Different Bibles??? By Ahmed Deedat | Reaction

  • Опубликовано: 4 авг 2021
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    Today I am reacting to Different Bibles??? By Ahmed Deedat
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  • @husseinabdullahi6635
    @husseinabdullahi6635 2 года назад +18


  • @nazeemsultan123
    @nazeemsultan123 2 года назад +46

    Sister, I am certain that Ahmed Deedat did read the whole bible from cover to cover and in context and even upside down.
    I cant say the same with that christian pastor

  • @ninjajoker250
    @ninjajoker250 2 года назад +22

    Answering the last question from you. The translation of the Quran do have some differences in them, like Sheikh Ahmed Deedat said, that it depends on the translator word of choice. But in terms of the actual wording in arabic. It stays the same, you can ask a muslim to recite the most basic surah or verses or chapter from the Quran called surah Al-fatihah, and you can hear that we muslim recited it the same everywhere albeit some difference due to native language slangs or accent.

  • @mojaff3085
    @mojaff3085 2 года назад +20

    I like your open mindedness and objectivity and not overcome by emotions or swayed when critised. Keep it up sis.

  • @oniz1000
    @oniz1000 2 года назад +57

    There's only one Qur'an. Still preserved for over 1400 years. God is the Greatest 💯

    • @Peace-bn4iy
      @Peace-bn4iy 2 года назад +1


    • @harrytulasi5349
      @harrytulasi5349 2 года назад +1

      You are a great liar. There are 37 different arabic qurans and still counting.

    • @mhebaticamat9462
      @mhebaticamat9462 2 года назад +2

      Section 1 of 4:
      It has become a standard method of deception by Christian missionaries like Jochen Katz to superficially project issues that have been exhaustively addressed by both Muslims and Orientialsts, as we will see soon, insha'Allah. These missionaries are well aware of the difference between a transmission and a text (to be discussed in detail below). Yet, they intentionally replace one with the other in order to give the false impression to lay readers that the Qur'an exists in different texts. Thus, in order to address the questions of Hafs and Warsh, we will first offer a short introduction to the key concepts involved herein and then proceed to the heart of the matter, insha'Allah. However, before we begin this article, we would like to sincerely thank brother Moustafa Mounir Elqabbany from Canada and brother Muhammad Ghoniem from France, for providing valuable references. May Allah reward them profusely for their kind help. The contents of this document are divided as follows:
      • Revelation Of The Qur'an In Seven Ahrûf
      • Difference Between Ahrûf and Qirâ'ât
      • Conditions For The Validity Of Different Qirâ'ât
      • The Chain Of Narration Of Different Qirâ'ât
      • Hafs & Warsh Qirâ'ât: Are They Different Versions Of The Qur'an?
      • Recitation Of The Qur'an In Hafs, Warsh & Other Qirâ'a t
      • Printed Edition Of The Qur'an In Various Qirâ'a t
      • Books On Mutawâtir Readings
      It is a well-known fact that there are seven different ahrûf in which the Qur'an was revealed. In the Islamic tradition, this basis can be traced back to a number of hadîths concerning the revelation of the Qur'an in seven ahrûf (singular harf). Some of the examples of these hadîths are as follows:
      From Abû Hurairah:
      The Messenger of God(P) said: "The Qur'an was sent down in seven ahruf. Disputation concerning the Qur'an is unbelief" - he said this three times - "and you should put into practice what you know of it, and leave what you do not know of it to someone who does."[1]
      From Abû Hurairah:
      The Messenger of God(P) said: "An All-knowing, Wise, Forgiving, Merciful sent down the Qur'an in seven ahruf."[2]
      From Abdullâh Ibn Mas’ud:
      The Messenger of God(P) said: "The Qur'an was sent down in seven ahruf. Each of these ahruf has an outward aspect (zahr) and an inward aspect (batn); each of the ahruf has a border, and each border has a lookout."[3]
      The meaning of this hadîth is explained as:
      As for the Prophet's(P) words concerning the Qur'an, each of the ahruf has a border, it means that each of the seven aspects has a border which God has marked off and which no one may overstep. And as for his words Each of the ahruf has an outward aspect (zahr) and an inward aspect (batn), its outward aspect is the ostensive meaning of the recitation, and its inward aspect is its interpretation, which is concealed. And by his words each border ...... has a lookout he means that for each of the borders which God marked off in the Qur'an - of the lawful and unlawful, and its other legal injunctions - there is a measure of God's reward and punishment which surveys it in the Hereafter, and inspects it ...... at the Resurrection ......[4]
      And in another hadîth cAbdullâh Ibn Mascud said:
      The Messenger of God(P) said: "The first Book came down from one gate according to one harf, but the Qur'an came down from seven gates according to seven ahruf: prohibiting and commanding, lawful and unlawful, clear and ambiguous, and parables. So, allow what it makes lawful, proscribe what it makes unlawful, do what it commands you to do, forbid what it prohibits, be warned by its parables, act on it clear passages, trust in its ambiguous passages." And they said: "We believe in it; it is all from our Lord."[5]
      And Abû Qilaba narrated:
      It has reached me that the Prophet(P) said: "The Qur'an was sent down according to seven ahruf: command and prohibition, encouragement of good and discouragement of evil, dialectic, narrative, and parable."[6]
      These above hadîths serve as evidence that the Qur'an was revealed in seven ahruf. The defination of the term ahruf has been the subject of much scholarly discussion and is included in the general works of the Qur'an. The forms matched the dialects of following seven tribes: Quraysh, Hudhayl, Thaqîf, Hawâzin, Kinânah, Tamîm and Yemen. The revelation of the Qur'an in seven different ahruf made its recitation and memorization much easier for the various tribes. At the same time the Qur'an challenged them to produce a surah like it (www.islamic-awareness.org/quran/miracle/ijaz) in their own dialect so that they would not complain about the incomprehensibility.
      For example, the phrase 'alayhim (on them) was read by some 'alayhumoo and the word siraat (path, bridge) was read as ziraat and mu'min (believer) as moomin.[7]
      It is important to realize the difference between ahruf and Qirâ'ât. Before going into that it is interesting to know why the seven ahruf were brought down to one during Uthmân's (R) time.
      The Qur'an continued to be read according to the seven ahruf until midway through Caliph 'Uthman's rule when some confusion arose in the outlying provinces concerning the Qur'an's recitation. Some Arab tribes had began to boast about the superiority of their ahruf and a rivalry began to develop. At the same time, some new Muslims also began mixing the various forms of recitation out of ignorance. Caliph 'Uthman decided to make official copies of the Qur'an according to the dialect of the Quraysh and send them along with the Qur'anic reciters to the major centres of Islam. This decision was approved by Sahaabah and all unofficial copies of the Qur'an were destroyed. Following the distribution of the official copies, all the other ahruf were dropped and the Qur'an began to be read in only one harf. Thus, the Qur'an which is available through out the world today is written and recited only according to the harf of Quraysh.[8]
      Now a few words on Qirâ'ât:
      A Qirâ'ât is for the most part a method of pronunciation used in the recitations of the Qur'an. These methods are different from the seven forms or modes (ahruf) in which the Qur'an was revealed. The seven modes were reduced to one, that of the Quraysh, during the era of Caliph 'Uthman, and all of the methods of recitation are based on this mode. The various methods have all been traced back to the Prophet(P) through a number of Sahaabah who were most noted for their Qur'anic recitations. That is, these Sahaabah recited the Qur'an to the Prophet(P) or in his presence and received his approval. Among them were the following: Ubayy Ibn K'ab, 'Alee Ibn Abi Taalib, Zayd Ibn Thaabit, 'Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud, Abu ad-Dardaa and Abu Musaa al-Ash'aree. Many of the other Sahaabah learned from these masters. For example, Ibn 'Abbaas, the master commentator of the Qur'an among the Sahaabah, learned from both Ubayy and Zayd.[9]
      The transmission of the Qur'an is a mutawâtir transmission, that is, there are a large number of narrators on each level of the chain. Dr. Bilaal Philips gives a brief account of the history of recitation in his book:
      Among the next generation of Muslims referred to as Taabe'oon, there arose many scholars who learned the various methods of recitation from the Sahaabah and taught them to others. Centres of Qur'anic recitation developed in al-Madeenah, Makkah, Kufa, Basrah and Syria, leading to the evolution of Qur'anic recitation into an independent science. By mid-eighth century CE, there existed a large number of outstanding scholars all of whom were considered specialists in the field of recitation. Most of their methods of recitations were authenticated by chains of reliable narrators ending with the Prophet(P). Those methods which were supported by a large number of reliable narrators on each level of their chain were called Mutawaatir and were considered to be the most accurate. Those methods in which the number of narrators were few or only one on any level of the chain were refered to as shaadhdh. Some of the scholars of the following period began the practice of designating a set number of individual scholars from the pervious period as being the most noteworthy and accurate. By the middle of the tenth century, the number seven became popular since it coincided with the number of dialects in which the Qur'an was revealed.[10]
      To be continued to Section 2 of 4

    • @mhebaticamat9462
      @mhebaticamat9462 2 года назад +3

      Section 2 of 4:
      The author went on to say:
      The first to limit the number of authentic reciters to seven was the Iraqi scholar, Abu Bakr Ibn Mujâhid (d. 936CE), and those who wrote the books on Qirâ'ah after him followed suit. This limitation is not an accurate reprensentation of the classical scholars of Qur'anic recitation. There were many others who were as good as the seven and the number who were greater than them.[11]
      Concerning the seven sets of readings, Montgomery Watt and Richard Bell observe:
      The seven sets of readings accepted by Ibn-Mujâhid represent the systems prevailing in different districts. There was one each from Medina, Mecca, Damascus and Basra, and three from Kufa. For each set of readings (Qirâ'a), there were two slightly different version (sing. Riwaya). The whole may be set out in tabular form:[12]
      District.....|.....Reader.....|.....First Rawi.....|.....Second Rawi...............................................................
      Medina.....|.....Nafîc.......|.....Warsh.......... |.....Qâlûn..........................................................................
      Mecca...... |.....Ibn Kathîr|.....al-Bazzî........ |.....Qunbul.......................................................................
      Damascus.|.....Ibn Amir..|.....Hisham.........|.....Ibn Dhakwân..............................................................
      Basra........|.....Abu Amr..|.....ad-Dûrî..........|.....al-Sûsî........................................................................
      Other schools of Qirâ'ât are of:
      • Abû Jacfar Yazîd Ibn Qacqâc of Madinah (130/747)
      • Yacqûb Ibn Ishâq al-Hadramî of Basrah (205/820)
      • Khalaf Ibn Hishâm of Baghdad (229/848)
      • Hasan al-Basrî of Basrah (110/728)
      • Ibn Muhaisin of Makkah (123/740)
      • Yahyâ al-Yazîdî of Basrah (202/817)
      Conditions were formulated by the scholars of the Qur'anic recitation to facilitate critical analysis of the above mentioned recitations. For any given recitation to be accepted as authentic (Sahih), it had to fulfill three conditions and if any of the conditions were missing such a recitation was classified as Shâdhdh (unusual).
      The first condition was that the recitation have an authentic chain of narration in which the chain of narrators was continuous, the narrators were all known to be righteous and they were all knwon to possess good memories. It was also required that the recitation be conveyed by a large number of narrators on each level of the chain of narration below the level of Sahaabah (the condition of Tawaatur). Narrations which had authentic chains but lacked the condition of Tawaatur were accepted as explanations (Tafseer) of the Sahaabah but were not considered as methods of reciting the Qur'an. As for the narrations which did not even have an authentic chain of narration, they were classified as Baatil (false) and rejected totally.
      The seond condition was that the variations in recitations match known Arabic grammatical constructions. Unusual constructions could be verified by their existence in passages of pre-Islamic prose or poetry.
      The third condition required the recitation to coincide with the script of one of the copies of the Qur'an distributed during the era of Caliph Uthmân. Hence differences which result from dot placement (i.e., ta'lamoon and ya'lamoon) are considered acceptable provided the other conditions are met. A recitation of a construction for which no evidence could be found would be classified Shaadhdh. This classification did not mean that all aspects of the recitation was considered Shaadhdh. it only meant that the unverified constructions were considered Shaadhdh.[13]
      In this section, the chain of narration or isnad of each Qirâ'ât will be presented. It is worth noting that the chains of narration here are mutawâtir.
      Qirâ'a from Madinah: The reading of Madinah known as the reading of Nâfic Ibn Abî Nacîm (more precisely Abû cAbd ar-Rahmân Nâfic Ibn cAbd ar-Rahmân).
      Nâfic died in the year 169 H. He reported from Yazîd Ibn al-Qacqâc and cAbd ar-Rahmân Ibn Hurmuz al-'Araj and Muslim Ibn Jundub al-Hudhalî and Yazîd Ibn Român and Shaybah Ibn Nisâ'. All of them reported from Abû Hurayrah and Ibn cAbbâs and cAbdallâh Ibn 'Ayyâsh Ibn Abî Rabî'ah al-Makhzûmî and the last three reported from Ubayy Ibn Kacb from the Prophet(P).[14]
      From Nâfic, two major readings came to us : Warsh and Qâlûn.
      Qirâ'a from Makkah: The reading of Ibn Kathîr (cAbdullâh Ibn Kathîr ad-Dârî):
      Ibn Kathîr died in the year 120 H. He reported from cAbdillâh Ibn Assa'ib al-Makhzûmî who reported from Ubayy Ibn Kacb (The companion of the Prophet(P)).
      Ibn Kathîr has also reported from Mujâhid Ibn Jabr who reported from his teacher Ibn cAbbâs who reported from Ubayy Ibn Kacb and Zayd Ibn Thâbit and both reported from the Prophet(P).[15]
      Qirâ'a from Damascus: From ash-Shâm (Damascus), the reading is called after cAbdullâh Ibn cAamir.
      He died in 118 H. He reported from Abû ad-Dardâ' and al-Mughîrah Ibn Abî Shihâb al-Makhzûmî from Uthmân.[16]
      Qirâ'a from Basrah: The reading of Abû cAmr from Basrah:
      (According to al-Sab'ah, the book of Ibn Mujâhid page 79, Abû cAmr is called Zayyan Abû cAmr Ibn al-cAlâ'. He was born in Makkah in the year 68 and grew up at Kûfah.) He died at 154 H. He reported from Mujâhid and Sacîd Ibn Jubayr and 'Ikrimah Ibn Khâlid al-Makhzûmî and 'Atâ' Ibn Abî Rabâh and Muhammad Ibn cAbd ar-Rahmân Ibn al-Muhaysin and Humayd Ibn Qays al-cA'raj and all are from Makkah.
      He also reported from Yazîd Ibn al-Qacqâc and Yazîd Ibn Rumân and Shaybah Ibn Nisâ' and all are from Madinah.
      He also reported from al-'Assan and Yahyâ Ibn Yacmur and others from Basrah.
      All these people took from the companions of the Prophet(P).[17]
      From him came two readings called as-Sûsi and ad-Dûrî.
      Qirâ'a from Basrah: From Basrah, the reading known as Yacqûb Ibn Ishâq al-Hadramî the companion of Shucbah (again). He reported from Abû cAmr and others.[18]
      Qirâ'a from Kûfah:The reading of Aasim Ibn Abî an-Najûd (cAasim Ibn Bahdalah Ibn Abî an-Najûd):
      He died in the year 127 or 128 H. He reported from Abû Abd ar-Rahmân as-Solammî and Zirr Ibn Hubaysh.
      Abû Abd ar-Rahmân reported from cUthmân and cAlî Ibn Abî Tâlib and 'Ubayy (Ibn Kacb) and Zayd (Ibn Thâbit).
      And Zirr reported from Ibn Mascud.[19]
      Two readings were repoted from cAasim: The famous one is Hafs, the other one is Shucbah.
      Qirâ'a from Kûfah: The reading of Hamzah Ibn Habîb (from Kûfah as well)
      Hamzah was born in the year 80 H and died in the year 156 H. He reported from Muhammad Ibn Abd ar-Rahmân Ibn Abî Laylâ (who reads the reading of Alî Ibn Abî Tâlib (RA), according to the book of Ibn Mujâhid called al-Sabcah - The Seven - page 74) and Humrân Ibn A'yan and Abî Ishâq as-Sabî'y and Mansur Ibn al-Mu'tamir and al-Mughîrah Ibn Miqsam and Ja'far Ibn Muhammad Ibn Alî Ibn Abî Tâlib from the Prophet(P).[20]
      Qirâ'a from Kûfah: The reading of al-'Amash from Kûfah as well:
      He reported from Yahyâ Ibn Waththâb from 'Alqamah and al-'Aswad and 'Ubayd Ibn Nadlah al-Khuzâ'y and Abû cAbd ar-Rahmân as-Sulamî and Zirr ibn Hubaysh and all reported from Ibn Mascud.[21]
      Qirâ'a from Kûfah: The reading of cAli Ibn Hamzah al-Kisâ'i known as al-Kisâ'i from Kûfah.
      He died in the year 189 H. He reported from Hamzah (the previous one) and cIesâ Ibn cUmar and Muhammad Ibn cAbd ar-Rahmân Ibn Abî Laylâ and others.[22]
      To be continued to Section 3 of 4

    • @mhebaticamat9462
      @mhebaticamat9462 2 года назад +3

      Section 3 of 4:
      Now our discussion will be on Hafs and Warsh Qirâ'ât.
      The Christian missionary Jochen Katz had claimed that Hafs and Warsh Qirâ'ât are different 'versions' of the Qur'an. A concise and interesting article that the missionary had used to reach such a conclusion can be found in the book Approaches of The History of Interpretation of The Qur'an. Ironically, it contained an article by Adrian Brockett, titled "The Value of Hafs And Warsh Transmissions For The Textual History Of The Qur'an", which sheds some light on various aspects of differences between the two recitations. It is also worth noting that, in contrast to Mr. Katz, Brockett used the word transmission rather than text for these two modes of recitations. Some highlights from the article are reproduced below.
      Brockett states:
      In cases where there are no variations within each transmission itself, certain differences between the two transmissions, at least in the copies consulted, occur consistently throughout. None of them has any effect in the meaning.[23]
      The author demarcates the transmissions of Hafs and Warsh into differences of vocal form and the differences of graphic form. According Brockett:
      Such a division is clearly made from a written standpoint, and on its own is unbalanced. It would be a mistake to infer from it, for instance, that because "hamza" was at first mostly outside the graphic form, it was therefore at first also outside oral form. The division is therefore mainly just for ease of classification and reference.[24]
      Regarding the graphic form of this transmission, he further states:
      On the graphic side, the correspondences between the two transmissions are overwhelmingly more numerous than differences, often even with oddities like ayna ma and aynama being consistently preserved in both transmissions, and la'nat allahi spelt both with ta tawila and ta marbuta in the same places in both transmissions as well, not one of the graphic differences caused the Muslims any doubts about the faultlessly faithful transmission of the Qur'an.[25]
      And on the vocal side of the transmission the author's opinion is:
      On the vocal side, correspondences between the two transmissions again far and away outnumber the differences between them, even with the fine points such as long vowels before hamzat at-qat having a madda. Also, not one of the differences substantially affects the meaning beyond its own context... All this point to a remarkably unitary transmission in both its graphic form and its oral form.[26]
      He also discusses the Muslims' and orientalists' attitude towards the graphic transmission:
      Many orientalists who see the Qur'an as only a written document might think that in the graphic differences can be found significant clues about the early history of the Qur'an text - if cUthmân issued a definitive written text, how can such graphic differences be explained, they might ask. For Muslims, who see the Qur'an as an oral as well as a written text, however, these differences are simply readings, certainly important, but no more so than readings involving, for instances, fine differences in assimilation or in vigour of pronouncing the hamza.[27]
      Brockett goes so far as to provide examples with which the interested reader can carry out an extended analysis. Thus, he states:
      The definitive limit of permissible graphic variation was, firstly, consonantal disturbance that was not too major, then unalterability in meaning, and finally reliable authority.
      In the section titled, "The Extent To Which The Differences Affect The Sense", the author repeats the same point:
      The simple fact is that none of the differences, whether vocal or graphic, between the transmission of Hafs and the transmission of Warsh has any great effect on the meaning. Many are the differences which do not change the meaning at all, and the rest are differences with an effect on the meaning in the immediate context of the text itself, but without any significant wider influence on Muslim thought.[28]
      The above is supported by the following:
      Such then is the limit of the variation between these two transmissions of the Qur'an, a limit well within the boundaries of substantial exegetical effect. This means that the readings found in these transmissions are most likely not of exegetical origin, or at least did not arise out of crucial exegetigal dispute. They are therefore of the utmost value for the textual history of the Qur'an.[29]
      And interestingly enough the author went on to say:
      The limits of their variation clearly establish that they are a single text.[30]
      Furthermore, we read:
      Thus, if the Qur'an had been transmitted only orally for the first century, sizeable variations between texts such as are seen in the hadîth and pre-Islamic poetry would be found, and if it had been transmitted only in writing, sizeable variations such as in the different transmissions of the original document of the constitution of Medina would be found. But neither is the case with the Qur'an. There must have been a parallel written transmission limiting variation in the oral transmission to the graphic form, side by side with a parallel oral transmission preserving the written transmission from corruption.[31]
      The investigation led to another conviction:
      The transmission of the Qur'an after the death of Muhammad was essentially static, rather than organic. There was a single text, and nothing significant, not even allegedly abrogated material, could be taken out nor could anything be put in.[32]
      Finally, we would like to establish Adrian Brockett's conclusion on this matter:
      There can be no denying that some of the formal characteristics of the Qur'an point to the oral side and others to the written side, but neither was as a whole, primary. There is therefore no need to make different categories for vocal and graphic differences between transmissions. Muslims have not. The letter is not a dead skeleton to be refleshed, but is a manifestation of the spirit alive from beginning. The transmission of the Qur'an has always been oral, just as it has been written.[33]
      Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Christian missionaries like Jochen Katz find themselves "refleshing" a dead skeleton in order to comply with their missionary program of outright deception. Of course, regular participants in the newsgroups have time and again witnessed Jochen's tiring displays of dialectical acrobatics - the misquoting of references and the juggling of facts. Surprisingly enough, missionary Katz cannot even support his point of view using the reference [23], which undermines his missionary agenda of twisting the facts. The reference [23] has firmly established that:
      • There is only one Qur'an,
      • The differences in recitation are divinely revealed, not invented by humans
      • The indisputable conclusion that the Qur'an was not tampered with.
      A few centuries ago, the Qurra, or reciters of the Qur'an, used to take pride in reciting all seven Qirâ'ât. In light of this fact, we decided to make an informal inquiry into some the Qurra who recite in different Qirâ'ât. Two brothers confirmed the following:
      Date: 18 Sep 1997 13:44:37 -0700
      From: Moustafa Mounir Elqabbany
      Newsgroups: soc.religion.islam
      I (the author) can confirm that al-Husarî did in fact record the entire Qur'an in Warsh, as I have the recording in my possession. A Somali brother also indicated to me that he has a copy of the Qur'an recited in Al-Doori ('an Abî cAmr) recited, again, by al-Husarî. The Qur'an is very widely read and recorded in Qawloon in Libya and Tunisia, so it shouldn't be difficult to acquire those Qirâ'ât either.
      And another brother corroborated the following in a private e-mail:
      Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 21:59:24 +0100
      From: Mohamed Ghoniem
      To: Metallica
      Subject: Re: readings
      Well, before al-Husary, Abdel Bassit Abdus Samad has recorded the entire Qur'an in Warsh and many cassettes and CDs are on sale everywhere in the Egypt and in France as well. I personally have in Cairo many recordings of other readers such as Sayyed Mutawally and Sayyed Sa'eed exclusively in Warsh. I have seen several cassettes in the reading of Hamzah (from Khalaf's way) on sale in Egypt and I have bought a couple of them during this summer. They were recorded by Sheikh 'Antar Mosallam.
      Presently, I have got two CDs recorded by Sheikh Abdel Bassit gathering three readings (Hafs, Warsh and Hamzah). These CDs belong to a series of six CDs on sale publicly in France in the fnac stores.
      To be continued to Section 4 of 4

  • @user-vk8ec8mf9l
    @user-vk8ec8mf9l 2 года назад +9

    اللهمَّ صلِّ على محمَّد وعلى آل محمَّد، كما صليتَ على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم؛ إنَّك حميدٌ مجيد. اللهمَّ بارِك على محمَّد وعلى آل محمَّد، كما باركتَ على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم؛ إنَّك حميدٌ مجيد

  • @aboizz6233
    @aboizz6233 2 года назад +2

    Keep up the good work May Allah grant us strength and patient inshallah peace and blessings 🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸

  • @mohiuddinahmed1839
    @mohiuddinahmed1839 2 года назад +2

    You aer a broadminded person that's why i salute you sister. Peace be upon you!❤️❤️❤️

  • @sicknessmotion1807
    @sicknessmotion1807 2 года назад +4

    I love watching religion related topic with you, coz im also learning and get mind blown u know.. hahaha keep it up. Haters gonna hate..

  • @w.2550
    @w.2550 2 года назад +4

    One of my favorite videos you react to is Ahmed Deedat’s

  • @harrykuffal6516
    @harrykuffal6516 2 года назад +2

    Hi Sis. continue and proceed your study and learning on this. May God guide you to the right path

  • @yaelahyanz3350
    @yaelahyanz3350 2 года назад +1

    You are so open minded.. Love and respect for you

  • @bollokserrok7634
    @bollokserrok7634 2 года назад +3

    Keep learning..i hope someday you will convert to islam..goodluck from🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾

  • @shuaybgallo_abufadwa
    @shuaybgallo_abufadwa 2 года назад +10

    Regarding Mr deedat not quoting the entire verses, remember his argument is that. Will GoD reveal such atrocious verses in a Holy book?

  • @abdulelahkhunji6871
    @abdulelahkhunji6871 2 года назад +1

    Thanks to support Islam .. 👍🏻❤️

  • @Meer101
    @Meer101 2 года назад +10

    The earliest full manuscript of the Bible is 400 years after Jesus , (you can research it)
    The earliest Manuscript of the Bible is a credit card size of one or two verses on it, it is from the second century. I want you to react on Bart Erman videos , he's a Christian scholar.

    • @XaeeD
      @XaeeD 2 года назад

      Yeah P52 is a fragment that contains some lines from the Gospel of John, and it's the oldest manuscript of the NT that has reached us. It's dated from somewhere around 70 C.E. to 100+ C.E.. I believe it contains around 140 letters or so, and what's most noticeable is that there's two words missing that are found in later manuscripts of the same text. This is quite significant, because there's already a change in the text from the oldest known extant fragment of the Gospel of John. Two words (missing) out of a 140 letters text isn't a small detail either. Percentage wise, it's a huge difference.
      As for full manuscripts of the Bible, I'm not sure if you're correct. I know that the Books of Kings from the Tanakh in their completed form are known from manuscripts that come centuries after Islam. Imagine that. Here's the Old Testament, and the oldest extant manuscripts that contain the complete Books of Kings as we know it today are several hundred years younger than Islam. You'll find this again and again, by the way. Whenever sceptics and critics claim that the Qur'an was copying texts from Jewish sources, more often than not, you'll find that those sources are younger than Islam, meaning that if we're going by chronology and extant manuscripts, it's more likely that those sources were copying the Qur'an, and not the other way around. For example, a Christian might tell you that the Quranic story of the crows/ravens scratching the soil to show one brother how to bury the body of the other brother, was taken from Jewish folklore. When you trace it to its source, it turns out that the Jewish version was written long after the time of Muhammad(saw), and is merely attributed to a pre-Islamic source. The evidence, however; meaning in the form of extant manuscripts, shows that the Jewish version comes much later than the Quranic story, making it more likely that the Jews copied the story from the Qur'an. So be aware of that whenever Christians use plagiarism as an argument.

  • @AhmedAlAttarGM
    @AhmedAlAttarGM 2 года назад +1

    رحمة الله عليك واسكنك فسيح جناته يارب
    احمد ديدات

  • @meshakhan912
    @meshakhan912 2 года назад

    you are not idiot ...you are intelligent than more ...you go girl...prayers are for you ...may you guided inshAllah soon ❣️❣️🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰❣️❣️

  • @youtubegoldzone1851
    @youtubegoldzone1851 2 года назад

    You are not stupid. you are clever girl. and hero.

  • @mohammadkadori5040
    @mohammadkadori5040 2 года назад +1

    Thank you very much you are very open minded

  • @mylastwords4you
    @mylastwords4you 2 года назад

    Keep it up.. it may be you way to jannah inshaa Allah

  • @shuaybgallo_abufadwa
    @shuaybgallo_abufadwa 2 года назад +1

    Assalaamualaykum me there are different Translations of the quraan but only one version thereof.the different Translations depend on choice of words by the translator. Example one translator may use the word HOUSE wheereas another translation may use the word DWELLING . Both meaning the sane

  • @shuaybgallo_abufadwa
    @shuaybgallo_abufadwa 2 года назад +1

    Assalaamualaykum. You doing good Rukia

  • @mubashshiralikhan253
    @mubashshiralikhan253 2 года назад +2

    Keep going sister insha allah

    • @aliabdi450
      @aliabdi450 2 года назад

      Don't call her sister.....she knows wht she is and u don't know what she is ... a Golddiger

    • @mubashshiralikhan253
      @mubashshiralikhan253 2 года назад +1

      @@aliabdi450 brother we are muslim
      We do not say such kind of things .show your kind so she see who are muslims really are one who never insult other.ones who never hit others by hand and tongue...bro❤️❤️

  • @zairibhikers6773
    @zairibhikers6773 2 года назад

    Assalamu alikum sister.. yes that verse is proverbs 31 6 and onward read it

  • @3nalaa3antar67
    @3nalaa3antar67 2 года назад

    Hi rukia 🌻✋the quran is one version... In all of the world from the time of our prophet muhammad peace be upon him.. Go anywhere to saudi arabia ro algeria.. Morocco.. Tunisia.. Indonesia.. India.. Go anywhere phillipine... Anywhere.. The quran is the same we will read it the same with arabic... From the time of our prophet... Because allah protect it in people mind.. He make it easy to memorize and he say it in the quran.. Even it's a big book but it's easy to memories with arabic even.. There a lot of people who do not speak arabic but they memorize the quran.. Like ahmed deedat he don't speak arabic but as you see he memorize the quran which is the miracle of our prophet muhammad peace be upon him...

  • @walimajdubofficial8292
    @walimajdubofficial8292 2 года назад +49

    If you say ahmad dedat quoted bible verses out of context, why is pastor stenly unable to answer it when he is an expert?

    • @albertyakubu3477
      @albertyakubu3477 2 года назад

      Did you care to find out why he lost his speech for nine years before he died?

    • @FlyGuy8601
      @FlyGuy8601 2 года назад +3

      @@albertyakubu3477 stroke.So many people got strokes so many people get sick and DIED so what’s the problem?He is a human being just like Jesus.Human get sick and died.If that’s determined your faith,congrats to dig your grave to hell.Pastor can’t answer his question and your answer is because of his strokes?Lol

    • @albertyakubu3477
      @albertyakubu3477 2 года назад

      @@FlyGuy8601 Just like my JESUS CHRIST? or your annabi isah salam? whatever, just like Islam call him. deedat like isah? This is the breed of people deedat has gullibly used religion to convince thru religion cliches and intellectualism, i.e he is also exalted to the level of God incarnated in Jesus? an height of apostasy and profanity. Lucifer was an exalted angelic being but he chose to exalt himself to the level of God and God brought him down. My question to deedat's fans and you is this, could it be that deedat was brought under earth when he exalted himself by criticizing the Bible? I know all people die at some points but is deedat's(An expert on Comparison Religion) death compared to that of Jesus? of cause he also said Islam believes His death and resurrection and his coming back. I believe an orator of allah like him rather died, without a miracle, too early minus nine years lost of speech, considering his impact to the Islamic world. Concerning pastors not answering deedat's question does not proof his points right. The idea is the SPIRIT of GOD that gives understanding you can be a baby christian and God's Spirit gives you sharper discernment than the Theologians, the Bible said, out of the mouth of babies and suckling I have ordained praise.....that they may silence the mouth of deedat, lol 😂🤣😂(Psalm 8:2, paraphrased). The man without the SPIRIT does not understand the things of God because they are spiritually discerned therefore the Bible was written not to you, deedat or muslims but to Christian because only them have the seal of God's Spirit. Please, repent and be born again you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. SHALOM.

    • @skyking297
      @skyking297 2 года назад +1

      @@albertyakubu3477 Deedat spoke well that no christien till date born enough to answer his question.....if u compare his disease just like bro "Zairul86" said thats just the crappy mentality of people.
      Well As a human yup "JESUS PBUH IS HUMAN" or was he alien according to ur BIBLES!?
      yes as a human being "Deedat well not just deedat everyhuman is like jesus" oops i can say it like this too (Jesus is a human too....like me)......if he(jesus) falls and his knees gets hurt then he can feel the the pain just like all humans do.
      its "nabi isa alayhis salatthu wassalam" or "isa ibn mariyam".
      i dont understand the "exalted,apostasy&profanity" point can u plz explain it simply(im not that much good in english yet im trying my level best to answer you)!?
      "SATAN EXALT HIMSELF TO THE LEVEL OF GOD" thats what bible says!?
      i heard he was cursed by god bcuz of his shitty pride,ego&racism.
      Before humans creation Azazil aka lucifer is the only creation which understood most who&what god is(higher level conciouness) and he praised and worshipped god more than anyone......according to islam he was cursed bcuz he disobeyed the command of god with pride,ego&racism which he shown towards first human adam pbuh.
      According to islam(in hadith) "Before thrown into earth satan said(dared) to god i promise in ur might and power to lead humankind to ashtray".
      with this hadith we understand "He knows that the god is the exalted one and high but the creation of mankind he cant accept it but never in one place he calls himself "im greater than god".......i wont say he is a good guy but he clearly knows who is he and who is god is.
      "Im greater than ur new creation which is humans and u create him with clay&water and u created me with smokless fire....so im superior".
      and he(satan) will say at the day of judgement:-
      And Satan will say ˹to his followers˺ after the judgment has been passed, “Indeed, Allah has made you a true promise. I too made you a promise, but I failed you. I did not have any authority over you. I only called you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; blame yourselves. I cannot save you, nor can you save me. Indeed, I denounce your previous association of me with Allah ˹in loyalty˺. Surely the wrongdoers will suffer a painful punishment.”..quran 14:22.
      No one knows what is "exalted" means except the soul of the humanbeing(before soul breathed into the human body every soul knows who allah is)......i dont think criticizing the "condradiction&corruption is a bad thing" do u!?
      Mr.deedat ever criticized the god!?
      did he criticize mary!?
      did he criticize jesus teachings!?
      he only criticize authors who put their hands on bible and add&removed whatever they want and quran says to those kind of authors:-
      So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah ," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn....quran 2:79.
      we dont know how jesus pbuh will die...so we cant say it clearly.
      every human beings death is different....yup i agree.
      Islam says "Jesus never died nor crucified,he was raised by allah the most gracious the most mercifull"
      why did u say something which he(deedat)dont said.
      deedat said "we believe jesus ascended to heaven and we believe in his second coming and we believe his as a messiah".
      where did mr.deedat said "islam believes jesus death&resurrection" can u show the proof!?
      "orator of allah like him died without miracle too early minus nine years lost of speech.....,,,blah blah blah"
      what r u blabbering mate!?say it clearly.
      when someone asks a question u must answer.....deedat dont ask question to brainless christien he asked question to a "PASTOR" mate......the one who teaches bible to everyone and he dont answer his question means "1.pastor not educated enough" or "2.know the answer but dont want to accept it"......ofcourse its a proof mate.
      bcuz the who deedat aasked question is not some normal christien he asked question to "PASTOR".
      And finally just like every christiens u pulled ur MYSTRY CARD which is "U DONT HAVE HOLY SPIRIT&JESUS IS DIVINE IS MYSTRY&U NEED TO BORN AGAIN" mate tell those crappy excuses to ur chrsitien sect brother.....Bcuz we dont have versions in quran but u have versions in bible.....again u will say "Holy spirit this and that" which "holy spirit is talking truth in bible" protestant holyspirit or catholic holy spirit or orthodox holy spirit or trinitarians holy spirit or unitarians holy spirit or johovahwitnessess holy spirit......,,, so which one!?.....dont tell us those kind of lame excuses.
      psalm 8:2 well u can say the pastor satanly name😂😂😂✌👍.
      How can u twist ur bibles word by saying deedat!?
      Are u misusing ur bible to mock others!?
      well u should say that to jews then u can hear their beautiful answer.
      "God strengthed(supported) prophets&messengers with holyspirit aka gabriel or gibreel AS".......not normal humans bcuz u follow what ur prophet or messenger teaches.
      so u dont need the support of holyspirit to understand something......bcuz ur prophet or messenger already understanded that something with the support of holy spirit and teached U but ur mistake is "u corrupted it,contradict it,add&removed verses for ur own benefts aka not preserved it well or u dont have the way to preserve it correctly".
      one more question mate "u said us to born again so god will bless us with holy spirit" "SO ARE U ASKING US TO DIE AND BORN AGAIN OR ARE U ASKING US TO CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY!?"

    • @skyking297
      @skyking297 2 года назад

      call protestants,catholics,trinitarians,unitarians,orthodox,jehovahswitness.....,,,,all christiendom sects around the world and ask them simple question "WHAT IS THE BASIC BELIEF AKA FOUNDATION OF CHRISTIANITY"!?
      +Publish their answers in world wide media.....those fools will fight&blame one another for dont having "HOLY SPIRIT" and ask one another to be "BORN AGAIN".....such a hypocrites😂😂😂✌
      Before going to talk about love,care,mercy,justice.....,,,,first talk what is ur "FOUNDATION" and prove us ur foundation is "STRONG".
      For ex:-if u ask any muslims around the world "WHAT IS ISLAM!?" those who have knowledge will answer "La ilaha illallah;muhammeder rasulullah" (TO WORHTY TO WORSHIP ALLAH IS ONE;MOHAMMED IS THE SERVANT&FINAL MESSENGER OF ALLAH).
      simple right.
      If christianity is not a religion of COFUSION then give us the straight answer.
      Is father fully god!?
      if the answer is yes then u have one who is worthy to worship.

  • @enchesoya9214
    @enchesoya9214 2 года назад +2

    Love to see your reaction about Bible according to Christian historian perspective... I'm a Muslim but I love to watch Dr Bart Erhman videos... Maybe you n the sub's can learn something about it....

  • @axxiii8337
    @axxiii8337 2 года назад

    wish you all the best

  • @RASH_TheBandit
    @RASH_TheBandit 2 года назад +1

    The deniers of the truth have sealed their hearts and when the truth comes to them; it doesn't enter the heart.
    You implore the Almighty to open your hearts, to grant you guidance and a way to the truth.

  • @stronggirl3787
    @stronggirl3787 2 года назад +5

    I would like to give you an advice that kindly if you want to study about any religion don't look at the followers of that religion rather look into the holy scriptures (books) . Love you

  • @officialkhairallah8006
    @officialkhairallah8006 2 года назад +3

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته جميعًا

  • @Nawfel.88
    @Nawfel.88 2 года назад

    I am dead again LOL with the comment about the comments section loool ! Keep it up rukia :D

  • @BrJD-ii4iv
    @BrJD-ii4iv Год назад

    It’s not a few religions or denominations but the vast majority (99%) of religions that is about business.

  • @gdhn9137
    @gdhn9137 2 года назад

    It's true same thing happening in Some business mosque as we speak

  • @salims5420
    @salims5420 2 года назад

    One quran on Arabic since the time of prophet, but there is different translations but the original language is preserved no one can change a single letter. 1400 year no letter has been changed.

  • @hiddilamzah89
    @hiddilamzah89 2 года назад

    love you Rukia✌😍✌

  • @iftakharalamkhan6382
    @iftakharalamkhan6382 2 года назад

    U r right about ppl using religion to make as much money possible. This why ppl should learn about religions from primary sources instead of what everyone around them believe

  • @zealtypedcode3119
    @zealtypedcode3119 2 года назад +5

    you should follow (blogging theology channel) if you want to search for the truth
    May Allah Guides you to the Righteous path Insha'Allah

  • @shuaybgallo_abufadwa
    @shuaybgallo_abufadwa 2 года назад +1

    May Allaah guide you to the truth InShaa Alkaah

  • @kazeemanigege4031
    @kazeemanigege4031 2 года назад +1

    When the pastors are quoting in John 3 v 16, do they read the whole chapter.

  • @shahzadkhan-pv2gg
    @shahzadkhan-pv2gg 2 года назад

    Bible may be free for users but someone pays the price of publishing, paper, and distribution it may be some wealthy person or some organizers.

  • @mutomubaya
    @mutomubaya 2 года назад

    Sister. You have done very good to educate us concering the most important subject in human life that they know Who Allah is. Allah has guided Sheikh Ahmed Deedat to save human beings from The kind of people we see are out to guide people the wrong way. Yet you say you are now confused? Allah exsist. Pray. Ask Him to guide you to Understand Islam.

  • @__sametbilgin__7504
    @__sametbilgin__7504 2 года назад +1

    Şanışer reaction pleaseee

  • @janatullahjanatullahj6370
    @janatullahjanatullahj6370 2 года назад +2

    Sister may Allah guide you sister understand the importance of your life

    • @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad
      @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad 2 года назад +1

      Quran 4:11 "Allah instructs you concerning your children: for the male, what is equal to the share of TWO females."
      Qur'an 4:34-Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and SCOURGE them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great.
      Sahih al-Bukhari 2658-The Prophet said: "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The women said: "Yes." He said: "This is because of the DEFICIENCY of her mind".
      Sahih al-Bukhari 3241- The Prophet said, "I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women."

    • @kabobz
      @kabobz 2 года назад

      @@ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad Twisting Allah's words and the hadiths is deficiency in you not in the Holy Book and teachings of the prophet peace be upon him.

    • @kabobz
      @kabobz 2 года назад

      @@ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad there is a vers in the Quran for people like you.
      Chp18: vrs56
      We do not send the messengers except as deliverers of good news and warners. But the disbelievers argue in falsehood, ˹hoping˺ to discredit the truth with it, and make a mockery of My revelations and warnings.

    • @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad
      @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad 2 года назад

      @@kabobz How can anyone twist allah's words, because Allah is the best deceiver, and no one can compete with him (Quran 3:54).
      Arabic: ومكروا ومكر الله والله خير الماكرين
      English: And they cheated/deceived and God cheated/deceived, and God (is) the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers.

    • @mhebaticamat9462
      @mhebaticamat9462 2 года назад

      Shifting from one topic/issue to another as the last and final resort after failing severely and miserably to prove any against the truth of the so-called 'ISLAM' (Allah, Qur’an, prophet Muhammad (pbuh), etc., and any single thing that matters or relates to), the only real true religion on earth?
      • QUR'AN?
      By 'cherry-picking' any single verse of the Qur'an by chance by taking the actual meaning of the cherry-picked verse out of its original context (by twisting, lying, slandering, etc.) as a pretext by means of mocking, degrading, maligning, etc. the real truth of ISLAM, Qur'an, prophet Muhammad, etc?
      By 'cherry-picking' any single verse of the Qur'an 'partially' (and not as a whole 'verses' instead) by chance by taking the actual meaning of the cherry-picked verse out of its original context as a pretext by means of mocking, degrading, maligning, etc. the real truth of ISLAM, Qur'an, prophet Muhammad, etc?
      • HADITH?
      By 'cherry-picking' any single out of all those 'weak' and 'false' hadiths (sayings/narrations) by chance by taking and using it (the cherry-picked statement) as a tool (as a pretext) by means of mocking, degrading, maligning, etc. the real truth of ISLAM, Qur'an, prophet Muhammad, etc?
      By 'cherry-picking' any single 'statement' of the hadith 'partially' (and not as a whole 'statement' instead) by chance by taking the actual meaning of the cherry-picked statement out of its original context as a pretext by means of mocking, degrading, maligning, etc. the real truth of ISLAM, Qur'an, prophet Muhammad, etc?
      By doing it intentionally, in which, it's all due to none other than the ‘hatred’ and 'jealousy' by lying, slandering, twisting, etc. by means of degrading, maligning, ruining, etc. the real truth of ISLAM?
      By blindly believing by browsing through all those fully-biased non-Muslim haters and liars' websites and channels intentionally for (obtaining) false, fabricated interpolated information, biographies, made-up stories, tales, myths, etc. as a tool (as a pretext) by means of mocking, degrading, maligning, ruining, etc. the real truth of ISLAM?
      By dumbly listening and merely believing to any single non-Muslim’s liar, slanderer, hater, etc. and hearsay?
      Here! See below:
      @ Fact: The Qur'an and hadith:
      Qur'an, the one true word of Allah (The Creator), Lord of the worlds, is one single thing. While hadiths, all the words of the Creator's creations (humans) is another single thing. Both, are just 2 different things/matters. Absolutely fact!
      Allah (The Al-Mighty) Says:
      • "Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian."
      [Noble Qur'an, Surah Al-Hijr 15:9]
      Note: The Qur’an is perfectly preserved.
      While on the other occasion;
      Instead of all those 'authentic' ones, there are tens of hundreds of thousands of 'weak' and 'false' hadiths (sayings/narrations) in here and out there scattering around all over the place across the globe. That's fact!
      For example, Anis Shorrosh, a well-known Arab missionary, says:
      ‘... Bukhari, collected twenty thousand of them, of which he rejected ten thousand, accounting them untrue. •Of the remaining ten thousand he accepted only 7,275, declaring the rest to be untrustworthy•. Abu Da'ud accepted authentic only 4,800 rules out of 50,000.[1]
      Similarly we find Norman Geisler and Abdul Saleeb claiming that:
      '...Bukhari, considered to be the most reliable collector, admitted that of the 300,000 hadith he collected, he considered only 100,000 might be true. He then narrowed this number down to 7,275, many of which are repetitions so that the total number is in fact near 3,000. •That means that even he admitted there were errors in over 295,000 of them•![2]'
      'As to the abundance of the apocryphal traditions, we learn that the famous authority al-Bukhari choose only 7,000 out of a host of 600,000 traditions that were current in his time.[4]'
      *NOTE: 'Fact-proof and evidence' is all it takes. That’s what ‘truth’ is all about actually!

  • @ItzFawaz-
    @ItzFawaz- 2 года назад +1

    Honestly churches nowadays is a business especially here in Nigeria

    • @johnmajid1215
      @johnmajid1215 2 года назад

      World 🌍 wide church and preacher are exploring it for money and other things

  • @pizzwithu4064
    @pizzwithu4064 2 года назад

    Bibble is book from paul. They took what they like and trown out what they dont like. And christian interpret what they like. Its like political

  • @obakh222
    @obakh222 2 года назад +1

    You will not get LOST with Al Quran.

  • @mokhalidansari3569
    @mokhalidansari3569 2 года назад

    You should also watch
    Christian brusted in tears after Yusuf Estes answered his question.
    Hope you like it.

  • @jaiferkhalifa6829
    @jaiferkhalifa6829 2 года назад

    Sister we as musilms love you and we pray to allah to guide you to the truth and pot his mercy and love in to your life.

  • @marnomarno543
    @marnomarno543 2 года назад

    not all but it is true, religion nowadays is a business...

  • @elsayedaleisawi6025
    @elsayedaleisawi6025 2 года назад


  • @abubacarrtrawally7241
    @abubacarrtrawally7241 2 года назад

    keep reacting

  • @whyz63
    @whyz63 2 года назад

    the wholle context sis

  • @axmedabdi2163
    @axmedabdi2163 Год назад

    It's good to open ur eye so that u will know the truth sister

  • @Peace-bn4iy
    @Peace-bn4iy 2 года назад


  • @precilianingrum1420
    @precilianingrum1420 2 года назад

    Quran still stay in Its origin (Arabic), All muslim read Quran in Arabic (all muslim also study How to read quran in arabic) n all muslim try to memorize each word front Quran (in Arabic) n many of trem already memorize all of the Quran Surah (Thats why they will know if someone change it altough it just a word), Quran still same consist of 30 chapters (114 Surahs, 6666 Ayahs) with same arangement word by word, Ayah by ayah..thats why u will never find Quran in other version, all muslim will have same memorize verse by verse (they not memorize in translations, translation will have slight/much diferent meaning with the origin), try ask several muslim to read quran in same Ayah (verse) u will find they refer to the same ayah same word same language (altough those muslim from Asia, europe etc), To make it easier to understand Quran, many Quran equipped with translation..but read the Quran is read in the arabic verse..not the translation..thats why Quran still preserve/unchange until now

  • @toufiq-ul-alam6475
    @toufiq-ul-alam6475 2 года назад

    Yes...Religion has become a means of making money by appealing to the emotion of people.

  • @zealtypedcode3119
    @zealtypedcode3119 2 года назад +9

    Quran is only One Book which is proven by all theologist to be preserved for more than 1400 years
    and also there is a copy in Birmingham library Which carbon dated to be traced back to days of the prophet peace be upon him which is identical word by word by the copies we have now
    That's a fact by the way

    • @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad
      @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad 2 года назад

      There are 37 variant qurans, so it is not perfectly preserved. Farid and Yasir Qadhi acknowledge this. ruclips.net/video/mug2bojyQr8/видео.html

    • @mrhodeifa7449
      @mrhodeifa7449 2 года назад

      Mr. Covid, I assume you are an intelectual, could you give one hint of example please?

    • @zealtypedcode3119
      @zealtypedcode3119 2 года назад

      @@ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad study or research about it Arabic brother then talk it's not a variant it's different type or style of writing of the same word same meaning
      also Quran was written in leather or paper which was scarce and expensive in Arab peninsula at that time they had to remove the content off scrub it then write Quran over it
      Again read about the tribes of that time 95% of them were literate so they were an oral civilization who can memorize pages and pages of poetry as an example and did narrated it to the masses so I believe Quran has preserved orally and by writing also
      today we have millions who memorize the whole Quran from cover to cover by (اسناد)meaning chain of narration to the prophet himself

    • @zealtypedcode3119
      @zealtypedcode3119 2 года назад

      @@ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad search different Qur'anic recitation styles same word same meaning different phonics different pronunciation (dialect ) is the nearest word to describe my meaning

    • @mohammadkadori5040
      @mohammadkadori5040 2 года назад

      @@ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad FULL OF IGNORENCE 💯💯💥

  • @ikhsanfadillah9689
    @ikhsanfadillah9689 2 года назад

    Ignore what people say. Just believe in one god and believe muhammad is messenger of god

  • @abdulelahkhunji6871
    @abdulelahkhunji6871 2 года назад +1

    If Shaikh Ahmed deedat not coating the whole verse in the Bible his opponent is there and he should answer him, he is not sitting near an ignorant person 😄

  • @stronggirl3787
    @stronggirl3787 2 года назад

    There is only 1 Quran sent by true God (Allah) yes there are different translations like in Urdu in Hindi in English in french in Korean etc and also different styles of reading Quran but there is only 1 Quran where ever you go in the world you will find just 1 Quran by the way love your positive thinking and reactions may Allah bless you ameen

  • @amnaal9007
    @amnaal9007 2 года назад

    if your lost and you believe in god ask him direct god guide me tothe straight path and don't make me confused this will help you try it with all your heart ask him god only

  • @mohammadkadori5040
    @mohammadkadori5040 2 года назад

    15:53 Yes please do react to that video that video is more important it gives you both sides

  • @sunilwankhade9185
    @sunilwankhade9185 2 года назад

    I'm not gonna explain much but for those who wants the truth , here it is
    Hindu / Saintmat : He alone is poor who doesn't have the naam( word , logos mentioned by Jesus in bible).
    - saint kabir
    Quran: Mentioned one god as Nuktaye su ved. Means naam / the word , holy ghost or logos
    Bible: In the beginning there was a word , the word was with GOD and the word was god.
    All these names mentioned , The Word or holy ghost in bible , Naam in saint mat in India and It is also mentioned in Quran , is the GOD. Call it GOD , Allah, Paramishwar( God in Indian language) .
    So what's the Summery? It is that God is one and only one. It's that Devine Naam. It's inside of us.
    That's the truth.

  • @thenightrunner486
    @thenightrunner486 2 года назад +1

    for muslims, religion is not business. it may be like that for you.

  • @adillion122
    @adillion122 2 года назад

    There is one quran the same quran from the prophet s days till today. The same quran written in old and new books. Same quran from teacher to student by kept by heart. Many muslims that learned quran by heart todays still have their chaine of teachers till to prophet.

    • @adillion122
      @adillion122 2 года назад

      Thank u for this video. I want to tell something my friend. I m native arabic. I v read quran o lot of times warch hafs kaloon ibn kathir. All this qiraat. It s the same quran same words but some few differents prononciations. That all. And i challenge u give just one word that exist in one qiraa that doesnt exist in others qiraat. Hope u look for the truth and dont accept what those liars say in this video.

  • @ahmadshukrirazak1968
    @ahmadshukrirazak1968 2 года назад


  • @Utube110
    @Utube110 2 года назад

    Lucky for the Muslim there have the Arabic Quran (114 chapters) as the authentic reference. Then as Jesus follower, where the authentic reference we can use to counter check the English translation bible. Please answer this question

  • @Zakaria.Elbarbary
    @Zakaria.Elbarbary 2 года назад

    Hudhaifah ibn al-Yaman came to Uthman, may God be pleased with him, and was fighting with the people of Syria in conquest of Armenia and Azerbaijan with the people of Iraq. I realized this nation before they differed in the book as the Jews and Christians differed! So Uthman sent to Hafsah to send us the newspapers, so that we could transcribe them into the Qur’an and then return them to you. So Hafsa sent it to Uthman, and he ordered Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr, Saeed bin Al-Aas, and Abd Al-Rahman bin Al-Harith bin Hisham, may God be pleased with them, so they copied them into the Quran. Uthman said to the three Qurashi men: If you and Zaid bin Thabit disagree about anything from the Qur’an, So write it in the language of the Quraish, for it was revealed in their tongue, so they did, even if they copied the pages of the Qur’an; Uthman, may God be pleased with him, returned the scrolls to Hafsa, so he sent to every horizon a copy of what they had copied, and ordered the rest of the Qur’an in every newspaper or copy of it to be burned.
    (The meaning of the word tongue is the accent, such as British English and American English).
    This is the same Qur’an that exists today as it is learned and memorized from one man to another, and obtaining a certificate for that called “ijazah” is that this person memorizes the Qur’an correctly and reads it correctly.
    This continues to this day.
    This is an example

  • @khadejaabdulrahaman1840
    @khadejaabdulrahaman1840 2 года назад

    The original goal for a religion is “how to live our life but by our creator“ so it’s not that important to follow a specific religion or have a specific name, the important thing is to worship god only And follow the words of god that will benefit us.

  • @mohammadkadori5040
    @mohammadkadori5040 2 года назад

    Ruqia please react to that longer video yes that what I wanted you to react to it please

  • @ivanft9194
    @ivanft9194 2 года назад

    You shouldn't feel confused and weird when you read the words of god... because we muslims never feel weird or confused when we read Qur'an.. may god bless you with the right path sister

  • @muhammadaslam7289
    @muhammadaslam7289 2 года назад

    rukia.... >

  • @StarGate960
    @StarGate960 2 года назад

    If theres no right and wrong how we identifying and measure the true it self
    If theres two statement which contradictive, must be both cannot be right..
    That's why we have look and search to get the truth it self
    Then use our mind and heart at the same time, side by side.. Which one make sense and not to these..

  • @zuzuriibrahim3072
    @zuzuriibrahim3072 2 года назад +1

    Translation n versions is different....translaltions is no problem at all

    • @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad
      @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad 2 года назад

      Translation is not the problem, 37 different versions is the problem ruclips.net/video/aYwwX5lc_ww/видео.html

    • @save_sudan_and_palestine
      @save_sudan_and_palestine 2 года назад

      @@ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad You are the problem!
      You know that All Qira'at which recognized by Muslims are from Allah
      and We know that from The Prophet Muhammad (saw) not from your liars

    • @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad
      @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad 2 года назад

      @@save_sudan_and_palestine Allah never spoke directly to mohammad - so where did mohammad get the quran from?

  • @Exahax101
    @Exahax101 2 года назад

    Rukia, react on dawah videos of sheikh uthman ibn farooq. His channel is one message foundation.

  • @gariskeras5167
    @gariskeras5167 2 года назад

    One alQuran de world

  • @mukhtarogle8969
    @mukhtarogle8969 2 года назад

    My sister's Rukia you are very clever and very intelligent by all means Amen.
    Please watch video debate between Muhammad Hijab and David Wood . You will love it .

  • @asaduzzamanasad3766
    @asaduzzamanasad3766 2 года назад

    Sister pls react to"Sura hujurat by Omar Hisham Al Arabi"

  • @chucklarock8010
    @chucklarock8010 2 года назад

    Quran only 1 version, but of course there are diffirent translation since not all muslims are arabs :D But the bible even in 1 language there are diffirent versions. That is the diffirence.

  • @charleswig8312
    @charleswig8312 2 года назад +1

    which quran is original?? duri, mukri, makri, udri, hafz or hamza?? aala is confused??

  • @zuzuriibrahim3072
    @zuzuriibrahim3072 2 года назад +10


    • @aliabdi450
      @aliabdi450 2 года назад

      Bro she don't care about Islam or Christianity....she came here thinking she would make money by posting the Great Ahmed dedat

    • @iqblaze7970
      @iqblaze7970 2 года назад +2

      @@aliabdi450 your comment could be a fitnah. we are not in her shoes.

  • @harisomar4338
    @harisomar4338 2 года назад

    The word you where looking for in 10:57 is "context" lol now you know. And also Ahmed Deedat never decieves people trying to avoid a context he always give the context if it´s something that will justifice the precive verse.. but Christians to be honest are the one who always reads there Bible without context..

  • @verryanthomas2809
    @verryanthomas2809 2 года назад

    If you want to whole chapter you can open your bible that already show in the video, if you want ahmad deedat read whole chapter maybe every video ahmad deedat record will be 1 hour or more LOL.
    Fyi A lot of muslim in the world can remember whole quran at all include translation

  • @stronggirl3787
    @stronggirl3787 2 года назад

    If you go to any masjid (mosque) they will never ever demand even a single dollar or even a single rupee from you infact the scholers just want you to learn more about Islam

  • @juantaylor5550
    @juantaylor5550 2 года назад

    I've many people say that religion has got the world messed up. but the fact of the matter is. people have got religion messed up. when a person offers there will in submition creator. not everyone who offers there will to the creator is guided by him. he chooses whom he pleases to guide into the esoteric meaning of the quran hidden in the allegorys and parables etc. then study the chronology of religions and the quran. and you will clearly see how people have messed up religion and not the otherway around...I'm going to say this about you! your bound to know...

  • @llesmajeursmaj2279
    @llesmajeursmaj2279 2 года назад

    In Arabic there's only one version, translated Quran has different versions for some other languages

    • @llesmajeursmaj2279
      @llesmajeursmaj2279 2 года назад

      @@Stp-n-r They're talking no sense, Qiraat isn't the same with versions, if you open any "alleged version" the verses Will be the same" the meaning will be overall the same, How someone who's not an Arab or has an advanced level on Arabic talk about something so important like the Quran.

    • @Stp-n-r
      @Stp-n-r 2 года назад

      @@llesmajeursmaj2279 it is only when Muslims are disparaging other religion that it makes sense? the man in the video is a former Salafist from Saudi and knowledgeable in Islamic matters. most Muslims don't even know the genesis of their religion. Agreed the Bible has different versions and is a collection of books, the words of God and Jesus teachings therein does not change.

    • @llesmajeursmaj2279
      @llesmajeursmaj2279 2 года назад

      @@Stp-n-r I'm Hafiz, that means I memorize the Quran and I know what I'm talking about, the Quran says that tte Ingeel (gospel) are there but tempered with, If you seek the bible in Aramaic the original language of the bible and you truly work with it you'll find yourself like Muslims and you gonna know that Jesus said that the final messenger peace be upon him gonna come and tell you things I won't be able to tell you know.
      We try hard to get our Christians back to the right way because the Quran asks us to do so.

  • @anselmotamel8397
    @anselmotamel8397 2 года назад

    The only one way to check what is being said by Ahmed Didat, Just check the bible. He is quoting according to tje contexto, só if you are opened minded, you get the truth. The bible is already changed. You can also check the Christians also, there are tritarian and unitária, if you ask why? No one bring the right answer.

  • @jungleking9703
    @jungleking9703 2 года назад

    There are currently 30+ different versions/readings/Qira'ats/ Qurans that exist in the world today.

    • @kazitawhid
      @kazitawhid 2 года назад

      Can you show me the versions of Quran like you said or name them......dont spread false words bro. There is only one Quran bro..😑😑😑😑

    • @save_sudan_and_palestine
      @save_sudan_and_palestine 2 года назад

      Quran is one even if versions/readings/Qira'ats differ because Quran revealed in 7 Ahrof!

    • @kazitawhid
      @kazitawhid 2 года назад +1

      @@save_sudan_and_palestine only holy book which is preserve and safe from man maid corruptions......Alhamdulillah 😊😊😊

    • @save_sudan_and_palestine
      @save_sudan_and_palestine 2 года назад +1

      @@kazitawhid Yes Bro!

    • @kazitawhid
      @kazitawhid 2 года назад

      @@save_sudan_and_palestine Alhamdulillah brother ❤️🤜🤛❤️

  • @save_sudan_and_palestine
    @save_sudan_and_palestine 2 года назад

    Even if Quran has 1000 of Qira'at no Problem!

  • @waleedalfitury
    @waleedalfitury 2 года назад +7

    Ma'am, there are no different versions of the Qur'an

    • @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad
      @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad 2 года назад +1

      There are 37 different versions of the quran. ruclips.net/video/mug2bojyQr8/видео.html

    • @save_sudan_and_palestine
      @save_sudan_and_palestine 2 года назад +1

      Let's compare versions of The Bible and Qira'at of Qu'ran
      1- Versions of Bible have differences in verses, I mean you can find a verse in version 1 and you can't find it in version 2.
      2- Qira'at don't have this, all verses are in all Qira'at even if the number is different but it still exist.
      3- Versions of Bible have big difference with each other and touch meaning of the text
      4- Qira'at as the name tell, it's just ways of reading Quran, it differs in how we pronounce words more than changing words themselves!
      5- a Version of The Bible don't recognize other versions of The Bible as they are true (from God)
      6- All Qira'at are came from 7 Ahrof (Dialects) of Quran which we have memorizers and manuscripts of them so each one is from Allah because The Quran revealed in 7 Ahrof as The Prophet (saw) so all of them are true!

    • @save_sudan_and_palestine
      @save_sudan_and_palestine 2 года назад +2

      @@ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad And stop liking your comments

    • @kabobz
      @kabobz 2 года назад

      @@ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad there is numerous translations, and 7 reading styles but not different versions. See link for more on this topic.

    • @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad
      @ThereIsNoGodbutMohammad 2 года назад +1

      @@save_sudan_and_palestine I'm not like you - I don't need to like my own comments.

  • @albertyakubu3477
    @albertyakubu3477 2 года назад

    Christianity is a religion of peace not violence that is why even an Islamic body is free to form a denomination in Christianity, may be call it islamicostal, with a bid to tarnish the image of christian doctrine just as it was said in an adage: "Give a dog bad name because you want to hang it" there wouldn't be problem. The Bible says that : 2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. Christianity is multidenominational religion and each one has the right to form its doctrines and dogmas from the Bible but if done order wise then no body put stringent punitive measures against a denomination that defaults be it Jehovah witness, protestants, Methodist, Catholic etc. We don't fight for God as Islam does thru jihad but like I said GOD KNOWS WHO ARE HIS, the denomination that does the right thing in Christianity Is up to God to judge the and it will be revealed on the day of judgement.deedat quoted in the Bible where he said some will come and say Lord we did miracles in your name but God will say they should depart from him they that are workers of iniquities, which means some will claim they are christians but God will disown them. It's only hypocrites who think they are better and are highly concerned about someone's loopholes like u do. But at least for the fact that these denominations might be unchristian but for the sake of Christianity they are not like violent, fierce, cruel, bloodthirsty jihadists...My question is this: are all terrorists (Taliban, alkaida, bokoharam etc) who chant allahakuba in warlike operations, read the quran before beheading their victims and detonating bombs in crowded areas, are they all muslims or denominations in Islam. Why are countries that Islam dominates are in perpetual crises and wars, religion of peace? Why are all most Islamic countries cannot stay on their own without replying on foreign help? Which of these Holy books, quran or Bible, that influences the lives of the people through its religious practices is worthy to be reckoned with. Any religion that does not promote peace of its people and neighbours is nothing but fraud. SALEM.

  • @fntasticHijack
    @fntasticHijack 2 года назад

    If you can read Greek and Hebrew, may you need 2 Samuel 24 13 in the Greek and Hebrew version.

  • @gdhn9137
    @gdhn9137 2 года назад

    Quran word of Allah s.w was recited to Muhammad pbuh by angel gabriel a.s and never even one verse of Quran did muhammad pbuh claim was out of his own intellect but all from Allah s.w

  • @theboy00boy
    @theboy00boy 2 года назад +1

    In quran there is more than 20 ways to read the quran all muslims agree on them because all correct and not different versions they all were from muhammed pace be upon him

    @ISLAM_WINZ 2 года назад

    Please do try to know more about Islam...May Allah show u the right path...Aameen!

  • @noorudeenm7345
    @noorudeenm7345 2 года назад

    Dear Sister the word you are looking for is context

  • @jamy0211
    @jamy0211 2 года назад

    Ahmed beedat me. Saha allah 🥰💖🥰🥰💖🥰🥰🌷🥰💖😂😂🤙

  • @trusthim
    @trusthim 2 года назад

    How many Quran are there ?

    • @trusthim
      @trusthim 2 года назад

      @Saiyan Prince!! but Muslim says they have only one Quran.. till today no one is proving which one is that