Jolly V started the entire diss thing 2 years ago by suddenly attacking Tymee. As a rapper, Tymee responded and Jolly V is acting all innocent on the show like she's the victim. She asks why Tymee is on the show if she hates Jolly V so much. Well, you're not gonna be in Tymee's way and her career. And in this show, Jolly V constantly teases Tymee indirectly through interviews and other people. Please leave Tymee alone. It's bad enough that the show is building a bad image for Tymee. Tymee used to be known as a very generous rapper. She even collects money and donates to several different places, and attends church! Ok, that was pretty random, but just saying. Haha :-)
could not agree more,it was a difficult time for Tymee when jolly v dissed her two years ago,and she is trying to get Tymee mad pretty much though the entire show, she is just so annoying, no wonder why Tymee don't want to waste time on her
Tymee is avoding to fight with Jolly V for 2 years. Jollly V is trying to get famous through Tymee since always, so her rapping was already made, you can see the other didn't even get THAT excited for her. While Tymee fresstyled, Jolly V just rapped lyrics she prepared for months.
LilySUBS It's not about who lost or who won. This isn't even a battle, Jolly V is the only one that sees it that way. She is obsessed with fighting with Tymee at this point. Tymee only gave in because Jolly has been taunting her throughout the whole show, but she actually wants to end the feud. What you hear from Tymee aren't disses, but exasperated cries of "Dammit, just get off my back already, you ugly pig!"
Ilse Cortés I agree. I am not even a follower of these two. But from what I can see, Tymee really does want to end this diss battle between her and JollyV. But JollyV keeps on provoking her like what she did in Ep.5. Tymee already declined the judges to have their diss battle. But JollyV kept on "ranting" backstage how she also didn't want to have this battle etc etc (when it's really not the case because if you watch the full ep5, you can see that when the judges asked them about the battle, she was happy compared to Tymee who got annoyed bec the issue got dragged on AGAIN). And yeah, Tymee's rap in here isn't really a diss rap but her pent up emotions and anger about the whole issue.
@3:17 there's a chair to Tymee's right (screen's left). It goes then to Jolly V for a few seconds, and when it flashes back to Tymee the chair's gone. So the 'reaction' was taken from before Tymee's diss rap, before she stood up (during Tymee's diss Jidam moves over one chair so she can hold hands with Jimin, so when Tymee sits back down she sits on what used to be Jidam's chair.) Just one of the many discontinuous editing the show's editors do to fabricate reactions and shape audience opinion.
jai Mzpicklez For episode 6 alone they used like 10 isolated incidences of Jessi looking like a disgusted cat (exaggerating). Then 10 more actually happened with continuity lol
Michael Aury I want to upvote this to infinity. Damn Mnet and their malicious editing.... You can also see people's arms and stuff suddenly "jumping" when the scene cuts so the scenes were obviously pieced together.
I felt the hurt when Jolly V mentioned Tymee's infamous song :/ gosh dangit - Tymee may seem really arrogant and rude to everyone who doesn't know her past, but she's been through a LOT of stuff, no doubt. I wish people would stop focusing on her past, especially with her old producer talking crap about her just when she gets a bit of fame. Same with Jessi - everyone hated how blunt she was, but that's actually more refreshing than someone who will immediately change tones once you're not looking.
I agree with both parts of this comment. Jolly V seriously needs to lay off, she keeps saying the same things over and over (and it's so obvious that she's just riding on Tymee's coat tails). I appreciate Jessi's "call it like you see it" attitude. If it wasn't for the mad editing on Mnet I wouldn't have thought Jace did THAT badly -- not badly enough to have dragged Tymee down. But Jolly V...
aroundtheworlda Her ex-company made her rap really sexual songs and gave her a concept of this cute girl who raps about R-rated stuff. And I think that's how the whole Jolly V-Tymee thing started because Jolly V made a diss against Tymee about her concept and referenced her infamous songs in this diss against her.
aroundtheworlda Don't worry ;D Watch the last 2 eps haha - but I agree - despite her attitude, she's been through a lot so I can kinda understand where she's coming from. She definitely got wronged in ep 6 though :/ I hope she's more successful now though
여기서 졸리브이 편을 들게 되는 이유가 1. 가사 내용 보면 진짜 타이미는 멋없는게 현실. 결국 이비아든 셰이킷이든 김디지가 시킨고 자기가 오케이한건데. 힙합 아티스트가 왜 남 말듣고 그대로함? 그게 wack이고 가짜지 절대 멋있는 힙합이라고는 인정 못함. 졸리브이 한말중에 틀린 말 없음. 2. 결국 얼굴팔고, 몸팔고, 그래가지고 애초에 키티비랑 묶여서 디스 당한거잖슴. 주요 메세지가 '외모로 음악을 판단하지 말자' 뭐 이런건데 타이미나 키티비나 맞디스 내용은 '돼지년'. 3. 돌아오는 맞디스 내용이 졸리비가 쓴 가사랑은 전혀 관계없는 내용인데, 그래서 같은 내용 돌려쓰는거임. 선생님한테 질문할때 답 안하시면 다시 물어보지 다른 질문 물어봄? 매번 디스할때 새로운 디스거리가 있어야 되는건 아님. 결국 타이미는 질문에 답하기를 피하니 졸리비는 같은 내용 돌릴수 밖에 없고 디스에 진전이 없고 노잼 되는거. 이러니깐 메타가 매듭이 없단 얘기하는거. 4. 졸리비가 타이미 덕으로 이름값 오른건 사실이지만 절대 그거 고의적으로 노린건 아님. 노렸다면 키티비 깔 이유도 없고 맞디스도 해야 정답. 결론적으로 졸리브이 압승. 타이미는 좋은 앨범 들려주셈.
Majority of these comments about Tymee being irrelevant for disrespecting JV's looks when they haven't even done the research. Tymee was avoiding her for a reason, JV kept on dissing using her past and name for recognition. Is that what female rappers are all about now? JV was so stupid to have even made fun if someone she doesn't even know, let alone expect them to get along and make friends when she hasn't apologized, publicly nor personally. Tymee did both of them a favor, Tymee was literally like a tag on JV and Tymee needed this diss to feel some sort of closure. Tymee's skills, lyrical gestures and delivery is on another level, comparing the two is like comparing a full blossomed flower to a dead one, bye 👌
saw the translation I'm on tymee's side but i think she lost jolly v's diss is too personal i think tymee got hurt e.via was both a nightmare and a dream to her yet jolly v kept on bringing up that when we all know tymee didnt like what she went through and as of now struggling to get back up kinda sad that jolly v has to insult her past ,she don't know shit yet she says thing like that thats so cheap tymee has a lot of background so its more advantageous to jolly v tymee can't diss anything other than jolly v's appearance because of jolly v's non existent career i mean what can you say about a person who doesn't even have a background? like who the hell is she ? anyway we'll see who get the last laugh ...
글쎄요. 저 상황에서 디스는 타이미가 먼저 걸었고, 준비를 했으면 타이미가 했겠죠. 타이미도 준비했는데 저정도 였던거 같아요. 졸리브이도 평소에 준비를 해왔던거 일 수 도 있지만, 분명히 저 상황은 타이미가 의도한거고, 졸리브이 입장에서는 당황스러웠을법도 한데 잘 한거 같네요. 그리고 타이미는 저번부터 지적받았던게, 계속 상대방 외모 비하.....그거 정말 유치하거든요.. 무조건 강하고 멋있게 잘 말한다고 좋은 랩이 아닙니다. 내용이 잘 담겨있어야지요.
***** 진지하게 답을 다셔서 저도 진지하게 써볼게요. 둘 다 나름의 장점때문에 좋아 하는 래퍼입니다만, 이번 디스전은 졸리브이가 잘 한게 아닌거라고 생각하는데요. 물론 타이미도 썩 잘 하지는 않았지만요. 졸리비가 따서 써먹은 '셰킷, 오빠 해도 되요' 이런 타이미 노래는 이미 (엄청 유명해서가 아니라) 이비아 시절 노래로 알려진 곡이니까 비꼬면서 깔 수 있었던 거고, 타이미가 졸리브이 노래로 그렇게 까고 싶어도 졸리브이 노래 중에 생각나는 곡 있나요? 답글 다신 분은 있으세요? 졸리브이 노래도 디스곡 빼고 꽤 열심히 듣는 편인데, 딱히 네임 밸류 면에서 타이미 디스한 래퍼란 점 말고 까일 노래 자체가 알려진 게 없는 거 같네요. 그저 알려진 걸 적절히 가져다 깠으니까 잘 해 보이는 것과, 정말 잘 한 것과는 다르다고 생각합니다. 졸리브이 랩은 차라리 쇼미더머니 때 하던 랩이 더 나았던 거 같아요. 오늘 방송 탄 랩은 그냥 '잘 해 보인'거지 '잘 한' 건 아니라고 생각합니다.
두 사람 디스전에 주목하는 시점에 준비된 것이 있는 게 당연하지. 난 오히려 타이미가 상대하기 싫다고 징징대며 피하다 준비해와서 뱉은 게 욕뿐인 것이 더 웃기다. 졸리브이 압승임. 졸리브이 노래 생각나는거 있냐고 하는 건 이비아 때 빼면 타이미도 마찬가지. 그래서 졸리브이가 그 부분을 캐치해서 이비아때 노래로 신명나게 깐거고 졸리브이 입장에서 타이미 인지도는 이비아로 Bitch질 해서 쌓은 것 뿐인 건데 그딴 커리어 하나도 안부럽다는 상대에게 인지도 커리어 드립을 하는건 한번 더 과거 드립을 칠 수 있게 깔아주는 게 되고 때문에 벌써 지는 게임이라고 봄. 타이미는 다시는 과거 드립칠 수 없게 (졸리브이가 준비해놓은게 그것일게 뻔하니) 졸리브이가 준비한 얘기를 꺼낼 수 없게 만들 꺼내더라도 공감을 받을 수 없게 할 뭔가 그런 랩을 준비 해왔어야 했음.
I really like the rap of tymee and don't like when jolly v seems to play innoncent like she didn't do nothing. But even if I don't understand what they are saying in this video, it seems Jolly v acted more mature than Tymee, I can't deny that. But I will wait the english version
Tymee's releasing her pent up anger towards Jolly amd that's why she can't think straight and come up with a smart diss. Meanwhile Jolly knows she's got her and keeps with her act of innocence.
I think tymee is going against her wish dissing jolly V, she´s not at her level that´s why tymee has been evading the battle , but yeah this is a tv show so ~~~
I'm kinda happy that after unpretty rapstar the two of them are putting his behind them. They are both so talented! It sucks to see that they are defined as "the girls in the diss battle". I think tymee's delivery is better but jolly v's lyrics are mind-blowing! She's pretty smart when it comes to writing. But tymee 4ever
These kpop fans who watch this show need to understand that in rap battle its better to talk shit of the other as bad as you could. Even bringing up someone's fucked up past is nothing wrong with that. Jolly V's bars that talking shit on Tymee past are dope as fuck, it shows that Jolly V actually did some homework on Tymee. I just dont understand why yall found it too harsh, go watch KOTD and that the fucking real rap battle... The world aint that pretty just saying
I personally think it's wrong because if Jolly V did "proper" HW, she would have found out that Tymee used to be suicidal. So bringing up her horrifying past and reiterating it back to Tymee is just plain cruel. It's one thing to diss someone's looks and how they rap, but it's another thing to bully, especially like this.
even though I like tymee what jolly v said is true @ 2:15, i dont understand why she had to attack her looks on her diss, thats a low blow and just cheap. And she kind of owned her on her response
it's like Jolly V's relevance revolves around the fact that she's dissing Tymee, without Tymee I doubt Jolly V would even gain that much attention. And she just mumbled her way through this round. -___-
plot twist: jolly V and Tymee are madly in love with each other ok, serious now. I'm going to judge when I get the english translation because i couldn't understand anything, but it's pretty clear Tymee got really annoyed at Jolly V... gosh that was really intense
LOLOLOLOL Actually with the way they are so intense with eachother, I'm actually starting to think they want to fuck on the low. Especially Jolly V, she's almost obsessed with Tymee.
tanya chopra if you understand korean perhaps not. all Jolly V talks about is Tymee's past. She's been using that repertory since her debut its pretty overrated
Because Tymee used the same old lyrics from her 'diss' song. Tymee was rapping how fat Jolly V was and that's when Jolly V did that motion to her belly.
Lol glad that many people understand Tymee's point of view. People might think that Jolly V won, but it shows through too much that she prepared for this. I always like Tymee's diss raps, but she shouldn't have to be forced like this.
I think Tymee is exploding everything she's been holding. I dislike Jolly V since she's the one who's calling Tymee out. And I hate how the both of them mentioning Show Me The Money 3 when the both of them didn't even make it.
I watched the episodes before this and there's one time when Jolly V asked why is Tymee always avoiding her... I mean she has been dissing Tymee forever so why ask the obvious lol.
I didn't understand a word but the way everybody was like "omg omg did you hear that?" made me laugh all along OTL (never watched any episode of Unpretty Rapstar with subs or not btw)
지가 하기 싫었다해도 그게 자기 과건데 뭐. 그리고 억지로 한거 아니래도ㅡㅡ 섹시 티저로 실검1위하고 인터뷰한거보면 김디지한테 감사하고 존경한대. 뜨려고 자기도 선택한거고 동의한거임. 누가 헛소문 퍼뜨린거지? 소속사의 횡포였다고? Tymee's rap is not in hip hop just proving to herself and everyone that she is not at good rapping and not a rapper.
영어 문법 다틀리면서 마지막에 왜영어로 지랄을..ㅎ without tymee, thousands of people wouldve never known who the hell jolly v is. And of course she shouldve thanked her boss cuz at tjat time, she was in that company. You think you can curse at your boss when you are in his/her company? You need to think with your worthless brain before you make any comment.
I didn't know who they were before Unpretty Rapstar so I don't know anything about this diss rap thing, but I know that I like Tymee's rap more than Jolly V. Don't know why but I think Tymee sounds more clear. & yeah, it did sound like Jolly V had something already prepared and Tymee went all freestyle. BUT I really liked Tymee when she did the teamwork battle with Jace. It's unfortunate she got eliminated because of J to Ace. Hah.
seung wannabe i honestly don't know what happened between them previous to the show. So i understand that my opinion may be heavily influenced by evil editing u.u
Lemme explain why I think Jolly V has an upper hand in this one. 1. Jolly V explained it but Tymee really ain't hip hop. Shit Tymee did as E.Via was shit that Deegie made her do. Tymee was the one who was ok with doin that shit. Well she's gotta take responsibility. I don't know about you guys but I really don't think hip hop is about listening to other ppl's judgements. Jolly V said nothing incorrect. What Tymee did as E.Via was wack and fake. Not real hip hop. 2. So Tymee got famous for her sex shit, not her songs. That's why Jolly V dissed Tymee and KittiB in the first place. The main message was "Music is about music, not what the artist looks like. And all Tymee and KittiB said was "Fuck your pig shit." This rap beef doesnt make sense. 3. And because this rap beef makes no goddamn sense, because Tymee and KittiB didn't really respond to what Jolly V said, all we end up seeing are reruns of the same battle. Jolly trying to get her message out, and Tymee basically ignoring her. No development whatsoever. Fuck this shit. This is exactly why Meta said this rap beef really had no ending even though it's 2 years old. 4. Sure, Jolly V got famous for dissing Tymee, but it's really hard to say that that was intended. If it was, she had no reason to diss KittiB, and she would've dissed back no matter what. Conclusion is that Jolly V wins. Just like the last goddamned time. So Tymee, for the last time, please go drop a proper album.
Jun Sup Lee it's a simple history: jolly v dissed tymee, and tymee could never make a proper comeback ㅋㅋㅋㅋ she did a bad song and humiliated herself on smtm before even get a chance to face jolly, now go and read what I said on the previou comment for it is still valid. The thing is she won't be proving herself because she's simply worse than Jolly, so this is prob going on forever
jolly v is old news, she ain't a rapper. She thinks the raps that she brings out shows her character when really she's making useless disses on people who don't deserve it like tymee. The whole time I watched this show I observed everyone's character and how passionate they were about rap, I don't feel that passion through jolly v.
The first time i heard about them 2 i couldn't say who i loved more when i listened their disses track but then show me the money came and jolly v killed it ! Sometimes i just can't stand tymee's behavior seriously i like her but i can't not praise jolly v more sorry ^^
M-net trying to make tymee as victim and jolly v as villain But you know who is really a victim....both of them!! they didn't want to fight!!! They just made them do it. and I really don't think It's fair And they might be even friend after that shooting
Jolly V started the entire diss thing 2 years ago by suddenly attacking Tymee. As a rapper, Tymee responded and Jolly V is acting all innocent on the show like she's the victim. She asks why Tymee is on the show if she hates Jolly V so much. Well, you're not gonna be in Tymee's way and her career. And in this show, Jolly V constantly teases Tymee indirectly through interviews and other people. Please leave Tymee alone. It's bad enough that the show is building a bad image for Tymee. Tymee used to be known as a very generous rapper. She even collects money and donates to several different places, and attends church! Ok, that was pretty random, but just saying. Haha :-)
totally agree... people r rly misunderstanding Tymee
I thought Tymee was buddhist not christian??
could not agree more,it was a difficult time for Tymee when jolly v dissed her two years ago,and she is trying to get Tymee mad pretty much though the entire show, she is just so annoying, no wonder why Tymee don't want to waste time on her
Jung Seo What happen in Tymee past???
Tymee is avoding to fight with Jolly V for 2 years. Jollly V is trying to get famous through Tymee since always, so her rapping was already made, you can see the other didn't even get THAT excited for her. While Tymee fresstyled, Jolly V just rapped lyrics she prepared for months.
LilySUBS it aint matter. Still tymee is better than jolly v. If tymee wasnt on this show, them no one wouldve known who the hell jolly v is
LilySUBS LOL by what standards do you judge a win or a loss? I couldn't even tell if Jolly V was rapping or just reading off her pathetic diary.
LilySUBS It's not about who lost or who won. This isn't even a battle, Jolly V is the only one that sees it that way. She is obsessed with fighting with Tymee at this point. Tymee only gave in because Jolly has been taunting her throughout the whole show, but she actually wants to end the feud. What you hear from Tymee aren't disses, but exasperated cries of "Dammit, just get off my back already, you ugly pig!"
Ilse Cortés
I agree. I am not even a follower of these two. But from what I can see, Tymee really does want to end this diss battle between her and JollyV. But JollyV keeps on provoking her like what she did in Ep.5. Tymee already declined the judges to have their diss battle. But JollyV kept on "ranting" backstage how she also didn't want to have this battle etc etc (when it's really not the case because if you watch the full ep5, you can see that when the judges asked them about the battle, she was happy compared to Tymee who got annoyed bec the issue got dragged on AGAIN). And yeah, Tymee's rap in here isn't really a diss rap but her pent up emotions and anger about the whole issue.
Oh man finally somebody who thinks the same way as me
@3:17 there's a chair to Tymee's right (screen's left). It goes then to Jolly V for a few seconds, and when it flashes back to Tymee the chair's gone. So the 'reaction' was taken from before Tymee's diss rap, before she stood up (during Tymee's diss Jidam moves over one chair so she can hold hands with Jimin, so when Tymee sits back down she sits on what used to be Jidam's chair.) Just one of the many discontinuous editing the show's editors do to fabricate reactions and shape audience opinion.
Wow, it's true O.o
i noticed this show is very edited like when they show jessi she looks like shes mad at some points but it's very odd and you can see its all editing
jai Mzpicklez For episode 6 alone they used like 10 isolated incidences of Jessi looking like a disgusted cat (exaggerating). Then 10 more actually happened with continuity lol
Michael Aury I want to upvote this to infinity. Damn Mnet and their malicious editing.... You can also see people's arms and stuff suddenly "jumping" when the scene cuts so the scenes were obviously pieced together.
자기 맘에 안든다는 이유로 타이미한테 계속 시비거는 졸리브이랑 구경거리 생겼다고 소리 지르면서 웃는 패널들 mc.. 타이미는 여자로서 수치, 상처인 과거인데 그걸 들먹이고 디스거리로 삼는게 참.. 꼴보기 싫은 장면들이 한두개가 아니네
타이미가 압도적이네 졸리브이는 즉흥적인거 하나도 없이 매일 타이미만 노려온 저격수마냥 준비해온 티가 철철남 타이미는 상대할 가치도 없이 즉흥적으로 뱉어내서 발라버리네
타이미도 준비해온걸겁니다ㅋㅋ물론 졸리븨도 준비해온거겠죠.. 인성은 졸리븨가 ㅈㅁ일지몰라도 타이미가 실력이 후달리는건 맞는듯
I felt the hurt when Jolly V mentioned Tymee's infamous song :/ gosh dangit - Tymee may seem really arrogant and rude to everyone who doesn't know her past, but she's been through a LOT of stuff, no doubt. I wish people would stop focusing on her past, especially with her old producer talking crap about her just when she gets a bit of fame. Same with Jessi - everyone hated how blunt she was, but that's actually more refreshing than someone who will immediately change tones once you're not looking.
I agree with both parts of this comment. Jolly V seriously needs to lay off, she keeps saying the same things over and over (and it's so obvious that she's just riding on Tymee's coat tails). I appreciate Jessi's "call it like you see it" attitude. If it wasn't for the mad editing on Mnet I wouldn't have thought Jace did THAT badly -- not badly enough to have dragged Tymee down. But Jolly V...
aroundtheworlda Her ex-company made her rap really sexual songs and gave her a concept of this cute girl who raps about R-rated stuff. And I think that's how the whole Jolly V-Tymee thing started because Jolly V made a diss against Tymee about her concept and referenced her infamous songs in this diss against her.
aroundtheworlda Don't worry ;D Watch the last 2 eps haha - but I agree - despite her attitude, she's been through a lot so I can kinda understand where she's coming from. She definitely got wronged in ep 6 though :/ I hope she's more successful now though
Was Tymee in the last two eps? ThucThucTruong I watched ep 7 but didn't see her, and then I just kind of skipped through ep 8.
Jayden L. She's in the final ep.
여기서 졸리브이 편을 들게 되는 이유가
1. 가사 내용 보면 진짜 타이미는 멋없는게 현실. 결국 이비아든 셰이킷이든 김디지가 시킨고 자기가 오케이한건데. 힙합 아티스트가 왜 남 말듣고 그대로함? 그게 wack이고 가짜지 절대 멋있는 힙합이라고는 인정 못함. 졸리브이 한말중에 틀린 말 없음.
2. 결국 얼굴팔고, 몸팔고, 그래가지고 애초에 키티비랑 묶여서 디스 당한거잖슴. 주요 메세지가 '외모로 음악을 판단하지 말자' 뭐 이런건데 타이미나 키티비나 맞디스 내용은 '돼지년'.
3. 돌아오는 맞디스 내용이 졸리비가 쓴 가사랑은 전혀 관계없는 내용인데, 그래서 같은 내용 돌려쓰는거임. 선생님한테 질문할때 답 안하시면 다시 물어보지 다른 질문 물어봄? 매번 디스할때 새로운 디스거리가 있어야 되는건 아님. 결국 타이미는 질문에 답하기를 피하니 졸리비는 같은 내용 돌릴수 밖에 없고 디스에 진전이 없고 노잼 되는거. 이러니깐 메타가 매듭이 없단 얘기하는거.
4. 졸리비가 타이미 덕으로 이름값 오른건 사실이지만 절대 그거 고의적으로 노린건 아님. 노렸다면 키티비 깔 이유도 없고 맞디스도 해야 정답.
결론적으로 졸리브이 압승. 타이미는 좋은 앨범 들려주셈.
졸리브이근데 니가 타이미랑 사이안좋아지게 된계기는 니가 예전에 디스곡에서 창ㄴㅕ라는 성드립까지 쳐가면서 디스했잖아 후에 소속사사장이 이용해먹었다고 언론에 알려진거 알면서도
과거 비꼬고 물론 이번랩은 타이미가 발렸지만 타이미가 니외모로만 랩한걸 비난하기전에 니가 과거에 한짓을 생각해봐. 나같아도 ㅈㄴ빡치겠다. 넌솔직히 외모로만 디스받아서 별로 빡치지도 않겠고 또 니멘탈도 갑이지만 타이미는 멘탈이 약하고 과거에 상처들이있는데 니가 끄집어내고... 니가 시작했는데 양심이 있으면 개인적인 사석에서 사과를 해라.
이게 타이미가 발린거라고? 이해가 안되네
***** 애기야 디스도 할께있고 안할께 있단다. 존중이란게 있어야지. 니댓글 보고만 있으려니깐 빡쳐서. 적어도 성적공격, 부모나 가족얘기같은건 하지말아야지. 니 나랑 디스전 한번 뜰래?
All this time, I thought Jessi was scary....NOPE. Tymee is the real scary one +___+
과거는 정말 건들이는게 아니야 졸리브이.
그건 사과해야해.
Majority of these comments about Tymee being irrelevant for disrespecting JV's looks when they haven't even done the research. Tymee was avoiding her for a reason, JV kept on dissing using her past and name for recognition. Is that what female rappers are all about now? JV was so stupid to have even made fun if someone she doesn't even know, let alone expect them to get along and make friends when she hasn't apologized, publicly nor personally. Tymee did both of them a favor, Tymee was literally like a tag on JV and Tymee needed this diss to feel some sort of closure. Tymee's skills, lyrical gestures and delivery is on another level, comparing the two is like comparing a full blossomed flower to a dead one, bye 👌
saw the translation
I'm on tymee's side but i think she lost jolly v's diss is too personal i think tymee got hurt e.via was both a nightmare and a dream to her yet jolly v kept on bringing up that when we all know tymee didnt like what she went through and as of now struggling to get back up kinda sad that jolly v has to insult her past ,she don't know shit yet she says thing like that thats so cheap tymee has a lot of background so its more advantageous to jolly v
tymee can't diss anything other than jolly v's appearance because of jolly v's non existent career i mean what can you say about a person who doesn't even have a background? like who the hell is she ?
anyway we'll see who get the last laugh ...
I laughed at the "What can you say to a girl who has no background?" Tymee really showed them with the last teamwork battle.
+nyantae where did you get the translations? i can't find it, seriously :3
타이미가 더 나은 것 같은데 졸리브이는 뭔가 준비해다닌 티가 남.
글쎄요. 저 상황에서 디스는 타이미가 먼저 걸었고, 준비를 했으면 타이미가 했겠죠.
타이미도 준비했는데 저정도 였던거 같아요. 졸리브이도 평소에 준비를 해왔던거 일 수 도 있지만,
분명히 저 상황은 타이미가 의도한거고, 졸리브이 입장에서는 당황스러웠을법도 한데 잘 한거 같네요.
그리고 타이미는 저번부터 지적받았던게, 계속 상대방 외모 비하.....그거 정말 유치하거든요..
무조건 강하고 멋있게 잘 말한다고 좋은 랩이 아닙니다. 내용이 잘 담겨있어야지요.
***** 저상황보면이해는되는데요 타이미가 이비아시절때 소속사권유로 노이즈마케팅식으로 여고생컨셉한건데 그거가지고 그때당시에 졸리브이가 먼저 성희롱발언적인 디스를먼저햇던겁니다.
***** 진지하게 답을 다셔서 저도 진지하게 써볼게요.
둘 다 나름의 장점때문에 좋아 하는 래퍼입니다만, 이번 디스전은 졸리브이가 잘 한게 아닌거라고 생각하는데요. 물론 타이미도 썩 잘 하지는 않았지만요.
졸리비가 따서 써먹은 '셰킷, 오빠 해도 되요' 이런 타이미 노래는 이미 (엄청 유명해서가 아니라) 이비아 시절 노래로 알려진 곡이니까 비꼬면서 깔 수 있었던 거고,
타이미가 졸리브이 노래로 그렇게 까고 싶어도 졸리브이 노래 중에 생각나는 곡 있나요? 답글 다신 분은 있으세요?
졸리브이 노래도 디스곡 빼고 꽤 열심히 듣는 편인데, 딱히 네임 밸류 면에서 타이미 디스한 래퍼란 점 말고 까일 노래 자체가 알려진 게 없는 거 같네요.
그저 알려진 걸 적절히 가져다 깠으니까 잘 해 보이는 것과, 정말 잘 한 것과는 다르다고 생각합니다.
졸리브이 랩은 차라리 쇼미더머니 때 하던 랩이 더 나았던 거 같아요.
오늘 방송 탄 랩은 그냥 '잘 해 보인'거지 '잘 한' 건 아니라고 생각합니다.
졸리비가 즉흥인데요 머 예전에 쓴가사 몇줄 하면서 다음가사를 생각 한거겠지만 어쨌든 제 생각엔 타이미가 준비한거고 졸리비가 불시에 습격받은듯
두 사람 디스전에 주목하는 시점에 준비된 것이 있는 게 당연하지.
난 오히려 타이미가 상대하기 싫다고 징징대며 피하다 준비해와서 뱉은 게 욕뿐인 것이 더 웃기다.
졸리브이 압승임.
졸리브이 노래 생각나는거 있냐고 하는 건 이비아 때 빼면 타이미도 마찬가지.
그래서 졸리브이가 그 부분을 캐치해서 이비아때 노래로 신명나게 깐거고
졸리브이 입장에서 타이미 인지도는 이비아로 Bitch질 해서 쌓은 것 뿐인 건데
그딴 커리어 하나도 안부럽다는 상대에게 인지도 커리어 드립을 하는건
한번 더 과거 드립을 칠 수 있게 깔아주는 게 되고 때문에 벌써 지는 게임이라고 봄.
타이미는 다시는 과거 드립칠 수 없게 (졸리브이가 준비해놓은게 그것일게 뻔하니)
졸리브이가 준비한 얘기를 꺼낼 수 없게 만들
꺼내더라도 공감을 받을 수 없게 할 뭔가 그런 랩을 준비 해왔어야 했음.
졸리브이 쫄아놓고 여유있는 척 진짜 웃긴다ㅋㅋㅋㅋ아 찌질해ㅋㅋㅋ결국 진짜 하고싶은말은 뒷방인터뷰에서 몰래하고 랩은 준비해온거하네ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
타이미 불쌍...진짜 보는 내가 다 어이없고 빡치네ㅋㅋ
졸리븨 존나 이비아시절만 계속 들먹거리는데
타이미가 하고싶어서 한것도아니고 회사에서 시킨건데 ㅁㅊ사골 끓일기세;;진짜 숟가락 작작얹어라
이렇게 싸운던 분들이 친해지고 서로응원하다니 신기하다
I really like the rap of tymee and don't like when jolly v seems to play innoncent like she didn't do nothing. But even if I don't understand what they are saying in this video, it seems Jolly v acted more mature than Tymee, I can't deny that.
But I will wait the english version
Tymee's releasing her pent up anger towards Jolly amd that's why she can't think straight and come up with a smart diss. Meanwhile Jolly knows she's got her and keeps with her act of innocence.
I think tymee is going against her wish dissing jolly V, she´s not at her level that´s why tymee has been evading the battle , but yeah this is a tv show so ~~~
졸리븨 즐기는척해놓고 타이미 랩 듣지도 않았네 ㅋㅋ발음발성 꼬집었는데 외모로만 깠다고 반박하고 ㅋㅋㅋ 듣지도 않아놓고 멘탈센척ㅋㅋ... 자기는 성적인걸로 비하하면서 상대방이 외모 운운한다고 머라하는것도 웃기고 뒤에서 인터뷰로 비아냥거리면서 앞에선 랩퍼면 랩으로하라고 거들먹거리는것도 웃김ㅋㅋ..
jimin , jidam and kisum .. holding their hands and screaming cutely .. ahahaha 0:59 - 1:01 jimin is so precious xD
타이미가 욕만 한다고 그러는데 졸리븨는 깔 거리도 없는 무명이니 별 수 있나..? 솔직히 타이미 디스곡 말고는 기억나는 것도 없고
I'm kinda happy that after unpretty rapstar the two of them are putting his behind them. They are both so talented! It sucks to see that they are defined as "the girls in the diss battle". I think tymee's delivery is better but jolly v's lyrics are mind-blowing! She's pretty smart when it comes to writing. But tymee 4ever
this is one of the most entertaining part of Unpretty rapstar! lol
i'm like jimin, kisum & jidam holdimg hands!!! xDD
xD 😂😂😂
These kpop fans who watch this show need to understand that in rap battle its better to talk shit of the other as bad as you could. Even bringing up someone's fucked up past is nothing wrong with that. Jolly V's bars that talking shit on Tymee past are dope as fuck, it shows that Jolly V actually did some homework on Tymee. I just dont understand why yall found it too harsh, go watch KOTD and that the fucking real rap battle... The world aint that pretty just saying
I personally think it's wrong because if Jolly V did "proper" HW, she would have found out that Tymee used to be suicidal. So bringing up her horrifying past and reiterating it back to Tymee is just plain cruel.
It's one thing to diss someone's looks and how they rap, but it's another thing to bully, especially like this.
졸리브이 라임플로우 다 별론데 가사하나로 분위기 밀고가네. "오빠해도되" 이거 몇번째 우려먹는거야 타이미로 바뀐지가 언젠데; 새로 시작하겠다는 사람 바짓가랭이 붙잡는꼴로 밖에 안보임. 약았어~
omg this vid has no sound on one side of the earpiece.. pls fix it, i almost thought my headphone spoilt
저기 있던 심사위원들도 랩배틀 부추긴건 래퍼로써 풀어보라는 거였을텐데 졸리븨는 그걸 원했던 것 같고 타이미는 감정적이었던 것 같음.
타이미가 졌다.. 졸리브이 넉살이 너무좋다.. 타이미가 조롱당했어..
역전됐다 이제..
넉살좋다기보다 얼굴 뻘개져서는 쿨한척하는 쿨병도진걸로 보이는데여
계집애 말싸움에서 이겼다고 그게 이긴건 아니죠ㅋㅋ 누가 들어도 타이미 랩이 우위, 정확한 딕션, 귀에 때려박는 듯한 발성, 말싸움에서 졸리브이가 이겼다고 한들 제가 보기엔 힙합랩퍼로써 졸리브이는 타이미한테 완패입니다.
even though I like tymee what jolly v said is true @ 2:15, i dont understand why she had to attack her looks on her diss, thats a low blow and just cheap. And she kind of owned her on her response
AT least she didn't make up rumors like Jolly Piggy V did.
And slut shaming is okay?
it's like Jolly V's relevance revolves around the fact that she's dissing Tymee, without Tymee I doubt Jolly V would even gain that much attention. And she just mumbled her way through this round. -___-
And Tymee screamed and grunted insults at Jolly the whole time. Does that make her better? Nah
plot twist: jolly V and Tymee are madly in love with each other
ok, serious now. I'm going to judge when I get the english translation because i couldn't understand anything, but it's pretty clear Tymee got really annoyed at Jolly V... gosh that was really intense
LOLOLOLOL Actually with the way they are so intense with eachother, I'm actually starting to think they want to fuck on the low. Especially Jolly V, she's almost obsessed with Tymee.
kissdakiseop Love xD it's seems like it... I would love to know what happens when the cameras are off
One reason why Jolly V won IMO was because I love Tymee, but she only talked about the appearance of Jolly
졸리브이 잘하긴 잘한다.. 여유가 넘침.. 타이미는 솔직히 오글거림; 마지막에 졸리브이 랩듣고 욕한건 이미 졌다는 거 인정이지ㅋ 졸리브이 말대로 래퍼면 랩으로 얘기해야지 욕질은 ㅋㅋㅋ
Tymee stills better than Jolly V .
Random comment: Jidam, Jimin and Kisum holding hands like that is probably the cutest thing in the whole show
(edited: cheetah and jessi as well *_*)
why does Jolly V decide to start dancing while getting dissed..?
Trying to act like she is cool
Because she knew how hard she SLAYED tymee's ass :)
Idk bc she can lol
tanya chopra if you understand korean perhaps not. all Jolly V talks about is Tymee's past. She's been using that repertory since her debut its pretty overrated
Because Tymee used the same old lyrics from her 'diss' song. Tymee was rapping how fat Jolly V was and that's when Jolly V did that motion to her belly.
we all shoul'd forget who started this. It was Jolly V who attacked her sunbae and noona, so disrespectful. gogogo tymee
졸리브이 과거 얘기, 타이미 외모 얘기는 2년이 지나도 여전하네
Lol glad that many people understand Tymee's point of view.
People might think that Jolly V won, but it shows through too much that she prepared for this. I always like Tymee's diss raps, but she shouldn't have to be forced like this.
Jimin was about to eat her hand lol. Tymee's legit ready to smack Jolly V haha
I think Tymee is exploding everything she's been holding. I dislike Jolly V since she's the one who's calling Tymee out. And I hate how the both of them mentioning Show Me The Money 3 when the both of them didn't even make it.
It looks so intense but i have no idea what they are saying, can't wait for subs
I do understand just know it isn't nice
lol, from their expressions, I can tell :P
I watched the episodes before this and there's one time when Jolly V asked why is Tymee always avoiding her... I mean she has been dissing Tymee forever so why ask the obvious lol.
졸리비 진짜 너무한게 뭔줄아냐. 타이미 이비아 시절에 소속사가 억지로 시킨걸로 들먹이는거 너무하네. 타이미 힘들었던거 알았으면서 알거 다알고 과거로 까는거보소
I didn't understand a word but the way everybody was like "omg omg did you hear that?" made me laugh all along OTL (never watched any episode of Unpretty Rapstar with subs or not btw)
졸리븨 여유만만한척 쿨한척 즐기는척ㅇㅅㅇ
스윙스나 다른 랩퍼 디스는 지들끼리 원래 친분이 있었다고 쳐도 졸리븨는 왜 타이미 까기 시작했는지 이유는 알아도 이해가 안가네. 그냥 가만이 있던 타이미 건든거잖아.
타이미가 광역도발(특정 대상이 아닌 전체 랩퍼한테 도발해 디스 등을 이끄는 것) 했습니다.
타이미 contLOL 들어보시면 여성랩퍼들 전체를 광역도발합니다.
타이미라는 여자가 발린듯 물론 외모는 훨씬 낫네.... 이거 인터넷에 이슈가 되서 처음보는데 팬 없이 걍 삼자가 보기엔 저 좆돼지라 불린 여자가 훨씬 잘해보임.. 물론 다른편은 하나도 안봤음..
소리 한쪽만 나와서 헤드폰 고징닌줄 알았네
3:43 cheetah and jessi looked so cute holding hands 😂
제 주관적으로는 타이미는 발성이랑 플로우가 좋고 졸리븨는 랩하는게 여유있고 가사를 잘쓰네요 과거에 무슨 일이 있었고 어쩌고저쩌고는 잘 모르는 일임..ㅋ
결론은 둘 다 잘했음 이제 디스 다했으니 피스하시고 악수하시길
으... 처음부터 끝까지 과거 까는게 다인데 뭐가 3대0이라는건지; 무한반복 듣기 싫다
하루 동안 혼자 준비해서 온 타이미 랩 즉흥으로 받아쳐서 발랐는데 타이미가 잘했다는 애들은 레알 막귀인가....타이미가 한게 욕이랑 얼굴 디스 빼고 뭐가 있냐 저게 랩이면 김수미 욕하는게 훨씬 퀄리티 있다
Thanks from my left ear, mnet.
ffs i panicked bc i just bought these earphones and i thought they are already broken not even a week
획기적인 라임과 플로우도
보여주지 못하고 눈살찌푸리게
만드는 인신공격만 퍼붓는 타이미의
한계가 보인 디스전 이었다고 본다.
더불어 의연히 디스를 받아주는
졸리브이는 멋져보이고
What are the curses she says at 1:37?
I watched the ep subbed but all the subber
put was "pig".
진정으로 타이미가 외모공격과 욕설말고 멋지게 졸리를 눌러주길 바랬다.
지가 하기 싫었다해도 그게 자기 과건데 뭐. 그리고 억지로 한거 아니래도ㅡㅡ 섹시 티저로 실검1위하고 인터뷰한거보면 김디지한테 감사하고 존경한대. 뜨려고 자기도 선택한거고 동의한거임. 누가 헛소문 퍼뜨린거지? 소속사의 횡포였다고? Tymee's rap is not in hip hop just proving to herself and everyone that she is not at good rapping and not a rapper.
Calm down, Jolly.
영어 문법 다틀리면서 마지막에 왜영어로 지랄을..ㅎ without tymee, thousands of people wouldve never known who the hell jolly v is. And of course she shouldve thanked her boss cuz at tjat time, she was in that company. You think you can curse at your boss when you are in his/her company? You need to think with your worthless brain before you make any comment.
lololol 타이미 소속사 나왔을 때도 섹시컨셉 하기 싫었지만 워낙에 작은 소속사라 어쩔 수 없이 소속사 때문에 했다고 했쩨^^ 더이상 이비아가 아닌 타이미한테 과거 일 들추면서 뜬게 더 어이없는거 아닌가ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I Feel Bad For tymee ! :( She Doesn't Want to diss her but jolly v is getting on her nerves ! :(
실력은 졸리브이가 훨씬 나은듯 한데, 메타가 말한것처럼 멋있고 좋은시도, 여자 래퍼들 많이 나왔음 좋겠어요. 타이미, 졸리브이 둘다 멋있음. 타이미는 이제 진짜 힙합으로 바꿔서 연습 많이 하면 좋아질듯 ㅎㅎ
타이미 노래 안들어보셨나 힙알못 경연프로그램충에 오늘도 한번더 놀래고 갑니다
근데 졸리브이만 어마어마하게 까이네..
솔직히 자기들 싸움에 끼어들어서 누구 옹호하고 하지마요.. 트윗같은데다가 ..
lol Jimin and Yuk Ji Dam's reactions
+Linnyboy Cheetah x Jessi too lol
+Linnyboy Cheetah x Jessi too lol
I didn't know who they were before Unpretty Rapstar so I don't know anything about this diss rap thing, but I know that I like Tymee's rap more than Jolly V. Don't know why but I think Tymee sounds more clear. & yeah, it did sound like Jolly V had something already prepared and Tymee went all freestyle. BUT I really liked Tymee when she did the teamwork battle with Jace. It's unfortunate she got eliminated because of J to Ace. Hah.
Tymee don't do rap, she just keep saying things, Jolly V raps, she know how to do it.
과거 들춰낸다고 욕하는 놈들은 뭐냐
ㅅㅂ 이거 배틀랩이다 디스해서 상대가 기분나뻐서 말도안나오게 하는게 목표다
무슨 사석에서 사과를 하니뭐니 지랄이냐 배틀랩도 하나의 프로페셔널한 매치다 랩계에서는
사적으로 받아들이는 사람이 지는것임
Have been waiting for this match up since Ep 1 and it didn't disappoint. Jolly V just owned Tymee in that diss battle
Missing this kind of yuk ji dam. Lols
haha so this is the part Wheein and Moonbyul did in IMPRETTY RAPSTAR... its 100% accurate!!
i like jolly v
shes a true hip hop head
Based on the history of all this I'm gonna have to side with Tymee. Jolly is good no doubt but the material she's using is tired and old.
do they really have a fight? the one with the red cap looked rly pissed....
랩은 랩이다
아픈과거 그딴거 배려해주는 인간적인 지성미...
랩배틀에서 그딴건 없음
안타깝지만 타이미가 이비아시절 과거 소속사에서 격은
아픔은 그냥 그녀의 라이프였을뿐 그이상도 이하도 아니다
랩은 그 어떤 표현도 허용되고 빋아들일수 있는 문화다
그게 싫으면 그냥 힙합이나 랩을 듣지마라
졸리브이 왜이레 호감이냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 디스하는데 저렇게 얄밉게 웃고 있으면 겁나 빡치겠다
근데 타이미도 불쌍. 자주 울던데... 언프리티는 걍 다 잘됬으면...,
I'm on Jolly V's side, Tymee rapping about her opponent's looks and weight? thats just dirty
If that's dirty, think about how Jolly V dissed Tymee's past that made her think of committing suicide.
seung wannabe i honestly don't know what happened between them previous to the show. So i understand that my opinion may be heavily influenced by evil editing u.u
+Sydney Kim jolly v don have an existent career or background to get dissed as compared to tymee
Silver Vanilla that's pretty sad lol
wow~~~Jolly V♥ ..I want her solo videoTT
Lemme explain why I think Jolly V has an upper hand in this one.
1. Jolly V explained it but Tymee really ain't hip hop. Shit Tymee did as E.Via was shit that Deegie made her do. Tymee was the one who was ok with doin that shit. Well she's gotta take responsibility. I don't know about you guys but I really don't think hip hop is about listening to other ppl's judgements. Jolly V said nothing incorrect. What Tymee did as E.Via was wack and fake. Not real hip hop.
2. So Tymee got famous for her sex shit, not her songs. That's why Jolly V dissed Tymee and KittiB in the first place. The main message was "Music is about music, not what the artist looks like. And all Tymee and KittiB said was "Fuck your pig shit." This rap beef doesnt make sense.
3. And because this rap beef makes no goddamn sense, because Tymee and KittiB didn't really respond to what Jolly V said, all we end up seeing are reruns of the same battle. Jolly trying to get her message out, and Tymee basically ignoring her. No development whatsoever. Fuck this shit. This is exactly why Meta said this rap beef really had no ending even though it's 2 years old.
4. Sure, Jolly V got famous for dissing Tymee, but it's really hard to say that that was intended. If it was, she had no reason to diss KittiB, and she would've dissed back no matter what.
Conclusion is that Jolly V wins. Just like the last goddamned time. So Tymee, for the last time, please go drop a proper album.
theyre friends now have u see ntheir instagrams ? they have pics together
They R both so awesome how they fight by rapping so cool XD i wish i could rap like them
타이미 입장에서는 얼마나 짜증났을까...ㅋㅋ
가만히 있는데 자기보다 훨씬 어린애가 본인 인생에서 가장 지우고싶고
기억하기도 싫어하는 힘들었을때들먹이며 창녀드립까지하고 건드리고
빌 붙고 저기서까지 저러고 늘어 저러는데..
lol tbh im kinda sick with this dissing issue between jolly v and tymee since smtm 3 to unpretty rapstar, but its fun to watch
Tymee its Amazing Omg
졸리븨압승이구만ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ타이미팬들 졸리븨가 맨날 인신공격 성드립친다고 존나뭐라하드만 지금은 타이미가 하고있넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
San E's laughing is like Santa ~
타이미 졸렬한게 맨처음 디스할땐 재밌다고 같이 맞받아치더니 쇼미 3에서 졸리브이 팀선택까지 가규 지는 2차에서 떨어지고 언프에서도 초반까지 별로니까 갑자기 디스전 하기싫다고 징징거리다가 여론바뀌니까 급 아픈과거인척 피해자 코스프레험
아무래도 영어 랩까지 구사하는 졸리브이가 가사는 폭넓게 쓸 수 있음
근데 타이미는 너무 면상만 언급하네
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ커리어가없으니까 면상밖에깔게없음
힘내요 타이미
anyone else notice that little romance between cheetah and jesse?
3:43 ... Jace looks so lonely :'(
well she was during that moment
she came out of nowhere and they all pretty much disliked her
but tymee and jace grew closer after
심개똥 인상이강하지않고
타이미 개인적으로 좋아하는 처자인데 참으로 안타깝다.
내가 타이거jk 즘 된다면 당장
나서서 위로라도 해줄텐데. .
타이미도 잘하고 졸리브이도 잘했어요. 타이미는 디스할때 뭔가 생기있는 느낌. ㅋ 거칠지만 매력있다 . 뱉어내는게
프리스타일로 한것 같은데, 제법 운율이 있어서 좋았습니다.
상대안할려고만 하지말고, 직접 부딪히는 모습도 좋았습니다. 풀건 풀고 친해지시길 바랍니다 ~ ^^
졸리브이 는 힙합의 풍류를 아는것 같네요. 준비 했던 안했던, 랩퍼의 여유 보기 좋았음.
가사에서 fuck you 보단 thank you라 했을때 소름돋았습니다.
힙합문화가 좋은것은 솔직하면서도 , 여유있고 위트있게 그 상황을 속시원하게 말하는것이라 생각합니다.
힙합 프로그램이 많이 나오면 좋겠습니다. ^^
tymee can be as mad as she want and look for revenge but still... jolly v has more talent (not saying tymee is bad tho)
do you understand the story? if not stop saying shit
Jun Sup Lee it's a simple history: jolly v dissed tymee, and tymee could never make a proper comeback ㅋㅋㅋㅋ she did a bad song and humiliated herself on smtm before even get a chance to face jolly, now go and read what I said on the previou comment for it is still valid. The thing is she won't be proving herself because she's simply worse than Jolly, so this is prob going on forever
thats not the full story.
you even understand korean? lol
Jun Sup Lee if that's your argument, then i need to say no more HAHAHA :P feel free to tell me the parts I don't know
이러고선 나중에 사이좋아지실거같음
실력은 실력이고 사람과의 관계가 더 이상 나빠지지않으셨으면...
jolly v is old news, she ain't a rapper. She thinks the raps that she brings out shows her character when really she's making useless disses on people who don't deserve it like tymee. The whole time I watched this show I observed everyone's character and how passionate they were about rap, I don't feel that passion through jolly v.
The first time i heard about them 2 i couldn't say who i loved more when i listened their disses track but then show me the money came and jolly v killed it ! Sometimes i just can't stand tymee's behavior seriously i like her but i can't not praise jolly v more sorry ^^
타이미 너무 멋지고 이쁘고 잘한당
Everyone praying to God for help looking like the shade in this room is realllllll!!!
M-net trying to make tymee as victim and jolly v as villain
But you know who is really a victim....both of them!! they didn't want to fight!!!
They just made them do it. and I really don't think It's fair
And they might be even friend after that shooting