Family of Alexis Gabe calls for charges against mother of her killer

  • Опубликовано: 11 авг 2022
  • Ryan Yamamoto reports on a rally demanding charges be filed against the mother of the ex-boyfriend who killed Alexis Gabe (8-12-2022)

Комментарии • 4

  • @AresWing314
    @AresWing314 Год назад +3

    A family that does a Crime together, should do Prison Time together.

  • @JudgeDredd_
    @JudgeDredd_ Год назад

    Everyone knew the guy did it. They’ll never find her now unfortunately.

  • @nevermind342
    @nevermind342 Год назад

    I want justice too but one example of circumstantial evidence isn’t enough to prosecute

  • @mistrjt9213
    @mistrjt9213 Год назад

    So did she get dismembered? Is that what he was unloading? 🪓🔪💪🏻🦵🦻👃👀👅🧠🦷🗡