I usually don't take a hit on the first floors, but if I do, I was either distracted or it was because I ran out of stamina. In some rare cases, it was someone else's fault, but really rare
im not gonna lie a lot of my friends yell at me for extracting as a "distracting" toons. i want to extract as those toons because if i get seen, i can escape easier with the speed and stamina. i like distracting, but if im not really in the mood, i'd like to extract. i know my extraction speed is low, but i'll pass it on to a toon with higher extraction speed if needed. this video is just what i needed. great job, and keep it up.
It's not that they aren't real friends... It's just that they may not understand. There's a reason why someone had to make a video stating that Distracting is a community made thing, and not supported completely by the development team. In fact, I'm very certain they retaliated a bit by making tighter rooms to make that harder. What I would suggest is to show them this video, let them know that people have the right to play the way they want to play, even if some people don't agree. try to see if they can be understanding towards you in a casual way, because let's get real here, we play games to have fun, not to set records. Sure there is fun in going far, but for the most part, games nowadays aren't fun because people forgot how to have fun in a casual way, it's mostly competitive fun. If they don't respond well to this however, maybe the guy above me is right, so keep that in mind.
If you want to be speedy while also having good extraction, then play someone like Looey or Tisha. There is quite literally no benefit to the team whatsoever when you play as character don't distract as a character with high movement stats (excluding looey and tisha because they don't fall into the distractor or extractor category). And why would you not want to benefit the team in a team-based game?
@@joeplayzgames2625 Some toons are geared more toward survivialbility as opposed to distraction, and even some slower toons have this type of playstyle (i.e. Scraps). Some people want the extra stamina that couples speed in toons like Flutter, Pebble, Goob, etc. Tisha lacks stamina, and Looey trades hearts for speed. Both can be risky in a survivialist's view, but it is traded for extraction. Distracting is a community-made concept. It was not intentional when the game was developed; Dandy's World isn't always a team game, but it is definitely survival. These toons are clearly built to cater to several playstyles, if you'll spend ten seconds reading their ability. Yes, Pebble's current active ability caters to distracting, but no other does the same. For example, Flutter's ability (and stats) clearly prioritizes speed over survivialbility and "helping the team". Yes, it is a team game, but not everyone has high skill and can play the most meta comps. Sometimes it's nice for a toon to have more survivialbility, even if in base speed, and not be expected to play a difficult gameplay role. Stamina is a lot more useful when you have difficulty running from twisteds and losing them, and Tisha's stamina won't help that, nor Looey's low stealth. Additionally, the regular game does not require distractors, so it is often not a run ender. These people can also do more dangerous machines when there isn't anyone distracting; since they have the speed AND stamina to boost it. So yes, they have a use; just because it is not meta does not mean they are useless.
Another reason I see people use distracting toons (myself included at times) is because they are speedy, so they can get out of danger quickly, lose them, then hop right back onto the machine again. Another point is ichor, tapes, and (as of rn) ornaments. They are gained in multiple ways, and while you get tapes and ornaments for getting spotted, it isn’t NEARLY as much as extracting, so distracting toons may need ornaments or ichor to buy a toon, trinket, or skin they really want. And with Shelly and Vee, while yes they extract quickly, they are slow by either stamina or movement speed & stamina respectively, so some people don’t have the patience to be slow and careful and die quickly too, due to lack of stamina or ways to escape fast twisteds So imo, I think it’s fine especially if it’s a casual run, like you’re not planning to get to a high floor, and if you can’t get past floor 5 without a distractor… you’re either new, got extremely unlucky with twisted combos (Scraps, Goob, Toodles, Gigi Glisten, etc), bad or non-speed trinkets, lag (this one usually), or skill issue. With the trinkets, again don’t judge people for what they like (except Brick and Coal, please, don’t use them unless you really want a challenge). I usually use speed trinkets as Vee or someone slow so I can survive easier anyways, so maybe try that if you’re struggling!
If players struggle with speed but want to extract fast, I recommend using Tisha or Looey. Tisha is basically a hybrid of many roles. She can distract w/ 4⭐ movement speed, extract decently w/ 4⭐ skillcheck, & support toons w/ her ability. Looey can distract w/ 2hp (4.2⭐ walkspeed; 5⭐ runspeed) or 1hp (5.4⭐ walkspeed; 7⭐ runspeed), and extract better w/ 4⭐ skillcheck & 3⭐ extraction speed.
I use distracting toon and trinket cause ı main it. I have 2 toons ı am maining at this point and the better one for survivaling is distractor. Plus ı can outrun twisteds much faster with them.
The dandy’s world community needs to WAKE UP. The movement speed on “distractor” toons were for getting to machines faster, I’m pretty sure qwelver has confirmed this before, besides, Tisha is an ALL-ROUNDER toon, they can extract AND distract if they want, DONT force them, and especially griefing, it’s just SO annoying how ppl force others to distract..
You are correct, but Tisha is also an all rounder (You probably already knew this. BTW im a Tisha main and I always lose a heart when panic mode starts on when im distracting)
same, since i always extract as tisha and i'll probably die to distracting since im really bad at it, i can make her faster at extracting using participation award and magnifying glass since she has 4 stars in skillcheck.
My main point in this debate, is that i always play as an extractor goob because he is my favourite character AND I LOVE HIM SM AAAAH!! I always use extraction trinkets, and i also like that he can pull others from danger. Ive distracted before, but im not very good at it, and its just kinda annoying to do. Just because someone is considered a "distractor" by the community or even creator, doesnt mean they cant extract.
One thing people always forget about is abilities, Like pebble's passive ability is good for finding items, And flutters ability is good for escaping, And yeah you could say that pebble's Active ability is a built-in air horn, BUT DID YOU FORGET THAT KITING EXISTS!? And also goob's ability Is good for getting people in the elevator, Don't think glisten can do that huh?
okay, so heres why i extract as pebble : 1. he has 5 stars in movement speed, so he can get out of danger quickly. 2. if theres vee or bobette on the floor, (the 2 twisteds i don't have full research on) i can make them chase me and most likely not lose a heart, since i have 5 stars in movement speed and okay stamina, if i were to use shelly in this situation, i would most likely lose a heart because i have 3 stars in movement speed and they're faster than me. 3. even if im not distracting, i can still save toons that have below than 3 star stealth using my bark ability if its not on cooldown. 4. you don't need a distractor up until floor 7 unless you're really bad at surviving or you're using a toon that has below than 3 stars in movement speed and there are dangerous twisteds on the floor. (bobette, vee, pebble etc) 5. i barely get any ichor from distracting and im pretty bad at it so why should i? im doing alot for the team but i don't get anything from it, so im not gonna distract since i want to farm ichor.
If you want speedy toons that are great extractors, then use Looey. No offense but: At 2hp, he has 4.2⭐ walkspeed; 5⭐ runspeed (same as pebble) At 1hp, he has 5.4⭐ walkspeed; 7⭐ runspeed (only if you're willing to risk this much) Plus, he extracts better w/ 4⭐ skillcheck & 3⭐ extraction speed. I basically abandoned extractor pebble as soon as looey released
@kjk-s7bdsadaydu as i said, pebble has 5 stars in movement speed, so he can overall outwalk dangerous twisteds, i usually use shelly more than pebble to gain ichor and ornaments but at times i use pebble, he can be more fast at extracting using participation award and magnifying glass and super speedy too, i mean thats why qwel said he's a survivor right?
I don’t really even like calling them distractors. feels more like survivalists imo, and it’s not like it’ll take a pebble 12 decades to finish one machine XD
@@kjk-s7bdsadaydu I meant like you’ll get the machine done eventually, last machine or not. That doesn’t really matter ur still getting the floor done lol
@@Sapphire_WingLolz Imo if your team has characters who are faster at extracting just let them do last machine. But up until then you should do whatever machine you want to do lol. Its really handy if you do the ones that are rlly far away first too so elevator isn’t as far for ppl
Tell them that you can play however you like, and if they continue to threaten or grief you take screenshots (for the threats) and say you’ll report them for harassment and/or grief.
Another thing: before veemotes nerf pebbles as an extractor was the meta for grinding ichor as he had high survivability so it didnt matter about extraction speed and this was back before mains even had an extra star.
Curious how people don't have a problem with extractors distracting (I said I'd distract as joyride in some lobby's and nobody cared, just said k) but distractors extracting is a problem.
FR, they're such hypocrites tbh. And then those same people who complained about "distractors" extracting die before floor 10. They do NOT deserve distractors.
When I was extracting as pebble, People forced me to distract. But when I did, Glisten teleported to me on 1 heart and died. They blamed me for griefing.
I think its because distractors ( excluding tisha ans looey) have low extraction speed which brings down the team + with distractint extractor it all takes skill
@@silver_thursdayIt's not hypocritical, because having a distractor always contributes to the team? Unlike extracting with 1 star extraction speed? When there's other GOOD extractors with "survivability?"😭
This is a nice way to explain an arguement, imo, people shouldn't push the idea of distracting or how to play the game on other people since its not required. Instead of pushing the idea on people, maybe reccomending what to do differently when playing the game.
YES FINALLY THIS!!! I’m a goob main and I extract because I personally dislike distracting because it’s boring and I barely get anything out of it, plus my team takes their sweet time working on machines. And since I always play "distractor" toons but I extract and like to roam around, people can get VERY mad at me for apparently not running in a circle for like 5 minutes while my team does machines! Which can sometimes get me into situations where people keep leading twisteds to me and forcing me to distract, or just trying to grief me. I think people shouldn’t tell others how to play the game, they should just let people play how they wanna play. You wanna distract as Goob? Go ahead! You wanna extract as Pebble? Go ahead! Thanks for making this, I’m tired of hearing people say "Oh but Goob and Pebble are meant to distract" like no?? They’re meant to be survivalist toons.
really valid bcuz after you die, they just scream "NOOOOO" absolutely no thank you after dying for running in a circle for 6 hours straight where your finger would probably die if you were on mobile
@@cortezmiland2317 Survivalist toons are the toons that dosen't have any role, (as it shouldn't be right now) but their main advantage is surviving because of their high speed and stamina, but that dosen't mean that you can't touch a machine if ur a survivalist toon.
Hello, fellow Pebble main with experience in both distractor and extractor roles! While I acknowledge that Tisha or Looey are valid options, I still prefer to use Pebble because I feel more comfortable with him. That’s the only reason I choose him as an extractor. It’s true that using Pebble as an extractor may not seem optimal due to extraction speed, skill checks, or stealth, but these issues can be addressed by utilizing Vee's remote, a magnifying glass, or a participation award for enhancing his extraction speed. His stealth and skill checks are quite decent, so they aren't a significant concern. (Please note that I am only discussing Pebble, not other "distractor" toons.) Additionally, people need to learn how to survive without a "distractor toon." It's so funny to see how heavily some players rely on them. Just because Pebble, as an extractor, doesn't provide distraction doesn’t mean you should criticize those who choose to use him. There is no specific category of "distractor toon." Everyone should be allowed to play their own way without being pressured to conform to a certain style. (What's bro yapping about with that perfect English ahh🥴)
Also using Pebble as an extractor is, in my opinion, a best way for grinding ichor. That's one of the "only" reason. - Before we start arguing, I should have mentioned that I prefer using Tisha or Looey. Please listen first-I'm all about toon that has five movement movement speed and comfort. Regarding Looey, do you think I would be comfortable with him at one heart? Yes, he is faster than Pebble when he is at one heart, but I still prefer Pebble. While Looey has a four-star skill check, I'm fine with three-star or even two-star skill checks. As for extraction speed, I have no issues with a one-star extraction speed. I can improve that using Vee's remote, magnifying glass, or participation award, just as I mentioned before. The same applies to Tisha as well. Yeah, you can throw that "skill issue" argument at me for not being skilled enough at using four movement speed toons. I don't care.
True, but most times people only get angry about it because that means your purposely making things harder, Of course I understand players have free will, but remember, dandy’s world is a TEAMWORK game, that applies especially in public runs.
@Skibidussy_FanumTax "most times people only get angry about it." Ah yes, that’s so typical of them. They get mad or annoyed at "distractor toons" for not providing distractions when all they want to do is extract. At the very least, they shouldn’t force or threaten them! Sure, Dandy's World is a teamwork game, which includes lending a hand. For instance, helping to extract machines. However, when "distractor toons" assist in the extraction, some people get upset because the machines were deemed useless or that it wasn’t their role. What are they thinking? I’m not referring to you, but to those types of people. Do they really believe that "distractor toons" are only good for distracting? Nowadays, it’s rare to find good teamwork. I apologize if I sounded a bit rude.
"most times people only get angry about it." Ah yes, that’s so typical of them. They get mad or annoyed at "distractor toons" for not providing distractions when all they want to do is extract. At the very least, they shouldn’t force or threaten them! Sure, Dandy's World is a teamwork game, which includes lending a hand. For instance, helping to extract machines. However, when "distractor toons" assist in the extraction, some people get upset because the machines were deemed useless or that it wasn’t their role. What are they thinking? I’m not referring to you, but to those types of people. Do they really believe that "distractor toons" are only good for distracting? Nowadays, it’s rare to find good teamwork. I apologize if I sounded a bit rude. I have to use my alt because RUclips keep deleting my replies.
@@PreciousPebbie it’s okay, But it just feels like because of how low his extraction speed is compared to every other toon, yes I do agree, Toons like pebble and Goob definitely don’t HAVE to be distractors, and there’s no harm in extracting as them either, the only real problem is the extraction speed, (which I understand can be solved with trinkets) but not only is it still quite slow, it’s just how stupid just about every team is, So nothing really gets done and you just either get stuck on a floor (because everyone’s either yelling at you or being chased, or worse trying to grief you)
Maturing is realizing distracting is a fanmade term so no character is canonically made to be an distractor, “distracting” is just running around in a circle while npcs chase you so you keep others from getting hit by npcs
You people always use the same "Oh well, distracting is something made by the fanbase" point, and it is so dumb. Qwelver HERSELF has used the term before and has even changed pebble's ability to fit him for distracting (If pebble wasn't a distractor, then why would she have his ability changed to alert twisteds? If pebble was supposed to be a survivalist, then that ability change would be extremely counterintuitive.) While distracting may not have actually been a thing early into the game's release, it most certainly is now.
@@joeplayzgames2625 literally all you say makes no sense? like I could use my bark ability to save someone who is being chased, then outrun the twisteds and continue with my life, I don't keep holding aggro any longer (aka: distracting). Also, no, it's NOT mandatory to follow a distracting gamestyle just because you are using a high movement-speed toon.
I’m a pebble extracter and my side of the argument is, Qwel made dandy’s world without distracters in mind, and a pebble with a magnifying glass and participation reward trinkets extract faster then roder with no trinkets and I use pebble because of his speed and with the right trinkets good extracting speed
Then just use Looey? No offense but he can basically run as fast as pebble at 2hp + looey has better extraction stat-wise (4⭐ skillcheck & 3⭐ extraction speed). I've basically abandoned extractor pebble as soon as looey released
@@cortezmiland2317 and you really think you can do that in public lobbies? be fr, literally no one cares about team-coperation nor strategy in public runs. Everyone is there to do their mastery, flex their expensive toon or just playing for fun.
I agree. I personally use pebble for getting research since he has scout (which means he can see capsules) which is very nice and I also have anxiety so every time I distract I get a lot of anxiety so I stoped doing it for MY well being also here’s a little thing that shows that no matter what you are or who you play as people will criticize you also I just kinda need to vent about this Story! I was playing as pebble with extraction trinkets and I told everyone I wasn’t going to distract. Then we got to floor like 10 or something and everyone died then a sprout went in chat and said “pebble is supposed to be distracting but he is extracting. Guess he is have a good time.” so I said “when did I say I was going to distract?” Then they said “never. But your supposed too” then I said “why would I then?” Then they said “annoying. THAT WHAT YOUR SUPPOS TO DO!” Then they left Another story! I was playing as Goob since those other people made me feel like I shouldn’t be pebble…and there was a med kit and someone said “Goob med kit!” And I said “why me” then they said “bc your distracting” and I said “I already said I’m not distracting” then they said “bruh” like it was my fault for not wanting to distract and haveing anxiety over it!
More pros I want to add. 1. They can reach machines much more quickly. 2. They can do much more risky machines since they have the speed and stamina to get away and come back more faster. 3. They can do last machine and go to elevator more quickly as they are much more faster than the other toons. For example, if a flutter is doing last machine, they can easily use their abiloty to get to the elevator more quickly.
2:18 quick answer to that question, because I want to extract while also having good survability with the high movement speed, that's it. Distraction is just a fan made-up strategy so people can pass through floors confortably, but it's never stated *anywhere* in the game that you should play with that role just because you have a high-movement speed toon. Sincerely, in public servers, where there's no coordination at all and everyone is there to do their own thing, why would you even distract for such unknown people to you? If you want to follow roles, play a hosted run with friends or smth, because in public servers you can do whatever you want. And before any of y'all tell me *"well but now distraction is recognized by the developers because if it wasn't, they wouldn't have changed Pebble's ability, so now it's an official role"* No it's not, like I could just use my bark ability to save someone who's being chased, then outrun the twisteds and continue with my life, I don't have to keep holding aggro any longer.
Its kinda funny that people never get angry at me when im playing as Flutter while doing a machine or tell me to go distract, but often i have to sacrifice myself a lot, just because i led a Twisted to someone on accident while trying to escape it.
Me and my friends have already agreed on this: If you NEED a distractor toon to live up to high floors, then you don't deserve one shoot, they don't even make me (the distractor of the team) distract if I don't feel like it
I agree with a lot of what you have said here. People need to learn that they can’t force people to distract. But I do have some issues with some distractors extracting. Firstly pebble distractors. They are fine for the most part. As long as they are cautious with how they use their ability. I see a lot of them using their ability as soon as the elevator opens. This is obviously to get some extra ichor. But it can be dangerous for more vulnerable toons that have low stealth and speed. I wish more extractor pebbles would use their ability while in the elevator during panic mode as to not put others at risk. There are also some extractor pebbles who purposely grief players using there ability to bring twisteds to a machine so they can take. But I’ve only experienced that once so it seems pretty rare. I have had other annoying experiences with distractors that are extracting. Mainly either goobs pulling me away from a machine I’m about to extract from so they can do it. Or flutters using there ability to rush to machines even though they see I’m about to get on it. Like why are we fighting over machines? But it’s nothing really bad, just more annoying. I will like to add to the whole distractors where meant to be survivalists. Back in the early days of DW when goob and pebble were the only distractors. Mains didn’t have 16 stars they only had 15 like normal toons. So pebble only had two stars in skillcheck and 1 star in Ext Speed. So they literally sucked at extracting. Even worse participation award didn’t exist yet. So the main extraction combo was mag and vee mote. Which made them ok extractors. But at the same time vee mote back then lowered extraction speed by 50% meaning pebbles extraction speed was lowered even more. It’s just something I wanted to add to show how it truly was in the early days of dandy’s world. Since a lot of people use that fact to discredit distracting as a whole a lot. But moving on I was an old extractor main. That never distracted until I got pebble. And once I got him I immediately started looking up videos and learning to distract. And I was bad at first but I’m now a great distractor. So it’s not impossible to be a distractor it just takes time and patience. Personally it’s very fun to distract and you’re honestly not getting the full experience of the game if you don’t. Now on to my final thing against distractors extracting, and that’s why? I’m mean if you’re not trying to get the toons mastery why extract with them. If their extracting stats are so low. I’m guessing the reason is wanting to be fast and be able to easily outrun twisteds. Which is a valid want. But now, Looey and Tisha exist. Both can have high movement speed while still having above average extracting stats thanks to their high skill check. And in Tishas case providing a big help to teammates with her ability. And most likely you won’t get forced to distract or yelled at for not distracting since they are all rounders. I’m not saying you have to play as them, you can still play as goob, pebble, flutter etc. But there are clearly options that could best fit your playstyle. But anyways great video, I like this series a lot. Since some of these arguments have valid points. But the toxicity of the dandy’s world community reshapes into something bad. Edit: Also forgot to mention this but I wish distractors who plan on extracting would tell the people in the run before they actually start. This is so one of them could actually change and become the distractor. Since it’s kinda annoying when the expected distractor says they are extracting after the run has fully started. Like if you told me I could’ve been the one to distract. Like this would be a god send if this was universally known to do. And would save a lot of trouble.
A truth? People that get angry by seeing "distractors"(not even a role in game) doing machines( already helping them by doing macs) are people that MUST have a "distractor" to live atleast floor 1
2:18 im not a extractor pebble/goob but i personally think they just wanted to be fast so they could run away from twisteds, like vee for example her extraction is really high but her speed is pretty low making it difficult to escape from twisteds (yea ik they could use speed trinkets but some dont)
i got yelled at for playing extractor goob and the game just started i picked up a bottle o pop because why not? then they start pointing out im NOT DISTRACTING!! who cares i just picked up a item its floor 2 so, everyone started dying on floor 2, there was also a pebble trying to distract on floor 1 but died????????? floor 1 btw. so nobody bats an eye at the pebble im trying to extract, find machines on floor 2, startime shelly dies infront of me to a twisted shrimpo startime shelly gets mad at me like "why are you running your mouth your not distracting" .i just picked up a bottle o pop and was looking for machines .whats the problem here anyways, the startime shelly gets even more pissed at me etc etc .if i put the amount of stuff they said to me here this comment would be EXTREMELY LONG any toon can do anything imo, because if they cant extract because they are 'an distractor toon', *why is there a skill check and extraction stat if its an 'distractor' toon?* you can play any toon how youd like. just get in the elevator and play the game!!!! extractor goob is really fun i love playing goob and people yell at me alot for extracting .maybe dont rely on distractors? play the game. peopel act like if they dont have a distractor they will die instantly... *this video is really good btw! keep it up*
I dont mind distractors as extractors, but if you enter a run as a distractor toon and don't tell anyone your extracting, people are going to be annoyed when you do machines. Plus, if I see someone is already some distractor toons in a run, I will usually change to an extractor to balance things out.
I feel like the pros you pointed out for the districtors extracting isn’t really that strong(this is just my opinion btw) because all the things you mentioned go better on extracting toons anyway like Shelly.The only pro I would have added that I think would hold stronger would be that everyone could be safe at ele while the distractor extracting,this would only apply for the last machine or two tho, because the distracting toon doesn’t feel pressured from the team otherwise but it’s just my opinion,play the toons how ever you want.
One thing that annoys me is the way people defend this with like “so you expect Goob to never do machines?? You’re forcing him to distract??” Like as if he’s forced to play Goob. YOU CAN CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER MAN 😭 I’ve gotten more chill about extractor distractors but I used to hate them because A) I didn’t know how to see trinkets (it’s a setting) so I would literally switch to an extractor because “oh there’s already so many distractors” only to find out they all have wrench and B) they always take the machines closest to ele and all the safest machines so I’m sitting here as Vee getting harassed by the twisteds in the middle every second while the fast guys are taking ten minutes on a machine and when I ask for some help (you don’t need to full on distract, just move the twisteds away! You literally have a bark ability!) they say “if you need a distractor then you suck at the game 🤓” like brother I’m asking for some teamwork in a team game but OKAY….. tf. If you’re with friends, play whatever tf you want. If you’re in the most random lobby ever where they’re playing the most random garbage imaginable, play whatever you want. Under no circumstances should they harass or grief you, even if it’s a pro run or whatever. But like. Genuinely play a different character some of yall??? Tisha is super cheap and has great movement to help you escape twisteds, she has good skill check so she can do machines, and she’s typically seen as a support rather than a distractor. Or play Looey! You want FIVE STAR movement? Looey can get there! And he’s got great skill check so he can extract good! I understand the urge to play non distracting Goob cuz you want to pull ppl into the elevator but TBH I try it a lot and it just does not work out well because of his low stealth, you’ll end up distracting whether you want to or not LMAO. OH ANOTHER FAST CHARACTER YOU CAN PLAY THAT PEOPLE WONT ALWAYS EXPECT YOU TO DISTRACT WITH: Sprout. 4 speed 5 stamina, you’ll be great! He’s seen more as a healer than a distractor, so you can use extracting trinkets to get tapes from machines and yadda yadda. Tbh it’s crazy how much I try to play distractor Sprout and NOBODY thinks I’m going to distract cuz they just want healer Sprout lol…
There is another or pros and cons being ext-distractors is that Cons: if people find out that ur not distracting they will immediate leave or died early in floor Pros: if someone tries to grief you (also can done mistakenly too) , U can easily avoid/outrun
I play as Extractor Pebble, cause: 1. Stamina 2. His 5 star speed saves me from long attention span Twisteds, like Astro, Pebble, Vee. 3. Cause I rather be able to see items near me in case I get damaged and a band is nearby, than let someone, who is on 3 hearts, take it before I notice. 4. CAUSE LAG IS ANNOYING AND I DONT WANT TO WASTE MY TIME SAVING PEOPLE WHO CAN'T AVOID A SHRIMPO OR FINN-- 5. Cause I love playing as Pebble more. 6. If someone writes about Looey, A NICE REMINDER THAT HIS SPEED DEPENDS ON HEARTS AND I'M NOT RISKING MY HEARTS FOR SPEED. 7. Tisha's big issue is stamina and I wont even listen to people who try to prove she is good. 8. I hate playing as Extractor Toons, except maybe Boxten and Bobette, but their stats sometimes make it hard to survive normally. Especially if Bobette's ability on cooldown and some Twisted Vee or Shelly arrive- 9. If someone tries to convince me to play as other toons than Pebble: don't try I won't even respond to you.
Flutters, Tisha’s, coals, looeys, and goobs have a case. Me personally I say if they have two star extraction speed or higher, I’m fine. One of the main reasons I feel people don’t like extractor pebbles is because they want the floor done as fast as possible so they can get done and farther. And I get it with participation trophy, and magnifying glass. You can have the same amount of extraction speed as a Vee only if you hit all gold skill checks. (Emphasis on IF) And that’s kind of weighing down the team because if you use literally any other toon, (besides of course shrimpo) you’ll have way faster, extraction speed. It only makes sense. Look I’m not gonna grief somebody over this. I will be a bit upset at them, but I’m not gonna go as far as to grief somebody. Tl;DR Two star extraction speed is fine, and extractor pebbles weigh down the team sometimes. Also shockingly my friend has 35 counts of Greifing and still hasnt been banned
i once was deemed “execution” because i didn’t distract as pebs 😭 He existed before distractors were a thing so.. technically im not playing outside of my role as the toon was never assigned to it
Even worse part is in other og games like piggy, people never told to distract, they only started gaining the knowledge about distractors in dandys world And also since distractors were never a real role and they're actually survivalists makes it weirder since the developers made it themselfs
Who would distract piggy if it was a player who will just go for the easiest target? The only way distracting in piggy would work is bot mode, and people almost never choose that.
The dandys world community is basically why i solo most of the time Pro, starter, distractor, extractor, support, all rounder. It all doesnt matter, i still prefer going alone or with a friend most of the time. Noones telling me something is my fault but myself or someone i can trust, not a random tryhard who are too bad at the game to survive themselves properly
the only use i find is for mastery or to prevent myself from going insane from the mere boredom of constantly going in rounds alone. the community isnt _that_ bad, not enough for me to quit public runs entirely. But solos are definitely preferred if im trying to achieve something, so that my mistakes stay my mistakes and im the only one who gets affected from it
there's also the reason of some people liking the appearance/design of a certain toon, but still wanting to extract. some players just like how other toons look more than others and find them more fun to play for that reason.
Real Like i swear people are so mad when u extract as a distractor Something funny that happened to me is, when i first got goob i played as an extractor goob because i didnt know how to distract Turns out i joined a toxic pro run or smth with multiple mains They said things like "why do you have THOSE trinkets" *wrench and i believe fancy purse** etc etc I just stopped playing goob for a while BUT when i was playing an extractor pebble (better distractor then goob), no one even cared, they didnt say i needed to distract or anything. Literally all they said was "k" or didnt say anything Also i got bobette and vintage pebble for being an extractor pebble🎀🎀 Guys dont listen to people who are rude bc ur an extracting distractor or ur a person who takes a med kit with cosmo in the run (going off of p1)
People who insist on playing with distractors like having their hand held, and those same ppl would die floors 1-5 without somebody running the twisteds in a circle for them. And let's be for real, distracting toons aren't a thing. That's a thing the community made up, not Qwelver.
Again, QWEL ADDED DISTRACTORS WITH THE PEBBLE REWORK!!! Saying "uhm qwel didnt add distractors" is like saying "uhm no cereal company is telling me NOT to add ice to my cereal"
@@mirrorrainbow7163also again is that qwel has stated that people can play how they want and we shouldn't bother them for thier play style. So basically a cereal company wouldn't stop you from putting ice in your cereal if you actually liked ice in your cereal.
I can actually think of counter arguments to all of the cons (hope this doesn't come off as trying to offend you, I promise I'm not! Ik other people have made these arguments in the past, after all.) 1. This is probably the best argument, but I would argue that in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter that much. As said in the first pro, floors would be done eventually, and if the extracting-distractor is using extraction trinkets, it actually doesn't take that long (ESPECIALLY participation and magnifying. That combo is broken). 2. Speedy toons are speedy. Someone like Vee is not. Most extractors have 3 or less stars in speed, so if you want to be fast, then 'distractor' toons are usually better picks since they're fast. 3. This applies to everyone. 4. Actually, the only 'low stealth' toons (below the default 3) are Goob, and if you count him, Looey. Out of everyone whos 4 or more stars in speed, a max of 2 are below the default. Every toon with 4 or more stars in extraction has 3 or less stars in stealth, with the exception of Connie. Same goes for skillcheck, 4+ stars = 3 or less stealth (no exception this time). This means the exact same argument can easily fall onto extractor toons. So, uh, debate over, extracting-distractors win? I really like your videos, they're very well-made! If you're open to suggestions, I recommend the topic of lobbies banning "starter toons" and the whole "main runs are bad / harmless" debate.
I have a video idea 1. When someone wakes up twisted rnd or rodger when you were extracting 2. When you were distracting but someone gets in your way and when he/she gets hit he blames it on you for griefing 3. that one griefer who uses a five star Stealth to grief somebody that never played the game 4.that one person who hosted a run but he keeps going in and out the elevator and at the end he leaves 5.kinda the same with number 4 but a little different, when someone host a run and goes to the elevator but when a main decides to leave the elevator everyone else also leave Ok that's all and i hope that i got credits from this XD
They were called survivalists for a reason. Their job was surviving, and obviously, if a machine is in a bad spot on a high floor, it's easier if a high speed Toon does it, because even if they might take longer, their speed makes it much safer, and it's better to be safe than sorry, and have a Vee die because she unsurprisingly couldn't handle a Twisted Vee + Shelly combo or something along those lines.
I once encountered a toxic player who died on floor 5 on a pro run. He blamed it on the fact that we didn’t have a distractor and everyone started to scream at him for relying on a distractor. It really pisses me off when people can’t live without distractors and it’s really so annoying.
Ty for spreading this information, i like playing extractor Pebble and for the last few runs i’ve had people were being extremely toxic for no reason….someone even said “Oh, you can get banned for not distracting” like HUH? People need to stop forcing pebbles and other distractors to extract….just let them play the game how they want
I’m a relatively beginner distractor and even if a pebble says there not going to distract, they should’ve said it in chat during intermission so someone could have taken up the role if possible.
“But Pebble and Goob are made to be distracted, they should be running in a circle for 5 minutes straight!” If Goob and Pebble were not meant to distract they wouldn’t have the ability to, stop whining and learn to survive without a distractor for once. “But Pebble has a built in air horn!” Pebble can lead u away from twisted for a little bit and then go right back to extracting. These people are genuinely entitled and delusional, I got Goob, not necessarily cause I wanted to be a distractor, but because Goob is my favorite character, let people play the toon that they want, and I do not have to distract because you have never played a survival game in your life.
This is why im scared to get Pebble. Bc im most likely gonna use distracting trinkets for survival only bc im not very good at distracting. I feel like the second i tell people im not distracting im gonna get hated on and griefed
just report them if they try to grief you. That can get them banned if you didn't know. Qwel has openly said people can play however they want and supports high movement-speed toons to extract if they want to.
Playing as Pebble with extraction trinkets makes you a really good all rounder: You have extremely high movement speed, and with Participation Award + Magnifying Glass you extract genuinely fast as well with good stamina and good stealth
my go-to extractor distractir trinket set is Blue Bandana (+7.5% extraction speed, - 5% skillcheck chance) Participation Award (+25% skillcheck chance, -10% skillcheck size)
Gosh this video is so real most "distractor toons" that i have been i was doing for mastery and extracted for every single one of them luckily i was only griefed once during this time. It was the first time i had ever been grieved and it was by a sprout. Even though i said that i wasnt gonna distract in this run cause i didn’t want the whole team to not have a distractor by floor 3 (that is honestly the longest i can distract for tops.) By apparently sprout didn’t see that message and grieved me and then continued even after everyone in the lobby said i wasn't gonna distract. Luckily they died since they kept taking twisted, getting hit and i started going into hiding (i used to makn brightney aroind that time so i was good at hiding from twisteds and getting them off me.) Honest at this point i have to have pb and an extracting trinkets not cause i want to be back up but cause if i try to do machines i am gonna need that speed lol Legit yesterday we were doing a greiving team run and a bobbete said they didn’t want pebs cause they were an extractor. :/ i know some ppl will be like why would i pebs have extracting trinkets for a grief run. It's simply because pebs has more than enough speed to get twisteds of other so extracting would be the only issue. So yeah that's my experience with these situations.
I think some people just have skill issues and need a crutch called "extracting distractor" to help them play. But once you understand what LOS is, learn twisted's attention spans and how to optimally run around the islands, then you'll stop relying on a high-speed/stamina toons to extract.
Looey,tisha and coal can extract and distract. 1.Tisha and looey have 4 star skillcheck 2.Looey gets speed boost only once he gets hit so its really risky 3.Coal has high stealth so it will be hard for her to take off twisteds from other toons Fun fact:Did you know sprout can distract too?
Back again. SURVIVAL goob (or someone who doesn’t really like the creation of “distractor “) here, me I will indeed distract if for 1, we have slow toons (under 2 stars ), 2. It’s a pro run. , 3. I want to (I’ll occasionally distract cause I’m bored ), but if someone asks me to distract(after we start the run ofc), I’ll say I’m just a survivor goob , if they say “ well your meant to be a distractor “ , I’ll just say “Well that’s not how I wanna play rn” , if they say “well whos gonna distract then?” , I’ll just say “who said we needed a distractor, if they don’t stop arguing with me , I’ll just ignore at this point, same thing with multiple people btw, NOW IF IM BEING GRIEVED , ILL HAVE THEM TRY TO KILL ME , CAUSE I HAVEN’T DIED TO GRIEVERS ONCE , so in the end, you can’t really make me distractor in anyway if none of my requirements meet. To those who have questions, I’ll try my best to answer them. Anyway, catch you all later, See ya on the flip side🦖
Distractors are a must for any very long run (trying to reach Floor 25+), but if you’re doing a public run you should be able to run any build you want on any character. I even had a brick + blush bat Toodles make it to floor 15 with me and my friend while everybody else who’d joined died within the first 5 floors LOL. Only reason why you have to have at least a distractor is because if you only have extractors floors on average start taking like 15 minutes or more because twisteds are constantly everywhere. Me and a Rodger got to floor 27 and he kept count and it took us an hour to do like 4 floors because of it. ☠️ If your goal isn’t to have a sweaty run though, then you could play any character the way you want honestly. Could be running megaphone on connie or doing mag blue bandanna on Flutter, just have fun and make sure the build has a purpose rlly.
Ngl, I AM a Extractor Pebs, one of my friends supports that whilst one OTHER one hates it, and TRIED to make me distract, they also lead toons and cry when they die btw
please talk about the problem if instantly thinking that starters are going to ruin the run, use this as an example: you are distracting/a healer toon and a starter takes a med thinking they can heal you with it, but now everyone start talking sh!t about them, it happened to my friend i was distracting, someone found a med, and my friend thought she can heal me with it and 2 of the people start blaming her for me dying when i have bad distracting skills and only a toodles was on our side
I dislike it when “distractor” toons extract… They have high stam/movement speed which causes them to have low extraction. So why use the toons with low extraction speed? it annoys me sometimes.
Same here. However I don't like when they get threatened. It may be a tad bit annoying but its not worth getting THAT upset over. Once I saw an extractor Goob being called slurs :sigh:
The only "distractor" toons who can extract decently are Tisha & Looey (and for some reason they would still use Flutter/Goob/Coal/Pebble to extract when those two toons i've mentioned have the same/faster movement speed, better extraction speed, & easier to get!!! no hate tho)
If you're one and/or there's already a main distractor, go ahead and extract, who gives a damn? If ppl are dying cause you're extracting on a distractor with no other distractors and you're not one, GO DISTRACT. IT'S THAT SIMPLE, PPL.
2:40 yeah that is true but its a thing now its like saying oh i dont believe the Vietnam war happened cus it didn't exist in 500 bc, you can try to fight me whatever you want i am still not changing my mind
That’s a good opinion to have! But just make sure you’re not forcing people to change toons in public lobbies (if they don’t want to) because you want a distractor. If someone wants to distract, that’s great! But if no one wants to, and people are using distractor toons, please be respectful. There are many reasons as to why someone would a distractor toon, even if they’re going to extract! Otherwise there’s nothing wrong with simply wanting a distractor in a round :)
It's alright if there is no distracter untill the third and fourth tiwsted come where at that point it's just annoying getting aggroed at 24/7 and if there is no distracter I usually play pebs to distract I don't force people to distract I ask them
i play as looey and use some fast trinkets but i suck at distracting and usually extract. every round us like “looey distract” Like brother i cant and when they die they say “Bro u suck at distracting” I LITERALLY TOLD U THAT??
One time I was being Tisha and I went extracting (I wasn’t distracting in the first place, they asked me if I wanted to and I said no) then an Astro died and told everyone to grief me because “I was not doing my job of distracting” (it was FLOOR 3 LOL 💀)
Tisha has a 4 star skill check she can do both, meanwhile pebble was literally designed to distract and has 1 star speed so idk why people,still extract as him
2:29 Vee also has 2 star stealth, so does glisten.. Pebble has 3 star stealth stats, as do Tisha and Flutter! The difference is that a Goob getting spotted has a higher chance to leave the interaction with a twisted alive as he can easily escape common twisteds! Meanwhile Vee often has trouble shaking twisteds off.. Really, when a 'distractor' toon has the right extracting trinkets on, they can extract about as quickly, if not faster than, four star extraction speed toons! 2:20 I just find Goob fun to play, and running in circles for hours isnt peak Dandy's World gameplay and also leaves you with minimal ichor.. 2:23 can go for any toon, but a floor can still be easily completed even if Shelly is on it.
One of your statement reminds me of an argument i was with someone. Last time, i asked the whole server in a run "Should i be an extractor Pebble next run guys?" just to see what their reaction will be. I was actually expecting the answers to be "NO YOU'RE A DISTRACTOR" or "Go on, it's your choice". However, this Star-time Vee answered unexpectedly "No, because extractor Pebble counts as griefing". Like seriously, isn't griefing when you are trying to purposely kill other players in a run? Why is fast toons extracting considered griefers now? I asked them why and they answered "Pebble was changed to be distractor, so extracting counts as griefing. Qwel said it". This comes the statement where you said Qwel reworked Pebble to me more suitable for distracting, but this Vee must have thought Pebble is locked to be a distractor and must never extract. Still, i don't get why they referred to it as griefing. I did say the community made the distractor role and that Pebble doesn't have to be one and they said "Well, don't cry if you're banned for being an extractor Pebble", i died cringing at their response. 😭😭😭 Well in the end, most of our teammates died but we still survived (i was vint. Shelly) and made it to floor 18 (died because it's a blackout with Scraps and Bobette).
I main distractor bc it is chaos when it comes to distracting and I bearly even extract anymore and some people don’t yell at me when I’m extracting when we get a dangerous twisted (Pebs and glisten) people won’t get pissed off
Listen, I love playing as Shelly/Gigi, but their poor stamina is usually the reason why I die. Looey is a wonderful all-rounder (he’s basically just a main character without an active ability on two hearts)
I’m gonna say, I basically MAIN extractor goob, I like going fast and doing machines fast, I also like treating Dandys world like a stealth game. Also like survivability if everyone else dies and I’m solo.
..literally just use looey? Just lose a heart and run pink bow and speedy shoes or even mag and participation and he'll extract just as fast as base shelly..
I use mag glass and participation award, I don’t use looey because you have to lose hearts to go fast, and I don’t use Tisha because stamina. That’s all.
HERE YOU GO FOR THE OEOPLE WHO DONT REALISE WHATS WRONG WITH EXTRACTOR DISTRACTORS!! „Well, distractors werent supposed to be a thing!!!“- pebbles ability was changed by qwel so that he could distract. „IT DOESNT MATTER THE SPEED!!“ - kinda does. „WHAT IF THEY DONT HAVE THE PROPER TRINKETS?“ - some can distract without trinkets. LET THEM DISTRACT OR EXTRACT *IF.THEY.CAN*
They legit explained the situation here. There's many 'dIsTrAcToRs' (god I hate saying that word ngl) that can extract. If you need a distractor sooooo badly, do it yourself. If you want other people to risk THEIR lives for you because you're too bad at the game to survive, why not distract yourself? I wanna see you try. If you're playing as Goob, Pebble, Tisha, etc. with distracting trinkets, you should distract. (Only acception being if you're backup or if you're too laggy and didn't notice) If you're playing as Goob, Pebble, Tisha, etc with EXTRACTING trinkets, you should distract. It's up to the player. If you seriously think that fast toons WILL distract, you really need to get more educated on the game.
1. Just because Pebbles ability was changed doesn't mean he has to distract or was specifically made for that. If that were the case, what with his x ray? That'd be a survival ability 2. It doesn't any toon can distract other than Pebble and Goob it's not hard Bobette, rnd, and shelly even if more toons can distract other than them 3. You can but if you're gonna be distracted you need trinkets cause there's gonna be fast toons like a flutter, toodles, Bobette VEE even, and Pebble, so you're distracting without trinkets then you're a goner
Video idea: item abilities, basically it talks obviously about toons need certain items for there ability like sprout and teagan even if they need items for abilities, like the cosmo one doesn't mean they need those items badly also for distractiors and air horns since unless someone is getting chase by a twisted you just need to walk close enough to them, and not only that pebbles ability is like a timed air horn.
if you die on an early floor that's YOUR OWN FAULT, not the "distractor" toon's
@@zel-ub8df YES!!
I almost got blacklisted by my brothers friend one time because they died floor 1... they were rodger but you cant just die like that bro
@@zel-ub8df only exception rlly being if the distractor purposely leads the twisteds to u but ur that doesn’t happen rlly
one time vee died floor 2 and argued in chat for the next 3 floors about how we need a distractor to play bcuz i was extractor pebs
I usually don't take a hit on the first floors, but if I do, I was either distracted or it was because I ran out of stamina. In some rare cases, it was someone else's fault, but really rare
im not gonna lie a lot of my friends yell at me for extracting as a "distracting" toons. i want to extract as those toons because if i get seen, i can escape easier with the speed and stamina. i like distracting, but if im not really in the mood, i'd like to extract. i know my extraction speed is low, but i'll pass it on to a toon with higher extraction speed if needed.
this video is just what i needed. great job, and keep it up.
these arent real friends then.
It's not that they aren't real friends... It's just that they may not understand. There's a reason why someone had to make a video stating that Distracting is a community made thing, and not supported completely by the development team. In fact, I'm very certain they retaliated a bit by making tighter rooms to make that harder.
What I would suggest is to show them this video, let them know that people have the right to play the way they want to play, even if some people don't agree. try to see if they can be understanding towards you in a casual way, because let's get real here, we play games to have fun, not to set records. Sure there is fun in going far, but for the most part, games nowadays aren't fun because people forgot how to have fun in a casual way, it's mostly competitive fun.
If they don't respond well to this however, maybe the guy above me is right, so keep that in mind.
@unreel_elite They aren't real friends because they don't like them playing as a character? Really? :/
If you want to be speedy while also having good extraction, then play someone like Looey or Tisha. There is quite literally no benefit to the team whatsoever when you play as character don't distract as a character with high movement stats (excluding looey and tisha because they don't fall into the distractor or extractor category). And why would you not want to benefit the team in a team-based game?
@@joeplayzgames2625 Some toons are geared more toward survivialbility as opposed to distraction, and even some slower toons have this type of playstyle (i.e. Scraps).
Some people want the extra stamina that couples speed in toons like Flutter, Pebble, Goob, etc. Tisha lacks stamina, and Looey trades hearts for speed. Both can be risky in a survivialist's view, but it is traded for extraction.
Distracting is a community-made concept. It was not intentional when the game was developed; Dandy's World isn't always a team game, but it is definitely survival.
These toons are clearly built to cater to several playstyles, if you'll spend ten seconds reading their ability. Yes, Pebble's current active ability caters to distracting, but no other does the same. For example, Flutter's ability (and stats) clearly prioritizes speed over survivialbility and "helping the team".
Yes, it is a team game, but not everyone has high skill and can play the most meta comps. Sometimes it's nice for a toon to have more survivialbility, even if in base speed, and not be expected to play a difficult gameplay role. Stamina is a lot more useful when you have difficulty running from twisteds and losing them, and Tisha's stamina won't help that, nor Looey's low stealth. Additionally, the regular game does not require distractors, so it is often not a run ender.
These people can also do more dangerous machines when there isn't anyone distracting; since they have the speed AND stamina to boost it. So yes, they have a use; just because it is not meta does not mean they are useless.
I play as a distractor Brightney so I can distract and extract fast, it’s a win win
Omg samee
@ another distractor Brightney :D
You’re actually awesome for that 🔥
@charizardgirl me? Or the other guy?
@@Cdgj-vh8yr 🫵 you!
Another reason I see people use distracting toons (myself included at times) is because they are speedy, so they can get out of danger quickly, lose them, then hop right back onto the machine again.
Another point is ichor, tapes, and (as of rn) ornaments. They are gained in multiple ways, and while you get tapes and ornaments for getting spotted, it isn’t NEARLY as much as extracting, so distracting toons may need ornaments or ichor to buy a toon, trinket, or skin they really want. And with Shelly and Vee, while yes they extract quickly, they are slow by either stamina or movement speed & stamina respectively, so some people don’t have the patience to be slow and careful and die quickly too, due to lack of stamina or ways to escape fast twisteds
So imo, I think it’s fine especially if it’s a casual run, like you’re not planning to get to a high floor, and if you can’t get past floor 5 without a distractor… you’re either new, got extremely unlucky with twisted combos (Scraps, Goob, Toodles, Gigi Glisten, etc), bad or non-speed trinkets, lag (this one usually), or skill issue. With the trinkets, again don’t judge people for what they like (except Brick and Coal, please, don’t use them unless you really want a challenge). I usually use speed trinkets as Vee or someone slow so I can survive easier anyways, so maybe try that if you’re struggling!
Couldn't you do that solo ?
I'm also laggy players that is super unlucky but I got pas floor 5 several times in solo
If players struggle with speed but want to extract fast, I recommend using Tisha or Looey.
Tisha is basically a hybrid of many roles. She can distract w/ 4⭐ movement speed, extract decently w/ 4⭐ skillcheck, & support toons w/ her ability.
Looey can distract w/ 2hp (4.2⭐ walkspeed; 5⭐ runspeed) or 1hp (5.4⭐ walkspeed; 7⭐ runspeed), and extract better w/ 4⭐ skillcheck & 3⭐ extraction speed.
I use distracting toon and trinket cause ı main it. I have 2 toons ı am maining at this point and the better one for survivaling is distractor. Plus ı can outrun twisteds much faster with them.
@galaxyshiny5843 who is your main?
Mine is gambling and joyride
One thing people fail to realize is that "distractor" toons were intended to be toons who are capable of surviving longer than extractors.
Then why did they rework pebble for distracting
@@Yaksha-e5g yeah, but you can still extract as pebble
@@chappellchettaboo fair
@@Yaksha-e5gprob bcs a lot of ppl used him to distract and his old abilities were kinda underwhelming
2:28 this is true but, one thing you didn’t list in the pro’s, since distractor toons have high speed and stamina, they are great for survivability
I think they said that already not in the pros section but they did mention survivalists
The dandy’s world community needs to WAKE UP. The movement speed on “distractor” toons were for getting to machines faster, I’m pretty sure qwelver has confirmed this before, besides, Tisha is an ALL-ROUNDER toon, they can extract AND distract if they want, DONT force them, and especially griefing, it’s just SO annoying how ppl force others to distract..
FR. Its the people complaining about "distractors" extracting & then the same people die before floor 10. They do NOT deserve distractors.
Overreacting but i’m an extractor pebble but there’s no way that you don’t know what “wake up” means.
Also before u say “ur just bad u can’t survive to floor 3 without a distractor” my highest floor is 40, Probably higher than yours.
@TheDaveAndBambiCommentarist don't see how your floor matters, or you're using an excuse to brag
I don’t MIND extractor distractors so long as there isn’t like 4 Shelly’s and a Vee, then they are pointless at best 😅
You are correct, but Tisha is also an all rounder (You probably already knew this. BTW im a Tisha main and I always lose a heart when panic mode starts on when im distracting)
looey hybrid
same, since i always extract as tisha and i'll probably die to distracting since im really bad at it, i can make her faster at extracting using participation award and magnifying glass since she has 4 stars in skillcheck.
My main point in this debate, is that i always play as an extractor goob because he is my favourite character AND I LOVE HIM SM AAAAH!! I always use extraction trinkets, and i also like that he can pull others from danger. Ive distracted before, but im not very good at it, and its just kinda annoying to do. Just because someone is considered a "distractor" by the community or even creator, doesnt mean they cant extract.
One thing people always forget about is abilities, Like pebble's passive ability is good for finding items, And flutters ability is good for escaping, And yeah you could say that pebble's Active ability is a built-in air horn, BUT DID YOU FORGET THAT KITING EXISTS!? And also goob's ability Is good for getting people in the elevator, Don't think glisten can do that huh?
okay, so heres why i extract as pebble : 1. he has 5 stars in movement speed, so he can get out of danger quickly. 2. if theres vee or bobette on the floor, (the 2 twisteds i don't have full research on) i can make them chase me and most likely not lose a heart, since i have 5 stars in movement speed and okay stamina, if i were to use shelly in this situation, i would most likely lose a heart because i have 3 stars in movement speed and they're faster than me. 3. even if im not distracting, i can still save toons that have below than 3 star stealth using my bark ability if its not on cooldown. 4. you don't need a distractor up until floor 7 unless you're really bad at surviving or you're using a toon that has below than 3 stars in movement speed and there are dangerous twisteds on the floor. (bobette, vee, pebble etc) 5. i barely get any ichor from distracting and im pretty bad at it so why should i? im doing alot for the team but i don't get anything from it, so im not gonna distract since i want to farm ichor.
then use a diff character??
If you want speedy toons that are great extractors, then use Looey. No offense but:
At 2hp, he has 4.2⭐ walkspeed; 5⭐ runspeed (same as pebble)
At 1hp, he has 5.4⭐ walkspeed; 7⭐ runspeed (only if you're willing to risk this much)
Plus, he extracts better w/ 4⭐ skillcheck & 3⭐ extraction speed.
I basically abandoned extractor pebble as soon as looey released
@kjk-s7bdsadaydu as i said, pebble has 5 stars in movement speed, so he can overall outwalk dangerous twisteds, i usually use shelly more than pebble to gain ichor and ornaments but at times i use pebble, he can be more fast at extracting using participation award and magnifying glass and super speedy too, i mean thats why qwel said he's a survivor right?
Encounter twisted one ichor but u can get 1 ichor in like 2 seconds so like yeah
Why is bro aaying 1 ichor is smth@@bmabibnadudvaeepxungedbnedu
I don’t really even like calling them distractors. feels more like survivalists imo, and it’s not like it’ll take a pebble 12 decades to finish one machine XD
it is actually lol,when i do a machine as pebble on the start of the floor i finish it as the last one
@@kjk-s7bdsadaydu I meant like you’ll get the machine done eventually, last machine or not. That doesn’t really matter ur still getting the floor done lol
@@Sapphire_WingLolzI extracted as peeball with no extractor trinkets and it's not THAT slow like ppl are just overreacting
@@shibainu4547isnt it like 60 seconds? or am i wrong (without any extraction trinkets(
@@Sapphire_WingLolz Imo if your team has characters who are faster at extracting just let them do last machine. But up until then you should do whatever machine you want to do lol. Its really handy if you do the ones that are rlly far away first too so elevator isn’t as far for ppl
When i extract as pebble, ppl keep telling me to distracting and they keep threatening me
Tell them that you can play however you like, and if they continue to threaten or grief you take screenshots (for the threats) and say you’ll report them for harassment and/or grief.
What toons they use
If they use like slow movement speed but good extract its on you
@Darwinthefishguy2 huh?
@Darwinthefishguy2no? Distractor is not a real role anyway, and they should be able to play the toon they want, how they want
Say you aren't gonna distract at the beginning and it helps like 50% of the time
Another thing: before veemotes nerf pebbles as an extractor was the meta for grinding ichor as he had high survivability so it didnt matter about extraction speed and this was back before mains even had an extra star.
Curious how people don't have a problem with extractors distracting (I said I'd distract as joyride in some lobby's and nobody cared, just said k) but distractors extracting is a problem.
FR, they're such hypocrites tbh. And then those same people who complained about "distractors" extracting die before floor 10. They do NOT deserve distractors.
When I was extracting as pebble, People forced me to distract. But when I did, Glisten teleported to me on 1 heart and died. They blamed me for griefing.
Glisten mains try not to get in the way of distractors (impossible challenge) @SioAj
I think its because distractors ( excluding tisha ans looey) have low extraction speed which brings down the team + with distractint extractor it all takes skill
@@silver_thursdayIt's not hypocritical, because having a distractor always contributes to the team? Unlike extracting with 1 star extraction speed? When there's other GOOD extractors with "survivability?"😭
This is a nice way to explain an arguement, imo, people shouldn't push the idea of distracting or how to play the game on other people since its not required. Instead of pushing the idea on people, maybe reccomending what to do differently when playing the game.
I’m a goob main and I extract because I personally dislike distracting because it’s boring and I barely get anything out of it, plus my team takes their sweet time working on machines. And since I always play "distractor" toons but I extract and like to roam around, people can get VERY mad at me for apparently not running in a circle for like 5 minutes while my team does machines! Which can sometimes get me into situations where people keep leading twisteds to me and forcing me to distract, or just trying to grief me. I think people shouldn’t tell others how to play the game, they should just let people play how they wanna play. You wanna distract as Goob? Go ahead! You wanna extract as Pebble? Go ahead! Thanks for making this, I’m tired of hearing people say "Oh but Goob and Pebble are meant to distract" like no?? They’re meant to be survivalist toons.
If their supposed to be a survivalist, doesn't that mean they shouldn't touch the machines at all?
really valid bcuz after you die, they just scream "NOOOOO" absolutely no thank you after dying for running in a circle for 6 hours straight where your finger would probably die if you were on mobile
@@cortezmiland2317 Survivalist toons are the toons that dosen't have any role, (as it shouldn't be right now) but their main advantage is surviving because of their high speed and stamina, but that dosen't mean that you can't touch a machine if ur a survivalist toon.
"Oh But they are distractor they supposedly should run I circles for minutes because I don't want to get hit by a twisted out of no where"
Hello, fellow Pebble main with experience in both distractor and extractor roles!
While I acknowledge that Tisha or Looey are valid options, I still prefer to use Pebble because I feel more comfortable with him. That’s the only reason I choose him as an extractor. It’s true that using Pebble as an extractor may not seem optimal due to extraction speed, skill checks, or stealth, but these issues can be addressed by utilizing Vee's remote, a magnifying glass, or a participation award for enhancing his extraction speed. His stealth and skill checks are quite decent, so they aren't a significant concern.
(Please note that I am only discussing Pebble, not other "distractor" toons.)
Additionally, people need to learn how to survive without a "distractor toon." It's so funny to see how heavily some players rely on them. Just because Pebble, as an extractor, doesn't provide distraction doesn’t mean you should criticize those who choose to use him. There is no specific category of "distractor toon." Everyone should be allowed to play their own way without being pressured to conform to a certain style.
(What's bro yapping about with that perfect English ahh🥴)
Also using Pebble as an extractor is, in my opinion, a best way for grinding ichor. That's one of the "only" reason.
Before we start arguing, I should have mentioned that I prefer using Tisha or Looey. Please listen first-I'm all about toon that has five movement movement speed and comfort.
Regarding Looey, do you think I would be comfortable with him at one heart? Yes, he is faster than Pebble when he is at one heart, but I still prefer Pebble. While Looey has a four-star skill check, I'm fine with three-star or even two-star skill checks. As for extraction speed, I have no issues with a one-star extraction speed. I can improve that using Vee's remote, magnifying glass, or participation award, just as I mentioned before.
The same applies to Tisha as well.
Yeah, you can throw that "skill issue" argument at me for not being skilled enough at using four movement speed toons. I don't care.
True, but most times people only get angry about it because that means your purposely making things harder, Of course I understand players have free will, but remember, dandy’s world is a TEAMWORK game, that applies especially in public runs.
"most times people only get angry about it."
Ah yes, that’s so typical of them. They get mad or annoyed at "distractor toons" for not providing distractions when all they want to do is extract. At the very least, they shouldn’t force or threaten them!
Sure, Dandy's World is a teamwork game, which includes lending a hand. For instance, helping to extract machines. However, when "distractor toons" assist in the extraction, some people get upset because the machines were deemed useless or that it wasn’t their role. What are they thinking? I’m not referring to you, but to those types of people. Do they really believe that "distractor toons" are only good for distracting?
Nowadays, it’s rare to find good teamwork.
I apologize if I sounded a bit rude.
"most times people only get angry about it."
Ah yes, that’s so typical of them. They get mad or annoyed at "distractor toons" for not providing distractions when all they want to do is extract. At the very least, they shouldn’t force or threaten them!
Sure, Dandy's World is a teamwork game, which includes lending a hand. For instance, helping to extract machines. However, when "distractor toons" assist in the extraction, some people get upset because the machines were deemed useless or that it wasn’t their role. What are they thinking? I’m not referring to you, but to those types of people. Do they really believe that "distractor toons" are only good for distracting?
Nowadays, it’s rare to find good teamwork.
I apologize if I sounded a bit rude. I have to use my alt because RUclips keep deleting my replies.
@@PreciousPebbie it’s okay, But it just feels like because of how low his extraction speed is compared to every other toon, yes I do agree, Toons like pebble and Goob definitely don’t HAVE to be distractors, and there’s no harm in extracting as them either, the only real problem is the extraction speed, (which I understand can be solved with trinkets) but not only is it still quite slow, it’s just how stupid just about every team is, So nothing really gets done and you just either get stuck on a floor (because everyone’s either yelling at you or being chased, or worse trying to grief you)
Maturing is realizing distracting is a fanmade term so no character is canonically made to be an distractor, “distracting” is just running around in a circle while npcs chase you so you keep others from getting hit by npcs
Not trying to throw shade to the creator of this vid, I meant this just for people who didn’t know
You people always use the same "Oh well, distracting is something made by the fanbase" point, and it is so dumb. Qwelver HERSELF has used the term before and has even changed pebble's ability to fit him for distracting (If pebble wasn't a distractor, then why would she have his ability changed to alert twisteds? If pebble was supposed to be a survivalist, then that ability change would be extremely counterintuitive.) While distracting may not have actually been a thing early into the game's release, it most certainly is now.
@ maybe to save fellow toons from twisted???
@ and when did she say that I checked the discord for any mentions or pebbles or distractors and I didn’t see it
@@joeplayzgames2625 literally all you say makes no sense? like I could use my bark ability to save someone who is being chased, then outrun the twisteds and continue with my life, I don't keep holding aggro any longer (aka: distracting). Also, no, it's NOT mandatory to follow a distracting gamestyle just because you are using a high movement-speed toon.
2:22 Toons with lower Extraction speed actually get affected by the effect the least.
I’m a pebble extracter and my side of the argument is, Qwel made dandy’s world without distracters in mind, and a pebble with a magnifying glass and participation reward trinkets extract faster then roder with no trinkets and I use pebble because of his speed and with the right trinkets good extracting speed
Then just use Looey? No offense but he can basically run as fast as pebble at 2hp + looey has better extraction stat-wise (4⭐ skillcheck & 3⭐ extraction speed). I've basically abandoned extractor pebble as soon as looey released
@@silver_thursday he still can play whichever toon he wants to tho.
@@quememirasfeo dude we are trying to do a proper run sometimes.
@@cortezmiland2317 and you really think you can do that in public lobbies? be fr, literally no one cares about team-coperation nor strategy in public runs. Everyone is there to do their mastery, flex their expensive toon or just playing for fun.
@@silver_thursdayno offense but I'm not risking my life to get a 5 star speed when pebble exist
I agree. I personally use pebble for getting research since he has scout (which means he can see capsules) which is very nice and I also have anxiety so every time I distract I get a lot of anxiety so I stoped doing it for MY well being also here’s a little thing that shows that no matter what you are or who you play as people will criticize you also I just kinda need to vent about this
I was playing as pebble with extraction trinkets and I told everyone I wasn’t going to distract. Then we got to floor like 10 or something and everyone died then a sprout went in chat and said “pebble is supposed to be distracting but he is extracting. Guess he is have a good time.” so I said “when did I say I was going to distract?” Then they said “never. But your supposed too” then I said “why would I then?”
Then they said “annoying. THAT WHAT YOUR SUPPOS TO DO!”
Then they left
Another story!
I was playing as Goob since those other people made me feel like I shouldn’t be pebble…and there was a med kit and someone said “Goob med kit!” And I said “why me” then they said “bc your distracting” and I said “I already said I’m not distracting” then they said “bruh” like it was my fault for not wanting to distract and haveing anxiety over it!
not sure as I can’t confirm it, but pebble watching being able to extract just seconds behind vee:
More pros I want to add.
1. They can reach machines much more quickly.
2. They can do much more risky machines since they have the speed and stamina to get away and come back more faster.
3. They can do last machine and go to elevator more quickly as they are much more faster than the other toons. For example, if a flutter is doing last machine, they can easily use their abiloty to get to the elevator more quickly.
2:18 quick answer to that question, because I want to extract while also having good survability with the high movement speed, that's it.
Distraction is just a fan made-up strategy so people can pass through floors confortably, but it's never stated *anywhere* in the game that you should play with that role just because you have a high-movement speed toon.
Sincerely, in public servers, where there's no coordination at all and everyone is there to do their own thing, why would you even distract for such unknown people to you? If you want to follow roles, play a hosted run with friends or smth, because in public servers you can do whatever you want.
And before any of y'all tell me *"well but now distraction is recognized by the developers because if it wasn't, they wouldn't have changed Pebble's ability, so now it's an official role"* No it's not, like I could just use my bark ability to save someone who's being chased, then outrun the twisteds and continue with my life, I don't have to keep holding aggro any longer.
i play as extracting 'distractors' because
1. I'm not good at distracting because it always gets me hurt and I find that annoying
2. I want mastery
Its kinda funny that people never get angry at me when im playing as Flutter while doing a machine or tell me to go distract, but often i have to sacrifice myself a lot, just because i led a Twisted to someone on accident while trying to escape it.
Me and my friends have already agreed on this:
If you NEED a distractor toon to live up to high floors, then you don't deserve one
shoot, they don't even make me (the distractor of the team) distract if I don't feel like it
I agree with a lot of what you have said here. People need to learn that they can’t force people to distract. But I do have some issues with some distractors extracting. Firstly pebble distractors. They are fine for the most part. As long as they are cautious with how they use their ability. I see a lot of them using their ability as soon as the elevator opens. This is obviously to get some extra ichor. But it can be dangerous for more vulnerable toons that have low stealth and speed. I wish more extractor pebbles would use their ability while in the elevator during panic mode as to not put others at risk. There are also some extractor pebbles who purposely grief players using there ability to bring twisteds to a machine so they can take. But I’ve only experienced that once so it seems pretty rare. I have had other annoying experiences with distractors that are extracting. Mainly either goobs pulling me away from a machine I’m about to extract from so they can do it. Or flutters using there ability to rush to machines even though they see I’m about to get on it. Like why are we fighting over machines? But it’s nothing really bad, just more annoying.
I will like to add to the whole distractors where meant to be survivalists. Back in the early days of DW when goob and pebble were the only distractors. Mains didn’t have 16 stars they only had 15 like normal toons. So pebble only had two stars in skillcheck and 1 star in Ext Speed. So they literally sucked at extracting. Even worse participation award didn’t exist yet. So the main extraction combo was mag and vee mote. Which made them ok extractors. But at the same time vee mote back then lowered extraction speed by 50% meaning pebbles extraction speed was lowered even more. It’s just something I wanted to add to show how it truly was in the early days of dandy’s world. Since a lot of people use that fact to discredit distracting as a whole a lot.
But moving on I was an old extractor main. That never distracted until I got pebble. And once I got him I immediately started looking up videos and learning to distract. And I was bad at first but I’m now a great distractor. So it’s not impossible to be a distractor it just takes time and patience. Personally it’s very fun to distract and you’re honestly not getting the full experience of the game if you don’t.
Now on to my final thing against distractors extracting, and that’s why? I’m mean if you’re not trying to get the toons mastery why extract with them. If their extracting stats are so low. I’m guessing the reason is wanting to be fast and be able to easily outrun twisteds. Which is a valid want. But now, Looey and Tisha exist. Both can have high movement speed while still having above average extracting stats thanks to their high skill check. And in Tishas case providing a big help to teammates with her ability. And most likely you won’t get forced to distract or yelled at for not distracting since they are all rounders. I’m not saying you have to play as them, you can still play as goob, pebble, flutter etc. But there are clearly options that could best fit your playstyle.
But anyways great video, I like this series a lot. Since some of these arguments have valid points. But the toxicity of the dandy’s world community reshapes into something bad.
Edit: Also forgot to mention this but I wish distractors who plan on extracting would tell the people in the run before they actually start. This is so one of them could actually change and become the distractor. Since it’s kinda annoying when the expected distractor says they are extracting after the run has fully started. Like if you told me I could’ve been the one to distract. Like this would be a god send if this was universally known to do. And would save a lot of trouble.
if you cant live without a distractor running in circles, then you dont deserve a distractor.
Shouldn't it be the opposite.........? Why would people who can survive on their own want a distractor unless they want to reach even higher floor...?
A truth? People that get angry by seeing "distractors"(not even a role in game) doing machines( already helping them by doing macs) are people that MUST have a "distractor" to live atleast floor 1
2:18 im not a extractor pebble/goob but i personally think they just wanted to be fast so they could run away from twisteds, like vee for example her extraction is really high but her speed is pretty low making it difficult to escape from twisteds (yea ik they could use speed trinkets but some dont)
i got yelled at for playing extractor goob and the game just started
i picked up a bottle o pop because why not? then they start pointing out im NOT DISTRACTING!! who cares i just picked up a item its floor 2
so, everyone started dying on floor 2, there was also a pebble trying to distract on floor 1 but died????????? floor 1 btw. so nobody bats an eye at the pebble
im trying to extract, find machines on floor 2, startime shelly dies infront of me to a twisted shrimpo
startime shelly gets mad at me like "why are you running your mouth your not distracting" .i just picked up a bottle o pop and was looking for machines .whats the problem here
anyways, the startime shelly gets even more pissed at me etc etc .if i put the amount of stuff they said to me here this comment would be EXTREMELY LONG
any toon can do anything imo, because if they cant extract because they are 'an distractor toon', *why is there a skill check and extraction stat if its an 'distractor' toon?* you can play any toon how youd like. just get in the elevator and play the game!!!!
extractor goob is really fun i love playing goob and people yell at me alot for extracting .maybe dont rely on distractors? play the game. peopel act like if they dont have a distractor they will die instantly...
*this video is really good btw! keep it up*
Nah I survived until floor 19 without distractors
If the rest of the team dies even before floor 10, they do NOT deserve a distractor.
I dont mind distractors as extractors, but if you enter a run as a distractor toon and don't tell anyone your extracting, people are going to be annoyed when you do machines. Plus, if I see someone is already some distractor toons in a run, I will usually change to an extractor to balance things out.
One time i wanted to be an extractor Goob and everyone is like “go fucking distract Goob”
And then they see toodles extract and just go like "alr"
@ frfr
@@shibainu4547 Because toodles cant distract?? No seriously what are you trying to say
@@mirrorrainbow7163 toodles have 2 star stealth
@@NotPeppaPig No she doesnt she has 4 star stealth
I feel like the pros you pointed out for the districtors extracting isn’t really that strong(this is just my opinion btw) because all the things you mentioned go better on extracting toons anyway like Shelly.The only pro I would have added that I think would hold stronger would be that everyone could be safe at ele while the distractor extracting,this would only apply for the last machine or two tho, because the distracting toon doesn’t feel pressured from the team otherwise but it’s just my opinion,play the toons how ever you want.
One thing that annoys me is the way people defend this with like “so you expect Goob to never do machines?? You’re forcing him to distract??” Like as if he’s forced to play Goob. YOU CAN CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER MAN 😭
I’ve gotten more chill about extractor distractors but I used to hate them because A) I didn’t know how to see trinkets (it’s a setting) so I would literally switch to an extractor because “oh there’s already so many distractors” only to find out they all have wrench and B) they always take the machines closest to ele and all the safest machines so I’m sitting here as Vee getting harassed by the twisteds in the middle every second while the fast guys are taking ten minutes on a machine and when I ask for some help (you don’t need to full on distract, just move the twisteds away! You literally have a bark ability!) they say “if you need a distractor then you suck at the game 🤓” like brother I’m asking for some teamwork in a team game but OKAY….. tf.
If you’re with friends, play whatever tf you want. If you’re in the most random lobby ever where they’re playing the most random garbage imaginable, play whatever you want. Under no circumstances should they harass or grief you, even if it’s a pro run or whatever.
But like. Genuinely play a different character some of yall??? Tisha is super cheap and has great movement to help you escape twisteds, she has good skill check so she can do machines, and she’s typically seen as a support rather than a distractor. Or play Looey! You want FIVE STAR movement? Looey can get there! And he’s got great skill check so he can extract good!
I understand the urge to play non distracting Goob cuz you want to pull ppl into the elevator but TBH I try it a lot and it just does not work out well because of his low stealth, you’ll end up distracting whether you want to or not LMAO.
OH ANOTHER FAST CHARACTER YOU CAN PLAY THAT PEOPLE WONT ALWAYS EXPECT YOU TO DISTRACT WITH: Sprout. 4 speed 5 stamina, you’ll be great! He’s seen more as a healer than a distractor, so you can use extracting trinkets to get tapes from machines and yadda yadda. Tbh it’s crazy how much I try to play distractor Sprout and NOBODY thinks I’m going to distract cuz they just want healer Sprout lol…
One thing you forgot: mastery. To get *ANY* toon’s mastery you need to extract machines.
@@bagelsandgameswastaken not distractors.
There is another or pros and cons being ext-distractors is that
Cons: if people find out that ur not distracting they will immediate leave or died early in floor
Pros: if someone tries to grief you (also can done mistakenly too) , U can easily avoid/outrun
I play as Extractor Pebble, cause:
1. Stamina
2. His 5 star speed saves me from long attention span Twisteds, like Astro, Pebble, Vee.
3. Cause I rather be able to see items near me in case I get damaged and a band is nearby, than let someone, who is on 3 hearts, take it before I notice.
5. Cause I love playing as Pebble more.
7. Tisha's big issue is stamina and I wont even listen to people who try to prove she is good.
8. I hate playing as Extractor Toons, except maybe Boxten and Bobette, but their stats sometimes make it hard to survive normally. Especially if Bobette's ability on cooldown and some Twisted Vee or Shelly arrive-
9. If someone tries to convince me to play as other toons than Pebble: don't try I won't even respond to you.
Yeah, very true. I haven't seen anyone get mad over me being extraction coal when I am one, which is good. And the shell at 2:51 is 🗿🗿
Flutters, Tisha’s, coals, looeys, and goobs have a case. Me personally I say if they have two star extraction speed or higher, I’m fine. One of the main reasons I feel people don’t like extractor pebbles is because they want the floor done as fast as possible so they can get done and farther. And I get it with participation trophy, and magnifying glass. You can have the same amount of extraction speed as a Vee only if you hit all gold skill checks. (Emphasis on IF) And that’s kind of weighing down the team because if you use literally any other toon, (besides of course shrimpo) you’ll have way faster, extraction speed. It only makes sense. Look I’m not gonna grief somebody over this. I will be a bit upset at them, but I’m not gonna go as far as to grief somebody.
Two star extraction speed is fine, and extractor pebbles weigh down the team sometimes.
Also shockingly my friend has 35 counts of Greifing and still hasnt been banned
The other video shown in this one is the first vid i watched from your channel and this is the 2nd New fan i like these vids👍
Oh wait i get why these ur only vids i can’t wait for more vids:o
Extra pro: Distracter toons are less likely to doe because theyll outrun the twisteds anyway if seen.
It’s good for backup distractor to do this unless there’s someone with more extraction speed or veemote near them.
i once was deemed “execution” because i didn’t distract as pebs 😭
He existed before distractors were a thing so.. technically im not playing outside of my role as the toon was never assigned to it
I would like to say that I think you'll be the next popular dandy's world RUclipsr. You are so underrated, keep up the good work!
Even worse part is in other og games like piggy, people never told to distract, they only started gaining the knowledge about distractors in dandys world
And also since distractors were never a real role and they're actually survivalists makes it weirder since the developers made it themselfs
Who would distract piggy if it was a player who will just go for the easiest target? The only way distracting in piggy would work is bot mode, and people almost never choose that.
Oooo, this vid is amazing. I just wanted to say i loved the intro of this vid
2:48 His ability is to save the toons from the twisteds so he can bring them somewhere else and loose their line of sight.
The dandys world community is basically why i solo most of the time
Pro, starter, distractor, extractor, support, all rounder. It all doesnt matter, i still prefer going alone or with a friend most of the time. Noones telling me something is my fault but myself or someone i can trust, not a random tryhard who are too bad at the game to survive themselves properly
the only use i find is for mastery or to prevent myself from going insane from the mere boredom of constantly going in rounds alone. the community isnt _that_ bad, not enough for me to quit public runs entirely. But solos are definitely preferred if im trying to achieve something, so that my mistakes stay my mistakes and im the only one who gets affected from it
If goob, pebble, flutter and etc are distractors why dont they have 0 stars on extraction speed huh?
there's also the reason of some people liking the appearance/design of a certain toon, but still wanting to extract. some players just like how other toons look more than others and find them more fun to play for that reason.
Like i swear people are so mad when u extract as a distractor
Something funny that happened to me is, when i first got goob i played as an extractor goob because i didnt know how to distract
Turns out i joined a toxic pro run or smth with multiple mains
They said things like "why do you have THOSE trinkets" *wrench and i believe fancy purse** etc etc
I just stopped playing goob for a while
BUT when i was playing an extractor pebble (better distractor then goob), no one even cared, they didnt say i needed to distract or anything. Literally all they said was "k" or didnt say anything
Also i got bobette and vintage pebble for being an extractor pebble🎀🎀
Guys dont listen to people who are rude bc ur an extracting distractor or ur a person who takes a med kit with cosmo in the run (going off of p1)
remember what qwel said there was never meant to be distractors everyones just about survival.
They were never meant to exist but now they do cause they changed pebbles ability for it though
i think this channel is underrated for its subs
People who insist on playing with distractors like having their hand held, and those same ppl would die floors 1-5 without somebody running the twisteds in a circle for them.
And let's be for real, distracting toons aren't a thing. That's a thing the community made up, not Qwelver.
Again, QWEL ADDED DISTRACTORS WITH THE PEBBLE REWORK!!! Saying "uhm qwel didnt add distractors" is like saying "uhm no cereal company is telling me NOT to add ice to my cereal"
@@mirrorrainbow7163also again is that qwel has stated that people can play how they want and we shouldn't bother them for thier play style. So basically a cereal company wouldn't stop you from putting ice in your cereal if you actually liked ice in your cereal.
I can actually think of counter arguments to all of the cons (hope this doesn't come off as trying to offend you, I promise I'm not! Ik other people have made these arguments in the past, after all.)
1. This is probably the best argument, but I would argue that in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter that much. As said in the first pro, floors would be done eventually, and if the extracting-distractor is using extraction trinkets, it actually doesn't take that long (ESPECIALLY participation and magnifying. That combo is broken).
2. Speedy toons are speedy. Someone like Vee is not. Most extractors have 3 or less stars in speed, so if you want to be fast, then 'distractor' toons are usually better picks since they're fast.
3. This applies to everyone.
4. Actually, the only 'low stealth' toons (below the default 3) are Goob, and if you count him, Looey. Out of everyone whos 4 or more stars in speed, a max of 2 are below the default. Every toon with 4 or more stars in extraction has 3 or less stars in stealth, with the exception of Connie. Same goes for skillcheck, 4+ stars = 3 or less stealth (no exception this time). This means the exact same argument can easily fall onto extractor toons.
So, uh, debate over, extracting-distractors win?
I really like your videos, they're very well-made! If you're open to suggestions, I recommend the topic of lobbies banning "starter toons" and the whole "main runs are bad / harmless" debate.
I have a video idea
1. When someone wakes up twisted rnd or rodger when you were extracting
2. When you were distracting but someone gets in your way and when he/she gets hit he blames it on you for griefing
3. that one griefer who uses a five star Stealth to grief somebody that never played the game
4.that one person who hosted a run but he keeps going in and out the elevator and at the end he leaves
5.kinda the same with number 4 but a little different, when someone host a run and goes to the elevator but when a main decides to leave the elevator everyone else also leave
Ok that's all and i hope that i got credits from this XD
They were called survivalists for a reason. Their job was surviving, and obviously, if a machine is in a bad spot on a high floor, it's easier if a high speed Toon does it, because even if they might take longer, their speed makes it much safer, and it's better to be safe than sorry, and have a Vee die because she unsurprisingly couldn't handle a Twisted Vee + Shelly combo or something along those lines.
I once encountered a toxic player who died on floor 5 on a pro run. He blamed it on the fact that we didn’t have a distractor and everyone started to scream at him for relying on a distractor. It really pisses me off when people can’t live without distractors and it’s really so annoying.
Ty for spreading this information, i like playing extractor Pebble and for the last few runs i’ve had people were being extremely toxic for no reason….someone even said “Oh, you can get banned for not distracting” like HUH? People need to stop forcing pebbles and other distractors to extract….just let them play the game how they want
I’m a relatively beginner distractor and even if a pebble says there not going to distract, they should’ve said it in chat during intermission so someone could have taken up the role if possible.
(I mostly play as Goob)
“But Pebble and Goob are made to be distracted, they should be running in a circle for 5 minutes straight!” If Goob and Pebble were not meant to distract they wouldn’t have the ability to, stop whining and learn to survive without a distractor for once. “But Pebble has a built in air horn!” Pebble can lead u away from twisted for a little bit and then go right back to extracting. These people are genuinely entitled and delusional, I got Goob, not necessarily cause I wanted to be a distractor, but because Goob is my favorite character, let people play the toon that they want, and I do not have to distract because you have never played a survival game in your life.
This is why im scared to get Pebble. Bc im most likely gonna use distracting trinkets for survival only bc im not very good at distracting. I feel like the second i tell people im not distracting im gonna get hated on and griefed
just report them if they try to grief you. That can get them banned if you didn't know. Qwel has openly said people can play however they want and supports high movement-speed toons to extract if they want to.
aint that deep
Try solo runs and/or record your runs to report any potential griefers
Playing as Pebble with extraction trinkets makes you a really good all rounder:
You have extremely high movement speed, and with Participation Award + Magnifying Glass you extract genuinely fast as well with good stamina and good stealth
Fellow Cheese? YES. And amazing video btw. This is a nice fast and easy way to understand.
the only extracting ‘distractor’ toon i dislike is pebbles, specifically the ones who use their speed to steal and beat other people to machines
Nice video! Can you talk about the "Fancy purse" infection on the public lobby?
I play as extractor with distractor toons(looey, pebble, flutter, goob, coal) and i didn't get yelled for not distracting. It was pure luck
my go-to extractor distractir trinket set is
Blue Bandana (+7.5% extraction speed, - 5% skillcheck chance)
Participation Award (+25% skillcheck chance, -10% skillcheck size)
1:11 but the arguably best distractor in the game has pretty good extraction (looey) because we need even more reasons to say he’s unbeatable
Gosh this video is so real most "distractor toons" that i have been i was doing for mastery and extracted for every single one of them luckily i was only griefed once during this time. It was the first time i had ever been grieved and it was by a sprout. Even though i said that i wasnt gonna distract in this run cause i didn’t want the whole team to not have a distractor by floor 3 (that is honestly the longest i can distract for tops.) By apparently sprout didn’t see that message and grieved me and then continued even after everyone in the lobby said i wasn't gonna distract. Luckily they died since they kept taking twisted, getting hit and i started going into hiding (i used to makn brightney aroind that time so i was good at hiding from twisteds and getting them off me.) Honest at this point i have to have pb and an extracting trinkets not cause i want to be back up but cause if i try to do machines i am gonna need that speed lol Legit yesterday we were doing a greiving team run and a bobbete said they didn’t want pebs cause they were an extractor. :/ i know some ppl will be like why would i pebs have extracting trinkets for a grief run. It's simply because pebs has more than enough speed to get twisteds of other so extracting would be the only issue. So yeah that's my experience with these situations.
I think some people just have skill issues and need a crutch called "extracting distractor" to help them play. But once you understand what LOS is, learn twisted's attention spans and how to optimally run around the islands, then you'll stop relying on a high-speed/stamina toons to extract.
Subbed (i saw ur last video also and now i love your channel)(anyway im sub number 979)
Looey,tisha and coal can extract and distract.
1.Tisha and looey have 4 star skillcheck
2.Looey gets speed boost only once he gets hit so its really risky
3.Coal has high stealth so it will be hard for her to take off twisteds from other toons
Fun fact:Did you know sprout can distract too?
I once got targetted as a goob cuz i was extracting instead of distracting
everyone was leading twisteds towards me and being rude
I use Goob and extract. Why? I like Goob, i suck at distracting. Boom explained.
Back again. SURVIVAL goob (or someone who doesn’t really like the creation of “distractor “) here, me I will indeed distract if for 1, we have slow toons (under 2 stars ), 2. It’s a pro run. , 3. I want to (I’ll occasionally distract cause I’m bored ), but if someone asks me to distract(after we start the run ofc), I’ll say I’m just a survivor goob , if they say “ well your meant to be a distractor “ , I’ll just say “Well that’s not how I wanna play rn” , if they say “well whos gonna distract then?” , I’ll just say “who said we needed a distractor, if they don’t stop arguing with me , I’ll just ignore at this point, same thing with multiple people btw, NOW IF IM BEING GRIEVED , ILL HAVE THEM TRY TO KILL ME , CAUSE I HAVEN’T DIED TO GRIEVERS ONCE , so in the end, you can’t really make me distractor in anyway if none of my requirements meet. To those who have questions, I’ll try my best to answer them. Anyway, catch you all later, See ya on the flip side🦖
Distractors are a must for any very long run (trying to reach Floor 25+), but if you’re doing a public run you should be able to run any build you want on any character. I even had a brick + blush bat Toodles make it to floor 15 with me and my friend while everybody else who’d joined died within the first 5 floors LOL. Only reason why you have to have at least a distractor is because if you only have extractors floors on average start taking like 15 minutes or more because twisteds are constantly everywhere. Me and a Rodger got to floor 27 and he kept count and it took us an hour to do like 4 floors because of it. ☠️
If your goal isn’t to have a sweaty run though, then you could play any character the way you want honestly. Could be running megaphone on connie or doing mag blue bandanna on Flutter, just have fun and make sure the build has a purpose rlly.
Ngl, I AM a Extractor Pebs, one of my friends supports that whilst one OTHER one hates it, and TRIED to make me distract, they also lead toons and cry when they die btw
please talk about the problem if instantly thinking that starters are going to ruin the run, use this as an example: you are distracting/a healer toon and a starter takes a med thinking they can heal you with it, but now everyone start talking sh!t about them, it happened to my friend i was distracting, someone found a med, and my friend thought she can heal me with it and 2 of the people start blaming her for me dying when i have bad distracting skills and only a toodles was on our side
The reason I got Tisha as my second toon was not to distract but just to feel the satisfaction of being faster 😭
I dislike it when “distractor” toons extract…
They have high stam/movement speed which causes them to have low extraction. So why use the toons with low extraction speed? it annoys me sometimes.
Same. Though, i don't mind extractor Tishas, Flutters and Looeys.
Same here. However I don't like when they get threatened. It may be a tad bit annoying but its not worth getting THAT upset over. Once I saw an extractor Goob being called slurs :sigh:
Trinkets exists
The only "distractor" toons who can extract decently are Tisha & Looey
(and for some reason they would still use Flutter/Goob/Coal/Pebble to extract when those two toons i've mentioned have the same/faster movement speed, better extraction speed, & easier to get!!! no hate tho)
If you're one and/or there's already a main distractor, go ahead and extract, who gives a damn? If ppl are dying cause you're extracting on a distractor with no other distractors and you're not one, GO DISTRACT. IT'S THAT SIMPLE, PPL.
2:40 yeah that is true but its a thing now its like saying oh i dont believe the Vietnam war happened cus it didn't exist in 500 bc, you can try to fight me whatever you want i am still not changing my mind
That’s a good opinion to have! But just make sure you’re not forcing people to change toons in public lobbies (if they don’t want to) because you want a distractor. If someone wants to distract, that’s great! But if no one wants to, and people are using distractor toons, please be respectful. There are many reasons as to why someone would a distractor toon, even if they’re going to extract! Otherwise there’s nothing wrong with simply wanting a distractor in a round :)
It's alright if there is no distracter untill the third and fourth tiwsted come where at that point it's just annoying getting aggroed at 24/7 and if there is no distracter I usually play pebs to distract I don't force people to distract I ask them
i play as looey and use some fast trinkets but i suck at distracting and usually extract. every round us like “looey distract” Like brother i cant
and when they die they say “Bro u suck at distracting” I LITERALLY TOLD U THAT??
One time I was being Tisha and I went extracting (I wasn’t distracting in the first place, they asked me if I wanted to and I said no) then an Astro died and told everyone to grief me because “I was not doing my job of distracting” (it was FLOOR 3 LOL 💀)
Tisha has a 4 star skill check she can do both, meanwhile pebble was literally designed to distract and has 1 star speed so idk why people,still extract as him
Vee also has 2 star stealth, so does glisten.. Pebble has 3 star stealth stats, as do Tisha and Flutter! The difference is that a Goob getting spotted has a higher chance to leave the interaction with a twisted alive as he can easily escape common twisteds! Meanwhile Vee often has trouble shaking twisteds off.. Really, when a 'distractor' toon has the right extracting trinkets on, they can extract about as quickly, if not faster than, four star extraction speed toons! 2:20 I just find Goob fun to play, and running in circles for hours isnt peak Dandy's World gameplay and also leaves you with minimal ichor.. 2:23 can go for any toon, but a floor can still be easily completed even if Shelly is on it.
That's why I use shelly whenever there's an extractor who uses distractor toon
One of your statement reminds me of an argument i was with someone. Last time, i asked the whole server in a run "Should i be an extractor Pebble next run guys?" just to see what their reaction will be. I was actually expecting the answers to be "NO YOU'RE A DISTRACTOR" or "Go on, it's your choice". However, this Star-time Vee answered unexpectedly "No, because extractor Pebble counts as griefing". Like seriously, isn't griefing when you are trying to purposely kill other players in a run? Why is fast toons extracting considered griefers now? I asked them why and they answered "Pebble was changed to be distractor, so extracting counts as griefing. Qwel said it". This comes the statement where you said Qwel reworked Pebble to me more suitable for distracting, but this Vee must have thought Pebble is locked to be a distractor and must never extract. Still, i don't get why they referred to it as griefing. I did say the community made the distractor role and that Pebble doesn't have to be one and they said "Well, don't cry if you're banned for being an extractor Pebble", i died cringing at their response. 😭😭😭
Well in the end, most of our teammates died but we still survived (i was vint. Shelly) and made it to floor 18 (died because it's a blackout with Scraps and Bobette).
Im bad at distracting and I have pebble…please don’t get angry at me :(
I main distractor bc it is chaos when it comes to distracting and I bearly even extract anymore and some people don’t yell at me when I’m extracting when we get a dangerous twisted
(Pebs and glisten) people won’t get pissed off
Listen, I love playing as Shelly/Gigi, but their poor stamina is usually the reason why I die. Looey is a wonderful all-rounder (he’s basically just a main character without an active ability on two hearts)
I’m gonna say, I basically MAIN extractor goob, I like going fast and doing machines fast, I also like treating Dandys world like a stealth game. Also like survivability if everyone else dies and I’m solo.
..literally just use looey? Just lose a heart and run pink bow and speedy shoes or even mag and participation and he'll extract just as fast as base shelly..
Use Tisha or Looey bruh they're better at extraction
I use mag glass and participation award, I don’t use looey because you have to lose hearts to go fast, and I don’t use Tisha because stamina. That’s all.
@@eeereno2259goobs hug ability: am I a joke to you?
„Well, distractors werent supposed to be a thing!!!“- pebbles ability was changed by qwel so that he could distract.
„IT DOESNT MATTER THE SPEED!!“ - kinda does.
„WHAT IF THEY DONT HAVE THE PROPER TRINKETS?“ - some can distract without trinkets.
Exactly! They exist now and people act like they still "technically dont" even though pebble is made fundamentally for the distracting role
They legit explained the situation here. There's many 'dIsTrAcToRs' (god I hate saying that word ngl) that can extract. If you need a distractor sooooo badly, do it yourself. If you want other people to risk THEIR lives for you because you're too bad at the game to survive, why not distract yourself? I wanna see you try.
If you're playing as Goob, Pebble, Tisha, etc. with distracting trinkets, you should distract. (Only acception being if you're backup or if you're too laggy and didn't notice) If you're playing as Goob, Pebble, Tisha, etc with EXTRACTING trinkets, you should distract. It's up to the player. If you seriously think that fast toons WILL distract, you really need to get more educated on the game.
@@Izz_zy I never went against that. please read my comment properly.
1. Just because Pebbles ability was changed doesn't mean he has to distract or was specifically made for that. If that were the case, what with his x ray? That'd be a survival ability
2. It doesn't any toon can distract other than Pebble and Goob it's not hard Bobette, rnd, and shelly even if more toons can distract other than them
3. You can but if you're gonna be distracted you need trinkets cause there's gonna be fast toons like a flutter, toodles, Bobette VEE even, and Pebble, so you're distracting without trinkets then you're a goner
Video idea: item abilities, basically it talks obviously about toons need certain items for there ability like sprout and teagan even if they need items for abilities, like the cosmo one doesn't mean they need those items badly also for distractiors and air horns since unless someone is getting chase by a twisted you just need to walk close enough to them, and not only that pebbles ability is like a timed air horn.
honestly i don't even see a problem with it cuz it's like they can do what they want❤️
when the intro played, at the time when it had a twisted vee sound effect i got a notification i got so scared lol
You forgot one more pro of extractor distractor toons, whenever theyre seen they could run away more easily