It could be because of her pregnancy hormones that makes her really mad and suicide. Womens can't control their emotions when they're pregnant. Some mens dont understand that it's not the woman itself, it's her pregnancy hormones that causes her to be very upset/mad at unnecessary problems. Womens' moods change alot during pregnancy.
Cov niag poj niam siab phem phem siab heev heev li no ces tuag los zoo kawg los mas mam nrhiav dua tustshiab os lawv aw, nws yeej yuav phov siav tuag li no ces puam chawj os hivhivhivhiv
😅o9b mà😊 oppl là
It could be because of her pregnancy hormones that makes her really mad and suicide. Womens can't control their emotions when they're pregnant. Some mens dont understand that it's not the woman itself, it's her pregnancy hormones that causes her to be very upset/mad at unnecessary problems. Womens' moods change alot during pregnancy.
Tij aw es tsov dub lub pov haum kawg lawm los
Vam meej lawm xav ciaj xwb tuag ces sias xwb o cov py aw
Tsov dub lub pov haum peb mloog o
Tsov dub lub pov haum o tij
Cov niag poj niam siab phem phem siab heev heev li no ces tuag los zoo kawg los mas mam nrhiav dua tustshiab os lawv aw, nws yeej yuav phov siav tuag li no ces puam chawj os hivhivhivhiv
Koj pus yo hmoob suav os