Altar boy - I need a miracle to stop this from happening. Priest - I need a miracle to keep getting away with this. Boy's parents - We need a miracle to get justice.
Yes it's quite interesting now that we have phones with cameras on them that we just don't see those type of miracles being performed anymore. You know where we could actually take pictures and have a record and proof.
I liked that bit about Paul and Barnabas doing miracles. I am frequently told by Christians that his comments about miracles were only intended for the twelve. Great point! I never picked up on that before. Turns out there were a couple others: Stephen performed amazing miracles and signs (Acts 6:8) Philip cast out demons and healed the lame (Acts 8:7;8:13)
Now, they'll say that Paul and Barnabas BECAME part of the twelve, or apostles, or some such nonsense. And when we ask why that didn't continue - why new people didn't continue to be added to "the twelve" or "become apostles," they'll say, "because... reasons."
i think we need to repeat the words "nuance" and "context" until they are worn out and religists have to find some other excusiology. perhaps metaphor and allegory too, if i knew what allegory meant.
John 14:12 one of my favorites. I often wonder why some Christian doesn't go down to the children's hospital an cure all the kids with cancer?? Like those "faith healers" could do? Wait... they don't do that??? I am confused. Do they not believe in the word of our Lord (the failed carpenter?).
I was once told by a Christian that those kids' suffering was a lesson for them from God, showing them that his great mercy and love was manifest in the angelic medical personnel ministering to them. I have to think the kids wished there was another way God could show his goodness.
@@c.a.t.732 , I could not imagine telling a parent that their cancer is a lesson. But like you say some would. Me I say it's all random is a universe that sees us for the small little planet we are in the middle of a expansive sea space. An that truth is okay. Live for the now, find happiness and share it :)
@@c.a.t.732 SOME medical personnel are certainly not "angelic". Some are outright hurtful to vulnerable people. Most are doing it to earn a living, and doing as good a job as humanly possible, with work/life balance. A few are outright expletives.
@@misterdeity Stephen Hawking said that the whole notion of "time" before the Big Bang is an odd and meaningless thing, since the Big Bang also created time. So, had God not created this whole mess that included time, he might have had "time" to..... ummmm.... please Mrs. God.
I spent my life praying for miracles that I needed. Not wanted. Needed. Traveled thousands of miles under great stress. Believing as hard as I could. Not one miracle. Not one great revelation. Just ever increasing suffering. But the faithful tell me, maybe god is just a dick. It says no sometimes. Hard no. But my life did get better. Why? How? I relied on science, education and I became an atheist. Then became an anti theist. It was education on reality and my healing that showed me there is no such thing as god. At least as any religion pretends. I spent my life as a good christian suffering for nothing but the affects of religion. When I figured that out, I searched for any traces of a god in myself and anywhere else. I found none. It told me that faith is a need for fantasy. An escape from reality. No one has proof of any diety and there is nothing to indicate anyone ever will. And despite the evidence in their face, theist keep on fooling themselves in any and every way they can find.
Similar path....😕 I'm thankful to myself and other honest people that I've life left to live with a measure of joy and peace I never had before. Nothing fails like prayer and gods.
I don't need a god to dance like a puppet for me but it would make it easier to believe in if it showed up once and a while. I guess that's asking to much of this god thing.
In Jesus, on Jesus, over Jesus, what evs. I haven't met a Christian yet. But I have met people who call themselves Christian's. Next time I meet one I will ask for a miracle to prove they are a Christian. No miracle, no preaching. Thank you misterwisdom, er, I mean misterdeity.
"Full of guile and all craftiness" seems like a good way to describe the kind of people who'd try to weasel their way out of the burden of miraculous claims and worm their way out of what the Bible plainly says while still trying to use the Bible to be coercive.
I have had miracles happen to me and what are you going to be able to do about it? Nothing but say I am a liar or something else and it still won’t make the miracles I have seen disappear from my memory..
@@davidrexford586 I can't tell if you're being serious or not. If you are, what *exactly* was miraculous - meaning impossible to explain by non-supernatural means?
@@najaB76 why do you actually care? If I tell you of a miracle I have witnessed you could just say I made it all up.. and it would be a waste of time telling you.
@@davidrexford586 Well given you refuse to even tell us what the miracle supposedly was, your statement is kinda meaningless. For all we know someone could have given you a Big Mac when you were hungry and you could be calling that a miracle. What's wasting people's time is making a big production out of not telling us anything of value.
@@Zahaqiel you don’t understand what life is do you? Do you understand the world is your stage of sorts and you have to figure out what you will get out of it before you ultimately die? I always hear people tell me I am making up my beliefs in God or they say I am lying about everything, even after I have shared experiences of a Spiritual manner when it comes to my beliefs in God. And then others say I am forcing my religion on others as if I control them somehow when they are as separated from me as I from them. Look in the mirror and you will see who you are in charge of and I am not it , but you are. I found God by going to God individually and none gave me proof of God before I went individually of all other Souls around me. Are you still with me? Do you understand what I am saying to you? You only determine what you want to believe and I as well and I can’t force another lone Soul like myself to believe in God. So I tell people my experiences and I hear I don’t believe you and it ends the discussion right there because if you think I am lying about my experiences, then you are saying to yourself I am lying overall and since I am not, I can walk away and go on to another and that’s that. People play games with their own precious Soul where the Bible declares one Soul is worth the whole physical earth’s treasures all by itself. So people go through life and never consider the enormity of their Souls value and they instead seek after treasures on the earth in exchange for it of sorts and end up losing their Soul in the end. But do come at me to discredit me at your own peril because I am not in charge over you but you are ultimately in charge of yourself. And since we are all alone and separate Souls we are all given the same way to know God and if I find God by the Faith he gives all of us, but you don’t find God yourself it’s not my fault. Romans12v3 explains the gift we are all given to understand God with but many former Christians run around as Atheists and say it isn’t a way to know God by and it creates a serious dilemma for them and others who take what they say as the truth but is it the truth??? If it was true you couldn’t know God by the Faith he gives you then no one could find God including Atheists who find God by FAITH today. As well as others from all different backgrounds and religious affiliations so someone is DEFINITELY lying but you have to figure that out for yourself.
The Bible says that Israel should not accept someone claiming to be a prophet, even if they perform signs and wonders, but that they should judge them by what they say.(Deut.13:2) Jesus should have known this verse.The Jewish leaders probably knew this verse well.This may have been one of the reasons they rejected Jesus and his miracles.So Jesus telling them to believe him because of his "works"(miracles) was a moot point.Pharaoh's magi performed wonders,also.(or so the story goes).
There is a good reason why I have never attended church for anything more than funerals. I was expected to attend church for funerals. I was not expected to believe things that couldn't be demonstrated to be true. Bollocks is a good word for it, and I don't mean the dog's bollocks.
Antitheist that I am, I'll still go to church for a wedding too. Also funerals. I just don't believe they're in a better place, with their maker, or any of the other crap. They died. We have to accept that and get on with it. Funerals are a place where people can get mutual support to get over a particular death.
@@rudra62 I don't recall ever attending church for a wedding. Atheism is a lot stronger in the UK than official figures suggest. Just because someone claims to have a religious affiliation doesn't mean that they genuinely believe in it. I got married in a registry office. I found no reason to believe that the human persona could survive brain death, thus my disbelief has a practical basis. I have attended church funerals, where even the dead person had no former religious belief.
@@clemstevenson In the US, many weddings are held in Churches, performed by clergy, even though the couple may not have been to church for many years. There really is no mechanism for anything in a sentient brain to function beyond death, give or take a few minutes in some cases, as it stops functioning. Memories and reactions to stimuli are functions of that brain, and there's nothing there to indicate they're leaving somehow. No particles or waves are emitted. The weight stays the same. Furthermore, we have examples of people with injured brains, and they function differently than the person acted before. They might not remember things, they might have confabulated memories (of things that never happened). They might have different preferences than they had before. They might have a whole different personality! Certainly, brain death would be far more profound than any survived TBI was.
@@rudra62 I am sure that a lot of people just follow traditions, and will assume that a church marriage is entirely normal. Before the new millennium kicked in, I had compared 1990s NDE claims with the tragic results of severe strokes. It became obvious that the NDE claims didn’t match. I have been arguing against a human afterlife for an entire generation.
All we know about Paul and Barnabas is what some anonymous scribe wrote down. Nothing more; no corroborating evidence, or even 2nd observation. Much like the unicorn sightings, which would be futile to claim actually happened. Is "what was written down" worth considering seriously except as literature or fantasy?
as an atheist I think the christians made a raw deal... they basically sign a waiver admitting they're sinners, so why would god admit them in heaven? to hell with them... to make matters worse, their sinning is why his child was tortured and died on the cross, I'd say the only people who could ever go to heaven are kind atheists that just don't see how all that sinning applies to them...
I quite like the idea of a God who looks favourably upon atheists for not being so gullible and not being willing to commit heinous acts out of obedience to authority. The major religions would be a test, and those who follow them would be doomed. Atheists would go to heaven instead. Think of a variation on Pascals Wager; call it Rascals Wager. 🤔
Paul and Barnabas not being of the original 12 may still fit the “only disciples” narrative. Remember, Ringo was not one of the original 4 Beatles. I am not aware of Ringo healing, blinding, or resurrecting anyone though, so it might be slightly different.
You left out the greatest miracle of all. When Jesus killed a fig tree for not bearing fruit out of season. I guess making the tree bear fruit didn't occur to him. Either way, he uses this `spectacular` miracle to say Mark 11:23 "Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." - Says the same thing in Matthew 21:21-22.
Yep. The guy can walk on water and raise the dead, but He just can't get a goddamned fig when He wants one! That WOULD be infuriating (what the F, Dad?).
@@misterdeityThat's probably why he's late in the whole "coming back" thing. Heaven has the best figs, and Jesus can't fit through the pearly gates😏 He's been waiting on Richard Simmons to "help him out"🫣🤣🤣🤣
@@davidrexford586 No one can be so gullible to think we actually know where the exact fig tree is - or even that the story depicts an actual historical event.
You open my eyes, oh Deity, to new ways to approach the save-ed and holy ones, to dissipate their looniness from their noggins. All praise and glory to Mr. Deity!
God: I want a deep abiding relationship with you, my child who I have loved since before you were knitted in your mother's womb. Also God: I'm just popping up to heaven for some smokes. _disappears for 2000 years_
Miracles don't occur: 1-god wants you to learn a lesson; 2-the time is not right; 3-Some Mormon girl couldn't find her car keys, so god had to take time out of his busy day to find the keys, rather than saving a child dying of cancer.
That must be it! The increase in key losses over the centuries must have used up all the divine capacity for miracles. The pieces are all falling into place.
Thank YOU!!! Blessing and indulgences are yours! And I’m throwing in a self-authenticating way of knowing something you want to be true is indeed true. ❤️
When it comes to relationships with Jesus, the question is the same as with most intimate relationships: " *in* or *on* ". *On* is safer, but the Catholics are _really_ against that, so...
@misterdeity I love this one, absolutely love it. Stitching together all the pieces I read separate from each other when i was a believer and showing how they really don't fit together. Everyone needs to learn these critical thinking skills to push back the rise of religiosity, it's even starting to show up in the UK - the home of that once great bastion of religious apathy: the Church of England.
Terrific critique as always. I'm literally trying to use the bible to validate the bible when I ask a christian to perform a miracle that Jesus did. If they can't do it, that suggests either I can't trust the bible, or that the person whose trying to convince me themselves doesn't really believe. If its the latter, why are you trying to convince me of something even you don't really think is true? Like you don't even have the faith the size of a mustard seed in its truth, and that was literally the smallest of all seeds that non-dieties in the area Jesus was in would have known about. Unrelated aside, but it sure would be quite the tell that some one wasn't actually a god if they thought that was the smallest of all seeds, am I right? Good thing Jesus never made that mistake...
Of all the contradictory verses in the Bible, the existence of verses that specifically say to test the Lord your God, and verses that say don’t test the Lord your God, have to be some of the most damning.
I think that stopped because of all the talk about foot massages in Pulp Fiction. Remember when Vincent asked, would you give a man a foot massage? They finally figured out the sexual nature of that game.
The true miracle is that anyone still believes this stuff. The guy who came back to life after his window mishap probably died for our minor sins, like speeding and jaywalking. Where is his church?
frankly, I'd be happy to see them just following Jesus' instructions... I'd call "sell all you own and give the money to the poor" to be a **real** miracle!!
My late spouse and I often wished to share that special moment at the same time. 😉 Though we agreed and loadly petitioned god, I must say that it rarely happened. Evidently, at least most of the time, god breaks promises. Sad when you see it... 🙁
Bri, your problem is that you simply refuse to make a blind, unwarranted assumption upon a single coincidence. Your friend Bill comes to visit. As he's leaving, you stand at the door and say "Bye, Bill!" Then you turn around and notice your car keys sticking out between two sofa cushions. If that's not proof of Jesus, I don't know what is!
I remember this was the 1st crack in my belief. I asked my mom around 7 why there were no more miracles nowadays. She gestured vaguely that “it was a different time” then. My mother loved to educate us so this weird unsatisfactory answer was bewildering to me and I remember wondering if she even rly believed any of this
Is it possible that the "speaking in tongues" idea was an early Christian apologetic to explain how some illiterate apostles were able to write New Testament books in Greek?
Because trinitarnism isn’t in the New Testament. If God is a god and Jesus is a god thats two gods and thats not monotheism. Christians in the late Roman empire liked to pretend they were special and only worshiped one god, so they mad up this three people one god nonsense.
they had a big fight over this very question many years ago, they hated the idea of Jesus being subordinate to God so they made him equal, they settled it by killing anyone who disagreed, with Christian love of course
Being a lexiphile, I have a fascination with obscure words. However, every time this subject comes up, I have to search for the term, "glossolalia". What a drag it is getting old.
Wish I could think of something witty to say, but today is not that day. Oh well. I offer my comment up to the Mighty Algorithmo, and to you Mr. Deity, that I might continue receiving the joys of your biting sarcasm.
Oh, it's Algorithmo ? ! I've been praying to Al Gore all of this time and I've got absolutely nothing to show for it. 😉😁 Hope I made you smile... I know those days. 🤗
*All things considered ?* (maybe one day ?) If I could have a, _"scientific miracle",_ I would be more than happy with full access & control of the pharmacy in my brain. That way I could pick & choose what emotions I feel, for as long as I want, & to what ever degree I want.
Well, I'd believe if Christians were moving through hospitals, healing each patient as they went. Given the number of Christians out there, hospitals could easily be empty and that would be a sign of a god. I.m not holding my breath for it, though, as I don't think it could happen!
@@paulthompson9668 fill me up with what? It’s holy invisible make believe? Why would I want to get on my knees for make believe? I don’t know a Christian who can tell the truth! There is NO HATE like Christian love!
New bible rule. If you were not there to hear the actual original words spoken they don't apply to you. Jesus didn't speak directly to you, in person? Doesn't count. God didn't speak the commandments directly to you? Doesn't count.
Ah but, you see, god has written it on your heart!... No I wasn't there when he did that, but the bible says he did. Damn. There has to be a way that this makes sense, 1bln people cannot all be wrong about this... What? The 6bln people who believe in other religions? Oh no, they are all wrong obviously... Damn... Ok I'll go back to indoctr... bible study to re-read some passages from the bible and mix them up and re-interpret them in the light of these developments and I'll get back to you with the rock solid proof that I just made up. Did I say that out loud? No I typed it in a YT comment so nobody will read it. I'm safe. God is my editor, he's got my back.
Man, you hit another one out of the park on this one. These claims are so damning. The only real miracle I see is how twisted the explanations have become to explain why this never works. Well done!
Hey Brian. Looking good. I never tire of studying the bible because a careful reading, without the filter of faith, highlights so many absurdities. Things that believers either do not see or, more probably, do not want to see. The original reason for apologetics was to explain away these issues but to do so requires interpreting the inspired word of their god. Which seems a little presumptuous, not to say arrogant. 😁
And without the "key," you get a zillion different interpretations, spawning endless conflict and division. Clearly the plan of an all-knowing superBeing!
@@misterdeity Right. He loves us so much but he was deliberately vague and imperfect in his holy book. Perhaps the reason he no longer enjoys the smell of burning flesh is because he prefers to watch us destroy ourselves, fighting over what he really meant to say. I'm slowly winning my fight with cancer, I hope you're still doing the same. We need you to shine the light of reason.
Your Strat plugged in has the "power of god". Zappa fans would believe it, playing an SG, 1,3 or 2,4 and everything in between. Love your music references. Aron's missing out.
Wait, isn't the operative phrase "it will be done for them by my Father in heaven?" And depending on the accuracy of the punctuation it could mean by my Father (comma) in heaven. Not a word about it being done on Earth. The travel guides say there are no wars, sickness or death in Heaven. So as far as we know, that's where the requests were fulfilled. J.C. done pranked the homies.
Wait a minute. The Infinity Stones can be overruled by the Living Tribunal. I don't think that is true omnipotence. Sure, snap your fingers and wipe out half of life power, but omnipotence?
Is he dead serious, or more like undead serious? Maybe this is why it is so hard to find Jesus in this day and age. He has a vampire like thing going on, and avoids the sunlight.
Ironically I got an ad from TomorrowsWorldViewpoint their video about Inquisition and activism. of course they forget to talk about the religion of the inquisitors. You know it's just like now the poor things are being horribly treated just like the people that were treated in the inquisition. Really? Really? YOu mean People saying I'm not going to put up with your shite anymore is just like all the people that were ked for not believing in your gob? Really?
In Mark 16:17-18 Jesus lists 5 SIGNS that believers in him... ALL OF THEM... will be able to do as a SIGN of their belief... "these SIGNS shall follow them that believe... In my name (1)shall they cast out devils; (2) they shall speak with new tongues; (3) they shall take up serpents; (4) if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; (5) they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Many Christians love to pretend to be able to talk in tongues as one of those signs listed by Jesus... but not a single one has been able to empty the hospitals of all those sick children or eliminate the need for Health Insurance for the believers... Either Jesus lied... or there just are no real believers in him... not even one anywhere.... You would think out of all those billions who gyrate with ecstasy believing on Jesus while his holy ghost is coming unto them, at least one would be able to go to a children's hospital and clear out the oncology ward at the very least... as Jesus promised they should be able to do as a SIGN of their belief... why has none done it???
Mark 16 ends at verse 8 (I think it verse 8) with the women running away, scared and telling no one. Apparently, that wasn't satisfying. So people added on those extra verses later. For that one, you can't blame Jesus.
@@misterdeity ... anyone using that argument will automatically obviate the whole of the NT... because how do we know that anything in the NT is not just as fake as those verses they are gladly admitting in their argument to alleviate the problem. The excuse is even worse than the problem.
If believers can't do all of those miracles and more, 🤔 maybe it's just because, Jesus just isn't that in to you (doesn't like you in THAT way🤷🏻♂️). Maybe y'all should try Buddhism, or maybe there's a nice Hindu god just wondering where you're hiding🙄😏
Brian! This was the one I got interrupted on, I think! That's always been one of my problems to! 👍🏼💙💙💙🥰✌🏽
Altar boy - I need a miracle to stop this from happening.
Priest - I need a miracle to keep getting away with this.
Boy's parents - We need a miracle to get justice.
Other sheep - Jesus gave us the miracle of free will
And they carry on freely willing to be fleeced and "milked" and consumed by the same shepherds.
exactly. but only the priests ever got their "miracles."
@@ushere5791 I once heard a Catholic say that the church has to cover up abuse to protect god's reputation.🤮
Little boy blew; he needed the money. - Andrew Dice Clay
Hell yeah
🎶 “Smoke, smoke, smoke your goat. God loves the smell of the steam. Verily, verily, verily, verily it’s just as true as a dream.” 🎵
Yes it's quite interesting now that we have phones with cameras on them that we just don't see those type of miracles being performed anymore. You know where we could actually take pictures and have a record and proof.
Verily verily verily life is but a dream🎶
Isn't there supposed to be 4 ?
I liked that bit about Paul and Barnabas doing miracles. I am frequently told by Christians that his comments about miracles were only intended for the twelve. Great point! I never picked up on that before. Turns out there were a couple others:
Stephen performed amazing miracles and signs (Acts 6:8)
Philip cast out demons and healed the lame (Acts 8:7;8:13)
Now, they'll say that Paul and Barnabas BECAME part of the twelve, or apostles, or some such nonsense. And when we ask why that didn't continue - why new people didn't continue to be added to "the twelve" or "become apostles," they'll say, "because... reasons."
i think we need to repeat the words "nuance" and "context" until they are worn out and religists have to find some other excusiology. perhaps metaphor and allegory too, if i knew what allegory meant.
I used to see the dead come back to life every Friday at 4:30.
John 14:12 one of my favorites. I often wonder why some Christian doesn't go down to the children's hospital an cure all the kids with cancer?? Like those "faith healers" could do? Wait... they don't do that???
I am confused. Do they not believe in the word of our Lord (the failed carpenter?).
I was once told by a Christian that those kids' suffering was a lesson for them from God, showing them that his great mercy and love was manifest in the angelic medical personnel ministering to them. I have to think the kids wished there was another way God could show his goodness.
@@c.a.t.732 🤢
@@c.a.t.732 , I could not imagine telling a parent that their cancer is a lesson.
But like you say some would. Me I say it's all random is a universe that sees us for the small little planet we are in the middle of a expansive sea space. An that truth is okay. Live for the now, find happiness and share it :)
@@c.a.t.732 SOME medical personnel are certainly not "angelic". Some are outright hurtful to vulnerable people. Most are doing it to earn a living, and doing as good a job as humanly possible, with work/life balance. A few are outright expletives.
God's impotent? So he created humanity and waited 13.8 billion years for the little blue pill. Now that's the long game.
He’s got all the time in… Well, in time.
@@misterdeity Stephen Hawking said that the whole notion of "time" before the Big Bang is an odd and meaningless thing, since the Big Bang also created time. So, had God not created this whole mess that included time, he might have had "time" to..... ummmm.... please Mrs. God.
I spent my life praying for miracles that I needed. Not wanted. Needed. Traveled thousands of miles under great stress. Believing as hard as I could. Not one miracle. Not one great revelation. Just ever increasing suffering. But the faithful tell me, maybe god is just a dick. It says no sometimes. Hard no.
But my life did get better. Why? How? I relied on science, education and I became an atheist. Then became an anti theist. It was education on reality and my healing that showed me there is no such thing as god. At least as any religion pretends. I spent my life as a good christian suffering for nothing but the affects of religion. When I figured that out, I searched for any traces of a god in myself and anywhere else. I found none. It told me that faith is a need for fantasy. An escape from reality. No one has proof of any diety and there is nothing to indicate anyone ever will. And despite the evidence in their face, theist keep on fooling themselves in any and every way they can find.
I have a similar story!
Similar path....😕 I'm thankful to myself and other honest people that I've life left to live with a measure of joy and peace I never had before. Nothing fails like prayer and gods.
I don't need a god to dance like a puppet for me but it would make it easier to believe in if it showed up once and a while. I guess that's asking to much of this god thing.
He's a busy guy!
@@misterdeityHe has a lot of keys and parking spaces to find for people.
In Jesus, on Jesus, over Jesus, what evs. I haven't met a Christian yet. But I have met people who call themselves Christian's. Next time I meet one I will ask for a miracle to prove they are a Christian. No miracle, no preaching.
Thank you misterwisdom, er, I mean misterdeity.
"Full of guile and all craftiness" seems like a good way to describe the kind of people who'd try to weasel their way out of the burden of miraculous claims and worm their way out of what the Bible plainly says while still trying to use the Bible to be coercive.
I have had miracles happen to me and what are you going to be able to do about it? Nothing but say I am a liar or something else and it still won’t make the miracles I have seen disappear from my memory..
@@davidrexford586 I can't tell if you're being serious or not.
If you are, what *exactly* was miraculous - meaning impossible to explain by non-supernatural means?
@@najaB76 why do you actually care? If I tell you of a miracle I have witnessed you could just say I made it all up.. and it would be a waste of time telling you.
@@davidrexford586 Well given you refuse to even tell us what the miracle supposedly was, your statement is kinda meaningless.
For all we know someone could have given you a Big Mac when you were hungry and you could be calling that a miracle.
What's wasting people's time is making a big production out of not telling us anything of value.
@@Zahaqiel you don’t understand what life is do you? Do you understand the world is your stage of sorts and you have to figure out what you will get out of it before you ultimately die?
I always hear people tell me I am making up my beliefs in God or they say I am lying about everything, even after I have shared experiences of a Spiritual manner when it comes to my beliefs in God.
And then others say I am forcing my religion on others as if I control them somehow when they are as separated from me as I from them.
Look in the mirror and you will see who you are in charge of and I am not it , but you are. I found God by going to God individually and none gave me proof of God before I went individually of all other Souls around me.
Are you still with me? Do you understand what I am saying to you? You only determine what you want to believe and I as well and I can’t force another lone Soul like myself to believe in God.
So I tell people my experiences and I hear I don’t believe you and it ends the discussion right there because if you think I am lying about my experiences, then you are saying to yourself I am lying overall and since I am not, I can walk away and go on to another and that’s that.
People play games with their own precious Soul where the Bible declares one Soul is worth the whole physical earth’s treasures all by itself.
So people go through life and never consider the enormity of their Souls value and they instead seek after treasures on the earth in exchange for it of sorts and end up losing their Soul in the end.
But do come at me to discredit me at your own peril because I am not in charge over you but you are ultimately in charge of yourself.
And since we are all alone and separate Souls we are all given the same way to know God and if I find God by the Faith he gives all of us, but you don’t find God yourself it’s not my fault.
Romans12v3 explains the gift we are all given to understand God with but many former Christians run around as Atheists and say it isn’t a way to know God by and it creates a serious dilemma for them and others who take what they say as the truth but is it the truth???
If it was true you couldn’t know God by the Faith he gives you then no one could find God including Atheists who find God by FAITH today.
As well as others from all different backgrounds and religious affiliations so someone is DEFINITELY lying but you have to figure that out for yourself.
The Bible says that Israel should not accept someone claiming to be a prophet, even if they perform signs and wonders, but that they should judge them by what they say.(Deut.13:2) Jesus should have known this verse.The Jewish leaders probably knew this verse well.This may have been one of the reasons they rejected Jesus and his miracles.So Jesus telling them to believe him because of his "works"(miracles) was a moot point.Pharaoh's magi performed wonders,also.(or so the story goes).
Paul Mark and Barnabas
Good name for a punk band!
They were a folk trio back in the 60's, like Peter Paul and Mary, but with a psychedelic twist.😉
@@donaldnumbskull9745 Everyone's doin the psychedelic twist!!
There is a good reason why I have never attended church for anything more than funerals. I was expected to attend church for funerals. I was not expected to believe things that couldn't be demonstrated to be true. Bollocks is a good word for it, and I don't mean the dog's bollocks.
Antitheist that I am, I'll still go to church for a wedding too. Also funerals. I just don't believe they're in a better place, with their maker, or any of the other crap. They died. We have to accept that and get on with it. Funerals are a place where people can get mutual support to get over a particular death.
@@rudra62 I don't recall ever attending church for a wedding. Atheism is a lot stronger in the UK than official figures suggest. Just because someone claims to have a religious affiliation doesn't mean that they genuinely believe in it. I got married in a registry office. I found no reason to believe that the human persona could survive brain death, thus my disbelief has a practical basis. I have attended church funerals, where even the dead person had no former religious belief.
@@clemstevenson In the US, many weddings are held in Churches, performed by clergy, even though the couple may not have been to church for many years.
There really is no mechanism for anything in a sentient brain to function beyond death, give or take a few minutes in some cases, as it stops functioning. Memories and reactions to stimuli are functions of that brain, and there's nothing there to indicate they're leaving somehow. No particles or waves are emitted. The weight stays the same.
Furthermore, we have examples of people with injured brains, and they function differently than the person acted before. They might not remember things, they might have confabulated memories (of things that never happened). They might have different preferences than they had before. They might have a whole different personality! Certainly, brain death would be far more profound than any survived TBI was.
@@rudra62 I am sure that a lot of people just follow traditions, and will assume that a church marriage is entirely normal. Before the new millennium kicked in, I had compared 1990s NDE claims with the tragic results of severe strokes. It became obvious that the NDE claims didn’t match. I have been arguing against a human afterlife for an entire generation.
All we know about Paul and Barnabas is what some anonymous scribe wrote down. Nothing more; no corroborating evidence, or even 2nd observation. Much like the unicorn sightings, which would be futile to claim actually happened. Is "what was written down" worth considering seriously except as literature or fantasy?
as an atheist I think the christians made a raw deal... they basically sign a waiver admitting they're sinners, so why would god admit them in heaven? to hell with them... to make matters worse, their sinning is why his child was tortured and died on the cross, I'd say the only people who could ever go to heaven are kind atheists that just don't see how all that sinning applies to them...
I quite like the idea of a God who looks favourably upon atheists for not being so gullible and not being willing to commit heinous acts out of obedience to authority. The major religions would be a test, and those who follow them would be doomed. Atheists would go to heaven instead. Think of a variation on Pascals Wager; call it Rascals Wager. 🤔
And a gag reel, lord sweet Jesus we blessed
I was sad that I had no shoes... until I met a man who had no feet.
So I took his shoes... he didn't need them.
The Lord taketh and the Lord giveth away. He always provides. 😉 I'm looking for a guy with no hands and big gloves .
I get so many good laughs reading these comments. I’m sure it’s adding to my health and longevity. Thanks.
@@misterdeity Thanks. I try my best
There's no justice (or God) in this world. This channel should have at least 2 million subs.
I hear you!!! Amen!
Paul and Barnabas not being of the original 12 may still fit the “only disciples” narrative. Remember, Ringo was not one of the original 4 Beatles. I am not aware of Ringo healing, blinding, or resurrecting anyone though, so it might be slightly different.
LOL!!! Pete Best regularly heals the sick and raises the dead!
@@misterdeity But he's the best at not healing people!
You left out the greatest miracle of all. When Jesus killed a fig tree for not bearing fruit out of season. I guess making the tree bear fruit didn't occur to him. Either way, he uses this `spectacular` miracle to say Mark 11:23 "Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." - Says the same thing in Matthew 21:21-22.
Yep. The guy can walk on water and raise the dead, but He just can't get a goddamned fig when He wants one! That WOULD be infuriating (what the F, Dad?).
@@misterdeityThat's probably why he's late in the whole "coming back" thing.
Heaven has the best figs, and Jesus can't fit through the pearly gates😏
He's been waiting on Richard Simmons to "help him out"🫣🤣🤣🤣
I would rather say, the great show of impotence of Satan, you had your chance Gorman… now buzz off!
You don’t even understand why he cursed the fig tree but guess what? It bloomed again on May 13, 1948.
@@davidrexford586 No one can be so gullible to think we actually know where the exact fig tree is - or even that the story depicts an actual historical event.
You open my eyes, oh Deity, to new ways to approach the save-ed and holy ones, to dissipate their looniness from their noggins. All praise and glory to Mr. Deity!
I never paid attention to the importance of Paul's miracles before. Thanks, Brian. I'm going to watch this one again.
God: I want a deep abiding relationship with you, my child who I have loved since before you were knitted in your mother's womb.
Also God: I'm just popping up to heaven for some smokes. _disappears for 2000 years_
He'll be right back though. He said so. Just like he said he loves us. (Looks around at all of the suffering people)
Every kick that goes through the uprights is apparently credited as a miracle.
Yes. And you'd think the miracle of the juniper bush would be quite enough.
Absolutely love your sarcasm
There's more sick burns per minute here than a George Carlin show!
That is high praise indeed. You’ve made my fortnight!
1 Cor. 9:22 Paul, and every used car salesman on the planet, said, "I have become all things to all men that I might [sell them a bunch of shite]".
That’s one of my favorite verses!
Also there's this verse: "If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."(Gal.1:10) Can anyone say "contradiction?"
Miracles don't occur: 1-god wants you to learn a lesson; 2-the time is not right; 3-Some Mormon girl couldn't find her car keys, so god had to take time out of his busy day to find the keys, rather than saving a child dying of cancer.
That must be it! The increase in key losses over the centuries must have used up all the divine capacity for miracles. The pieces are all falling into place.
Wallace must be the most gullible investigator of all time. Besides Lee Stobel anyway.
Yeah, they both must have absolutely sucked at their jobs. Maybe that explains whey they're no longer doing those jobs(?). 🤔
I think they both found an easier way to make more money. Expunge all critical thinking. It makes things easier.
Thank YOU!!! Blessing and indulgences are yours! And I’m throwing in a self-authenticating way of knowing something you want to be true is indeed true. ❤️
I am old.
I have met many people who call themselves Christians.
I have never met a Christian.
By their works I know them.
So sad.
When it comes to relationships with Jesus, the question is the same as with most intimate relationships: " *in* or *on* ". *On* is safer, but the Catholics are _really_ against that, so...
Also, you may be in a relationship because they turn you *on.* But that relationship won't last long if you turn them *in.*
I'll take water into wine
Believing in vs. believing on...
Well, I suppose that's less of a faux pas than coming to Jesus vs. coming on Jesus.
Or coming aboard Jesus.
I'd rather come without Jesus, if we're doing prepositions.
Faith is so much easier than thinking. Have your values handed to you on a platter... Like a baby. Make believe... Like a baby.
@misterdeity I love this one, absolutely love it. Stitching together all the pieces I read separate from each other when i was a believer and showing how they really don't fit together.
Everyone needs to learn these critical thinking skills to push back the rise of religiosity, it's even starting to show up in the UK - the home of that once great bastion of religious apathy: the Church of England.
tyvm, bri bri!!
XTians can't even follow Jesus' teachings to treat people with kindness. Why would you ever expect for them to perform miracles?
EXACTLY! I saw this for the 30+ years in the Christian cult. The two-faced people spewing their hate and lies.
Hello again ✌️🧔♂️
Jesus said, 'I will show you a miracle, then preach to you. First... pick a card!'
Any card ? 😀
@@aubreyleonae4108 Any card... of course, I'll nudge one of them up so you'll subconsciously pick it...
@@brunozeigerts6379 ah, but what if I'm blind ? 😉 it would explain why typing is so damned hard. 😃
@@aubreyleonae4108 Don't worry... a glorious career as a baseball umpire awaits you!
@@brunozeigerts6379 😂🤣😃😄❤
J Warner Wallace has a new nickname!
That’s not mine. Might be Godless Engineer’s.
@@misterdeity it is a good one!
@@aussie405 I know. That’s why I stole it!!!
@@misterdeity I bet he will be thrilled about it. Being associated with such an awesome group and so on. Hope it catches on.
Love it regardless 😂❤
Give Hoeburt the ability to care about her voters? What too unbelievable?
Terrific critique as always. I'm literally trying to use the bible to validate the bible when I ask a christian to perform a miracle that Jesus did. If they can't do it, that suggests either I can't trust the bible, or that the person whose trying to convince me themselves doesn't really believe. If its the latter, why are you trying to convince me of something even you don't really think is true? Like you don't even have the faith the size of a mustard seed in its truth, and that was literally the smallest of all seeds that non-dieties in the area Jesus was in would have known about. Unrelated aside, but it sure would be quite the tell that some one wasn't actually a god if they thought that was the smallest of all seeds, am I right? Good thing Jesus never made that mistake...
Of all the contradictory verses in the Bible, the existence of verses that specifically say to test the Lord your God, and verses that say don’t test the Lord your God, have to be some of the most damning.
Oh, come on Brian, they don't even believe in washing each others feet any more.
I think that stopped because of all the talk about foot massages in Pulp Fiction. Remember when Vincent asked, would you give a man a foot massage? They finally figured out the sexual nature of that game.
The true miracle is that anyone still believes this stuff. The guy who came back to life after his window mishap probably died for our minor sins, like speeding and jaywalking. Where is his church?
I have nothing.... Who is this Jesus guy?
frankly, I'd be happy to see them just following Jesus' instructions...
I'd call "sell all you own and give the money to the poor" to be a **real** miracle!!
My late spouse and I often wished to share that special moment at the same time. 😉 Though we agreed and loadly petitioned god, I must say that it rarely happened. Evidently, at least most of the time, god breaks promises. Sad when you see it... 🙁
So Jesus’ ‘verily’ is like Donald’s ‘believe me’.
1:58 that’s like your opinion man
1:05 “Stand up!? Ah, man! Why didn’t I think of that?!”
Bri, your problem is that you simply refuse to make a blind, unwarranted assumption upon a single coincidence. Your friend Bill comes to visit. As he's leaving, you stand at the door and say "Bye, Bill!" Then you turn around and notice your car keys sticking out between two sofa cushions. If that's not proof of Jesus, I don't know what is!
I remember this was the 1st crack in my belief. I asked my mom around 7 why there were no more miracles nowadays. She gestured vaguely that “it was a different time” then. My mother loved to educate us so this weird unsatisfactory answer was bewildering to me and I remember wondering if she even rly believed any of this
Is it possible that the "speaking in tongues" idea was an early Christian apologetic to explain how some illiterate apostles were able to write New Testament books in Greek?
That’s an interesting theory. Don’t know how we’d investigate that.
I'm really confused. I thought jses is god and god is jses. Why all this "it shall be done by my father" thing? Can't he say "I'll do it"?
Because trinitarnism isn’t in the New Testament. If God is a god and Jesus is a god thats two gods and thats not monotheism. Christians in the late Roman empire liked to pretend they were special and only worshiped one god, so they mad up this three people one god nonsense.
they had a big fight over this very question many years ago, they hated the idea of Jesus being subordinate to God so they made him equal, they settled it by killing anyone who disagreed, with Christian love of course
@@francesconicoletti2547 "so they mad up this three people one god nonsense" - That's one "godly" misspell 😁
Oh, you of little faith. HALLEBABANAGA, SHAMDANA DABUDEE BA DUN DAI. Boom. Miracle.
That's some really good speaking in tongues!
Being a lexiphile, I have a fascination with obscure words. However, every time this subject comes up, I have to search for the term, "glossolalia". What a drag it is getting old.
@@alphabravo8703 Don’t I know it!!!
Wish I could think of something witty to say, but today is not that day. Oh well. I offer my comment up to the Mighty Algorithmo, and to you Mr. Deity, that I might continue receiving the joys of your biting sarcasm.
Oh, it's Algorithmo ? ! I've been praying to Al Gore all of this time and I've got absolutely nothing to show for it. 😉😁 Hope I made you smile... I know those days. 🤗
@@aubreyleonae4108 yep, that definitely made me laugh, thank you! 😁
Either way, its naughty to do anything in or on Jesus -- unless Jesus consents to it, and good luck on that.
*All things considered ?* (maybe one day ?)
If I could have a, _"scientific miracle",_ I would be more than
happy with full access & control of the pharmacy in my brain.
That way I could pick & choose what emotions I feel, for as long as I want, & to what ever degree I want.
ADHD bad today. Watched this many times cant get more than five jokes in. Here goes another 😊❤ I'm late for work.
The last two do sound like the same thing.
Well, I'd believe if Christians were moving through hospitals, healing each patient as they went. Given the number of Christians out there, hospitals could easily be empty and that would be a sign of a god.
I.m not holding my breath for it, though, as I don't think it could happen!
Putting pictures of your younger self in thumbnails now… tsk tsk…
You're right, He is a God of great importance.
God bless!
Impotence, not important!
@@Ex_christian You need to get on your hands and knees and pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you up.
@@paulthompson9668 fill me up with what? It’s holy invisible make believe? Why would I want to get on my knees for make believe?
I don’t know a Christian who can tell the truth!
There is NO HATE like Christian love!
@@Ex_christian If you pray hard enough then when you look back you'll see Jesus penetrate you from behind and come inside you.
I told you Christians can’t read!!!
New bible rule. If you were not there to hear the actual original words spoken they don't apply to you. Jesus didn't speak directly to you, in person? Doesn't count. God didn't speak the commandments directly to you? Doesn't count.
Ah but, you see, god has written it on your heart!... No I wasn't there when he did that, but the bible says he did. Damn. There has to be a way that this makes sense, 1bln people cannot all be wrong about this... What? The 6bln people who believe in other religions? Oh no, they are all wrong obviously... Damn...
Ok I'll go back to indoctr... bible study to re-read some passages from the bible and mix them up and re-interpret them in the light of these developments and I'll get back to you with the rock solid proof that I just made up. Did I say that out loud? No I typed it in a YT comment so nobody will read it. I'm safe. God is my editor, he's got my back.
Man, you hit another one out of the park on this one. These claims are so damning. The only real miracle I see is how twisted the explanations have become to explain why this never works. Well done!
The Dude abides🙏
They did not take jses seriously unless he says it with verily verily verily?
Hey Brian. Looking good. I never tire of studying the bible because a careful reading, without the filter of faith, highlights so many absurdities. Things that believers either do not see or, more probably, do not want to see. The original reason for apologetics was to explain away these issues but to do so requires interpreting the inspired word of their god. Which seems a little presumptuous, not to say arrogant. 😁
And without the "key," you get a zillion different interpretations, spawning endless conflict and division. Clearly the plan of an all-knowing superBeing!
@@misterdeity Right. He loves us so much but he was deliberately vague and imperfect in his holy book.
Perhaps the reason he no longer enjoys the smell of burning flesh is because he prefers to watch us destroy ourselves, fighting over what he really meant to say.
I'm slowly winning my fight with cancer, I hope you're still doing the same. We need you to shine the light of reason.
As you said in another video: ‘Supernatural claims require supernatural evidence.’
Quote Unquote, yeah!
Your Strat plugged in has the "power of god". Zappa fans would believe it, playing an SG, 1,3 or 2,4 and everything in between. Love your music references. Aron's missing out.
On In, What the hell's the difference? Oh yeah, they're both inadequate.
If I have to do my believething on anything, it's going to be on a mattress.
Very Colbert Report.
High praise indeed. I'll take it!!!
Paul must've been the original monotone speaker😵💫😵
I stand in line, not on line. Thereby lie all of my problems, apparently, and also why I too wait for such miracles to occur.
Verily, verily is the Biblical version of freal freal.
Wait, isn't the operative phrase "it will be done for them by my Father in heaven?" And depending on the accuracy of the punctuation it could mean by my Father (comma) in heaven. Not a word about it being done on Earth. The travel guides say there are no wars, sickness or death in Heaven.
So as far as we know, that's where the requests were fulfilled. J.C. done pranked the homies.
Are you working on your PhD in excusegetics? I’m sure some Christian is gonna steal that!
If miraculous evidence was Jesus' own standard, as attested by J-Double-Dub, then that sounds like a good starting place for me.
I'm still waiting.
Wait a minute. The Infinity Stones can be overruled by the Living Tribunal. I don't think that is true omnipotence. Sure, snap your fingers and wipe out half of life power, but omnipotence?
Is he dead serious, or more like undead serious?
Maybe this is why it is so hard to find Jesus in this day and age. He has a vampire like thing going on, and avoids the sunlight.
He that hath goalposts on wheels shall maketh up interpretationths to helpeth thee cherrypicketh thine excuseagetics ad hoc...eth.
Skepmax 3:16?
@@misterdeity Yup! 😉👍
Ironically I got an ad from TomorrowsWorldViewpoint their video about Inquisition and activism. of course they forget to talk about the religion of the inquisitors. You know it's just like now the poor things are being horribly treated just like the people that were treated in the inquisition. Really? Really? YOu mean People saying I'm not going to put up with your shite anymore is just like all the people that were ked for not believing in your gob? Really?
Putting the TEST in testify.😁
Jesús doesn’t “get us”, he’s really not that into you.
Most days I feel like I was in that marathon in 52 C.E. 🤕🤧💩
In Mark 16:17-18 Jesus lists 5 SIGNS that believers in him... ALL OF THEM... will be able to do as a SIGN of their belief... "these SIGNS shall follow them that believe... In my name (1)shall they cast out devils; (2) they shall speak with new tongues; (3) they shall take up serpents; (4) if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; (5) they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Many Christians love to pretend to be able to talk in tongues as one of those signs listed by Jesus... but not a single one has been able to empty the hospitals of all those sick children or eliminate the need for Health Insurance for the believers...
Either Jesus lied... or there just are no real believers in him... not even one anywhere....
You would think out of all those billions who gyrate with ecstasy believing on Jesus while his holy ghost is coming unto them, at least one would be able to go to a children's hospital and clear out the oncology ward at the very least... as Jesus promised they should be able to do as a SIGN of their belief... why has none done it???
Newspaper horoscopes have better signs.
Mark 16 ends at verse 8 (I think it verse 8) with the women running away, scared and telling no one. Apparently, that wasn't satisfying. So people added on those extra verses later. For that one, you can't blame Jesus.
@@misterdeity ... anyone using that argument will automatically obviate the whole of the NT... because how do we know that anything in the NT is not just as fake as those verses they are gladly admitting in their argument to alleviate the problem.
The excuse is even worse than the problem.
Hilarious. I got a Prager U ad before this video. 😅
Google "free adblocker"
The best part is that, after years of waiting for 5 seconds to arrive,
I don't have to see RUclips ads anymore.
Your Welcome
If the Bible were true, we would hire priests instead of engineers to move mountains.
I once moved a mountain...
. Minecraft :)
I’ve moved a mountain… not in Minecraft.
@@misterdeity Prunes?
In the Bible, the word "feet" is frequently used as a euphemism for the penis.
Paul gave boring sermons. Deadly boring!
I've heard sermons that almost killed me. Try sitting through a Mormon General Conference.
If believers can't do all of those miracles and more, 🤔
maybe it's just because, Jesus just isn't that in to you (doesn't like you in THAT way🤷🏻♂️).
Maybe y'all should try Buddhism, or maybe there's a nice Hindu god just wondering where you're hiding🙄😏