Fun fact: Most of what we know about the Ainu, including recordings of their language, is the result of the work of Bronislaw Pilsudski, brother of the better known Jozef Pilsudski. He was exiled to Russia's far east for anti-Russian activities but eventualy recieved a grant to study the indigenous peoples which was cut short by the Russo-Japanese war.
@@tomaszzalewski4541 You mean Józef? Becoming a national hero of Poland after restoring Polish independence and saving Europe from Soviet invasion in 1920 is pretty amazing too. Crazy how much those brothers achieved in their lifetime.
My mom (San-sei, Japanese American) taught me who the Ainu were when I was young. Her basic description of them was that they were "like the Native Americans, but in Japan"
It's indeed not a wrong description. Indiginous peoples of north america, scandinavia and asia all had a comparable tribal structure, and were overran by expansion by more hierarchical and centralized states
Well she was right we can say. They were the first inhabitants of northern Japan before "modern" Japanese people came from other parts of north-east Asia.
The Native Americans of Japan? Give me a break There were also Jomon people in Japan and Jomons and Ainu are different ethnicities. Please don't confuse them. That's also an insult to Ainu.
You deserve an award greater than what I can give. I live in Japan and it’s my dream to meet or experience Ainu culture. One day I will drive north and visit where they are
@@lampad4549 in the movie, the buddhist monk says to the main character: "I know you are an Emishi and that the emperor destroyed/chased your tribe, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone". They may be variation of terms among the different translations
@@mysticdragonwolf89 Yep, the funny thing is that I could grow a decent beard myself at that age, and the Ainu are supposed to be some of the hairiest people in the world. Japan seems to idealize youth though, especially in its media, so it doesn't surprise me.
@@robwalsh9843 there should not be enough people that killing one bear a year per tribe puts them at risk of extinction. Overpopulation is a terrible issue.
Ainu legends state the true Ainu home is a land of “terrible cold and no tree’s”. Many interpret this as Siberia. The Ainu language was also used early on for Russian and Japanese to communicate. Less than 100 Ainu speakers are around today but you can still get Ainu-English-Japanese dictionaries to help revive it. I am on this mission myself, since my great grandfather was Ainu.
As someone who grew up in Northern Japan. We barely had enough knowledge about this, studying about Sengoku Jidai which we weren't even that much part of it.
Yeah, when I first learned about the Ainu I started researching a bit, and found out that e.g. Sri Lanka has tribes of ethnically distinct natives in the island's interior! I was especially surprised about that, since Sri Lanka isn't that big. I wonder how many more native minorities like that exist in the world which I have never heard about...
@@gavinoawIndonesia and Papua New Guinea and Australia all have lots of obscure tribes especially Melanesian ones like Moluccans,Timorese,West Papuans,etc
And before the Musket, they either used a Yari (Spear)/Naginata (Pole Arm) or a Yumi (Bow). Katanas (Swords) are essentially expensive sidearms (Considering the amount of iron/steel used to make a single katana compared to a Yari/Naginata) like that of a Pistol, only used in cramped circumstances or if you lost your main weapon.
That film trope really applies to nearly all depictions of warfare before the introduction of firearms. Swords are always depicted as the primary (or even, only) weapon when the reality is that the overwhelming majority of warriors or soldiers used spears or some related polearm.
@@Devilishlybenevolent No, not even slightly, in fact it was the opposite, the samurai were strengthened by the introduction of muskets. After the Sengoku Jidai the Ashigaru were absorbed into the samurai class and muskets became a central part of samurai martial arts. This meant that the Samurai class massively expanded after the introduction of muskets and during the Tokugawa period they basically got to do whatever they want and were completely above the law. What ended the reign of the samurai was the Meiji restoration and the reformation of the Japanese state into one run by dedicated bureaucrats, career soldiers and capitalists, by this point the samurai had become a hated oppressor class and people cheered for the total abolition of the class and the reformation of Japan along western lines. So it was industry, global politics and imperialism that ended the reign of the samurai not peasants with muskets since those peasants became samurai.
Now that is something refreshing to hear. I don't know what exactly happened with the Karafuto Ainu after the Soviet invasion. I was under the impression many of them fled to Hokkaido.
Those with ambition and authority will always try to subjugate people seen as lesser or different. It's part of the human condition and it's a source of endless tragedy.
its called social Darwinism the cultures that accell at technology and harnessing the power of nature outcompete the people living in hunter gatherer society's
@@baconoftheark Utterly false they learned it from the Chinese way before then. This saying Empires were not formed until Western Europe got in the game way late so false it's stupid.
The manga "Golden Kamui" does show many aspects of the Ainu traditions (mainly because the co-protagonist is an Ainu) and its a good read. Who said learning can't be fun? Edit: Also, aren't there still Ainu's in Japan nowadays? Edit 2: I wish the Ainu best of luck in their future endeavours, since getting officialy recognized as a separate ethnic group is a big step foward but only the first of many. Aurrera eta beti aurrera!
@@HandsomeMonkey-King I think he meant Ainu people who still hold to their authentic culture (customs, language etc) because most of the Ainu people ended up being culturally assimilated into japanese society (adopted japanese names, only speak japanese and forgot Ainu culture)
@@marcobonesi6794 Some parts of Hokkaido such as Hidaka are registered as 37% registered Ainu. So the Ainu identity is far from extinct but the Ainu language and culture has sadly mostly faded although it is trying to be revived.
Indigenous hunter gatherers from all over the world are incredibly awesome. No joke they're ALL of our ancestors and it's a shame we don't know more than we do.
Imagine two thieves prowling an Ainu village at night, one turns to the other and says: “Not that house. I hear their toilet spirit doesn’t mess around.”
The first time I learned about the Ainu was when reading "Fullmetal Alchemist." While not mentioned by name in the manga, there are an ethnic minority of people who was conquered by a foreign power and later subjected to attempted genocide; I would later learn that the author based this on the history of the Ainu.
@@kris1123259 the ishvalans are symbolic of the Ainu because Hiromu Arakawa (the author of Fullmetal) is of Ainu descent if I'm recalling correctly. Take that with a grain of salt, but I do know she's spoken on the ishvalans being representative of the genocide of the ainu
@@corv1d770 But she put a roughly muslim/Hindi/Buddhist spin on it by it being a southern people in Simi desert lands wearing clothing from other Asian and Midwestern people influence. So she was making a global point as well.
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in. アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino. 考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan? 遺伝的特徴から見たオホーツク人--大陸と北海道の間の交流 増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学) Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University) 著者は、断片化した残存DNAの遺伝子増幅および外来DNA混入の防御に細心の注意を払った古代DNA分析法と多様な遺伝子マーカーを用いることにより、オホーック文化人が仲介となり、アムール河下流域を中心とした大陸集団からアイヌへの遺伝子流動があったことを明確に示した。以上の成果は、これまで不明であった日本列島北部における人類集団間の遺伝子流動に関して時間を追って示された新しい知見であり、人類学および考古学などの自然史研究に対して貢献するところ大なるものがある。 よって、著者が北海道大学博士(理学)の学位を授与される資格があるものと認める。
Words cannot describe how much i would love to See a Kings and generals video on Irish History. Especially Gaelic Ireland, 1000-1600, it’s culture, customs, language, the norman/English invasion and the efforts of the Gaelic Irish lords to Unite, rebel & push back the tide of the growing English rule over our country. ❤️🇮🇪
Like with the Ryukyuans (in Okinawa) the government sponsored cultural resurgence of the Ainu is in large parts driven by economic motivations, with the Ainu becoming a tourist attraction. But, however questionable the motivation by the government is, it is good to revive these cultures.
agreed. many of these motions are extremely late attempts to say sorry for what was done to small nearly extinct tribes, like the native americans today in the US. is it enough? probably not. is it purely for good reasons? probably not, they do just enough so that people feel better about themselves and stop caring. but whatever the reason, at least they can stay alive in this new age
@@StopFlaggingVideos Native Americans are hardly near extinction, a large portion of the county I grew up in was Native American including many of my cousins, they number in the millions, language though is in serious danger of extinction with most. One of the biggest dangers current Native Americans face is from urban liberals crushing the industries Native Americans and other rural Americans depend on like agriculture, commercial fishing and logging this then forces them to leave their reservations and rural America for urban centers looking for work, they become disconnected from their culture and community, intermarry and die out as a people.
@@deanfirnatine7814 i dont mean to talk badly of them. i mean in the context of the modern world, and the dominant superculture of the US that has dominated the native people, they don't exist in the mind of the world outside the US, much like the regular modern person doesn't know much about the Ainu (if they even know they exist). i'm glad the people themselves physically live on, but their spirit, which makes them what they are, is dying like you said, and they just mix into more americans
Well the Japanese have actually treated its minorities pretty considerably well. (even the Canadians and Americans have started to make up for it) Very unlike a certain country/a certain people in contrast, who are conducting mass genocide of its minorities right now which is not necessary to mention by name because we all know exactly who we are talking about.........
@@GL-iv4rw : Your bar is quite low, when you say "pretty well". The Cultural Genocide of the Ainu is nigh complete. And the Ryukyunan / Okinawan culture survived do to a very large diaspora, that held on to customs and language. The 55+ generation of Okinawan and Ainu would still be punished in school (shamed and bullied by the teachers) when they used their native language. Diaspora Okinawans usually know the language better than those who live in the Ryukyus. And even the distinct dialect of Japanese that is used in Okinawa is quickly disappearing, simply because more and more Naicha (mainland Japanese) move there and bring their rather bland accent/dialect with them. It is only in the last 30 years, that Naicha discovered the value of the Okinawan culture... because it sells well and has high entertainment value. But, like I said before, regardless of the clearly not altruistic motivation, I do welcome the resurrection.
Their were many different tribal kingdoms in Japanese island before they became Japan, it's not just Ainu Other people exist such as Nivk, Izumo, Koshi, Owari, Keno, Kibi, Shikoku, Nakoku, Kumaso, Hayato, Emishi
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in. アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino. 考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan? 遺伝的特徴から見たオホーツク人--大陸と北海道の間の交流 増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学) Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University) 著者は、断片化した残存DNAの遺伝子増幅および外来DNA混入の防御に細心の注意を払った古代DNA分析法と多様な遺伝子マーカーを用いることにより、オホーック文化人が仲介となり、アムール河下流域を中心とした大陸集団からアイヌへの遺伝子流動があったことを明確に示した。以上の成果は、これまで不明であった日本列島北部における人類集団間の遺伝子流動に関して時間を追って示された新しい知見であり、人類学および考古学などの自然史研究に対して貢献するところ大なるものがある。 よって、著者が北海道大学博士(理学)の学位を授与される資格があるものと認める。
I love this channel when it comes about discussing about lesser known cultures/civilizations! You guys must consider making a video about the P'urepecha Empire who were never conquered by the Mexica
It's my favorite aspect of this channel, the focus on not just the stuff that's popular but lesser known yet amazing stories. So many channels about military history only cover famous battles or battles fought by popular countries and empires and it's frankly boring plus they can usually never match the accuracy of real historians.
"The Emishi were master horse archers, able easily to dance circles around the Yamato forces, which were predominantly made up of heavy infantry." -Crassus has left the chat
There is a history, that when Russian explorers came to Hokkaido and Sakhalin (island, which is near Japan), they thought Ainu were also Russians, because they looked very similar to them.
I think this is what spooked the Japanese so much that forced integration policies were intensified. Imagine having a colonial power in your doorstep. That will never be allowed by any government whatsoever.
Which empires are those? The Han and Japanese against the mongols? I keep trying to remember which empires were attacked from the north and i seriously can't think of any others. Most empires seemed to be attacked from the east... arabs, turks, germans, persians (except tthe one time the persians were attacked from the west by alexander) mongols, huns, vikings, europeans into the americas, ottomans, japanese in ww2 against china.... everybody comes from the east!
Yoshida Shoin ((吉田松陰) once wrote: "One who aspires to greatness should read and study, pursuing the True Way with such a firm resolve that he is perfectly straightforward and open, rises above the superficialities of conventional behavior, and refuses to be satisfied with the petty or commonplace"
@Rays Through Trees, Summer Breeze he's a product of a modern pessimistic society. We are too BTW but we aren't saying "tHAtS ObVioUs" so imma pat ourselves on the back. Also this guy really just gave one of the most common responses in today's society. There's some Irony in there somewhere but "that's oBvIouS"
Great video about a fascinating topic! Fun fact: a great researcher of the Ainu culture (as well, as cultures of the Nivkh and Orok peoples) was Bronisław Piłsudski, older brother of the famous Polish leader Józef Piłsudski. He was exiled to Sakhalin in 1887 for involvement in the same anti-tsarist plot, that got Alexander Ulyanov (older brother of Lenin) executed. Piłsudski also married an Ainu woman, Chufsanma, a nice of Chief Bafunkei, and had two children with her. Their descendants live in Japan to this day.
Ainu is Ainoko, who was born in BC1200, when a bleached beggar on the coast of the Amur River, exiled by the Mongolian army, invaded Hokkaido and raped and murdered a Satsumon who was a descendant of the Japanese Jomon people. Not a native of Japan. アイヌはBC1200,モンゴル軍に追放されたアムール川沿岸の漂白乞食が北海道に侵略し、日本縄文人末裔の擦文人を強姦殺戮して産まれたアイノ子である。日本先住民ではない。 The remaining Aino language is a mixture of dozens of languages, including the languages of the Amur River basin drifters, the Kamchatka coastal drifters, and the Okhotsk coastal drifters, and the origin of the languages is unknown. This is also memorized in the gene, and the old gene has genes of several tribes along the continental coast, and the Jomon gene is mixed after their mixture and marriage. Here, the Japanese Jomon gene is mixed in Aino, but the Japanese Jomon are destroyed by murder and rape, and the language and culture of the Japanese Jomon have not been handed down. Aino is an ancient Ainu word, but its meaning is that it was born to a different ethnic group. Today Aino describes this as a human being. The explanation is missing. Before the extinction of the Jomon people, the words "Aino is a human being" were interpreted as "Aino is a human being born by a Jomon woman, but is an Ainoko born by rape by a different ethnic group." It is unclear what the name of this Aino was called in the dialect of Southern Hokkaido. In Vietnam, the Yomiuri Shimbun reporter estimates that Vietnamese girls were raped many times during the Vietnam War and gave birth to one million children. A maximum of 30,000 Korean soldiers, usually 20,000, gave birth to 1 million children. Most of these Dairaihan are hateful Korean soldiers, and most of them are thrown away in the sea, rivers and jungles, and nuts and other food for animals. Even so, there are tens of thousands of Dairaihan who cannot be thrown away. The Ainu are also children of the same age as Dairaihan. Just as Dairaihan is not recognized as an indigenous people of Vietnam, Aino cannot be recognized as an indigenous people of Japan. 現在残されたアイノ語はアムール川流域漂泊民の言語、カムチャツカ沿岸漂泊民の言語、オホーツク沿岸漂泊民の言語など数十言語の混成で、この一部が言語消失前に残された。したがって全アイヌ語のどの系統であるのかさえ不明である。アイヌの呼称そのものがアイヌ語では無く日本縄文人の言語である。古称ではアイノである。アイノの呼称は道南の一部の方言で、アイヌ全体ではなんと呼称していたかは判らない。このような状況は、遺伝子にも記憶され、古い遺伝子は大陸沿岸の数種の部族の遺伝子があり、それらの混成、雑婚ののち縄文人遺伝子が混入している。ここで、日本縄文人遺伝子がアイノに混入するが、日本縄文人は殺戮、強姦で滅亡し、「間の子」であるアイノに日本縄文人の言語、文化は伝承できていない。 アイノはアイヌの古語であるが、その意味は異民族との間に生まれたという意味である。これを現在のアイノは人間と説明している。説明が抜けている。縄文人が絶滅前に「縄文人女が産んだ人間であるが異民族が強姦して生まれたアイノ子である。」と泣き叫んだ言葉が「アイノは人間」と解釈したのである。このアイノの名称も道南の方言で他のアイノはなんと呼称したかは不明である。ベトナムではベトナム戦争時、ベトナム少女が何度も強姦され、100万人の間の子が産まれたと読売新聞記者は推定している。最大韓国兵3万人、通常2万人の韓国兵が100万人間の子を産ませた。このダイライハンのほとんどは憎き敵の韓国兵の子としてほとんどは海、川、ジャングルに捨てられ動物の餌にナッた。それでも捨てきれないダイライハンが数万人生存している。アイヌもダイライハンと同様の「間の子」である。ダイライハンがベトナム先住民と認定されないように、アイノも日本先住民に認定できない。 資料・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Studies on Genetic Features and Histories of Ancient Human Populations in Hokkaido , using Mitochondrial and Autosomal DNA Analyses (ミトコンドリアDNAおよび常染色体DNA分析による北海道古代人類集団の遺伝的特徴と歴史に関する研究) 縄文・続縄文人とオホーック文化人において、5つの対立遺伝子が検出され、それらの頻度分布が集団間で異なっていることが判明した。さらに、縄文・続縄文人では、OG対立遺伝子の頻度が対立遺伝子の頻度よりも著しく高いことが明らかとなった。既報によると、OG対立遺伝子の頻度は日本列島の南に位置する沖縄や鹿児島で高く、かっ、北や東に位置する秋田や茨城などでも比較的高いが、近畿や東海地方では低いことがわかっている。よって、OG対立遺伝子の頻度が高いことは、縄文系の人々の特徴であると考えられた。 著者は、断片化した残存DNAの遺伝子増幅および外来DNA混入の防御に細心の注意を払った古代DNA分析法と多様な遺伝子マーカーを用いることにより、オホーック文化人が仲介となり、アムール河下流域を中心とした大陸集団からアイヌへの遺伝子流動があったことを明確に示した。以上の成果は、これまで不明であった日本列島北部における人類集団間の遺伝子流動に関して時間を追って示された新しい知見であり、人類学および考古学などの自然史研究に対して貢献するところ大なるものがある。 よって、著者が北海道大学博士(理学)の学位を授与される資格があるものと認める。 ・ [アイヌ利権]リストになぜか在日朝鮮人。 先住民族アイヌの権利回復を求める団体・個人署名の要請 [呼びかけ人・団体] 旭川アイヌ協議会 アイヌ・ラマット実行委員会 おんな組いのち [呼びかけ人] 金時鐘(詩人) 佐高信(週刊金曜日編集委員) 辛淑玉(人材育成コンサルタント) 田中優子(週刊金曜日編集委員) 中山千夏(作家) 朴慶南(エッセイスト) 針生一郎(丸木美術館館長) 藤崎良三(全労協議長) 丸山未来子(おんな組事務局) mkjh is oiuy of bhu
They are the longest ruling royal family in the world. Another fun fact: the Japanese national anthem "Kimigayo" contains lyrics that date back to a Heian period poem (794-1185 CE), making it the world's oldest lyrics to a national anthem. Japan and tradition, name a more iconic duo
I went to the Ainu Museum in Sapporo last month and needless to say im so happy that more and more people are taking interest in the Ainu! Such a cool but overlooked culture.
i met one of last leaders of their norther island nation, as he said. artist carved bears from wood at our old faithfull yellowstone store. i bought a small item as could afford for my home. He as i for got name, like my repyouguitar practices. so i fail english but study linquistics, much glad to have met such person said to be of the last leaders in 1986.
There were a few individuals of Ainu heritage who gained some recognition for their service in the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. Sergeant Kiichiro Noda's achievements and skills as a sniper earned him the nickname "The Bear of Luban." He participated in various battles, including the Battle of Peleliu in 1944. After the war, he returned to Hokkaido and became an advocate for Ainu rights and culture.
@@comradekenobi6908 there is nothing wrong with learning from anime. Hell Golden Kamuy wasn’t even the first show to have an Ainu character. Shaman King has one as well
Great video! I’ve actually travelled across much of Hokkaido! It’s such an amazing place, the is an Ainu history museum in the north part of the island. The north side and many areas of the nature all still feel wild
It is already known that the Ainu have inhabited Hokkaido for only about 700 years. They invaded Hokkaido after being beaten by Mongol in Sakhalin Island.
The Ainu were unable to smelt iron even after the 10th century. Therefore, they had to buy swords from Japanese people, but they were originally descendants of the same Jomon people as Japanese people. The brave Ainu expelled the northern peoples (Nivkhs) in Hokkaido for trade reasons, then moved north on Sakhalin and attacked mainland China. Encountering the world's strongest Mongolian army who had come to rescue Nivkh, they and the Ainu continued to fight in Sakhalin for about 30 years. After that, the Ainu made peace with Mongolia, and the Ainu got the southern half of Sakhalin. However, in the 19th century, Sakhalin was occupied by the Russians. In the 20th century, the Japanese regained South Sakhalin, where the Ainu once lived, with the victory of the Russo-Japanese War.
Хоккайдо оккупирован японцами. Айны подверглись геноциду со стороны японцев - вот о чём этот фильм. По результатам последней войны Сахалин и Курилы наши.
The video kinda shows the ainu being forceful when they take a cub but in reality they weren’t. Those bears were treated very very well until their sacrifice
As a Native American (Atikamekw Nehiriwisiw), I relate to the Ainu peoples so much as we suffered the same things (becoming a minority on our own homelands, oppressive assimilation policies, forbidden traditional ceremonies, dwindling native speakers, etc.) Heck, even the name Ainu is similar to the term for "Man" in many of our languages (Innu, Eeyou, Iriniw, etc.)
I’m black , Mississippi choctaw and reconnecting plains my people didn’t fight with the government as much but still had so much taken and our oppressors tried to destroy us completely because they were worried that we would revolt
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in. アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino. 考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan? 遺伝的特徴から見たオホーツク人--大陸と北海道の間の交流 増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学) Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University) 著者は、断片化した残存DNAの遺伝子増幅および外来DNA混入の防御に細心の注意を払った古代DNA分析法と多様な遺伝子マーカーを用いることにより、オホーック文化人が仲介となり、アムール河下流域を中心とした大陸集団からアイヌへの遺伝子流動があったことを明確に示した。以上の成果は、これまで不明であった日本列島北部における人類集団間の遺伝子流動に関して時間を追って示された新しい知見であり、人類学および考古学などの自然史研究に対して貢献するところ大なるものがある。 よって、著者が北海道大学博士(理学)の学位を授与される資格があるものと認める。
There's a bit of a mistake in the beginning of the video (3:45). The Jomon culture was spread across the entire Japanese archipelago for thousands of years, but the map does not show them in western Japan. Also the Yayoi are currently theorized to be a culture that was a mixture between western Jomon people and immigrants from the Korean peninsula. So saying they came from the continent in 1000 BC is oversimplifying it a bit. Including this information could have helped explain why modern Japanese share DNA with Jomon people and perhaps why there are some similarities between Ainu animism and Shintoism.
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in. アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino. 考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan? 遺伝的特徴から見たオホーツク人--大陸と北海道の間の交流 増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学) Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University) 著者は、断片化した残存DNAの遺伝子増幅および外来DNA混入の防御に細心の注意を払った古代DNA分析法と多様な遺伝子マーカーを用いることにより、オホーック文化人が仲介となり、アムール河下流域を中心とした大陸集団からアイヌへの遺伝子流動があったことを明確に示した。以上の成果は、これまで不明であった日本列島北部における人類集団間の遺伝子流動に関して時間を追って示された新しい知見であり、人類学および考古学などの自然史研究に対して貢献するところ大なるものがある。 よって、著者が北海道大学博士(理学)の学位を授与される資格があるものと認める。
First time I learned about the Ainu was through an anime, but beyond it being a cartoon comparing it to this video the accuracy of details and culture shown in Golden Kamui is truly impressive
Ashitaka is actually Emishi, which actually have very little surviving documentation beyond the fact that they existed. They are also an indigenous group of Japan, but are distinct
Now I'm watching princess monoke after this again....followed by nausaca and the valley of the wind....then howls moving castle...then spirited away you see what you've done!
This is an excellent video. I like the extra graphical touches and the additional notes onscreen. And only one mispronounced word in the whole video! All in all, well done. It's great to see this channel's quality go up and up!
8:40 Too bad the Ainu killed all their bears. If they had been raising bear cubs in their villages for 40,000 years they would have bad ass domesticated pet bears. No ones going to fuck with a people of who have domesticated pet bears!
Obviously this is what we need a time machine for, so we can make the Ainu develop bear cavalry and have them launch the most kick ass conquest of the world.
@@hedgehog3180 bears are too aggressive to be domesticated. It’s the same reason why zebras despite being so closely related are untameable. The Russian also tried it in the 20th century with the moose and surprise it’s the same reason.
@@jtsy7499 Basic similarities can be found all across northern Eurasia from western Uralic groups (like Sami and the Finns) all the way to eastern Siberia and the northern Pacific regions. Things such as animism, bear worship, veneration and deep respect for nature etc. Although when it comes to Finns and the Sami, these aspects are a thing of the past for the most part due to christianization over the past 1000 years, but remnants still can be found in their cultures. Also another similarity is the history of being pushed out of their lands by others and being much smaller linguistically and culturally than their larger neighbors.
At the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, Ainu families were displayed by the Japanese, along with their homes. The intention was to bring in the indigenous Ainu to show the contrast with the more modern Japanese empire. It is amazing how quickly the Japanese learned to their racial superiority and conquest justification over the natives of the West.
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in. アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino. 考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan? 遺伝的特徴から見たオホーツク人--大陸と北海道の間の交流 増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学) Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University) 著者は、断片化した残存DNAの遺伝子増幅および外来DNA混入の防御に細心の注意を払った古代DNA分析法と多様な遺伝子マーカーを用いることにより、オホーック文化人が仲介となり、アムール河下流域を中心とした大陸集団からアイヌへの遺伝子流動があったことを明確に示した。以上の成果は、これまで不明であった日本列島北部における人類集団間の遺伝子流動に関して時間を追って示された新しい知見であり、人類学および考古学などの自然史研究に対して貢献するところ大なるものがある。 よって、著者が北海道大学博士(理学)の学位を授与される資格があるものと認める。
Very good video! Not sure if the title was changed because of the recent announcement of the game, but there doesn't seem to be anything in here about the Ghost of Yotei. But even so, this was a great educational video. Thanks!
@@KingsandGenerals bruh tf, here i was thinking they stole their game name from your video title. you should be honest about this and do a comment underneath and pin it. this makes you look selfish, greedy, clickbaity and untrustworthy. Do better. You are not running a click bait channel.
What about a video about the Dacian people in the near future? They were an ancient culture that lived north of Danube (modern day România) related to Thrace. Romanians consider them their ancestors along of the romans, but very few details have been left to get to know these people better.
Can you make a dedicated video series about the Three kingdoms period of Korea(Goguryeo, Shilla, Baekje) and their struggle of launching skirmishes against each other.
삼국시대라는 말은 잘못 되었다 가야 라는 연맹부족 국가도 신라가 한반도를 통일하기 100년전 까지 존재했다. 전라도의 마한 소국들과 가야의 연맹 부족 왕국 일본(왜국) 또한 한반도의 역사와 같다. 신라가 한반도를 통일 하면서 일본과 한반도의 역사는 완전히 갈라졌음 한반도 내에 말갈 이라는 주르첸 계열의 부족도 많이 있었고 고구려와 신라가 같은 연합군이고 백제 가야 일본(왜국) 이 이에 맞서 싸웠음 신라가 강해지면서 고구려와 적대적으로 변하고 신라와 백제가 동맹으로서 고구려와 싸운적도 있고 한반도의 고대 역사는 주르첸 과 일본과 역사를 어느정도 공유한다.
주르첸이 명제국을 정복하기 전까지 한반도에 많은 주르첸들이 이주해서 살고 있었음 1600년대를 기준으로 더 이상의 주르첸 사람들의 유입이 없었지만 고대부터 많은 주르첸인들이 한반도에 이주해서 살았음 고구려 백제 신라 가야 의 지배자들은 북방 만주에서 내려온 사람들임 기마민족들이 한반도의 원주민을 제압하고 국가를 만들고 전쟁을 하였음 중국의 수제국 당제국 의 선비족은 몽골계통의 사람들 고구려 백제 가야 또한 다르지 않음 북방의 기마민족들이 중국대륙과 한반도의 지배층이 된것임
Emishi is a general term for people in the Kanto, Tohoku, and Hokkaido regions who were not subordinate to the Yamato court. The group influenced by the Yamato court was called Wajin by the Chinese dynasty. There were people such as Kumaso and Hayato in the west, but they were defeated by the Yamato court and annexed. Some Emishi groups, such as Saeki and Kuzu, were annexed and assimilated over the years. Among them, Emishi, who lived in Hokkaido, continued the Jomon culture until around the 13th century.Their culture is called Zoku-Jōmon culture, or Satsumon culture. Around the 14th century, they were mixed with the people of Siberian and Sakhalin who had been squeezed by Mongolia and moved south. It formed its own culture and became known as the Ainu. Some Ainu were mixed with Wajin, and some traded south to the Kanto region. However, not only the friendly relationship but also the power relationship with the Wajin caused dissatisfaction with the unfavorable business transactions and working environment, and the Ainu uprised many times. The Battle of Koshamain, the Battle of Shakushain, and the Battle of Kunashiri Menashi are famous. And the Ainu were also exposed to the threat of Russia. The Kamchatka Ainu disappeared as an ethnic group due to the defeat of the Russian Empire and smallpox. In the 18th century, the Ainu of the Kuril Islands were overwhelmed by Russia, and fled to Hokkaido to escape the economic pressure caused by heavy taxes, and reported to the Edo Shogunate, the government of the Wajin at that time. As a result, the Shogunate became afraid that Russia would occupy the whole of Hokkaido. The need for northern guards has come to be explained. This was the first opportunity for "centralized Japan" in the Meiji era to officially incorporate Hokkaido as a national land. Since the concept of the nation was born in the modern sense, the Ainu have continued to be sandwiched between the two countries of Japan and Russia. Today, the Hokkaido Ainu are Japanese, and the Ainu of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands are Russian. In both Japan and Russia, some Ainu have been forcibly relocated due to national reasons, some have become assimilated due to mixed races, and some have been unable to return to the land they were born in while evacuated in WW2. So most of the Ainu descendants are no longer aware of their roots.
Hey Kings and Generals, i just started a new shogun 2 (fots) playthrough and there are no videos on the boshin war on youtube. Meji and other era topics and important battles/events are very sparse here on youtube, too! Can't wait for your content!
The Ainu are very closely tied to the North west Coastal natives of British Columbia for they too hunted Bear, Deer and Small animals plus Salmon harvest was very important and made their cloths from Cedar bark. Thanks for the knowledge
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in. アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino. 考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan? 遺伝的特徴から見たオホーツク人--大陸と北海道の間の交流 増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学) Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University) 著者は、断片化した残存DNAの遺伝子増幅および外来DNA混入の防御に細心の注意を払った古代DNA分析法と多様な遺伝子マーカーを用いることにより、オホーック文化人が仲介となり、アムール河下流域を中心とした大陸集団からアイヌへの遺伝子流動があったことを明確に示した。以上の成果は、これまで不明であった日本列島北部における人類集団間の遺伝子流動に関して時間を追って示された新しい知見であり、人類学および考古学などの自然史研究に対して貢献するところ大なるものがある。 よって、著者が北海道大学博士(理学)の学位を授与される資格があるものと認める。
That would be fantastic. The preceding Spanish American war would also be an excellent installment, on this channel. Everything they do is very well researched.
This channel itself is treasure of humanity excellence of study. I'm sure they would tackle these on the future times, but today until there is more to discuss solemnly then will shall we wait patiently.
When Ainus were consrcipted into Imperial Japanese army and were sent to Borneo, Australian army there thought that the Ainus attacking are Germans because Ainus are larger and appear to be look more European physical wise
Yes. I saw a picture of a modern day Ainu on the internet and he looks so white American in appearance! He looks as if he's a country singer from Tennessee. 😂
@@conejodemercurio6301 Yea I'm not getting much of anything, which was why I was hoping he might know the name or number of the regiment. There was one photo of a Japanese unit that had one guy with a beard in it.
@@baltazarandrada8793 Ainus barely resemble Europeans. They may pass as a middle easterner or north african in some cases but you really think they resemble your average European? Put them in the streets of Europe and they won't look European. You are only making that assertion because they generally look different to the Japon people but are clearly not white passing
As a Mongolian, we know our history more than you, friend. And honestly, We lost to the weather that's it. If our ancestors landed okay... You know the answer.
Man, the new Ghost of Yotei is going to have so much cultural significance in reinforcing the Ainu people. We're probably going to find so many Ainu related collectables and possibly see some Ainu traditions being practiced in game. The Japanese being seen as the invaders this time around is a big change when compared to Ghost of Tsushima, where you're a desparate samurai who is forced to break his code of honor to combat the Mongols. I really can't wait to see and learn more about all this as I play the new Ghost of Yotei next year.
🍘 Get 10% off (save up to $47!) your own authentic Japanese snack box from Bokksu using my link: and code KINGSANDGENERALS10
Please make one video on sikh empire
Please make a video on the imperial chola empire who ruled most of the southeast asia
Please make a video about Bengal Sultanate
Do a video about the yue people , please.
@@yashadhiya2397 لل
Fun fact: Most of what we know about the Ainu, including recordings of their language, is the result of the work of Bronislaw Pilsudski, brother of the better known Jozef Pilsudski. He was exiled to Russia's far east for anti-Russian activities but eventualy recieved a grant to study the indigenous peoples which was cut short by the Russo-Japanese war.
He also married Ainu princess, lucky guy.
Cool dude. Drank coconuts with an African tribe
Shame his brother wasn't so good
Fascinating, almost sounds like a novel!
@@tomaszzalewski4541 You mean Józef? Becoming a national hero of Poland after restoring Polish independence and saving Europe from Soviet invasion in 1920 is pretty amazing too. Crazy how much those brothers achieved in their lifetime.
My mom (San-sei, Japanese American) taught me who the Ainu were when I was young. Her basic description of them was that they were "like the Native Americans, but in Japan"
It's indeed not a wrong description. Indiginous peoples of north america, scandinavia and asia all had a comparable tribal structure, and were overran by expansion by more hierarchical and centralized states
Well she was right we can say. They were the first inhabitants of northern Japan before "modern" Japanese people came from other parts of north-east Asia.
The Native Americans of Japan? Give me a break
There were also Jomon people in Japan and Jomons and Ainu are different ethnicities.
Please don't confuse them.
That's also an insult to Ainu.
@@18890426 Not Native Americans. He said that their role was similar to Native americans
New magical light brown skinned people for me to worship and save! I’m excited and I can’t hide it.
You deserve an award greater than what I can give. I live in Japan and it’s my dream to meet or experience Ainu culture. One day I will drive north and visit where they are
In the movie "Princess Mononoke", the main caracter and the inhabitants of his village are Emishi
Im sure thats not true.
@@lampad4549 in the movie, the buddhist monk says to the main character: "I know you are an Emishi and that the emperor destroyed/chased your tribe, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone". They may be variation of terms among the different translations
Yes, love that movie. I can't figure out why they made the main character beardless though, I'm just assuming he was too young.
@@TheRelen222 he’s 15-17 too young to have grown a beard - I swear he looks younger.
@@mysticdragonwolf89 Yep, the funny thing is that I could grow a decent beard myself at that age, and the Ainu are supposed to be some of the hairiest people in the world. Japan seems to idealize youth though, especially in its media, so it doesn't surprise me.
Bear in heaven telling spirits:
“ They were pious, devoted, wonderful people. Up until the time they murdered me!”
Not a wise religious practice for maintaining local bear populations....
Hey bear have some breast milk.
Thank you!
Have some delicious food.
Thank you!
@@robwalsh9843 actually, as they could need bears for traditional religious activities, they could look for the preservarion of fhe species
Kind of how I was thinking about it lol...
@@robwalsh9843 there should not be enough people that killing one bear a year per tribe puts them at risk of extinction. Overpopulation is a terrible issue.
Ainu legends state the true Ainu home is a land of “terrible cold and no tree’s”. Many interpret this as Siberia. The Ainu language was also used early on for Russian and Japanese to communicate. Less than 100 Ainu speakers are around today but you can still get Ainu-English-Japanese dictionaries to help revive it. I am on this mission myself, since my great grandfather was Ainu.
Best of luck! I hope you succeed, my friend !!
A very meaningful mission! Hope u can make a huge difference bro!
they were just some barbarians, not worth the effort
@Nagin-zt6sc look at his user. He's an imperial Japanese guy so makes sense he'd say that
@imperialjapaneseguy7799 makes sense you'd say that as an imperial Japanese guy
My toilet spirit has never rushed to my defense. Times have indeed changed.
calls the plumber. "hurry, hurry! Water every where."
My toilet spirit won't fuckin forgive me after some of the batterings my arse has given it
My toilet Spirit has rushed me to the toilet many times.
I'm sad and confused my dookie won't stay in the bowl
As someone who grew up in Northern Japan. We barely had enough knowledge about this, studying about Sengoku Jidai which we weren't even that much part of it.
modern japanese are colonizers
@@Praisestoallah7 Ainus colonized Sakhalin when there was people already there. What’s your point?
@@PSL416 did they colonize or simply integrate with each other?
@@Praisestoallah7 Modern Japanese "Colonised" Ainus.
Ainus "simply integrated" with eachother.
I don't understand why people choose to be hypocrite?
@@rishuyadav4410 so did Kashmiri integrated with modern Indian
Slick title change to take advantage of the new game announcement.
Haha, I searched the comment to check if someone pointed it out, or if they were indeed that prevoyant xD
Watched it before and then I saw it again with different name lol
Hey i mean, its facts
What was it before?
Would have preferred an Ainu main character than a Japanese one for a medieval Hokkaido setting.
There are many smaller cultures like this that get dwarfed by their more well known neighbors, glad to see your covering them
Yeah, when I first learned about the Ainu I started researching a bit, and found out that e.g. Sri Lanka has tribes of ethnically distinct natives in the island's interior! I was especially surprised about that, since Sri Lanka isn't that big.
I wonder how many more native minorities like that exist in the world which I have never heard about...
Hegamony fetishism is pretty cringe i like learning about obscure cultures
@@gavinoawIndonesia and Papua New Guinea and Australia all have lots of obscure tribes especially Melanesian ones like Moluccans,Timorese,West Papuans,etc
"Who would bother with invading some fogy islands on the edge of the world, inhabited by hairy sevages"
Caesar: excuse me?
I was thinking exactly about Caesar too lol. Kings and Generals is always sneaky like that.
Invading the edge of the world every day, that's the SPQR way.
@@tyrlant2189 --- seriously. not the first time I've heard this and I know this dude just remixed the original comment lmao
All anime, cartoons: the samurais have used sword
The samurais in real life: My Musket goes boom boom
Musket.. it is
The reign of the samurais were ended by peasants with muskets.
And before the Musket, they either used a Yari (Spear)/Naginata (Pole Arm) or a Yumi (Bow). Katanas (Swords) are essentially expensive sidearms (Considering the amount of iron/steel used to make a single katana compared to a Yari/Naginata) like that of a Pistol, only used in cramped circumstances or if you lost your main weapon.
That film trope really applies to nearly all depictions of warfare before the introduction of firearms. Swords are always depicted as the primary (or even, only) weapon when the reality is that the overwhelming majority of warriors or soldiers used spears or some related polearm.
@@Devilishlybenevolent No, not even slightly, in fact it was the opposite, the samurai were strengthened by the introduction of muskets. After the Sengoku Jidai the Ashigaru were absorbed into the samurai class and muskets became a central part of samurai martial arts. This meant that the Samurai class massively expanded after the introduction of muskets and during the Tokugawa period they basically got to do whatever they want and were completely above the law. What ended the reign of the samurai was the Meiji restoration and the reformation of the Japanese state into one run by dedicated bureaucrats, career soldiers and capitalists, by this point the samurai had become a hated oppressor class and people cheered for the total abolition of the class and the reformation of Japan along western lines. So it was industry, global politics and imperialism that ended the reign of the samurai not peasants with muskets since those peasants became samurai.
My sons a week old and your videos have gotten both of us through many 2am feedings! Thanks for the awesome videos!
I am from Sakhalin and it is delightful to see a video about history of one of our land`s native peoples
Now that is something refreshing to hear. I don't know what exactly happened with the Karafuto Ainu after the Soviet invasion. I was under the impression many of them fled to Hokkaido.
@@ДмитрийЩербаков-ч7з Agree.
@@ДмитрийЩербаков-ч7з Wait I just remembered that I didn't like the Union lol
@@yo2trader539 They had Japanese citizenship so with or without consent the Japanese evacuated them.
You should give your land back to Japan. Shakhalin was Japanese territory.
Well done Kings and Generals! It's nice to have indigenous history videos from different parts of the world. Keep up the great work!
It is known that the Ainu have inhabited Hokkaido for only about 700 years. They invaded Hokkaido after being beaten by Mongol in Sakhalin Island.
Its crazy how the Tragedy of the Ainu is such a common story for so many peoples from around the world
and is not european fault
Those with ambition and authority will always try to subjugate people seen as lesser or different. It's part of the human condition and it's a source of endless tragedy.
oh my God it's you for the love of God just upload just vienna
its called social Darwinism the cultures that accell at technology and harnessing the power of nature outcompete the people living in hunter gatherer society's
@@baconoftheark Utterly false they learned it from the Chinese way before then. This saying Empires were not formed until Western Europe got in the game way late so false it's stupid.
I've just started to read Golden Kamuy, the history and traditions of the Ainu are really fascinating
Lots of similarities to Pacific Northwest Native Americans. Especially their reverence and dependency on salmon.
Yes Native Americans and Ainu share common ancestry and cultures which is why you see similarities between the two groups.
I'm pretty sure Kennewick man's DNA almost matched Ainu DNA. That's a crazy thought to think how far those people 40k some odd years ago traveled.
I mean that's probably due to the fact that they live in an area where salmon are the main source of food, that seems sorta obvious.
@@collin-theonlyandone2299 native Americans can't grow facial hair , if they do they have mixed blood lines
That's no surprise. Ainu live & Have lived as far Yamchatka, and we have records of Tlingit Amerinds visiting & raiding the Kurils
I was just googling them yesterday! Kings and Generals always deliver!
The manga "Golden Kamui" does show many aspects of the Ainu traditions (mainly because the co-protagonist is an Ainu) and its a good read. Who said learning can't be fun?
Edit: Also, aren't there still Ainu's in Japan nowadays?
Edit 2: I wish the Ainu best of luck in their future endeavours, since getting officialy recognized as a separate ethnic group is a big step foward but only the first of many. Aurrera eta beti aurrera!
@@marcobonesi6794 What are "real" Ainu?
@@HandsomeMonkey-King I think he meant Ainu people who still hold to their authentic culture (customs, language etc) because most of the Ainu people ended up being culturally assimilated into japanese society (adopted japanese names, only speak japanese and forgot Ainu culture)
@@HandsomeMonkey-King I think he means Ainu people that are also culturally Ainu and hasn't been assimilated by Japanese or Russian people
Haha, beat me to it.
@@marcobonesi6794 Some parts of Hokkaido such as Hidaka are registered as 37% registered Ainu. So the Ainu identity is far from extinct but the Ainu language and culture has sadly mostly faded although it is trying to be revived.
Indigenous hunter gatherers from all over the world are incredibly awesome. No joke they're ALL of our ancestors and it's a shame we don't know more than we do.
Imagine two thieves prowling an Ainu village at night, one turns to the other and says: “Not that house. I hear their toilet spirit doesn’t mess around.”
"You don't want dysentry tonight, don't you?"
that spirit is going to make you shit yourself
Yakuza 5 flashbacks lol
This is an absolutely delightful upload! Truly informative and well presented about a seriously underrated subject
Yorumların siliniyor öncekini okudun mu :(((
The first time I learned about the Ainu was when reading "Fullmetal Alchemist." While not mentioned by name in the manga, there are an ethnic minority of people who was conquered by a foreign power and later subjected to attempted genocide; I would later learn that the author based this on the history of the Ainu.
You mean the ishvalians ?
@@kris1123259 the ishvalans are symbolic of the Ainu because Hiromu Arakawa (the author of Fullmetal) is of Ainu descent if I'm recalling correctly. Take that with a grain of salt, but I do know she's spoken on the ishvalans being representative of the genocide of the ainu
@@corv1d770 But she put a roughly muslim/Hindi/Buddhist spin on it by it being a southern people in Simi desert lands wearing clothing from other Asian and Midwestern people influence. So she was making a global point as well.
@@RedRocket4000 excellent and Accurate point as well, clearly she was condemning colonization and ethnic genocide in general
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in.
アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino.
考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan?
増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学)
Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido
Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University)
Words cannot describe how much i would love to See a Kings and generals video on Irish History. Especially Gaelic Ireland, 1000-1600, it’s culture, customs, language, the norman/English invasion and the efforts of the Gaelic Irish lords to Unite, rebel & push back the tide of the growing English rule over our country. ❤️🇮🇪
Strange as it sounds, the plight of the ainu did remind me of the plight of the irish in some ways
@@emmiannon1266 Especially the bans on their traditional culture and exploitation over their dependance on a staple food
Like with the Ryukyuans (in Okinawa) the government sponsored cultural resurgence of the Ainu is in large parts driven by economic motivations, with the Ainu becoming a tourist attraction.
But, however questionable the motivation by the government is, it is good to revive these cultures.
agreed. many of these motions are extremely late attempts to say sorry for what was done to small nearly extinct tribes, like the native americans today in the US. is it enough? probably not. is it purely for good reasons? probably not, they do just enough so that people feel better about themselves and stop caring. but whatever the reason, at least they can stay alive in this new age
@@StopFlaggingVideos Native Americans are hardly near extinction, a large portion of the county I grew up in was Native American including many of my cousins, they number in the millions, language though is in serious danger of extinction with most. One of the biggest dangers current Native Americans face is from urban liberals crushing the industries Native Americans and other rural Americans depend on like agriculture, commercial fishing and logging this then forces them to leave their reservations and rural America for urban centers looking for work, they become disconnected from their culture and community, intermarry and die out as a people.
@@deanfirnatine7814 i dont mean to talk badly of them. i mean in the context of the modern world, and the dominant superculture of the US that has dominated the native people, they don't exist in the mind of the world outside the US, much like the regular modern person doesn't know much about the Ainu (if they even know they exist). i'm glad the people themselves physically live on, but their spirit, which makes them what they are, is dying like you said, and they just mix into more americans
Well the Japanese have actually treated its minorities pretty considerably well. (even the Canadians and Americans have started to make up for it)
Very unlike a certain country/a certain people in contrast, who are conducting mass genocide of its minorities right now which is not necessary to mention by name because we all know exactly who we are talking about.........
@@GL-iv4rw : Your bar is quite low, when you say "pretty well".
The Cultural Genocide of the Ainu is nigh complete. And the Ryukyunan / Okinawan culture survived do to a very large diaspora, that held on to customs and language.
The 55+ generation of Okinawan and Ainu would still be punished in school (shamed and bullied by the teachers) when they used their native language. Diaspora Okinawans usually know the language better than those who live in the Ryukyus. And even the distinct dialect of Japanese that is used in Okinawa is quickly disappearing, simply because more and more Naicha (mainland Japanese) move there and bring their rather bland accent/dialect with them.
It is only in the last 30 years, that Naicha discovered the value of the Okinawan culture... because it sells well and has high entertainment value.
But, like I said before, regardless of the clearly not altruistic motivation, I do welcome the resurrection.
Their were many different tribal kingdoms in Japanese island before they became Japan, it's not just Ainu
Other people exist such as Nivk, Izumo, Koshi, Owari, Keno, Kibi, Shikoku, Nakoku, Kumaso, Hayato, Emishi
Me to my friend 2 days ago: "I wonder about the ancient history of Japan."
Today: *KaG uploads just that*
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in.
アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino.
考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan?
増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学)
Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido
Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University)
I love this channel when it comes about discussing about lesser known cultures/civilizations!
You guys must consider making a video about the P'urepecha Empire who were never conquered by the Mexica
There are many interesting peoples in ancient Mexico besides Mexica and Mayans. I for one am keen on learning about the Chichimeca and Otomí
It's my favorite aspect of this channel, the focus on not just the stuff that's popular but lesser known yet amazing stories. So many channels about military history only cover famous battles or battles fought by popular countries and empires and it's frankly boring plus they can usually never match the accuracy of real historians.
Yes! Also the Yaqui/Yoeme who also resisted conquer from other native tribes as well as the Spaniards.
such great explination both auditorial and visual really lets it sink in to my brain, great job.
"The Emishi were master horse archers, able easily to dance circles around the Yamato forces, which were predominantly made up of heavy infantry."
-Crassus has left the chat
-Trajan entered the chat
Severus, Trajan and Diocletian enter the chat.
yes that right, Japan got lucky
The hungarian horse archers send high five emoji
@sebâstian turnayev google
There is a history, that when Russian explorers came to Hokkaido and Sakhalin (island, which is near Japan), they thought Ainu were also Russians, because they looked very similar to them.
I think this is what spooked the Japanese so much that forced integration policies were intensified. Imagine having a colonial power in your doorstep. That will never be allowed by any government whatsoever.
Muscovites, and yeah I figure Finno-Ugrics, Turkics and etc did as well, United States of Muscovy
Slavs look nothing like an East Asian, don’t get where you got that from
@@visigoth3696 Ainu's aren't East Asian. Did you even watch the vid?
@@Incubator859 I know, but they aren’t Slavs, doesn’t change anything.
Love the cheeky title change. Excellent video btw.
The long bearded northern barbarians being a thorn in the side of many great empires. A classic as old as time.
Which empires are those? The Han and Japanese against the mongols? I keep trying to remember which empires were attacked from the north and i seriously can't think of any others. Most empires seemed to be attacked from the east... arabs, turks, germans, persians (except tthe one time the persians were attacked from the west by alexander) mongols, huns, vikings, europeans into the americas, ottomans, japanese in ww2 against china.... everybody comes from the east!
@@corvus2512 I mainly did this comment reffering to Japan and the Ainu, Roman Empire and the germanic tribes and China against the Xiongnu
@@cristhianramirez6939 fair enough and i wasn't criticizing you, i was really racking my brain feeling like i was missing totally obvious answer
Doesn't get more barbarically bearded than the Langobards (literal long beards) attacking Italy
@@corvus2512 Mhhhh i thinks we can add the malien empire being destroy by berber touareg from the north but that really all i can thinks about really
Yoshida Shoin ((吉田松陰) once wrote:
"One who aspires to greatness should read and study, pursuing the True Way with such a firm resolve that he is perfectly straightforward and open, rises above the superficialities of conventional behavior, and refuses to be satisfied with the petty or commonplace"
That's just telling people if you want glory, be ambitious. Nothing new, or profound about it.
@Rays Through Trees, Summer Breeze he's a product of a modern pessimistic society. We are too BTW but we aren't saying "tHAtS ObVioUs" so imma pat ourselves on the back.
Also this guy really just gave one of the most common responses in today's society. There's some Irony in there somewhere but "that's oBvIouS"
Hello everyone from Ghost of Yotei game trailer
@@KingsandGeneralscan you upload a video about it?
@@alexcrock7942 working on it
Great video about a fascinating topic!
Fun fact: a great researcher of the Ainu culture (as well, as cultures of the Nivkh and Orok peoples) was Bronisław Piłsudski, older brother of the famous Polish leader Józef Piłsudski. He was exiled to Sakhalin in 1887 for involvement in the same anti-tsarist plot, that got Alexander Ulyanov (older brother of Lenin) executed. Piłsudski also married an Ainu woman, Chufsanma, a nice of Chief Bafunkei, and had two children with her. Their descendants live in Japan to this day.
Ainu is Ainoko, who was born in BC1200, when a bleached beggar on the coast of the Amur River, exiled by the Mongolian army, invaded Hokkaido and raped and murdered a Satsumon who was a descendant of the Japanese Jomon people. Not a native of Japan.
The remaining Aino language is a mixture of dozens of languages, including the languages of the Amur River basin drifters, the Kamchatka coastal drifters, and the Okhotsk coastal drifters, and the origin of the languages is unknown. This is also memorized in the gene, and the old gene has genes of several tribes along the continental coast, and the Jomon gene is mixed after their mixture and marriage. Here, the Japanese Jomon gene is mixed in Aino, but the Japanese Jomon are destroyed by murder and rape, and the language and culture of the Japanese Jomon have not been handed down.
Aino is an ancient Ainu word, but its meaning is that it was born to a different ethnic group. Today Aino describes this as a human being. The explanation is missing. Before the extinction of the Jomon people, the words "Aino is a human being" were interpreted as "Aino is a human being born by a Jomon woman, but is an Ainoko born by rape by a different ethnic group." It is unclear what the name of this Aino was called in the dialect of Southern Hokkaido. In Vietnam, the Yomiuri Shimbun reporter estimates that Vietnamese girls were raped many times during the Vietnam War and gave birth to one million children. A maximum of 30,000 Korean soldiers, usually 20,000, gave birth to 1 million children. Most of these Dairaihan are hateful Korean soldiers, and most of them are thrown away in the sea, rivers and jungles, and nuts and other food for animals. Even so, there are tens of thousands of Dairaihan who cannot be thrown away. The Ainu are also children of the same age as Dairaihan. Just as Dairaihan is not recognized as an indigenous people of Vietnam, Aino cannot be recognized as an indigenous people of Japan.
Studies on Genetic Features and Histories of Ancient Human Populations in Hokkaido ,
using Mitochondrial and Autosomal DNA Analyses
旭川アイヌ協議会 アイヌ・ラマット実行委員会 おんな組いのち
mkjh is oiuy of bhu
I'm glad to see Golden Kamuy fans out here
Golden Kamuy really do go up. Hidden gem in my opinion. Manga and the Anime go hard.
just read vol 22
When I saw it on funimation I knew I had to read the manga and I played ghost of tsishuma it was a unforgitable experiance.
@@iama2427 Any news on the 4th season of the anime? I loved it so much!
Insane how the Yamato clan in 300 AD still persists as the Imperial House of Japan so many centuries later.
They are the longest ruling royal family in the world. Another fun fact: the Japanese national anthem "Kimigayo" contains lyrics that date back to a Heian period poem (794-1185 CE), making it the world's oldest lyrics to a national anthem. Japan and tradition, name a more iconic duo
It could’ve ended tragically after WWII though.
The Solomonic Dynasty ruled for a long ass time too...until they didn't
I went to the Ainu Museum in Sapporo last month and needless to say im so happy that more and more people are taking interest in the Ainu! Such a cool but overlooked culture.
Golden Kamuy taught me a lot about the Ainu !
Great manga and anime
@@avatarus7 yesss amazing anime
@@SeanHiruki for sure , absolutely love it
Lol I was looking for this comment
i met one of last leaders of their norther island nation, as he said. artist carved bears from wood at our old faithfull yellowstone store. i bought a small item as could afford for my home. He as i for got name, like my repyouguitar practices. so i fail english but study linquistics, much glad to have met such person said to be of the last leaders in 1986.
As a Canadian, hearing that dugout canoes were outlawed sent me into a blind rage for a second.
I have been curious about Ainu for long time. Thanks for this video.
There were a few individuals of Ainu heritage who gained some recognition for their service in the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. Sergeant Kiichiro Noda's achievements and skills as a sniper earned him the nickname "The Bear of Luban." He participated in various battles, including the Battle of Peleliu in 1944. After the war, he returned to Hokkaido and became an advocate for Ainu rights and culture.
I recommend the anime Golden Kamuy, you will learn a lot about the Ainu culture, the protagonist is an Ainu btw
Got to love Asirpa and her insistance on Sugimoto eating the animal brains since they are "Hina, hina"
Golden kamui is the gayest and manliest manga you'll ever read
@@NapoleonAquila as they should be
@@comradekenobi6908 there is nothing wrong with learning from anime. Hell Golden Kamuy wasn’t even the first show to have an Ainu character. Shaman King has one as well
That's Jojo, but it does come close
Great video! I’ve actually travelled across much of Hokkaido! It’s such an amazing place, the is an Ainu history museum in the north part of the island. The north side and many areas of the nature all still feel wild
It is already known that the Ainu have inhabited Hokkaido for only about 700 years. They invaded Hokkaido after being beaten by Mongol in Sakhalin Island.
The Ainu were unable to smelt iron even after the 10th century. Therefore, they had to buy swords from Japanese people, but they were originally descendants of the same Jomon people as Japanese people.
The brave Ainu expelled the northern peoples (Nivkhs) in Hokkaido for trade reasons, then moved north on Sakhalin and attacked mainland China. Encountering the world's strongest Mongolian army who had come to rescue Nivkh, they and the Ainu continued to fight in Sakhalin for about 30 years. After that, the Ainu made peace with Mongolia, and the Ainu got the southern half of Sakhalin. However, in the 19th century, Sakhalin was occupied by the Russians. In the 20th century, the Japanese regained South Sakhalin, where the Ainu once lived, with the victory of the Russo-Japanese War.
From whom did the Russians get their booty?
Хоккайдо оккупирован японцами. Айны подверглись геноциду со стороны японцев - вот о чём этот фильм. По результатам последней войны Сахалин и Курилы наши.
@@Tiverovich and Karelia is our! RUSSIAN GO AWAY FROM OTHERS LAND!!!!
Yes but as shown other groups from the North changed the Jomon of that area producing the Ainu.
@@jakkeledin4645 Мы не виноваты. Это шведы-варяги нас завоевали в 862 году и создали свою империю на славянской и финской земле.😇
Those bear cubs were in for a big surprise at the end!
How is the video a few minutes old, but this comment 10 hours old?
@@For3xampleJohn channel members get the video early im pretty sure
@@sgtpetergreen Oh. Didn't know that.
Well they gotta "go back" somehow
The video kinda shows the ainu being forceful when they take a cub but in reality they weren’t. Those bears were treated very very well until their sacrifice
As a Native American (Atikamekw Nehiriwisiw), I relate to the Ainu peoples so much as we suffered the same things (becoming a minority on our own homelands, oppressive assimilation policies, forbidden traditional ceremonies, dwindling native speakers, etc.)
Heck, even the name Ainu is similar to the term for "Man" in many of our languages (Innu, Eeyou, Iriniw, etc.)
I’m black , Mississippi choctaw and reconnecting plains my people didn’t fight with the government as much but still had so much taken and our oppressors tried to destroy us completely because they were worried that we would revolt
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in.
アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino.
考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan?
増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学)
Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido
Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University)
There's a bit of a mistake in the beginning of the video (3:45). The Jomon culture was spread across the entire Japanese archipelago for thousands of years, but the map does not show them in western Japan. Also the Yayoi are currently theorized to be a culture that was a mixture between western Jomon people and immigrants from the Korean peninsula. So saying they came from the continent in 1000 BC is oversimplifying it a bit. Including this information could have helped explain why modern Japanese share DNA with Jomon people and perhaps why there are some similarities between Ainu animism and Shintoism.
DNA study showed Japanese and Chinese/Korean are very different.
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in.
アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino.
考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan?
増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学)
Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido
Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University)
@@saywhat664 Yet, they looked alike. How's that dna for you?
@@buk6199Southern Europeans and Arabs look similar, so are they one people ?
First time I learned about the Ainu was through an anime, but beyond it being a cartoon comparing it to this video the accuracy of details and culture shown in Golden Kamui is truly impressive
Ainus know how to "Hinna hinna"
haha golden kamuy fans
Golden kamuy reference, nice
Asirpa approved
Here after Ghost of Yotei announcement
Same GoT gang here
Oh the irony of an advertisement for the people that conquered the people the video is about.
Screw the colonizer Bokksu I'll take the bear liver.
I learned about the Ainu in the anime Golden Kamuy, and I recommend everyone to watch it
It’s not that good
@@AtomicDudez it is.
Thank you for this great video. Golden Kamuy brought me to the Ainu and this video really shined the light on their culture and history.
For Ainu men, no shave November was a year long festival that was celebrated every year
Sounds like Sikh men.
Ainu Men to no shave November: "Pathetic"
For those who watched Princess Mononoke and Memoirs of a Geisha - the protagonists are of the Ainu people.
Ashitaka is actually Emishi, which actually have very little surviving documentation beyond the fact that they existed. They are also an indigenous group of Japan, but are distinct
Wow, certainly
Now I'm watching princess monoke after this again....followed by nausaca and the valley of the wind....then howls moving castle...then spirited away you see what you've done!
@@ericcloud1023 i still havent worked up the courage to watch grave of fire flies
This is an excellent video. I like the extra graphical touches and the additional notes onscreen. And only one mispronounced word in the whole video! All in all, well done. It's great to see this channel's quality go up and up!
8:40 Too bad the Ainu killed all their bears. If they had been raising bear cubs in their villages for 40,000 years they would have bad ass domesticated pet bears. No ones going to fuck with a people of who have domesticated pet bears!
"No no he's got a point"
Obviously this is what we need a time machine for, so we can make the Ainu develop bear cavalry and have them launch the most kick ass conquest of the world.
Bruh that would be crazy. That would be like command and conquer with the Russian bear calvary lol
@@hedgehog3180 bears are too aggressive to be domesticated. It’s the same reason why zebras despite being so closely related are untameable. The Russian also tried it in the 20th century with the moose and surprise it’s the same reason.
@@wildsideofthings7733 bears can be tamed, and so can zebra. they can't be domesticated. a tame animal is still wild.
Many similarities between the ainu and the sami of my home country.
@@comradekenobi6908 northern Finland
@@comradekenobi6908 an indigenous people of Northern Scandinavia with a population of around 80 thousand If I remember correctly, mostly in Norway.
Finno-Ugrics, cousin of Hungarian and Finnish
here is few of them in Russia too, XD. Ainu and Sami in one country, crazy.
@@jtsy7499 Basic similarities can be found all across northern Eurasia from western Uralic groups (like Sami and the Finns) all the way to eastern Siberia and the northern Pacific regions. Things such as animism, bear worship, veneration and deep respect for nature etc. Although when it comes to Finns and the Sami, these aspects are a thing of the past for the most part due to christianization over the past 1000 years, but remnants still can be found in their cultures. Also another similarity is the history of being pushed out of their lands by others and being much smaller linguistically and culturally than their larger neighbors.
I knew about the Ainu. But this has been the most in-depth description of the history for length I have ran across, thank you.
My my, this aged extremely well
At the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, Ainu families were displayed by the Japanese, along with their homes.
The intention was to bring in the indigenous Ainu to show the contrast with the more modern Japanese empire.
It is amazing how quickly the Japanese learned to their racial superiority and conquest justification over the natives of the West.
While in rome do what the romans do.
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in.
アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino.
考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan?
増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学)
Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido
Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University)
Very good video! Not sure if the title was changed because of the recent announcement of the game, but there doesn't seem to be anything in here about the Ghost of Yotei. But even so, this was a great educational video. Thanks!
Yep it was changed. Thanks!
@@KingsandGenerals bruh tf, here i was thinking they stole their game name from your video title. you should be honest about this and do a comment underneath and pin it. this makes you look selfish, greedy, clickbaity and untrustworthy. Do better. You are not running a click bait channel.
@@Teja why this nga so mad 😭🙏
Imagine you're a bear cub growing up near humans thinking they're your parents and one day they just turn you into a fucking hedgehog lol.
I was thinking the same thing, it must seem such a horrible betrayal from the bear's perspective.
Sounds horrible, do u think the bears even resisted much or were they just dazed and confused
@@hx5525 Are you vegan?
@@hx5525 I think they all died.
@@dmitrishostakovich1671 No
Who is here after Ghost of Yotei announcement trailer?
me too!
What about a video about the Dacian people in the near future? They were an ancient culture that lived north of Danube (modern day România) related to Thrace. Romanians consider them their ancestors along of the romans, but very few details have been left to get to know these people better.
Can you make a dedicated video series about the Three kingdoms period of Korea(Goguryeo, Shilla, Baekje) and their struggle of launching skirmishes against each other.
that would be very interesting '.'
삼국시대라는 말은 잘못 되었다 가야 라는 연맹부족 국가도 신라가 한반도를 통일하기 100년전 까지 존재했다.
전라도의 마한 소국들과 가야의 연맹 부족 왕국 일본(왜국) 또한 한반도의 역사와 같다. 신라가 한반도를
통일 하면서 일본과 한반도의 역사는 완전히 갈라졌음 한반도 내에 말갈 이라는 주르첸 계열의 부족도 많이 있었고
고구려와 신라가 같은 연합군이고 백제 가야 일본(왜국) 이 이에 맞서 싸웠음
신라가 강해지면서 고구려와 적대적으로 변하고 신라와 백제가 동맹으로서 고구려와 싸운적도 있고
한반도의 고대 역사는 주르첸 과 일본과 역사를 어느정도 공유한다.
주르첸이 명제국을 정복하기 전까지 한반도에 많은 주르첸들이 이주해서 살고 있었음
1600년대를 기준으로 더 이상의 주르첸 사람들의 유입이 없었지만 고대부터 많은 주르첸인들이
한반도에 이주해서 살았음 고구려 백제 신라 가야 의 지배자들은 북방 만주에서 내려온 사람들임
기마민족들이 한반도의 원주민을 제압하고 국가를 만들고 전쟁을 하였음
중국의 수제국 당제국 의 선비족은 몽골계통의 사람들 고구려 백제 가야 또한 다르지 않음
북방의 기마민족들이 중국대륙과 한반도의 지배층이 된것임
Came here after playing Samurai Shodown and watching Golden Kamuy
Rimururu was always tough to beat in SSII, even against Ukyo. Always cost me an extra quarter.
A gentleman of culture and taste
Thanks for talking about the lesser known cultures of the world, you’re doing them justice!❤🙏🏿🔥
The last time I was this early, Japan was still under the rule of emperors and not shoguns.
Last time I was this early, the foreign Yayōi were not in Japan, Jomon still dominated the Japanese region
@sebâstian turnayev what?
@@mackycabangon8945 that is very early...
Do you realize how little this tells us about how early you were?
What a rare topic you've chosen, I've enjoyed watching your progress.
I'm so happy you made a video of these Islanders. ❤️
Emishi is a general term for people in the Kanto, Tohoku, and Hokkaido regions who were not subordinate to the Yamato court.
The group influenced by the Yamato court was called Wajin by the Chinese dynasty.
There were people such as Kumaso and Hayato in the west, but they were defeated by the Yamato court and annexed.
Some Emishi groups, such as Saeki and Kuzu, were annexed and assimilated over the years.
Among them, Emishi, who lived in Hokkaido, continued the Jomon culture until around the 13th century.Their culture is called Zoku-Jōmon culture, or Satsumon culture.
Around the 14th century, they were mixed with the people of Siberian and Sakhalin who had been squeezed by Mongolia and moved south. It formed its own culture and became known as the Ainu.
Some Ainu were mixed with Wajin, and some traded south to the Kanto region.
However, not only the friendly relationship but also the power relationship with the Wajin caused dissatisfaction with the unfavorable business transactions and working environment, and the Ainu uprised many times.
The Battle of Koshamain, the Battle of Shakushain, and the Battle of Kunashiri Menashi are famous.
And the Ainu were also exposed to the threat of Russia. The Kamchatka Ainu disappeared as an ethnic group due to the defeat of the Russian Empire and smallpox.
In the 18th century, the Ainu of the Kuril Islands were overwhelmed by Russia, and fled to Hokkaido to escape the economic pressure caused by heavy taxes, and reported to the Edo Shogunate, the government of the Wajin at that time.
As a result, the Shogunate became afraid that Russia would occupy the whole of Hokkaido. The need for northern guards has come to be explained.
This was the first opportunity for "centralized Japan" in the Meiji era to officially incorporate Hokkaido as a national land.
Since the concept of the nation was born in the modern sense, the Ainu have continued to be sandwiched between the two countries of Japan and Russia.
Today, the Hokkaido Ainu are Japanese, and the Ainu of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands are Russian.
In both Japan and Russia, some Ainu have been forcibly relocated due to national reasons, some have become assimilated due to mixed races, and some have been unable to return to the land they were born in while evacuated in WW2. So most of the Ainu descendants are no longer aware of their roots.
Not two hours ago I was reading about the different ethnic groups of Japan, and then this flippin drops outta the blue
Hey Kings and Generals, i just started a new shogun 2 (fots) playthrough and there are no videos on the boshin war on youtube. Meji and other era topics and important battles/events are very sparse here on youtube, too! Can't wait for your content!
Look for Extra History’s “Fall of the Samurai” series
The Ainu are very closely tied to the North west Coastal natives of British Columbia for they too hunted Bear, Deer and Small animals plus Salmon harvest was very important and made their cloths from Cedar bark. Thanks for the knowledge
国連で北海道アイヌ協会・野村義一 理事長の演説がある。この中に「北海道に、はるか昔から独自の社会と文化を形成してきた」の嘘の一文を紛れ込ませている。There is a speech by the President of the Ainu Association of Hokkaido, Giichi Nomura, at the United Nations. In this, a lie sentence of "Hokkaido has formed its own society and culture for a long time" is mixed in.
アイヌの歴史を知らない者には「はるか昔」とは、誰も住んでいない昔からアイノが住んでいたと誤解させる意図の発言である。北海道には紀元前から日本縄文人が集落を作り暮らしてきた。オホーツク常呂2000戸の日本縄文人住居跡遺跡がある。礼文島遺跡では日本縄文人遺骨から遺伝子が採取され、その容姿はアイノではない。For those who do not know the history of the Ainu, "a long time ago" is a statement intended to misunderstand that Aino has lived since ancient times when no one lived. Japanese Jomon people have lived in Hokkaido since BC. Okhotsk Tokoro There are 2,000 Japanese Jomon people's residence ruins. At the Rebun Island site, genes were collected from the remains of Japanese Jomon people, and their appearance is not Aino.
考古学遺跡と遺伝子解析の結果、アイノは北方漂白民集団が団結してオホーツ民となりモンゴル支配を拒絶して、鎌倉時代(AD1200)に日本縄文人の先住民を毒矢と鉄器の武器で襲いかかり絶滅させた。この時、生存した日本縄文人少女を性の奴隷として強姦しアイノ子を産ませた。これがアイノの始まりである。アイノは日本縄文言語のハーフの意味である。アイノ遺跡は鎌倉時代以後の年代よりも古い時代のものはない。なぜならアイノは存在していないからである。統一した文化や言語もないオホーツク民がルーツだから。したがってアイノ出現の前は民族という統一文化・言語も無い大陸沿岸やカムチャッカから集まったオホーツクの集団である。そのアイノがどうして日本先住民といえるのですか?As a result of archaeological sites and genetic analysis, Aino became an Okhotz people by uniting a group of northern bleachers and refused to rule Mongolia. rice field. At this time, he raped a surviving Japanese Jomon girl as a sex slave and gave birth to Ainoko. This is the beginning of Aino. Aino means half of the Japanese Jomon language. No Aino site is older than the Kamakura period. Because Aino doesn't exist. It has its roots in the Okhotsk people, who have no unified culture or language. Therefore, before the appearance of Aino, it was a group of Okhotsk gathered from the continental coast and Kamchatka, which had no unified culture and language of ethnicity. Why can Aino be said to be an indigenous people of Japan?
増 田 隆 一 *(北海道大学)
Genetic features of the Okhotsk people: Interaction between the continent and Hokkaido
Ryuichi Masuda* (Hokkaido University)
Can you do a video on the Philippine American war(1899-1902) and the later Moro rebellion (1902-1913) please.
That would be fantastic. The preceding Spanish American war would also be an excellent installment, on this channel. Everything they do is very well researched.
Yes pleeeease that would be awesome
This channel itself is treasure of humanity excellence of study. I'm sure they would tackle these on the future times, but today until there is more to discuss solemnly then will shall we wait patiently.
The fact y'all have a THEMED sponsor is super awesome I love every video y'all put out
Cheeky cheeky buggers, you changed the title of this video to suit the current trend of “Ghost of Yotei” 😂
Lieeeees, I have never changed the title in my life! But yeah, it was a perfect opportunity
This was the most comprehensive video I've seen on this subject. Very well done!
Honestly your topics are absolutely brilliant
I always felt bad conquering their island in Rise of Nations.
I feel bad you've played rise of nations
When Ainus were consrcipted into Imperial Japanese army and were sent to Borneo, Australian army there thought that the Ainus attacking are Germans because Ainus are larger and appear to be look more European physical wise
Yes. I saw a picture of a modern day Ainu on the internet and he looks so white American in appearance! He looks as if he's a country singer from Tennessee. 😂
Do you know what the name of that unit was, and are there any pictures?
@@ivorkovac303 in interent search something like ainus in ww2
@@conejodemercurio6301 Yea I'm not getting much of anything, which was why I was hoping he might know the name or number of the regiment. There was one photo of a Japanese unit that had one guy with a beard in it.
@@baltazarandrada8793 Ainus barely resemble Europeans. They may pass as a middle easterner or north african in some cases but you really think they resemble your average European? Put them in the streets of Europe and they won't look European. You are only making that assertion because they generally look different to the Japon people but are clearly not white passing
thank you for sharing all this information, its really amazing what you put together.
"Hinna Hinna"
Shout out to Asripa, Sugimoto, Shiraishi and the gang.
anime for japanese audience. they had to really make all the other main characters in that anime as greedy gold-loving imperial japanese soldiers lol
@@zafz5241 The English translation spells it as Asripa. Watch the anime, read the manga, there's no h in her name.
@@xXxSkyViperxXx Well except the sniper, the wildcat, dude just wanna cause chaos. But I guess he has his reasons.
@@09lowkey wasnt "Asirpa" in the anime
It would be great if you did a video on the ryukyu people and their history.
@@AtomicDudez Why?
No need. Ryukyuan people are 100% Japanese before anything.
Me too! As a Korean native I taught many Koreans self exile to Ryukye during Mongo invasion.
I think this is the most i've ever learned on this channel! great video, thank you!
Super glad you guys made this video! My favorite anime (Golden Kamuy) centers heavily around Hokkaido and the Ainu culture!
Ghost of Yotei brings me here and Atsu is a female Ronin (Masterless Samurai) as a protagonist!
My family is from Hokkaido. Grandma was Ainu from Sakhalin
Well, Now that makes Japanese land and history way more complicated and interesting.
If the Mongols, after losing two wars against the Japanese, had heard about the Emishi, they would've cried.
They didn't lose to the Japanese, they lost to the weather.
@@Alpha-Omega-TFOA Well, they lost the the Japanese, fled back to the sea, but before they could regroup and attack again, they lost to the weather.
As a Mongolian, we know our history more than you, friend. And honestly, We lost to the weather that's it. If our ancestors landed okay... You know the answer.
The Mongols took Tsushima and Iki islands pretty easily both times. Gotta give 'em credit for that.
@@walnzell9328 There was like 80 men defending them
Thank you for having subtitles it really helps with some of the names
Here after Ghost of Yōtei trailer
Okay its not about it
The second he said "Ritual Drinking Party" I knew it wasn't going to end well :(
Invite hostile nobility to a feast and then slaughter them, a classic move.
Red Wedding Japanese Edition
@Dan2314 WonderluckA Shogun-Shotgun-Potluck ;3
Man, the new Ghost of Yotei is going to have so much cultural significance in reinforcing the Ainu people. We're probably going to find so many Ainu related collectables and possibly see some Ainu traditions being practiced in game. The Japanese being seen as the invaders this time around is a big change when compared to Ghost of Tsushima, where you're a desparate samurai who is forced to break his code of honor to combat the Mongols. I really can't wait to see and learn more about all this as I play the new Ghost of Yotei next year.