hiI wanna ask about Bachelor Degree of Nursing at QUTbut my ielts is 6.5 and dse result is 15 pointsI dont want any foundation What should i do?I have though about English of Academic Purpose(EAP) 12 week course can i just take the ielts6.5 and get in EAP and then can study nursing on Feb2017??
English is not a problem, several weeks of english bridging course or 1 semester of UCTP will do, but 15 points is not sufficient to meet with QUT minimum academic entry requirement. If you would only consider a 3-year study to attain a nursing degree, i'd recommend you to apply for Griffith University direct entry, if direct entry into year 1 is not possible, they would offer you a diploma of health care (study for 8month-1year), then move on to the 2nd year of Bachelor of Nursing - so you didn't waste time and money on foundation. Or else, you may also consider University of Sunshine Coast for direct entry - great for future job opportunities, cheaper tuition and living costs and migration needs :)
COE use in singapore
hi, UNSW 個 ielts minimum 係6.5or above. 我自己希望讀aviation (flying), 如果我 ielts 只有5,那UNSW 會offer我讀 foundation 抑或offer我讀英文班?Thanks a lot :D
IELTS 5分只夠入foundation. 如果有5.5, 就可讀20weeks大學英文班, 會否考慮retake IELTS?Flying極度難入, 要Interview, 而且學費未包飛行訓練所需費用,3年約14萬澳元。 英文課程資料:www.languages.unsw.edu.au/courses/academic-english/the-university-english-entry-course
+Ellen Aus thanks, 其實我宜家升S.6,仲未考ielts想大約知道要aim幾多分,btw interview 係要幾時in?
UNSW 17分,申請左之後大學就會安排電話in
+Ellen Aus 咁我想問難入嘅地方係咪interview,因為我見都有好多科啲requirement 比aviation更高
hiI wanna ask about Bachelor Degree of Nursing at QUTbut my ielts is 6.5 and dse result is 15 pointsI dont want any foundation What should i do?I have though about English of Academic Purpose(EAP) 12 week course can i just take the ielts6.5 and get in EAP and then can study nursing on Feb2017??
English is not a problem, several weeks of english bridging course or 1 semester of UCTP will do, but 15 points is not sufficient to meet with QUT minimum academic entry requirement. If you would only consider a 3-year study to attain a nursing degree, i'd recommend you to apply for Griffith University direct entry, if direct entry into year 1 is not possible, they would offer you a diploma of health care (study for 8month-1year), then move on to the 2nd year of Bachelor of Nursing - so you didn't waste time and money on foundation. Or else, you may also consider University of Sunshine Coast for direct entry - great for future job opportunities, cheaper tuition and living costs and migration needs :)
Monash1年39100澳幣bachelor degree 520一週語言班……
Monash 是比較貴。。。八大都比較貴