I'm a Cohen descendant of Portuguese Jews of the small southern seaport town of Georgetown, South Carolina. I was raised a (Secret) Jew in East Harlem, New York along with my six brothers and sisters in the 1950's. I have documented my mother's story and her Cohen ancestry in "Cohen of Georgetown County, SC 1760-1960: A Family History of Low Country Secret Jews and descendants in America (S. Pasha 2010) and have spoken at several Libraries and Jewish Historical Societies in the South.
Interesting. My grandmother Lilli Gurevich lived her last years (60s to 80s?) in a project in Southeast Harlem, next to the firestation. Can't remember the cross-streets, but.... She was from a town in Belarus called Nyesviz (Niasvizh). Gurevich means descended from the rebbe and is actually Sephardic according to the list below. She does look Sephardic in her younger photos. Of course East Harlem is Puerto Rican or was and probably most Latin Americans have Marrano ancestry. My mother's side is also apparently Marrano but went through Britain, Ireland and France then to North America.
Wow that's amazing! I'm not a Cohen but I also have an unusual family history. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. My family is from the mountains. I had a regular Catholic upbringing. We ate pig. We practiced baptism and married in Church. Then when I became 13 years old my grandparents told me that we're Jews and that we come from Jerusalem and that if I forget Jerusalem my tongue will stick to the roof of my mouth. Then we went on with life as usual but with the knowlege that I must tell my children the same but only at age 13. Never ever before 13 or I would be calling the angel of death on us. I was VERY surprised when I moved to Massachussets years later how openly Jews celebrate bar mitzvahs.
@@cielarko6210That's interesting. I read somewhere that due to further persecution some people though they migrated to the Americas chose who among the descendants would become Jewish. Typically it was passed from grandfather to grandson but there would always be a Jew in the family. It was not just a proclamation of Jewishness though, traditions and teachings were also passed.
As a Portuguese- American it breaks my heart to see how humanity has divided and tortured itself throughout history. Even sadder to say is that it continues to this day. When will we learn that we were created as one. To love, appreciate and respect our differences for these are the threads that unite us in a rich and beautiful tapestry called humanity. Created and united by love, experiencing a common journey called life.
Com orgulho e honra Eu sou Judia Marrana Sefaradi Raiz no estado de São Paulo Terra do Marranismo Judaico Brasil. Falamos: Ladino, Galego português ou DjudeoEspanyol. O Marranismo Judaico Vive !!
I consider the fact that the Jewish people has kept its identity through the centuries is a miracle. Eu considero o fato de que o povo judaico tenha preservado a sua identidade através dos séculos é um milagre.
Shalom! ✡️🇪🇸Sim, Judeus Marranos !! Somos com orgulho e honra Judeus Marranos Espanhóis , em Jerusalém. Falamos idioma Ladino e Galego Português, nunca deixamos o Marranismo Judaico Sefaradi. Com orgulho e honra Sou Judia Marrana Raiz até a morte!! Marranismo Judaico Sefaradi em Jerusalém!! Jamais esqueceremos a anti semita, cruel e infame inquisição católica romana na Sefarad Espanha, França! Jamais esqueceremos a anti semita cruel e infame inquisição católica romana nos trezentos anos do Brasil colônia!! Jamais esqueceremos a anti semita Guerra do Paraguai durante a inquisição no Brasil que exterminou 90% dos homens Brasiguaios Judeus Marranos Espanhóis!! Sim, temos as reuniões do Marranismo Judaico em Jerusalém. Graças a nosso D’us de Israel Eterno ADONAY! Amén V’Amén . Nunca deixamos o judaísmo do Marranismo somos descendentes dos criptas judeus. Estado de São Paulo Terra do Marranismo Judaico Sefaradi no Brasil ✡️🇧🇷 Marranismo Judaico Sefaradi vive em Jerusalém e pelo mundo!!
@@sarahcassiasefaradiPor favor qual a diferença do Marrano, Sefardita e Anussim ? Sou do Estado de São Paulo e estou descobrindo vários costumes que minha Mãe passou pra nós e agora compreendo sermos uma família tão fechada. Eu achava que era costume Português.....
@@cleidebarbosa3902 Nós Judeus Marranos Sefaradi Espanhóis somos descendentes dos criptas judeus que nunca deixamos o judaísmo e hoje através da Genealogia Sefaradi: COMPROVADO SEFARAD; o Consulado de Espanha em São Paulo emitiu concedeu milhares de famílias de judeus Marranos nacionalidade espanhola. Geneologia Paulistana livros de Luiz Gonzaga da Silva Leme de Bragança Paulista contém nomes de todas famílias de Judeus Marranos do estado de São Paulo; usa estes livros para Genealogia Sefaradi e concessão da nacionalidade espanhola ou portuguesa. Maioria das comprovações do estado de São Paulo são dadas no Consulado Espanhol de São Paulo Brasil Terra do Marranismo Sefaradi Judaico. Nosso idioma ladino DJudeoEspanyol e Galego Português no estado de São Paulo. Marranismo é milenar!! Os Judeus do Marranismo tem práticas judaicas dentro de casa ESNOGAS SEFARADI ensinamentos da TORÁ ORAL há milênios; tradições da época do Templo do Rei Salomão. Com orgulho e honra Sou Judia Ladina Marrana Raiz até a morte!! Toda minha família nunca deixamos o judaísmo do Marranismo; estamos certificados com dupla nacionalidade espanhola ou portuguesa rumo a Alliah para Israel 🇮🇱 muitos Judeus Marranos retornamos a Casa Querida Sefaradi España. Com nacionalidade espanhola ou portuguesa estamos entrando com pedido de concessão para Alliah para Israel 🇮🇱 anussin descendentes dos cristãos novos ou até cristãos velhos foram para cristianismo e querem conhecer o judaísmo, mas não conseguem comprovar , podem ser descendentes de cristãos velhos ou cristãos novos. A anti semita cruel e infame Inquisição católica romana nos trezentos anos do Brasil colônia queimou vivo muitos Judeus do Brasil. Jamais esqueceremos a anti semita cruel e infame inquisição católica romana na Espanha, França e Portugal. Na Guerra do Paraguai durante a inquisição no Brasil que exterminou 90% dos homens Brasiguaios Judeus Marranos Espanhóis desde Presidente Prudente estado de São Paulo e Campo Grande no Mato Grosso do Sul até o Paraguai eram terras roubaram os reis católicos portugueses dos judeus Paraguaios. A história judaica do Brasil terá que ser REESCRITA .
My greatgreatgrandfather's family name was Brandon (Brandao) De Belmonte & was a Portugese Jew. His father or grandfather may have left Belmonte some 250-300 years ago since he himself was born in France & died in The Netherlands. Anyway it's nice to see that some of his Jewish heritage is still to be found in Portugal. I hope one day to visit this town & meet with some very distant relatives of mine... ;-))
Rene Huisintveld ....(Brandao) or Brandon is a relative of ours to. David H. Brandon, died in 1903 in The Rep. of Panama. A postage stamp honoring him for being instrumental in the building of the fire department system in Panama..check it..there is MUCH more ....pretty cool..
I was privileged to visit Belmonte for the dedication of the then newly built synagogue.I am a sephardi jew who was born in London England where I live.That day in Belmonte was momentous for me.I shall never forget being there that day with my people.
+Daniel De Almeida This is true. And sometimes Brazilians genetically match Mexicans and Ashkenazic Jews on an autosomal DNA segment because they share a Jewish ancestor.
Yes my family paternal and maternal arrived in Brasil long ago 200 plus years in Bahia and Rio de Janeiro..my grandmother and aunts in the early 1960's when i was 4/5 years old had odd costumes like we could not mix some foods if so we would die and about cleaning or not cleaning the house on Fridays..there was something about Friday's..i was too young to remember or understand what was about.
We visited Belmonte in October, 2018. The small synagogue is beautiful, but the community is dying. Its young people leave for Israel to marry. Portugal is a large graveyard to its sixteenth century Jews. You feel their presence.
I visited Belmonte. I'm from a very similar community in the mountains of Puerto Rico. Except they're still not ready to speak openly about it. I learned that I was a Jew when I turned 13 years old. Because that's when in my family its time to tell us that were Jews and originally from Jerusalem.
Most Hispanics "Mexicans" and the Hispanic-Americans of southern Colorado and new mexico are the descendants of conversos who left Spain for Nueva España to be able to practice Judaism. You can still hear that Ladino influence in the Mexican Spanish language you can even hear some Carlo or gypsy Spanish language. Jews ain't bad I've been told I look Jewish and middle eastern yet my family is from Jalisco Mexico
I think Portugal is still not sure if Portugal is a Jewish place. As i was born in Portugal, as a Jew i feel left out from the Jewish that in Portugal call Marranos and Portugal must remember that i call Portugal a European Israel!
Yes, it's quite amazing. Throughout the DVD series he visits all these places in Spain and Portugal, many of which that have not seen a Jew for hundreds of years, and they have no clue who he is...
These are probably the purest descendants of Israel alive today... They can trace their ancestry to 300BC in Portugal. They arrived there with the Persian traders when they where captives of the Persia. Incredible...
You are wrong. you obviously know nothing about European countries. I have no time for you. Go, study History from relevant sources, and come back when you've learned the lessons.
That's better. But Portugal existed before it became a modern European. People lived there thousands of years before. Before the Romans there was trade with many different ancient civilisations, With the Roman conquest it became known as Portocale, and with the Germanic invasions started to be called Portugale.
No. But I am just Portuguese. Personally I have never met a Portuguese Jew. Very few left in the country. To be honest I do not care what people are, as long as they are human a I am fine with that.
Interesting. I probably have some Jewish ancestry, as some 45% of Portuguese male have Jewish ancestry. One thing is for sure, Jewish people had a positive input in my country and in the way we think and behave even today. Example, before meals hands have to be washed, the constant need o learning, philosophical and religious speculation with no end in sight, trying to excel, create, work, the education of the children is always of paramount priority above everything else. We are probably very similar culturally speaking. Anyway, nice to know who you are and happy that we are better now that in any time in human history. We know more about each others, we try to learn from the mistakes of the past and strive to live as dignified human beings, where everyone can find their way in our short stop on earth.
The doors are always open to Y'all.......I am also a Spanish/Moroccan Jew.. so it is my Wife...B"H our lines to Am Israel were never broken...I am Cuban
In Nashville there is an old Sephardic community ....Hay una sinagoga Sefaradi ... We might move there..Before Mashiah comes, the Anusim have to return to Judaism ... I hope to see you there.. G'd willing
+Elie DeCastro thank you for that info! I checked & there is a sinagoga by name of West End Synagogue, Originally Khal Kodesh Adath Isreal founded in 1874.Thank you again y Shalom.
Espero que ninguém use destes documentos para atacar verbalmente e moralmente os Cristãos e Cristianismo , visto que os próprios deram o fim na Teocracia do estado , nenhum ser humano merece isso . Fiquem na paz de Deus
OK so I have great great grandparents from Funchal Madeira Portugal my great great grandmother's maiden name was Darush her married name was Day ( Diaz) their first names were Marguerite and Fred I don't know if either one of them are of Jewish decent or not I do know that they Migrated to Jacksonville IL USA many many years ago from Portugal and started the North Minister Presbyterian Portuguese church but I didn't know if they were of Jewish decent and kept it hid or what so I was wondering if anyone would know how to find out
You can contact the "Torre do Tombo" in Lisbon. They hold the documents, modern and old of the citizens and our ancestors. I think you can get their contact through googling it. Hope that helps. Boa sorte!
in the 16 century there were 1 million plus ppl in portugal, 250000 were jewish, chances are they were jewish. when jews were expelled economy collapsed.
Im marrano. I dont mind it because it sounds like Mar Anous (Bitterly Forced). However the best name for us without being identified by just our trauma is Neo-Western Sephardic.
sérgio Oliveira Olá. Pode dizer-me de que comunidade é? E sabe se no Alentejo também existe/existiu alguma comunidade de judeus? Eu desconfio ter descendência judia e gostava de investigar mais o assunto, daí as perguntas. Muito obrigado.
thegreatfeetbeat Os marranos são judeus secretos por definição , daí, desculpe mas não posso pôr na net a Comunidade a que me refiro. Isso não posso fazer dado, exactamente, o caractér secreto da Comunidade. Mas posso dizer-lhe que continuam a existir Comunidades secretas em Portugal e se me disser de que região de Portugal são os seus antepassados posso dizer-lhe se é mais ou menos provavel que tenha antepassados judaicos. Os nomes também indicam maior ou menor probabilidade, por exemplo, os mais citados pela Inquisição são Henriques, Lopes, Silvas, Dias e mais um ou outro. Mas para saber isso com mais certeza tem que pedir certidões de nascimento dos seus antepassados portugueses e ir andando para trás, pedindo certidões até que, cruzando com dados da Torre do Tombo poderá encontrar algum antepassado seu preso pela Inquisição e isso prova de forma irrefutavel. Porém nem todas as familias judaicas portuguesas foram apanhadas e julgadas. Pode ter antepassados judeus que conseguiram escapar às malhas da Inquisição e nunca foram presos. É uma investigação dificil, mas possivel.
thegreatfeetbeat Esqueci-me de lhe dizer: sim, no Alentejo existiram várias Comunidades de Judeus e ainda existe uma. Há até uma Sinagoga e museu a funcionarem lá, ainda activas e outras já fechadas mas que outrora funcionaram com Comunidades locais, depois desaparecidas. Mas uma creio que a de Évora ou Beja ainda funciona e tem lá familias judias antigas. Procure na net essas Sinagogas do Alentejo e vai encontrar.
+elius wantik You love Israel and that's why You love "marranos";? Huh?????? By the way: seemingly You're totally unaware of the historical facts and that "marrano" is a cussword. Its meaning is PIG!
#Mike201227, you know that the Israel it is a very controversial country, because it had a artificial way to became a country! In 60s ALL the Jews say that they are going to ,,Palestina,, ! And historically from 2.000 years, the land it was Palestine, belongs to Christians from there !
02Nawal : Dear Muslim girl ! KOSOMEC! DON'T INTERFERE INTO JEWISH WORLD ! NOT YOUR BUSINESS! this is a page about Portuguese Jewish History ! How dare you show yourself and insult us by claiming a territory you're probably never seen from your own eyes and you probably don't speak English well to have this kind of retarded comment so i'm just wasting my time with your useless comment !
Sistemáticamente han sido acusados de crímenes completamente aberrantes, mas propios de curas psicóticos, sin aceptar que cómo en éste video se demuestra, han vivido por espacio de mas de cinco siglos en armonía con el resto de la población y, supongo, colaborando positivamente, como les es habitual.
My greatest fear is for their continued survival. They held fast for all these years but now that this is published to all the world I worry that Christians will converge upon them as the last village to "spread the word" to and trick them into believing they can stay Jewish and "believe". I hope they can be taken home to Israel.
@@jeba2888 Spanish Inquisitions all Jews who were forced to convert to Christians we're called" Marano".. What is a Bultaco ,Ossa,Montessa if you are from Spain?🤔
mitzvah golem i am talking about the translation in spanish, i know what a marrano is because from my mothers side my ancestors were marranos bruh u don’t get me or what? 🤦♂️😂
I have sepharadic/marrano roots, and it feels great to learn about them, but still don’t feel right about israel and what they do to palestinian people :/ it’s a shame for me as a jew descendant what this « country » does to their neighbours
you should nt call them "Marranos", and anyway, there is no such word in Spanish. It's pronounced "Marranyos", and means pigs. That's why no one should call them by this name. Call them "Anussim", which means "the forced ones", and is therefore the most suitable name.
Good 4 the Spaniard's here in Portugal we hv 2 do the same and get them kicked out NOW because hour government wants to give more visa's 2 that crap of (people)
Pedro Souza. O judaismo é mais bem descrito como civilização. Povo escolhido é uma redundância para designar uma missão é não uma qualidade. O seu discurso e muito parecido com o discurso nazista de Hitler e você tem a cara de pau de nos chamar que somos facista. Saiba que estamos direcionando seu comentários a autoridades competentes para providências por prática de Anti-semitismo.
I'm a Cohen descendant of Portuguese Jews of the small southern seaport town of Georgetown, South Carolina. I was raised a (Secret) Jew in East Harlem, New York along with my six brothers and sisters in the 1950's. I have documented my mother's story and her Cohen ancestry in "Cohen of Georgetown County, SC 1760-1960: A Family History of Low Country Secret Jews and descendants in America (S. Pasha 2010) and have spoken at several Libraries and Jewish Historical Societies in the South.
Sadie Day Pasha : Hello Mrs Day Pasha, do you know the full name of your Portuguese Jewish ancestor who had the last name "Cohen" ?
Interesting. My grandmother Lilli Gurevich lived her last years (60s to 80s?) in a project in Southeast Harlem, next to the firestation. Can't remember the cross-streets, but....
She was from a town in Belarus called Nyesviz (Niasvizh). Gurevich means descended from the rebbe and is actually Sephardic according to the list below. She does look Sephardic in her younger photos. Of course East Harlem is Puerto Rican or was and probably most Latin Americans have Marrano ancestry.
My mother's side is also apparently Marrano but went through Britain, Ireland and France then to North America.
Wow that's amazing! I'm not a Cohen but I also have an unusual family history. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. My family is from the mountains. I had a regular Catholic upbringing. We ate pig. We practiced baptism and married in Church. Then when I became 13 years old my grandparents told me that we're Jews and that we come from Jerusalem and that if I forget Jerusalem my tongue will stick to the roof of my mouth. Then we went on with life as usual but with the knowlege that I must tell my children the same but only at age 13. Never ever before 13 or I would be calling the angel of death on us. I was VERY surprised when I moved to Massachussets years later how openly Jews celebrate bar mitzvahs.
@@cielarko6210That's interesting. I read somewhere that due to further persecution some people though they migrated to the Americas chose who among the descendants would become Jewish. Typically it was passed from grandfather to grandson but there would always be a Jew in the family. It was not just a proclamation of Jewishness though, traditions and teachings were also passed.
As a Portuguese- American it breaks my heart to see how humanity has divided and tortured itself throughout history. Even sadder to say is that it continues to this day. When will we learn that we were created as one. To love, appreciate and respect our differences for these are the threads that unite us in a rich and beautiful tapestry called humanity. Created and united by love, experiencing a common journey called life.
Thanks for sharing🙏
Com orgulho e honra Eu sou Judia Marrana Sefaradi Raiz no estado de São Paulo Terra do Marranismo Judaico Brasil.
Falamos: Ladino, Galego português ou DjudeoEspanyol.
O Marranismo Judaico Vive !!
Amém. Amén V' Amén
Marranismo Judaico Sefaradi vive em Israel 🇮🇱 Idioma do Marranismo: Ladino DjudeoEspanyol y Galego Português.
I consider the fact that the Jewish people has kept its identity through the centuries is a miracle.
Eu considero o fato de que o povo judaico tenha preservado a sua identidade através dos séculos é um milagre.
I’m Marrana from Brazil 🇧🇷 Portugal 🇵🇹
I need a jewish to cuck me ❤
I,m Judia Marrana Raiz até a morte!! from Sefaradi Brasil 🇧🇷
Shalom! ✡️🇪🇸Sim, Judeus Marranos !! Somos com orgulho e honra Judeus Marranos Espanhóis , em Jerusalém. Falamos idioma Ladino e Galego Português, nunca deixamos o Marranismo Judaico Sefaradi.
Com orgulho e honra Sou Judia Marrana Raiz até a morte!! Marranismo Judaico Sefaradi em Jerusalém!!
Jamais esqueceremos a anti semita, cruel e infame inquisição católica romana na Sefarad Espanha, França!
Jamais esqueceremos a anti semita cruel e infame inquisição católica romana nos trezentos anos do Brasil colônia!!
Jamais esqueceremos a anti semita Guerra do Paraguai durante a inquisição no Brasil que exterminou 90% dos homens Brasiguaios Judeus Marranos Espanhóis!!
Sim, temos as reuniões do Marranismo Judaico em Jerusalém. Graças a nosso D’us de Israel Eterno ADONAY! Amén V’Amén .
Nunca deixamos o judaísmo do Marranismo somos descendentes dos criptas judeus.
Estado de São Paulo Terra do Marranismo Judaico Sefaradi no Brasil ✡️🇧🇷
Marranismo Judaico Sefaradi vive em Jerusalém e pelo mundo!!
@@sarahcassiasefaradiPor favor qual a diferença do Marrano, Sefardita e Anussim ?
Sou do Estado de São Paulo e estou descobrindo vários costumes que minha Mãe passou pra nós e agora compreendo sermos uma família tão fechada. Eu achava que era costume Português.....
@@cleidebarbosa3902 Nós Judeus Marranos Sefaradi Espanhóis somos descendentes dos criptas judeus que nunca deixamos o judaísmo e hoje através da Genealogia Sefaradi: COMPROVADO SEFARAD; o Consulado de Espanha em São Paulo emitiu concedeu milhares de famílias de judeus Marranos nacionalidade espanhola.
Geneologia Paulistana livros de Luiz Gonzaga da Silva Leme de Bragança Paulista contém nomes de todas famílias de Judeus Marranos do estado de São Paulo; usa estes livros para Genealogia Sefaradi e concessão da nacionalidade espanhola ou portuguesa.
Maioria das comprovações do estado de São Paulo são dadas no Consulado Espanhol de São Paulo Brasil Terra do Marranismo Sefaradi Judaico.
Nosso idioma ladino DJudeoEspanyol e Galego Português no estado de São Paulo.
Marranismo é milenar!!
Os Judeus do Marranismo tem práticas judaicas dentro de casa ESNOGAS SEFARADI ensinamentos da TORÁ ORAL há milênios; tradições da época do Templo do Rei Salomão.
Com orgulho e honra Sou Judia Ladina Marrana Raiz até a morte!!
Toda minha família nunca deixamos o judaísmo do Marranismo; estamos certificados com dupla nacionalidade espanhola ou portuguesa rumo a Alliah para Israel 🇮🇱 muitos Judeus Marranos retornamos a Casa Querida Sefaradi España.
Com nacionalidade espanhola ou portuguesa estamos entrando com pedido de concessão para Alliah para Israel 🇮🇱
anussin descendentes dos cristãos novos ou até cristãos velhos foram para cristianismo e querem conhecer o judaísmo, mas não conseguem comprovar , podem ser descendentes de cristãos velhos ou cristãos novos.
A anti semita cruel e infame Inquisição católica romana nos trezentos anos do Brasil colônia queimou vivo muitos Judeus do Brasil.
Jamais esqueceremos a anti semita cruel e infame inquisição católica romana na Espanha, França e Portugal.
Na Guerra do Paraguai durante a inquisição no Brasil que exterminou 90% dos homens Brasiguaios Judeus Marranos Espanhóis desde Presidente Prudente estado de São Paulo e Campo Grande no Mato Grosso do Sul até o Paraguai eram terras roubaram os reis católicos portugueses dos judeus Paraguaios.
A história judaica do Brasil terá que ser REESCRITA .
My greatgreatgrandfather's family name was Brandon (Brandao) De Belmonte & was a Portugese Jew. His father or grandfather may have left Belmonte some 250-300 years ago since he himself was born in France & died in The Netherlands. Anyway it's nice to see that some of his Jewish heritage is still to be found in Portugal. I hope one day to visit this town & meet with some very distant relatives of mine... ;-))
Rene Huisintveld ....(Brandao) or Brandon is a relative of ours to. David H. Brandon, died in 1903 in The Rep. of Panama. A
postage stamp honoring him for being instrumental in the building of the fire department system in Panama..check it..there is MUCH more ....pretty cool..
Rene Huisintveld : Hey i've been visiting Belmonte its great you should go there and see for yourself :)
@Y. A.
The crypto-Jews of Mallorca are known as Xuetas, a few have gone 'full circle' and returned to Judaism in recent years.
Im Marrana from Brazil ✡️🇪🇸🇧🇷
I was privileged to visit Belmonte for the dedication of the then newly built synagogue.I am a sephardi jew who was born in London England where I live.That day in Belmonte was momentous for me.I shall never forget being there that day with my people.
In Northeast Brasil there still hundreds or even thousands of Marrano families like the paternal side of my family was three or more generations ago
+Daniel De Almeida This is true. And sometimes Brazilians genetically match Mexicans and Ashkenazic Jews on an autosomal DNA segment because they share a Jewish ancestor.
purplecorn : Marrano people are Sfaradim ! Why are you talking about Ashkenazim ?
WOOW WOW Because many of us Jews in Brazil share both due to Dutch invasion, etc.
Yes my family paternal and maternal arrived in Brasil long ago 200 plus years in Bahia and Rio de Janeiro..my grandmother and aunts in the early 1960's when i was 4/5 years old had odd costumes like we could not mix some foods if so we would die and about cleaning or not cleaning the house on Fridays..there was something about Friday's..i was too young to remember or understand what was about.
This is a part, please upload the full Documentary of this video.
Na descriçao do video explica que o documentario chama se "Out of Spain", e pode ser encontrado no Amazon e Netflix
Very moving thanks for posting
This is a treasure
Treasure for who ? Separating them out from the general population ? Seems like treasure for people , who want to discriminate against them .
Can i have any contact of the Community? Please?
Hi, I'm 48 years old and I just met my father. He is from the Rego family of the Azores.
I'd like to stay with this story and follow these people, stay updated. How can I do that?
We must stop using the word “marrano” in referring to sefarad jews. Marrano means pig in Spanish and is utterly degrading.
We visited Belmonte in October, 2018. The small synagogue is beautiful, but the community is dying. Its young people leave for Israel to marry. Portugal is a large graveyard to its sixteenth century Jews. You feel their presence.
That's not dying. That's reviving. Like the Hebrew language itself.
I visited Belmonte. I'm from a very similar community in the mountains of Puerto Rico. Except they're still not ready to speak openly about it. I learned that I was a Jew when I turned 13 years old. Because that's when in my family its time to tell us that were Jews and originally from Jerusalem.
@@cielarko6210 It's the community dying.
Most Hispanics "Mexicans" and the Hispanic-Americans of southern Colorado and new mexico are the descendants of conversos who left Spain for Nueva España to be able to practice Judaism. You can still hear that Ladino influence in the Mexican Spanish language you can even hear some Carlo or gypsy Spanish language. Jews ain't bad I've been told I look Jewish and middle eastern yet my family is from Jalisco Mexico
Lol dude u aint no jew spain people aint no jews white Mexican aint no jews lol yall is some jokes
Such lies most mexican people are not of jewish ancestry and many do not consider themselves jewish
@@blacklivesmatters3151 ???
I think Portugal is still not sure if Portugal is a Jewish place. As i was born in Portugal, as a Jew i feel left out from the Jewish that in Portugal call Marranos and Portugal must remember that i call Portugal a European Israel!
Yes, it's quite amazing. Throughout the DVD series he visits all these places in Spain and Portugal, many of which that have not seen a Jew for hundreds of years, and they have no clue who he is...
He also discovery through the community encheint books that the inquidition took that Colombus was cripto Jew.
These are probably the purest descendants of Israel alive today... They can trace their ancestry to 300BC in Portugal. They arrived there with the Persian traders when they where captives of the Persia. Incredible...
You are wrong. you obviously know nothing about European countries. I have no time for you. Go, study History from relevant sources, and come back when you've learned the lessons.
That's better. But Portugal existed before it became a modern European. People lived there thousands of years before. Before the Romans there was trade with many different ancient civilisations, With the Roman conquest it became known as Portocale, and with the Germanic invasions started to be called Portugale.
No. But I am just Portuguese. Personally I have never met a Portuguese Jew. Very few left in the country. To be honest I do not care what people are, as long as they are human a I am fine with that.
Interesting. I probably have some Jewish ancestry, as some 45% of Portuguese male have Jewish ancestry. One thing is for sure, Jewish people had a positive input in my country and in the way we think and behave even today. Example, before meals hands have to be washed, the constant need o learning, philosophical and religious speculation with no end in sight, trying to excel, create, work, the education of the children is always of paramount priority above everything else. We are probably very similar culturally speaking. Anyway, nice to know who you are and happy that we are better now that in any time in human history. We know more about each others, we try to learn from the mistakes of the past and strive to live as dignified human beings, where everyone can find their way in our short stop on earth.
oh please! what about the Jews of Bagdad, Morocco, Yemen? they go back 2000 years
I am a decendant of separdic jews from Espana y Morocco (familia Jaco') that made it to the state of Tennessee long ago.
The doors are always open to Y'all.......I am also a Spanish/Moroccan Jew.. so it is my Wife...B"H our lines to Am Israel were never broken...I am Cuban
+Elie DeCastro soy judio portugues e mi madre tambien se llama DeCastro;)
In Nashville there is an old Sephardic community ....Hay una sinagoga Sefaradi ... We might move there..Before Mashiah comes, the Anusim have to return to Judaism ... I hope to see you there.. G'd willing
+Elie DeCastro thank you for that info! I checked & there is a sinagoga by name of West End Synagogue, Originally Khal Kodesh Adath Isreal founded in 1874.Thank you again y Shalom.
j Gribbell : Hello J Gribbell,
"Jaco" is the Portuguese version of "Jacob"
Shalom Dear President Isaac NAVON
The only Sephardic President of Israel
🇪🇸🌹🇮🇱 🎻 🇵🇹🌹🇮🇱
Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Christ is Lord.
Espero que ninguém use destes documentos para atacar verbalmente e moralmente os Cristãos e Cristianismo , visto que os próprios deram o fim na Teocracia do estado , nenhum ser humano merece isso . Fiquem na paz de Deus
They have done so. Que se jodan
Muchos terminaron en central america mexico y sur america ....SHALOM ISRAEL.....
Tres distintos papás dijeron que en Portugal no habían cristianos y que en España apenas habían
Wow!!! Jews are tough as fuck!!!
Is that President Yitzhak Navon who visited Belmonte?
How come when I search for "marranos" all I get is videos of pigs?
im marrano in Brazil . i love the hebrew people in Portugal , my descendents ...
marrano es una palabra muy despectiva significa cerdo
doglas souza what is the meaning of the name marrano
Marrano is a Hebrew person converted Christian
You have dna in every country connected to judaism back thousands of years
@@losoclay8301 forced to! Evil christianity
My family's last name is Marrano. However they were from Italy. And Catholic.
OK so I have great great grandparents from Funchal Madeira Portugal my great great grandmother's maiden name was Darush her married name was Day ( Diaz) their first names were Marguerite and Fred I don't know if either one of them are of Jewish decent or not I do know that they Migrated to Jacksonville IL USA many many years ago from Portugal and started the North Minister Presbyterian Portuguese church but I didn't know if they were of Jewish decent and kept it hid or what so I was wondering if anyone would know how to find out
You can contact the "Torre do Tombo" in Lisbon. They hold the documents, modern and old of the citizens and our ancestors. I think you can get their contact through googling it. Hope that helps. Boa sorte!
in the 16 century there were 1 million plus ppl in portugal, 250000 were jewish, chances are they were jewish. when jews were expelled economy collapsed.
How can they not know that there are Jews all over the world and that Israel as been reborn. Surely they have radio and television at least!
My question is how are they all going to fit in a small country as?
The word marrano means pig, so you should use another one. The Spaniards called them pigs.
Absolutely! This video title should be changed, as its quite offensive... Even worse, seeing fellow jews here call themselves "marranos"
Anusim is a better word for these people. It means the "forced ones." It's much more accurate.
Im marrano. I dont mind it because it sounds like Mar Anous (Bitterly Forced). However the best name for us without being identified by just our trauma is Neo-Western Sephardic.
@@cielarko6210 where do you live?
@@cielarko6210 el marrano is my noughbours family name didn,'t know that ,i'm from algeria by the way many are from iberian peninsula
This is not exactly. In Portugal there are Marranos now. I m borned in a Comunity of Marranos in the center of Portugal.
sérgio Oliveira Olá. Pode dizer-me de que comunidade é? E sabe se no Alentejo também existe/existiu alguma comunidade de judeus? Eu desconfio ter descendência judia e gostava de investigar mais o assunto, daí as perguntas. Muito obrigado.
thegreatfeetbeat Os marranos são judeus secretos por definição , daí, desculpe mas não posso pôr na net a Comunidade a que me refiro. Isso não posso fazer dado, exactamente, o caractér secreto da Comunidade. Mas posso dizer-lhe que continuam a existir Comunidades secretas em Portugal e se me disser de que região de Portugal são os seus antepassados posso dizer-lhe se é mais ou menos provavel que tenha antepassados judaicos.
Os nomes também indicam maior ou menor probabilidade, por exemplo, os mais citados pela Inquisição são Henriques, Lopes, Silvas, Dias e mais um ou outro.
Mas para saber isso com mais certeza tem que pedir certidões de nascimento dos seus antepassados portugueses e ir andando para trás, pedindo certidões até que, cruzando com dados da Torre do Tombo poderá encontrar algum antepassado seu preso pela Inquisição e isso prova de forma irrefutavel.
Porém nem todas as familias judaicas portuguesas foram apanhadas e julgadas. Pode ter antepassados judeus que conseguiram escapar às malhas da Inquisição e nunca foram presos. É uma investigação dificil, mas possivel.
thegreatfeetbeat Esqueci-me de lhe dizer: sim, no Alentejo existiram várias Comunidades de Judeus e ainda existe uma. Há até uma Sinagoga e museu a funcionarem lá, ainda activas e outras já fechadas mas que outrora funcionaram com Comunidades locais, depois desaparecidas. Mas uma creio que a de Évora ou Beja ainda funciona e tem lá familias judias antigas.
Procure na net essas Sinagogas do Alentejo e vai encontrar.
I love Maranos Jewish people because I love Israel
+elius wantik
You love Israel and that's why You love "marranos";?
By the way: seemingly You're totally unaware of the historical facts and that "marrano" is a cussword.
Its meaning is PIG!
Free Palestine!
#Mike201227, you know that the Israel it is a very controversial country, because it had a artificial way to became a country! In 60s ALL the Jews say that they are going to ,,Palestina,, !
And historically from 2.000 years, the land it was Palestine, belongs to Christians from there !
02Nawal : Dear Muslim girl ! KOSOMEC! DON'T INTERFERE INTO JEWISH WORLD ! NOT YOUR BUSINESS! this is a page about Portuguese Jewish History ! How dare you show yourself and insult us by claiming a territory you're probably never seen from your own eyes and you probably don't speak English well to have this kind of retarded comment so i'm just wasting my time with your useless comment !
elius wantik : and Jewish people and Israel loves back too 😊⚘
You're all welcome in Israel 😊
The last pigs?
You can see not. You are the last
Yeah, fuck you, you trashy bitch!
Sistemáticamente han sido acusados de crímenes completamente aberrantes, mas propios de curas psicóticos, sin aceptar que cómo en éste video se demuestra, han vivido por espacio de mas de cinco siglos en armonía con el resto de la población y, supongo, colaborando positivamente, como les es habitual.
Jews are an ethnic group and we have the genetics to prove it. Now you can go fuck yourself.
no haters ,i like that!
whats ur ancestry?
Los marranitos se tornam, meios abestalhados de tanto conviver com os Gentios, e esquecer a Querência perdida.🙏😄🔯
Hated for no reason!
HaKadosh Baruj Hu
Yes, Marrono was a term giving to us Anglo-Saxon Berbers who were forced into Christianity.
Yasura Belmon-Bey morranos mean pig in SPANISH and that what Spain called the jews not moors,you American blacks got to stop making shit up
Yasura Belmon-Bey the moors were called Moros
No. They were callimg like thes from the jews.
Edmund Santiago wow...i just learned a lot! GRACIAS!
You are correct. Marranos were Moorish converts.
My greatest fear is for their continued survival. They held fast for all these years but now that this is published to all the world I worry that Christians will converge upon them as the last village to "spread the word" to and trick them into believing they can stay Jewish and "believe". I hope they can be taken home to Israel.
Can you not jump on a plane to Israel? What does it stop you if you are a Jew?
Marrano means "Pig" ...nice . Why continue to say this?
Means dirty not pig
@@jeba2888 not According to Jewish history in Spain.
mitzvah golem i am spanish, a marrano is someone dirty, u can compare it with a pig (cerdo or puerco in spanish) but it doesn’t translate to that haha
@@jeba2888 Spanish Inquisitions all Jews who were forced to convert to Christians we're called" Marano"..
What is a Bultaco ,Ossa,Montessa if you are from Spain?🤔
mitzvah golem i am talking about the translation in spanish, i know what a marrano is because from my mothers side my ancestors were marranos bruh u don’t get me or what? 🤦♂️😂
I have sepharadic/marrano roots, and it feels great to learn about them, but still don’t feel right about israel and what they do to palestinian people :/ it’s a shame for me as a jew descendant what this « country » does to their neighbours
you should nt call them "Marranos", and anyway, there is no such word in Spanish. It's pronounced "Marranyos", and means pigs. That's why no one should call them by this name. Call them "Anussim", which means "the forced ones", and is therefore the most suitable name.
Looked for "Out of Spain" on Netflix...no luck.
Good 4 the Spaniard's here in Portugal we hv 2 do the same and get them kicked out NOW because hour government wants to give more visa's 2 that crap of (people)
Sou descendente marrane ✡️
Pedro Souza. O judaismo é mais bem descrito como civilização. Povo escolhido é uma redundância para designar uma missão é não uma qualidade. O seu discurso e muito parecido com o discurso nazista de Hitler e você tem a cara de pau de nos chamar que somos facista. Saiba que estamos direcionando seu comentários a autoridades competentes para providências por prática de Anti-semitismo.
Samos células remanicentes de Israel.
Fanatical quacks