自分用 1 現在形・ I usually wake up at 6 am. 2 過去形・I got up jurt now. この日、この時間、この時⇒過去 3 未来形・I will get up at 6 am tomorrow. 4 現在進行形・I am playing volleyball. 5 過去進行形・When you called me,I was sleepimg. 6 未来進行形・I will be playing volleyball at after school. 7 現在完了形・I have been to NewZealand once. 8 過去完了形・I had opened game when I practiced. 9 未来完了形・I will have practice volleyball by the game next manth. 10 現在完了進行形・ I have been studying homework for two days. 8 過去完了進行形・ I had been sleeping for one howr when my sister got home. 9 未来完了進行形・I will have been graduating the senior high school when I am 18 years old.
Do you mind checking the sentences? 現在形 : I never late for work. 過去形 : I am use to argument with my brother a few years ago. 未来形 : I am about to quit studying English. 現在進行形 : However My friend is studying English from now. 過去進行形 : When I arrived at school, My friend was taking a nap! 未来進行形 : One hundred percent, I will be more happy in the future. 現在完了 : I haven’t heard that My dog speaks Japanese. 過去完了 : I hadn’t realized that Japan is good country when I live in Japan. 未来完了 : I will have taught my brother how to get good relationship with me before Christmas. 現在完了進行形: I have been talking my brother into reforming our parents home for half years. 過去完了進行形: My dogs had been saying complain for a while when I played with my friend’s dog. 未来完了進行形: Ash will have been meeting all Pokemon when he finished journey.
今英語環境チャレンジ中なのですが、話すとき時制がめちゃくちゃになるのでこの動画で学んで整えていきたいと思います!保存しました。ありがとうございます。添削お願いします。 現在形 ・The coffee I got from my mother is too bitter for me. ・My grandma always cooks dinner when I get home from work. 過去形 ・I forgot my phone on the first day of new my job. ・I used to take a shower every single day before leaving Japan. 未来形 ・I am going to study English today. ・She is about to leave this house. 進行形現在 ・She is leaving this house soon.(質問です。未来形2個目に書いた文とこの文は同じ意味になりますか?) ・I am living on a small island now. 進行形過去 ・I was talking to my family over the phone when you visited the campsite. 進行形未来 ・I will be going around EU countries next year. 現在完了 ・I have learned English using RUclips for 3 years. ・Have you done this job before? ・We just finished our long trip. We finally arrived in Japan just right now. 過去完了 ・I had lived on the small island for 8 months when I made up my mind to apply for the job. So I was sad to determine it and leaving there. 未来完了 ・I will have finished the documents ready by the letter coming. 現在完了進行形 ・I have been watching the movie series this summer vacation. it is really fun. 過去完了進行形 ・I had been waiting for the letter for over 3 months when I received the email. 未来完了進行形 ・I will have been doing yoga for 10 years when I turn 30 years old.
添削しましたので、ご確認ください! 過去形 ・I forgot my phone on the first day of new my job. →I forgot my phone on the first day of my new job. 進行形現在 ・質問です。未来形2個目に書いた文とこの文は同じ意味になりますか? →ほぼ同意ですね!強いて言うならbe about toはもうすぐと言うよりは「まさに〜するところ」という意味があります。 現在完了 ・We just finished our long trip. We finally arrived in Japan just right now. →We have just finished our long trip. We finally arrived in Japan just right now. 過去完了 ・I had lived on the small island for 8 months when I made up my mind to apply for the job. So I was sad to determine it and leaving there. →I had lived on the small island for 8 months when I made up my mind to apply for the job. So I was sad to determine it and leave there. 未来完了 ・I will have finished the documents ready by the letter coming. →I will have had the documents ready by the time the letter comes.
I made sentences. Could you check them? 1. The earth is round. 2. I went to the beach and ate tacos. 3. I'm gonna go to Singapore with my friend this summer vacation. 4. I'm studying English. 5. I was taking a shower when you called me. 6. I will be in my hometown the next month. 7. I've been to Australia and stayed with my host family. 8. I had worked here for three years when you came to this city. 9. I will have passed the test by the next semester. 10. I've been reading Harry Potter for a week. 11. I had been working a part-time job when you hung out at the mall. 12. I'll have been watching 100 movies when I go to Hollywood.
Great job!!! 6. I will be visiting my hometown the next month. (ただの未来形になっており、未来進行形になってませんでした。) 12. I'll have been studying film when I go to Hollywood. (100本の映画を見続けていることになってしまうので、変えてみました。) I'll have watched 100 movies when I go to Hollywood. (未来完了形だといいと思います。)
現在:I write a English essay everyday 過去: He finished to ate a dinner just now 未来: I ganna go shopping to get a watch 現在進行形: I’m not writing a English essay now 過去進行形: You were sleeping when I called you 未来進行形: She will be go study abroad at this time next year 現在完了: I haven’t been to other countries yet except China 過去完了: He had smoked when he was young 未来完了: She will have been able to speak English by when she will have her job 現在完了進行形: My Dad have been swimming in the lake for a week 過去完了進行形: My young brother had been hitting his head when I talked to him 未来完了進行形: He will have been sleeping for a whole day after another hour 一年前の動画で、今更やけど頑張ってみました! たぶんおかしい所あるけど、1英語学習者として暖かく添削してほしいです。笑
添削しました! 現在: I write an English essay every day. 過去: He finished eating dinner just now. 未来: I'm gonna go shopping to buy a watch. 現在進行形: I’m not writing an English essay now. 未来進行形: She will be studying abroad at this time next year. 未来完了: She will have been able to speak English by the time she has a job. 現在完了進行形: My Dad has been swimming in the lake for a week.
作ってみました。添削お願いします。 A:I have wanted to study tenses properly for a long time. What do you think I should do? B:If I were you, I would watch this video and study.
長年の疑問です。以下のキャピタライズした節は実際の日常の会話での出現率を教えてください。 今まで試験の穴埋め問題のためにわざわざ、付け加えられていると思っていました。つまりテスト用の節かと。。 それまでのシチュエーションが共有出来ていれば大文字部分は必要無い。あるいは普通の人は相手に伝えるために必ず入れるとかでしょうか。 He will have been studying English for ten years WHEN HE FINISHES HIGH SCHOOL. I had been taking a nap for about an hour WHEN MY MY MOM CAME TO VISIT ME.
そもそもこれらは、日常会話であまり使わないのですが、キャピタライズ部分の副詞節がないと意味が通じないので、書いていると言う形です。もし相手がHow long will you have been studying English this summer?のように聞いた場合、10 years.のように答えることはあると思いますが、わざわざ全部の文章を言うことは極めて少ないかと思います。
1,i live in Osaka. 2,if i take a day off tomorrow,i will stay home. 3,i used to swim when i was child. 4,i'm going to go to bed after this video. 5, you are teaching English for us. 6,i was working today. 7, i will going to foreign country next summer. 8, i have not had dinner yet. 9,i had exercised when i was 20. 10,i will have made sentences when you check my sentences. 11,i have been working as a dental assistant for 13 years. 12,i had been working when you texted me. 13,i will have been studying English for 2 years when it's spring. お願いします🙏 あとi have worked for 13years.と I have been working for 13years.は何が違うんですか???
素晴らしい👏 少し文法的な部分直してます! 3. I used to swim when I was a child. 7. I will be going to a foreign country next summer. 10. I will have made sentences when you check them. 最後の質問は、二つともほぼ同じ意味なのですが、前者は継続してることにフォーカスが置かれていて、後者は、現在にフォーカスが置かれている感じがします!
私は最近たくさんの英語の動画を見てますみたいな感じです… I have been watching a lot of videos for learnig English on RUclips lately. Recently,I have been watching a lot of videos in English on RUclips. 添削していただけると嬉しいです! lately と recently はほぼ同じニュアンスでしょうか? 最近〇〇ばかりしているんだよねという言い方の適切な表現を教えていただけるとありがたいです…!
二つとも良いです! 強いていうならfor learning Englishよりto learn Englishの方がいいかなと思います! Latelyとrecentlyはほぼ同じです!latelyは現在完了形で使うことがほとんどですが、recentlyは過去形でも使えます。 「〜ばかりしている」という表現は、Recently, all I’ve been doing is watching videos on RUclips. I’ve been doing nothing but watching videos on RUclips lately. があります!
Mayu will have watched the movie by 8 p.m. まゆさんは 午後 8時までに その映画を 見終えているだろう。 未来完了形は 動作の完了を 表します。 Mayu will have finished watching the movie by 8 p.m. そのため、このように finish を使うと 動作の完了が重複して くどくて 不適切に感じます。 いかがでしょうか? Mayu will finish watching the movie by 8 p.m. このように 未来形にした方が 自然に思えます。 Mayu will have been watching the movie at 8 p.m. まゆさんは 午後 8時に その映画を 見続けているだろう。 未来完了進行形は 動作の継続を表します。 Mayu will be watching the movie at 8 p.m. まゆさんは 午後 8時に その映画を 見ている最中だろう。 このように 未来進行形にした方が シンプルで わかりやすいと思います。 私も 文法オタクなので 英文法を 深く 突っ込むのが 大好きです。
1つ1文ずつ作ったので添削して貰えたら嬉しいです🥲💖 I like tomatoes. I used to swim a few years ago. I am going to go to the restaurant. I am studying English. I was working in the restaurant when she called in my house. I will be teaching cooking to my sister tomorrow. I have lived in Tokyo for 16 years. I have never been to China. I have just finished eating lunch. I had made dinner when you were doing homework. I will have doing homework tomorrow. I have been challengeing it for a week. l had been making an effort when I gave up it. I will have been playing softball for 5 years when I am 17 years old.
Good job! I made some of your sentences better. I was working at the restaurant when she called my house. I will have been doing homework for two hours when you visit me tomorrow. I have been working on it for a week. l had been making an effort before I gave it up.
@@mayueroom 回答ありがとうございます。 日常会話では、断定的な表現よりは、むしろ憶測や曖昧な表現のほうが多いかと思います。英会話の場合、微妙なニュアンスは助動詞や助動詞句でカバーしますが、会話において、例えば、「雨がふるかもしれない」というニュアンスを出したい場合、Bring an umbrella along ,because it might (could or will) rain.と言う表現は、ルール上ダメなのでしょうか? Because説は名詞節だと考えられなくもないのですが、この例文では修飾関係にあるため、副詞節だと考えます。
添削お願いします🙇 現在形 Flowers can’t live without water. 過去形 I watched that movie with my mom yesterday. 未来形 I am going to go to a university next spring. 現在進行形 She is studying English so hard. 過去進行形. I was eating some snacks when I watched the movie. 未来進行形. I will be taking a nap this time tomorrow . 現在完了形 I have been to Hawaii once. 過去完了形. I had finished the assignment before the deadline. 未来完了形. I will have gone to china when you go to the university . 現在完了進行形 I have been learning dance for 10 years. 過去完了進行形. I had been watching my smartphone while my grandma was sleeping. 未来完了進行形. I will have been studying English until I graduate a university.
添削してみました! 未来完了形 I will have gone to China when you go to university. 過去完了進行形 I had been going through my smartphone when my grandma went to bed. 未来完了進行形 I will have been studying English by the time I graduate from a university.
時制はセンテンスが長くなると難しくなるので嫌いです。🤣🤣This is the first time I have watched Mayu's E Room / I am sorry to have kept you waiting.とかで合ってますか。ところで 今日のまゆちゃんの赤いシャツお似合いです。😊😊
インターネットの情報を信頼すべきかという疑問に対して私の考えを英語で書いてみました。 I don't think that people should trust information on internet. Because there are much wrong information.When people want to study something new, learning is not effective if they don,t reach recommended information. 文法的にあってますか?また意味は通じますか?
意味伝わります!!少し変えてみました! I don't think that people should trust information on the Internet because there are a lot of false information. When people want to study something new, learning is not effective if they can't reach the needed information.
Baby born from mother. A boy slept then. I’m gonna buy something to eat. My teacher is laughing because of me. I was having trouble. I’ll be crying in a jail. I have been angry. I had got a job when you fool around. I’ll have got enough money to buy his present before his birthday. I have been teaching English on my RUclips channel. The piano had been being played by them when I speak to them. They will have been fighting for their rights until tomorrow.
添削しました! A baby is born from a mother. I’ll be crying in jail. I had gotten a job when you were fooling around. They had been playing the piano when I spoke to them. 未来完了、未来完了進行形の過去形とはどういうことでしょうか??過去完了、過去完了進行形ならあるのですが、、
I will have had the essay ready by the deadline.
I will have finished the essay by the deadline.
まゆちゃんが勧めてたデュオリンゴをがんばってるおかげか前より理解度がましている。 それにしてもまゆちゃんかわいすぎて見惚れてる😭
時制難しくて何度やってもわからなくなるので嬉しいです! 楽しく勉強できてモチベーションも上がりました!
1 現在形・ I usually wake up at 6 am.
2 過去形・I got up jurt now.
3 未来形・I will get up at 6 am tomorrow.
4 現在進行形・I am playing volleyball.
5 過去進行形・When you called me,I was sleepimg.
6 未来進行形・I will be playing volleyball at after school.
7 現在完了形・I have been to NewZealand once.
8 過去完了形・I had opened game when I practiced.
9 未来完了形・I will have practice volleyball by the game next manth.
10 現在完了進行形・ I have been studying homework for two days.
8 過去完了進行形・ I had been sleeping for one howr when my sister got home.
9 未来完了進行形・I will have been graduating the senior high school when I am 18 years old.
Do you mind checking the sentences?
現在形 : I never late for work.
過去形 : I am use to argument with my brother a few years ago.
未来形 : I am about to quit studying English.
現在進行形 : However My friend is studying English from now.
過去進行形 : When I arrived at school, My friend was taking a nap!
未来進行形 : One hundred percent, I will be more happy in the future.
現在完了 : I haven’t heard that My dog speaks Japanese.
過去完了 : I hadn’t realized that Japan is good country when I live in Japan.
未来完了 : I will have taught my brother how to get good relationship with me before Christmas.
現在完了進行形: I have been talking my brother into reforming our parents home for half years.
過去完了進行形: My dogs had been saying complain for a while when I played with my friend’s dog.
未来完了進行形: Ash will have been meeting all Pokemon when he finished journey.
Thank you!!
・The coffee I got from my mother is too bitter for me.
・My grandma always cooks dinner when I get home from work.
・I forgot my phone on the first day of new my job.
・I used to take a shower every single day before leaving Japan.
・I am going to study English today.
・She is about to leave this house.
・She is leaving this house soon.(質問です。未来形2個目に書いた文とこの文は同じ意味になりますか?)
・I am living on a small island now.
・I was talking to my family over the phone when you visited the campsite.
・I will be going around EU countries next year.
・I have learned English using RUclips for 3 years.
・Have you done this job before?
・We just finished our long trip. We finally arrived in Japan just right now.
・I had lived on the small island for 8 months when I made up my mind to apply for the job. So I was sad to determine it and leaving there.
・I will have finished the documents ready by the letter coming.
・I have been watching the movie series this summer vacation. it is really fun.
・I had been waiting for the letter for over 3 months when I received the email.
・I will have been doing yoga for 10 years when I turn 30 years old.
・I forgot my phone on the first day of new my job.
→I forgot my phone on the first day of my new job.
→ほぼ同意ですね!強いて言うならbe about toはもうすぐと言うよりは「まさに〜するところ」という意味があります。
・We just finished our long trip. We finally arrived in Japan just right now.
→We have just finished our long trip. We finally arrived in Japan just right now.
・I had lived on the small island for 8 months when I made up my mind to apply for the job. So I was sad to determine it and leaving there.
→I had lived on the small island for 8 months when I made up my mind to apply for the job. So I was sad to determine it and leave there.
・I will have finished the documents ready by the letter coming.
→I will have had the documents ready by the time the letter comes.
@@mayueroom 丁寧にありがとうございます!繰り返して練習していきたいと思います。
I made sentences. Could you check them?
1. The earth is round.
2. I went to the beach and ate tacos.
3. I'm gonna go to Singapore with my friend this summer vacation.
4. I'm studying English.
5. I was taking a shower when you called me.
6. I will be in my hometown the next month.
7. I've been to Australia and stayed with my host family.
8. I had worked here for three years when you came to this city.
9. I will have passed the test by the next semester.
10. I've been reading Harry Potter for a week.
11. I had been working a part-time job when you hung out at the mall.
12. I'll have been watching 100 movies when I go to Hollywood.
Great job!!!
6. I will be visiting my hometown the next month. (ただの未来形になっており、未来進行形になってませんでした。)
12. I'll have been studying film when I go to Hollywood. (100本の映画を見続けていることになってしまうので、変えてみました。)
I'll have watched 100 movies when I go to Hollywood. (未来完了形だといいと思います。)
Thank you for your reply😊
I'll try to use this grammar in daily life!!
現在:I write a English essay everyday
過去: He finished to ate a dinner just now
未来: I ganna go shopping to get a watch
現在進行形: I’m not writing a English essay now
過去進行形: You were sleeping when I called you
未来進行形: She will be go study abroad at this time next year
現在完了: I haven’t been to other countries yet except China
過去完了: He had smoked when he was young
未来完了: She will have been able to speak English by when she will have her job
現在完了進行形: My Dad have been swimming in the lake for a week
過去完了進行形: My young brother had been hitting his head when I talked to him
未来完了進行形: He will have been sleeping for a whole day after another hour
現在: I write an English essay every day.
過去: He finished eating dinner just now.
未来: I'm gonna go shopping to buy a watch.
現在進行形: I’m not writing an English essay now.
未来進行形: She will be studying abroad at this time next year.
未来完了: She will have been able to speak English by the time she has a job.
現在完了進行形: My Dad has been swimming in the lake for a week.
A:I have wanted to study tenses properly for a long time.
What do you think I should do?
B:If I were you, I would watch this video and study.
That’s perfect!! Thank you:)))
Thank you! teacher Mayu. :-)
長年の疑問です。以下のキャピタライズした節は実際の日常の会話での出現率を教えてください。 今まで試験の穴埋め問題のためにわざわざ、付け加えられていると思っていました。つまりテスト用の節かと。。
He will have been studying English for ten years
I had been taking a nap for about an hour
そもそもこれらは、日常会話であまり使わないのですが、キャピタライズ部分の副詞節がないと意味が通じないので、書いていると言う形です。もし相手がHow long will you have been studying English this summer?のように聞いた場合、10 years.のように答えることはあると思いますが、わざわざ全部の文章を言うことは極めて少ないかと思います。
I'm looking forward to seeing your comments!
1,i live in Osaka.
2,if i take a day off tomorrow,i will stay home.
3,i used to swim when i was child.
4,i'm going to go to bed after this video.
5, you are teaching English for us.
6,i was working today.
7, i will going to foreign country next summer.
8, i have not had dinner yet.
9,i had exercised when i was 20.
10,i will have made sentences when you check my sentences.
11,i have been working as a dental assistant for 13 years.
12,i had been working when you texted me.
13,i will have been studying English for 2 years when it's spring.
あとi have worked for 13years.と
I have been working for 13years.は何が違うんですか???
3. I used to swim when I was a child.
7. I will be going to a foreign country next summer.
10. I will have made sentences when you check them.
@@mayueroom 早速訂正ありがとうございましたーーっ♡♡
When I watch this video 10 times or more, my English skill will have been improving than now!
That would be awesome!!
I have been watching a lot of videos for learnig English on RUclips lately.
Recently,I have been watching a lot of videos in English on RUclips.
lately と recently はほぼ同じニュアンスでしょうか?
強いていうならfor learning Englishよりto learn Englishの方がいいかなと思います!
「〜ばかりしている」という表現は、Recently, all I’ve been doing is watching videos on RUclips.
I’ve been doing nothing but watching videos on RUclips lately.
Mayu will have watched the movie by 8 p.m.
まゆさんは 午後 8時までに その映画を 見終えているだろう。
未来完了形は 動作の完了を 表します。
Mayu will have finished watching the movie by 8 p.m.
そのため、このように finish を使うと 動作の完了が重複して くどくて 不適切に感じます。
Mayu will finish watching the movie by 8 p.m.
このように 未来形にした方が 自然に思えます。
Mayu will have been watching the movie at 8 p.m.
まゆさんは 午後 8時に その映画を 見続けているだろう。
未来完了進行形は 動作の継続を表します。
Mayu will be watching the movie at 8 p.m.
まゆさんは 午後 8時に その映画を 見ている最中だろう。
このように 未来進行形にした方が シンプルで わかりやすいと思います。
私も 文法オタクなので 英文法を 深く 突っ込むのが 大好きです。
I have seen the movie.と I saw the movie. の違いは、見た経験を表したい時は前者で、ただ見たよと言いたいことは後者ということですか?
I like tomatoes.
I used to swim a few years ago.
I am going to go to the restaurant.
I am studying English.
I was working in the restaurant when she called in my house.
I will be teaching cooking to my sister tomorrow.
I have lived in Tokyo for 16 years.
I have never been to China.
I have just finished eating lunch.
I had made dinner when you were doing homework.
I will have doing homework tomorrow.
I have been challengeing it for a week.
l had been making an effort when I gave up it.
I will have been playing softball for 5 years when I am 17 years old.
Good job!
I made some of your sentences better.
I was working at the restaurant when she called my house.
I will have been doing homework for two hours when you visit me tomorrow.
I have been working on it for a week.
l had been making an effort before I gave it up.
@@mayueroom わーーー!🥲🥲
thank you(TT)♡♡
未来形だけwillとbe going to の2種類ありますが、下記の文章では多少意味が変わるのでしょうか?
l will clean my room tomorrow.
I am going to clean my room tomorrow.
willは今決めたことで、be going toは前から決めていたことに聞こえます!
@@mayueroom ありがとうございます!
I knew that English is important, but I learned that there are other things to study.
NEW HORIZONの本文ですけど、knewやlearnedにたいしてthatの中身が現在なのはなぜですか?
@@mayueroom 回答ありがとうございます。
日常会話では、断定的な表現よりは、むしろ憶測や曖昧な表現のほうが多いかと思います。英会話の場合、微妙なニュアンスは助動詞や助動詞句でカバーしますが、会話において、例えば、「雨がふるかもしれない」というニュアンスを出したい場合、Bring an umbrella along ,because it might (could or will) rain.と言う表現は、ルール上ダメなのでしょうか?
現在形 Flowers can’t live without water.
過去形 I watched that movie with my mom yesterday.
未来形 I am going to go to a university next spring.
現在進行形 She is studying English so hard.
過去進行形. I was eating some snacks when I watched the movie.
未来進行形. I will be taking a nap this time tomorrow .
現在完了形 I have been to Hawaii once.
過去完了形. I had finished the assignment before the deadline.
未来完了形. I will have gone to china when you go to the university .
現在完了進行形 I have been learning dance for 10 years.
過去完了進行形. I had been watching my smartphone while my grandma was sleeping.
未来完了進行形. I will have been studying English until I graduate a university.
未来完了形 I will have gone to China when you go to university.
過去完了進行形 I had been going through my smartphone when my grandma went to bed.
未来完了進行形 I will have been studying English by the time I graduate from a university.
未来完了形の例文のI will have the essay ready by the deadline.は誤りですか?have (had) the essay〜.かなと。
時制はセンテンスが長くなると難しくなるので嫌いです。🤣🤣This is the first time I have watched Mayu's E Room / I am sorry to have kept you waiting.とかで合ってますか。ところで 今日のまゆちゃんの赤いシャツお似合いです。😊😊
Great sentences!!
I don't think that people should trust information on internet. Because there are much wrong information.When people want to study something new, learning is not effective if they don,t reach recommended information.
I don't think that people should trust information on the Internet because there are a lot of false information. When people want to study something new, learning is not effective if they can't reach the needed information.
@@mayueroom ありがとうございました☺️
Thank you for remembering me って使えませんか?
I'm studying english to watch your movies.
Aw, thank you so much!!!
Baby born from mother.
A boy slept then.
I’m gonna buy something to eat.
My teacher is laughing because of me.
I was having trouble.
I’ll be crying in a jail.
I have been angry.
I had got a job when you fool around.
I’ll have got enough money to buy his present before his birthday.
I have been teaching English on my RUclips channel.
The piano had been being played by them when I speak to them.
They will have been fighting for their rights until tomorrow.
A baby is born from a mother.
I’ll be crying in jail.
I had gotten a job when you were fooling around.
They had been playing the piano when I spoke to them.
@@mayueroom willの過去形であるwouldを使った時のことが言いたかったです
Hii...bonita ,make a video in spanish
Hola Mayu Chan! Habla Español?Si si, reactar me Español! Estoy un Japones que hablando Ingles como en Osaka.
Hablo español un poco!! Gracias!
いつもと顔が違う? サムネ誰か分からなかったー。