Wah LDR.. Gw juga LDR nihh.. Gw di Indonesia, pasangan gw entah di mana.. Belom diketahui, dan belom kenalan, jadi jaraknya masih amat sangat jauh. 😂😂😂 Awkwkkwkwkwkwkkw
But if after many years one of both of the couple never visit each other so they will be better be a friend only . LDR have to have visit each other and have clear goals for that relationship.
My boyfriend and I been dating for 3 years almost 4 and haven't met yet. I had plane tickets and everything all set for us to meet May 24th, 2020 but the virus took that away from us. We will rebook it ASAP! Ugh! Can't wait!
Suka sedih kalau liat yg hubungan dari online sama orang luar terus berhasil sampe ketemu, aku suka takut aja kalau ketemu mereka nyaa :( langgeng ya kaaa :))
@@semalambobodimana7112 apa nama group nya ya kak😁 soalnya saya juga ada kenalan dari salah satu app, tapi dia gak pernah mau buat diajak video call dgn alasan saya tidak bisa bahasa Inggris katanya😂🙈
aku juga dulu ketemu sama suami dari internet dating gitu, jalan 3 bulan chating di skype terus ketemu di Indonesia dan pertama ketemu dunia nyata 1 hari langsung minta sama orang tua mau nikah sama aku. sekarang pernikahan aku sudah jalan 8 tahun.
Suka haru kalo liat orang yang ldr lama bisa bertahan gitu:') pasti banyak banget rintangan yang udah dilewatin:) Gua baru 9bulan belom pernah ketemu samsek:") doain semoga taun ini bisa ketemu
Yang gak LDR aja bnyak wrna warninya... Yg LDR psti lbh bnyak lg wrna wrninya... Smngt yg lg LDR... Aku 2 thun ldr indo-us.. Dan awal thun depan mw ktmu.. Smga gk ad hmbatan.. Doain tmn2..
Me and my bf from US we're in LDR for more than 7 month since we match on dating sites till he finally fly to Bali-Indonesia to meet me 💞 we spent 3 week together in Bali he have to come back for school there but he promised he will coming back soon and I trust him 💓 For those all people in LDR keep patients Because love know where to back home 💞
This is sooo cute!!! We can totally relate to you guys! We’ve been dating for almost 20 months now and we were about to close the distance and get married this June 9th, but because of the Coronavirus, we have to postpone.🥺 We wish you all the best in your long distance relationship! It’s always the best to be in the arms of the one you love💕
So touching and so true! My boyfriend and I are in LDR now. He lives in Norway, while here I am in Indonesia. And yes that feeling when we met for the first time after a loongg months of waiting. Damn! I will never forget.. so nervous, happy, sad, confused, and everything. We will never give up. So does both of you!
I am in LDR too, i was living in UK for some business then i met him there even on dating apps, but then i need to go back to Indonesia and need to stand with LDR now, it sucks but we believe we can do this!! God bless you and long last ya ❤️🇬🇧🇮🇩
Saya pejuang LDR Indonesia-Jepang☺️💕 LDR selama 1 tahun dan udh 2x ketemu (doi yg dateng ke indo). Desember 2019 nanti doi mau dateng lagi and i’m so excited😆 Mari kita semua pejuang LDR smoga bisa lulus dari tahap LDR yahh😭❤️ Karna emg LDR ini nahan rindu itu susah nya minta ampun wkwk Gud Luck for us ❤️
Mamak!! Aku jadi kangen doiku di German 😭😭😭 I just miss my boy yo 😭 he is germany and our first met is when he come to bali for vacation. At first i thought i‘m not gonna fall in love with him, but wind change yo. I fall in love with him and i told that when he‘s at the airport to back to his country and he said yes. You know what? I feel happy and sad at the same time cause i realized it took long time for we met again someday :‘)
Congratulation for both of you. I have been LDR too with my lover from Brazil. We've been get relationship for more 2 years. And I hope to God give us a chance to meet. She wanna come to indonesia on April next year.
How can someone meet a person online and fell in love i mean i love your story but Everytime i try to find someone online it ends up like...... (🤦)why did i do that😂
Same as me! My bf is Korean and finally he met me in Bali , and it was freakin' heart touching moment when I finally saw him irl😭❤️ I really feels how happy u r, I hope u have a long lasting relationship! Thanks for Instagram btw who made me met my unexpected boyfriend
@@leonitaangelica14 it's really easy if you can speak korean! I did learn korean already 4 years and yeah I have Korean bf rn haha , and uk in Bali there's many foreigners including Korean ^^ my tips , don't hesitate to chat first! They will answer tho~
@@kinantilengganiswaramarthe362 kamu harus jadi cuek dulu/dingin kalo ada org asing yg ngechat/deketin kita, nah dari situ nanti keliatan gimana dia, good person or not,. Aku sih gitu caranya
Tried this and lasted only about 3 months. Ended up with my heart broken. But thats ok. A better person is coming. The best is yet to come!! LDR takes alot of trust and communication and loyalty too.
Ikut bahagia lihatnya. Aku LDR dgn US citizen udh hampir 2thn. Desember ini bakalan ketemu utk ke 5 kalinya & skrg lagi persiapan urus K1 visa. Good luck utk semua pejuang LDR 💪
It's amazing how they kept talking for 3 years!! I always start talking to people online and have fun but then I end up having nothing to talk about really and it's over lmao
Whatt?! I just found out this video from YT suggestion. I am Indonesian and my BF is American. And yes we havent met in person yet but he’ll visit me here in Bali in 2020. ❤️❤️
wtf we're in the same condition right now and i live in Bali too, and bf is from US too 😂 and the plot twist is my user name in almost every social media is Rose Velvet😂
without face kalau aku nunggu 2th baru meet up karna aku masih kerja di Taiwan , jadi Pas aku pulang indonesia dia langsung dateng temui aku Dan keluarga, semoga Kamu Dan doi segera ketemu yah 😍
I'm also in a LDR..like you I'm from Bangladesh & my Jaan is from Pakistan... I'm waiting for that day... when i will meet him for the first time... plsss pray for me...so that i can get my love....oh i for got congratulations for your first meet.... always stay like this... God bless you...thanx
Sama kek aku kak :( Dia di Belanda dan Udah beberapa kali ke Indonesia , ketemunya waktu aku guide di Sumut . Dan deket beberapa bulan dan yah pacaran sebelum akhirnya dia balik ke Belanda :") .. dan setelah itu 3 kali datang ke Indonesia , walaupun aku pribadi belum pernah ke Belanda .. tapi cukup seneng karena dia mau luangin waktu untuk ngunjungin aku di indo hehe .. so LDR itu susah hahahaha. Apalagi beda waktu , beda negara. Sedangkan beda pulau satu negara aja susah wkwkw
I really like this video, it helps me feel even more empowered with the relationship I’m in now. I’m actually in a relationship with a beautiful woman from Indonesia and I live in Texas, USA. If I may ask how did you two deal with the time difference? It’s the one thing we struggle with. Also, what type of activities or dates would you do together over long distance? I will be meeting her on December 11th 2019 for our one year anniversary and staying for 24 days, so we can figure out most of it ourselves. But it’s always nice to get help or info from a couple that did the exact same thing we are doing and succeeded. Thank you for the awesome video and good luck to both of you! 😊
Thank u for the support!♥️ At the moment we got 12h difference, so when it's AM over here straightly it's PM over there. So we mostly communicate around 5/7 to 10/12, both times mine and his, because it's the most flexible time I guess. And we also have our activities so we barely have a date or something😅 so we just talk and enjoy each other's company. Btw congrats I'm so happy for you!♥️ So happy to see other LDR couple will finally make it through😊😊
First time meeting emang selalu campur aduk perasaannya. My first time meeting in person with my bf was last March after 2 months dating. We both was so nervous but happy that we finally meet in person. setelah ketemu an pertama itu bulan Agustus lalu saya ngunjungin dia di Denmark, cuma 16 hari karena bos ultah dan saya harus ada di kantor soalnya saya sekretarisnya. Tapi 2 minggu saya balik dari Denmark ke Indonesia dia nyusul ke Indonesia karna masih kangen dan mau ngerayain ulang tahun bareng saya katanya 😁. Jemput dia kali kedua di airport tetep sama perasaannya haha. It was incredible feelings 😆😆. He stayed here for almost 3 weeks and went back home for work. He plan to come again in January next year and time feels so looong. I'm looking forward to feel the same excitement as when I picked him up at the airport before. Buat para pejuang LDR, semangat yaaa! ❤️
Wah...hebat ya, kiki yg nyamperin ke sana? sendirian pula...cwek. luar biasa 😄👍. cwok yg ndapetin kek kiki ini harusnya lebih luar biasa lagi. Krn liat pengorbanannya kiki /pacaranya begitu hebat
I really wanna say thank you for u guys because u encourage me to have faith and trust my cross country bf that i met online too (im indonesian). Its become real and clear now. All of my doubt gone away after watching this video. Thank u thank u thank u sooooo much, good luck for u guys!!!!
Oh god I'll. Met my bf on February he told me he want to come to Indonesia which is I can't wait for the day 😁😁. And yeah I believe ldr isn't hard and difficult if we trust each others
Masallah we are in ldr for 1 year too and also we were booked flight and hotel to meet but all delayed cuz of corona 😔but will never give uppp💪🏻and meet soon insallah.We believe thats true lovee and its test for us 🥰(wish you guys support us too)
I'm happy to see that it works for some ppl to hv this.. 😭 I'm also hv an LDR with my boyfriend.. I'm Indonesian and he's Italian. Even younger by 2 years from me. I met him online thru Amino, and it's been 6 months after we say i love u to each other.. Hopefully the situation get better ASAP next year.. So he can get to work early and we can meet each other here in Indonesia (welp. i can't lie but the gap between rupiah n euro is like crazy huge) so.. Pray the best for us and every ppl who hv an LDR n still holding onto each other during this coronananna shit. T^T GOODLUCK.
Soooo cute. I had a distance relationship with my boyfriend. I lived in Mexico and he in the United States. Now We are finally together after 3 years traveling to see each other
Aku LDR indonesia-algeria kak. Tiap hari natap layar hp, aku yakin sih bakal ketemu suatu hari nanti. Dia juga udah ngasih tau tujuan dia jalin hubungan itu buat menikah, dikenalin ke keluarga nya (orang sana cuma bakal kenalin pasangan nya kalo udah yakin bakal nikah sama dia) Tapi, kadang juga ragu gitu. Kita sama-sama sibuk, bisa video call pas aku baru mulai beraktivitas dan dia disana baru mau tidur. Sedih kalo dipikir-pikir :( sesusah itu kita komunikasi. Kalo hari minggu gampang komunikasinya karena libur. Tapi karena LDR ini aku jadi lebih dewasa, bisa ngedaliin ego sendiri dan lebih sabar. Semoga bisa ketemu kaya kakak gini aamiin. Dan semoga kalian langgeng, kalo nikah ngevlog ya kak😂🤭❤️ makasih udah ngeyakinin aku atas hubungan LDR ku❤️❤️❤️
Aku juga yakin,akan indah pada waktu nya .. Seperti aku,menjalanin LDR 4thn ini dengan nya..insya allah ahkir tahun nih ,aku pulang,dan langsung menjalani resepsih pernikahan aku dengan nya..sebelom aku pulang,keluarga nya sudah melamar aku..🥰🥰🥰 Doain ia temen" semoga lancar,amiiin
Oww you guys look so cute together, do never lose hope, fight never give up, aku juga LDR udah setahun lebih the most painful thing is when you have to say goodbye but you have to believe that someday you're going to meet again and no more distance. Semangat dan stay positive
Emang bener berat banget rasanya, aku rasa banget mau nya gak pulang cuma gak bisa juga, someday we'll be reminded of how worth the ldr is. Walaupun berat kamu semangat yah, aku juga hehe😊
Semangat ldrnya beb. Aku jga ldr sama cowo usa now. But sometimes too hard to trough it. Cz with someone else who wanted or try to tempting. But so far trust each other. Thats the point
ini seperti aku bermula ingin belajar bahasa dan dia mencari jodoh. akhirnya setelah drama nangis-nangisan karena aku mau ninggalin dia karena banyak perbedaan dan dianya gak pernah mau ku tinggalkan. akunya jg akhirnya luluh, kita jalanilah skrg dan baru 2 minggu 😅 pengen bisa ketemu. kalau bilang kangen pasti sama-sama sedih dan dia suka nangis karena lbh kngn. moment yang paling ku tunggu nangis karena kangen sama aku tuh cute banget LDR it's not easy but so fun ! IND VS USA I MISS YOU AKANG ☹
Huwaaa sweet banget 😭😭😭 Kita sama2 #PejuangLDR huhuhu Bahagia selalu yahh hingga akhir hayat dengan mas pacal 💕 Doakan aku juga yahh biar segera dipertemukan dengan dia hihihi
So sweet😍😍😍 Stay Strong Guys☺thanks for sharing Your Love story☺ soon i'm gonna meet my Boyfriend too☺More Days,weeks,Months and Years to The both of you💞stay inlove💓Watching From Philippines❤ New subs here💓💓💓
Yaampun ikut seneng dan terharu melihat kalian yang berhasil bertemu 🤭😭 semoga kalian bahagia selalu yaa 🤗 karena aku juga pernah merasakan LDR tapi gagal 😢🙂
So sweet banget kak 😭 Hoping I would date my crush one day which is also lives in USA and I've never see him before, though we have been friend for a year now. Kena biaya berapa kak tiket PPnya kalo boleh tau?
Waah akhirnya jumpa. Selamat ya. Congratulation for both of you. You guys can make it. Its not easy. Going through good and bad. Long distance always be the most problem ever. Heart can deal but distance is not. Semoga bisa bersatu dan bersama sampai tua!
Ya ampun, aku lihat ini jadi lihat diriku sendiri.. Ketemu tunangan via online, dia org MD, USA. Dari April 2015 sampe Agustus 2016 sohiban, curhat ttg mantan-kerjaan-kehidupan. Begitu Agustus 2016 doi dtg ke Jogja, met for the first time trus ngajak ketemu ortu, and pacaran. Juli 2018 dpt kesempatan ke sana utk visit dia dan keluarganya, dilamar. April 2019 ke US lagi, dan finally doi submit K1 visa.. Sekarang lg harap-harap cemas nungguin visa sambil LDRan. Thanks udh sharing, semoga dilancarkan semuanya dan bs ketemu di US ya..
Terharu! Andai aku bisa kayak gitu. But, impossible, aku sama dia LDR terlalu jauh. Kami LDR beda alam:) Semoga dia berada di sisi terbaik yang maha kuasa💙😇
Gw sama doi ku juga LDR.dia orang Korea.dia cuek banget,GK pernah ngabarin,dinginn,tapi diam diam perhatian gitu.dan waktu itu aku mau ada pertandingan basket perwakilan indo.dan tandingnya ke korea.dan ada kesempatan dong ketemu dia. udh gitu doang sih.buat kalian semangat juga LDR.
Well I'm in LDR now, we meet in kakao about 2 years ago and we still together now.. Ohhh he's a Korean and I'm a Malaysian.. Hope u guys can met ur own LDR partner one day😙♥
Omg this video makes me miss my bf so much that is also in America and I'm here in Indonesia 😭 However this video also made me smile 😍 So proud of you!
LDR antar negara dimana kudhu ngurus Visa dulu... Nyari promo tiket pecawat... Mikir bagasi... Mikir cuaca... Mikir musim... mikir transit... kadang nyasar di bandara.... Astagaaaaa.... Kamu KUAT kak... Aku jadi baper... Pasukan LDR antar Negara mana likenya ?
You guys are adorable! :) I'm so happy for you ❤️ Just out of curiosity, how did you meet him? Was it through an app or something? Really hope to see more videos of you two ☺️
Hi guyss! We're on TikTok and IG🙌
Follow @yuniorxkiki for more updates💕
Thank you!✨
Wah LDR.. Gw juga LDR nihh..
Gw di Indonesia, pasangan gw entah di mana.. Belom diketahui, dan belom kenalan, jadi jaraknya masih amat sangat jauh. 😂😂😂
Asli ini komen paling gokil... 😝
Dia dipelukan orang lain awkwkwk
Bangsullll sampe nangis gue ketawaaa
Sepertinya perlu mikroskop atau teleskop agar mudah dilihat 😁
My husband came to Indonesia from Spain to marrie me .
And now we stay in spain.
Semoga bahagiaa ☺️
AL & Des mau
@@alyagahari3162 sini sini 😊
aku juga mau dong
Pesen satu 🤣🤣🤣
Marry keles bukan marrie hahahah😂😂😂😂
Awesome, congratulations! I’m in a LDR with my Indonesian fiancée and I’m about to be married to her. Yass, never give up!
Awww long last you both♥️ never give up!
But if after many years one of both of the couple never visit each other so they will be better be a friend only . LDR have to have visit each other and have clear goals for that relationship.
@@sakurafull4323 ow..i'm not do agree with..even so many couple got it..after few years in LDR...also i am😊
Aww, so sweet brother. God bless u both
Welcome to "why is this in my recommendation"
yeah, why ... ?
lol true
I swear 🤦🏾
lmfaooo ikr
gw juga heran, tapi recently gw ada nonton video tentang ldr sih
jadi no wonder, sejak gw punya pacar di malaysia juga
My boyfriend and I been dating for 3 years almost 4 and haven't met yet. I had plane tickets and everything all set for us to meet May 24th, 2020 but the virus took that away from us. We will rebook it ASAP! Ugh! Can't wait!
Awww hope you guys meet ASAP 😭♥️ this virus forbid us to meet this year too and it sucks.
@@kikiplasencia Thank you! :( I hope ya'll meet soon as well!
Aww man I’m sorry about that :(. I’m sorry this is random... but,ayyyy May 24th is my birthday. Lol.
@@meglihui Thanks. I just hope I can see him soon but not sure when they will let me... Happy Early Birthday!
@@kikiplasencia hmmm why too long time but have not marry yet . Plan marry soon
Suka sedih kalau liat yg hubungan dari online sama orang luar terus berhasil sampe ketemu, aku suka takut aja kalau ketemu mereka nyaa :( langgeng ya kaaa :))
Cari yg sosmednya FB aja yg grub grup an biasanya baik baik daripada yg di ig sama snap chat
aku malah dari fb😂
@@semalambobodimana7112 apa nama group nya ya kak😁 soalnya saya juga ada kenalan dari salah satu app, tapi dia gak pernah mau buat diajak video call dgn alasan saya tidak bisa bahasa Inggris katanya😂🙈
aku juga dulu ketemu sama suami dari internet dating gitu, jalan 3 bulan chating di skype terus ketemu di Indonesia dan pertama ketemu dunia nyata 1 hari langsung minta sama orang tua mau nikah sama aku. sekarang pernikahan aku sudah jalan 8 tahun.
Ak malah takut mereka gitu
gue juga LDR, gue di bandung, dia di pelukan orang lain hehe.
@@udangrebus8523 ambyarr 😭
copas lagii
Suka haru kalo liat orang yang ldr lama bisa bertahan gitu:') pasti banyak banget rintangan yang udah dilewatin:) Gua baru 9bulan belom pernah ketemu samsek:") doain semoga taun ini bisa ketemu
Yang gak LDR aja bnyak wrna warninya... Yg LDR psti lbh bnyak lg wrna wrninya... Smngt yg lg LDR... Aku 2 thun ldr indo-us.. Dan awal thun depan mw ktmu.. Smga gk ad hmbatan.. Doain tmn2..
omg~ 3 years is sooo long! you both are so patient ! i have been talking to someone for 10 months , i thought it was long T_T
Me and my bf from US we're in LDR for more than 7 month since we match on dating sites till he finally fly to Bali-Indonesia to meet me 💞 we spent 3 week together in Bali he have to come back for school there but he promised he will coming back soon and I trust him 💓
For those all people in LDR keep patients Because love know where to back home 💞
Gw aja sesama indo, Dewata-Bunaken..LDR kandas..wkwkwkwk... BTW, ketemu di dating sites apa mba? Asian dating yah?
Nama aplikasinya klo gk salh tinder or baddo Aku lupa2 inget udah hapus soalnya
This is sooo cute!!! We can totally relate to you guys! We’ve been dating for almost 20 months now and we were about to close the distance and get married this June 9th, but because of the Coronavirus, we have to postpone.🥺 We wish you all the best in your long distance relationship! It’s always the best to be in the arms of the one you love💕
So touching and so true! My boyfriend and I are in LDR now. He lives in Norway, while here I am in Indonesia. And yes that feeling when we met for the first time after a loongg months of waiting. Damn! I will never forget.. so nervous, happy, sad, confused, and everything. We will never give up. So does both of you!
why am i watching this when i jomblo?
I am in LDR too, i was living in UK for some business then i met him there even on dating apps, but then i need to go back to Indonesia and need to stand with LDR now, it sucks but we believe we can do this!! God bless you and long last ya ❤️🇬🇧🇮🇩
Thank you!♥️
@@kikiplasencia pa notice po nice video stay connected 💕
Aplikasi nya apa ka namanya
Selviani Selvi applikasi skout ☺️
@@desirahma6552 maacih kaka cantikkss
sorry. am i the only one here who cryin as hell after seen this video?😩😭 how cute u guys✨✨
Saya pejuang LDR Indonesia-Jepang☺️💕 LDR selama 1 tahun dan udh 2x ketemu (doi yg dateng ke indo). Desember 2019 nanti doi mau dateng lagi and i’m so excited😆 Mari kita semua pejuang LDR smoga bisa lulus dari tahap LDR yahh😭❤️ Karna emg LDR ini nahan rindu itu susah nya minta ampun wkwk Gud Luck for us ❤️
Mamak!! Aku jadi kangen doiku di German 😭😭😭
I just miss my boy yo 😭 he is germany and our first met is when he come to bali for vacation. At first i thought i‘m not gonna fall in love with him, but wind change yo. I fall in love with him and i told that when he‘s at the airport to back to his country and he said yes. You know what? I feel happy and sad at the same time cause i realized it took long time for we met again someday :‘)
Congratulation for both of you.
I have been LDR too with my lover from Brazil. We've been get relationship for more 2 years. And I hope to God give us a chance to meet. She wanna come to indonesia on April next year.
dan corona 😆
So sweet banget, aku jadi terinspirasi, sampe pengen nangis gara2 ngeliat video ini wkwk😅, Doain guys moga aku bisa ketemu si doi juga Someday soon :)
Aamiin, semoga aku juga hoho 😅😂
How can someone meet a person online and fell in love i mean i love your story but Everytime i try to find someone online it ends up like......
(🤦)why did i do that😂
It can work out, you just have to find the right person
@@labyrinth123 that is the difficult part of being in a LDR
You're not alone
Because you have less trust to that person and what you did as well.
As long as doubt still there we ain't go anywhere
@@Comics-w2r he didn't worth my trust though cause he's a cheater!😂
Same as me! My bf is Korean and finally he met me in Bali , and it was freakin' heart touching moment when I finally saw him irl😭❤️ I really feels how happy u r, I hope u have a long lasting relationship! Thanks for Instagram btw who made me met my unexpected boyfriend
토끼Bunny where to find korean bf thoo i want one :) a korean friend is fine :)
@@leonitaangelica14 it's really easy if you can speak korean! I did learn korean already 4 years and yeah I have Korean bf rn haha , and uk in Bali there's many foreigners including Korean ^^ my tips , don't hesitate to chat first! They will answer tho~
이거 나 아냐? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@98김지열 모야 오빠 왜 여기 있어욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래 난 오빠 얘기했어 헤헷 좋아해서 ㅠㅠ
Saya juga ldr Indonesia - korea,. doakan kami ya guys semoga happy ending juga ♥️
Tips dapet yang ga macem macem gimana siii :(
@@kinantilengganiswaramarthe362 kamu harus jadi cuek dulu/dingin kalo ada org asing yg ngechat/deketin kita, nah dari situ nanti keliatan gimana dia, good person or not,. Aku sih gitu caranya
Korea nya mana mba?
@@rachmasoraya829 Incheon
@@뷔V-g8e ldr udh lama mba?
Pejuang ldr Indo-UK here :”) btw goodluck to the both of you
Ya psangan yg LDR mmang btuhin mental yg kuat krna jrak pemisahnya ndak cma antar kota tpi antar negara
Salam dri indonesia x korea
Tried this and lasted only about 3 months. Ended up with my heart broken. But thats ok. A better person is coming. The best is yet to come!! LDR takes alot of trust and communication and loyalty too.
I agree! Love your positivity 😍🙌🏼
Ikut bahagia lihatnya. Aku LDR dgn US citizen udh hampir 2thn. Desember ini bakalan ketemu utk ke 5 kalinya & skrg lagi persiapan urus K1 visa. Good luck utk semua pejuang LDR 💪
how does this even possible......
I am so happy for you guys ❤️
Natsuho Add me on snapchat sathwikreddy14 ❤️
Me LDR also, I'm in indonesia n my BF still unborn😂
WTF aborted?
Kasian banget lu sis
It's amazing how they kept talking for 3 years!! I always start talking to people online and have fun but then I end up having nothing to talk about really and it's over lmao
Really? Sorry to hear that... Sometime yahh... We dont have any topic. We need talking about shit too heehee
Aww so cute ☺ reminds me when my LDR bf (now husband) first land in Indonesia . now me and my online bf been married for 5 years and 3 kids lol
Whatt?! I just found out this video from YT suggestion. I am Indonesian and my BF is American. And yes we havent met in person yet but he’ll visit me here in Bali in 2020. ❤️❤️
wtf we're in the same condition right now and i live in Bali too, and bf is from US too 😂 and the plot twist is my user name in almost every social media is Rose Velvet😂
Aww. What are the odds haha, we have so much in common sis😄😄😄 boleh tau ig nya apa? Bisa nih sharing hihi
@@blackvelvet375 untungnya IG pake nama asli haha :D @indiradarmawan bisa2 sharing nih asik pasti :D
Udah di follow. Accept ya😁
@@blackvelvet375 yang aurelia itu yak? udah aku acc, hehehe :D udah aku folback juga :D
Selama 2th , akhirnya suamiku dari New York temui aku di indonesia untuk menikahiku, Dan Sekarang kita lagi proses untuk hidup bersama di USA 😘
Kyaknya aku bakal gini jg deh.. Soalnya stlh 2th ldr.. Doi br mw ke sini.. Dan sklian mw meminang... Semga sgalanya di prlancar.. Aamiin
Kiki & Yunior Iya 😍, hebat Kamu salut bisa Dan berani ke USA sendirian
without face kalau aku nunggu 2th baru meet up karna aku masih kerja di Taiwan , jadi Pas aku pulang indonesia dia langsung dateng temui aku Dan keluarga, semoga Kamu Dan doi segera ketemu yah 😍
@@inasyakinah9174 awal petkenalan nyah dimana yah kepo😂
I'm also in a LDR..like you I'm from Bangladesh & my Jaan is from Pakistan... I'm waiting for that day... when i will meet him for the first time... plsss pray for me...so that i can get my love....oh i for got congratulations for your first meet.... always stay like this... God bless you...thanx
M getting married with my ld bf this December..so yea.. we finally made it!!
Omgggg so happy for you guys😭♥️
@@kikiplasencia thank you so much..i wish u guys all the best too..stay strong💚
@@noralizaibrahim6896 are you married And meet your ld Bf
Sama kek aku kak :(
Dia di Belanda dan Udah beberapa kali ke Indonesia , ketemunya waktu aku guide di Sumut . Dan deket beberapa bulan dan yah pacaran sebelum akhirnya dia balik ke Belanda :") .. dan setelah itu 3 kali datang ke Indonesia , walaupun aku pribadi belum pernah ke Belanda .. tapi cukup seneng karena dia mau luangin waktu untuk ngunjungin aku di indo hehe .. so LDR itu susah hahahaha. Apalagi beda waktu , beda negara. Sedangkan beda pulau satu negara aja susah wkwkw
I really like this video, it helps me feel even more empowered with the relationship I’m in now. I’m actually in a relationship with a beautiful woman from Indonesia and I live in Texas, USA. If I may ask how did you two deal with the time difference? It’s the one thing we struggle with. Also, what type of activities or dates would you do together over long distance? I will be meeting her on December 11th 2019 for our one year anniversary and staying for 24 days, so we can figure out most of it ourselves. But it’s always nice to get help or info from a couple that did the exact same thing we are doing and succeeded. Thank you for the awesome video and good luck to both of you! 😊
Thank u for the support!♥️
At the moment we got 12h difference, so when it's AM over here straightly it's PM over there. So we mostly communicate around 5/7 to 10/12, both times mine and his, because it's the most flexible time I guess. And we also have our activities so we barely have a date or something😅 so we just talk and enjoy each other's company. Btw congrats I'm so happy for you!♥️ So happy to see other LDR couple will finally make it through😊😊
Kiki & Yunior Thank you for the reply and the help. Much appreciated 🙂
Good luck
Are u really from Texas? My bf is from Texas, he is in Houston
First time meeting emang selalu campur aduk perasaannya. My first time meeting in person with my bf was last March after 2 months dating. We both was so nervous but happy that we finally meet in person. setelah ketemu an pertama itu bulan Agustus lalu saya ngunjungin dia di Denmark, cuma 16 hari karena bos ultah dan saya harus ada di kantor soalnya saya sekretarisnya. Tapi 2 minggu saya balik dari Denmark ke Indonesia dia nyusul ke Indonesia karna masih kangen dan mau ngerayain ulang tahun bareng saya katanya 😁. Jemput dia kali kedua di airport tetep sama perasaannya haha. It was incredible feelings 😆😆. He stayed here for almost 3 weeks and went back home for work. He plan to come again in January next year and time feels so looong. I'm looking forward to feel the same excitement as when I picked him up at the airport before.
Buat para pejuang LDR, semangat yaaa! ❤️
literally i cried while watching this.
Aku juga kak :) aku Indonesia dia turki :') tahun ini dia ke Indonesia:') doakan yang terbaik ya♥️😽😊
LDR beda negara ga seberat beda agama:') lebih banyak rintangannya :'' so sad :'
Gw beda negara dan beda agama
Sama aja, ngumpulin duit buat ketemu, mintak restu ke ortu jga susah😭
Gw islam dia kristen gw lagi ldr sama orang chili
@@susyowly7089 hehe. Gmn kelanjutannya mba ? Aku berakhir sedih
@@wildamurti2812 berakhir udh lama mba aq memutuskan menikah dgn org lokal heheh baru nikah bulan kmren, susah mba klo beda budaya dan agama
Wah...hebat ya, kiki yg nyamperin ke sana? sendirian pula...cwek. luar biasa 😄👍. cwok yg ndapetin kek kiki ini harusnya lebih luar biasa lagi. Krn liat pengorbanannya kiki /pacaranya begitu hebat
These kind of videos reminds me that how single i am
Yeah jessy, it's really so bad , I'm also still single and looking for it. But still i see this 🥲🥲🥲
😭my love where a you....
Ikutan bahagiaaa.. Sumpah cute couple bangett anjaayy jadi baper guwee😭😭
Girlll so happy for you 😍
I knew someone from uk. We’ve talked, and I really like this guy. And. Suddenly this vid shown up on my recommendation. Gosh my heart 😭😭😭
I love u .i like u really i am alone single 😍😍❤❤👩🌹🌹
I Can't Wait To Meet My Boyfriend Of 3 Years! We Are Going To Meet In A 2 Months And I'm So Excited!
Aku terharu liatnya, langgeng terus kalian. Love from Indonesia
So sweet ❤️
Long last sist ☺️
@@kikiplasencia kalau boleh tau USA nya di kota apa ka?
Yess.... Ditunggu vlog2 lainnya... Goodluck untuk LDR nya... Sukses selalu
He look like Indian salam dari Indonesian living in Portland
I really wanna say thank you for u guys because u encourage me to have faith and trust my cross country bf that i met online too (im indonesian). Its become real and clear now. All of my doubt gone away after watching this video. Thank u thank u thank u sooooo much, good luck for u guys!!!!
Thank u so much for the support, we really appreciate it!♥️😍 dont ever give up✨
Oh god I'll. Met my bf on February he told me he want to come to Indonesia which is I can't wait for the day 😁😁. And yeah I believe ldr isn't hard and difficult if we trust each others
Masallah we are in ldr for 1 year too and also we were booked flight and hotel to meet but all delayed cuz of corona 😔but will never give uppp💪🏻and meet soon insallah.We believe thats true lovee and its test for us 🥰(wish you guys support us too)
Y’all out here talking abt ur ldr and meeting your boyfriend for the first time. Hun a few months ago I met My ex for the first time
So how yo break up with he?
Abt ? Ur? yo girl ..learn and use grammar properly please 😂
Jackal Frost theyre abbreviations for about and your.. u must not use ur phone pretty often
@@nada-wd3zr oh they are . They are . Good
I'm happy to see that it works for some ppl to hv this.. 😭 I'm also hv an LDR with my boyfriend.. I'm Indonesian and he's Italian. Even younger by 2 years from me. I met him online thru Amino, and it's been 6 months after we say i love u to each other.. Hopefully the situation get better ASAP next year.. So he can get to work early and we can meet each other here in Indonesia (welp. i can't lie but the gap between rupiah n euro is like crazy huge) so.. Pray the best for us and every ppl who hv an LDR n still holding onto each other during this coronananna shit. T^T GOODLUCK.
Soooo cute. I had a distance relationship with my boyfriend. I lived in Mexico and he in the United States. Now We are finally together after 3 years traveling to see each other
You guys are goals!😍 so you applied for K1 visa already?
Our lawyer said it is probably easier for us to get married in Mexico
@@cynthiareds117 it means you guys will stay and get settles over there en mexico?
Kiki & Yunior no. We are going to live in the United States. we will apply the k3 visa. Now we are living in Mexico while I finish my master's degree.
Good luck for you all
Aku LDR indonesia-algeria kak. Tiap hari natap layar hp, aku yakin sih bakal ketemu suatu hari nanti. Dia juga udah ngasih tau tujuan dia jalin hubungan itu buat menikah, dikenalin ke keluarga nya (orang sana cuma bakal kenalin pasangan nya kalo udah yakin bakal nikah sama dia) Tapi, kadang juga ragu gitu. Kita sama-sama sibuk, bisa video call pas aku baru mulai beraktivitas dan dia disana baru mau tidur. Sedih kalo dipikir-pikir :( sesusah itu kita komunikasi. Kalo hari minggu gampang komunikasinya karena libur. Tapi karena LDR ini aku jadi lebih dewasa, bisa ngedaliin ego sendiri dan lebih sabar. Semoga bisa ketemu kaya kakak gini aamiin. Dan semoga kalian langgeng, kalo nikah ngevlog ya kak😂🤭❤️ makasih udah ngeyakinin aku atas hubungan LDR ku❤️❤️❤️
Aww this is too sweet, jd inget dulu sy ketemu pertama kali dgn pacar sy kt jg ldr an dulu,semangat ya lancar hubungannya ☺️
BAPER 'euuuyy...
Fokus sm Backsoundnya.. suka😍
Pejuang LDR mana suaranya???
Ku juga LDR Korea-Indonesia 💙
Gw 😭
Akuu jap-indo 😭
srslyyyyy aaaaa
Wooowww semangat kakak..... Kucinta korea tapi aq dengan US, udah dating dr 2016 semoga tahun ini bisa kepelainan... Aamiin
Aku juga yakin,akan indah pada waktu nya ..
Seperti aku,menjalanin LDR 4thn ini dengan nya..insya allah ahkir tahun nih ,aku pulang,dan langsung menjalani resepsih pernikahan aku dengan nya..sebelom aku pulang,keluarga nya sudah melamar aku..🥰🥰🥰
Doain ia temen" semoga lancar,amiiin
Oww you guys look so cute together, do never lose hope, fight never give up, aku juga LDR udah setahun lebih the most painful thing is when you have to say goodbye but you have to believe that someday you're going to meet again and no more distance. Semangat dan stay positive
Emang bener berat banget rasanya, aku rasa banget mau nya gak pulang cuma gak bisa juga, someday we'll be reminded of how worth the ldr is. Walaupun berat kamu semangat yah, aku juga hehe😊
Semangat ldrnya beb. Aku jga ldr sama cowo usa now. But sometimes too hard to trough it. Cz with someone else who wanted or try to tempting. But so far trust each other. Thats the point
ini seperti aku
bermula ingin belajar bahasa dan dia mencari jodoh. akhirnya setelah drama nangis-nangisan karena aku mau ninggalin dia karena banyak perbedaan dan dianya gak pernah mau ku tinggalkan. akunya jg akhirnya luluh, kita jalanilah skrg dan baru 2 minggu 😅
pengen bisa ketemu. kalau bilang kangen pasti sama-sama sedih dan dia suka nangis karena lbh kngn. moment yang paling ku tunggu nangis karena kangen sama aku tuh cute banget
LDR it's not easy but so fun !
Awww this is so cutee!!!
Huwaaa sweet banget 😭😭😭
Kita sama2 #PejuangLDR huhuhu
Bahagia selalu yahh hingga akhir hayat dengan mas pacal 💕
Doakan aku juga yahh biar segera dipertemukan dengan dia hihihi
So sweet😍😍😍 Stay Strong Guys☺thanks for sharing Your Love story☺ soon i'm gonna meet my Boyfriend too☺More Days,weeks,Months and Years to The both of you💞stay inlove💓Watching From Philippines❤
New subs here💓💓💓
@@kikiplasencia Thank You so Much💞💞💞
Yaampun ikut seneng dan terharu melihat kalian yang berhasil bertemu 🤭😭 semoga kalian bahagia selalu yaa 🤗 karena aku juga pernah merasakan LDR tapi gagal 😢🙂
That is some serious loyalty right there...wish the best to both of u
I'm cryingggg thank u so much😭♥️
So sweet banget kak 😭
Hoping I would date my crush one day which is also lives in USA and I've never see him before, though we have been friend for a year now.
Kena biaya berapa kak tiket PPnya kalo boleh tau?
Lina juga pengen tau pp nya berapa?
Waah akhirnya jumpa. Selamat ya. Congratulation for both of you. You guys can make it. Its not easy. Going through good and bad. Long distance always be the most problem ever. Heart can deal but distance is not. Semoga bisa bersatu dan bersama sampai tua!
i really need a girl like this
Ya ampun, aku lihat ini jadi lihat diriku sendiri..
Ketemu tunangan via online, dia org MD, USA. Dari April 2015 sampe Agustus 2016 sohiban, curhat ttg mantan-kerjaan-kehidupan. Begitu Agustus 2016 doi dtg ke Jogja, met for the first time trus ngajak ketemu ortu, and pacaran. Juli 2018 dpt kesempatan ke sana utk visit dia dan keluarganya, dilamar. April 2019 ke US lagi, dan finally doi submit K1 visa.. Sekarang lg harap-harap cemas nungguin visa sambil LDRan. Thanks udh sharing, semoga dilancarkan semuanya dan bs ketemu di US ya..
Bisa, IG aku iil87
Ahhh romantis bnget 😌
please visit my channel, hug to hug 😊
Terharu! Andai aku bisa kayak gitu. But, impossible, aku sama dia LDR terlalu jauh.
Kami LDR beda alam:) Semoga dia berada di sisi terbaik yang maha kuasa💙😇
Wah :') langsung speechless bacanya. Be strong sis♥️♥️
@@kikiplasencia makasih kak, longlast juga ya kaliann💙
You lucky girl!! 😁❤️
That's true !
Gw sama doi ku juga LDR.dia orang Korea.dia cuek banget,GK pernah ngabarin,dinginn,tapi diam diam perhatian gitu.dan waktu itu aku mau ada pertandingan basket perwakilan indo.dan tandingnya ke korea.dan ada kesempatan dong ketemu dia. udh gitu doang sih.buat kalian semangat juga LDR.
Dream about this but never found 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Well I'm in LDR now, we meet in kakao about 2 years ago and we still together now.. Ohhh he's a Korean and I'm a Malaysian.. Hope u guys can met ur own LDR partner one day😙♥
pejuang ldr beda perasaan mana suaranya😔
Liatnya baperr bangett pejuang LDR emg ga ada lawan😢
Wanna know the story of how we met? Check out this video ruclips.net/video/wTgvYXRTZ_U/видео.html ♥️♥️😊
danggg that so cute
Awwww.😊😊 love this video...
Both of you look cute and perfect.
Caiyo! Semoga happy selalu 🌠
I wish I could find the best partner in m'a life💕
lmao i met someone whos in japan, and he literally just asked me if we can date and we just met. where can i find a guy like himmm?:((
Omg this video makes me miss my bf so much that is also in America and I'm here in Indonesia 😭
However this video also made me smile 😍
So proud of you!
Thank u!😍♥️
Pernah rasain yaallah sumpah ngalir🤧 dan kita kandas 😭 rela berjuang ingin ktmu ujung ujungnya kandas stengah jalan 😭
Sabar ya sayang :")
Iya..sama aku juga kandas 😥😢
Woowe so niceee! This make me cry! Beautiful love story! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
Thank you!😊♥️
Why this is appear in my reccomendation? Just broke up with my boy, he's in India :")
Oh god same yesterday we broke up and he is also from india and now this video was in my suggestion Why? Maybe just to hurt me little more
Indians are hopeless romantic. They’re the first to register in every online dating site ever exists
Sabar mba, semua akan terlewati hehehehe
@@wildamurti2812 udah terlewat mba syukurnya, kaget saya tiba² ada notif kirain apa, sampe lupa loh pernah komen hahah
@@mriyaafifahfurqania7990 Alhamdulillah mba selamat...
semangat buat pejuang LDR, semoga berujung temu 😍😇
Sedih bacain commentnyaaaa.. apalah dayaku yang sempet LDRan lumayan lama, tapi kandas sebelum ketemuu 😭😭😭
Haha samaaa😂
@@annisadwiutami1524 sama orang mana beeb?
Singaporee wkwk tp udah terlalu toxic untuk jalanin nya soalnya beda agama :")
Belum jodoh.tuhan maha tau
Sama:) 2 tahun sebulan trus putus
Aduhh dia yang pen meet kenapa gw yg dagdigdug gni dah congrats yh mba semoga kejenjang yang serius aminn🙏😄
One day i can meet someone i love and he love me too😭😭
Yes you can!♥️
Thank you 🙏 i love you guys 💗💗
U will, one fine day. ❤️
Ur one day is today..im here for u.
LDR antar negara dimana kudhu ngurus Visa dulu... Nyari promo tiket pecawat... Mikir bagasi... Mikir cuaca... Mikir musim... mikir transit... kadang nyasar di bandara.... Astagaaaaa.... Kamu KUAT kak... Aku jadi baper...
Pasukan LDR antar Negara mana likenya ?
Gue jga ldr nih kk
Medan-bandung 😊
Doin kk semoga cepet ketemu kmi
You guys are adorable! :) I'm so happy for you ❤️ Just out of curiosity, how did you meet him? Was it through an app or something? Really hope to see more videos of you two ☺️
farah ellisha Add me on snapchat sathwikreddy14 ❤️
True love story at the beginning may they be blessed and have a great life