vy urcite kto je diktator, zapad uz narobil dost nestastia na tejto planete a nechatje nas zit na pokoji a neposiielajte nam zapadnich stvacov,aby robili nepokoje
Väčšina áno, stoja za vládou, to len vy progresivci si myslíte že je váš viac, lebo blacite veľa ale je vás malo!!!! Slovensko dopredu a nedáme sa sfasizovatveuropskou úniou a ani NATO!!!
Ty máš červíkov vo svojej Anglosaskej riti! Fico je náš premiér za ktorým stojíme. Boli ste zvyknutí kolonizovať a ovládať menšie krajiny. To je ten problém.
You have it wrong. Ukraine will enter the EU and NATO only with the consent of Slovakia. Ukraine does not actually exist. Elections are not even possible there, how could the accession negotiations be done? And where are the borders of Ukraine? where will the end of the EU be? In Bakhmut or near Kiev?
Question from an American..can your president form trade agreements with other country leaders or does he need to ask EU first? This is strange to me being an American.
The loss of Slovakia is more painful for the West than it might seem at first glance. According to the map, Slovakia does not seem very important. But the problem is that within the former socialist Czechoslovakia, almost all the defense industry was moved to Slovakia (with the exception of chemical production) in order to be as far as possible from the enemies on the western border of Czechoslovakia. Defense production in the Czech Republic almost did not exist until recently, if I do not count handguns and the said chemical industry, while Slovakia has much more valuable and larger capacities.
@@kvici ale pre západ len poskokovia z východu a keď chces tak kľudne služ anglosasom je to tvoja vec je demokracia a každý má právo na svoj názor zbohom!!!
When Fico was in opposition, he organized aggressive protests against the government, where he openly criticized government ministers and the president, but also attacked police officers and attacked government buildings.
Prestaň užívať drogy lebo ty z nich zlyháva mozog žijem na Slovensku celý život ale toto počujem prvý krát zmeň tlač a televízne správy nech žije Fico!!!
Nothing, apart from the UK left after a referendum. Fico didn’t win an election based on a manifesto to take the country out the EU. So they should hold a referendum if that’s his policy.
problem je v takych hlavach ako mas ty...vsetkemu rozumies?hmmm,my nechceme prevrat,to chcu len diabolske opozicne strany,ktore nevedia prezrat,ze nevyhrali volby,a ktore su platene zapadom
I absolutly dont see any problem with Slovakia leaving EU and Nato , in fact i think they should do it . They dont contribute with much in either , so make it easy for them to leave .
I think honestly you haven't got clue about that contribution really at All. I know it must hurt ,your gay marriages wount be valid in most countries.😂
As slovak citizen, I would really like to stay in both, like most young people do. But I see your point. Our country elected these clowns, maybe we deserve that..
Eú môže Ficovi pobozkať zadok ty chmulo práve si opísal demokraciu tejto uchylnej sekty fašistov ktorá si hovorí Eú a čo najskôr ju opustime tým pre nás lepšie nech žije Fico!!!
Fico does not want to leave the EU. Fico wants to help the EU. Fico creates policy, he is not a passive receiver of regulations issued by Zelensky, to whom Brussels bows.
@@lukeamato423He was in Thailand for one day and his hotel and travel was paid for by his partner who invited him to the meeting. He proved it by publicly showing a statement from the hotel where it was stated how much he was staying there. He was there for one day. So it's just another lie of the opposition
Europe has no place for dictators!!
What, you mean the CIA ?
😂😂😂😂.Otkad to? Šta su onda Ursula,Makron i Šo LC????Smatraju ti oni što ne slušaju EU diktaturu?!
@ bla blah blah
vy urcite kto je diktator, zapad uz narobil dost nestastia na tejto planete a
nechatje nas zit na pokoji a neposiielajte nam zapadnich stvacov,aby robili nepokoje
Tak čo tam robí nacistická Uršula von den Lein ?
Bots are here, too
Ako ktorí, ja osobne nie
Väčšina nie
Väčšina áno, stoja za vládou, to len vy progresivci si myslíte že je váš viac, lebo blacite veľa ale je vás malo!!!! Slovensko dopredu a nedáme sa sfasizovatveuropskou úniou a ani NATO!!!
Good reporting. Thank you. Strong Ukraine. Strong NATO. Strong Poland.STRONG EUROPE!!!!
Every society has little worms, and that's ok
Ty máš červíkov vo svojej Anglosaskej riti! Fico je náš premiér za ktorým stojíme. Boli ste zvyknutí kolonizovať a ovládať menšie krajiny. To je ten problém.
@@petercecho5718 aj nas kolonizovali a ovladali ZSSR, 40 rokov, aj s invaziou v 1968. Pohrobkovia autoritarov tu stale vladnu. Hanba.
Aj tvoj muž má asi malého červíka preto tu píšeš debiliny lebo si neukojena!!!🐛
@@petercecho5718 your place with Fico is Moskovia.
Slovakia and Ukraine can swap places in the EU. They can do the same thing in Nato after the war in Ukraine ends. Bye bye Fico!
You have it wrong. Ukraine will enter the EU and NATO only with the consent of Slovakia. Ukraine does not actually exist. Elections are not even possible there, how could the accession negotiations be done? And where are the borders of Ukraine? where will the end of the EU be? In Bakhmut or near Kiev?
@@moneymay6324not Slovakia, just fyca's 20% ish hardcore nationalist putinist supporters.
😂😂😂.Liječi se!!!
Mi Slováci s tým súhlasíme! Slovakia=BRIX
@petercecho5718 ktori Slovaci? Brav za brava?
"What, in our moment of triumph?" - Grand Moff Tarkin
The right move.
Question from an American..can your president form trade agreements with other country leaders or does he need to ask EU first? This is strange to me being an American.
The loss of Slovakia is more painful for the West than it might seem at first glance. According to the map, Slovakia does not seem very important. But the problem is that within the former socialist Czechoslovakia, almost all the defense industry was moved to Slovakia (with the exception of chemical production) in order to be as far as possible from the enemies on the western border of Czechoslovakia. Defense production in the Czech Republic almost did not exist until recently, if I do not count handguns and the said chemical industry, while Slovakia has much more valuable and larger capacities.
What could they be possibly building in Slovakia? Soviet tanks? Aircraft carriers?
Havel zničil Slovenský zbrojný priemysel. Slovensko si samo vybudovalo velke kapacity na vyrobu municie.
@@vojtechmihalik2918 havel znicil aj cesku republiku a ceski priemysel,
taky druhy gorbi
@@mnemonijapredstav si že sa na Slovensku vyrábali tie sovietske tanky !!!
let him go out and join russia )
Fico you are very welcome to live the EU and NATO 🎉🎉🎉
You mean "leave"? I hope not if peoples will is to stay.
Dosť bolo Fica!
Máš tam preklep Šimečku!!!
@@vladimirballa1447 ale no. dosť bolo fyce, Slovensko je Europa.
@@kvici ale pre západ len poskokovia z východu a keď chces tak kľudne služ anglosasom je to tvoja vec je demokracia a každý má právo na svoj názor zbohom!!!
When Fico was in opposition, he organized aggressive protests against the government, where he openly criticized government ministers and the president, but also attacked police officers and attacked government buildings.
kedy utocil fico na vladne budovy atd...si.pomyleny a neinformovany
Prestaň užívať drogy lebo ty z nich zlyháva mozog žijem na Slovensku celý život ale toto počujem prvý krát zmeň tlač a televízne správy nech žije Fico!!!
Please stop saying his name right, he doesnt deserve it, call him fiko again please
Fiko ty chodí za ženou daj na ňu pozor !!!
Neutrality equals prorussian
It's democracy.
British did the same
What's the problem with it?
Nothing, apart from the UK left after a referendum. Fico didn’t win an election based on a manifesto to take the country out the EU. So they should hold a referendum if that’s his policy.
I thought EU wanted to kick out Slovakia. So what's the problem?
problem je v takych hlavach ako mas ty...vsetkemu rozumies?hmmm,my nechceme prevrat,to chcu len diabolske opozicne strany,ktore nevedia prezrat,ze nevyhrali volby,a ktore su platene zapadom
@@zuzbenciova5186a ty si platený zosumracnej za tieto kydy
I absolutly dont see any problem with Slovakia leaving EU and Nato , in fact i think they should do it . They dont contribute with much in either , so make it easy for them to leave .
I think honestly you haven't got clue about that contribution really at All.
I know it must hurt ,your gay marriages wount be valid in most countries.😂
As slovak citizen, I would really like to stay in both, like most young people do. But I see your point. Our country elected these clowns, maybe we deserve that..
@johnnylind-n7j I think you know fuck All about IT!!👏
Let's be fair. We know who has the power in the EU. I am glad I am an American.
@johnnylind-n7j Honestly ,i do not think you know much about IT.Its easy being full of EXCREMENTS.
Peaceful demonstrations accomplish nothing
EU should ensure Fico's exit with one way ticket to Russia simple task! Get Moscow to withdraw the SMO TO 2014 BORDER!
Eú môže Ficovi pobozkať zadok ty chmulo práve si opísal demokraciu tejto uchylnej sekty fašistov ktorá si hovorí Eú a čo najskôr ju opustime tým pre nás lepšie nech žije Fico!!!
Fico does not want to leave the EU. Fico wants to help the EU. Fico creates policy, he is not a passive receiver of regulations issued by Zelensky, to whom Brussels bows.
The joke of the day!
He spends his countries money on lady boys and fancy hotels in Thailand
@@lukeamato423He was in Thailand for one day and his hotel and travel was paid for by his partner who invited him to the meeting. He proved it by publicly showing a statement from the hotel where it was stated how much he was staying there. He was there for one day. So it's just another lie of the opposition
The russian bot of today... Get lost if you take yourself serious
Obviously Fico has a brain, as nobody with a brain, would want to be in the EU
Are sure that you have the brain?
I don't think so.
Obviously you don't have the brain !
Dictator lovers 💩
Why don't you go with Fico to live in Russia? Perfect place for you
I like brains with eggs!
FICO - 2 inches too the right