Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) Singing at night June 29, 2012 BEST

  • Опубликовано: 28 июн 2012
  • Late, Last night, I set up my camera outside to capture this Mockingbird's amazing sound's.
    This Mockingbird holds territory in my backyard here in Bakersfield, California. I love to sit out at night and listen to him. Or just open my window next to my couch, and fall asleep to his singing. He has a repertoire of about 30 songs, a couple of which are very distinctly mocking car alarms and frog calls. He's amazing!
    The common mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) is a superb songbird and mimic. Its own song has a pleasant sound and is, at times, both varied and repetitive. Often, the mockingbird sings all night long, especially under bright springtime moonlight.
    The world's greatest impressionist, is the Mockingbird, singing the song of another bird species. The Mockingbird can so perfectly imitate the songs of more than 50 species of birds that neither an experienced bird watcher or electronic analysis can distinguish the real bird's song from the Mockingbirds' mimicry. Not only that but Mockingbirds can also perfectly recreate a human's whistle, a police siren, dog barking, and the sounds of a piano.
    The Northern Mockingbird can be found throughout all the lower 48 states and is sometimes called the American Nightingale, which I think is a more accurate name for this remarkable bird.
    The Northern Mockingbird's diet is made up of insects, berries, and seeds.
    Northern mockingbirds can typically live up to 8 years. Some have lived more than twice than long.
    Male Mockingbirds are the singers in the Spring during mating season, and often serenade from their large repertoire for more than eight hours. On a moonlit night they often sing their songs until almost dawn. Female Mockingbirds do not join the mockingbird choir until the Fall. Mockingbirds learn new songs each year. The older the mockingbird, the more birds and sounds they can imitate.
    Besides all the birds it mimics, the Northern Mockingbird also has its own unique song.
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Комментарии • 169

  • @unicornucopia1
    @unicornucopia1 2 года назад +2

    I'm a retired veterinary technician, specializing in birds. For most of my life, I've rescued, raised, and released orphaned wild baby birds. In spring of 2003 I was blessed to be brought a 4 or 5 day old mockingbird nestling. I raised him and prepared him to be released when he was fledged but he turned out to be a non-releasable bird... So I adopted this adorably pugnacious, charming little spitfire and named him Star. He was the most fantastic companion and absolutely ruled the roost. Being a mockingbird, he was so bold that he even dominated the house cat and rabbit, sometimes dive-bombing the cat to drive it from the room when he wanted me all to himself!😂 In his mind (and in my heart), I BELONGED TO HIM. His antics, beautiful singing, talking, and mimicking were an endless source of fun and amusement as he played and flew freely all throughout our home. My sweet Star Bright LIT UP MY LIFE and DELIGHTED ME EVERY SINGLE DAY for 17 years!
    A member of the family, it was a devastating and heart wrenching loss when he died (during the first phase of the pandemic, of all times). But what an unforgettable, brilliant blessing he was! My heart will forever belong to a wonderful mockingbird named Star. 🌟

    • @jstforyougifts
      @jstforyougifts  2 года назад +1

      Wow. You were certainly blessed to have rescued and loved this awesome bird. I can't imagine

    • @unicornucopia1
      @unicornucopia1 2 года назад

      @@jstforyougifts thank you; and yes, I was tremendously blessed. Especially, to have had him for seventeen years because wild mockingbirds only live, on average, two to four years. This is primarily because, their main food being INSECTS, mockingbirds spend a lot of their time hunting on or near the ground and, as a result, the majority of them get preyed upon by cats or hit by cars.(Cats are one of the worst invasive species known worldwide, and in the United States alone, both feral and our beloved pet cats kill over two BILLION birds annually! That number is almost impossible to believe, but it's accurate.) Mockingbirds which live in rural areas, if they're not in an area patrolled by domestic cats, live much longer.
      When I adopted Star, in order to provide the best possible diet for him, I started scouring the internet for any and all research on mockingbirds but, surprisingly, there was very little to be found. Even the avian veterinarians I worked with knew very little about longterm care for mockingbirds. The best info I was able to find was from a wildlife biologist who had the longest lived mockingbird known; his bird lived for twenty years. So, if not for humans and their pet and feral cats, wild mockers have the potential to be relatively long lived birds.
      About six years earlier, as Star became elderly, he'd developed stiffness in his jaw and difficulty working his tongue which made it very difficult for him to get food to the back of his mouth and swallow it; but we remedied the problem with a supplement. Right after the first lockdown went into effect, Star's problem suddenly got worse and he became unable to eat. Due to the lack of info about Covid-19 and the accompanying fear, we were not able to get Star the veterinary attention he needed, as our veterinarian (the only avian vet within ninety miles) refused to see patients - not even for emergencies - so my precious bird quickly died. If he could've been seen by an avian vet to figure out what more could be done, I believe he likely would have lived for at least a couple more years. But tragically, we'll never know.
      Regardless of how it ended and the pain of losing him, I still feel SO BLESSED to have shared seventeen years with a particularly fabulous mockingbird.🐦💕

  • @TheJeffreyDisney
    @TheJeffreyDisney 11 лет назад +6

    If there's an afterlife, or God allows for us to somehow remain in spirit and transcendence... I'll return as one of these amazing Nightingales (Mockingbirds) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this bird and have loved it for 8yrs (when I friended one and watched him go from a Bachelor to a mate and they blessed my backyard with their wonderful family.
    Thank you for sharing :-)

  • @AModdedAvatar
    @AModdedAvatar 9 лет назад +1

    Playing this video loudly for a couple of minutes made all the birds go away, can finally sleep

  • @mamaboocee
    @mamaboocee 4 года назад +5

    When I hear a mockingbird, it stops me in my tracks! So amazing to hear, I love listening to them in the middle of the night!

  • @riceyasian86
    @riceyasian86 9 лет назад

    I remember there used to be a mockingbird outside my window at night for over a week. I bought a cat. Sleeping like a baby.

  • @petrohawk
    @petrohawk 7 лет назад +3

    When I was a very young and lonely child. One of these would sing me to sleep outside my window. Many many years later, I still am enraptured by his calls at night.

  • @GOTTshua
    @GOTTshua 10 лет назад +8

    Such a sweet blessing to hear a mockingbird sing. I love that they sing at night for hours. Such symphonies they sing. I am so thankful for Jesus for creating these amazing feathered musicians. I wish everyone could be still and silent, hearing their song.

  • @Zephaniah3verse17
    @Zephaniah3verse17 10 лет назад +7

    "Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy; they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us" (Harper Lee). Well, I've certainly enjoyed this 12 minutes and I'll be back here again.

  • @stratta63
    @stratta63 11 лет назад +2

    im in evansville indiana and have one singing just like this tonight at 11:45 at is he/her loud and yes amazing.

    • @ketokatt5555
      @ketokatt5555 5 лет назад

      Lol ik it's 5 yrs later but I'm also here I Evansville, NE side, small world🤗

  • @seankelley6845
    @seankelley6845 9 лет назад +2

    One in a tree outside my bedroom. Very active at dusk and dawn. Can't believe how active it is. Can go on like this for hours.

  • @tgflux
    @tgflux 8 лет назад

    Oh man, to each their own. One of these has moved into the neighborhood this Spring. All Damn Night? Make.It.Stop!!!

  • @mattneillninasmom
    @mattneillninasmom 4 года назад +4

    The other night at 2 a.m. a mockingbird started singing outside my window in Los Feliz, California. By 4:30 he had moved to the tree outside my living room on the other side of the house. I turned on the porch light, trying to see him, but couldn't - nevertheless, I mimicked his song and he repeated it. I varied the notes, and again, he repeated them, exactly. We went on like that for about 5 minutes. A wonderful gift for a New York City girl - much better than the garbage truck sounds that time of day, back home!

  • @rhondaskvoretz1476
    @rhondaskvoretz1476 2 года назад +1

    Not my friend when they wake me up at 1 AM

  • @musiclee3722
    @musiclee3722 4 года назад +2

    I became aware (by song only) of this bird three years ago while visiting FL. I stopped to listen until it cycled through its (vocabulary) . . . about four or five minutes later I thought maybe this bird is making things up as it goes along. Now I found out through a little research its name and can access examples such as this. Great post thanks.

    • @unicornucopia1
      @unicornucopia1 2 года назад

      Birdsong is how birds announce their presence as a means to claim and maintain their territory, and to attract a mate. In addition to their own calls, Mockingbirds mimic the songs of all the other species of birds they hear in the area. So they 'try' to keep all birds out of their territory by mimicking other species of birds' songs as well as their own. On a few occasions I have also been able to get a mockingbird to go into competition with me and repeat my whistles for a few minutes. The experience of interacting with a wild bird in such a way is a delightful feeling.
      Some mockingbirds include other sounds that they hear frequently and on a daily basis, including those of other animals, human-made sounds, and even human speech. As they age, mockingbirds gradually add calls to their song list, up to as many as 45 or so. Both sexes sing and create their own unique ever-expanding "mix." Males sing more frequently than females and during mating season they sing especially frequently to attract a mate. Once they have acquired a mate, these naturally bold and pugnacious birds become so territorial that they will dive-bomb animals and humans alike who venture too close to their nest. Males continue to serenade their mate throughout the season, and oftentimes while she's incubating their eggs, the males treat their beloveds (and us) to their beautiful serenades through part or all of the night.

  • @martymcginn2069
    @martymcginn2069 10 лет назад +7

    This has been my favorite bird since I was a kid. I loved to listen to the varied sounds. Remarkable. I now only get to hear it when I go back to New Jersey.

    • @aikanedelahay7143
      @aikanedelahay7143 4 года назад +1

      I just returned from a trip to Alabama and heard one sing for the first time in 18 years. It was beautiful

    • @tmystery9505
      @tmystery9505 4 года назад +1

      I've lived in NJ all my life, but I spotted one for the first time today 😁

  • @tracykelley2793
    @tracykelley2793 4 года назад

    Yup! There're here! Happy May 2020, must always be happy! Even if its calling them in. Thx!!

  • @angelblue7779
    @angelblue7779 4 года назад +2

    Love these beautiful, intelligent birds! We have been blessed with several pairs living amongst our foliage. We have bird feeders and treats for them and they are really quite friendly.

  • @alansader2402
    @alansader2402 6 лет назад +2

    What is curious to me is in other posts of mockingbird song there are frequent serious dislikes and remedies including wanting to kill them or smoke them out. I love the bird, I love the sound. They are fierce defenders, attacking anything that threatens them, cats, humans, automobile windows and car mirrors. If they need any redemption it comes when they sing their infinite variety of song. I open my bedroom window and listen trying to hear the same series of notes more than once. It doesn't happen. For those who find it annoying, not to offend but, open your hearts or close your ears. The birds must sing.

  • @mattiamele3015
    @mattiamele3015 10 лет назад +8

    Such an incredible creature.

  • @ForestFurFran
    @ForestFurFran 11 лет назад +4

    Forgot to add how interesting it is to watch him though. He sings his song then springs into to air showing his wings and then perches back on the branch again. All very interesting.

  • @terehernandez1393
    @terehernandez1393 6 лет назад +1

    Que. Bonitos. Cantos

  • @SteveHanesFiddleMusic
    @SteveHanesFiddleMusic 9 лет назад +8

    Thanks for posting :) they are BEST singers EVER !

  • @zsepthenne9584
    @zsepthenne9584 10 лет назад +2

    I'm not too far away in Fresno, and I have two that are still happily singing at 3AM :-D
    I consider myself a bit cursed for being a night owl but I get to hear some awesome things because of it!

  • @nodlon20
    @nodlon20 10 лет назад +5

    I lived in northwestern corner of Massachusetts now and we don't have Mockingbirds up here. When I lived in GA heard them all the time! Thank you for sharing this, I miss them!

    • @debbieshepherd5163
      @debbieshepherd5163 10 лет назад +3

      I'm Northwest of Boston, this is the 2nd morning this week I've been woken up by "a bird call that sounds like a car alarm" at 5:30AM right outside bedroom window!

    • @rubeniniguezmedina890
      @rubeniniguezmedina890 5 лет назад

      Marlene Ansley .

  • @AugustoJParma
    @AugustoJParma 2 года назад

    In Argentina, south America also exists these amazing birds. In my region we call them "Calandrias".

  • @averychampion6927
    @averychampion6927 9 лет назад +11

    I'm fostering an orphaned baby mockingbird who can't fly just yet. I started playing this and it entertained him so much! This is great.

  • @zacpr
    @zacpr 8 лет назад +6

    Yes! This is what I'm keep on hearing in the night when I'm tryna go to sleep 😂

  • @jstforyougifts
    @jstforyougifts  11 лет назад +4

    THAT is so COOL Rosa. I LOVE to listen to them at night also. sometimes, if I hear them, I will sleep on the couch with the window open. :-)

  • @IrresponsibleSavage
    @IrresponsibleSavage 11 лет назад +1

    I've been bragging to anyone who listens how this 1 Mockingbird starts up his incredibly varied calls and songs every spring. The range of mimicry is truly amazing. Some other birds calls are very apparent, as well as a car alarm, a chainsaw, and maybe even a weed whacker! Great video and information!

  • @zvezdanovilinje
    @zvezdanovilinje 11 лет назад +5

    Thank you for this recording. There are no mockingbirds where I live (Europe, the Balkans), and they are just amazing! I've been listening to it for days now, non-stop :))

  • @chrissamavs7124
    @chrissamavs7124 9 лет назад +5


  • @websuspect
    @websuspect 9 лет назад +12

    If its a full moon they will stay up all night and sing its very peaceful. They will sing different songs at night. This is a good example.

  • @Hudphenom
    @Hudphenom 10 лет назад +1

    Every time crows gather outside & start their annoying rant, I put mocking vids(such as this) on full blast. A minute or two later, they're gone. but I let the vid play cause i much rather hear the mocking birds sing then those awful sound crows make. Thanx for the post.

  • @jstforyougifts
    @jstforyougifts  12 лет назад +3

    Thank you thank you thank you! I have MANY videos of the birds I get to enjoy here in my backyard daily. Thanks for your kind words. :-)

  • @TheDely1972
    @TheDely1972 10 лет назад +4

    Love this bird sings all day

  • @alciraisabelarangodevalenc9722
    @alciraisabelarangodevalenc9722 2 года назад +1

    Me encantan com cantan de lindo

  • @TheAmero666
    @TheAmero666 10 лет назад +11

    I had alot of fun at 1am using your video to chirp back at the noisy bird. I think it encouraged him...

    • @raerae8056
      @raerae8056 5 лет назад +1

      Haha i was just doing the same thing... theyre druving me insane

    • @stevensykes763
      @stevensykes763 4 года назад +1

      Omg I wanna blast this creature!!!! I was trying the same thing. He needs to get laid already!!!

    • @unicornucopia1
      @unicornucopia1 2 года назад

      @@stevensykes763 LOL
      Both male and female Mockingbirds sing. Even after acquiring a mate, males will continue to serenade the female while she incubates their eggs, oftentimes into the night or even all night long.

  • @jacobrivera8590
    @jacobrivera8590 5 лет назад +1

    buena grabacion

  • @RRP3168
    @RRP3168 5 лет назад +2

    Just what I was looking for. Thank you for sharing!

  • @medicaaf
    @medicaaf 10 лет назад +22

    What a wonderful creature God made. I had a parrot for many many years. after i was wounded on duty and finally came home from the hospital. often at 2 or 3 am the pain became more than the medicine could moderate. even in the dark Scooter would know somehow and he would just start singing and he wouldn't stop until i finally fell asleep. this occurred often for a year or so, after i recovered he never sang at night again. i was so thankful for him. and i knew i was not alone. thank you for this post, it was wonderful to hear and to remember what a blessing he was for all those years... thanks again, Bless you.

    • @nodlon20
      @nodlon20 10 лет назад +3

      Thank you for your service!

    • @rhondacoone7638
      @rhondacoone7638 7 лет назад

      Wiley Nelson

    • @jimbojim4767
      @jimbojim4767 7 лет назад +1

      Wow I love birds

    • @laurierosen9198
      @laurierosen9198 6 лет назад +1

      Hope you are well now. Thank you for your service.

    • @rhythmfield
      @rhythmfield 4 года назад +1

      Thank you for serving and protecting our rights and freedoms! Great story.

  • @telmamedinamarina1220
    @telmamedinamarina1220 2 года назад

    Me gusta mucho es lo maximo.hermoso.

  • @christopherherman6261
    @christopherherman6261 11 лет назад +1

    As of June1, 2013, Mockingbirds have taken over my neighborhood here in Santa Clara, CA. I used to hear crows all the time. Now I see Mockingbirds attacking all other species even remotely near their nest. I just saw 2 mocking birds kick a squirrel's ass outside my front window, knocking it out of a tree. Kind of cool really...mobster birds! lol

  • @guydick6943
    @guydick6943 10 лет назад +1

    What an unique and wonderful creature evolution created

  • @MCMole
    @MCMole 7 лет назад

    he is not letting me sleep!!!!!! he keeps going the whole night.

  • @djmoonstar
    @djmoonstar 9 лет назад +5

    Amazing, could listen to it all night and day. As I'm writing these words, there's one outside my house singing. 20 past midnight...

  • @noapology88
    @noapology88 11 лет назад +5

    It's the mateless bachelor mocking-birds singing all night.

  • @charliexu5139
    @charliexu5139 9 лет назад +1

    beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Deanna!

  • @richardevans8910
    @richardevans8910 9 лет назад +5

    One of the best recordings I have heard. Very little outside noise. Thanks!!

  • @stephzeegamer8455
    @stephzeegamer8455 11 лет назад +1

    I'm in the north of canada (Baie-james) and heard one this morning!

  • @theresaheidel9878
    @theresaheidel9878 7 лет назад +1

    Just like here in NJ !

  • @ramonvalverde9978
    @ramonvalverde9978 5 лет назад

    Beautiful video. Good job. Thanks

  • @VeritasEIREAequitas
    @VeritasEIREAequitas 10 лет назад +4

    You are correct Katherine.. Thank you

  • @BabyBBB01
    @BabyBBB01 2 года назад +1

    Mockingbirds only lived in Southern of the United States, over here where I live no Mockingbirds maybe the weather is too cold

  • @VeritasEIREAequitas
    @VeritasEIREAequitas 10 лет назад +1

    3:41 to 3:43. that sounds just like a squirrel! Amazing

  • @NostalgiCrazy
    @NostalgiCrazy 9 лет назад +3

    It makes me picture sitting under the shade of a big tree on a hot summer day, with a stream nearby and possibly having a picnic ^_^

    • @ricardomiranda1954
      @ricardomiranda1954 5 лет назад

      I love this bird,because his sing is wonderful.Good made a great's comfotable to ear singing him.

  • @luisdavidcarbonellgonzalez3579
    @luisdavidcarbonellgonzalez3579 9 лет назад +3

    nice song

  • @1500rosa
    @1500rosa 11 лет назад +1

    In Long Beach CA,. this bird is outside my window in the middle of the night.. I fall asleep to it. :)

  • @pinktastico5364
    @pinktastico5364 5 лет назад +1

    i was doing an experiment, i used this to try and attract other birds, and i got a few to come over, but then a bee cane by so i went back inside

  • @MiracleJohnsonchannel
    @MiracleJohnsonchannel 12 лет назад +1

    I love mockingbirds and I have a tune that I whistle constantly and I am trying to get my dad to get me one:-) I'm obsessed with them:-) wonderful video btw :-) :-) :-) :-)

  • @MariaMartinez-pf1mk
    @MariaMartinez-pf1mk 9 лет назад +7

    es lo mas hermosos estas aves

  • @dmariesalvi8343
    @dmariesalvi8343 8 лет назад

    awesome. Thank you for posting.

  • @briarrose5208
    @briarrose5208 9 лет назад +5

    I heard a mockingbird for only one night…pretty much all night! I didn't mind at all. I think he got lucky because I haven't heard him since. I loved listening to him. The little dog across the street who yaps constantly at everyone and everything that goes by…not so much.

  • @cizpanda
    @cizpanda 8 лет назад +6

    "Amo el canto del cenzontle,
    pájaro de cuatrocientas voces,
    amo el color del jade
    y el enervante perfume de las flores,
    pero amo más a mi hermano el hombre".
    I love the song of the mockingbird,
    Bird of four hundred voices,
    I love the color of the jadestone
    And the intoxicating scent of flowers,
    But more than all I love my brother, man.
    Nezahualcoyotl (Mexican king poet)

  • @tyrenebanks72
    @tyrenebanks72 8 лет назад +3

    Woke up at 3am and was starting to review some material for an upcoming exam and heard a bird singing inconsistent songs...rather loudly. It must have been right across ~30 feet on a neighbors tree. Its call was distinct and the changing songs was what got me curious to look online to find out more about this night bird. Yes this is the species of bird that was making the song. Thanks for the recording :)

  • @kimrogers-gallagher9729
    @kimrogers-gallagher9729 9 лет назад +3

    Many thanks.

  • @UkeGirl100
    @UkeGirl100 8 лет назад +1


  • @bryanpatino9132
    @bryanpatino9132 8 лет назад +2

    the best

  • @maryalegado3036
    @maryalegado3036 9 лет назад +3

    AND...I canot stand their dusk till dawn cacophony

  • @69hellm
    @69hellm 10 лет назад

    Amo el canto del zenzontle (Northern Mockingbird), pájaro de cuatrocientas voces...amo el color del jade y el enervante perfume de las flores, pero lo que más amo es a mi hermano, el hombre.

    • @MUGIWARAonna
      @MUGIWARAonna 10 лет назад

      Atte: Nezahualcóyotl
      XD Esa frase viene en los billetes de $100 de México

  • @ForestFurFran
    @ForestFurFran 11 лет назад

    LMAO! Ok I have one the frequents the tree on my road, anywhere from 3am all through the day :) I am praying he finds a mate soon. Bloody hell.

  • @soulman71901
    @soulman71901 8 лет назад +1

    I have one not to far outside my window and 3:15am.He is clock-like in the time he sings everyday.

  • @trashpanda3902
    @trashpanda3902 4 года назад

    I last time heard these birds in my neighborhood at 12:00 they were pecking at trees these birds are loud

    @REMIXNE 10 лет назад +3


  • @toyibspore
    @toyibspore 11 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the video. Talented mockingbirds. (Better to listen to birds than to humans (wink) . . . . .)

  • @jstforyougifts
    @jstforyougifts  11 лет назад +1

    I so enjoy these birds also. I also have Indian Ringneck parakeets in my yard that I also enjoy. They are beautiful. kinda noisy...but, I don't mind. check out my other bird video's if you like. :-)

  • @AugustoJParma
    @AugustoJParma 2 года назад

    When these birds are about to have or have had pigeons, they usually attack dogs and sometimes even people, flying close to them

  • @Zyriina
    @Zyriina 11 лет назад

    You live in Bakersfield too?? Where I live there are a LOT of mockingbirds and there's one that sings around 1:00 am when I'm trying to sleep

  • @lilwildflower1225
    @lilwildflower1225 7 лет назад +4

    I love your poem!! May I share it with my FB friends, will def give you credit!! was just posting about a Mockingbird singing in my garden. Thanks for sharing with us!

  • @naturegirlfromny
    @naturegirlfromny 7 лет назад +2

    I love Mockingbirds. I wish they were more common here in Upstate NY. We do have them, but mostly in urban areas.

    • @jstforyougifts
      @jstforyougifts  7 лет назад +1

      I love listening to them too. some people are irritated by them. I guess its all in how you look at it. :-)

  • @mandyinseattle
    @mandyinseattle 9 лет назад +3

    Thanks for sharing this. I haven't heard a mockingbird in forever! I miss them. I would suggest silicone ear plugs if they're really loud :)

    • @mandyinseattle
      @mandyinseattle 9 лет назад +2

      And that's a great idea. I'm going to let this play quietly while I fall asleep tonight. : )

  • @sandrateresanunez2335
    @sandrateresanunez2335 9 лет назад +4

    Sinsajo , el Mockingbird, es un ave que copia los sonidos que escucha , puede estar cantando largo tiempo

    • @sandrateresanunez2335
      @sandrateresanunez2335 9 лет назад +1

      y es el "otro " protagonista de los "Juegos del Hambre " , imita las alarmas de los autos por ejemplo y a la madrugada , y los escuchas a todos jaja

  • @lekwit_696
    @lekwit_696 5 лет назад

    apik sip

  • @leahp3992
    @leahp3992 10 лет назад +5

    Haha. I received a compliant call about an "electronic device making bird calls constantly" Person who checked it out said it was an actual bird, not some device. After hearing this, I'm willing to bet the poor person unable to get sleep at 1am is hearing a mockingbird!

  • @silkthyme
    @silkthyme 9 лет назад +6

    there's a mockingbird in the tree right outside my bedroom window. yesterday night i was about to fall asleep 3 times and each time it woke me up. so annoying! -__-

    • @iggydja
      @iggydja 9 лет назад +3

      Christina Huang Try to think of the bird as singing you to sleep--a lullaby. It's calming, peaceful and relaxing to me.

    • @Nakasasama
      @Nakasasama 9 лет назад +2

      Christina Huang I have about four of these bastards near my house that wake me up on cue at 1am every night for the past 3 weeks.

    • @silkthyme
      @silkthyme 9 лет назад +1

      Deborah Jae Alexander Oh, I'm not saying its song is not beautiful. In fact, if I heard it in the day I would savor every note. However, the mockingbird is extremely loud and I can't fall asleep because the loudness is so loud.

    • @Sporkmaker5150
      @Sporkmaker5150 9 лет назад +4

      Christina Huang I'm on RUclips at 3:14 am on a Tuesday morning and I'll give you exactly one guess why. The foliage in the tree it's in is too dense and I can't get a shot with a flashlight and a pellet gun, and just shooting into the branches only shuts it up for about thirty seconds.

  • @WanderingRoe
    @WanderingRoe 9 лет назад +5

    Trying to find the sound of the bird I heard singing at midnight last night - might have been this one. :)

    • @JakeyFlakey100
      @JakeyFlakey100 4 года назад +1

      It's a good chance it was, since most other birds don't sing at night. Another common name for the Mockingbird is the American NIGHTengale

  • @Alvan81
    @Alvan81 10 лет назад +1

    how can i chase this bird out of the tree outside my bedroom? He makes these loud sounds until 3 am ...

    • @Typhoon0627
      @Typhoon0627 4 года назад

      Pull up a video of a Coopers Hawk, and blast that at the bird...

  • @CALIfotoSPUD
    @CALIfotoSPUD 11 лет назад

    Over here in Palm Springs, I have one just outside my window that starts singing between 1 and 3 every morning and the song lasts for 3 to 4 hours. I don't know how it does it and still have the energy to hunt for food and ward off Crows (and the like). Are they sleep singing? *Ironic that I just moved back to Palm Springs a month ago from Bakersfield! Thank you for posting...I have shared your recording on my Facebook profile.

  • @christopherherman6261
    @christopherherman6261 11 лет назад

    LOL! Yea true. The little bastards really are way too agressively territorial (they should be renamed in Latin Maxis Assholeus.) Except when they're shrieking and chipping @100 decibels like Jays outside my bedroom window at 5AM, they do make beautiful birdsongs. Where are my earplugs?

  • @kellyoxo2818
    @kellyoxo2818 11 лет назад

    I don't mind the adult birds...the juveniles have this screeching. I imagine that's what a dinosaur raptor would sound like.

  • @MrDeckerrekcer
    @MrDeckerrekcer 8 лет назад +4

    I know how to get a mockingbird to destroy a bluetooth speaker now.

  • @aiziyouaiziyou6408
    @aiziyouaiziyou6408 8 лет назад


  • @ruthgunneson-poling2477
    @ruthgunneson-poling2477 7 лет назад +2

    An angel flies with broken wings
    some where, a mocking bird sings.
    With fallen crown upon the ground
    it lies among broken souls.
    To which end does this angel come,
    from whose Heaven has it fallen?
    Promises of golden streets. A dream
    for some but for not all.
    Cast about like shadows it flies
    with broken wings. Somewhere
    though a mockingbird sings. 14 maye 2013
    bridge st gr mi(c) Rudy Gunneson-Poling

    • @jstforyougifts
      @jstforyougifts  7 лет назад +4

      That's beautiful

    • @ruthgunneson-poling2477
      @ruthgunneson-poling2477 7 лет назад +3

      Thank you, that's very kind. I hope to publish and illustrate my poetry. You're very encouraging!

  • @dianedumont30
    @dianedumont30 8 лет назад +2

    30 minute ashtagna David swanson

  • @Nobodyreallyatall
    @Nobodyreallyatall 8 лет назад +1

    I'm gonna play this on my phone tonight after midnight and see how the Mockingbird reacts... anybody try this?

    • @snvlogs3216
      @snvlogs3216 7 лет назад +2

      I've played mockingbird songs to them in the day time. One flew over and perched in the tree above me kept making angry chack calls until I stopped the recording then it flew away.

    • @franciscopovedanorodriguez2395
      @franciscopovedanorodriguez2395 6 лет назад

      Ford Rox sperdiz

  • @iorr98
    @iorr98 4 года назад

    Yeah my cat lost interest within a minute and a half when the first add came. Next

  • @giorgioariot9615
    @giorgioariot9615 10 лет назад

    Molto interessante ma canta cosi' anche allo stato naturale ?

  • @luisalbertocamacholopez7643
    @luisalbertocamacholopez7643 3 года назад

    Contó de toche de agua

  • @jonathanalejandroaguilarpa3489
    @jonathanalejandroaguilarpa3489 3 года назад

    Solo los machos cantan o hembras también

  • @felixvila5132
    @felixvila5132 3 года назад

    Dicen los q creen q saben del origen del zinsonte. Q es de aqui de la florida .q estudien mas profundo la historia de esta ave y libros como yo lo he le ido q el zinsonte es oriundo de Alemania . las computadoras estan muy mal informada de esta ave .Asi por lo tanto no es de la Florida en Miami Okay

  • @willowcryloud4me
    @willowcryloud4me 10 лет назад

    Don't get me wrong I do love birds and all animals ...... but I hate when I'm trying to sleep because of work tomorrow morning and all I hear is this little love bird whistling Dixie all night.... they can be a pest at times, and good luck when they sit outside your window and make all that noise all night long...... and they are very loud.... Goodnight I'm going to try one more time to go to sleep before I grab my BB gun hahaha..... relax it's a joke:-)