[食在多倫多] | 人氣創意日式 fusion 菜 | The Flying Fish | 勁脆香口壽司薄餅 |食過最好味的和風意粉 | Japanese fusion | Sushi Taco

  • Опубликовано: 3 дек 2024
  • 多倫多一向都多壽司店, 想食壽司一啲都唔難, 不過日式 fusion餐廳在 uptown地區就少啲, 今次我哋去 Richmond Hill 一間人氣甚高嘅日式 fusion餐廳 The Flying Fish 試試, 呢間餐廳有廚師特選壽司 Omakase sushi, 和風意粉, 最吸引我嘅其實係賣相非常好嘅紫菜壽司薄餅, 我邀請大家一齊來睇下我哋嘅用餐體驗!
    The Flying Fish
    324 Highway 7 East, #3
    Richmond Hill, ON
    Tel: 905-882-9959
    There are so many sushi places in Toronto that it is very easy to get sushi here. But when it comes to Japanese fusion restaurant, there are not many choices in the uptown area. This time, we went to Richmond Hill to try a very popular Japanese fusion restaurant in the area. The menu includes Omakase style premium sushi and wafu (Japanese style) pasta. But what attracted me the most was their special sushi taco. Please come and watch this video to see our dining experience!
    聲明: 本頻道影片中的言論純屬個人意見及感受, 以提供一般資訊給大眾參考。
    Disclaimer: The information and comments provided in the videos of this channel is for general informational purpose only.
    #多倫多vlog #多倫多生活 #壽司 #和風 #sushi

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