桌子上有10粒牛屎塔,真的很喜欢sandakan的风景和当地的美食,之前都是听人家说Sandakan有多美,有很多的美食,看了musang king channel的Sandakan food experiential,也因为已经两年了没带父母去旅行加放松,希望可以有机会带我父母去享受Sandakan道地的美食和风景,让他们有难忘的回忆和给他们体验sandakan美食难忘的味蕾
I think it was 10 UFO Tarts. I literally spent my childhood here and this is also where I met my husband. Watching this video got me ‘lamenting’ over my last trip whereby my husband clearly did not do a good job as a tour guide despite being a local himself..😅😅..Well, he really got ‘kao kao’ from me. Now that I am pregnant with our first child and I would like to bring my baby back here for a food expedition based on the food that the locals have recommended and of course to reminisce those memories that are still vividly running in my mind. After all, this place serves as a very special place for my husband and I and I would like to make it special place for my baby as well. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon, Musang King team. BTW, ❤️ the videos from your channel!
There were 10 UFO tarts on the table. Being from Malaysia, I've never been to most parts of Malaysia. As a Malaysian, my goal is to show my beloved husband how beautiful Malaysia can be and to show him the beauty of Sandakan. The food and the beauty of Sandakan truly has a rich culture which u can find no where else. Hope to win this so that we can at the same time have an anniversary celebration at Sandakan. Killing 2 birds with one stone. Thank u for the generosity!
10 UFO tarts on the table. I will like to go to Sandakan is because my father is working outstation at there. As he just able to come back to Kota Kinabalu around half year in just 2 or 3 days, we will like have this chance to meet and visit him at Sandakan. We whole family is always missing my dad working alone in Sandakan. It means so much to our family for this wonderful gift. Thank you so much Musang King Channel promote Sabah tourism through this media. Support always to Musang King Channel from Sabahan here always. Welcome back again Land Below The Wind.
10 pieces~ I want to go Sandakan because I love SEAFOOD, especially the prawn.... After watching ya'all ate the dinner.... I'm sooo salivation and hope could go there together with my family!!
10pieces - Sandakan is home, where you can find friendly people, nice food , interesting place to go. You will feel calm and home with people surrounding you especially when you talk in dialet with them. So Sandakan is a place MUST go. ❤️
10 UFO tarts were present on the table. Kindly bear with me as my story is a bit long. Basically, I am indeed blessed to be given a work trip chance to visit Sandakan back in late 2019 (before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the nation). To me, East Malaysia (especially Sandakan) people are extremely friendly (well-shown by the market lady who passed the crew members an extra packet of ?sweet potato balls). The Sandakanians are also truly blessed with rich seafood resources (as displayed by the humongous tiger prawns and acknowledged by Bernard in the seafood restaurant too) or well-preserved cultural values (portrayed by the many old-fashioned but seemingly warm neighbourhood area). Too bad the pandemic's strict SOPs thereafter have disrupted my Cuti-Cuti Malaysia plan to re-visit the second largest city in the Sabah state. So, I hope that I will be granted a golden chance this time to re-visit back the place with the vouchers. I wish that such food paradise can be widely introduced to others as our old impression on Sabah state often revolves around Kota Kinabalu city or Semporna.
Answer: 10 UFO I like the feel of the local, their passions and also the foods especially the gigantic prawn. Make me mouthwatering. Have never been to this place before and would like to pay a visit there.
10 pcs of UFO. The most blessed & joyful moments are enjoying all the yummy seafood, to meet the friendly people of Sandakan & enjoy the beautiful scenery . Life is beautiful if I can win the prize 🎉🎊🍾🌸🌺👏👏
10 pieces (5Sets), Has been long time didnt go back SDK to visit. Hence would be great to get this chance to intro more foods and places to all people how great SDK is and we shall cherish all the natural place that given to us 😍😍😍
Answer : 10粒 (5盒)
身为西马人的我 没有去过东马!!看到你们吃到津津有味 一定是西马吃不到的味道😍 想要和家人一起去试试看 也想带家人去小小的旅行 好久没有去旅行了呜呜
Halo~ Congratulation !!!
恭喜你成功得到价值RM3000的山打根旅游礼券,3天内把你的个人资料填妥,发送到 admin@musangkinggroup.com
Contact No:
10粒 (5盒 x 2粒)
山 林有人猿
打 捞皆海鲜
根 本是天堂
山打根的美食真的太美味了,妈妈是山打根人 想带家人去吃美食 看看外婆 自从covid 我们都很少回去了,想念一家人和姨姨一起团圆吃饭的氛围
答案是10个UFO挞! 山打根人真的太热情了!还有每一种美食都令我们流口水🤤 希望能够带我的父母去尝尝那里的美食及了解更多有关山打根的文化😁 或许仍没能力带他们去真正的香港 我相信小香港也不会令他们失望🤭
@@MusangKingChannel OMGGGGG!!!太感谢MKC😭😭 真的太激动了😭😭😭
30分钟的影片不知不觉就看完了 mkc真的是一个非常用心的频道 真心赞👍继续加油拍更多好看的content给我们👏
一共是10粒UFO😁看了mkc真的好想去sandakan玩哦!蓝蓝的天,白白的云,热情的人,以及好吃的美食对于我们呆在城市里的人来说简直是太奢侈了。一直没机会来东马,有机会我真的好想带上家人👨👩👧👦✈️🧳旅游去。非常感谢mkc经常post很多sabah的content 然我们更了解sabah的生活哦请继续加油!我们会一直follow你们的!
10粒牛屎塔 我从来没跟过家人一起出去游玩过因为家境没那么富裕 所以希望这次MKC能选到我 这样我就有机会跟家人一起创造一个美好又难忘的回忆了 也想体验东马的各种事物 毕竟没去过 尝尝那儿的美食以及体验他们那儿的文化 谢谢MKC❤
10 pieces ~
想去山打根的原因是因为家人。 我爸爸本身是KK人可是在很小的时候我们一家人就移居到了JB生活。爸爸也在新加坡工作 时隔快接近20年了 身在异乡的他其实很想念沙巴 可是却没有理由说服他自己回去。我相信在东马长大的游子都是觉得外面的海鲜是不新鲜不正宗的😂爸爸本身也是鱼贩 所以我们从不在外面吃海鲜哈哈。 看到最后一幕公会那一part,我相信我爸会终于举起他的拇指 第一次称赞外面店的海鲜😝 所以真的希望能够借此机会 让我爸爸去回忆他的家乡味道☺️。 谢谢Musang King 谢谢你们这么努力的在推广我们马来西亚的特色 也想和你们说一声 加油! 💪
总共十粒牛屎塔,感谢 MKC团队的介紹。
真心希望可以得到这个旅游券,可以带我的母亲与家人一起去 疫情期间家里发生了很多不幸的事 我最亲爱的爸爸,姑姑都相继离世 希望这小小的旅行可以让妈妈重展笑容 感恩。🙏
欢迎来到山打根 ❤️ 我的家乡。
海鲜一流 美食一流 吃过的会想念
桌子上有10粒牛屎塔,真的很喜欢sandakan的风景和当地的美食,之前都是听人家说Sandakan有多美,有很多的美食,看了musang king channel的Sandakan food experiential,也因为已经两年了没带父母去旅行加放松,希望可以有机会带我父母去享受Sandakan道地的美食和风景,让他们有难忘的回忆和给他们体验sandakan美食难忘的味蕾
10粒牛屎塔!看了这集真的很想去sandakan把所有美食吃一遍!看着的时候 心里最想带家人一起去吃 因为好久没跟家人一起在外好好地吃不停 走走旅行了 希望有个机会带家人一起去sandakan!一起享受这美好的时光❤️ MKC加油,永远支持你们的粉丝✌🏻
一共有十粒牛屎塔。。。看了MKC的山打根之旅後,立即行動,買了機票去山打根之稱小香港。 山打根不但有美食,而且還可以去西必洛看人猿中心,謝謝MKC RUclips 介紹,👍🏻👍🏻。
谢谢musang king channel 拍山打根的美食,看了都非常惊讶,原来有那样好吃的美食,谢谢让我们打开眼界了~~
10粒!我是吃著午餐(白粥配菜) 看著這影片 我本身不喜歡吃白粥但是家裡長輩習慣 我也是硬吃 但是看了一邊吃白粥一邊看你們吃山打根的影片 我突然覺得我的白粥變得好好吃 山打根的美食太吸引人了🤤希望有這個機會也可以帶我的家人去嚐嚐東馬的美食以及熱情!😍
传说吃过山打根的海鲜之后,你就不会再吃别的地方的海鲜了~ 真的吗?
错了哦,你还没有去过玻璃市的Kuala Perlis海边吃海鲜
3:55那个美眉好像不错哦 有ig吗?哈哈哈
@@hongsengteo7774 simp
10 粒 !!! 我想到那边吃海鲜来验证这个传说 “传说吃过山打根的海鲜之后,你就不会再吃别的地方的海鲜了~ 真的吗?“ 谢谢MusangKingChannel 总会带来优质的content. My best youtuber in Malaysia !
I think it was 10 UFO Tarts.
I literally spent my childhood here and this is also where I met my husband.
Watching this video got me ‘lamenting’ over my last trip whereby my husband clearly did not do a good job as a tour guide despite being a local himself..😅😅..Well, he really got ‘kao kao’ from me.
Now that I am pregnant with our first child and I would like to bring my baby back here for a food expedition based on the food that the locals have recommended and of course to reminisce those memories that are still vividly running in my mind. After all, this place serves as a very special place for my husband and I and I would like to make it special place for my baby as well. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon, Musang King team. BTW, ❤️ the videos from your channel!
There were 10 UFO tarts on the table.
Being from Malaysia, I've never been to most parts of Malaysia. As a Malaysian, my goal is to show my beloved husband how beautiful Malaysia can be and to show him the beauty of Sandakan. The food and the beauty of Sandakan truly has a rich culture which u can find no where else. Hope to win this so that we can at the same time have an anniversary celebration at Sandakan. Killing 2 birds with one stone. Thank u for the generosity!
10粒 sandakan是一直以來都plan很久的行程經過這次MKC的影片讓我更想能快點過去體驗那裡的生活
10粒!小时候公公婆婆常年都住在山打根,一年才回KL几次。还记得每次他们都会带很多的鱼和海鲜回来给我们。他们也离开快十年了,而我也重来没去过,很想带家人体验他们在那里的生活 ❤️
10粒ufo, 看到musang king的真诚介绍,非常非常有心,还有看到这些美食。真的好想要尝一尝! 尤其是海鲜~ 希望有机会赢取!然后到山打根musang king介绍过的地方吃吃看!
10粒牛屎塔,山打根是个小香港,山打根好山好水美食多,想去那里很久了,看了musang King 介绍之后更想去了,希望能带一家大小跟着你们的介绍,吃遍山打根,走遍山打根😍❤️🎉
我从前年开始做food content,从55kg变65kg后,我还是想继续探索全马各地美食。我相信我国Malaysia每一处都各有特色。今年人生第一次去KK后瞬间爱上了沙巴,有点想在那里退休的冲动!好想再体验沙巴不同的part,体验不一样的沙巴文化!也祝福MSK团队越做越好。去各州推广不一样的Malaysia
山打根渔业公会 有地址吗?感觉不错 好像很好吃
10 piece of UFO tarts. 希望可以带家人朋友去到山打根旅游。 去享受那边的风景和社会的热情。
不看MKC的影片都不懂沙巴有那么多好吃的东西 😋 从几年前就讲要带家人去Sabah Sarawak玩 结果MCO 到现在终于可以去玩了 希望可以安排到时间带他们去4天3夜 🤗
10粒牛屎塔!🤤 没去过山打根,看了mkc介绍的美食看了我都想去带家人尝尝! 谢谢mkc介绍山打根美食 🤗
10 UFO tarts on the table.
I will like to go to Sandakan is because my father is working outstation at there. As he just able to come back to Kota Kinabalu around half year in just 2 or 3 days, we will like have this chance to meet and visit him at Sandakan. We whole family is always missing my dad working alone in Sandakan.
It means so much to our family for this wonderful gift.
Thank you so much Musang King Channel promote Sabah tourism through this media. Support always to Musang King Channel from Sabahan here always.
Welcome back again Land Below The Wind.
10 pieces~
I want to go Sandakan because I love SEAFOOD, especially the prawn.... After watching ya'all ate the dinner.... I'm sooo salivation and hope could go there together with my family!!
10pcs of UFO tarts.. woi.. this episode made me salivating le .. hope can go and try the big big prawn..
10个UFO tart
很想和Musang King Channel一样有机会去山打根感受当地的热情还有品尝美食。至今还没去过沙巴,但是看到Bernard每次介绍沙巴,很想去感受。疫情3年都没有去过旅游,希望可以带上家人一起去玩转山打根
喜欢观看Musang King Channel的影片,通过你们的影片学习到各种知识✨希望有一天也可以有这荣幸与Bernard & Jym巧遇😝
10粒 for real 從小沒有坐過船或者飛機去 更不用说去外国 ,真的看了你们影片,我觉得那边的环境真的很适合带家人去,与世隔绝的感觉 大自然的感觉,父母在kl工作多多少少都有些些压力 想借此刻机会去做爱的举动在他们身上,那当然看了你们影片真的觉得山打根 真的觉得环境并不那麼装潢 反而美食片满全地 真的是内在美 真的想吃牛屎塔,龙虎斑,老虎虾 最后最后盼望看见mkc channel 在接下来的日子能够给到年幼,年轻,年长和年老都可以回忆共同的共鸣 继续影响跟散播更多正能量,体验,生活的真蹄给到大家,会一直支持下去跟订阅下去 bernard, jym 还你们团队们 继续加油🤙💪
有10粒 😼
完全不知道山打根这个地方,看你们介绍了它的美食,就让人很想去旅游! ! !
看了很想去Sandakan吃吃喝喝 走走看看!
- Sandakan is home, where you can find friendly people, nice food , interesting place to go. You will feel calm and home with people surrounding you especially when you talk in dialet with them. So Sandakan is a place MUST go. ❤️
看到你们吃,口水都流出来了🤤忍着很多天不看这个影片 因为怕看你们吃会饿(最近在减肥)希望有机会去sandakan吃那边的美食尤其是大大只的虾还有看似很特别的牛屎塔!谢谢MKC的介绍,让没去过东马的我都想去那边走走吃吃了!
想吃沙巴的鱼,西马也能吃Eva’s Kitchen Mahkota cheras 石班鱼片米粉好吃。 鱼是sandakan空运过来的。可以去试试看,虾也很大只
原来山打根有将多海鲜美食😱😱😱,味道/煮法跟kl 的不一样,不是因为要工作的话也想马上收拾行李🧳出发,看到一直流口水
UFO 一共是5盒10粒
10 UFO tarts were present on the table.
Kindly bear with me as my story is a bit long. Basically, I am indeed blessed to be given a work trip chance to visit Sandakan back in late 2019 (before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the nation).
To me, East Malaysia (especially Sandakan) people are extremely friendly (well-shown by the market lady who passed the crew members an extra packet of ?sweet potato balls). The Sandakanians are also truly blessed with rich seafood resources (as displayed by the humongous tiger prawns and acknowledged by Bernard in the seafood restaurant too) or well-preserved cultural values (portrayed by the many old-fashioned but seemingly warm neighbourhood area). Too bad the pandemic's strict SOPs thereafter have disrupted my Cuti-Cuti Malaysia plan to re-visit the second largest city in the Sabah state.
So, I hope that I will be granted a golden chance this time to re-visit back the place with the vouchers. I wish that such food paradise can be widely introduced to others as our old impression on Sabah state often revolves around Kota Kinabalu city or Semporna.
是10粒UFO 牛屎挞。
山打根这地方都是读地理课时候听的名字,也从来没去过。 谢谢MSK 的介绍 让我们知道当地的美食。 希望有机会能带上家人一起去走走吃吃😊
10!! Because I want to visit east Malaysia. 🥰
10粒 10粒 10粒!
Answer: 10 UFO
I like the feel of the local, their passions and also the foods especially the gigantic prawn. Make me mouthwatering. Have never been to this place before and would like to pay a visit there.
总共有十粒牛屎塔, 经过这一集了解到山打根许多的美食, 也感谢MKC Jym & Bernard 还有整个团队的介紹.
真的很希望可以得到这个旅游券, 可以带我的家人一起去山打根吃吃美食和了解当地的特色.
想体验山打根的人情热情味 想吃比我手掌还大只的老虎虾还想吃的"妹妹"😆 QQ的弹弓面
总共是10粒牛屎塔 看到你们吃我都跟着流口水了🤤 想体验山打根人民的热情❤️🔥
第一次觉得我是山打根人 我好骄傲
10个牛屎塔 想去sandakan因为身为一个sabah kk人没有去过sandakan🥹看了你们的影片发现好多美食 好想去try!顺便可以和family一起去那里享受family time🥰
10pieces of UFO tarts. Sandakan little Hong Kong. Food the reason!! Especially the secret menu in the association.
10 粒。。。
10 pcs of UFO. The most blessed & joyful moments are enjoying all the yummy seafood, to meet the friendly people of Sandakan & enjoy the beautiful scenery . Life is beautiful if I can win the prize 🎉🎊🍾🌸🌺👏👏
看了MKC 好想去,没有去过三打根,好想赢取带家人一起去…❤
桌上有十粒 牛屎塔…… 我已经N 年没有去过山打根了😭😭😭 最后一次应该是1986年模糊的童年… 怀念以前舅公时常打包的牛屎塔(经典的是用香烟盒子装着😅)all the way 开车从山打根到亚庇
10粒ufo 牛屎塔
原本一提到沙巴只會聯想到kk 但是你們真的又讓我認識了一個新城市 沒想到山打根也那麼多東西玩! 而且最想去參觀人猿保護區 很感動有一批人在後面默默保護著我們瀕臨絕種的動物
There are 10 Cow Shit Tart on the table.
I never been Sabah before and I would like to explore the delicious Food in Sandakan.
答案是10粒牛屎塔! 因为本身一直都很想去山打根吃当地的美食,尤其是海鲜 😍
看了MKC的影片过后,当下真的无法忍住美食的诱惑 😂 希望也可以带家人一起过去吃吃当地道地美食,吃的是福❤
10粒 牛屎塔哦!!! 上次去过觉得很灾难而且是假期很多档口没有开~还想再去多一次吃小吃。
10粒!我想去Sandakan 有很多美食😍尤其是海鲜😍😍😍😍 也感谢你们的视频 了解sandakan更多🥹
5盒10粒💜 想去sandakan 因为没去过,趁还年轻就想去走走💜💜 所谓人生有多少个十年?把生活过精彩才是最 棒的💜 而且看到你们吃的老虎虾就想吃❤️😍流口水了
Sabah People very nice and friendly I went there before i not familiar road I ask how to go they guide me so friendly and nice
10 粒牛屎塔
我作为一个西马人, 其实对于东马这个地方的了解是少之又少。以前想到计划旅游,往往都以国外作为自己的标准。透过这次MKC 的一系列东马沙巴的影片 我第一次了解到了山打根这个地方 以前除了神山以外 很少有机会去了解到沙巴其他地区的特色。这个影片给我最大的感触是 马来西亚其实也有很多好玩好吃的地方。说到海鲜可能我会想到langkawi。现在我想到的是山打根,说到人情味我以前可能想到penang,现在我想到的是山打根。 感谢MKC 这次的企划让我身为一个马来西亚人感到自豪
身为西马人 真的很想去explore 东马!!读万卷书 不如行万里路 刚好现在是sem break 想去旅游开拓视野 最好的选择肯定是国内旅游呀 语言通的同时 又能促进国家经济发展 so why not ?
最想吃的就是在那公会ms ching带你们去吃的煮什么吃什么餐,太美味了。看到你们吃到津津有味 赞不觉口😊😍😍
10 pieces. I wanna to try the sandakan foods especially the giant tiger prawns 😍🤩😍
一共有10粒哦!才知道原来山打根有那么多美食 😍😍好想去看看!
10 pieces (5Sets), Has been long time didnt go back SDK to visit. Hence would be great to get this chance to intro more foods and places to all people how great SDK is and we shall cherish all the natural place that given to us 😍😍😍
10pcs UFO tarts, boss. your channel is good to watch and interesting.
我一直想到sabah sarawak那边旅行 但经济有限 所以只能想不能做 我希望可以体会到sabah人的文化和美食 谢谢musang king用镜头记录下来那些我们看不到也体会不到的sabah 人事物😍💕
我想去sandakan是因为那边很多海鲜很多美食。。像我砂拉越这里一样很有village culture感受。。很清静。。pkp之前买过机票可是因pkp被取消了。。