Claudia is very sophisticated and kind, while being professional. Her handbag customers are treated with fairness. She is definitely an asset to this high end pawn store.
Gosh 3.5 grand for 7 signature bags is so unfair. Good that customer didn't take with the offer. Excuse me. The offered price is only for 1 Chanel Bag. Excuse me Claudia, wake up!
"This channel is a really old bag" it's not the only one claudia. Your botox bodge up is also looking worn out in your old leather skin. No amount of paint and filled will cover up that mess.
Claudia looks really different from when she first was on the show. I didn't recognize her til someone spoke her name...
Claudia is very sophisticated and kind, while being professional. Her handbag customers are treated with fairness. She is definitely an asset to this high end pawn store.
Gosh 3.5 grand for 7 signature bags is so unfair. Good that customer didn't take with the offer. Excuse me. The offered price is only for 1 Chanel Bag. Excuse me Claudia, wake up!
"This channel is a really old bag" it's not the only one claudia. Your botox bodge up is also looking worn out in your old leather skin. No amount of paint and filled will cover up that mess.
LMFAO....She has a bad case of botox and fillers !!
Thats' harsh....
This is not the real world! 😨😨😨
I have a renault clio diesel fron 1997 a classic car price 10k euro
I want to sell my twin brother he is god loking
ask him to give you back 2 "oo"