hey, it's Meghan. my friend Bryan made his youtube account for the exact same reason xD he could probably help you get some let's plays and walkthroughs up, he's in school to become a computer programmer so he's really good at that kinda stuff. i'll ask him if he will hook you up with some software if you want :p his channel is seealsoidiot. what kind of games were you thinking about doing walkthroughs for?
hey, it's Meghan. my friend Bryan made his youtube account for the exact same reason xD he could probably help you get some let's plays and walkthroughs up, he's in school to become a computer programmer so he's really good at that kinda stuff. i'll ask him if he will hook you up with some software if you want :p his channel is seealsoidiot. what kind of games were you thinking about doing walkthroughs for?