Derren just didn’t acknowledge anything.
Came here to say exactly this, left with two options at the end, Charlotte showed him the ball clear as day. All she had to do was tell the truth if she got the black ball - say whatever she wants with the white ball.
Please confirm me that there is zero use of the hints he supposedly reads on ppl, but just plain old trickery to have 100 percent chance of achieving succès in the effect.
It was very obvious. He told them to write, in large letters, the name of the sweetheart on a piece of paper and then never referred to it again. Then it would have been conveyed to him either via an ear-piece or signalling from off stage.
@@allafleche He can tell which hand you hold a coin in, and I think he legitimately worked out the lies, because it's also a binary choice, and maybe easier to stop if you know how. The name was very easy. He asked them to write down the name of a sweetheart at the beginning and never referred to it again. Then it would have been conveyed to him. I could be wrong, but I doubt I am.
That's not exactly what happened. If you watch him closely he has his hand clenched around the top of the bag until he gets to the last two. Then he opens up his hand so that's presumably when he drops the black ball in to the bag. Which means one of the last two people has the black ball but I can't see how he knows which one without the person giving it away. Makes guessing which one has the white balls much easier when you know the first three all have a white ball. Also the Choose Daily Mail and Page 14 really stood out for me in this clip.
I was right. OK, Derren holds the black ball in his hand while the first 3 choose. Then, he drops the black ball only for the last ones (otherwise the second person would notice that there is only one ball). Finally, he only needs to guess which one of the 2 is lying. Easy for Derren.
You're right. And sometimes he gets that 50-50% shot wrong... which is still fine because he gives an audience member $50 (and that's fun), and then can reveal their crush. Derren is the man.
Hm... that's making me suspicious about everything else. How come is he so great on some sort of things but doesn't score a 100% on telling which of 2 persons is lying?
No. Pay attention, ie watch it again. Derren asked them to write down their childhood sweetheart really large on a piece of paper. He never referred to it again. That is where he got the names. It is that simple.
I figured it would be her that had the black ball because I think the bag was rigged in such a way that the white balls were easy to remove and the black ball was almost guaranteed to be the last one to come out of the bag.
Not quite, the black ball was in his hand until the 3rd person took their ball. He dropped it in the bag then. At 2:17 Charlotte shows him the ball she has.
All he had to do in order to make sure he knew who had the black ball was this. Put in the black ball so it's kinda lightly stuck to the bottom of the bag, you can use any sort of sticky materials for this and stick the ball to it then drop the white balls in so you have a black ball lightly stuck to the bottom of the bag and all the loose white ones sitting beside it and it could have been down deeper in the bag also. So as he tells the first person to take a ball from the bag they were always going to get one of the white ones because its loose like the remaining white ones, so he knew the first few people would get the loose white balls and this is exactly why after the last white ball was taken from the bag he gave the person the bag to give to the last remaining person so she can hold the bag in her own hands with a good grip giving her more force to pull and dig for the black ball from been lightly stuck to the bottom of the bag. So he always knew she had the black ball and everything after that was just an act. Come on think about it people. He really still is amazing doe. I love him and for as to why she fell asleep when he touched her. Well you hardly think she was going to pretend she was not asleep. It's kinda like he tells you to sleep so you just sleep because its his demand, you think it's part of the act but really your not asleep because how the fuck can someone say the word. SLEEP and all a sudden you just sleep or how stupid can you be. If you think he can say the word SLEEP and you will actually fall asleep then your a fool. Think about it. How would you train for that. Its not possible so clearly the person just goes along with Derrans demand because it would be so embarrassing if you didn't. Think about it people.
Would be a lot easier to just have the black ball curled up in the hand holding the bag and then letting it go before handing it to the guy to then pass it to the final person.
What you're saying is far too risky and convoluted to hope that someone doesn't just grab the black ball. What's way more likely is that the black ball was hanging from the ceiling. This also explains why he said he had OCD and had everyone stand in a certain spot. Then, when a timer was set by him by a future version of himself that had already seen the show, he would have the black ball fall into the bag at just the right moment. It would fall so quickly that no one would have seen it go in. Next he waits 37 years for time travel to be invented and the trick is complete. Think about it.
good observation. it is very possible that there was an illusion that they each chose the balls at random. They could have been placed in the bag in a way that made it so that the last ball was the black one so he would know right off the bat who had it. Then by asking them to write the name in big letters "just in case they have to show it to the crowd later" he is able to watch her hand motion and get an idea of the letters she is writing. By saying "I'm not sure but it's something like "Price". may have been because he honestly couldn't make out all of the letters from her hand motion or it could have just been good showmanship.
Good point but I don't think the ball could have been set that way. My guess is that there are cameras hidden above and they got to see the balls too. It's just a matter of passing the information to him somehow. That can be done in many ways... Cheers.
Actually it would be very easy to arrange that just hold the ball in the same hand that is holding the bag, then after the last person grabs a ball he lets go and the last person picks the last ball.
I watched him with Rogan and then I watched this one, and still think this is an utterly fascinating thing - hypnosis. I would like to have the act done this way: There would be 5 black balls; they would be hollow and could be twisted open. Inside each would be another, smaller black ball. Four of the inner ones would be black, and one of the inner ones would be red. They would be examined by a third party, and certified to not be marked in any way, and placed into an open box and mixed up. Each potential liar would then take a ball, and no one would know where the red one was. Prior to the show, 5 people would have to be interviewed and only the best liars would be the final participants. I say this, because some people are just bad at lying; their body language and speaking gives them away immediately. Just like that one lady who Derren told to go back to the audience. So the final 5 would all have to be able to lie as if their lives depended upon it. And everyone involved in the act would have to sign sworn affidavits to eliminate the possibility of it being "fixed" in any way. After each person selected a ball from the open box, that one would then be taken to another room to untwist the ball to determine who has the red one. They would each have about 5 minutes to do this and regain their composure well enough to return to the stage. Obviously only the person with the red one would know. The act would then commence and Derren would try to figure out who the liar is! This way I would know without a doubt that there would be no cheating at all. If he could pick out the liar under circumstances, my mind would be completely blown, and I sort of think his would also be.. Under these circumstances I think it would be absolutely spectacular to see the results.
Ok, why they turned off the lights only once, when he is asking them for questions? I'm thinking that is the time someone from backstage took the notebook, where they have written the names and somehow tell it to Darren later in the show. Else i don't see the point, why they had written them down.
Simple how he did it. Ball is palmed until the 3rd person takes theres. He drops the black ball before passing the bag to the 4th person. Charlotte is a stooge, at 2:17 you can see Charlotte show him the ball. As long as he knows which one Charlotte has, he knows where the ball is. Interesting that he inserted the words "Daily Mail, Page 14" in to his monologue!
What makes it Brilliant and why modern society are so anoying is they have this machine to study in HD and click rewind which leada to humanity believing theyre smarter than they really are.
Okay, I feel like he had the black ball trapped in his hand until the last two people so that he could drop it in when he pretended not to remember John's name and slightly distracted him with that. I did think it was strange that he held the bag for everyone else but gave it to John to pass to Charlotte, so that makes sense and means he already knew to keep those two people back... Feel like that is also why it was her that was first asked to write the name of her first crush, like he needed hers to be the first impression on that pad, or there was a camera and a feed in his ear telling him what she wrote. Not sure, but something like that. I don't think it's any less impressive, as all 'magic' is showmanship and trickery, as Derren always says, so it's just interesting to try and figure out how it's done.
He has the black ball in the hand that is hlding the bag. At 2.07 he drops the black ball in and then deliberately shows his empty hand so you think it was empty all along. He knows that one of the last 2 has it. Notice how he does not let the bag go until he has dropped the black ball into the bag. he is also misdirecting everyone's attention by asking them to repeat their names. He jiggles the bag every time so that when he drops the black ball in it is not obvious that something has dropped. He is very good, isn't he?
Stage hypnosis only works because those people have an expectation of what is supposed to happen, so when he does that they do exactly what they think is supposed to happen
When you meet somebody, say their name aloud at least 3x during the conversation. Don't have to be weird about it, though. Say it right after they mention their name: "Nice to meet you, Joanne." And when you're leaving: "Well, Joanne, great talking with you and enjoy the rest of your evening!" The second mention can be brought up in creative ways. When asking a question, when you are agreeing with them, etc. Just don't mention their name in every other sentence; people like hearing their own name, but you don't want to sound patronizing.
What I do is associate them with someone with the same name that I know. Met someone called apo the other day, and I remembered it by thinking of Apu from the Simpsons with an O on his forehead.
Regardless of how Derren does it, he always maintains he isn't a psychic and there is no such thing. Most, if not all is subliminal as he demonstrated on one show. I feel sorry for those that get caught by the fakers and lose money to them.
I remember Derren once did this when I saw him live in New York, it just so happened an African-American guy had the black ball. He seemed very offended that Derren kept talking about his black balls and he pushed Derren off the stage and got arrested.
how did he do it? when he was giving the balls out way back in the beginning he distracted them by asking their name and with very keen slight of eye he saw the colour of the balls.. he knew by 4th ball all white balls were handed out so the only possibility is the 5th person (charlotte) has the black ball. v smart and very fast:)
I think he made sure the last person grabbed the black ball. Maybe by having the black ball in a sewn in area in the bag that only opens up when another ball is grabbed or something. So now he knows who has the ball. Easy. The paper that she wrote on (remember she was the first to write the name) could easily have left an imprint or some other paper effect. Not that hard I don't think, but I could be wrong.
Whar was the point of writing down names at the start? They were never seen again so what if there was an overhead camera as Derren did say to write large and clear? Now if Derren wears an ear piece.... .
What was the point of turning of lights just one single time? Maybe thats the moment someone from backstage took notebook and look at the names. And then somehow message it to Darren.
Hey Derren, I know you're reading this, I just wanted to show you this, it's a guy by the name of Mike Postle. /watch?v=2kDtE9vrRiA He has been rigging our card game here at Stones Casino in California, and He might get off easy due to psychological reasons. I want you to maybe look into this to make a case that he cheated, and from the perspective of the obvious body language. As poker players, we know he is cheating and that he can see everyone's cards, but people that don't play poker sometimes don't know. He might win in court, and it would be a terrible thing for everyone. Can you please help us out? -The Poker Community
I wonder if he could make sense of this poem: Analytical dissonance is too long of a name in sense of syllables yet candidly implies the vocabulary necessary to completely hold the complexity of the aforementioned piece in thought I spend the majority of my day Dreaming of super powers Acting like power cables connected to my imagination Fueling action on the physical plain I still want to play but I know too much Such a terrible waste of time daydreaming when there's work to be done You must have blisters before you fun A conversation between my "Wants" and "Needs" "We only have two knees so I'll take one" Because I'm humble Humble enough to know ignorance is not a curse but a constant reminder that I see god's plan in every plant and planet I just haven't learned the language yet You can only "consider" yourself above understanding And that is because there are too many names for the ground Too many ways to call it mine and refine the glass fence It's not thick but dense Hence knowledge knocks just loud enough to annoy me From my perspective I see cold, hard, flat, fact But feel no reason to open myself up to your experiences Because if I welcomed you to my jungle there would no fun or fucking games I've contradicted myself three times and still can't find the flaw in my logic So where's the wisdom? Where's the conviction? The ability to make a decision becomes lost in thought Because if you empathize with both sides of the argument in your head you can't remember which side you once fought And then I'm caught in a web of connotation Relevance leaves the conversation Temperatures rise while fingers stay frozen Pride screaming for one answer Empathy shakes, trying to give every single option Anger on rusty chain leash called self control Pride tells the fears to stay in their room My thought process feels like domestic abuse Because for every contradiction there's a memory of love for these relentless question marks Who've made a game of me The overly confident King The inquisitive queen The black Bishop The White Knight The righteous Robin hood rook And an apathetic army of pawns who can't bring themselves to care because the other side of the board looks so fuckin far away I am every piece and can't lose one So I move none and hunt for a better metaphor Because I don't like this chess one anymore... There's a memory of love for these relentless question marks on my skin That remind me my limits are a lie because I felt them and still could not quit No, I lament that perspective Sigh... Analytical dissonance is a great choice considering the phrase didn't exist so the context clues lead the way to interesting new perspective on rationalization and problem solving while also slapping you with an ego boasting an college vocabulary and refusing any polite pandering dictionary I love the title, but damn if I don't hate those words.
He started talking about "1400 POUNDS a week" which suggested the word 'Price' into Charlotte's mind. He reverse-engineered the whole trick. Just like he did with that one guy and the bicycle.
Did you forget that they all wrote the names down in BIG BLOCK letters on a piece of paper a few minutes earlier? They all had to line up in a particular because of his "OCD" and not because of the cameras that are placed to look over their shoulders have anything to do with it.
Stop with the balls! This is how it was probably done. Pay attention. If you watch it a second time, Derren asks them to write down the name of the sweetheart large on a piece of paper, which is never referred to again. That is how he got the names. I mean why would he need them to write the name down? The balls were legit and simple psychology and body language.
Look forward to seeing you again in October. But why did they have to write down the name of their ex? Lol, only need would be to have access to the persons ex. They didn’t use it for anything. But yen big up Darren brown, true legend
When he holds the bag, he may have the black ball in his hand. Inside the bag, but in his hand. And he lets it fall inside the bag before the last two people. He knows the first three people have white balls. He then asks them to write the name loud and clear, big capital letters. So someone from backstage can read the name and then place it somewhere for Derren to see. The only real question is how he knows who exactly has the black ball. Will come back to that later :)
I think you guessed it, good observation. Even if he was unsure who got the black or white ball, by eliminating the other 3 just made it a whole lot easier. Good eye.
Nope Youre all wrong. He stops 2 ladies walking in the building and takes them backstage. Says he wants to warmup before show starts. he hypnotizes them and you know the rest... When they leave , they are told to forget the hypnosis.
@@sher9134 so how do they all know to memorize their first crush ever? You're just being shown part of what happens and you're not watching it properly either, smart ass.
Its fairly easy for them to recall their first crush considering they wrote it down at the beginning of the act If i understood what you're trying to say
He probably dropped the black ball into the bag when he got to the last person in line. The rest would be showmanship. I think he's the rats pyjamas, brilliant!
I wonder if this guys mind bending effect happens to we viewers to? Out of all the names possible to pick for the four to lie about, I sat here and just randomly thought, I would pick 'Johnson'. And then that one dude said Johnson. I was this can't be. Did he say something to make that guy choose that? For me to choose that? It happened in another video where he did a card trick. I thought the same card as the guy picked. WTF. Coincidence? That is creepy chit right there.
Think about it. If 1M people watch this Clip. Im sure 100 will choose the name Johnson and 900 Thousand wont, you just happen to be one who did and thats a. coincidence.
He did say John at one point. The guy's name was John, so apparently you were induced to think John by someone that wasn't part of the trick. Not that the name had anything to do with the trick.
I thought it was .. a . Ring my bell or message me and I will get back to you in a minute .. thing. By the way I messaged you about a little over 8 years ago .. I think that explains it. You must be busy! Sorry for bothering you .. I didn't know.. you could have just said so.. never mind. I think I understand .. now!
Absolutely the most keen and acute observer of human nature, not to mention his ability to put on a great show. One of my favorite people. Just Brilliant!
04:50: "we unconsciously choose daily mail"... 11:00: "and if you choose page 14- hundred pounds a week to learn rubbish". this was subliminal messaging for the finale of this show in which a random word was selected from page 14 of a newspaper. at the end he shows all of the moments of subliminal messaging in order to influence that happening. crazy crazy show, there's nothing like this man
12:20 who thought he going to write "prick"?
I don't care how he does it, his showmanship is just another level .
Charlotte is a plant. Notice there is an object on the stage blocking a clear view of her. There are five white balls in the bag and she takes it and swaps with the black ball in her possession. As a plant, Derren knows which name she is thinking of. It's a very basic magic trick but lots of showmanship and entertainment.
This show was so brilliant, especially the newspaper thing at the end and how he put all that together. He's a genius
The coloured ball part was a really great presentation of such a simple effect.
I think the first part involves some actual cleverness. By acting as if he already knows the answer, for example the woman with the 'guilty walk', the way he talks as if he's already completely certain it makes the person smile and laugh and give away their answer. If they don't immediately do that he knows they actually have the black ball and then since he hasn't actually stated which colour they are holding he flips his argument and makes up some other psychology magic sounding thing that says they actually might be honest
This is a very possible perspective.
Or he forced the ball on the last person or one of the last two because he was holding it in his hand holding the bag while the other picked out balls
@@JackOusley That actually makes the most sense since the last 2 who got their balls were the last 2 on the stage and she got the last ball, but how on earth did he force the ball 🤯
@@BMT000 By just dropping it in.
He didn't have five balls in the bag. He lies. When someone finds a ball, they just take it out. They don't keep searching to find out if there are any other balls in the bag or not.
just enjoy the effect and nope you are all wrong I actually do this effect in my Las Vegas show
I know it's all just editing but at 11:07 Charlotte is in the audience and on stage! Derren really is amazing :)
nice spot
Good eye
Good eye. But kinda weird
You're a fucking crazy man for noticing that.
Where? No way, that's not her. Different girl. She has a dark singlet on, Charlotte has a light coloured singlet. All of you can't tell a face.
4:53 "choose daily mail"
11:02 "page fourteen"
I remember seeing the full show not so long ago somewhere on youtube and it's pretty cool, I know a lot of it is just magic and showmanship but I still find it amusing I wish I could see him live
JOγfUL KILLJOγ where did you learn it from ?
Philippa's nodding when Derren suggested they could start thinking of a fake name was a big tell.
If you think the tells are real you missed the trick.
I caught that too
11:00 notice Derren planting the subconscious suggestion! “Choose page 14”
I love the presentation. AND you snuck in at least two suggestive primers in here. Well done. :D
@@ZER0-- U WOT M8?
What are suggestive primers? He got the name from the people at the very beginning. He asks them to write their names down large on a piece of paper. And he never mentions it again, bit strange. That is how he got their names. The other part was binary, ie lie or not a lie, he did that with body language I think.
@@ZER0-- I agree, the fact that they were asked to write out the names at the beginning was a part of the trick but how? I refuse to believe that stage hands or anyone else helped him like others are suggesting.
@@Neomeister1 I think so. I think there was a camera above or some one on stage giving him the info by signalling or by earpiece. Some of his tricks are just good old magic dressed up as mentalism, but this is close to cheating, but it is what it is. The guy is talented, but he does cheat sometimes and admits it. Why not? Still amazing to watch.He's a show man. Oh and he's a pretty decent artist too.
@@Neomeister1 watch the full show if you get the chance "something wicked this way comes." he primes his audience with cues for a impressive final finish. i heard two listening to this segment.
The bag has a layer of fabric sewn in ("gate"), essentially creating two pouches. One pouch as the 4 white balls, the other pouch has the 1 black ball. When Derren holds the bag out to the first four people, he's holding the gate closed, so they have to choose one of the 4 white balls. Then when he releases the bag to be given to the fifth person, the gate opens automatically, she reaches in and finds the 1 black ball. Knowing this trick, you can anticipate that the last person to draw will get the black ball, as is what happened.
he's not even the one who hands her the bag. I really do think he's just good at reading people's mannerisms and stuff. Im sure even you can admit these people were just bad liars...
Even i knew it was her by 3:06 lmao and im not even some mentalist or whatever.
Dont know about the other act though
This is what I think too, he forced the ball on the last person, or at most one of the last two.
@@JackOusley not what happened
He is good at reading people. Simple as that, I doubt myself.about a.lot of his things but what he does is mostly read people and by their answers of "name and what you do for living" he created a truth base which will take play for the test question about mother's maiden name. Then he can tell truth from a lie. You create a base to compare it to. The way people answer to their name and what they do for living is a truth, making them have no reaction whatsoever, test question has be lied to, and then he sees the effect a lie can do.
I mean the easier answer than any clever layer or gate is that the black ball is curled up in his hand that is holding the bag as he has each person draw from it and then he lets it go as he gives it to the fourth guy and has him give the bag, now with the black ball, to the woman. Just a hunch as to what he may have done. He may also be really good at reading people but if he knew in advance I'd almost say certainly the black ball wasn't in the bag at all until he let go of it.
Her first crush wasn't someone who had a surname of Price, she said a name that he'd suggested in some hidden way to her during the routine.
Maybe with the money thing (£50, £40, etc). Could hint at Price?
It's very simple. If you watch it a second time, Derren asks them to write down the name of the sweetheart large on a piece of paper, which is never referred to again. That is how he got the names. I mean why wouldn't he need them to write the name down? The balls were legit and simple psychology and body language.
@@ZER0-- The balls weren't legit. He knew who had them from them beginning.
@@Ken.- The balls were irrelevant. He knew the name of everyone's sweet heart so it didn't matter about the balls or who was picked. He asks all the people on stage to write the name of their sweetheart on a piece of paper at the beginning which is how he knows the name of all the people on stage. He asks them to write it large (I wonder why.) He never refers to that bit again. That's how he got the names of all people, so why would it matter who was picked, ie the balls? Re-watch the video. The balls were frankly a load of balls.
@@ZER0-- I'm talking about how he knew who had the black ball. That had nothing to do with the names.
So, he's holding the black ball and only releases it into the bag once all but one person have picked a ball, or he releases it so he knows it's one of those last two, right?
That's what I guessed as well...on the first watch!
He had the black ball in his hand holding the ball until the 2nd last person. He then dropped it in the bag and let go of it for the last two people. When he told the girl to make sure she had the last ball, the camera cuts to a zoom out, but she clearly shows him the ball “by accident” to show that she has the last ball. If she had a white ball then the other guy would have the black, but in this case she had the black ball but Derren just didn’t acknowledge anything.
@@kuziokundera it does kinda look like that, an odd moment for those cuts otherwise
What I don't get is...
How someone can dislike from the first few seconds of the video being uploaded. :/
theres always one :')
>dislike from the first few seconds
Because "Dislike" lets RUclips know that they aren't a fan of Derren.
Yet they have clearly subscribed. Bizarre!
They have notifications on, just to dislike. Or they signed up for being on the show and they never got theough
when you control the game you win the game
Wow, nice. I screenshotted the blushing guy just after he stepped forward and after Derren talked at him. It's subtle but you can clearly see the difference. I imagine he's got a lot of different tricks to pull out a liar, and on a split second decided this guy is a blusher and worked that angle. I mean, it could also be complete trickery (I feel he often drops fake clues to how he supposedly does things), but damn it Derren is a talented dude.
" it could also be complete trickery" you got it ;)
Are you trolling or are you really think that?
I’ve been watching this and does crazy stuff
That’s easy. All he had to do was look at the video thumbnail of the woman on stage. She was the one telling the truth. Easy... you don’t trick me Derren.
Yes, he does.
He may have held the black ball firmly in the bag, so no one would grab it except for the last person.
@@bjrnerikmoen6529 nope. watch again!
Yeah, it's easy when you are sitting behind a keyboard, and make assumptions to sound smart or whatever. Edited comment. But, what he did was quite unbelievable, but also based on various procedures he explained as well. They all tossed a fake monkey; and so it was completely random. Explain the PRICE then. You cannot. Even if you explained it, it doesn't mean you're correct. You don't trick me, Oliver. (;
@@ReligionAndMaterialismDebunked NGL You had me in the first half. LOL!
The right "Price"! x'D
I love he admits, it isn’t paranormal or mind reading, and that it’s a trick.
He blows my mind and I’m the most cynical of all cynics.
It's skeptical and skeptic u dumbass
Ha Darren are you by any chance coming down to Australia preferably Melbourne Victoria any time soon ??????
He gets her to whisper the name while she’s under
Nope but nice try
He asked them to write the name of their sweetheart on a price of paper and to write it large. He never referred to that part of the trick. That is where he got the name. I mean why ask them to write it down but never bring it up again. A lot of his mentalism is just good ol' magic, but he has given you, and myself the narrative, illusion, that he almost godlike. If you know a bit about magic, or are just perceptive, you can work out quite a few of his tricks. He's still an amazing entertainer. Oh and a really good painter too.
He puts ball 1 by one from his hand
he's brilliant! amazed.
He had the black ball in his hand holding the ball until the 2nd last person. He then dropped it in the bag and let go of it for the last two people. When he told the girl to make sure she had the last ball, the camera cuts to a zoom out, but she clearly shows him the ball “by accident” to show that she has the last ball. If she had a white ball then the other guy would have the black, but in this case she had the black ball but Derren just didn’t acknowledge anything.
She doesn't show it to him.
Came here to say exactly this, left with two options at the end, Charlotte showed him the ball clear as day. All she had to do was tell the truth if she got the black ball - say whatever she wants with the white ball.
@@Ken.-he does, it's super obvious as well. 2:17
I saw that too!
Nice variation of and old routine ....brilliant showmanship by Derren....sorry I'm not giving away how he did it ...Mystic Mark The Mentalist.
Please confirm me that there is zero use of the hints he supposedly reads on ppl, but just plain old trickery to have 100 percent chance of achieving succès in the effect.
It was very obvious. He told them to write, in large letters, the name of the sweetheart on a piece of paper and then never referred to it again. Then it would have been conveyed to him either via an ear-piece or signalling from off stage.
@@allafleche He can tell which hand you hold a coin in, and I think he legitimately worked out the lies, because it's also a binary choice, and maybe easier to stop if you know how.
The name was very easy. He asked them to write down the name of a sweetheart at the beginning and never referred to it again. Then it would have been conveyed to him. I could be wrong, but I doubt I am.
It's always the last person in line who gets the black ball. He knows from the beginning. The rest is showmanship
That's what I'm thinking, why he doesn't hand over the bag to the first person.
That's not exactly what happened. If you watch him closely he has his hand clenched around the top of the bag until he gets to the last two. Then he opens up his hand so that's presumably when he drops the black ball in to the bag. Which means one of the last two people has the black ball but I can't see how he knows which one without the person giving it away. Makes guessing which one has the white balls much easier when you know the first three all have a white ball.
Also the Choose Daily Mail and Page 14 really stood out for me in this clip.
@@nanoflower1 the black ball his heavier and stays at the bottom
How does that prevent someone from picking out the black ball?
@@nanoflower1 because of the Chinese
11:10 RATE DERREN'S FLOW 1-10 🥶💯🔥
Amazing :)
I'm at 2:50. I think one of the first 2 on the left has the ball.
I was right. OK, Derren holds the black ball in his hand while the first 3 choose. Then, he drops the black ball only for the last ones (otherwise the second person would notice that there is only one ball). Finally, he only needs to guess which one of the 2 is lying. Easy for Derren.
You're right. And sometimes he gets that 50-50% shot wrong... which is still fine because he gives an audience member $50 (and that's fun), and then can reveal their crush. Derren is the man.
Hm... that's making me suspicious about everything else. How come is he so great on some sort of things but doesn't score a 100% on telling which of 2 persons is lying?
His just amazing
Tony dont ever do anything to get caught..love your videos always Derren
after watching the whole thing and then watching this back the 'daily mail' and 'page 14' etc is so obvious
i dont get it what was he doing?
@@rosedavies8505 watch his full show that this is in (ruclips.net/video/idtbswz_mXw/видео.html) and you will see... it's really good
No. Pay attention, ie watch it again. Derren asked them to write down their childhood sweetheart really large on a piece of paper. He never referred to it again. That is where he got the names. It is that simple.
I noticed he was NLPing "page 14 of the Daily Mail" into the audience's minds. I want to watch the full show now to see what that was about.
It is really, really quite fun. You will love it. Nice catch, by the way.
What exactly was he saying or meaning when he said " page 14 of the dailey mail?? I thougjt he said page 14 hundred pounds??
The ending of this show is amazing lol
I just found out .. there are ques to meet you!.. I will be going to the park..
Can't wait for his new Netflix show. It's been too long.
I figured it would be her that had the black ball because I think the bag was rigged in such a way that the white balls were easy to remove and the black ball was almost guaranteed to be the last one to come out of the bag.
Not quite, the black ball was in his hand until the 3rd person took their ball.
He dropped it in the bag then.
At 2:17 Charlotte shows him the ball she has.
Poor Dan keeps getting called john
I guess the assistance can sort of seeing the names from above the stage and send the message to Derren at last
All he had to do in order to make sure he knew who had the black ball was this. Put in the black ball so it's kinda lightly stuck to the bottom of the bag, you can use any sort of sticky materials for this and stick the ball to it then drop the white balls in so you have a black ball lightly stuck to the bottom of the bag and all the loose white ones sitting beside it and it could have been down deeper in the bag also. So as he tells the first person to take a ball from the bag they were always going to get one of the white ones because its loose like the remaining white ones, so he knew the first few people would get the loose white balls and this is exactly why after the last white ball was taken from the bag he gave the person the bag to give to the last remaining person so she can hold the bag in her own hands with a good grip giving her more force to pull and dig for the black ball from been lightly stuck to the bottom of the bag. So he always knew she had the black ball and everything after that was just an act. Come on think about it people. He really still is amazing doe. I love him and for as to why she fell asleep when he touched her. Well you hardly think she was going to pretend she was not asleep. It's kinda like he tells you to sleep so you just sleep because its his demand, you think it's part of the act but really your not asleep because how the fuck can someone say the word. SLEEP and all a sudden you just sleep or how stupid can you be. If you think he can say the word SLEEP and you will actually fall asleep then your a fool. Think about it. How would you train for that. Its not possible so clearly the person just goes along with Derrans demand because it would be so embarrassing if you didn't. Think about it people.
Would be a lot easier to just have the black ball curled up in the hand holding the bag and then letting it go before handing it to the guy to then pass it to the final person.
What you're saying is far too risky and convoluted to hope that someone doesn't just grab the black ball. What's way more likely is that the black ball was hanging from the ceiling. This also explains why he said he had OCD and had everyone stand in a certain spot. Then, when a timer was set by him by a future version of himself that had already seen the show, he would have the black ball fall into the bag at just the right moment. It would fall so quickly that no one would have seen it go in. Next he waits 37 years for time travel to be invented and the trick is complete. Think about it.
He's good for sure. But I wonder why they had to write the names of their first crush IN BIG CHARACTERS? Above cameras maybe?
good observation. it is very possible that there was an illusion that they each chose the balls at random. They could have been placed in the bag in a way that made it so that the last ball was the black one so he would know right off the bat who had it. Then by asking them to write the name in big letters "just in case they have to show it to the crowd later" he is able to watch her hand motion and get an idea of the letters she is writing. By saying "I'm not sure but it's something like "Price". may have been because he honestly couldn't make out all of the letters from her hand motion or it could have just been good showmanship.
Good point but I don't think the ball could have been set that way. My guess is that there are cameras hidden above and they got to see the balls too. It's just a matter of passing the information to him somehow. That can be done in many ways... Cheers.
Actually it would be very easy to arrange that just hold the ball in the same hand that is holding the bag, then after the last person grabs a ball he lets go and the last person picks the last ball.
But they didn't have to write the name? Did I miss that part
Look at 3:21 :)
😍✨💞👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼loved it!
I watched him with Rogan and then I watched this one, and still think this is an utterly fascinating thing - hypnosis. I would like to have the act done this way: There would be 5 black balls; they would be hollow and could be twisted open. Inside each would be another, smaller black ball. Four of the inner ones would be black, and one of the inner ones would be red. They would be examined by a third party, and certified to not be marked in any way, and placed into an open box and mixed up. Each potential liar would then take a ball, and no one would know where the red one was.
Prior to the show, 5 people would have to be interviewed and only the best liars would be the final participants. I say this, because some people are just bad at lying; their body language and speaking gives them away immediately. Just like that one lady who Derren told to go back to the audience. So the final 5 would all have to be able to lie as if their lives depended upon it. And everyone involved in the act would have to sign sworn affidavits to eliminate the possibility of it being "fixed" in any way.
After each person selected a ball from the open box, that one would then be taken to another room to untwist the ball to determine who has the red one. They would each have about 5 minutes to do this and regain their composure well enough to return to the stage. Obviously only the person with the red one would know.
The act would then commence and Derren would try to figure out who the liar is! This way I would know without a doubt that there would be no cheating at all. If he could pick out the liar under circumstances, my mind would be completely blown, and I sort of think his would also be.. Under these circumstances I think it would be absolutely spectacular to see the results.
I hope the woman is still alive since the pandemic? I hope Derron Brown survived the pandemic as well.
Daily mail page 14
Why is Derren uploading old videos? Where is his new stuff? Did he retire?
J Lee He's on tour, doing the same stuff. There will be new stuff soon. He uploads lots of great stuff onto Netflix.
Ok, why they turned off the lights only once, when he is asking them for questions? I'm thinking that is the time someone from backstage took the notebook, where they have written the names and somehow tell it to Darren later in the show. Else i don't see the point, why they had written them down.
Simple how he did it. Ball is palmed until the 3rd person takes theres. He drops the black ball before passing the bag to the 4th person.
Charlotte is a stooge, at 2:17 you can see Charlotte show him the ball.
As long as he knows which one Charlotte has, he knows where the ball is.
Interesting that he inserted the words "Daily Mail, Page 14" in to his monologue!
Derren does it better than most "psychics".
Love you.
Classic "If you choose page 14,000 pounds".. note how the "page 14" got slipped in there. 11m00s
What makes it Brilliant and why modern society are so anoying is they have this machine to study in HD and click rewind which leada to humanity believing theyre smarter than they really are.
There's also an "we unconsciously choose daily mail" at 5:40
Deamon magic!!!
4:53 Choose Daily mail
what is the point of that "daily mail"?
I see how he does it and its very subtle, and there are things he didn't tell the audience for obvious reasons.
Please reveal what you think his method was.
I think I know how he did it.
@@ZER0-- i forgotten, need to rewatch the whole thing. Maybe in a years time
@@No_OneV do you know now?
@@aleksabajic2221 I'll rewatch it tomorrow and will let you know
i think all the dislikes are because this is old content. this channel just re uploads old stuff
Okay, I feel like he had the black ball trapped in his hand until the last two people so that he could drop it in when he pretended not to remember John's name and slightly distracted him with that. I did think it was strange that he held the bag for everyone else but gave it to John to pass to Charlotte, so that makes sense and means he already knew to keep those two people back... Feel like that is also why it was her that was first asked to write the name of her first crush, like he needed hers to be the first impression on that pad, or there was a camera and a feed in his ear telling him what she wrote. Not sure, but something like that.
I don't think it's any less impressive, as all 'magic' is showmanship and trickery, as Derren always says, so it's just interesting to try and figure out how it's done.
Helgacabbage you got it
Choose..Daily..Mail 😜
He has the black ball in the hand that is hlding the bag. At 2.07 he drops the black ball in and then deliberately shows his empty hand so you think it was empty all along. He knows that one of the last 2 has it. Notice how he does not let the bag go until he has dropped the black ball into the bag. he is also misdirecting everyone's attention by asking them to repeat their names. He jiggles the bag every time so that when he drops the black ball in it is not obvious that something has dropped. He is very good, isn't he?
he did this ages ago when i saw him live im sure
Yes, this is a clip from his DVD of the show Something Wicked This Way Comes which was recorded in 2006.
Which show was this from?
I wish I could get hypnotized...
all hypnosis is self hypnosis
Stage hypnosis only works because those people have an expectation of what is supposed to happen, so when he does that they do exactly what they think is supposed to happen
you can google self hypnosis vids or hypnosis stuff on pornhub that works just as well if not better too.
Look into my eyes Whale Cat, there is nothing but my voice, you are getting sleepy...
Derren, any advice on ways to remember people's names?
When you meet somebody, say their name aloud at least 3x during the conversation. Don't have to be weird about it, though. Say it right after they mention their name: "Nice to meet you, Joanne." And when you're leaving: "Well, Joanne, great talking with you and enjoy the rest of your evening!"
The second mention can be brought up in creative ways. When asking a question, when you are agreeing with them, etc. Just don't mention their name in every other sentence; people like hearing their own name, but you don't want to sound patronizing.
What I do is associate them with someone with the same name that I know. Met someone called apo the other day, and I remembered it by thinking of Apu from the Simpsons with an O on his forehead.
dsmyify u should watch jim kwik for that.. he teaches how to remember names
@@jacobshirley3457 I said someone's name three times in a row one time, and they turned into a pumpkin.
Derren Brown, PsychoMagician
Regardless of how Derren does it, he always maintains he isn't a psychic and there is no such thing. Most, if not all is subliminal as he demonstrated on one show. I feel sorry for those that get caught by the fakers and lose money to them.
I remember Derren once did this when I saw him live in New York, it just so happened an African-American guy had
the black ball. He seemed very offended that Derren kept talking about his black balls and he pushed Derren off the stage and got arrested.
I’ll take “things that never happened” for 500
daily mail page 14
Hey Derren how did you understand who is lying? Is it by observing pacifying behavior?
how did he do it? when he was giving the balls out way back in the beginning he distracted them by asking their name and with very keen slight of eye he saw the colour of the balls.. he knew by 4th ball all white balls were handed out so the only possibility is the 5th person (charlotte) has the black ball. v smart and very fast:)
I think he made sure the last person grabbed the black ball. Maybe by having the black ball in a sewn in area in the bag that only opens up when another ball is grabbed or something. So now he knows who has the ball. Easy. The paper that she wrote on (remember she was the first to write the name) could easily have left an imprint or some other paper effect. Not that hard I don't think, but I could be wrong.
Whar was the point of writing down names at the start? They were never seen again so what if there was an overhead camera as Derren did say to write large and clear? Now if Derren wears an ear piece.... .
What was the point of turning of lights just one single time? Maybe thats the moment someone from backstage took notebook and look at the names. And then somehow message it to Darren.
he should have remembered their names on second time
Hey Derren, I know you're reading this, I just wanted to show you this, it's a guy by the name of Mike Postle.
He has been rigging our card game here at Stones Casino in California, and He might get off easy due to psychological reasons. I want you to maybe look into this to make a case that he cheated, and from the perspective of the obvious body language. As poker players, we know he is cheating and that he can see everyone's cards, but people that don't play poker sometimes don't know. He might win in court, and it would be a terrible thing for everyone. Can you please help us out?
-The Poker Community
Someone escaped from hogwarts
how did he put her to sleep like that?
She wasn't asleep. That's how.
I wonder if he could make sense of this poem:
Analytical dissonance is too long of a name in sense of syllables yet candidly implies the vocabulary necessary to completely hold the complexity of the aforementioned piece in thought
I spend the majority of my day
Dreaming of super powers
Acting like power cables connected to my imagination
Fueling action on the physical plain
I still want to play but I know too much
Such a terrible waste of time daydreaming when there's work to be done
You must have blisters before you fun
A conversation between my "Wants" and "Needs"
"We only have two knees so I'll take one"
Because I'm humble
Humble enough to know ignorance is not a curse but a constant reminder that I see god's plan in every plant and planet
I just haven't learned the language yet
You can only "consider" yourself above understanding
And that is because there are too many names for the ground
Too many ways to call it mine and refine the glass fence
It's not thick but dense
Hence knowledge knocks just loud enough to annoy me
From my perspective I see cold, hard, flat, fact
But feel no reason to open myself up to your experiences
Because if I welcomed you to my jungle there would no fun or fucking games
I've contradicted myself three times and still can't find the flaw in my logic
So where's the wisdom?
Where's the conviction?
The ability to make a decision becomes lost in thought
Because if you empathize with both sides of the argument in your head you can't remember which side you once fought
And then I'm caught in a web of connotation
Relevance leaves the conversation
Temperatures rise while fingers stay frozen
Pride screaming for one answer
Empathy shakes, trying to give every single option
Anger on rusty chain leash called self control
Pride tells the fears to stay in their room
My thought process feels like domestic abuse
Because for every contradiction there's a memory of love for these relentless question marks
Who've made a game of me
The overly confident King
The inquisitive queen
The black Bishop
The White Knight
The righteous Robin hood rook
And an apathetic army of pawns who can't bring themselves to care because the other side of the board looks so fuckin far away
I am every piece and can't lose one
So I move none and hunt for a better metaphor
Because I don't like this chess one anymore...
There's a memory of love for these relentless question marks on my skin
That remind me my limits are a lie because I felt them and still could not quit
No, I lament that perspective
Analytical dissonance is a great choice considering the phrase didn't exist so the context clues lead the way to interesting new perspective on rationalization and problem solving while also slapping you with an ego boasting an college vocabulary and refusing any polite pandering dictionary
I love the title, but damn if I don't hate those words.
Is it a coincidence that the youngest girl was the one with the black ball? I think the ball is forced.
well she was the last one to draw from the sack
He started talking about "1400 POUNDS a week" which suggested the word 'Price' into Charlotte's mind. He reverse-engineered the whole trick. Just like he did with that one guy and the bicycle.
Did you forget that they all wrote the names down in BIG BLOCK letters on a piece of paper a few minutes earlier? They all had to line up in a particular because of his "OCD" and not because of the cameras that are placed to look over their shoulders have anything to do with it.
Can't believe adult people fall for this
Stop with the balls! This is how it was probably done. Pay attention.
If you watch it a second time, Derren asks them to write down the name of the sweetheart large on a piece of paper, which is never referred to again. That is how he got the names. I mean why would he need them to write the name down? The balls were legit and simple psychology and body language.
Look forward to seeing you again in October. But why did they have to write down the name of their ex? Lol, only need would be to have access to the persons ex. They didn’t use it for anything. But yen big up Darren brown, true legend
When he holds the bag, he may have the black ball in his hand. Inside the bag, but in his hand. And he lets it fall inside the bag before the last two people. He knows the first three people have white balls. He then asks them to write the name loud and clear, big capital letters. So someone from backstage can read the name and then place it somewhere for Derren to see. The only real question is how he knows who exactly has the black ball. Will come back to that later :)
I think you guessed it, good observation. Even if he was unsure who got the black or white ball, by eliminating the other 3 just made it a whole lot easier. Good eye.
Nope Youre all wrong. He stops 2 ladies walking in the building and takes them backstage. Says he wants to warmup before show starts. he hypnotizes them and you know the rest... When they leave , they are told to forget the hypnosis.
Simon Wilson he picked random person btw
Don’t try to be a smart ass
@@sher9134 so how do they all know to memorize their first crush ever? You're just being shown part of what happens and you're not watching it properly either, smart ass.
Its fairly easy for them to recall their first crush considering they wrote it down at the beginning of the act
If i understood what you're trying to say
He probably dropped the black ball into the bag when he got to the last person in line. The rest would be showmanship. I think he's the rats pyjamas, brilliant!
He forces the black ball on her, from there everything is an act
what does daily mail page 14 mean? confused as fuk
8:43 "Love Me"
He said'lovely'
he didnt give her the prize money
Can you teach me this please😂
He has a few books that you can learn from, (and if you are very rich you can hire him.)
oeh nice I will search for those books thnx!
I was there lol
Me neither
I wonder if this guys mind bending effect happens to we viewers to? Out of all the names possible to pick for the four to lie about, I sat here and just randomly thought, I would pick 'Johnson'. And then that one dude said Johnson. I was this can't be. Did he say something to make that guy choose that? For me to choose that? It happened in another video where he did a card trick. I thought the same card as the guy picked. WTF. Coincidence? That is creepy chit right there.
Well I thought of it too but just because it's a very common name
Yeah in card tricks I believe he can do that somehow
Think about it. If 1M people watch this Clip. Im sure 100 will choose the name Johnson and 900 Thousand wont, you just happen to be one who did and thats a. coincidence.
He did say John at one point. The guy's name was John, so apparently you were induced to think John by someone that wasn't part of the trick. Not that the name had anything to do with the trick.
He looks different
its an old video
M L but he used to not have a beard
I thought it was .. a . Ring my bell or message me and I will get back to you in a minute .. thing. By the way I messaged you about a little over 8 years ago .. I think that explains it. You must be busy! Sorry for bothering you .. I didn't know.. you could have just said so.. never mind. I think I understand .. now!