Try CyberGhost for 45 Days, Love it or Your Money Back! Near Perfect Movies on Prime Video 19. Frailty 18. The Endless Summer 17. Open Range 16. Miniscule 15. Moneyball 14. Romeo and Juliet 13. The Social Network 12. Traffic 11. Mud 10. The Odd Couple 9. Leaving Las Vegas 8. Hard Eight 7. Fast Times at Ridgemont High 6. The Killing 5. Snatch 4. In Bruges 3. The Usual Suspects 2. Rudy 1. Predator
Fantastic list, and agree on Prime’s horrid UI. Just To clarify, Moneyball is about the GENERAL manager of the A’s, Billy Beane (Brad Pitt), who constructs the 25-man roster. Hoffman plays the manager, who is the on-field leader of the team,, and he’s steadfastly opposed to Billy’s newfangled approach
1.Frailty 2.The Endless Summer 3.Open Range 4. Minuscule, Valley of the lost ants 5.Money ball 6.Romeo & Juliet 7. The Social Network 8.Traffic 9.Mud 10.The odd couple 11.Leaving Las Vegas 12.Hard Eight 13.Fast times at Ridgemont High 14.The Killing 15.Snacht 16.In Bruges 17.The Usual Suspects 18.Rudy 19.Predator; You’re welcome 😉
Good lord you are so right about Prime’s UI. Sometimes I get so frustrated with it I just give up, so your recommendations are pretty much the only way I engage with Prime at all these days. Let you mess with it! Predator marathon this weekend, for sure.
I’ve learned to just turn on the free to me button, then just look at entire lists in each genre. Lots of crap in there, but I can always find something.
One of my very favorites. This is the closest to what reading Lonesome Dove feels like, beyond even the miniseries, and Duval is bringing the same insanely charming energy.
Totally agree. The first time I saw it I missed the opening section where you see the spacecraft. This meant I was in the same confusion as the rest of the team about what was out there in the jungle. I think this actually made it better.
Big trouble in little China and predator have stayed at my personal top two movies ever. I can’t believe predator is still standing the test of time. Oh and poltergeist is up there too.
Frailty has been a favorite of my brother and I for years. Got so many people to watch it, were expecting nothing, and were floored. Moneyball is just plain well written, directed, acted and is very compelling. Im with you on In Bruges though, I couldnt understand it, but there was something that made me want to rewatch and figure it out.
I've been a long time subscriber. Watched dozens of your recommendations. In fact, your show is the main show I get good movies from. I just wanted to tell you I really don't think your show could get any better! Seriously, if it was a weekly show on TV, I'd set my DVR to continuously record it. Some network should pick you up! Keep up the awesome work!!! 😎🤘
Predator is great. Great enough to actually own a hard copy. The Amazon Prime version is so compressed and noisy. It's also not in the original 1.85:1 ratio so it's cropped and annoying. Really only watchable if you have no other media format to view.
Also a Gen Xer, that has married one also and brought our kids up with it - and this whole list is absolute perfection ( with amazing picks from that time, a new renaissance movie golden age from this time). This is definitely one of the BEST lists from Flick Connection- every pick is absolutely great for any true movie buff
Fantastic one liners, awesome characters, lots of action, perfect pacing, simple plot, excellent effects. It's like a checklist of everything you need to make the perfect action movie. It ranks up there with The Terminator, and Mad Max: Road Warrior.
Predator was, and still remains, an amazing film. Individually, the character are all very strong, and that strength come through with minimum dialog. The movie is extremely tight and well paced, with no down time, no filler, no romantic segues, and not a single wasted scene. And where some movies trip over ambiguous, disappointing, or inadequate endings, Predator nails it's conclusion.
I wish I could see it for the first time all over again… now there’s an idea a temporary memory loss thing a ma jig that allows just that. Get to da choppa!
First ... 100% on Frailty. Saw it in the theater with my Dad, we both couldn't figure out how we felt after leaving. Never stopped recommending people watch it since. Second.. the fact that you got Predator... SPOT ON BRO.. makes me recognize how good you really are at these reviews. #CheersMate
The percentage of people that I have recommended Frailty to that enjoyed it is at 100% and it is very unusual to find someone that has actually heard of it. I saw it in theater as well, and since. A very unexpected movie, and I miss Bill Paxton.
Frailty is like the original The Wicker Man in that both films challenge the viewer on issues of belief, faith and the call to act (or not) based on how seriously that belief is taken.
Predator is one of those movies that I didn't really know what was coming. Other movies that surprised me with their twists: Matrix, Roadhouse, Oblivion. They're the kind of movies that jolted me and had me looking around the theatre wondering if anyone else saw that 90 turn the movies just made.
Darren, LOVE your pick of Open Range! It's not as well known, but it might actually be my favorite Western ever. Definitely the most underrated gunfight of all time.
Predator is a phenomenal film, the script is super super tight and the performances and music are fantastic. Something that's so unique to this movie is the tone... How they translated anxiety, fear, masculinity and doubt all rolled into one is like a feat in itself, I haven't had the same feeling from characters since... A definite classic
Predator's orchestral score is so absolutely perfect for an epic jungle action film, and really helps elevates it over almost all other action films I've seen. Alan Silvestri is a genius.
Thanks for always coming through Darren! Yours is the ONLY channel I watch for viewing recommendations. Love your presentation style and appreciate how much you appreciate the real art of movie making!
You nailed it with Open Range. Vastly underrated movie. I love the 'slow burn' style of it, and the interactions between Costner and Duval, and all the characters for that manner.
I don't have much free time to watch a lot of movies, but I have found myself debating (on occasion) what to watch with my wife and I can hear your voice pop up quite often and it directs me which way to lean. Thank you for all that you do, sir.
I was worried that none of my favourites would make this list! 'The Odd Couple' and 'Leaving Las Vegas' are undoubtedly two of the best films ever made...
Just came across your channel…as a bonafide movie buff I am so happy I did! You have a new life long subscriber! Seen all on your list (except Hard Eight how I slept on this one bewilders me) and completely agree!! On tonight’s agenda is Hard Eight! Thank you 🙏
It is even sadder when you understand that the John O'Brien, author of the novel the movie is based on, committed suicide two weeks after learning it would be made into a movie. It was his first novel and his father said it was his suicide note.
The Usual Suspects … couldn’t agree more! My ex and I were watching it for the first time on DVD when we both looked at each other and said, “Who is Kyzer Sose?” Thinking we missed something. Just then Chaz Palmenterri steps into the interrogation room and asks Kevin Spacey “ Who is Kyzer Sose?”.
Benicio del Toro is a great actor that was in Traffic, Snatch and The Usual Suspects. They should have added The Hunted as well. Dont seem like to many seen that movie, but Traffic is my favorite.
Darren, you just went and named several of my favorite movies.....Snatch, Fast Times, Open Range, In Bruges (which I didn't like the first time around either), Moneyball, and Predator, which I just watched with my son (14) a couple weeks ago. Yes it's still badass. Look forward to checking out The Killing, and a re-watch of Traffic, I saw it once back when it came out. Keep up the good work Darren.
My favorite censor to a movie is in The Big Lebowski when it's played on cable...the moment they confront little Larry and ask him "Do you see what happens Larry, do you see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!?!? Walter only says it 100 times in a 5 minute section and it cracks me up every time
Dude, as someone who didn’t grow up in the US, Rudy is little known and I’ve always loved it, to see it up here on second on your list is just so cool, loved it! Loving Predator at no.1 too - awesome and didn’t see that coming!
The TV edit "fairy godmother" had me rolling. I recall seeing The Big Lebowski on TV once, and ... you haven't lived until you've heard Walter yell over and over: "This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!"
So glad to see Frailty getting the recognition it’s deserves! 💯 Me & my friends watched it when I was like 12, About the age of the boys so it probably hit harder. I’ve been a huge fan ever since! 🤙🏼
Great “Near Perfect Movies” list, Darren. Predator is superb and Usual Suspects; definitely one of my all time favourites!!! Just finished watching Black and Blue, on Netflix. Has had mixed reviews but for a Netflix original; corrupt police assassinating drug dealer and rookie cop caught up in the fallout; outstanding tense action 👌👌👌 Catch you on your next presentation and take care 👍👍👍
I have to say DVD, your taste and passion for certain films aligns with my own so frequently. It is the reason I keep your videos bookmarked for reference. In Bruges is up there as one of my favourite gangster movies all time as well. It had me look at Colin Farrell in a whole new light. I am a big fan of Brendan Gleeson also. The Guard is brilliant for the same type of sharp tongued humour. Keep up the good work. You should do videos on Actors filmographies or Foreign Films mixed genre. There are soooo many good European, Korean, Australian, Japanese............... sorry I am getting carried away. In Bruges kicks ass and you are very good at what you do.
It helps to understand what a manager is in baseball. Phillip Hoffman played the manager. Brad Pitt played the GENERAL manager (GM) The GM deals with player contracts and assembles the team among other personnel off the field. The Manager runs the day to day in game team.
Old grandma film buff and some really great movies in this episode. Saw Endless Summer in summer of 1966 from the balcony of a classic old movie theater. Beautiful. Love Open Range. Don't follow sports much, but Money Ball was an education loved it. Traffic was partially filmed in Nogales, AZ, drove down trying to see actors. The Odd Couple a classic. Son just got my granddaughter to watch Fast Times and she loved it. The Killing classic noir, love it. In Bruges made me take a trip to actually see Bruges. Thanks
The last director of whom you spoke that did The 13th Warrior. What I noticed right off in that flick was how cool he set it up so that it took weeks or months of traveling together for Antonio Bandaras's character to pick up the Norse language. This is the only movie where I've seen this done. It's brilliant. Every other movie from 300 to Gladiator, the characters, no matter their country of origin, all seem to speak with a British accent. Even some of my favorites like HBO's Rome and Game Of Thrones
One of the greatest and most energizing factors of Predator that I have not heard is the musical score by Alan Silvestri. The shear excitement that makes the action so riveting would be cut in half by a lesser composer. The multiple layered asymmetrical rhythms keep you on edge and the relentless percussive onslaught is nerve racking and intensifies every scene. Genius score to a genius movie, often copied, never replicated. Another great score for some of the same reasons and more is James Newton Howard's score for 'Signs', an unjustly maligned but amazing movie by M. Night Shyamalan.
Thanks for this video! I will soon have some extended time off of work due to carpal tunnel surgery and I actually have only seen a couple of the movies on this list. I will be needing to fill some down time.
It feels like double-dipping to have an embedded ad for a VPN while also having the automatic ads from RUclips. And just when I was getting ready to subscribe, too.
Four of my favorite movies are: Ground Hogs Day ~ Hot Fuzz ~ The Edge of Tomorrow , and Three O' Clock High. You've mentioned a few that I have not seen, but I will now.
Yes on Open Range! Best Western in a long time. Great actors, good story, incredible action scenes. Traffic was a rough movie to watch. Upsetting. Up there with Requiem for a Dream and KIDS. Need to watch The Killing. Looks right up my alley.
if you have HBO Max and have never seen The West Wing, I highly recommend you give it a try. Its Sorkin at his best. The look will feel a bit dated at first since it is from the late 1990s, but you will get past that really quickly if you give it a try. It's always recognized as one of the best series of all time. I put off watching it myself for years but when I finally gave it a shot I loved it.
Thank you for the recommendations. There are a couple here that I have on my "to watch" list, so I will be getting to them soon. One thing you mentioned was a little off. The movie Endless Summer was made in 1965, which is 57 years ago, and you stated "for a movie made over 60 years ago..." when describing it.
Frailty has a couple of good twists. Open range is a great western. Kevin Costner apparently had a pretty bad case of appendicitis while filming and directing. I also really enjoy the 310 to Yuma remake. Appaloosa was very good too. Ed Harris also starred in and directed it. Last but not least, Mud was akso great. One of the few movies based in my home state of Arkansas.
Thanks for the vid! I know this director isn't for everyone's taste... but my favorite director of all time is David Lynch. I would highly recommend Mulholland Drive to anyone, and for a t.v. series, nothing beats Twin Peaks imo
This is just a GREAT list. There are couple on here I haven't seen, and none that I wouldn't watch again. Especially like that you included In Bruges. I was wowed by it and wondered why it didn't get more play. Everybody has their own list, but I might add The Gentlemen. The title is like a stealth shield that makes this movie sound boring, but it's not. Great performances by McConaughey, Colin Ferrell, Michelle Dockery, Hugh Grant, Charlie Hunnam...
DVD I agree with Traffic! I remember watching it at a little theater that served homemade pizza and handcrafted brews and cost 2 bucks since it was a second run theater in Florida. Haven't watched in years but will now. Thanks brother!
Wow , I'm 75 and a big movie fan. Love Your list of Great Movie's to watch. And would like to add one of my own - Phantasm 1979. Saw it with a Girlfriend at the Theater when You saw 2 Movies - the B Movie first and then the A Movie. From the Beginning to the end we were on the edge of our seats. We were so tired from watching what's going to happen next that We had no interest to see the the A Movie and left. The next day at work I'm telling one my coworkers about Phantasm and another comes up and starts adding to what I'm saying You must see it.
I really enjoy your reviews. Good list. I have seen every movie on the list. The only one I disagree with you is Open Range, regarding how good it is. Westerns I like better (tho not on Netflix)are The Salvation, Bone Tomahawk and Hateful 8. One of my favorites is Frailty. I really like Paxton. He was a very good actor. He was even great in Aliens. For the fans, I will ask you review the following Paxton movies again or for the first time: A Simple Plan, U-571, Once False Move, Trespass and Indian Summer.
I saw The Endless Summer when it was first released. It was possibly sponsored by Coca-Cola at the time, because I was selling newspapers in suburban Adelaide, and was given two tickets by a regular customer who worked for that company. My brother and I went and saw it, and although not really into surfing were transfixed. I was around 13 or 14 and my brother was two year younger. Still the greatest surfing movie I have ever seen.
normally I don't watch movies more than once, only have with a special few. Rudy is one of them. Ive watched it maybe 10x and could watch it 10 more. Ive never seen it on anyone's list, you get high marks for listing it. it is absolutely near perfect! thanks for including it. I watch most of your reviews, I'm a big fan from Thailand.
I recommend The Usual Suspects to absolutely everyone!! It's hands down one of my favorite movies ALL TIME. I'm pretty good at figuring movies out and this one had me all the way to the end! LOVE IT!
My favorite part of “Traffic” is when Benicio Del Toro and a woman are discussing the US DEA. In Spanish she calls it “la dea” (the day); and he calls it “las letras” (the letters).
He's honestly really underselling Open Range here - it's a slow film for the most part but the end gunfight is an absolute all-timer - not just in westerns, but ANY genre.
So many on this list are favorites of mine. Even some that are not well known. Like HARD EIGHT. And thank you for mentioning THE KILLING. One of my all time favorites.
Love "Open Range". I have watched it many times. There is another similar movie named "Broken Trail", also stars Robert Duvall, which I again think is a great Western.
I saw Leaving Las Vegas on the same night that I bought Natalie Merchants Tigerlilly album. To this day I think San Andreas Fault is one of the saddest songs ever, and it has nothing to do with the song itself. That’s how depressing Leaving LV was.
Wow.. yes!! This movie is actually so perfect at being what the story is about that I actually can not watch it without getting really depressed.. If I was to ever consider drinking myself to death,, Vegas is where I would do it.. and I lived there for 4 years. but just so you know.. I'm okay. Really.
Whole-heartedly agree about John McTiernan. Let's hope he finds his redemption following his legal problems (and a prison sentence), and that he gets a chance to make movies again. Would be interesting to see how he finds himself in the new movie-making era.
The 90s Romeo and Juliet is so well done. The style and set design alone makes it so watchable. The modernization of the Shakespeare classic seems like it could never work, especially with the original dialogue, but somehow it does.
I really wish you could do a collaboration with the major streamer channels where I could just click on your list to add them to 'my list' on their respective channels, or like HBO Max lists have your selections ! Please make it happen !!
1)Open Range has one of the best shootouts ever put on film. 2) Moneyball - good choice. What is Bennett Miller doing now? He came out swinging with 3 great films - Capote, Moneyball and Foxcatcher 3) Mud - love Jeff Nichols - Take Shelter is my favorite (and Midnight Special would be a good one for a hidden gem list). 4) The Odd Couple is in my top 10 favorite comedies (The Fortune Cookie could be a good choice for "forgotten classics") 5) When you said Kubrick, the first thing I thought of (but probably not streaming) is Paths of Glory 6) Predator - my favorite Arnie film.
Try CyberGhost for 45 Days, Love it or Your Money Back!
Near Perfect Movies on Prime Video
19. Frailty
18. The Endless Summer
17. Open Range
16. Miniscule
15. Moneyball
14. Romeo and Juliet
13. The Social Network
12. Traffic
11. Mud
10. The Odd Couple
9. Leaving Las Vegas
8. Hard Eight
7. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
6. The Killing
5. Snatch
4. In Bruges
3. The Usual Suspects
2. Rudy
1. Predator
Fantastic list, and agree on Prime’s horrid UI. Just To clarify, Moneyball is about the GENERAL manager of the A’s, Billy Beane (Brad Pitt), who constructs the 25-man roster. Hoffman plays the manager, who is the on-field leader of the team,, and he’s steadfastly opposed to Billy’s newfangled approach
For a second there I thought "CyberGhost for 45 days" was a movie
Leaving Las Vegas like Breaking The Waves is a ONE VIEW movie.
Frailty is AWESOME!
Snatch #1
The Killing is an early Kubrick. How cool is that!
1.Frailty 2.The Endless Summer 3.Open Range 4. Minuscule, Valley of the lost ants 5.Money ball 6.Romeo & Juliet 7. The Social Network 8.Traffic 9.Mud 10.The odd couple 11.Leaving Las Vegas 12.Hard Eight 13.Fast times at Ridgemont High 14.The Killing 15.Snacht 16.In Bruges 17.The Usual Suspects 18.Rudy 19.Predator; You’re welcome 😉
He does this list himself in everyone of his videos lol read his first comment
My hero.
Do they have Mud 2?
I've seen 12 of these
Good lord you are so right about Prime’s UI. Sometimes I get so frustrated with it I just give up, so your recommendations are pretty much the only way I engage with Prime at all these days. Let you mess with it!
Predator marathon this weekend, for sure.
I’ve learned to just turn on the free to me button, then just look at entire lists in each genre. Lots of crap in there, but I can always find something.
@@CorbCorbin great idea 💡
right, but the only good predator was the first one
@@mdchiesi Oh 2 isn't even close but i still like a bitta fuckin voodooo magic mon
Open Range is a fantastic western and I highly recommend it. If you loved Tombstone you will love Open Range.
I love anything with Robert Duvall
Cheers bro
One of my very favorites. This is the closest to what reading Lonesome Dove feels like, beyond even the miniseries, and Duval is bringing the same insanely charming energy.
Somehow missed this movie and will definitely check it out now!
Absolutely 👍🏻 “ You the one that shot my friend?” 😎
Predator is so good on every level. The writing, acting and suspense are off the charts. It is a master piece!
Totally agree. The first time I saw it I missed the opening section where you see the spacecraft. This meant I was in the same confusion as the rest of the team about what was out there in the jungle. I think this actually made it better.
Big trouble in little China and predator have stayed at my personal top two movies ever. I can’t believe predator is still standing the test of time. Oh and poltergeist is up there too.
Frailty has been a favorite of my brother and I for years. Got so many people to watch it, were expecting nothing, and were floored. Moneyball is just plain well written, directed, acted and is very compelling. Im with you on In Bruges though, I couldnt understand it, but there was something that made me want to rewatch and figure it out.
Frailty is such a hidden gem! So glad you are giving it some love!
awesome movie
I've been a long time subscriber. Watched dozens of your recommendations. In fact, your show is the main show I get good movies from. I just wanted to tell you I really don't think your show could get any better! Seriously, if it was a weekly show on TV, I'd set my DVR to continuously record it. Some network should pick you up! Keep up the awesome work!!! 😎🤘
Absolutely love Frailty. Such a great film.
One of my favorites
@fastguitar Close to Frailty? I watch and have seen a TON of movies ad I cant think of one similar to Frailty.
Why is Predator so good? As Gen X, this movie has become part of the very fabric of my being.
Oh yeah, this movie was a weekly watch in my house growing up. My siblings and I still quote Arnold in this movie to each other! 🤣
Predator is great. Great enough to actually own a hard copy. The Amazon Prime version is so compressed and noisy. It's also not in the original 1.85:1 ratio so it's cropped and annoying. Really only watchable if you have no other media format to view.
Get to the choppah!!!!
Also a Gen Xer, that has married one also and brought our kids up with it - and this whole list is absolute perfection ( with amazing picks from that time, a new renaissance movie golden age from this time). This is definitely one of the BEST lists from Flick Connection- every pick is absolutely great for any true movie buff
Fantastic one liners, awesome characters, lots of action, perfect pacing, simple plot, excellent effects. It's like a checklist of everything you need to make the perfect action movie. It ranks up there with The Terminator, and Mad Max: Road Warrior.
Predator was, and still remains, an amazing film. Individually, the character are all very strong, and that strength come through with minimum dialog. The movie is extremely tight and well paced, with no down time, no filler, no romantic segues, and not a single wasted scene. And where some movies trip over ambiguous, disappointing, or inadequate endings, Predator nails it's conclusion.
agreed: even the whole soundtrack/music/theme/sounds design is perfect, literally fits the landscape/atmosphere.
I wish I could see it for the first time all over again… now there’s an idea a temporary memory loss thing a ma jig that allows just that. Get to da choppa!
Well ..... predator 5: Sexual Agenda was shite.
@@Geep1778 I still remember the theater I saw it in and my friends and I standing around outside in the parking lot talking about how great it was.
Leaving LasVegas is a beautifully tragic love story of the finest caliber.🖤
First ... 100% on Frailty. Saw it in the theater with my Dad, we both couldn't figure out how we felt after leaving. Never stopped recommending people watch it since. Second.. the fact that you got Predator... SPOT ON BRO.. makes me recognize how good you really are at these reviews. #CheersMate
Predator is in my top 5. Such an amazing flick.
No shit! I used to own the Laser Disc of Predator. Love it!
The percentage of people that I have recommended Frailty to that enjoyed it is at 100% and it is very unusual to find someone that has actually heard of it. I saw it in theater as well, and since. A very unexpected movie, and I miss Bill Paxton.
Frailty is like the original The Wicker Man in that both films challenge the viewer on issues of belief, faith and the call to act (or not) based on how seriously that belief is taken.
Predator is one of those movies that I didn't really know what was coming. Other movies that surprised me with their twists: Matrix, Roadhouse, Oblivion. They're the kind of movies that jolted me and had me looking around the theatre wondering if anyone else saw that 90 turn the movies just made.
I thought I was the only one who thought Primes interface is a hot mess! lol
You are definitely not the only one. I listed my comment so quickly I did not even notice yours at first.
No there are 1000s of us.
The fire stick update made the interface for the whole thing a hot mess too
Prime Video has the worst interface. It looks rushed and basic. It is meta data with pics............. even Kodi is better hahaah
It's terrible! I totally agree. ✌🏼🍀
I saw The Killing 20 years ago and still remember how good it was. Great choices on all of your lists.
Darren, LOVE your pick of Open Range! It's not as well known, but it might actually be my favorite Western ever. Definitely the most underrated gunfight of all time.
Jack Lemmon is the GOAT of cinematic comedy.
His drama chops, such as his performance in Glengarry Glen Ross are no joke either...
The ending of Frailty is an all-timer. Still blows my mind.
Thanks for digging through Prime to find these. Hard Eight will be part of my viewing this evening.
Predator is a phenomenal film, the script is super super tight and the performances and music are fantastic. Something that's so unique to this movie is the tone... How they translated anxiety, fear, masculinity and doubt all rolled into one is like a feat in itself, I haven't had the same feeling from characters since... A definite classic
Predator and Diehard, two John McTiernan perfectly paced absolute classics.
Predator's orchestral score is so absolutely perfect for an epic jungle action film, and really helps elevates it over almost all other action films I've seen. Alan Silvestri is a genius.
Thanks for always coming through Darren! Yours is the ONLY channel I watch for viewing recommendations. Love your presentation style and appreciate how much you appreciate the real art of movie making!
Most underrated channel on RUclips for sure
Can't say he's my only Channel but he's the 1st one I chick on every time the others can wait !
You nailed it with Open Range. Vastly underrated movie.
I love the 'slow burn' style of it, and the interactions between Costner and Duval, and all the characters for that manner.
This video is my intro to your channel and it earned you a sub. Well done and thanks for the great recommendations!
You almost always use clips from movies that showcase the best parts without spoiling anything. Thanks for that.
I don't have much free time to watch a lot of movies, but I have found myself debating (on occasion) what to watch with my wife and I can hear your voice pop up quite often and it directs me which way to lean. Thank you for all that you do, sir.
Elisabeth Shue should have won best actress for Leaving Las Vegas
Agree - so much better than Susan Sarandon as a nun.
They were both good performances which is why award shows are Dumb and make no since !
Yes she should have.
I was worried that none of my favourites would make this list! 'The Odd Couple' and 'Leaving Las Vegas' are undoubtedly two of the best films ever made...
Just came across your channel…as a bonafide movie buff I am so happy I did! You have a new life long subscriber! Seen all on your list (except Hard Eight how I slept on this one bewilders me) and completely agree!! On tonight’s agenda is Hard Eight!
Thank you 🙏
"Leaving Las Vegas" is easily one of the saddest movies out there but worth a look.
It is even sadder when you understand that the John O'Brien, author of the novel the movie is based on, committed suicide two weeks after learning it would be made into a movie. It was his first novel and his father said it was his suicide note.
Crystal is another.
Snatch is perfect in my opinion. It’s as good as a Tarantino movie
Snatch is brilliant. However Am I the only one who feels Lock stock and two smoking barrels is a little better then snatch ?
One of my top 5 all time. Maybe even three after true romance and usual suspects
I also feel Guy Ritchie came back with The Gentlemen which is simply amazing, an updated mature Snatch if you like
Always preferred lock stock tbh
@@england88me mature snatch. Hahahaha
The Usual Suspects … couldn’t agree more! My ex and I were watching it for the first time on DVD when we both looked at each other and said, “Who is Kyzer Sose?” Thinking we missed something. Just then Chaz Palmenterri steps into the interrogation room and asks Kevin Spacey “ Who is Kyzer Sose?”.
A truly entertaining movie that seems to be underrated is the western "Hidalgo".
Benicio del Toro is a great actor that was in Traffic, Snatch and The Usual Suspects. They should have added The Hunted as well. Dont seem like to many seen that movie, but Traffic is my favorite.
Darren, you just went and named several of my favorite movies.....Snatch, Fast Times, Open Range, In Bruges (which I didn't like the first time around either), Moneyball, and Predator, which I just watched with my son (14) a couple weeks ago. Yes it's still badass. Look forward to checking out The Killing, and a re-watch of Traffic, I saw it once back when it came out. Keep up the good work Darren.
My favorite censor to a movie is in The Big Lebowski when it's played on cable...the moment they confront little Larry and ask him "Do you see what happens Larry, do you see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!?!? Walter only says it 100 times in a 5 minute section and it cracks me up every time
Dude, as someone who didn’t grow up in the US, Rudy is little known and I’ve always loved it, to see it up here on second on your list is just so cool, loved it! Loving Predator at no.1 too - awesome and didn’t see that coming!
The TV edit "fairy godmother" had me rolling. I recall seeing The Big Lebowski on TV once, and ... you haven't lived until you've heard Walter yell over and over: "This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!"
So glad to see Frailty getting the recognition it’s deserves! 💯
Me & my friends watched it when I was like 12, About the age of the boys so it probably hit harder. I’ve been a huge fan ever since! 🤙🏼
Open Range is a criminally underrated western. The buildup to the end leading to one of the best payoffs in a western ever. Truly fantastic.
Oh man Snatch is one of the best in my all time list!
Predator is perfect in every way, I mean, just listen to the soundtrack alone. Arguably the best action movie soundtrack of all time.
Thanks for the “Miniscule” rec! Watching with my son and we are both fully good
I’m sold. Subbed! Glad your channel was recommended by YT!
Great “Near Perfect Movies” list, Darren. Predator is superb and Usual Suspects; definitely one of my all time favourites!!!
Just finished watching Black and Blue, on Netflix. Has had mixed reviews but for a Netflix original; corrupt police assassinating drug dealer and rookie cop caught up in the fallout; outstanding tense action 👌👌👌 Catch you on your next presentation and take care 👍👍👍
I have to say DVD, your taste and passion for certain films aligns with my own so frequently. It is the reason I keep your videos bookmarked for reference. In Bruges is up there as one of my favourite gangster movies all time as well. It had me look at Colin Farrell in a whole new light. I am a big fan of Brendan Gleeson also. The Guard is brilliant for the same type of sharp tongued humour. Keep up the good work. You should do videos on Actors filmographies or Foreign Films mixed genre. There are soooo many good European, Korean, Australian, Japanese............... sorry I am getting carried away. In Bruges kicks ass and you are very good at what you do.
Great list! I've met Rudy in person a few times he used to buy his cars from the dealership I worked for in Las Vegas.
It helps to understand what a manager is in baseball. Phillip Hoffman played the manager. Brad Pitt played the GENERAL manager (GM) The GM deals with player contracts and assembles the team among other personnel off the field. The Manager runs the day to day in game team.
Thank you.he’s a movie guy.he doesn’t even have a walk up song…🤣😂😅
Old grandma film buff and some really great movies in this episode. Saw Endless Summer in summer of 1966 from the balcony of a classic old movie theater. Beautiful. Love Open Range. Don't follow sports much, but Money Ball was an education loved it. Traffic was partially filmed in Nogales, AZ, drove down trying to see actors. The Odd Couple a classic. Son just got my granddaughter to watch Fast Times and she loved it. The Killing classic noir, love it. In Bruges made me take a trip to actually see Bruges. Thanks
The last director of whom you spoke that did The 13th Warrior. What I noticed right off in that flick was how cool he set it up so that it took weeks or months of traveling together for Antonio Bandaras's character to pick up the Norse language. This is the only movie where I've seen this done. It's brilliant. Every other movie from 300 to Gladiator, the characters, no matter their country of origin, all seem to speak with a British accent. Even some of my favorites like HBO's Rome and Game Of Thrones
That's why movies like "Come and see" are so good
Absolutely love...LOVE...Frailty. Back when I was younger and worked at Blockbuster this was one of y most highly recommend movies.
That was a great film. Stumbled across it several years ago on HBO or something.
We rented In Bruges back in the day thanks to the recommendation of the video store dude. Loved it. Also, Hard Eight is fantastic.
Same. But I was too young and distracted to give it my full attention haha. I'll have to check it out again though.
One of the greatest and most energizing factors of Predator that I have not heard is the musical score by Alan Silvestri. The shear excitement that makes the action so riveting would be cut in half by a lesser composer. The multiple layered asymmetrical rhythms keep you on edge and the relentless percussive onslaught is nerve racking and intensifies every scene. Genius score to a genius movie, often copied, never replicated. Another great score for some of the same reasons and more is James Newton Howard's score for 'Signs', an unjustly maligned but amazing movie by M. Night Shyamalan.
Thanks for this video! I will soon have some extended time off of work due to carpal tunnel surgery and I actually have only seen a couple of the movies on this list. I will be needing to fill some down time.
It feels like double-dipping to have an embedded ad for a VPN while also having the automatic ads from RUclips. And just when I was getting ready to subscribe, too.
Four of my favorite movies are: Ground Hogs Day ~ Hot Fuzz ~ The Edge of Tomorrow , and Three O' Clock High. You've mentioned a few that I have not seen, but I will now.
Yes on Open Range! Best Western in a long time. Great actors, good story, incredible action scenes.
Traffic was a rough movie to watch. Upsetting. Up there with Requiem for a Dream and KIDS.
Need to watch The Killing. Looks right up my alley.
Yes, Predator and the 80s action movies where they were rated based on the body count. "I ain't got time to bleed" best line ever.
yuh, got time to duck?
In Bruges is my favorite Collin Ferrel character
Your take on films is on point sir. Thank you for having this channel!
Great picks. Interestingly, the genius, Aaron Sorkin, wrote the screenplays for Moneyball and The Social Network. I love his dialog and pacing.
if you have HBO Max and have never seen The West Wing, I highly recommend you give it a try. Its Sorkin at his best. The look will feel a bit dated at first since it is from the late 1990s, but you will get past that really quickly if you give it a try. It's always recognized as one of the best series of all time. I put off watching it myself for years but when I finally gave it a shot I loved it.
@@increase9896 Thank you for the recommendation. I totally agree. I recently started watching the whole series for a second time! Sorkin is brilliant!
Harry and the Hendersons was my jam when I was six.
It holds up
@@DarrenVanDam Wore that s**t out from the video store. I think they let us keep it.
Thank you for the recommendations. There are a couple here that I have on my "to watch" list, so I will be getting to them soon. One thing you mentioned was a little off. The movie Endless Summer was made in 1965, which is 57 years ago, and you stated "for a movie made over 60 years ago..." when describing it.
Absolutely love Predator, I remember being 9 years old and roaring at the top of my lungs right with Arnold near the end when he lights the torch lol
Frailty has a couple of good twists.
Open range is a great western. Kevin Costner apparently had a pretty bad case of appendicitis while filming and directing. I also really enjoy the 310 to Yuma remake.
Appaloosa was very good too. Ed Harris also starred in and directed it.
Last but not least, Mud was akso great. One of the few movies based in my home state of Arkansas.
Thanks for the vid! I know this director isn't for everyone's taste... but my favorite director of all time is David Lynch. I would highly recommend Mulholland Drive to anyone, and for a t.v. series, nothing beats Twin Peaks imo
Dude! Open Range is one of my picks for Best Western of all time. Such a great movie. Also, Endless Summer can make anyone want to surf. Great choice.
This is just a GREAT list. There are couple on here I haven't seen, and none that I wouldn't watch again. Especially like that you included In Bruges. I was wowed by it and wondered why it didn't get more play.
Everybody has their own list, but I might add The Gentlemen. The title is like a stealth shield that makes this movie sound boring, but it's not. Great performances by McConaughey, Colin Ferrell, Michelle Dockery, Hugh Grant, Charlie Hunnam...
DVD I agree with Traffic! I remember watching it at a little theater that served homemade pizza and handcrafted brews and cost 2 bucks since it was a second run theater in Florida. Haven't watched in years but will now. Thanks brother!
Wow , I'm 75 and a big movie fan. Love Your list of Great Movie's to watch. And would like to add one of my own - Phantasm 1979. Saw it with a Girlfriend at the Theater when You saw 2 Movies - the B Movie first and then the A Movie. From the Beginning to the end we were on the edge of our seats. We were so tired from watching what's going to happen next that We had no interest to see the the A Movie and left. The next day at work I'm telling one my coworkers about Phantasm and another comes up and starts adding to what I'm saying You must see it.
Wanted to fast forward when you said Rudy but the clips brought me to tears thanks
I really enjoy your reviews. Good list. I have seen every movie on the list. The only one I disagree with you is Open Range, regarding how good it is. Westerns I like better (tho not on Netflix)are The Salvation, Bone Tomahawk and Hateful 8. One of my favorites is Frailty. I really like Paxton. He was a very good actor. He was even great in Aliens. For the fans, I will ask you review the following Paxton movies again or for the first time: A Simple Plan, U-571, Once False Move, Trespass and Indian Summer.
I saw The Endless Summer when it was first released. It was possibly sponsored by Coca-Cola at the time, because I was selling newspapers in suburban Adelaide, and was given two tickets by a regular customer who worked for that company. My brother and I went and saw it, and although not really into surfing were transfixed. I was around 13 or 14 and my brother was two year younger. Still the greatest surfing movie I have ever seen.
They put Predator on at my local cinema in between covid lockdowns. Huge, empty room, awesome film, paradise
normally I don't watch movies more than once, only have with a special few. Rudy is one of them. Ive watched it maybe 10x and could watch it 10 more. Ive never seen it on anyone's list, you get high marks for listing it. it is absolutely near perfect! thanks for including it. I watch most of your reviews, I'm a big fan from Thailand.
Two of my favorite movies, Two Moon Junction, and The Edge with Anthony Hopkins!
I love your list. I use to do the same thing as a video store owner 🐸💚
Good video. Thanks for the Kubrick reference. I'm a fan of his but never heard of that one.
I recommend The Usual Suspects to absolutely everyone!! It's hands down one of my favorite movies ALL TIME. I'm pretty good at figuring movies out and this one had me all the way to the end! LOVE IT!
Desert island film. I can always watch it again.
I saw Fast Times at Ridgemont High in the theater. I graduated in 1983. I loved it then and still love it today.
My favorite part of “Traffic” is when Benicio Del Toro and a woman are discussing the US DEA. In Spanish she calls it “la dea” (the day); and he calls it “las letras” (the letters).
He's honestly really underselling Open Range here - it's a slow film for the most part but the end gunfight is an absolute all-timer - not just in westerns, but ANY genre.
So many on this list are favorites of mine. Even some that are not well known. Like HARD EIGHT. And thank you for mentioning THE KILLING. One of my all time favorites.
I graduated high school in 1981. Fast Times at Ridgemont High had to be our coming of age movie.
Fabulous list! Now I want to rewatch the 18 I've seen! (Except Leaving Las Vegas; too depressing.)
Frailty is so underrated and phenomenal
Gangster No1 - Paul Bettany
Big fan of this movie and underrated imo.
Love "Open Range". I have watched it many times. There is another similar movie named "Broken Trail", also stars Robert Duvall, which I again think is a great Western.
I saw Leaving Las Vegas on the same night that I bought Natalie Merchants Tigerlilly album. To this day I think San Andreas Fault is one of the saddest songs ever, and it has nothing to do with the song itself. That’s how depressing Leaving LV was.
Wow.. yes!! This movie is actually so perfect at being what the story is about that I actually can not watch it without getting really depressed.. If I was to ever consider drinking myself to death,, Vegas is where I would do it.. and I lived there for 4 years. but just so you know.. I'm okay. Really.
My daughter and I went to see this when it first came out.....on Christmas day.
We left the theater sort of stunned and DOWN!
Merry Christmas!
@@jungzejim5 glad you're ok!
@@denisecost8699 All good.. Thanks darlin. Merry Christmas to you too.
Whole-heartedly agree about John McTiernan. Let's hope he finds his redemption following his legal problems (and a prison sentence), and that he gets a chance to make movies again. Would be interesting to see how he finds himself in the new movie-making era.
The 90s Romeo and Juliet is so well done. The style and set design alone makes it so watchable. The modernization of the Shakespeare classic seems like it could never work, especially with the original dialogue, but somehow it does.
On Moneyball you meant General manager Managers are on bench during games GM's run teams off field drafts, trades signings, hiring etc
Please list the list... thanks!!
open range one of the best westerns ever made
I’m not an avid surfer by any stretch of the imagination. But I watch endless summer once or twice a year. So love that flick
I really wish you could do a collaboration with the major streamer channels where I could just click on your list to add them to 'my list' on their respective channels, or like HBO Max lists have your selections ! Please make it happen !!
Great list. Thanks 😊
Frailty is fantastic. Bit of a slow burner, but well worth the watch.
Frailty is brilliant!!!
1)Open Range has one of the best shootouts ever put on film.
2) Moneyball - good choice. What is Bennett Miller doing now? He came out swinging with 3 great films - Capote, Moneyball and Foxcatcher
3) Mud - love Jeff Nichols - Take Shelter is my favorite (and Midnight Special would be a good one for a hidden gem list).
4) The Odd Couple is in my top 10 favorite comedies (The Fortune Cookie could be a good choice for "forgotten classics")
5) When you said Kubrick, the first thing I thought of (but probably not streaming) is Paths of Glory
6) Predator - my favorite Arnie film.
Ahhh. Open range is amazing.
Edit... Movies don't get much better than Traffic