I'm not quite done watching this video, but already a whole new world has opened up! Thank you for sharing what you know about interceptions! It really explains a lot about some people I used to know... and will be a great tool for future readings :)
Oh my God! This video just filled in some huge blanks in my understanding my own chart!!! Thank You for posting it! You're the best!!! Out of bounds mars in Capricorn, which is intercepted by my first house.
One year ago, I watched this video and had no idea at all what you were talking about, and now I understand this so well! Your mind is so interesting and it's pretty apparent you're passionate about this. I LOVE THIS CHANNEL haha
I think I was meant to find this video. The chart with interceptions was so similar to mine. When you said “you’re running from yourself”, I started crying lmao. P.S. I adore your accent.
WoW! I am speechless, this chart is quite similar to mine, but of course not identical; what blew my mind was your explanation on it, so accurate, I thought you were talking about me. I guess there is more than one of us "running away from ourselves" out there uh?! I'm still pondering and chocking on what you've said, I also have Chiron next to the Moon in Aquarius there which makes things even more emotional for me. I guess I should say thank you for make me see that side of myself?! I get it, I do get it...I have got the message! Thank you Hannah!
OMG the interceptions finally make sense!! Thank you Hanna!! And thank you for addressing the natal retrogrades also, there’s not very many people talking about about it. I didn’t understand how the Sun, the center of your being, could possibly be intercepted. Conjunct Venus in 7th house Libra and Jupiter R in 1st house Aires. Thank you for explaining so well how this can affect a person!! It makes so much sense and helps me understand myself (and what the hell is wrong with me lol!) so much more. I didn’t want to use the Placidus house system because of the interceptions but Whole signs moved everything up a house. I have been beyond frustrated and hit a major road block in learning astrology, basically driving myself crazy!! I think this may explain how I am Pisces rising and moon, but in the 12th house? It’s so confusing when everyone is saying your ascendant is ALWAYS your first house..maybe you could make a video on this because I haven’t been able to find a good explanation for it. And I am a HUGE researcher with Mercury in 6th house Virgo 😉 Thank you and many blessings!! Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏 💜 🙏
You're so passionate when you talk! I enjoy it so much. I have aries/libra interception in 1st and 7th. Moon and venus in Aries. And mars, saturn, pluto in libra. Gemini/ Sag duplications in 3/4 sag in 9/10. Retrogrades- Jupiter, saturn, pluto Thanks for the video.
Oo! Hannah! I have an idea for a new series! Maybe it can be a " Guyess my subscribers rising signs" basically, a subscriber sends a message/DM/email of a picture of themselves or their profile, and you try to guess their rising sign based on their physical characteristics. What do you guys think of that? I kind of drew inspiration from The Amateur Guru.
I like the way you broke down the information. The analogy of the play was really helpful in order to understand the intercepted signs and planets. Thank you!
Loved the video! The examples were killin me only because it was so close to my placements 4th Aquarius 10th Leo intercepted and Libra ruling 1st and 12 and Aries ruling 6th and 7th
Thank you, i like when you use the physical charts / papers as continuous references while you talk about how things work, keep it up! Note my tv does not let me easily respond or like or comment so you only see 10% of the actual activity. Keep shinning your light!
Hello, Namasté from India ♥️ Just finished watching the video now. Thank you 😄 Thank you Hannah so much for this video. I saw the basic or the first part in the afternoon today and at late night your video notification came again to my delight. Learnt a lot and I will be cross checking this with my natal chart for better understanding. Oh even I have Jupiter retrograde but in Leo. Thanks a lot again 😍 watching forward for next video I am excited for learning more about Stellium ♥️
I have this exact Interceptions...double capri and cancer in 3/4-9/10 with no Aqua/Leo house but sad thing is I have tons of planets in Aquarius, including my Venus, Mercury, Mars and Uranus. Totally suppressed many stuff..
Could you make a video about the different house-systems?? I find it hard to se if the interpetation is different and how i could find out what system is best for me. Could they highlight different parts? Do you think you should look at more than one house system? Love your videoes! Btw I am a Norwegian Sag sun, aries moon and gemini rising 😊
Wow, is this my chart? Lol. Exact. Scorpio rising, cancer sun and Virgo moon. Except my Saturn is in the 12th and moon is in the 10th. The way you explained my Aquarius and Leo interceptions I have is spot on.
Oo okay, thank you very much! I have duplications with my 3rd & 4th houses in Leo, and exalted 9th house in Aquarius + Midheaven/10th house in Aquarius. I'm still quite learning about interceptions... Cause I have 5th house in Virgo, though double duties of Libra & Scorpio completely inside as planetary placements. Then opposition of 5th is my 11th house... it's in Pisces ("empty house"). 6th house is in Scorpio... Has complete Sagittarius plantary placements inside as well (similar as an interception- Opposition with 12th house of Taurus- with Gemini Jupiter Retrograde Intercepted).* From my understanding, duplications are a single sign in two different houses.* ie Aries in 5th and 6th house. Interception is a regular house ruler + sharing complete planetary placements inside with another sign. *Or they can be empty houses but need to be checked with their cusp/ruler lining or seperation of houses to determine.* In that case, I have double duties in my 11th house cause it's in Pisces-Opposition of my 5th house of Virgo, but 11th house has Aries & Taurus in close connection as cusps... except the houses are all "empty". Though I appreciate you mentioning how they do hold a significant character role as well! 😅 My 1st house visibly has characteristics of my Cancer Moon influences as well, I for sure have noticed them myself.
I been looking for an explanation for double signs appearing in my chart for a minute now 😭. I wasn’t sure if that was a thing or not. Weird enough google only had examples of interceptions, maybe I didn’t search with specific enough key words. Thank youu for this 💛
You talked about Gem in 8th in your basic and here you're talking about Capricorn in 3rd and Cancer in 9th. Not intercepted though, but those are my house placements. Hehe. Thank you! Scorpio Rising here.
I have Capricorn and cancer intercepted in the 2nd and 8th house with Scorpio and Taurus duplicated, Scorpios rules my 12th and 1st, with Taurus ruling the 7th and 6th :)
Thanks for this upload! It would be so appreciated if you do make a video about the importance of ones chart. I always try to research what part of the chart for example; Sun, Moon, or Rising is the most important or that plays the biggest role in our lives. OR what sign is the core of our soul. I am a pisces sun leo moon and gemini rising but feel like my soul, who i am, and what sorta defines me at the end of the day however is pisces. If you did a video on this it would very much appreciated! 😏
Who you are innately is Pisces. Who you are emotionally is the moon, Leo; emotionally you're creative, loving, dramatic/romantic, and/or childlike. Who you appear as in public or to other people is Gemini; they think you're dreamy, intelligent, possibly flaky and indecisive. Pisces may be dreamy and indecisive, but innately you're mystic/intuitive, deeply giving, and spiritually connected. In short. You sound fun, tbh. Another thing that makes a huge difference in how you feel and act, and even how you experience the world, is the effects of transits on your chart. If she hasn't done a video on transits to chart positions, that would make an excellent video.
Leo (8th) and aquarius (2nd) intecepted. Sun in scorpio..... (uranus is juuuuuuuuuuust barely in scorpio too) (sag and gemini are doubled up, but my planets are weighted super hard to sag/libra/scorpio). Chiron in retrograde in taurus.
This is so helpful!!! You mentioned trying out whole sign, equal, and placidus house systems, and I'm curious to know which house system you primarily use for natal chart interpretations and why? As an astro newbie, I'm also exploring different house systems, but I'm having a hard time picking one before I commit to it in my studies. This is because a few of my planetary placements change houses with the different systems and I'm not sure which is most accurate or true for me yet. I love your channel and hope to get a reading done by you when I can afford it. I would appreciate your input on picking a house system. Thanks so much!
Lol Leo intercepted in 6th house and Aquarius intercepted in 12th house, yet I'm a Virgo Sun (Virgo obviously ruling the 6th house) and a Pisces Rising (Pisces Ruling 12). Capricorn and Cancer are doing double duty with my 6th and 12th house. 5 Retrograde planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune And my Uranus is in intercepted Aquarius in Retrograde, so Uranus is really trying to stay shy in my chart. But, honestly, in addition to many other epiphanies, watching this made me realize why most of my closest friends throughout my life have been Leos and Aquariuses. I've been attracted to this energy because it has not been as easy for me to express; ever since I was a child, I've looked at these people in amazement at their seamless ability to express this energy. Of course, this is all theory, but it does tickle my brain to think about it.
Hannah...your interpretation on the Leo-Aquarius and Saturn interception is so accurately creepy for me lol. You just summed up my birth chart and my life :(
I have duplicate signs of Capricorn in the 12th and Cancer in the 6th. Capricorn in the 1st and Cancer in the 7th. My Ascendant is at 27deg Capricorn in the 12th and carrying over to the 1st. My Aquarius and Leo are intercepted in the 1st and 7th houses. They are both floating in there. Natal charts I've had done do not acknowledge any Aquarius or Leo in my chart. I'm wondering if my Ascendant in Capricorn has any impact with the interception, or vice versa?. I've tried to find info about this but I haven't had any luck.
3:34 really random, but wow, that is scarily close to my chart! Only real difference is everything is moved over a couple degrees (zero degree Virgo, so all the signs are over a bit more) and my moon is in cancer 11th, and the outer planets below are just the next house over.
Thank you, this was very helpful :) one of my best friends has a very similar chart, like exactly the same interceptions and duplicated signs but also has Uranus, Jupiter and Neptune intercepted in aquarius.
@@kiramaile2135 you forgot to tell the house which it's important but in general ,when you got stellium in vigo and mars and uranus in pisces it means the theme"balance"is important virgo thing and pisces you have to look for your neptune sign/house as well as duplications
In my opinion, with retrograde Jupiter being in your 12th house and with the 12th house dealing with Karma resulting from past lives, Jupiter is there for you to look deep into that! Like you said, you started to tell yourself it’s real and your intuitive powers came to life.. Just my thoughts and opinion! :)
Hi! Thanks for the video! I'm really enjoying this series :) My chart makes a lot more sense now lol I have Pisces and Virgo intercepted in the 2nd and 8th House and also Jupiter in the 2nd House (... I think 😂)
😭😂 Thank you for this! So I have an 5th house (Libra-Aries) to 11th house interception set. Only Libra Mars in 5th house is an intercepted planet; 11th house is "empty". I've learnt from my in-person experiences that flexible boundaries do matter a lot in my life, as well. Especially within friendships I make, yet with everyone overall honestly.* My Saturn Retrograde in Taurus in the house of Taurus/12th house, along with Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini in the same house as well.* My duplications thankfully are Leo & Aquarius. *Trying to resolve my interception....So Libra (Venus) through Aries (Mars/Intercepted Planet) interceptions. Oooo, 5th and 7th house.
Wooah this is so interesting. I'm Leo sun and Aquarius moon, moon in 1st house, sun in 8th house, but the Virgo is intercepted in 8th house and thus the stellium in Virgo, mercury, mars, venus (juno too), and Pisces is intercepted in 2nd house, non placements there, but there's NN in Aquarius in 2nd house. So the "directors" Aquarius and Leo happen to be also the sign of my sun and moon. 😅 And the whole stellium intercepted, now a lot of things make sense.
Hannah, Love your energy and presentations so much. Indeed you are intuitive! You mentioned doubts about Karma/Reincarnation. Perhaps if you wreathe works of BrianWeiss and Ian Stevenson (both "who's who" in the field of Psychiatry), it might give you close upon the kind of data that is changing the world view on this topic. There must be at least a hundred videos on YT re: children whpremember their past lives. Watch the one of Anne Frank. And the4 year old who remembered being shot down in a US fighter jet over Iow Jima. It is simply AMAZING. The conservative Christian parents are now believers!
Ok so for interceptions if I am gathering this correctly, the only thing that lines up on my chart is my 3rd and 6th house??? And my whole chart is not lining up. What does that mean 😐
Signs no, planets/asteroids etc yes. The cusp of each house has to fall within a sign. If one sign is intercepted, it means another sign is doubling, which means the highest number of intercepted signs possible is 6, with the other 6 doubling - unless 1 sign can cover all 12 house cusps, in which case the maximum number of signs that could be intercepted is 11. However, the implications for anyone with such a birth chart would likely be instant death, because it suggests the Earth's having it's rotational period rapidly altered, eg through glancing blows from very large and very fast asteroids. So stick with 6 as a hypothetical maximum of intercepted houses. Planets, asteroids etc are a different matter because they represent points, rather than a continuum as with the star signs - and they often cluster, leaving some houses and their ruling signs completely empty. So the most intercepted birth chart you could have is 6 interceptions and 6 duplications of the signs, and then all of your planets & asteroids clustered beneath the intercepted signs only.
so in having aquarius intercepted with neptune and chiron in first house and leo intercepted with saturn in the seventh, i felt the need to act like someone else like someone “normal” because i was insecure due to chiron and neptune just makes the illusion believable, and then i acted out against that, feeling like relationships and dating will help me feel more confident and feel accomplished but it actually just made me feel like i needed approval from someone else. i say this because this is my life story. 😭. uranus in pisces second house means that i’ll have joy by spending my money on luxurious things and feeling rich due to that 2nd house ruler is intercepted in aquarius? sun in scorpio ninth house would mean that i’ll find my confidence in travel and exploring rather than relationships ? i have sagittarius duplicated 11th and 12th, which then means i have gemini duplicated 5th and 6th (no planets in gemini but moon and pluto in sagittarius 11th) edit: and saturn in 7th leo intercepted probably means that me and my father never had the sex talk ?
Thank you for this video. But what if for example the 4th hse cusp is at 26° Capricorn and finish at 20° Aquarius in placidus. Like 2 signs in 1 hse. How do we read that??
This is very close to my sisters chart. she is missing the 2 same interceptions, PLUS another 2!!! Aries and Libra!!! She is also a Capricorn. Her Saturn is also in the Aqurius yet its her most Dominant Planet... How is that if its interceptions?(Her Aquarius is 1st house and missing Aries is 2nd house) Saturn is the only planet in the interceptions.
Apparently equal houses is supposed to be the most accurate system? Thoughts? - Pisces(6th) Virgo(12th) intercept, no planets. Capricorn doubled (4th, 5th) Cancer doubled (10th, 11th), Saturn and Jupiter retrograde - A lot of times blogs make it seem like my parents weren't strict with a Virgo/Pisces intercept. In reality, they were. They just were never really there to talk to so any goals I had, I had to learn on my own how to be organised and achieve them by researching and applying for things myself (Leo 12th, Aqua 6th). They definitely told me off when need be, made sure I went to school etc. Admittedly I didn't have to do chores regularly though? Could that be it??
is it possible to have your intercepted sign and ur duplicate signs together ? i have leo intercepted, cancer 6th house cusp, aquarius intercepted, capricorn 12th house cusp. also cancer is duplicate 5th,6th, capricorn duplicate 11th,12th.
I keep getting two different ascendant signs w different sites. Why? Idk which is correct. I am certain I am inputting inputting correct time and it's all western. I get either cancer or leo
Just found out that my sun, moon, mercury and venus are intercepted. I’m a scorpio☀️, libra🌙, leo⬆️. Haven’t watched the whole video yet, but i’m so curious what this means ohmygod.
Hi Hannah, How are you? Ihave been watching you for sometime now and only just realised I wasn’t subscribed very sorry about that rookie mistake, I’ve fixed that now. I love your content. I just wonder what your thoughts are if you have a good cluster of plants in each intersected sign? I have the exact interception you describe in this vid (lucky for me and thank you so much it helps) Aquarius-Leo and I have 80% of my planets in this interception which is 1st and 7th house. I’m feeling a bit upset about it although I can’t change it, I know. Does it mean i am going to have hard time making all this fricken planets work together nicely 🤣. I hope you see the comment the video is a couple of years old now lol x
I have Leo / Aquarius intercepted and I really feel the lack of that Leo energy ^^ Especially since my 10th house should've been in Leo but it's in Virgo instead. 😅
Because the ascendant lines the chart and my ascendant is 29 degrees the whole chart looks intercepted, nothing is lining up. Ny feedback from anyone would be nice.
I have a question about my chart I have a Pisces sun in my 7th house but Aquarius is the sign ruler of my 7th house ..... and Pisces the ruler of my 8th..... how is that possible and what does it mean?
Great job explaining these complex and difficult topics in a chart...I was with you the entire way and it makes sense to me.. Fortunately, I don’t have any interceptions or retrograde planets in my birth chart...is that common to NOT have any retrograde planets?
Hello Hannah, I was wondering looking at that your manual chart you analysing in your video/ I am about to draw my own - and im having difficulty situating degrees of each house on the chart/ my first house in cancer starts in 12 degrees, the second house in cancer as well in 26 degrees/// i am having difficulty to situate all those degrees in my chart.thank you
I literally was drinking sparkling water while whatching this video. The best moment for me is when I open the water bottle and I hear this hissing-sound and I''m like: Aye little sparkles. There is no escape! Ima gonna drink you all up XD I imagine having mars in aries intercepted in first house and neptune in pisces in twelve telling aries-mars to get his butt on stage: "C'mon Aries! I need you to do it for me (please). Do it now or else I'll dissolve....XD
Hi, I’m very new to astrology and love your channel- I’m learning loads! However, I’m a little confused about interceptions- what you say makes sense but when I look on my birth chart my sun/star sign (Pisces) is intercepted in the 1st house (by Aquarius) but I’m a typical Piscean- so am I missing a point somewhere??? Thanks x
Wait is it possible to have interceptions without duplicates? Because every sign has a line running to it BUT my interceptions. And that line is dead in the middle of the line that separates the signs on the other wheel.
i have intercepted leo and saturn in 7th, aquarius and neptune and chrion intercepted in 1st, sagittarius duplicated in 11th and 12th, gemini duplicated in 5th and 6th, sun in 9th scorpio conjunct venus and mars, uranus in 2nd pisces, and moon and pluto in 11th sagittarius. ok so leo and aquarius is intercepted and i already have 5th and 11th duplicated. 11th is sagittarius, and my SUN IS IN NINTH, my uranus is in PISCES, and NEPTUNE IS IN AQUARIUS. it’s all connected 😭.
Hey,i have a question..not only my leo-aqua is intercepted also pisces-virgo,is it possible this way or i kinda messed something up?and since on birth chart aqua and pisces also virgo and leo are next to each other im confused about houses
Interceptions 01:53
Duplicated signs 05:40
Retrograde 29:51
Great information you explained interception and duplication very well I understood it easily. You're an awesome teacher. Thank you.
I'm not quite done watching this video, but already a whole new world has opened up! Thank you for sharing what you know about interceptions! It really explains a lot about some people I used to know... and will be a great tool for future readings :)
Oh my God! This video just filled in some huge blanks in my understanding my own chart!!! Thank You for posting it!
You're the best!!!
Out of bounds mars in Capricorn, which is intercepted by my first house.
this was SO GOOD!! where did you study interceptions? do you have any recommendations for ressources?
One year ago, I watched this video and had no idea at all what you were talking about, and now I understand this so well! Your mind is so interesting and it's pretty apparent you're passionate about this. I LOVE THIS CHANNEL haha
I think I was meant to find this video. The chart with interceptions was so similar to mine. When you said “you’re running from yourself”, I started crying lmao.
P.S. I adore your accent.
WoW! I am speechless, this chart is quite similar to mine, but of course not identical; what blew my mind was your explanation on it, so accurate, I thought you were talking about me. I guess there is more than one of us "running away from ourselves" out there uh?! I'm still pondering and chocking on what you've said, I also have Chiron next to the Moon in Aquarius there which makes things even more emotional for me. I guess I should say thank you for make me see that side of myself?! I get it, I do get it...I have got the message! Thank you Hannah!
You're such an awesome teacher Han! Proud to be a student of Hannah's Elsewhere Astrology School! 📚
OMG the interceptions finally make sense!! Thank you Hanna!! And thank you for addressing the natal retrogrades also, there’s not very many people talking about about it. I didn’t understand how the Sun, the center of your being, could possibly be intercepted. Conjunct Venus in 7th house Libra and Jupiter R in 1st house Aires. Thank you for explaining so well how this can affect a person!! It makes so much sense and helps me understand myself (and what the hell is wrong with me lol!) so much more. I didn’t want to use the Placidus house system because of the interceptions but Whole signs moved everything up a house. I have been beyond frustrated and hit a major road block in learning astrology, basically driving myself crazy!! I think this may explain how I am Pisces rising and moon, but in the 12th house? It’s so confusing when everyone is saying your ascendant is ALWAYS your first house..maybe you could make a video on this because I haven’t been able to find a good explanation for it. And I am a HUGE researcher with Mercury in 6th house Virgo 😉 Thank you and many blessings!! Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏 💜 🙏
Simple in explaining with good inner feelings to make the subject easy to understand by the viewer .Thanks
You're so passionate when you talk! I enjoy it so much.
I have aries/libra interception in 1st and 7th. Moon and venus in Aries. And mars, saturn, pluto in libra.
Gemini/ Sag duplications in 3/4 sag in 9/10.
Retrogrades- Jupiter, saturn, pluto
Thanks for the video.
My interception is in the 3rd and 9th , also Aquarius/Leo , with sun moon and mercury in the 9th , how fortunate that you used this example.
The director /actor/ stage example was excellent ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
4 interceptions and four retrogrades in my birth chart. Now I know why I am complicated 😂
TiefschwarzerTeufel Lol.Wow. That’s deep.
I have
3 libra
2 Sagittarius
2 Aquarius
Oo! Hannah! I have an idea for a new series! Maybe it can be a " Guyess my subscribers rising signs" basically, a subscriber sends a message/DM/email of a picture of themselves or their profile, and you try to guess their rising sign based on their physical characteristics. What do you guys think of that? I kind of drew inspiration from The Amateur Guru.
I like the way you broke down the information. The analogy of the play was really helpful in order to understand the intercepted signs and planets. Thank you!
Loved the video! The examples were killin me only because it was so close to my placements 4th Aquarius 10th Leo intercepted and Libra ruling 1st and 12 and Aries ruling 6th and 7th
Thank you, i like when you use the physical charts / papers as continuous references while you talk about how things work, keep it up!
Note my tv does not let me easily respond or like or comment so you only see 10% of the actual activity.
Keep shinning your light!
Hello, Namasté from India ♥️ Just finished watching the video now. Thank you 😄 Thank you Hannah so much for this video. I saw the basic or the first part in the afternoon today and at late night your video notification came again to my delight. Learnt a lot and I will be cross checking this with my natal chart for better understanding. Oh even I have Jupiter retrograde but in Leo. Thanks a lot again 😍 watching forward for next video I am excited for learning more about Stellium ♥️
I have this exact Interceptions...double capri and cancer in 3/4-9/10 with no Aqua/Leo house but sad thing is I have tons of planets in Aquarius, including my Venus, Mercury, Mars and Uranus. Totally suppressed many stuff..
Could you make a video about the different house-systems?? I find it hard to se if the interpetation is different and how i could find out what system is best for me. Could they highlight different parts? Do you think you should look at more than one house system? Love your videoes! Btw I am a Norwegian Sag sun, aries moon and gemini rising 😊
Wow, is this my chart? Lol. Exact. Scorpio rising, cancer sun and Virgo moon.
Except my Saturn is in the 12th and moon is in the 10th. The way you explained my Aquarius and Leo interceptions I have is spot on.
Me too! AND my Saturn ist in the 3rd as well.. "This Person runs away of themselve" wow, this made me feel emotions deep down in my heart.
Me either lol
Oo okay, thank you very much!
I have duplications with my 3rd & 4th houses in Leo, and exalted 9th house in Aquarius + Midheaven/10th house in Aquarius.
I'm still quite learning about interceptions... Cause I have 5th house in Virgo, though double duties of Libra & Scorpio completely inside as planetary placements.
Then opposition of 5th is my 11th house... it's in Pisces ("empty house").
6th house is in Scorpio... Has complete Sagittarius plantary placements inside as well (similar as an interception- Opposition with 12th house of Taurus- with Gemini Jupiter Retrograde Intercepted).*
From my understanding, duplications are a single sign in two different houses.* ie Aries in 5th and 6th house.
Interception is a regular house ruler + sharing complete planetary placements inside with another sign. *Or they can be empty houses but need to be checked with their cusp/ruler lining or seperation of houses to determine.*
In that case, I have double duties in my 11th house cause it's in Pisces-Opposition of my 5th house of Virgo, but 11th house has Aries & Taurus in close connection as cusps... except the houses are all "empty". Though I appreciate you mentioning how they do hold a significant character role as well!
😅 My 1st house visibly has characteristics of my Cancer Moon influences as well, I for sure have noticed them myself.
I been looking for an explanation for double signs appearing in my chart for a minute now 😭. I wasn’t sure if that was a thing or not. Weird enough google only had examples of interceptions, maybe I didn’t search with specific enough key words. Thank youu for this 💛
You talked about Gem in 8th in your basic and here you're talking about Capricorn in 3rd and Cancer in 9th. Not intercepted though, but those are my house placements. Hehe. Thank you! Scorpio Rising here.
This was very helpful thank you !! The interception description was very easy for me to understand
I have Capricorn and cancer intercepted in the 2nd and 8th house with Scorpio and Taurus duplicated, Scorpios rules my 12th and 1st, with Taurus ruling the 7th and 6th :)
How is Aquarius intercepted when Capricorn is also in the that house??
Thanks for this upload! It would be so appreciated if you do make a video about the importance of ones chart. I always try to research what part of the chart for example; Sun, Moon, or Rising is the most important or that plays the biggest role in our lives. OR what sign is the core of our soul. I am a pisces sun leo moon and gemini rising but feel like my soul, who i am, and what sorta defines me at the end of the day however is pisces. If you did a video on this it would very much appreciated! 😏
Who you are innately is Pisces. Who you are emotionally is the moon, Leo; emotionally you're creative, loving, dramatic/romantic, and/or childlike. Who you appear as in public or to other people is Gemini; they think you're dreamy, intelligent, possibly flaky and indecisive. Pisces may be dreamy and indecisive, but innately you're mystic/intuitive, deeply giving, and spiritually connected. In short. You sound fun, tbh.
Another thing that makes a huge difference in how you feel and act, and even how you experience the world, is the effects of transits on your chart. If she hasn't done a video on transits to chart positions, that would make an excellent video.
Hannah absolutely rules!
Leo (8th) and aquarius (2nd) intecepted. Sun in scorpio..... (uranus is juuuuuuuuuuust barely in scorpio too) (sag and gemini are doubled up, but my planets are weighted super hard to sag/libra/scorpio).
Chiron in retrograde in taurus.
Your videos are so fun to watch!
Thank you, I could watch again and again🤗
I have Virgo -Pisces intercepted in 2nd 8th house as well. I have dbl Leo and dbl Aquarius in the 1/2 & 7/8 house.
This is so helpful!!! You mentioned trying out whole sign, equal, and placidus house systems, and I'm curious to know which house system you primarily use for natal chart interpretations and why? As an astro newbie, I'm also exploring different house systems, but I'm having a hard time picking one before I commit to it in my studies. This is because a few of my planetary placements change houses with the different systems and I'm not sure which is most accurate or true for me yet. I love your channel and hope to get a reading done by you when I can afford it. I would appreciate your input on picking a house system. Thanks so much!
Lol Leo intercepted in 6th house and Aquarius intercepted in 12th house, yet I'm a Virgo Sun (Virgo obviously ruling the 6th house) and a Pisces Rising (Pisces Ruling 12). Capricorn and Cancer are doing double duty with my 6th and 12th house.
5 Retrograde planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
And my Uranus is in intercepted Aquarius in Retrograde, so Uranus is really trying to stay shy in my chart.
But, honestly, in addition to many other epiphanies, watching this made me realize why most of my closest friends throughout my life have been Leos and Aquariuses. I've been attracted to this energy because it has not been as easy for me to express; ever since I was a child, I've looked at these people in amazement at their seamless ability to express this energy. Of course, this is all theory, but it does tickle my brain to think about it.
Hannah...your interpretation on the Leo-Aquarius and Saturn interception is so accurately creepy for me lol. You just summed up my birth chart and my life :(
I have duplicate signs of Capricorn in the 12th and Cancer in the 6th. Capricorn in the 1st and Cancer in the 7th. My Ascendant is at 27deg Capricorn in the 12th and carrying over to the 1st. My Aquarius and Leo are intercepted in the 1st and 7th houses. They are both floating in there. Natal charts I've had done do not acknowledge any Aquarius or Leo in my chart. I'm wondering if my Ascendant in Capricorn has any impact with the interception, or vice versa?. I've tried to find info about this but I haven't had any luck.
In placidus all of my signs are intercepted 😔 maybe this is why i always feel so stressed and like i need to just flee every situation i am in lol
3:34 really random, but wow, that is scarily close to my chart! Only real difference is everything is moved over a couple degrees (zero degree Virgo, so all the signs are over a bit more) and my moon is in cancer 11th, and the outer planets below are just the next house over.
I just found your channel and I love it
Thank you, this was very helpful :) one of my best friends has a very similar chart, like exactly the same interceptions and duplicated signs but also has Uranus, Jupiter and Neptune intercepted in aquarius.
What if I have a stellium in a sign that’s intercepted? My sun, moon, mercury and Venus.
Watermelon Ludmilla virgo, seventh house. My first house has Pisces intercepted but Aquarius is my rising sign. My seventh house is Leo.
Me too! I have Sun, Mercury, Venus intercepted in Virgo and Mars and Uranus in pisces
@@kiramaile2135 you forgot to tell the house which it's important but in general ,when you got stellium in vigo and mars and uranus in pisces it means the theme"balance"is important virgo thing and pisces you have to look for your neptune sign/house as well as duplications
I’ve got my Scorpio sun, mercury, Venus in 5th house intercepted and my Taurus moon chart ruler intercepted in 11th house 😬
In my opinion, with retrograde Jupiter being in your 12th house and with the 12th house dealing with Karma resulting from past lives, Jupiter is there for you to look deep into that! Like you said, you started to tell yourself it’s real and your intuitive powers came to life.. Just my thoughts and opinion! :)
Hi! Thanks for the video! I'm really enjoying this series :)
My chart makes a lot more sense now lol
I have Pisces and Virgo intercepted in the 2nd and 8th House and also Jupiter in the 2nd House (... I think 😂)
I believe this to be true my child has virgo/pisces intercept... and i didn't give her the proper day to day structure growing up
Hi hanah's I am live in Ethiopian & I want to study astrology's you're videos great to me to understand the topic thanks .
I have jupiter retrograde in virgo in my first house 21degrees(21:55r)trine taurus 🌞 20 degrees
Jupiter rx also sextile north node 19 degrees ♏ 3rd 🏠
Thank you Hannah!!! 👌🏾❤💯
What happens when the ruler of the intercepted sign (Aries - Mars) for instance is also intercepted but in the opposite sign?
Cant wait for the last part :)
😭😂 Thank you for this!
So I have an 5th house (Libra-Aries) to 11th house interception set. Only Libra Mars in 5th house is an intercepted planet; 11th house is "empty". I've learnt from my in-person experiences that flexible boundaries do matter a lot in my life, as well. Especially within friendships I make, yet with everyone overall honestly.*
My Saturn Retrograde in Taurus in the house of Taurus/12th house, along with Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini in the same house as well.*
My duplications thankfully are Leo & Aquarius.
*Trying to resolve my interception....So Libra (Venus) through Aries (Mars/Intercepted Planet) interceptions.
Oooo, 5th and 7th house.
I wish I could send Hannah my chart and have her review it like this lol ..
This was a trip to the therapist for me oMG 😳
I have Sagittarius intercepted (only by 1 minute) and Gemini intercepted. However Sagittarius is my dominant sign.
Wooah this is so interesting. I'm Leo sun and Aquarius moon, moon in 1st house, sun in 8th house, but the Virgo is intercepted in 8th house and thus the stellium in Virgo, mercury, mars, venus (juno too), and Pisces is intercepted in 2nd house, non placements there, but there's NN in Aquarius in 2nd house. So the "directors" Aquarius and Leo happen to be also the sign of my sun and moon. 😅 And the whole stellium intercepted, now a lot of things make sense.
yoo whaaat i have leo&aquarius intercepted and taurus&scorpio on double duty it's almost the exact same as the example... :0
Hi Hannah,
I was just wondering if you knew about intercepted NN and SN? Let me know, thanks!!
My Gemini moon is intercepted, as well as my retrograded Pluto Sagittarius.
Hannah, Love your energy and presentations so much. Indeed you are intuitive! You mentioned doubts about Karma/Reincarnation. Perhaps if you wreathe works of BrianWeiss and Ian Stevenson (both "who's who" in the field of Psychiatry), it might give you close upon the kind of data that is changing the world view on this topic. There must be at least a hundred videos on YT re: children whpremember their past lives. Watch the one of Anne Frank. And the4 year old who remembered being shot down in a US fighter jet over Iow Jima. It is simply AMAZING. The conservative Christian parents are now believers!
Hey Hannah, thanx. It would be really cool if you or someone could make videos of the interceptions of planets and houses. Very in formative.
Yeah i hope so😔
Ok so for interceptions if I am gathering this correctly, the only thing that lines up on my chart is my 3rd and 6th house??? And my whole chart is not lining up. What does that mean 😐
Great Video
Is it possible that our entire birth chart can be composed only with interceptions?
3nyolli3 interesting question. 🤔
Signs no, planets/asteroids etc yes.
The cusp of each house has to fall within a sign. If one sign is intercepted, it means another sign is doubling, which means the highest number of intercepted signs possible is 6, with the other 6 doubling - unless 1 sign can cover all 12 house cusps, in which case the maximum number of signs that could be intercepted is 11. However, the implications for anyone with such a birth chart would likely be instant death, because it suggests the Earth's having it's rotational period rapidly altered, eg through glancing blows from very large and very fast asteroids. So stick with 6 as a hypothetical maximum of intercepted houses.
Planets, asteroids etc are a different matter because they represent points, rather than a continuum as with the star signs - and they often cluster, leaving some houses and their ruling signs completely empty.
So the most intercepted birth chart you could have is 6 interceptions and 6 duplications of the signs, and then all of your planets & asteroids clustered beneath the intercepted signs only.
Which house system is more accurate - placidus or whole house? What do you think?
What happens if the ruling plant of your intercepted sign is intercepted?
so in having aquarius intercepted with neptune and chiron in first house and leo intercepted with saturn in the seventh, i felt the need to act like someone else like someone “normal” because i was insecure due to chiron and neptune just makes the illusion believable, and then i acted out against that, feeling like relationships and dating will help me feel more confident and feel accomplished but it actually just made me feel like i needed approval from someone else. i say this because this is my life story. 😭. uranus in pisces second house means that i’ll have joy by spending my money on luxurious things and feeling rich due to that 2nd house ruler is intercepted in aquarius? sun in scorpio ninth house would mean that i’ll find my confidence in travel and exploring rather than relationships ?
i have sagittarius duplicated 11th and 12th, which then means i have gemini duplicated 5th and 6th (no planets in gemini but moon and pluto in sagittarius 11th)
edit: and saturn in 7th leo intercepted probably means that me and my father never had the sex talk ?
I love you’re accent
Thank you for this video. But what if for example the 4th hse cusp is at 26° Capricorn and finish at 20° Aquarius in placidus. Like 2 signs in 1 hse. How do we read that??
your accent and voice are cute :)
So does it matter if things like Lilith are in intercepted signs?
Yes of course.
Good job
This is very close to my sisters chart. she is missing the 2 same interceptions, PLUS another 2!!! Aries and Libra!!! She is also a Capricorn. Her Saturn is also in the Aqurius yet its her most Dominant Planet... How is that if its interceptions?(Her Aquarius is 1st house and missing Aries is 2nd house) Saturn is the only planet in the interceptions.
Apparently equal houses is supposed to be the most accurate system? Thoughts?
Pisces(6th) Virgo(12th) intercept, no planets. Capricorn doubled (4th, 5th) Cancer doubled (10th, 11th), Saturn and Jupiter retrograde
A lot of times blogs make it seem like my parents weren't strict with a Virgo/Pisces intercept. In reality, they were. They just were never really there to talk to so any goals I had, I had to learn on my own how to be organised and achieve them by researching and applying for things myself (Leo 12th, Aqua 6th). They definitely told me off when need be, made sure I went to school etc. Admittedly I didn't have to do chores regularly though? Could that be it??
Very well !
is it possible to have your intercepted sign and ur duplicate signs together ? i have leo intercepted, cancer 6th house cusp, aquarius intercepted, capricorn 12th house cusp. also cancer is duplicate 5th,6th, capricorn duplicate 11th,12th.
I keep getting two different ascendant signs w different sites. Why? Idk which is correct. I am certain I am inputting inputting correct time and it's all western. I get either cancer or leo
When you have duplications for house cusps, do you consider the first house intercepted within that sign?
since i have cancer in 1st/2nd and capi in 7th/8th, does that mean i have scorpio and taurus intercepted since i have those doubles?
Just found out that my sun, moon, mercury and venus are intercepted. I’m a scorpio☀️, libra🌙, leo⬆️.
Haven’t watched the whole video yet, but i’m so curious what this means ohmygod.
Hi Hannah,
How are you? Ihave been watching you for sometime now and only just realised I wasn’t subscribed very sorry about that rookie mistake, I’ve fixed that now. I love your content. I just wonder what your thoughts are if you have a good cluster of plants in each intersected sign? I have the exact interception you describe in this vid (lucky for me and thank you so much it helps) Aquarius-Leo and I have 80% of my planets in this interception which is 1st and 7th house. I’m feeling a bit upset about it although I can’t change it, I know. Does it mean i am going to have hard time making all this fricken planets work together nicely 🤣. I hope you see the comment the video is a couple of years old now lol x
Virgo 8H and Pisces 2H interception but I’m also a Pisces sun and Virgo moon. Cancer and Capricorn are duplicated 🙃I don’t understand
Can an ascendant be intercepted ??
sag/ gemini interception with mercury/ jupiter intercepted in the opposite signs -.-
I have Leo / Aquarius intercepted and I really feel the lack of that Leo energy ^^ Especially since my 10th house should've been in Leo but it's in Virgo instead. 😅
Because the ascendant lines the chart and my ascendant is 29 degrees the whole chart looks intercepted, nothing is lining up. Ny feedback from anyone would be nice.
I have a question about my chart I have a Pisces sun in my 7th house but Aquarius is the sign ruler of my 7th house ..... and Pisces the ruler of my 8th..... how is that possible and what does it mean?
My zodiac sign is libra my Virgo and Gemini is intercepted but I was born October 4
Great job explaining these complex and difficult topics in a chart...I was with you the entire way and it makes sense to me..
Fortunately, I don’t have any interceptions or retrograde planets in my birth chart...is that common to NOT have any retrograde planets?
Now answer this question and yes it’s possible what if all your house are intercepted im walking proof
Hello Hannah, I was wondering looking at that your manual chart you analysing in your video/ I am about to draw my own - and im having difficulty situating degrees of each house on the chart/ my first house in cancer starts in 12 degrees, the second house in cancer as well in 26 degrees/// i am having difficulty to situate all those degrees in my chart.thank you
Simple.it means you have duplication in cancer as well as capricorn then you might have interception too
I have 2 interceptions cap and cancer.
Aries and Libra.
7 intercepted planets
Sun, Pluto, saturn, moon, Mars, venus, jupiter. AM I DOOMED?
Ok but why do I have gemini in first house but my rising sign is in Taurus ?
4 planets Rx for me... Venus, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune!
I literally was drinking sparkling water while whatching this video. The best moment for me is when I open the water bottle and I hear this hissing-sound and I''m like: Aye little sparkles. There is no escape! Ima gonna drink you all up XD
I imagine having mars in aries intercepted in first house and neptune in pisces in twelve telling aries-mars to get his butt on stage: "C'mon Aries! I need you to do it for me (please). Do it now or else I'll dissolve....XD
yes 3rd house saggitarius and ninth house gemini where I also have my Jupiter-Mercury conjunction. You?
Libra in 1st and aries in 7 is doing double-duty^^
Hi, I’m very new to astrology and love your channel- I’m learning loads! However, I’m a little confused about interceptions- what you say makes sense but when I look on my birth chart my sun/star sign (Pisces) is intercepted in the 1st house (by Aquarius) but I’m a typical Piscean- so am I missing a point somewhere??? Thanks x
Holy crap. Literally my entire birth chart is intercepted and duplicated..Every single house.. unreal. 🤷♀️🤦♀️
Wait is it possible to have interceptions without duplicates? Because every sign has a line running to it BUT my interceptions. And that line is dead in the middle of the line that separates the signs on the other wheel.
* outer wheel.
i have intercepted leo and saturn in 7th, aquarius and neptune and chrion intercepted in 1st, sagittarius duplicated in 11th and 12th, gemini duplicated in 5th and 6th, sun in 9th scorpio conjunct venus and mars, uranus in 2nd pisces, and moon and pluto in 11th sagittarius.
ok so leo and aquarius is intercepted and i already have 5th and 11th duplicated. 11th is sagittarius, and my SUN IS IN NINTH, my uranus is in PISCES, and NEPTUNE IS IN AQUARIUS. it’s all connected 😭.
Hey,i have a question..not only my leo-aqua is intercepted also pisces-virgo,is it possible this way or i kinda messed something up?and since on birth chart aqua and pisces also virgo and leo are next to each other im confused about houses
I have Taurus and Scorpio intercepted. So my sun, moon, mercury, Venus are intercepted 😐