I noticed that turning the minute hand counter clockwise didn't back hack the second hand. Was the power reserve high at the time of the recording? I like the watch and that its a manual wound. I don't mind if it has no hacking, but can it be back hackied like Seiko 7S26 movement?
I'm not a fan of the very plastic looking domed glass, also at this price point I would have expected an automatic movement such as a Miyota or NH35, but it hasn't - nice case though
I noticed that turning the minute hand counter clockwise didn't back hack the second hand. Was the power reserve high at the time of the recording? I like the watch and that its a manual wound. I don't mind if it has no hacking, but can it be back hackied like Seiko 7S26 movement?
they should indeed just use merkur for all of their watches. having different brands for each type of watch is stupid and confusing.
Great review as always. Not sure if the style is for me, but it sure does look well built
Is the movement any good?
That would look good with a nice straight link beads of rice bracelet too.
Like it. A lot.
I like it too! 🙂👍
I'm not a fan of the very plastic looking domed glass, also at this price point I would have expected an automatic movement such as a Miyota or NH35, but it hasn't - nice case though
I'd prefer an acrylic domed crystal to the mineral. I'd polish out the scratches! I prefer the light-play to a mineral.
Why "Seizenn" on the dial? It's a lot like the German "scheissen"... you can Google Translate that one.
This tint of yellow killed the deal for me.