Women Fear Becoming 'Bag Ladies', Says Study

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • "It appears that a staggering number of American women have a common fear: becoming bag ladies.
    According to a new study, nearly half of women in the U.S. who make more than $30,000 per year (and 27 percent of women who have salaries over $200,000) are afraid that they will end up destitute and alone on the streets, reported the L.A. Times."*
    According to a recent report, women who are reasonably financially secure have high anxiety of becoming homeless and destitute, much more so than men. Why is this? Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, and Dave Rubin (Rubin Report) discuss.
    *Read more from Huffington Post:
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Комментарии • 626

  • @Phlebas
    @Phlebas 11 лет назад +1

    Feminism is based on the empirical idea that there is social inequality in which men are privileged over women, and the moral idea that this social inequality is a bad thing. It's hard to say I was convinced of the necessity of feminism by any single event; all I did was pay attention whenever people brought up the issue of inequality.
    As for privilege:
    1) Yes, everyone has privilege in some way.
    2) No, male privilege is not seen as original sin. Did you read that FAQ I suggested?

  • @xyz69asaurus
    @xyz69asaurus 11 лет назад

    Furthermore, there's nothing unequal about feminism. Complaining that it focuses on one gender is like complaining that gay rights only focuses on one sexual orientation, or civil rights on one race. It focuses on one gender because that's the gender being repressed. Considering that every President is male, we don't really have a lot to complain about.

    @NCAJAX 11 лет назад

    They are not worried about ending up broke on the street. They are worried about dieing alone with no one to love them.

  • @BlackLabelSlushie
    @BlackLabelSlushie 11 лет назад

    "the wage gap is a myth ..."
    I worked for a massive US law firm and, predictably, a group of female lawyers started threatening massive lawsuit because female lawyers were not getting "equal pay for equal work." We made a massive investigation into the claims (since 10s of millions at stake in lawsuits) hiring huge external auditing. Lawyers MUST & do record on paper every HOUR worked. Result: Female lawyers worked 33 percent less hours and got 15 percent less pay ie MEN worked MORE for LESS.

  • @TGMasaka
    @TGMasaka 11 лет назад

    What they fail to mention is that it is always much more likely that a man will be homeless compared to a woman, so the idea that women have this fear more than men do would be odd to say the least.

  • @Henbot
    @Henbot 11 лет назад

    The National Coalition for the Homeless clearly states that 35% people members of a household with children are male. While 65% are female (due to domestic violence)- they then state that 67.5% of the single homeless population is male. That the single population makes up 76%.
    They also clearly state that in their implications of their stats - "people whom become homeless do not fit one general description."
    Hope people thumb up- instead of just thumbing up something that fits their opinion.

  • @nyonelove7617
    @nyonelove7617 11 лет назад +1

    I thought a "Bag lady" was a women who works a cash register at a grocery store. How embarrassing of me. :X

  • @Henbot
    @Henbot 11 лет назад

    "Most studies show that single homeless adults are more likely to be male than female. In 2007, a survey by the U.S. Conference of Mayors found that of the population surveyed 35% of the homeless people who are members of households with children are male while 65% of these people are females. However, 67.5% of the single homeless population is male, and it is this single population that makes up 76% of the homeless populations surveyed (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2007)."

  • @MrBazBake
    @MrBazBake 11 лет назад

    In the UK you can lose your house and still be able to go to the doctor. In the US, if you lose your house, you lose access to doctors. A significant number of our homeless are homeless because they can't get mental disorders treated so they've basically fallen off the map.

  • @christinetrzcinski4561
    @christinetrzcinski4561 7 лет назад +1

    male dominated system....if it was woman dominated we wouldn't be as insecure...plus women don't make as much as men as a rule...

  • @pianorama
    @pianorama 11 лет назад

    Here in Santa Barbara there are many so-called "bag ladies" and one can see how quickly their health deteriorates. They are so vulnerable.

  • @john7101
    @john7101 11 лет назад

    If these women making 200k/yr would buy less shoes and purses they wouldn't be scared about being broke.

  • @Phlebas
    @Phlebas 11 лет назад

    You don't seem to understand what's meant by "privilege" in the context of gender equality. It does not mean "never, ever negatively affected by sexism". Rather, it refers to power in all its manifestations. The fact that male babies often get mutilated in the West does not negate the fact that men have a lot of economic and social advantages in society that aren't enjoyed to the same degree by women.

  • @gulllars
    @gulllars 11 лет назад

    That's a valid point, but not being many paychecks from destitute is a bigger societal problem. It's a mindset from "good times" that you don't need significant personal reserves to be secure, because if you should loose your job or get other financial problems, you can put a lot of effort in and you will be OK.
    This is not the case anymore, and though the financial landscape has shifted, peoples habits haven't, and for those aware this can cause anxiety.
    I have a $15K buffer even as a student.

  • @Cyanidesin
    @Cyanidesin 11 лет назад

    I'm a male and I worry about my finances all the time. Probably because I'm over-educated, under-employed, underpaid, and still working on my degrees.

  • @treetopteresa
    @treetopteresa 11 лет назад

    You make light of being homeless, but coming from someone who has been there. I can say the fear of going back to that is terrifying everyday. Most homeless are not crazy, but people that fell on bad luck.

  • @johnconstantine1604
    @johnconstantine1604 11 лет назад

    Yes and yes. Those calling themselves feminists have convinced themselves that they deserve more, and "more" is the equality they deserve. To disagree with their assertions is to classified as bitter or a misogynist.

  • @animatedJ0J0
    @animatedJ0J0 11 лет назад

    Of course I'm exaggerating, but women have FAR MORE rights when it comes to these issues. Yes, there are ways to see your kids. Yes there are programs for the homeless. But women;s rights far exceed men's rights, and Im saying this is the reason.

  • @Phlebas
    @Phlebas 11 лет назад

    Here's the thing: I identify as a feminist and I know what my own goals are. I know others who identify as feminists, and considering that I agree with much of what they write, I can assume that their goals, if they haven't been explicitly stated, are the same as mine. So when you play mind-reader and say "this is what feminists REALLY want", it's quite obvious to me that you know nothing about feminism.

  • @Gary190tube
    @Gary190tube 11 лет назад

    Women probably worry about it more because sleeping rough must be a more frightening situation to be in if you're female.
    If I had to sleep on the streets I'd rather be male than female, just for safety reasons.

  • @waltermh111
    @waltermh111 11 лет назад

    A woman rarely has to worry about homelessness, only if she chooses to severely limit herself in times of need, but saving money is always useful for a rainy day.
    I do say though, make sure you enjoy life and dont focus too much on saving.

  • @animatedJ0J0
    @animatedJ0J0 11 лет назад

    It's a real cultural phenomena that favors women more than men. It has been like this for centuries as we placed higher value on reproductive advantage

  • @RebornLegacy
    @RebornLegacy 11 лет назад

    It means that as a whole,women tend to feel more worried. The actual number of women compared to men doesn't matter.

  • @Henbot
    @Henbot 11 лет назад

    They then state in their implications/summary - that "As this fact sheet makes clear, people who become homeless do not fit one general description."

  • @johnconstantine1604
    @johnconstantine1604 11 лет назад

    While men make more money than women on average, women control and spend vastly more money than men. Women often average more $/hour than men. (Though women average less hours.)
    So I agree with you, Minns: There needs to be more equality is this area.

  • @Henbot
    @Henbot 11 лет назад

    You miss that they clearly stated in their summary that homelessness can not be singled out into one specific group
    "As this fact sheet makes clear, people who become homeless do not fit one general description."

  • @SpicyDolphin24
    @SpicyDolphin24 11 лет назад

    Feminism is about equality, you as a 12 year old boy wouldn't have experienced discrimination based on your gender. Where I live I don't receive equal pay for doing the same full time job working the same hours as someone working with me who is male. I can also be denied a job because I'm young and female and I'm "probably just going to get pregnant and get maternity leave". Men don't have these problems. They don't have to campaign for equal pay or equal opportunities. There need to be equality

  • @Henbot
    @Henbot 11 лет назад

    "Most studies show that single homeless adults are more likely to be male than female. In 2007, a survey by the U.S. Conference of Mayors found that of the population surveyed 35% of the homeless people who are members of households with children are male while 65% of these people are females. However, 67.5% of the single homeless population is male, and it is this single population that makes up 76% of the homeless populations surveyed (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2007)"
    Are stats from one place

  • @rabsputin
    @rabsputin 11 лет назад

    if feminism is fighting for gender EQUALITY it's fighting for EVERYONE. that's what EQUALITY is.

  • @mic7able
    @mic7able 11 лет назад

    There is NOTHING wrong with cat ladies/people. They only LET us think we're in charge.

  • @krisshishymishy
    @krisshishymishy 11 лет назад

    I 22/f, worry a lot about money but never about being homeless. It never even crossed my mind I could ever possibly end up that way

  • @dogstar7
    @dogstar7 11 лет назад

    Nobody asked for your advice.
    I commented on a video - you replied - I exploded your argument and reiterated my original point

  • @Phlebas
    @Phlebas 11 лет назад

    I'm not bothered by men talking about men's issues. I'm bothered by men derailing conversations about women's issues in order to talk about men's issues. It would be just as wrong for women to derail a conversation about biases in custody cases to talk about the wage gap.
    As for feminism being gender bigotry, you would do well to actually talk to a feminist and find out what they really believe. It also helps if you understand what they mean when they talk about privilege and patriarchy.

  • @amjan
    @amjan 11 лет назад

    Women feel insecure because it's not in their nature to be self-dependent.

  • @PaulRamen
    @PaulRamen 11 лет назад

    Men aren't as worried with money because they don't crash their car once a year.

  • @b991228
    @b991228 6 лет назад

    When a man divorces his standard of living increases and for women it decreases. As for the children the men have no problems leaving them high & dry.

  • @thatisrob
    @thatisrob 11 лет назад

    My mother used to work voluntarily for a rape crisis center as a councilor, she attended a conference and almost fought a group of feminist because they were arguing that all men are rapists including my father and her two sons. Now i am as progressive as it gets, but this isn't right, it is prejudice pure and simple. why dooes one argue for feminism when one should be arguing for humanism, equal rights for all, not the self victimization of the half.

  • @RAMKING61
    @RAMKING61 11 лет назад

    It's not about how much you MAKE, it's about how much you KEEP!

  • @RomanDiaries
    @RomanDiaries 11 лет назад

    How on earth do you get "blame men" from them saying "maybe womens' worries are understandable"?

  • @liamj2363
    @liamj2363 11 лет назад +1

    Worst comes to the worst I'm gonna go be a hermit in the woods.

  • @TGMasaka
    @TGMasaka 11 лет назад

    The study that produced the statistic of 1/4 women being raped in their lifetime was found to be extremely biased, and pretty much just terrible work altogether. Look up Mary Koss on that one.
    Also, the wage gap is a myth that has been perpetuated to this day, even though we know how and why men make more on average than women do. Warren Farrell's work there can tell you all about it.
    There's also Vawa, white house council for women and girl's health only... Volkermuller isn't entirely wrong

  • @kissit012
    @kissit012 11 лет назад

    its not just a worry about being poor or single, women have a need for security and stability. we look for ways to establish that and worry about not having it or having it taken away.

  • @punkduderock
    @punkduderock 11 лет назад

    This is not a women issue men are more likely to become homeless then women. That a fact. This is also a problem for the black community 42% are African American yet they are only 13% of the population
    67.5% are single males within the single percentage.
    32.5% are single females within the single percentage.

  • @22Vnnami
    @22Vnnami 11 лет назад

    While he was wrong to say that all feminists think that men are rapists he still had a point. Feminism will never be enough to reach where we want to be which is equality for all. This is because it addresses only half of the whole. I would never say that women have it better than men on the whole, that is simply not true, but I'm sure we can both say that there are still problems both ways. It is not feminism we need, nor masculism, what i'm sure we both want is full gender equality.

  • @Mr13born79
    @Mr13born79 11 лет назад

    "When's the last time you saw an old guy doing something good". Oh come on. They don't always need women. Hemingway, Thompson, Gilmore, Page, Henley, Clapton, Einstien... Get off it.

  • @zodiam1
    @zodiam1 11 лет назад

    27% of women make 200,000 a year...really...how many years have they made this amount? I worry making 50,0000 a year and supporting a family on my own!

  • @kdfooaijfea3asdf
    @kdfooaijfea3asdf 11 лет назад

    I agree with Ana. I also think that in the past women depend on men and family more, so loss of income might not be as much of a worry. Now that women entered into a world where they have to fend for themselves (and they face a harder time than men sometimes), the worries that losing the job becomes greater.

  • @therrydicule
    @therrydicule 11 лет назад

    I got an issue, which that you are thinking about it rationally when we speaks about fear which is not a rational feeling. This does not mean you are wrong, it mean that you have the good answer to the wrong question (which is better than the wrong answer to the good question).

  • @elgransick
    @elgransick 11 лет назад

    You are right. I'm sorry for noticing that no one ever reports on how this negative issues tend to affect men more than women, while if it were the other way around there would be 20 laws passed within 3 weeks. TYT has never drawn attention to men being more exposed to homelessness in the real world, but they are quick to report an irrational and unrealistic fear that women have about it.

  • @DenTheGodKing
    @DenTheGodKing 11 лет назад

    My mom is a housewife and always basically tells my little sister how one day she will be a loving stay at home mom so school isn't important and she should learn how to cook and clean early. Meanwhile if I slack off she calls me out for not being a real man who should study so I can make it big to be a provider lol. And thats how its a lot in these old fashioned predominantly religious households.

  • @SpicyDolphin24
    @SpicyDolphin24 11 лет назад

    FEMINISM = The advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Anything else such a male bashing or prejudice towards the male gender as a whole is NOT feminism. It's not just women who believe in equal rights either, plenty of men can be feminists too. Please inform yourselves before spurting off your ingnorance all over the internet. Thank you.

  • @AliRadicali
    @AliRadicali 11 лет назад

    The same. Men are heavily overrepresented both in poverty and in homelessness compared to women, and while the gap has shrunk a little as society abandons traditionalism, it's still a significant difference.
    I tend to think that the less a woman actually has to worry about, the more inclined she is to worry about non-issues and fret about perceived dangers(like patriarchy, rape culture, wage gap, or the risk of becomeing homeless and destitute).

  • @Gary190tube
    @Gary190tube 11 лет назад

    Exactly. Even feminists will tell you that they don't fight for men's rights. Someone has to do it.

  • @Jex134
    @Jex134 11 лет назад

    Equality is a key factor in humanism, but feminism is inherently unequal, just like chauvinism is; to imply that feminism plays a fundamental role in sexual equality, when it inherently imposes sexual inequality, is simply wrong.
    I've never met a feminist who believes in true equality; when we got down to it, they all believed (to some extent) that men must be chivalrous to please women (at their own expense) and that women shouldn't have to do anything please men.
    Feminism ≠ Equality.

  • @HrHaakon
    @HrHaakon 11 лет назад

    Another thing to think about would be that women spend a lot more money than men.

  • @midatlantic09
    @midatlantic09 11 лет назад

    Yea, seriously. That's the main reason why chicks are always worried about money. I make $85k a yr now, but just a few years ago I was living on a little over $1k a month (including rent, food, etc) and things were just fine and if I had to go back to living on a little over $1k a month, I could do it with ease. However, most women seem to always need new clothes, more makeup, enjoy going out to eat often, etc. and aren't able to live with just the bare necessities and nothing else.

  • @animatedJ0J0
    @animatedJ0J0 11 лет назад

    67.5% of the single homeless population is male, and it is this single population that makes up 76% of the homeless populations surveyed (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2007)

  • @emigallen
    @emigallen 11 лет назад

    I worry about a lot of things. finances, student loan debt, job security, and creating a stable home in which to raise kids. after observing male friends, boyfriends, and my dad ive come to realize: it's not that men are too cocky. it's that worrying does not solve your problems. by worrying, you're shooting yourself on the foot because instead of taking action , you're wallowing in self pity.

  • @Phlebas
    @Phlebas 11 лет назад

    Pretty sure that both FinallyFeminism101 and Tekanji made it clear that having privilege does not make you a bad person, so it doesn't make sense to say that men have to absolve themselves. Having privilege is more like coming from a rich family; nobody blames people for being born into wealth, but people do get annoyed when wealthy people act like out of touch jackasses.

  • @fordhouse8b
    @fordhouse8b 11 лет назад

    Bag ladies are either old or crazy. Combine the widespread lack of preparations for retirement with a fear of a bankrupt social security system and it isn't surprising that prudent people worry. Many of us are not that many paychecks away from being destitute, even at 30 grand a year.

  • @BulletBlitz91
    @BulletBlitz91 11 лет назад

    Men worry just as much as women about the same thing, but often we as a society tend to frame it different, or encourage certain sexist idea that pressures genders more than another on any given issue. This isn't necessarily biological, and for the most part is socialized.

  • @AliRadicali
    @AliRadicali 11 лет назад

    So when a historian says "the Romans/catholics/nazis/whatever did X" he means ALL romans, all catholics, all nazis, without exception?
    Methinks your problem is your reading comprehension, not my supposed bigotry. Methinks the problem is your ridiculously hyperbolic interpretation of what I said, not my actual words, which amount to, at worst, an exaggeration and/or imputation of "bad" behavior.

  • @ZerosDream
    @ZerosDream 11 лет назад

    Yes, but why should they focus on solely females? LGBT can only focus on what they do because straight people face no discrimination. My point is that all feminists should instead be for equal rights/treatment for both men and women, and if they aren't then they should be treated as misandrists who only want to make females better off than males.

  • @Kingwboxing
    @Kingwboxing 11 лет назад

    A poor woman, often homeless, who uses bags or shopping carts to transport her posessions and collect things that might be of use or traded for money.

  • @Ivan21bg
    @Ivan21bg 11 лет назад

    Chris rock said a similar thing. Guys don't buy expensive cars because they like them, they buy them because women like them, its the bate."

  • @someanon1984
    @someanon1984 11 лет назад

    Feminism actually does concern equality for everyone, but it does so from a different perspective ("all genders are equal" as oppose to "everyone is equal", which are different means that reach the same end since everyone has a gender). The problem is that a lot of people make assumptions about the entire group based on the vocal minority.

  • @Phlebas
    @Phlebas 11 лет назад

    "You're right, I don't get it."
    Very good. Admitting ignorance is the first step towards becoming a more thoughtful person. Next step is to educate yourself. Open a sociology textbook or even just look up "privilege" (and "patriarchy") on Wikipedia for a brief description. Maybe then you'll understand that male suffering does not contradict patriarchy and male privilege.

  • @retrotd
    @retrotd 11 лет назад

    I intend to keep working until I drop dead to prevent me from becoming homeless. It sucks that you don't get to actually retire, but I also see too many people sitting around waiting to die or doing little hobbies that do nothing but surround themselves with possessions or more work to take their mind off the fact. I intend to keep doing something of worth, something contributory until my hear stops.

  • @itchykami
    @itchykami 11 лет назад

    The statistics seem pretty well in line with the number of people that feel anxiety.

  • @BulletBlitz91
    @BulletBlitz91 11 лет назад

    "These cities do not constitute a
    representative sample of U.S. cities, and this report should not be interpreted as a national report on
    hunger and homelessness. The data are only representative of the 23 cities that responded to the

  • @flake452
    @flake452 11 лет назад

    I wonder how many men fear not seeing their kids because their partner leaves them and automatically gets more rights.

  • @dogstar7
    @dogstar7 11 лет назад

    Tell me more about these "people like" me. They sound fascinating. They sure are active, doing and saying all kinds of things behind my back. Good to know you've been keeping an eye on them and reporting their activities. Keep up the good work.

  • @waltermh111
    @waltermh111 11 лет назад

    Just because its in the definition, that doesnt mean its what they practice.
    We have to go by their actions, which are anything but equality.

  • @Wolfau5
    @Wolfau5 11 лет назад

    I think it's just that women are more anxious about almost EVERYTHING.

  • @keziah11412
    @keziah11412 11 лет назад

    A lot of women including myself do have that fear of growing old and being alone primarily and with that comes possibility of poverty. I see that fear in my mother and is why I refuse to ever move away to another state. Men seem to always remarry or have some woman taking care of them so they dont have that fear

  • @Lineee94
    @Lineee94 11 лет назад

    He said he worries about his personal finances. Why is that superficial or whiny? That's a perfectly sensible thing to worry about, especially at the moment.

  • @Thejigholeman
    @Thejigholeman 11 лет назад

    i don't think you understand. YES humans were hunter/gatherers, but that was because back then they trained to do so, they had parent's to teach them how to hunt, what tracks to look for, and what plants are safe to eat. but today we don't have parents who can teach us these things. if you just throw a city boy/girl out into the wild and say "humans did it before, so you do it now" that person won't know what to do. you think you would do fine with hunting because people make it look easy

  • @animatedJ0J0
    @animatedJ0J0 11 лет назад

    In general, as I said before, there are more women in the college, workforce under 30, and they are earning more than men. Since the top jobs require your full commitment, it's just harder for women. Yes, there are parts of America where sexism exist. But please dont blame everything on sexism, because there's more to the problem than that.

  • @PrestonSmithsMusic
    @PrestonSmithsMusic 11 лет назад

    My wife goes crazy when we are short on cash for the week. I don't worry nearly as much, knowing I'm not going to starve. For her, I think it's more parental. We scrap by just fine though, so I worry much less. Food banks and soup kitchens are places I've had to visit. It's also not hard to cook a filling meal for a family of five with only $5.

  • @threeofwands
    @threeofwands 11 лет назад

    That's because women were more honest about it.
    Fact is, when you can't take care of yourself anymore its into an institution, and that's all your property and savings.
    Old age is old age, and death is the only clear way out.

  • @TheGeckoNinja
    @TheGeckoNinja 11 лет назад

    these woman have nothing to worry about, for woman i can guarantee you can find someone who will help you out, even take you in, woman have plenty of guy friends they can mooch off of.
    ana how are you gonna be left alone? you are super hot i seriously doubt you would be alone, plenty of guys would give you a place to stay even pay your bills.
    basically what im saying is financially woman have it easier than men, we men have to worry about actually living on the streets, i have been through it.

  • @Jex134
    @Jex134 11 лет назад

    1. I'm not impressed that you demanded an example just to turn around and use it as an ad hominem. Let's not make this personal, please?
    2. How is giving an example when asked to "not how it works"?
    3. I made it clear that I was specifically talking about how the overall ideologies are inherently unequal, not that everyone who subscribes to one automatically becomes dichotomized without exception (as you assert). Argue the points I made, not the ones I didn't make.

  • @animatedJ0J0
    @animatedJ0J0 11 лет назад

    actually, women process emotion with their frontal lobe. Men process emotion with amygdala. Thats why women tend to retain emotional memories far better than its male counterparts.

  • @punkrampant
    @punkrampant 11 лет назад

    Damn. Good on Ana for being brave enough to admit that. She's got some balls, that woman

  • @MrHardCash
    @MrHardCash 11 лет назад

    I fully support the results of this study! Noticed it countless times in my life with many people, including me and my sis.

  • @rabsputin
    @rabsputin 11 лет назад

    he didn't really, he just didn't understand what feminism is and that these people he was talking about were not feminists.
    i can understand why so many people, especially males who feel threatened by females having equal rights, are thrown off by the name.

  • @animatedJ0J0
    @animatedJ0J0 11 лет назад

    WOMEN have always been placed above men. We still do. Yes, oppression in Saudi Arabia is real, and I believe it's caused by it's restrictive religion on men who then dispose their frustration on weaker women. In many 3rd world countries we see this, and we should fix it.
    In America it's a little different.
    There are less women CEO because women have more to sacrifice in terms of family and relationship, for you absolutely can not afford to be pregnant during the 5-20 years of being CEO.

  • @Johnnillson4829
    @Johnnillson4829 11 лет назад

    Ladies, if you're afraid of ending up destitute, alone and broke on the streets then marry a millionaire and then ask for a divorce few months later so the court could award you half of what your ex-husband has. That's what I'm planning to do ;)

  • @Gary190tube
    @Gary190tube 11 лет назад

    MRA is an answer to the excesses and double standards of feminism. When feminism goes away, MRA will too.

  • @BlackLabelSlushie
    @BlackLabelSlushie 11 лет назад

    No. The threatened lawsuit was dropped. To my knowledge there were no consequences for the women who brought the claim. You will see young unmarried female lawyers sometimes work harder than anyone else. But as soon as they have kids OR get married OR get in a serious relationship you see their billable hours plummet immediately. That is FINE by the way. I don't begrudge people wanting to have a life at all! But don't work 1/3rd less and then demand to be paid the same for less work. Choices

  • @FreeD00M
    @FreeD00M 11 лет назад

    I don't know why I have this anxiety, but I definetly have it and here is the reason why...

  • @NotoriousBroadcasts
    @NotoriousBroadcasts 11 лет назад

    Ana's theory about seeinbg dependant women and being influenced by that is not accurate. Cenk's theory that women are providers is more acurate. The reality is, every woman has their own motivation for their fear.

  • @milascave2
    @milascave2 11 лет назад

    Men and women fear becoming homeless these days, and realisticaly so. The danger increases every years, since 1981 when the problem exploded after Regan started the problem.

  • @DarkReapersGrim
    @DarkReapersGrim 11 лет назад

    Being in graduate school, I worry about finances all the time. Just yesterday, I spent about 30 minutes (not knowing about this video), looking at the salaries of university professors as a potential occupation that I may desire to go into, even though I disfavor that kind of work for me. And a good part of my financial insecurity has to do with the fact that I see myself being a single guy. Unlike most people who will marry, they'll most likely have two incomes coming in; I'll only have one.

  • @vanzep91
    @vanzep91 11 лет назад

    Usually old guys who are hitting something good, have a good amount of financial security.

  • @SotNist
    @SotNist 11 лет назад

    A backpack is the most functional and necessary thing i can own after shoes and clothes.

  • @Gary190tube
    @Gary190tube 11 лет назад

    "as a member of the ``everyone deserves the exact same rights`` party "
    yeah, join the club.

  • @YawnGod
    @YawnGod 11 лет назад

    Kasparian said "hypothesis" instead of "theory"?
    Instantly in love.

  • @groam6666
    @groam6666 11 лет назад

    It's quite common for people to judge books by their cover, just like many people who say they believe in the Bible have never read it. Most feminists just look at a definition and roll with it, but it does not make them feminists. Radical feminists are real feminists, and people who want equal rights for women and men are humanists, egalitarians, etc.
    Answer me this, why is the definition of masculinism NOT the opposite view of feminism? They both imply sole emphasis on one gender perspective.

  • @willyfan2168
    @willyfan2168 11 лет назад

    hey look at that dog, that cat, THAT CAR and THE WORD * HI *