How a Cleveland police officer keeps earning more than the mayor

  • Опубликовано: 7 июн 2023
  • As the Cleveland Division of Police continues to struggle with staffing shortages, the city's patrol officers are still picking up the slack, in some cases earning as much as six figures in overtime.
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Комментарии • 91

  • @LoriL010
    @LoriL010 Год назад +13

    If there were more officers they wouldn't need overtime, but thanks to the officers busting their butts during the shortage. And pull the cops out of the airports and let federal agents keep it safe instead.

    • @dreamrestore213
      @dreamrestore213 Год назад

      Bust their butts..?!?
      🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣
      All they do is sit on their fat azzes... Glorified security guards.

    • @LoriL010
      @LoriL010 Год назад +1

      @@aixelsyd867 Any crimes at an airport are federal jurisdiction, so federal cops should do the policing...

    • @216Numbskull
      @216Numbskull 3 месяца назад

      ​@@LoriL010 Even when there wasn't a shortage of CPD officers, there were still cops out there who knew how to work the system to get plenty of OT. Trust me, just go ask "Jim Simone" he was infamous for doing that my friend. He'd work the night shift & be in the court room all day testifying tickets people were contesting in front of a judge. All-Day, Every-Day!

    • @LoriL010
      @LoriL010 3 месяца назад

      @216Numbskull he had to show up for court or the cases were tossed out.

    • @216Numbskull
      @216Numbskull 3 месяца назад

      @@LoriL010 True I understand that, but obviously you've never met or have any idea who super-cop Simone is my friend. Don't get it twisted I'm not just throwing shade bcuz I don't like cops. But, that dude was such a dlckhead he would of given his own mother a ticket for jay-walking. Simone purposely used to instigate & antagonize people he pulled over trying to bait them into the game he was always playing. The more charges he could put on them the more time he was guaranteed to go to court. Like I said if you knew who I was talking about you'd understand what I mean. There's at least one bad apple in every bunch even if they wear the badge & he was one of um', no bout a doubt it. Just saying... ++Peace & Rock n' Roll 4 Your Soul My Friend++ 🤘😉🤘

  • @Unchainedful
    @Unchainedful Год назад +17

    Honestly I feel this is how it should be. No way in the world is an elective official should be making as much as a hassle busting worker who’s in a lot of overtime. They need to put elective officials on average yearly income so they can feel how inflation really feels when you have to budget everyday.

    • @dreamrestore213
      @dreamrestore213 Год назад

      You're stupid....
      Pig... Most useless job on the planet

  • @outlawedmedia4336
    @outlawedmedia4336 Год назад +15

    This happens in almost all cities. And these cops still demand more pay and cry how under staffed and under paid they are.

    • @jeremya.695
      @jeremya.695 Год назад +5

      If people were properly paid they wouldn’t have to work all the OT.

    • @outlawedmedia4336
      @outlawedmedia4336 Год назад +1

      @@jeremya.695 No I think the better argument is, if they were better staffed they wouldn't have to pay as much in OT

    • @Sean_Connery
      @Sean_Connery Год назад +1

      @@jeremya.695 It’s not about pay here. Even Oakland police base pay is $11,000 per month. There was an Oakland sgt. who made $400k including overtime in one year. It’s not about being underpaid there are other issues involved in hiring

    • @bobroberts2371
      @bobroberts2371 Год назад

      Something to realize, some jurisdictions have a mandatory retirement age so the officer needs to make enough to fill in the years before SS kicks in. From the net:
      . " " The age of the officers at retirement ranged from 45 to 73, with the average being 55 years old. They had served on the force for an average of 26.4 years. Findings indicate that more than 89 percent remain alive. " "

    • @valerierodger
      @valerierodger Год назад +3

      Given that the reason they are making so much is an outrageous amount of overtime, it’s hard to argue about them being understaffed.
      And if y’all invested decent money into your police, with decent wages and benefit packages, not to mention training budgets, you would be able to recruit and retain officers who are more qualified and have a higher level of professionalism, and you wouldn’t have problems with officers being so exhausted and stressed out from over work that they make potentially deadly mistakes on the job, or become unpleasant and abrasive with the public just like any human being, tends to become when they are at the limits of mental and physical exhaustion in a high stress environment

  • @sussy.wussy3520
    @sussy.wussy3520 Год назад +16

    I dont see the problem they are working the hours/putting in the time since there are staffing issues..sounds like yall are just salty

    • @sifterbox
      @sifterbox Год назад

      you just spelled KICKBACKS

  • @donnairn3419
    @donnairn3419 Год назад +10

    Are you suggesting that these people should work for nothing or refuse to do overtime?
    Who authorises this overtime?

    • @joao-joao
      @joao-joao Год назад

      Maybe work for nothing, some sort of mandatory slavery... and that even wouldn't be any thing new, I think there are out there police or sheriff workers making extra hours without receiving a single penny more.

    • @V8chump
      @V8chump Год назад

      I think they only accept the easy overtime sitting around the airport is the problem…

    • @216Numbskull
      @216Numbskull 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@V8chump Well, with the exception for Jim "Supercop" Simone, AKA the One Man Pompous Prick Patrol on the CPD. That d!ckhead was making over a hundred G's a year back in the 80's/90's. He accumulated OT by playing the system while working for the CPD. Being the prick he was I guarantee Simone gave out & arrested more people than any other police officer ever, trust me, you can take it to the bank. To add salt to the wound while he was giving you a ticket or arrest you for some BS he'd try to antagonize you anyway he could to piss you off in hopes to add more charges on you, no matter how cool you were trying to be. That was his game, he'd work his regular night shift on patrol then be in court all day, every day of the year playing the system & the people on the streets all at the same time. Man am I glad that POS petty pompous pimple prick finally retired. Look up Jim "d!ckhead" Simone" & tell me I'm BSin'! That dude would arrest his own mother or give her a ticket for J-walking if he could. Sorry to rant just bringing his name up pisses me off. The main point is there's more than one way to skin a cat, Simone proved that. Just saying... ++Peace, Funk & Rock n' Roll 4 Your Soul My Friend++

  • @justinm2697
    @justinm2697 Год назад +8

    I don't understand why it was necessary to name the individual officers and even show pics of them. The tone of the talking head when she says 'and then there's Karl Lloyd..." reeks of disdain.
    Perhaps the story should've been less about how much people earn in overtime, naming and shaming them, and more about why there is so much overtime. Why are recruiting levels so low? Would a 10K sign up bonus actually work? Are people not joining the police force because the pay isn't good? Could there be other reasons? Surely those questions are worth asking and becoming the main content of the story and not a mere 30 second time block at the end of the report.

    • @joao-joao
      @joao-joao Год назад

      Maybe because the public is paying their salary. I guess I wouldn't feel very excited to go to the police there, since the TV station may be releasing all the information including my face associated to it.

  • @1lawnmowerfan362
    @1lawnmowerfan362 Год назад +3

    I don’t see the issue. If they don’t have the officers to fill in, the ones working deserve fair overtime pay

    • @joao-joao
      @joao-joao Год назад

      The issue is that there aren't people with the qualities that they are seeking to fill the needs.

  • @frankrosemeck9898
    @frankrosemeck9898 Год назад +9

    We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing...

    • @Loosesapphire5135
      @Loosesapphire5135 Год назад

      That's about enough out of you, now let's see some ID or we'll have to serve & protect the schyeit out you & your rights, for failure to ID, & resisting ! 👮‍♂️👮‍♀️

    • @valerierodger
      @valerierodger Год назад

      wtf are you even talking about?
      They are so short staffed that they are being pushed to mental and physical exhaustion because of the necessary overtime to make up for the staff shortages, what do you think needs to be investigated?

    • @Loosesapphire5135
      @Loosesapphire5135 Год назад

      It's by design, bootlicker. They don't enforce the constitution they swore to uphold, they don'teven know the 1st amendment& its 5 elements. Bet you don't either, without looking it up. The job has been for many years now ALL about the blue line, serving & protrcting themselves while violating the peoples unalienable rights. Thats why the law suits are at an astronomical level. This a freemasonic order who has stolen control over law enforcement are spineless & live in fear because they kniw whag they've caused & are afraid of the people waking up to their agenda, which the people are, knowing they're ruling over the people with tyranny. The masonic motto is, order out of chaos, & this is the planned chaos to next bring their plotted form of order, AI bots & robodogs, which can kill people without having a conscience.

  • @andyseib8753
    @andyseib8753 Год назад +3

    I think we should do an article on how much reporters make and how over paid they are

    • @ernestjewett
      @ernestjewett Год назад

      Didn't news reporters in NYC go on strike recently? I might have interpreted the news article wrong. But i thought it said any News reporter brand new to the trade. Or first job. Is going to make 65000 a year. And that's the lowest amount.

  • @PwnyDwn
    @PwnyDwn Год назад +4

    Police making more in a year for sitting in the air conditioning than I make working the same hours on the oil field and I make 30 dollars an hour. I work 100 hours a week. I don't make this much. Wtf is going on here?

    • @jokalee
      @jokalee Год назад

      Exactly. There's some BS going on here. Even if they are truly working these hours, do we want sleepy A.K.A. impaired officers on the job? Dallas officer Amber Guyger claimed she was tired when she walked into the wrong apartment and murdered Botham Jean.

    • @PwnyDwn
      @PwnyDwn Год назад +2

      @@jokalee I spend over 100 hours a week for two months at a time in the desert working like a slave for a paycheck doing a job that kills someone almost every week. Some desk jockey cop at an airport makes 50k a year more than me... Yeah. Something is very wrong here

    • @bobroberts2371
      @bobroberts2371 Год назад

      Something to realize, some jurisdictions have a mandatory retirement age so the officer needs to make enough to fill in the years before SS kicks in. From the net:
      . " " The age of the officers at retirement ranged from 45 to 73, with the average being 55 years old. They had served on the force for an average of 26.4 years. Findings indicate that more than 89 percent remain alive. " "

    • @valerierodger
      @valerierodger Год назад

      @@jokalee they are working those hours, and it is absolutely an issue that police officers are working so many hours that they become physically and mentally exhausted.
      But God forbid you put the money into what is necessary to recruit, train, and maintain a sufficient number of officers.

  • @beestarr1845
    @beestarr1845 Год назад +2

    They probably work all Holidays, and 7 days a week. Dumb report.

  • @captainspaulding4777
    @captainspaulding4777 Год назад +2

    Since when was earning a living headline news? Good for them. Work hard, get paid. Simple.

  • @lucien4980
    @lucien4980 Год назад +3

    Wow Imagine them all up in ur business putting u all over the news about it too. They are putting in the hours bc of staffing issues which isn't their fault u don't need to put their face all over the news..

  • @duancoviero9759
    @duancoviero9759 Год назад +5

    I don't care, he deserves it more than the mayor. For once the working class beats the executive class.

  • @largeformat942
    @largeformat942 Год назад +2

    so the overtime pay of $76k...if you hire another cop that's going to be their pay so same $ net difference

  • @mikeroberts4015
    @mikeroberts4015 Год назад +1

    Chicago hasn't been the same since Carl Winslow retired

  • @eleanoraquitaine2966
    @eleanoraquitaine2966 Год назад +2

    This is going on in every part of America and it's been going on for decades.

  • @mariusmcleod2487
    @mariusmcleod2487 Год назад +1

    Who would want to be police for the mistake by the lake anyhow ?

  • @billanderson3192
    @billanderson3192 8 месяцев назад

    There is something seriously wrong here!

  • @MauriceW
    @MauriceW Год назад +1

    Don't hate the players; hate the game.

  • @oscarmac161
    @oscarmac161 Год назад +2

    They only taking advantage of the system Lmao they still work for their earnings not like…

  • @calicaly2k
    @calicaly2k Год назад +1

    You get what vote for!!!!! Blame the voters!!

  • @shadowmmm
    @shadowmmm Год назад +1

    Mayor works 4hrs a day and police officer worked 16hrs sooo hmmm let’s show hours worked when doing a video

  • @alc5792
    @alc5792 8 месяцев назад

    And no one looking at the time sheet, i bet they're padding them

  • @CCCCC7779
    @CCCCC7779 Год назад +1

    Damn who knew Stanley from the Office became a cop

  • @HATER5000
    @HATER5000 Год назад +1

    Get the bag hell yeah

  • @g.garzez5945
    @g.garzez5945 Год назад

    😂😂Still the Same Overpaid & Useless

  • @Loosesapphire5135
    @Loosesapphire5135 Год назад +4

    Tyranny is costly, & the sovereign will force the oppressed to fund their cult.

    • @indeed8211
      @indeed8211 Год назад +1

      you're a special kind of mentally retarded aren't you

  • @erickn7985
    @erickn7985 Год назад

    Damn im definitely going to look at joining CPD😂😂

    • @mitchdogstudios
      @mitchdogstudios Год назад

      You said it. I want airport duty only too🤣. Easy job, lots of money. Personally I couldn't do it if it involved being on those streets😨

  • @DonovanAP
    @DonovanAP Год назад

    Wtf isn't the worthless TSA there? Isn't that DHS territory? They sure haven't had any cuts

  • @valerierodger
    @valerierodger Год назад +1

    Now how about including the number of hours worked?
    Why are you making this about the amount of money getting paid rather than the number of hours they are having to work, including the length of their shifts, and the time of day/night of their shifts? And compare that to the mayor.

  • @wholeagain
    @wholeagain Год назад +2


  • @cahivx
    @cahivx Год назад

    $180k/ year that’s more than a congressman! They make “overtime” as well though 🤔

  • @russeltoombs3800
    @russeltoombs3800 Год назад

    Wonder why police a garage and treat citizens as plebs

  • @Beavis4pres
    @Beavis4pres Год назад

    Sounds really grifty to me. Maybe Cleveland should bring in the "Bobs" to analyze efficiency. But then the city would be crossing the thin blue line, the enforcement muscle of government.

  • @conversationswithme8601
    @conversationswithme8601 Год назад

    Earn?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @blackcruze1379
    @blackcruze1379 Год назад

    Lamina Lamina we heard you sir

  • @klafirearms8665
    @klafirearms8665 10 месяцев назад

    Why is there a cop at kiosk? Private security a 1/4 of the cost keep taking the free money I would

  • @ritagreenleaf3669
    @ritagreenleaf3669 Год назад

    The news is messy

  • @heribertobaez2741
    @heribertobaez2741 Год назад

    Of course miss management but it’s the city of Cleveland as a ex union officer for Buffalo you have hire and keep hiring and city officials know that !!!

  • @virtuaguyverify
    @virtuaguyverify Год назад +1

    I always thought officers were salary. They deserve the pay regardless, they could not be here tomorrow

  • @PlankManAndBigOwl
    @PlankManAndBigOwl Год назад

    BLM baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @vihtoripuurola3775
    @vihtoripuurola3775 Год назад +2

    Good for them. They do deserve more pay than a mayor for what they have to put up with.

  • @MOB_JD
    @MOB_JD Год назад

    This is sickening. These "cops" are working the system

    • @mitchdogstudios
      @mitchdogstudios Год назад

      Lol it's called having a job bub. Same thing as you working overtime at your job but you don't complain about that I'm sure. If overtime is available, take it. They're paying their taxes. Leave them be.

  • @carlodanger8187
    @carlodanger8187 Год назад

    Good for those officers!

  • @angelknight-zw2do
    @angelknight-zw2do Год назад +1

    men dont want to become policemen with all this violence against cops and soft on crime prosecutors and I dont blame em. but wait, so the overtime is going to cops patroling the airport, well that sounds really dangerous compared to cops on the beat really fighting crime & putting their lives in danger, they should be getting overtime, not the ones walking around in relatively safe spaces. what a crock. smh😎

  • @sifterbox
    @sifterbox Год назад +1

    I find that black police officers are 100% honest and they know the constitution and follow it so I am sure this is on the Up and Up. These officers are definitely not making moneys smuggling at the airport on the side either not in cleveland no way sir.

    • @Thegrowerofthegreens
      @Thegrowerofthegreens Год назад

      Just go ahead and say your racist and yell the n word. We know you wanna.

    • @Thegrowerofthegreens
      @Thegrowerofthegreens Год назад

      Just go ahead and say your racist and yell the n word. We know you wanna.

    • @Thegrowerofthegreens
      @Thegrowerofthegreens Год назад

      Just go ahead and say your racist and yell the n word. We know you wanna.

  • @stevencastelow-hy9ns
    @stevencastelow-hy9ns Год назад

    Can you blame people for not wanting to be a police officer look at how they are treated most cadets start out joining to help people and make a difference but once you graduate you are a target for people politically and here's the part nobody hears about alot of cops get complaints filed on them because they did their jobs unfortunately you had to pull over the. City managers son for DUI and take him to jail or maybe you had to take him to jail for domestic violence all the sudden you have to take your wife to the court house to show you are not named in a divorce case and if you didn't have your voice activated voice recorder on you would have been fired for stopping the city council members son's girlfriend over to remind her of the speed limit and the next day the cheif is asking you fid you make lewd comments to her because you had to take his son to jail the week before for drunk and disorderly and on top of that you only get paid 15,000 a year and accused of being corrupt when you are having to work a construction job just to make ends meet that's why those officers are having to work all the over time because all the Democratic socialist party politicians demonizing police officers