I did but some are corner joiners with 3 socket receivers. 2D Loci is nice to guide them in but I would like to really take advantage of "insertion points" to stop a pipe from inserting too far into the joiner. I notice you have 2 insertion points in your video. How did you do that?
how do you create multiple insertion?
Thank you for your comment. I need a bit more information about this, can you explain what you want to do?
I see what you are trying to do. The answer would be to add extra 2D Loci where you want to snap, and make them into Master Snap Points.
I did but some are corner joiners with 3 socket receivers. 2D Loci is nice to guide them in but I would like to really take advantage of "insertion points" to stop a pipe from inserting too far into the joiner. I notice you have 2 insertion points in your video. How did you do that?