Zoltán Kodály: Psalmus Hungaricus, Op. 13

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024
  • Kertész, London Symphony Orchestra; Kosma, Brighton Festival Chorus
    Mikoron Dávid nagy búsultában, [When as King David sore was afflicted,]
    Baráti miatt volna bánatban, [By those he trusted basely deserted,]
    Panaszolkodván nagy haragjában [In his great anger bitterly grieving]
    Ilyen könyörgést kezde ı magában: [Thus to Jehovah pray'd he within his heart.]
    Istenem Uram, kérlek tégedet, [God of my fathers, bow Thine ear to me,]
    Fordítsad reám szent szemeidet, [Turn not away the light of Thy countenance,]
    Nagy szükségemben ne hagyj engemet [Leave me not lonely in my misery,]
    Mert megemészti nagy bánat szívemet. [Sore is my heart and sorrow o'erwhelmeth me.]
    Csak sívok, rívok nagy nyavalyámban, [O hear the voice of my complaining!]
    Elfogyatkoztam gondolatimban, [Terrors of death are fallen upon me,]
    Megkeseredtem nagy búsultomban, [Hide not Thyself from my supplication]
    Ellenségemre való haragomban. [Hatred and wrath of wicked men oppress me.]
    Hogyha énnékem szárnyam lett volna, [O that I had but wings like a dove!]
    Mint az galamb, elröpültem volna, [I would fly away far into the wilderness;]
    Hogyha az Isten engedte volna, [If to my prayer, Lord, Thou hadst attended,]
    Innét én régen elfutottam volna.[Long, long ago far hence I would have wander'd.]
    Akarok inkább pusztában laknom, [Better it were to dwell in the desert,]
    Vadon erdıben széjjelbujdosnom, [Better to hide me deep in the forest,]
    Hogynem mint azok között lakoznom, [Than live with wicked liars and traitors]
    Kik igazságot nem hagynak szólanom.[Who will not suffer that I should speak the truth.]
    Éjjel és nappal azon forgódnak, [Nightly and daily go they about me,]
    Engem mi módon megfoghassanak, [Seeking how they may take me in the snare,]
    Beszédem miatt vádolhassanak, [And by false witness seek to destroy me,]
    Hogy fogságomon ık vígadhassanak.[Make me a prisoner; then would they shout with joy!]
    Egész ez város rakva haraggal, [Violence and strife rage fierce in the city,]
    Egymásra való nagy bosszúsággal ; [Mischief and malice, envy and sorrow,]
    Elhíresedett az gazdasággal, [Boasting of riches, pride of possession;]
    Hozzá fogható nincsen álnoksággal. [Ne'er in all the world saw I such deceivers!]
    Gyakorta köztük győlések vannak, [They take their evil counsel in secret,]
    Özvegyek, árvák nagy bosszút vallnak, [Fatherless children slay they and murder;]
    Isten szavával ık nem gondolnak [God's high commandment they have despised,]
    Mert jószágukban felfuvalkodtanak. [Swollen with substance, drunken with lust and pride.]
    Keserőségem annyi nem volna, [I could have borne so sore an affliction,]
    Ha ellenségtül nyavalyám volna ; [Were it an enemy that had reproach'd me,]
    Bizony könnyebben szenvedtem volna, [Yea, in truth I could then have endur'd it,]
    Magamat attól megóhattam volna. [For then I could have hidden myself from him.]
    De barátomnak azkit vélek volt, [But it was Thou, my friend whom I trusted,]
    Nagy nyájasságom kivel eggyütt volt, [Did we not take sweet counsel together?]
    Jó hírem nevem tisztességem volt, [Thou whom I reckon'd true friend and faithful]
    Fö ellenségem most látom hogy az volt. [Thou art the man whose hand would have struck me down!]
    Keserő halál szálljon fejére, [Smite them with destruction, O Lord, and slay them,]
    Ellenségemnek ítéletére. [And let Thy judgment fall heavy on them,]
    Álnokságának büntetésére, [Cut down this people, Lord, in Thine anger,]
    Hitetlenségnek kijelentésére. [Send out Thy truth, let unbelievers perish!]
    Én pedig, Uram, hozzád kiáltok, [I give Thee honour, Lord, and worship Thee,]
    Reggel és délben, este könyörgök, [Evening and morning and at the noonday,]
    Megszabadulást tetıled várok, [Thou that abidest, Thou art my helper]
    Az ellenségtıl mert én igen tartok. [When those that hate thee sorely do oppress me.]
    Te azért lelkem, gondolatodat, [So in Jehovah I will put my trust,]
    Istenben vessed bizodalmadat. [God is my stronghold and my comforter;]
    Rólad elvészi minden terhedet, [I cast my burden alway on the Lord,]
    És meghallgatja te könyörgésedet. [He will not suffer the righteous to be mov'd.]
    Igaz vagy Uram, ítéletedben ; [Thou art our One God, righteous in judgment,]
    A vérszopókat ı idejökben, [Vengeance is Thine for those that do evil,]
    Te meg nem áldod szerencséjökben, [Thou shalt not bless them, trusting in vain things,]
    Hosszú életök nem lészen a földön. [Thou shalt take them away as with a whirlwind.]
    Az igazakat te mind megtartod,
    A kegyeseket megoltalmazod.
    A szegényeket felmagasztalod,
    A kevélyeket alá hajigálod.
    Ha egy kevéssé megkeseríted,
    Az égı tőzben elbétaszítod,
    Nagy hamarsággal onnétkivonszod,
    Nagy tisztességre ismét felemeled.
    Szent Dávid írta az zsoltárkönyvben,
    Ötvenötödik dícséretében,
    Melybıl az hívek keserőségben,
    Vígasztalásért szörzék így versekben.

Комментарии • 52

  • @beatafarkasnebojtos2309
    @beatafarkasnebojtos2309 Месяц назад

    Szuper! Fantasztikus! Engem elvarázsolt! Egyik kedvenc művem csodás előadásban. Gratulálok és köszönöm.

  • @ibolyakincses4834
    @ibolyakincses4834 3 года назад +3

    Gyönyörű előadás! Gratulálok a szólóénekesnek nem csak szárnyaló énekléséért, hanem szinte tökéletes magyar kiejtéséért!

  • @RadoslawSpiewak
    @RadoslawSpiewak 10 лет назад +20

    So much divine music we will never know before we die... Grateful to have found this one on time.

    • @hmz-du7ie
      @hmz-du7ie 6 лет назад


    • @robinblankenship9234
      @robinblankenship9234 6 лет назад

      You got it on time. Great!! I got it on lay-away. That's so when they lay me away in the grave, I can enjoy it in peace.

  • @gyulaugron3702
    @gyulaugron3702 8 лет назад +10

    "Istenem-uram! kérlek tégedet,
    Fordítsad reám szent szemeidet,
    Nagy szükségemben ne hagyj el engemet,
    Mert megemészti nagy bánat szívemet." /Kecskeméti Vég Mihály /

  • @kristofsinko7363
    @kristofsinko7363 5 лет назад +3

    Nagyon király a ének tanárom folyton ezt nyomja

  •  10 лет назад +3

    Glorious! Going to play this upcoming week, looking a lot forwards to finally play this masterpiece!

  • @patchapman-pincher1272
    @patchapman-pincher1272 4 года назад +2

    Remember singing this with the LSO in 1969! Amazing music

  • @TheVaughan5
    @TheVaughan5 11 лет назад

    Thanks very much for the upload. This recording was my introduction to the music of Zoltan Kodaly (coupled with the Peacock Variations) when I was very young. Wonderful to hear it again after all these years.

  • @tserkoslavjanskij
    @tserkoslavjanskij 8 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the Hungarian text. As you know it makes following the recording much, much easier than it would be if there were only an Eng.-lang. version.
    How good to have another performance conducted by Mr Kertész, whose career was so unfortunately cut short.

  • @gerardbegni2806
    @gerardbegni2806 3 года назад +3

    This is indeed a great score, much more impontant ta han the dances of Marocek and Galanta or even the excellent Hary Janos suite, which are much better known by the 'happy few' who heard about Kodaly.. Another summit in quite another direction is the sonata for cello solo and the duo sonata for violin and cello. Kodaly diud a lot for musical education and set up an efficient personal method, which a was popular some decades ago. But all that disappeared with the present societal cultural decadence.

    • @pedrohenriqueprata
      @pedrohenriqueprata  3 года назад

      Do you know your Symphony? It was a work of gradual composition, which dragged on for decades, and seems to have been scarcely recorded. It is the most ambitious purely orchestral work, and, in my opinion, the most memorable of the composer (apesar das também excelentes Variations on a Hungarian folksong, "The Peacock".)

    • @1995martire
      @1995martire Год назад

      'Peacock variations' is my favourite song by Kodaly.

  • @camillebouchard6436
    @camillebouchard6436 2 года назад

    Superbe interprétation !

  • @paulziolo9241
    @paulziolo9241 4 года назад +1

    At 21:26:
    “Szent Dávid írta az zsoltárkönyvben
    Ötvenötödik dïcséretében
    Melyből az hívek keserűségben
    Vígásztalásért szörzék így versékben.”
    A spine-chilling moment!

  • @gerardbegni2806
    @gerardbegni2806 7 лет назад +2

    This score is by far more important than the dances of Marrocek and Galanta through wich Kodaly is best known. AS stated by another commentator, we hear here a free version of Psalm 55. Other Psalms have been written by several composers in the first decades of the XXth Century, for instance Stravinsky ("symphony of psalms"), Florent Schmitt and Roussel. Pendrecki revived the sacred texts in a more recent period. The hieratism and greatness of this score are absolutely wonderful.

    • @paullewis2413
      @paullewis2413 5 лет назад

      This is a remarkable work and from what I know of Kodaly`s music almost certainly his finest composition.

  • @amazingmato
    @amazingmato 6 лет назад +2

    The basses are singing a low A at the end (and holding it out for several measures). And I'm talking about A1, below their low C. That's incredible!

  • @acevaptsarov8410
    @acevaptsarov8410 Месяц назад

    7:40 - Pyramid song by Radiohead :)
    So many beautiful moments in this piece. Kodaly was a genius!

  • @pedrohenriqueprata
    @pedrohenriqueprata  11 лет назад +1

    Google Translate:
    It is possibly the most impressive choral work I've ever heard, but not sure if it was through her that I came into contact with the music of Kodály, which I admire, too, the orchestral compositions, such as "Peacock Variations "you mentioned.
    Thanks for the nice comment!

  • @pedrohenriqueprata
    @pedrohenriqueprata  11 лет назад +2

    É, possivelmente, a obra coral mais imponente que já ouvi, mas não sei ao certo se foi por meio dela que entrei em contato com a música de Kodály, da qual admiro muito, também, as composições orquestrais, como as "Variações do Pavão" que você mencionou.
    Obrigado pelo simpático comentário!

  • @gyulaugron3379
    @gyulaugron3379 3 года назад

    Ha van a felvételben hiányosság, akkor azt csak a kórus kiejtésében lehet keresni. A karmester és az énekes is magyar származású.

  • @davidrehak3539
    @davidrehak3539 6 лет назад +2

    Kodály Zoltán:Psalmus Hungaricus Op.13
    Kozma Lajos-tenor
    Brightoni Fesztivál Kórusa
    Londoni Szimfonikus Zenekara
    Vezényel:Kertész István

  • @dbj0955
    @dbj0955 10 лет назад +1

    Thank you very much. God bless.

  • @yiayia9373
    @yiayia9373 7 лет назад

    Thank you

  • @krioulinhomoderno
    @krioulinhomoderno 8 лет назад

    Músicas de cunho inovador e de bom gosto

  • @samueledesantis8179
    @samueledesantis8179 5 лет назад +4

    qualcuno è qui per Radio Coatta Classica?

  • @pappmate
    @pappmate 10 лет назад +1

    Gyönyörű! Még akcentussal is szép! :) Az angolra forditásban van némi hiba, de hellyel közzel stimmel
    It's beautiful! With the hungarian language with english speaking. There is some difference in the translate, but it's correct. I think, its made by Google translater....

    • @PaulusdeKenezy
      @PaulusdeKenezy 8 лет назад +1

      +Máté Papp
      "Hungarian", nagy kezdőbetűvel írandó. ;-)

  • @dbj0955
    @dbj0955 10 лет назад +2

    I sang this back at UCLA. This is the best rendition that I have heard. Is it possible to get the English translation on the last three stanzas?

    • @pedrohenriqueprata
      @pedrohenriqueprata  10 лет назад +6

      Az igazakat te mind megtartod, [As for the righteous, Thou dost preserve them,]
      A kegyeseket megoltalmazod. [They that shew mercy shelter find in Thee.]
      A szegényeket felmagasztalod, [Those that are humble Thou dost raise on high.]
      A kevélyeket aláhajigálod. [Those that are mighty scatter’st and destroyest.]
      Ha egy kevéssé megkeseríted, [Whom for a space Thy wrath has chastised,]
      Az égö tüzben elbétaszítod, [And has like silver tried in the furnace.]
      Nagy hamarsággal onnét kivonszod, [Forth from the fire Thou suddenly tak’st him,]
      Nagy tisztességre ismét felemeled. [Once more in honour Thou
      wilt raise him on high!]
      Szent Dávid írta az zsoltárkönyvben, [These words King David wrote in his Psalter,]
      Ötvenötödik dícséretében, [Fifty and fifth of his songs of praising,]
      Melyböl az hívek keserüségben, [And for the faithful bitterly grieving,]
      Vígasztalásért szörzék így versekben. [For consolation, I from it made this song.]

    • @MrThomas1224
      @MrThomas1224 10 лет назад +1

      Rique Borges
      Thank you for providing this translation!

  • @annaannaof716
    @annaannaof716 10 лет назад

    Veľké dielo!Anika

  • @ZsuzsannaKiss1941
    @ZsuzsannaKiss1941 8 лет назад


  • @counselor2005
    @counselor2005 6 лет назад

    I performed this many years ago at Ohio State. This is a fine performance, but does anyone else think it could have benefited from better production, like some compression? The high instruments and voices just screech at times.

  • @gizellaszabo3718
    @gizellaszabo3718 7 лет назад


  • @NErzsi
    @NErzsi 9 лет назад +1

    Vajon mit hallgatnak a "magyarok"?

  • @DHOPW42
    @DHOPW42 10 лет назад

    I honestly can't tell if the soloist is Hungarian or not - which is great, actually. Can anyone confirm who the tenor soloist was in this recording?

    • @TheVaughan5
      @TheVaughan5 10 лет назад

      The tenor is Lajos Kozma, Hungarian, like Kertesz no longer with us I'm afraid.

    • @pedrohenriqueprata
      @pedrohenriqueprata  10 лет назад

      Eu indiquei o tenor através de seu sobrenome, achei que bastaria como referência: "Kosma".

    • @pedrohenriqueprata
      @pedrohenriqueprata  10 лет назад

      Rique Borges
      Google Translator: I pointed through the tenor of his last name, I thought it would suffice as a reference: "Kosma".

    • @erikajuranyi1387
      @erikajuranyi1387 7 лет назад

      KozmaLajos, Olaszországban élő magyar tenorista volt.

    • @janosacs1161
      @janosacs1161 Год назад

      Kozma Lajos was one of the few great Hungarian tenors. Incredible talent,musicality,preparation, fisical and spiritual greatness. He was loved and respected from Claudio Abbado,too (recorded with him, Pelleas...)He was a dissident, so more people know about him outside than in his Homeland. Shame and sadness.

  • @franssu2229
    @franssu2229 3 года назад +1

    7:40 Pyramid Song (Radiohead)

  • @pola0049
    @pola0049 8 лет назад

    Which Psalm numberis it?

  • @kuang-licheng402
    @kuang-licheng402 7 лет назад


  • @safasaleh3010
    @safasaleh3010 5 лет назад +1


  • @patrick4833
    @patrick4833 8 лет назад

    7:02, Dam Sun