hahahaha can you imagine...Alex Ich vs Misaya fighting in the middle of the map, then the camera pans to one of the towers destroyed by xPeke and he wins the game.
Actually I think that's the biggest reason why professional players wouldn't choose to use AP Tristana in competitive team play. I've played AP Tristana in ranked games, and her burst damage is incredible and she's also great at finishing up low health opponents because of the rocket jump. But I only had 130 cs in 20min(normally I have at least 170 when going mid). It's really hard to last hit with her, especially under the turret. You should try it for yourself, and maybe you'll understand why.
If you had read my comment rather than just casting a glimpse over it you'd have noticed that I said the following: "I'd understand if he was losing them to his E passive but he just straight up missed a lot :/". Meaning that he missed the last hit with minions being the only competition. Not because of a turret, not because of his E. It's really easy to read youtube comments. You should try it for yourself, and maybe you won't leave pointless comments.
1 vs 1 ranked will destroy LOL i have that feeling because this game is not meant to be 1 vs 1 the funny thing in this game is to combine all peoples abilities, and see what you can do with them. For example in my opinion the funniest thing in laning phase is ganking and not last hitting.
Sadly your opinion doesn't matter since you can't really comprehend how a different environment will effect your play. And even though these 1v1s don't determine anything but bragging rights, there is still a stress level casual players don't experience.
No idea why alex played this pretty badly :/ He missed a lot of minions early on and even missed the siege minion, I'd understand if he was losing them to his E passive but he just straight up missed a lot :/
I don't know Alex but I think he had a wrong pick. ap tristana is not really good in early game and tristana is easier to fail cs. ap tristana is not appropriate in this game mode.
riot said they are planning to release this map be4 season 4 season 4 will sart october i think so u needa wait a lil' bit + im fking boredd of these one laned maps, give us a 4 v 4 map!
Its called the magma chamber, was made for the all star event and will be added to the game in the future.
Map will be released before season 4, it's on the forum!
are we gonna be able to play on this map in the future???
Riot said that they are going to try to release it before season 4
but you can't say it about new tt or dominon right?
so it ll be just 50 % that it will be good mode/map
Yes, it's released in season 4.
hahahaha can you imagine...Alex Ich vs Misaya fighting in the middle of the map, then the camera pans to one of the towers destroyed by xPeke and he wins the game.
RIP Magma Chambers :'( always wanted it to come out.
If it was xPeke vs Misaya, xPeke would backdoor x)
isn't it coming out in season 4 ?
do you know how many threats it will require? i mean, it's too much for a server :/
someone know when this map will be available?
this isnt riot channel so riot wont see so dont wait for map yet
It's going to be availible, soon riot said around season 4
And what about solo q ?
The 3 different ways to win in this mode is:
1) Get first blood
2) Take down the tower
3) Hit 100 CS
Actually I think that's the biggest reason why professional players wouldn't choose to use AP Tristana in competitive team play. I've played AP Tristana in ranked games, and her burst damage is incredible and she's also great at finishing up low health opponents because of the rocket jump. But I only had 130 cs in 20min(normally I have at least 170 when going mid). It's really hard to last hit with her, especially under the turret. You should try it for yourself, and maybe you'll understand why.
porque se ve haci la grieta del imvocador no que era verde
le vino la regla
You can play it at the end of this season ;D
They said it would come out in the end of season 3, which is soon I presume :)
Why is it red?
why alex warded at 8:30?
I saw misaya face so glad after alex lch battle but when he lost to toyz .Misaya face so disappionted
because toyz out-play :v
link pls
its supposed to be available eventually but they just gonna work on the kinks before they do
this map is maybe the new 1vs1 and ARAM map for season 4 with the magma chamber
The moment the crowd laugh at Alex because he's tanking the minions before he loses...
If you had read my comment rather than just casting a glimpse over it you'd have noticed that I said the following: "I'd understand if he was losing them to his E passive but he just straight up missed a lot :/".
Meaning that he missed the last hit with minions being the only competition. Not because of a turret, not because of his E. It's really easy to read youtube comments. You should try it for yourself, and maybe you won't leave pointless comments.
is malzahar banned here?
why is he still playing ap tris, if his shots get countert sooo easy?
from the last couple games i saw na vs eu he showed a better performance in my opinion
1vs1 avalible=More relied on personal skill=less trolls/afk and complains about them
It will come out in S4
WTF is that map ?
why are they can play this map???
its gonna be available before season 4
Misaya is vietnamese??
because 1. i think you can also win by creeps 2. cause you need gold to buy items. more gold=more items=greater advantage.
Two of the best midlaners still
what this map?loooooooooool
They don't see each-other's pick.
ap tristana rly alex?
Where xPeke at? :|
they do,next year at the start of next season
What map is this?
1 vs 1 ranked will destroy LOL i have that feeling because this game is not meant to be 1 vs 1 the funny thing in this game is to combine all peoples abilities, and see what you can do with them. For example in my opinion the funniest thing in laning phase is ganking and not last hitting.
it's coming in season 4.
Sadly your opinion doesn't matter since you can't really comprehend how a different environment will effect your play. And even though these 1v1s don't determine anything but bragging rights, there is still a stress level casual players don't experience.
Ban master yi ?
back then he still run on ap i guess
people who lock first in 1v1 is the real boss .
Alex is pretty damn good... and it was the people who voted :)
No challenger player is as good as Alex or Misaya. Challenger does not mean you are as good as a pro.
Alex was stupid engaging the fight when he knew he couldn't burst Misaya down.
wtf? if u join a team in soloq lol is still a teamgame
3 ways to win: 100 cs, first blood, or first tower.
He beat scarra before this match in a playoff.
i don`t think so, as it would be too easy to elo job
gunna be availble in season 4
0:13 Alex was like: Hey dud how chu doin wanna figt me irl :]
the thing is, its always easier with a counter pick no matter what :/
The absence of xPeke was the only and enough reason for not watching this All-Star bullshit.
i want this map, but ranked mode
His entrance is unxPekted.
it is gonna come
I think Riot Will put this map out not sure. I just hope so, is so awsome.
uhm he got q on ap trist before w and e maxed..... wtf.
its blind pick alex cant see what misaya was picking
theres a costumized skin to get ichigo LOL
No idea why alex played this pretty badly :/ He missed a lot of minions early on and even missed the siege minion, I'd understand if he was losing them to his E passive but he just straight up missed a lot :/
I think these players would beat you with nami and without using any of her abilities.
yes he is
I don't know Alex but I think he had a wrong pick. ap tristana is not really good in early game and tristana is easier to fail cs. ap tristana is not appropriate in this game mode.
Well, you don't know that, maybe he is challenger and almost as good as them
i want this map and ranked one xD
could not have said it better.. you sure made me rofl ...
Where da bombs at? Bombs at...
ps : IF U KNEW HOW NORMAL fucking magma chamber looked like u would be disapointed
alex had no idea what he was doing.. .totally choked...like a scrub
same was with dominion and new tt now no one play it
riot said they are planning to release this map be4 season 4
season 4 will sart october i think so u needa wait a lil' bit
+ im fking boredd of these one laned maps, give us a 4 v 4 map!
clearly you're a bronze....lol... you'll only begin to understand their pressure when you reach plat-diamond..or diamond-challenger
well this match was a total letdown from alex...
xpeke was backdoor misaya home.
What the fuck was ALex Ich thinking?
only one person gets through per area and alex won in europe
Aww men thank you ! *-*
Because , multi counts
gank pls
Button to skip to the match 2:20
how a comment has more likes than the video?
he is not an allstar
One-handed is not really hard, with Razer Naga. :P
But in 1vs1 nobody can flame is team =)
alex is and will be the best mid laner of all times he is the best f... the rest
Being unpopular in the League community. =D
that ad orianna.
not chosen as the eu midlaner. i more like xpeke then alex also but yeahh.:(
i actulally wold like a new map 5v5 not 1vs1 but this is good 2
00:00 Facepalm Alex Ich