Matt : Ciemos pie šamaņiem un stāsts par garīgumu un dzīvi prom no pilsētas (Pilnā versīja)

  • Опубликовано: 16 янв 2025

Комментарии • 28

  • @maximumaxiom6823
    @maximumaxiom6823 7 лет назад +8

    Cik interesanti/superīgi cilvēki!!!

  •  6 лет назад +4

    Lielisks stāsts.

  • @MelitaJanusaRauba
    @MelitaJanusaRauba 7 лет назад +1

    Super paldies.Man tikai gribētos dzirdēt vairāk konkrētus stāstus,un piemērus.Kā piemēram pa mašīnu.

  • @edijsegli527
    @edijsegli527 5 лет назад +2

    Precīzi! : Mūsu valstī ir tikai divas vietas kur tu vari domāt citādāk-cietumā vai trakomājā! Gudri cilvēki,prieks par Jums,es sirdī tāds pats pret režīmu! Es skatos video un smaidu par šiem burvīgajiem cilvēkiem :) Kur viņus var sastapt vispār?

    • @veramorgan777
      @veramorgan777 5 лет назад

      Edijs Egli vinjiem ir mājas lapa kur var sakontaktėt, vińi arī piedalās gadatirgos, festivālos... paskaties vińu interneta lapu

    • @veramorgan777
      @veramorgan777 5 лет назад

      Edijs Egli

    • @edijsegli527
      @edijsegli527 5 лет назад +1

      @@veramorgan777 jā atradu. tur zem video ir nepareizi uzrakstīta adrese. Patīkami,ka cilvēki uzliek boikotu sistēmai.Šādi cilvēki ar saviem uzskatiem arī liek mums pārdomāt mūsu dzīvi... Jau tagad mums sāk noriebties tā cilvēku kontrolēšana un izsekošana ar visiem tiem elektro mēsliem.Reāli jau nav patiesas brīvības šodienas Latvijā,laikam jāsāk iet pretējais ceļš kā šie divi cilvēki.

    • @veramorgan777
      @veramorgan777 5 лет назад +1

      Edijs Egli cilvēkiem ir jāsaprot ka mēs dzīvojam pašu veidotā pasaule, vislabåkais ir pašiem macities un dzivot un laut citiem dzivot, nevajag sekot nevienam un klausities visu ko citi saka, mes seit neesam lai kontroletu viens otru bet lai valditu par pasauli laba veida to sargajot un vadot um nevis valdot par otru cilveku, bet palidzot, vislabakais ir kad cilveks palidz viens otram nevis censas cinities pret kaut ko kas patere tavu energiju un rada karus, vislabakais protests ir necinities pret to kas ir patreiz bet darit las labs tev un citiem tad nebus jacina pret kas rada karus un iznicibu, dzivo PAR

    • @edijsegli527
      @edijsegli527 5 лет назад +1

      @@veramorgan777 +++ ehh,kaut vairāk tādu sakarīgu cilvēku kā tu. Mēs ar savu labo piemēru varam citus iedrošināt uz ko labu un aizraujošu. Es visu laiku brīnos,no kurienes tas Lauris Daņilovs ir tik dzīves gudrs? Ir daudzas lietas ko viņš pasaka un man smaids sejā,es tam piekrītu.

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад +2

    sorry I don't understand your language but I feel that you say somethuing good,correct and enteresting. I feel that you good people.

    • @veramorgan777
      @veramorgan777 5 лет назад

      Raushan Mukanova they built it just two of them, they started to build the toilet first and then they built the house in the less than year, only things they bought was cement, tarp for the roof and nails, they mixed cement with clay to secure the wooden logs/cuts.
      They said it was like a journey when they started to build the house was built as they went went step by step.
      They wanted the place to live where they dont serve the material world and bills but used them to point they need it, like they dont have mains eletricity only generator and mobile phone bill of 4 euros. When they started there they went through a corportate world they lived in big cities, he had several companies himself but he felt it wasnt for him, he went through lot of courses and seminars but then all the knowledege acumuted required to start to living it out. They cut off the life they had they arrived and started to live in a tent. They built a house to last them not for a long time and the house was built to serve them and not the banks a creditors.
      Thats in short i hope it helps. There is lot more, hard to translate.

  • @veramorgan777
    @veramorgan777 5 лет назад +1

    they built it just two of them, they started to build the toilet first to learn how to build and then they built the house in the less than year, only things they bought was cement, tarp for the roof and nails, they mixed cement with clay to secure the wooden logs/cuts.
    They said it was like a journey when they started to build the house was built as they went went step by step.
    They wanted the place to live where they dont serve the material world and bills but used them to point they need it, like they dont have mains eletricity only generator and mobile phone bill of 4 euros. When they started there they went through a corportate world they lived in big cities, he had several companies himself but he felt it wasnt for him, he went through lot of courses and seminars but then all the knowledege accumulated required to start to living it out. They cut off the life they had they arrived and started to live in a tent. They built a house to last them not for a long time and the house was built to serve them and not the banks a creditors. He said lot of things in his life that was kicks in his life, he was close to death he was shot, but he got back on his feet. Then he accepted out loud whatever it is he accepts his destiny, and allowed him to be tought and learn to live by nature and its timings.
    Thats in short i hope it helps. There is lot more, hard to translate.

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад

    How did they built such tree house?

    • @veramorgan777
      @veramorgan777 5 лет назад

      Raushan Mukanova they built it just two of them, they started to build the toilet first and then they built the house in the less than year, only things they bought was cement, tarp for the roof and nails, they mixed cement with clay to secure the wooden logs/cuts.
      They said it was like a journey when they started to build the house was built as they went went step by step.
      They wanted the place to live where they dont serve the material world and bills but used them to point they need it, like they dont have mains eletricity only generator and mobile phone bill of 4 euros. When they started there they went through a corportate world they lived in big cities, he had several companies himself but he felt it wasnt for him, he went through lot of courses and seminars but then all the knowledege acumuted required to start to living it out. They cut off the life they had they arrived and started to live in a tent. They built a house to last them not for a long time and the house was built to serve them and not the banks a creditors.
      Thats in short i hope it helps. There is lot more, hard to translate.

    • @veramorgan777
      @veramorgan777 5 лет назад

      The also use everything they can and reuse things instead of buying them but to learn to re-purpose lot of things

  • @НатальяШмидт-е2б
    @НатальяШмидт-е2б 4 года назад +2

    Интересно но ничего не поняла,хотелось с переводом .Удачи и счастья

  • @broski2399
    @broski2399 7 лет назад +1

    Nesen skatījos amerikāņu filmu Mr. Fantastic, šie cilvēki ir reāls variants.

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад

    on what language these people speak?

  • @Monweed
    @Monweed 7 лет назад +1

    Mans iespaids, vo beidzot kāds sazemētaks cilvēks ar skaidrāku galvu. Varu saskatīt ka man ir ļoti līdzīgas atziņas par dzīvi kā viņam. Tikkai nesapratu ko viņš tur ar tām programmām domāja. Tas man bij tāds m? kkas jauns? Kaut kas ko nezinu.

    • @veramorgan777
      @veramorgan777 5 лет назад +2

      Monweed programmas kas tev liek svinet jauno gadu ar sampanieti. Nemt kreditus lai celtu sev maaju, vai pirkty mašīnu, un pec tam ti kalpo taam lietaam nevis tu vinjas lieto, tu beigaas esi vergs sijā sistēmā. Skolā iestāda programmas vispirms un nepareizas programmas, tas ir programmas kas ir veidotas lai tu kalpotu korportivajai pasaulei visu mūžu

    • @edijsegli527
      @edijsegli527 5 лет назад

      @@veramorgan777 Precīzi! Veselo saprātu cilvēkiem,lai saprastu kas te notiek.

    • @edijsegli527
      @edijsegli527 5 лет назад

      @@veramorgan777 +++

  • @raushanmukanova6067
    @raushanmukanova6067 5 лет назад

    What is lovely house. Isit of Sami people? Let is translate into English, please/Idon't understand your language. I am kazakh, muslim, turk, nomad perosn. I am from the new capital of Kazakstan-city Nur-Sultan. It is former soviet union's republic.

  • @ЛПХСибарит
    @ЛПХСибарит 4 года назад

    ПрогрАмм!!! ПрогрАмм!!!

  • @TheSamasi
    @TheSamasi 2 года назад

    Šitam vajag uzlikt angļu subtitrus lai vairāk cilvēki redz

  • @eilavecene
    @eilavecene 5 лет назад

    11 padsmitaa minuute.......

    @ХМАО-СИБИРЬ 4 года назад

    Бабёнка то чёт совсем худая