"My mother and father gave me a stick, and I was very fond of it, I called it Lucy, you see. And I was very lucky because most of my friends only had an imaginary stick" ROFL!!! I loved that!
i got an orange once for xmas when i was about 11 but apart from that 1 time i never had birthdays or xmas's we never even had decorations' fist birthday gift i got was when i was 17 off a girlfriend it was a nice radders bubble jacket' but nothing growing up. you just have to reconcile it and forcus on your future.
Thank you, Jack Dee, for posting this!
"My mother and father gave me a stick, and I was very fond of it, I called it Lucy, you see. And I was very lucky because most of my friends only had an imaginary stick"
ROFL!!! I loved that!
I have brought in a carrot, and a dead crow and a piece of my bicycle. LMFAO.
lmao on the bournemouth senior citizens and the suit his great would love to see him live
haha love that bit too - a pieece of my bicycle :P
Lol hes such a legend.
"Bet you're one of them gay dancin boys from London"
I have bought in a carrott, a dead crow and a piece of my bicycle!
i got an orange once for xmas when i was about 11 but apart from that 1 time i never had birthdays or xmas's we never even had decorations' fist birthday gift i got was when i was 17 off a girlfriend it was a nice radders bubble jacket' but nothing growing up. you just have to reconcile it and forcus on your future.
14 years after upload ha
@DarkLycan has the words "elephant grave yard" come to mind??? lol
hahah sainsburies manager hahah
lmao yeah classic
why do people keep fucking reciting the stand up in the comments
as if we didnt fucking see it.
Haha yeh :D
just lol.
What is your problem? what have i done?..
Ive eaten a dog
loool...gay dancing boys from london
@Riamu86 wtf?
why do people keep fucking reciting the stand up in the comments
as if we didnt fucking see it.