I need help identifying a small bird type that has recently moved into my back yard. I live in Southern California. Size: Very Small(smaller than a Sparrow but larger than a Hummingbird, of which we also get in the back yard). Color: A very light green(lime?) with a dark mask(possibly black or grey). Call: Not familiar with bird song terminology but the bird lets out a single high note(A Trill?) and doesn't really deviate. Food Habits: They seem to gravitate towards my Tomato Plants, flying in and out the gaps. Either they're eating the seeds from some of the tomatoes or they're eating any bugs in there(we have lizards pigging out there as well🤣 ). Roosting Habits: These little birds have chosen my neighbor's Orange Tree to roost and rest in(possibly even nest in). They don't seem to mind sharing said tree with the local Sparrows and it's only 20 feet or so from my Tomato Bush. I'd like to think they're some form of Finch or bird similar to a Chickadee but I will defer to the experts.
"It's easier to fool people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain ‘’No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.’’ - Plato Notice how they are always almost laughing when announcing these tyrannical inhumane ‘’guidelines’’, ‘’rules’’ ? “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” ― George Orwell Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht(Author), Claus Köhnlein (Contributor): archive.org/details/VirusMania/page/n13/mode/2up BÉCHAMP or PASTEUR? A Lost Chapter in the History of biology: www.mnwelldir.org/docs/history/biographies/Bechamp-or-Pasteur.pdf The Kiss My Ass Plan Explained: ruclips.net/video/LSGZ4Hkdyg4/видео.html Josef Mengele was a 'doctor' surrounded by ''famous' ''accredited'' ''scientists''/ ''academicians'' who ''scientifically' came to the conclusion that the millions of people they murdered were ''not essential''. 😘 Hitler started with ‘’science’’, ‘’doctors’’, ‘’experts’’ and medical tyranny. The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich: ruclips.net/video/Rz8ge4aw8Ws/видео.html Ritual masks/Slave muzzles are for the LIErus. You can start boosting immunity by not breathing in your own co2 and other metabolic waste. Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic: pdfs.semanticscholar.org/3fb0/144129aa2d25615295fa401418baf6dd6f30.pdf?_ga=2.78110804.1928195418.1596472559-448939896.1596472559 Dirty Big Pharma Truth: www.dirtybigpharmatruth.com/the-false-foundations-of-modern-medicine.html Viruses Can't Spread - Why The COVID-19 Virus Doesn't Exist And Is Exosomes (Banned By RUclips): www.bitchute.com/video/hGsTnJ77wh99/ COMMUNISTS/BOLSHEVIKS ALWAYS HAVE THE POLICE AND ARMY PERSONNEL ALL WEAR COMMUNIST/BOLSHEVIK UNIFORMS ON THE DAY AFTER THE ‘REVOLUTION’. THE PEOPLE WHO WERE SHOT FIRST WERE SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS'S OWNERS, THE ‘’CONSPIRACY THEORISTS’’, OR BETTER SAID THE COINCIDENCE THEORISTS, THE OLD, THE SNITCHES(yup, snitches were/are useful idiots), PEOPLE WHO COULD READ, PEOPLE WHO WORE EYEGLASSES. CASTRO GOT HIS ORDERS FROM THE BANK OF CUBA WHICH IS OWNED BY WALL STREET WHICH IS OWNED BY SATAN WORSHIPING PEDO CANNIBALS, WHO OWN AND RUN THE MEDIA/IDIOT BOX. THINK ABOUT IT. THINK HARD. IT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Louis Pasteur Recants His Germ Theory: www.susandoreydesigns.com/insights/pasteur-recant.html Soil Theory vs Germ Theory: members.iimetro.com.au/~hubbca/soil.htm#Pasteur TO BE OR NOT TO BE? 150 Years of Hidden Knowledge: www.whale.to/p/bird.html HOW THE FAKE NEWS ARE MADE: ruclips.net/video/mRRl0LXEwaQ/видео.html NIH Removes 5G-Coronavirus Study From Website: www.infowars.com/cover-up-nih-removes-5g-coronavirus-study-from-website-following-infowars-expose/ The Ugly Truth About 5G: banned.video/watch?id=5cebbcae896f39001248173 It’s just a mask. It’s just six feet. It’s just two weeks. It’s just non-essential businesses. It’s just non-essential workers. It’s just a bar. It’s just a restaurant. It’s just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals. It’s just until the cases go down. It’s just to flatten the curve. It’s just a few inmates. It’s just to keep others from being scared. It’s just for a few more weeks. It’s just church. You could still pray. It’s just prayer. It’s just until we get a vaccine. It’s just a bracelet. It’s just an app. It’s just for tracing. It’s just to let people know you’re safe to be around. It’s just to let others know who you’ve been in contact with. It’s just a few more months. It’s just some more inmates. It’s just a video. It’s just a post. It’s just an email account. It’s just for protecting other from hate speech. It’s just for protecting others from hurt feelings. It’s just a large gathering but for protests. It’s just a few violent protests. It’s just a little micro chip. It’s just a blood test. It’s just a test. It’s just a scan. It’s just for medical information. It’s just to store a vaccination certificate. It’s just like a credit card. It’s just a few places that don’t take cash. It’s just so you can travel. It’s just so you can get your driver’s license. It’s just so you can vote. It’s just mail-in voting. It’s just a few more years. It’s just a statue. It’s just a monument. It’s just a building. It’s just a song. It’s just a lyric. It’s just an anthem. It’s just a few words. It’s just a piece of paper. It’s just a book. It’s just a movie. It’s just a TV show. It’s just a cartoon character. It’s just a piece of cloth. It’s just a flag. It’s just a dog at a protest. It’s just a religion. It’s just a holiday. It's just your guns. It's just the police. It's just the military It's just your freedoms....gone forever. And "It's just" the way they planned it. “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if…We didn't love freedom enough. And even more - we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956 The real, true compounds that ARE causing ALL the health problems ARE reported once in a while but COMPLETELY ignored by the satan worshipping mainstream media whores... but sure they do promote the boogey man, never proven, ridiculous, completely out of touch with reality, delusional germ theory(invented and promoted by a satan worshipping pedo freemason): www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/27/impact-of-air-pollution-on-health-may-be-far-worse-than-thought-study-suggests www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7715309/Light-pollution-driving-INSECT-APOCALYPSE-scientists-claim.html www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7755847/Breathing-London-air-like-smoking-160-cigarettes-year.html www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7804993/Living-polluted-cities-make-likely-depressed-attempt-suicide.html www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7763401/Cutting-air-pollution-brings-health-benefits-WEEKS.html off-guardian.org/2019/12/03/dont-look-dont-see-pesticides-in-the-msm/ www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7810811/Switching-unleaded-petrol-caused-dementia-rates-fall-15-year-Europe-North-America.html The same deaths that go unreported every year are being given a new diagnosis: co(n)vid19(84). 🤣😂😅 Diabolically genius level to take over the world. They know the sheeple are dumber than a second coat of paint. There are only 7 viruses: 1. Stockholm Syndrome; 2. Cognitive Dissonance; 3. Milgram Experiment; 4. Normalcy Bias; 5. Learned Helplessness; 6. The worship of the idiotbox/ teLIEvision with the con/scam artists in it; 7. Statism "You can't reason someone out of something that they weren't reasoned into in the first place" - Mark Twain
Yes! Yes they can! I had a twenty minute conversation with a female. It started with her cawing three times and me whistling three times. Some silence, then me whistling twice, her cawing twice. Some silence she cawed 7 times I whistled 7 times, it went on like that for 20 minutes each one mimicking the other. Was awesome!
I had a shorter conversation with a trio of crows in my neighborhood. I actually cawed instead of whistled and all three cawed back in exactly the same way as they hopped away to give me some space. The musician in me was amazed at their mimicry
i always kinda say "kekekekekekek" with a soft voice whenever i see magpies, they do it real quick themselves too. where i'm from there aren't many crows, and no ravens i know of, but we have tons of jackdaws and magpies over here, i can see a jackdaw from the corner of my eye sitting on a roof as i'm typing this, and i see them dive their heads the chimneys every morning, and come back up. these guys are acting like ducks up here lol
I had a pet crow. When he got about 2 years old he wanted out. We lived on 10 acres with woods and 3 ponds so i let him go. He came to see me all the time. Of course i gave him food daily. When i would get home on my motorcycle he flew down to say hello. And he found some friends and bought brought them to visit me. He also left shiny stuff he found on our porch. He was a really sweet bird. Very smart
How long did he live? I'm asking because I made friends with a Crow five years ago but he stopped visiting about 3 months ago. I'm wondering if my buddy passed away.
Andrew Heffel interesting🧐 I’ve never heard of the behavior 😕I have allot of crows in my area NE OH, study them, intrigued by there behavior , but we cant witness every move they make🤓
The cutest crow pair I've seen were a couple looking for nesting material together. They walked side by side in perfect unison and every time they would come across a twig on the ground they would both pause. One of them would pick the twig up and present it to the other for a closer inspection. Almost every time the one holding the twig would then just let it drop and they would move on to the next twig to see if that other one could be up to their VERY picky standards. It was both so adorable and fascinating to watch. They looked like the perfect couple in love and seemed so serious and dedicated about building their nest!
I saw a video once where a wild crow was using a margarine lid (or something similar) to "sled" down a snow covered roof. He'd pick it back up, fly to the roof crest and do it all over again.
I saw a video of ravens. They're all standing on the top of a snow- covered roof of a grocery store. And they'd wait for humans to walk out the front door and they throw snow on them or push it on them from the roof. And I swear I heard them almost cackling they thought it was a riot
My dad, an ex-football player (and former owner of a crow), said that they strut around like the guys on his team, thinking they’re tough, the shit, etc.
I was playing my djembe drum outside and a large flock of crows were in the nearby trees. i started to notice that their cawing was in rhythm to what I was playing. I stopped playing suddenly and they kept cawing in a pulse at the same tempo i was playing at for a little bit before it collapsed back into chaos. That was one of the coolest experiences I've ever had, playing music for an audience of crows and the crows "clapping" in time with the music like how human audiences do
I’ve loved crows for as long as I can remember. A number of years ago my father passed away. I was a professor at a University in California and, upon returning to campus after his funeral I was overcome with grief. I left my office and took a walk in a residential neighborhood close to campus. I sat on a curb and started to cry. At first I heard one crow cawing in a tree near me. Then I heard another. Within a few minutes the tree was filled with crows, calling out…..comforting me. I LOVE crows…..they are my family ♥️♥️♥️
Absolutely adore crows....they are loyal, very smart and also very sweet and playful. Feed 4 crow families...plus 2 goofy seagulls...they make even a bad day...much better.
I love crows...I feed them when I'm on my work lunchbreak and they look inquisitively for the next piece of food, head tilting, bobbing around me...so adorable!
I feed them at my job too! I'll admit to taking some extra, longer smoke breaks just to give them food and hang out with them. It definitely makes work suck less!
"My" crows had a specific call for me. When I came out, whoever saw me would say my name, and everyone else came. Even when it wasn't time for food. They also dive-bombed any stranger who came into my yard. I think that was sweet.
My wild crows will poop on cars and people they don't find appealing that visit me. One was pale skinned and blond. Flew RIGHT over on purpose and pooped! Just missed by a hair, thank goodness! Because it was a mess.
I don't know about mourning, but I've heard they conduct murder investigations. If, for example, someone goes into an area with crows with a dead crow, the other birds will caw at them and dive bomb them. They teach their kids to look out for the person they saw so you can get on their shit list for several generations. Studying crows people have had to use masks so the volunteers weren't black listed by the crow mafia.
I feel this is among the reasons why Oden and his association with both Death and Ravens comes from, the fact they mourn their own is so deeply empathic
Animals do mourn and hold funerals. I refuse to buy into what scientists say sometimes especially when it comes to something so clear. They would stand around fallen members and make the same pained noise they do when they're hurt. It's 1000% a funeral and I love them for it
Some time ago I was on my lunch break sitting in my car watching some crows in a field. It was a windy day where the wind was going in one direction. The crows seemed to be having a competition where they would fly in a straight line in the direction of the wind. Then they would circle around and do it again and again. It was a race to see who is the fastest flyer. It was well organized and repeated, it was a game to them for sure.
I once had a friendly pair of crows that met me every morning when I went out for a walk. I loved them so much and greeted them so joyfully every day, always amazed to see them. One morning I woke up to the pair with a third, smaller one, looking in my bedroom window. I had never seen them there before, and immediately it struck me that they were showing me their offspring. I can’t be certain of that, but it seemed the likeliest explanation for seeing three crows lined up at my bedroom window for the first time ever. Ever since, I have wondered if they could really be so social with humans or if I’m anthropomorphizing by attributing to them a parental pride in their fledgling and a desire to share it with me.
They were definitely trying to do some kind of contact . . . possibly showing the offspring the "safe human." They certainly tell all the crows for miles around about the "dangerous humans." Loudly.
It makes sense. If you are a tiny animal, having a gigantic mammal friend is good security. The stronger your posse, the safer you are. So I think you were being shown their chick in the hope that it would also fall under your protection.
Crows are extremely social and accepting of individuals who treat them well, so they were probably showing the offspring what you look like so that the young bird would know you are safe to be around.
@@jojobird5545 More likely, they were showing him to the family, so that the younger birds would know he is someone who they can trust and feel safe around.
I befriended a crow by offering him peanut M&M’s when I was in high school, he would get on my shoulder and would follow me to school one day he even flew up on my shoulder through a open window in one of my classes but he was a distraction so teacher made me put him outside and close window. Even today I feed a pair of ravens that regularly come by and make a hell of a racket outside my house till I go out and put food on a little platform I made for them in a oak tree. Ravens are much bigger the crows but both are very cool birds.
Wow A.M.V. your experience with the awesome crow sounds like a beautiful friendship. Like you, I simply adore crows and ravens and have had such incredible experiences with them. Enjoyed your post. ☺
I raised a Raven this summer. Chose to stay around uncaged. He puts his head in submission when he wants to be sweet. I preen his feathers on his head and neck. These are the sweet times. He has blended into the household of three dogs and a cat. He can be bossy to them but generally get along well. Learned the meaning of "Good Trade" when I need something he has taken. Hello is being learned. Mastered a dog bark. Blessed to have him in our lives.
My family of Crows has become my favorite group of birds. Whenever they see me walk outside or get out of my car they start in calling to me and naturally I run and get Peanuts for them....lol...they cost me a small fortune in Peanuts but they are worth it. I was teaching my 9 yo grandson how to call them ....thanks for some fun facts about the grooming
russ elder - Same here but with Blue Jays. When they see the blinds or the back door open - their calls begin - audio signals to others nearby :) - Stephanie
My CROWS are like pets!! I feed them unsalted whole peanuts, boiled hot dogs,& canned dog food. They will call to me whenever I go outside. Their such a cool bird.
I feed a family of crows at my home in Seattle. I see them preening each other quite often and it is indeed such a wonderful thing to watch. The juveniles are just now starting to come to my railing to retrieve treats that I leave for them and I'm giving them much more space than their parents need. The parents will fly right up to the railing while I'm sitting 6 feet away! I love every interaction I have with these magnificent creatures!
The sound they make to their newborns is like a cute chittery chirping sound not at all like the caw caw sound. I always like to watch them and at my old work I had a few visitors atop the parking garage who used to come by for snacks occasionally. The pair were funny always messing with stuff people left up there. Every so often a murder/flock of 100s came to the office at dusk and would caw in the trees, they made the bare branches look full :) I was also amazed by crows and ravens in Japan, very similar but always seemed larger, and their caw sounded more haww haww to me.
I have befriended a flock of crows that have approximately 5 members. Every morning they wait for me to bring out their dog food. If I'm running late they start to vocalize their impatience with me, unit I open the door and walk out. It's been close to a year and they still don't trust me fully. They always wait almost an hour before they come down from the trees to eat. I have become so interested in their well being to the point I've adjusted my schedule to ensure they are fed each day.
I have a lot of Fish Crows around my house. Their “caw-caw” calls end up sounding more like “ha-ha!” as if they’re laughing at something. It’s adorable.
bunnybird12 I love Fish Crows, too! Sometimes, flocks of them will fly behind my house or congregate in the trees behind my house. To me, they sound like they’re saying, “Uh-uh!” Funny and adorable.
We had a family of four last summer. The parents constantly fed their “teenagers”. At one point they decided enough was enough and attempted to stop. The begging and pleading that ensued was hysterical. We are looking forward to more antics this summer. I enjoy your videos so much. I think your white throated sparrows visit us in the winter.
I used to park in an open-air corporate parking lot and every morning and there was this crow sitting up top a light pole and it would "Kaw Kaw Kaw" at me. Yes, just me and no one else. I actually started to get a bit paranoid thinking this was some type of sign for my future or whatever. Alas, one morning, as I got out of my truck and the same crow was sitting on the same light pole looking at me. Before it could 'kaw' at me I did a preemptive "KAW KAW KAW" at it and it did a couple of deep nods toward me and flew away. I don't know what any of it meant but I never saw it again. Weird huh?
@@dsmr3297 I was just recounting an experience. I had no bubble to burst. Yes, a REALLY paranoid observer might read more into than I did but in the end, I just shared what I felt and observed. No drama. Excuse me. There is someone knocking at my door....just a sec......................................................................................
I love how he gave you the nod of approval, LOL. Maybe it wanted the attention? Either way Crowy definitely liked you :) thank you for sharing that strange tale! I hope a crow in my parking lot chooses me too one day, lol!
There aren't many animals which can recognize humans by their face. Dogs will react more to your clothes and smell. Crows can differentiate between humans independent of their dress, it could be that crows can even interpret different facial expressions.
I love how their feathers look when photographed after I apply different filers. You can see all the complexity and variation which underlies their mostly black appearance. Such wonderful animals.
I have been feeding birds for 40 years. For the first time ever, a family of 5 crows has been visiting me daily the past few weeks. I really enjoy their presence. Their waddly walk kills me lol. I put out grapes, grape jelly, suet, hardboiled eggs. This family loves red grapes.
Crows are so smart and greet each other on my street around 8am. I want to be a peripheral part of their family, so I bought a 25 lb of unsalted peanuts. They are so smart.
I have a family of three that show up almost daily for food. One will sit on a tree branch closest to my bedroom window and makes an adorable cooing rattle noise if I don't come out quickly enough. Another great thing- I've seen them escort birds of prey out of the area which is great for squirrel/chipmunk lovers or people who leave pets out
Thank you for this video. Became a friend of a hooded crow pair few years ago and also interacted with many of their offsprings. They changed my view of them for the better. They are intelligent and loving, especially if you feed them!
Ever since I saw the study of facial recognition that crows possess, I've loved them. My husband isn't on board because he relates them to death, evil etc etc. Too many horror movies I think. I love crows and am so happy when I hear them outside my house. Thanks for this lovely glimpse into their lives.
A lot of the traditional prejudice comes from them eating crops and gardens (the reason for scarecrows). Farmers regularly shot them. But we don't have to do that anymore and they are fascinating to interact with.
here in Portugal the crow is the symbol of the our capital Lisbon, soo I guess they are actually appreciated and not feared or hated, learning they are considered bringers of death and malice in other countires was somewhat of a suprise it sounded very ignorant minded
I’ve spent a lot of time with the local crows feeding them recently. Sometimes they’ll follow me from home to work a couple miles away. One time I watched one catch and eat a giant moth. It was hopping around and flapping it’s wings like it was a moth itself. The funniest thing I’ve seen one do is I watched one hop up a whole flight of stairs one by one
I adore the wit and family devotion that crows exhibit. I sometimes put out a tin of dog food for them. I love how they gently swoop low, and then up to the wire above my head with a soft swoosh of wings. I love how the young ones seem to be saying, "Ma!!Ma!! Maaaaaah!"❤️
I have been watching my late season crow babies learning the ropes today. My resident crow family has been in my yard most of the day... It is HOT here so I have made sure to keep their bath cool and they like the shade in the yard as well. The babies are still on the small side .. much smaller than the adults still. There are about 7 .. Adults, youngsters from earlier in the season I think.. and the new babies.. (2) .. One baby has been relentlessly LOUD at begging .. but finally figuring out the eating, and drinking on his own. They are truly so SWEET and I have enjoyed "my" crows for several years now... Your video seemed just perfectly timed as I had just come in from a long session of watching, feeding .. freshening and cooling the "bath" ... One of the most interesting things I witnessed this season was a parent with a cat food tin .. Must have had some dried food still in it.. he had it in the bird bath water and was tipping it on its side so the water would wet and soften the contents so it could be eaten... All the while baby is begging feverishly for "a bite" .. Then adult promptly flew off .. leaving the can on top of the water.. floating.. So youngster had to remember that in order to get " the goods " he would need to do as the adult had done.. tip it on its side IN the water etc.. It did not take him long to get it on his own... I have spent hours just watching them.. and yes talking to them.. They are quite used to me and will allow me to get within a couple of feet before they hop a bit further off. Anyway.. this got way long.. Thanks for your awesome bird videos.. I love EVERY single one of them!
Sharon, reading your comment reminded me of something I saw last year. There was a cat food can on the roof of the house next door. I immediately suspected our local crows. 😄😄
Yea whenever I go see my dad, we have a family of crows visit the little pond we have in our backyard. The parents would often bring food in need of soaking or even washing some of the prey that they managed to catch. They would usually come around in the mornings and show their babies where there’s a water source as well as where some food can be found. We have a compost pile in the back where we’ll leave any left over or spoiled food that is safe for the wild animals to eat. We did leave out peanuts at some point, but one of the squirrels managed to get into my dad’s car hood and ate the peanut in there. So we don’t leave out peanuts anymore 😂.
I love crows and the little jackdaws too. I always feed them peanuts in a shell, because other birds can't take that food and nobody ever feeds the crows.. I live in the city and even though they might have never seen a full peanut, they always know what to do with it. My cats don't mess with crows either, they know they don't stand a chance. Crows have a very good memory too. They have a big territory where I live in the city, but when you're around they're always somewhere in a tree or on a building, watching if you have some peanuts. And if you look at them and hold up a peanut, they'll come flying down. They know exactly who you are.
Blue jays are related to crows and will eat peanuts in a shell. I’ve also watched the titmouse a little grey/blue bird take a whole peanut, in the shell.
The bravery of crow parents during fledgling season is also sweet to me. I live in Seattle where there are also a growing number of eagles and hawks. I have seen crow parents chasing Cooper's hawks and pestering pairs of bald eagles to keep their babies safe. It is amazing to witness
I love crows! I've always thought they were so pretty; and have always enjoyed watching them and listening to them. Corvids are amongst my favorite birds. Thanks for the post.
Lesley, I raised 10 generations of crow families. They are funny and very loving, They enjoy listening to me talk to them and tell stories. They are a hoot!
I have a crow call and sometimes I’ll mimic the crows while I’m fishing. I’ve had a crow lead me in a count up to 8 and back down to 0. I turned around and looked at the crow in amazement saying, “OMG! It knows how to count!” Then it flew over to 2 of its buddies and they all turned around and it looked like it said to them, “OMG! It knows how to count!” True story.
The look of sheer bliss on the face of the crows being preened is priceless. I've also noticed the adults feeding each other in the breeding season. Pretty amazing birds.
I let the crows in our neighborhood know that I'm putting out peanuts or eggs by calling "Hey crooow. Hey croooow." A few years ago, one of them started hanging outside my window imitating me: "Mo mooooh. Mo moooooh." He quickly trained me to put out food whenever he called. This year, he showed up with another crow and their two fledglings. It was so cute to see them standing on the roof or fence and calling for food, then feeding the begging littles. The neighbor kids say they're having a "business meeting."
Early this month, I went to visit my sister in Washington state, where I lived until April 2019. She has her "usuals" every day, like you do, and it includes both crows and Steller's jays. I was on the patio and a crow landed on the wire, looking at me like "You got something lady?" I and my sister both talk to wild critters (of course) so I started talking to this individual. He or she sat there in rapt attention, cocking the head back and forth, watching me and seeming to be catching every word. A few minutes later, a jay also landed on a wire and started listening to me. This one stared directly at me, and I noticed something I'd never seen before: two vertical blue lines on their foreheads! Sis said, "They remembered your voice, from last year!" and I think that's exactly what it was. Hopefully, they'll be there again when I visit next year!
I throw out peanuts in the shell first thing every morning while my hot tea is seeping and I love how they call out to their mates the peanut guy is up.
I love watching crows playing while flying. About 25 years or so ago, I was driving towards Jones Beach in NY along the Meadowbrook Parkway on a very windy day. I saw a bunch of crows flying into the wind and tumbling around in the air. Sometimes they got pretty close to the water before recovering, but they always did, then flew back into the wind to do it a again. They were calling constantly, and sounded like they were laughing. Pulled over and watched for about 15 minutes.
Their caws can be extremely loud at times, but I find their extreme insistence on delivering the message hilarious. Crows really have a strong self of self and what they’re looking for from a given situation. 😊
I love when the crows come around my tree in the morning when I open the garage. The often caw loudly, and when they see me, start cooing and chortling and making other sweet sounds. When I greet them with “good morning”. They will stop and look down at me quietly, then resume with the cooing. A lot of people don’t realize the range of sounds this songbird produces.
I need to add that I do feed the crows in the morning - peanuts in the shell. There are ibis that stay nearby and one ibis will walk amongst the crows checking out the peanuts, but he’s not really interested. Then this week that cheeky ibis walked right into my garage , right to my feet and poked up at me as if to say, “where’s something I’d like?”
I have had two crows when I was a teenager. One thing I liked is that they always were very enthousiastic when they saw me, also when they were not hungry. Another thing I liked is that they made nice sounds when I talked to them.
I can really not think of anything about crows that is not "sweet"! I have had a family in my backyard for many years and I like the way they use me as a supplier of food when they are raising chicks. They have to share with other birds such as Magpies, Butcherbirds Currawongs etc (I live in Australia), that will also come to visit for a feed. I find the crows far more reserved than most of the others and only approach to gather some of the food that I supply when they are busy caring for their new chicks. They will also, almost always wait for their turn rather than take the food off other species of birds and engage them in hostile action. However they won't hesitate to grab food that is in close proximity to, say a Magpie if they feel that they can get away with it! So, thank you Lesley for sharing your crow video with the rest of the world.
One morning I was taking a walk with my little dog. I stopped at across from corner of where a crow was hopping up and down what looks like taunting a cat. I was amused by it and laughed softly so not to disturb their little game playing. I like watching crows and all the little creatures.
Crows are so smart and protective I have been watching a group of them they protect their family and other birds everyday inwatch these crow pair let all the birds know when I bring food to all of them so cool they are 😊😊😊😊😊
Just be consistent with shelled unsalted peanut feedings with fresh water (they will often use to soften the peanuts) as well as drink, and they will start to be your regular visitors!😊 It adds to the fun if you develop your own special call to them!
@@Justme77400 Well I couldn't say for sure, but what I have is a chive plant that sits in a shallow clear plastic dish (was actually a lid on a watermelon bowl from the produce department) and I fill it daily with cool fresh water and watch from the front room window as they pick up their peanuts and dunk them in the water, as well as filling their beaks and tilting their head back to swallow!
I have been feeding a family of 4 crows (UK) now since spring where the adults had 2 little ones to feed. I shoo the cats & seagulls off when they try to nab the food I put out and the crows now squawk like mad to warn me when the bandits are near. When they are especially hungry they all line up on the roof and squawk for me. They are amazing x
Crows are my favorite birds and what i love most about them is that they're very smart and playful. They don't just "survive" they seem to have fun in life and they try out new things.
I love all animals and not just warm fuzzy mammals; even the birds and reptiles that many people -- that are sadly ignorant -- refer to as "ugly". This is a STUPENDOUS video! It was great to learn this information, Lesley! I appreciate it so much!
Oh my sweet Crows!! I love them so much. They are my favorite bird! They’re so smart and I love how they look out for each other. Lesley, this was a fascinating video. As always, thank you so much💕🌸
I started feeding and interacting with a small family of crows more than a year ago, after my old spaniel died. They used to tease him, which, being a bird dog, was pretty entertaining. Perhaps sensing my loss, the crow-nies began hanging around the deck railing to keep me company. I feed them peanuts, scrambled eggs, leftover meat and veg scraps. You have highlighted the sweetest behaviors that I too have observed. They disappeared for several weeks in springtime, and returned with two fledglings to introduce to me! One of the sweetest things they’ve done is to patiently teach their young how to dip snacks I leave out in the bowl of water. Excellent parents. Also love their clickings and cooings.
There’s a family of Crows at my work that wait for me every morning, I feed them crackers & peanuts & they are there at my get off time as well ! Very smart birds ! I really enjoy them
Hey. I’m not so sure about that. I used to have annoying stellar jays hanging about, making a racket, being slobs about food handling, a nuisance generally. Then, crows showed up and seemingly drove the jay away. The crows have an extended range in front of my place. The feed and preen on my porch. The only jay sightings for a year are on the back side of the house ... out of sight!
Yes, "my" crows and blue jays know to come to my yard every morning for peanuts. I love them. Both had successful babies this year and it was wonderful to watch them.
I have been a crow lover for years. Several years ago I had daily visits from a crow family. One of the family members had a deformed foot and could not walk. Every morning "Footsy" as I called him would light on the back deck rail. The other family members would mill around in the back yard while I brought the food. I would take "Footsy's" food to the rail where he could reach it. If he accidentally knocked his food off, one of the other family members would bring him more food. They knew my voice and my face. They are truly amazing and wonderful birds.
Knowing that they mourn the death of a loved one and keep returning to the body I had to remove one off a busy street while in Northern California a few weeks ago. Many others were flying around and perched near a lifeless family member laying on a busy street. I was worried for them so I found a place to pull over. Grabbed my sweater and went out in the road picked up the bird with my sweater and moved him or her away from the traffic. It was weird because as I parked and moved toward the body all the crows were up flying above me and talking up a storm. I assured them I was there to help. As I moved the body I could tell whatever happened just happened. I seen no blood and silently hoping she was just knocked out and would be okay. But if not she was in a safe place for her family to watch over her.
They are so loyal. They teach us so much. You will never see a crow alone. There always in even numbers ..I once sat in my car and watched as one injured crow who couldn't walk well with an injury, all the crows came and circled his body to protect him, nudging him to make it across the street safely. I love the loyalty and compassion they have for each other. They are so beautiful. 🖤🖤🖤🖤
We love the summer time when the Adults cows take over their offspring to our feeders .. So funny to watch the antics of the kiddies... One one occasion. a adult crow flew in to one of the tray feeders while a juvenile watch while standing on the lip of the tray watched .. The adult was eating while looking at the child coaching it to try eating. . finally the parent waked over to the child crow and pushed it into the pan. . The juvenile finally got the message and started to try the food ... ... It is amazing how quick the yearling's get wise , and soon don't need the parents direction. Love your videos
oh, how I love me a crow..My Dad would sit on his back deck and use a crow call thingya ma bobber..and they would come and talk..cutest thing ever..They are so smart..thank you for this video..for the crows and reminding me of my Dad...peace!
The crows on our city street recognize me since I started putting out food scraps for them. (I heard they are having a hard time getting enough food with most of the restaurants closed.)
Crows are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE BIRDS OF ALL. They are such intelligent, wonderful, lovely, whimsical, and truly FASCINATING birds. I've enjoyed many rather amazing interactions with crows over the years. It's such a shame they sometimes get a bad rep from misinformed people who are uninformed as to what truly sweet, loving, beautiful, and AMAZING birds crows (& ravens) are. I simply ADORE crows & love them with ALL of my heart. Always have and always will. ❤❤☺☺
Seriously though!!! Just their mannerisms alone are super endearing!! Their walk, their hops, the way they peck, the head bobs.... I've always admired them from a distance, but I heard a story on the internet where someone saved a crow baby, and released it when it became an adult. That crow remembered that person, and it and its child one day came to them with presents-- tiny pine sticks woven into the holes of soda bottle tabs. They said they thought it was beautiful because it was like the symbolism of their shared worlds. The pine sticks representing the birds and nature, and the soda tabs representing humans and the society. I was sold on that. 🥰💖💕💕
We absolutely love "our" crows. We began by feeding them in the front of our property a few years ago. This Summer, my husband began putting out meal worms and other treats for them on our back patio. We definitely have a family now...around 8 or 9 gather each evening for din-din. We put a 2nd birdbath in our yard as they love to drink and bathe in it. I'll have to pay especial attention to notice them preening each other.
My second channel ruclips.net/channel/UCQstQaxXjIr0hdXgbHpUniA?view_as=subscriber
I need help identifying a small bird type that has recently moved into my back yard. I live in Southern California.
Size: Very Small(smaller than a Sparrow but larger than a Hummingbird, of which we also get in the back yard).
Color: A very light green(lime?) with a dark mask(possibly black or grey).
Call: Not familiar with bird song terminology but the bird lets out a single high note(A Trill?) and doesn't really deviate.
Food Habits: They seem to gravitate towards my Tomato Plants, flying in and out the gaps. Either they're eating the seeds from some of the tomatoes or they're eating any bugs in there(we have lizards pigging out there as well🤣 ).
Roosting Habits: These little birds have chosen my neighbor's Orange Tree to roost and rest in(possibly even nest in). They don't seem to mind sharing said tree with the local Sparrows and it's only 20 feet or so from my Tomato Bush.
I'd like to think they're some form of Finch or bird similar to a Chickadee but I will defer to the experts.
@@generaljimmies3429 You can probably check out Cornell University's bird identifying app. Merlin.
There’s a beauty in these calm and intelligent videos.
I jumped over to your 2nd channel and just subscribed. Thanks...
"It's easier to fool people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain
‘’No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.’’ - Plato
Notice how they are always almost laughing when announcing these tyrannical inhumane ‘’guidelines’’, ‘’rules’’ ?
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” ― George Orwell
Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht(Author), Claus Köhnlein (Contributor): archive.org/details/VirusMania/page/n13/mode/2up
BÉCHAMP or PASTEUR? A Lost Chapter in the History of biology:
The Kiss My Ass Plan Explained: ruclips.net/video/LSGZ4Hkdyg4/видео.html
Josef Mengele was a 'doctor' surrounded by ''famous' ''accredited'' ''scientists''/ ''academicians'' who ''scientifically' came to the conclusion that the millions of people they murdered were ''not essential''. 😘 Hitler started with ‘’science’’, ‘’doctors’’, ‘’experts’’ and medical tyranny.
The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich: ruclips.net/video/Rz8ge4aw8Ws/видео.html
Ritual masks/Slave muzzles are for the LIErus. You can start boosting immunity by not breathing in your own co2 and other metabolic waste.
Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic: pdfs.semanticscholar.org/3fb0/144129aa2d25615295fa401418baf6dd6f30.pdf?_ga=2.78110804.1928195418.1596472559-448939896.1596472559
Dirty Big Pharma Truth: www.dirtybigpharmatruth.com/the-false-foundations-of-modern-medicine.html
Viruses Can't Spread - Why The COVID-19 Virus Doesn't Exist And Is Exosomes (Banned By RUclips): www.bitchute.com/video/hGsTnJ77wh99/
Louis Pasteur Recants His Germ Theory: www.susandoreydesigns.com/insights/pasteur-recant.html
Soil Theory vs Germ Theory: members.iimetro.com.au/~hubbca/soil.htm#Pasteur
TO BE OR NOT TO BE? 150 Years of Hidden Knowledge: www.whale.to/p/bird.html
HOW THE FAKE NEWS ARE MADE: ruclips.net/video/mRRl0LXEwaQ/видео.html
NIH Removes 5G-Coronavirus Study From Website: www.infowars.com/cover-up-nih-removes-5g-coronavirus-study-from-website-following-infowars-expose/
The Ugly Truth About 5G: banned.video/watch?id=5cebbcae896f39001248173
It’s just a mask. It’s just six feet. It’s just two weeks. It’s just non-essential businesses. It’s just non-essential workers. It’s just a bar. It’s just a restaurant. It’s just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals. It’s just until the cases go down. It’s just to flatten the curve. It’s just a few inmates. It’s just to keep others from being scared. It’s just for a few more weeks. It’s just church. You could still pray. It’s just prayer. It’s just until we get a vaccine. It’s just a bracelet. It’s just an app. It’s just for tracing. It’s just to let people know you’re safe to be around. It’s just to let others know who you’ve been in contact with. It’s just a few more months. It’s just some more inmates. It’s just a video. It’s just a post. It’s just an email account. It’s just for protecting other from hate speech. It’s just for protecting others from hurt feelings. It’s just a large gathering but for protests. It’s just a few violent protests. It’s just a little micro chip. It’s just a blood test. It’s just a test. It’s just a scan. It’s just for medical information. It’s just to store a vaccination certificate. It’s just like a credit card. It’s just a few places that don’t take cash. It’s just so you can travel. It’s just so you can get your driver’s license. It’s just so you can vote. It’s just mail-in voting. It’s just a few more years. It’s just a statue. It’s just a monument. It’s just a building. It’s just a song. It’s just a lyric. It’s just an anthem. It’s just a few words. It’s just a piece of paper. It’s just a book. It’s just a movie. It’s just a TV show. It’s just a cartoon character. It’s just a piece of cloth. It’s just a flag. It’s just a dog at a protest. It’s just a religion. It’s just a holiday. It's just your guns. It's just the police. It's just the military It's just your freedoms....gone forever. And "It's just" the way they planned it.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...
The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if…We didn't love freedom enough. And even more - we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
The real, true compounds that ARE causing ALL the health problems ARE reported once in a while but COMPLETELY ignored by the satan worshipping mainstream media whores... but sure they do promote the boogey man, never proven, ridiculous, completely out of touch with reality, delusional germ theory(invented and promoted by a satan worshipping pedo freemason):
The same deaths that go unreported every year are being given a new diagnosis: co(n)vid19(84). 🤣😂😅
Diabolically genius level to take over the world. They know the sheeple are dumber than a second coat of paint.
There are only 7 viruses:
1. Stockholm Syndrome; 2. Cognitive Dissonance; 3. Milgram Experiment; 4. Normalcy Bias; 5. Learned Helplessness; 6. The worship of the idiotbox/ teLIEvision with the con/scam artists in it; 7. Statism
"You can't reason someone out of something that they weren't reasoned into in the first place" - Mark Twain
Yes! Yes they can! I had a twenty minute conversation with a female. It started with her cawing three times and me whistling three times. Some silence, then me whistling twice, her cawing twice. Some silence she cawed 7 times I whistled 7 times, it went on like that for 20 minutes each one mimicking the other. Was awesome!
How adorable!
That is pretty cool! Wow!
That's so cool! I'm going to try that.
I had a shorter conversation with a trio of crows in my neighborhood. I actually cawed instead of whistled and all three cawed back in exactly the same way as they hopped away to give me some space. The musician in me was amazed at their mimicry
i always kinda say "kekekekekekek" with a soft voice whenever i see magpies, they do it real quick themselves too.
where i'm from there aren't many crows, and no ravens i know of,
but we have tons of jackdaws and magpies over here, i can see a jackdaw from the corner of my eye sitting on a roof as i'm typing this, and i see them dive their heads the chimneys every morning, and come back up.
these guys are acting like ducks up here lol
I had a pet crow. When he got about 2 years old he wanted out. We lived on 10 acres with woods and 3 ponds so i let him go. He came to see me all the time. Of course i gave him food daily. When i would get home on my motorcycle he flew down to say hello. And he found some friends and bought brought them to visit me. He also left shiny stuff he found on our porch. He was a really sweet bird. Very smart
How long did he live? I'm asking because I made friends with a Crow five years ago but he stopped visiting about 3 months ago. I'm wondering if my buddy passed away.
@@tonystewart7624 wild crows average lifespan is around 7 to 8 years. those in captivity can live 50+ years.
I'm firmly pro-crow. Crows live and move with military precision. Lookouts, scouts and signaling each other. Amazing.
Crows set lookouts to protect the flock. If a crow fails to alert the flock of impending danger, the other crows will often kill the failed lookout.
@@andrewheffel3565 wow never heard that before... they take it very seriously!
@@cjcj6945 just like a human military might do.
Andrew Heffel interesting🧐 I’ve never heard of the behavior 😕I have allot of crows in my area NE OH, study them, intrigued by there behavior , but we cant witness every move they make🤓
Andrew Heffel daaaaamn
The cutest crow pair I've seen were a couple looking for nesting material together. They walked side by side in perfect unison and every time they would come across a twig on the ground they would both pause. One of them would pick the twig up and present it to the other for a closer inspection. Almost every time the one holding the twig would then just let it drop and they would move on to the next twig to see if that other one could be up to their VERY picky standards. It was both so adorable and fascinating to watch. They looked like the perfect couple in love and seemed so serious and dedicated about building their nest!
I saw a video once where a wild crow was using a margarine lid (or something similar) to "sled" down a snow covered roof. He'd pick it back up, fly to the roof crest and do it all over again.
I've seen that video! So precious.
It’s a Russian video. It’s amazing. Think I’ll try to find it so I can watch it again.
@@coolgrandma4952 I also saw one where they did similar but it was on a snow bank.
I saw a video of ravens. They're all standing on the top of a snow- covered roof of a grocery store. And they'd wait for humans to walk out the front door and they throw snow on them or push it on them from the roof. And I swear I heard them almost cackling they thought it was a riot
I love them, Crows are so beautiful!
They walk like they're on a fashion runway.
@@LakeStDive thanks
My dad, an ex-football player (and former owner of a crow), said that they strut around like the guys on his team, thinking they’re tough, the shit, etc.
😂😂😂 so true
aoitennyo - sounds like anthropomorphizing
I was playing my djembe drum outside and a large flock of crows were in the nearby trees. i started to notice that their cawing was in rhythm to what I was playing. I stopped playing suddenly and they kept cawing in a pulse at the same tempo i was playing at for a little bit before it collapsed back into chaos. That was one of the coolest experiences I've ever had, playing music for an audience of crows and the crows "clapping" in time with the music like how human audiences do
I love the corvid family-they are so clever and cheeky!
I agree, Corvids are wonderful. I have become quite fond of them.
I misread this earlier and I thought you said COVID family. Because ravens can carry diseases.
@@donalddeluxe6407 CORVID-19
Steve Ryan oh my god, that’s perfect!!!🤣🤣🤣
@@steveryan1799 oi I invented it!!!
I’ve loved crows for as long as I can remember. A number of years ago my father passed away. I was a professor at a University in California and, upon returning to campus after his funeral I was overcome with grief. I left my office and took a walk in a residential neighborhood close to campus. I sat on a curb and started to cry. At first I heard one crow cawing in a tree near me. Then I heard another. Within a few minutes the tree was filled with crows, calling out…..comforting me. I LOVE crows…..they are my family ♥️♥️♥️
awwh! they are such sweethearts
Absolutely adore crows....they are loyal, very smart and also very sweet and playful. Feed 4 crow families...plus 2 goofy seagulls...they make even a bad day...much better.
They are indeed smart and so interesting to watch.
I love crows...I feed them when I'm on my work lunchbreak and they look inquisitively for the next piece of food, head tilting, bobbing around me...so adorable!
I feed them at my job too!
I'll admit to taking some extra, longer smoke breaks just to give them food and hang out with them.
It definitely makes work suck less!
"My" crows had a specific call for me. When I came out, whoever saw me would say my name, and everyone else came. Even when it wasn't time for food.
They also dive-bombed any stranger who came into my yard. I think that was sweet.
My wild crows will poop on cars and people they don't find appealing that visit me. One was pale skinned and blond. Flew RIGHT over on purpose and pooped! Just missed by a hair, thank goodness! Because it was a mess.
Well, mostly they were driving off the competition.
Like attack crows!
I love how other crows gather above a fallen member, almost like they are mourning the death of that crow.💕
I don't know about mourning, but I've heard they conduct murder investigations. If, for example, someone goes into an area with crows with a dead crow, the other birds will caw at them and dive bomb them. They teach their kids to look out for the person they saw so you can get on their shit list for several generations. Studying crows people have had to use masks so the volunteers weren't black listed by the crow mafia.
I know some scientist can be reluctant to say mourn when it pertains to other animals but I'm pretty sure they are mourning.
@@jadibdraws I have seen hundreds of them do this it is a funeral.
I feel this is among the reasons why Oden and his association with both Death and Ravens comes from, the fact they mourn their own is so deeply empathic
Animals do mourn and hold funerals. I refuse to buy into what scientists say sometimes especially when it comes to something so clear. They would stand around fallen members and make the same pained noise they do when they're hurt. It's 1000% a funeral and I love them for it
I have a family of crows living close by, they brought the babies out to play in my birdbath and gobble the sunflower seeds I put out for them.
What a lovely sight. I'm smiling just thinking about it!
Some time ago I was on my lunch break sitting in my car watching some crows in a field. It was a windy day where the wind was going in one direction. The crows seemed to be having a competition where they would fly in a straight line in the direction of the wind. Then they would circle around and do it again and again. It was a race to see who is the fastest flyer. It was well organized and repeated, it was a game to them for sure.
Thats awesome, I dont doubt this one bit.
Oh! I saw a raven doing that! It was on top of a tree!
Just reading through these comments, I have to say that bird people are the nicest people.
I once had a friendly pair of crows that met me every morning when I went out for a walk. I loved them so much and greeted them so joyfully every day, always amazed to see them. One morning I woke up to the pair with a third, smaller one, looking in my bedroom window. I had never seen them there before, and immediately it struck me that they were showing me their offspring. I can’t be certain of that, but it seemed the likeliest explanation for seeing three crows lined up at my bedroom window for the first time ever. Ever since, I have wondered if they could really be so social with humans or if I’m anthropomorphizing by attributing to them a parental pride in their fledgling and a desire to share it with me.
Interesting story, thanks for sharing.
They were definitely trying to do some kind of contact . . . possibly showing the offspring the "safe human." They certainly tell all the crows for miles around about the "dangerous humans." Loudly.
It makes sense. If you are a tiny animal, having a gigantic mammal friend is good security. The stronger your posse, the safer you are. So I think you were being shown their chick in the hope that it would also fall under your protection.
Crows are extremely social and accepting of individuals who treat them well, so they were probably showing the offspring what you look like so that the young bird would know you are safe to be around.
More likely, they were showing him to the family, so that the younger birds would know he is someone who they can trust and feel safe around.
I befriended a crow by offering him peanut M&M’s when I was in high school, he would get on my shoulder and would follow me to school one day he even flew up on my shoulder through a open window in one of my classes but he was a distraction so teacher made me put him outside and close window. Even today I feed a pair of ravens that regularly come by and make a hell of a racket outside my house till I go out and put food on a little platform I made for them in a oak tree. Ravens are much bigger the crows but both are very cool birds.
Wow A.M.V. your experience with the awesome crow sounds like a beautiful friendship. Like you, I simply adore crows and ravens and have had such incredible experiences with them.
Enjoyed your post. ☺
It's a cute story. I'm glad that the crow survived eating the chocolate, since it's poisonous to most birds (cats and dogs, too).
A.M.V. I think you must be very patient and gentle with animals. Birds are wary of people, it takes a lot for them to trust us.
Be careful with ravens. Those beaks can do real damage, even when just playing.
Never give us chocolate!
It make's us very ill.. x
I raised a Raven this summer. Chose to stay around uncaged. He puts his head in submission when he wants to be sweet. I preen his feathers on his head and neck. These are the sweet times. He has blended into the household of three dogs and a cat. He can be bossy to them but generally get along well. Learned the meaning of "Good Trade" when I need something he has taken. Hello is being learned. Mastered a dog bark. Blessed to have him in our lives.
Wow, lebt er noch?
My family of Crows has become my favorite group of birds. Whenever they see me walk outside or get out of my car they start in calling to me and naturally I run and get Peanuts for them....lol...they cost me a small fortune in Peanuts but they are worth it. I was teaching my 9 yo grandson how to call them ....thanks for some fun facts about the grooming
russ elder the peanuts you offered, are they shelled or not?
@@LotusPrayer2 still in the shell
russ elder - Same here but with Blue Jays. When they see the blinds or the back door open - their calls begin - audio signals to others nearby :) - Stephanie
@@SW13333 my Blue Jays are also demanding...lol...but I love it....my chipmunks are too.......have a great day
I have a whole family of jackdaws eating me out of house and home but I love them SO much. A couple are almost getting friendly.
My CROWS are like pets!! I feed them unsalted whole peanuts, boiled hot dogs,& canned dog food. They will call to me whenever I go outside. Their such a cool bird.
The American crow may be my favorite bird. Yearlings are so fun to watch.
American? Is it fat?
Crows like Jays, are extremely intelligent. They’ve been known to use tools. Their brain to body size is large. They’re amazing birds!
Jays are also corvids iirc
Yes, Jays are also corvids.
Count me in as a Crow lover
I feed a family of crows at my home in Seattle. I see them preening each other quite often and it is indeed such a wonderful thing to watch. The juveniles are just now starting to come to my railing to retrieve treats that I leave for them and I'm giving them much more space than their parents need. The parents will fly right up to the railing while I'm sitting 6 feet away! I love every interaction I have with these magnificent creatures!
You don't have to convince me! (...But I'm watching anyway.) They're adorable!
Absolutely love our feathered friends ❤ They can even teach us about ourselves 😊
The sound they make to their newborns is like a cute chittery chirping sound not at all like the caw caw sound. I always like to watch them and at my old work I had a few visitors atop the parking garage who used to come by for snacks occasionally. The pair were funny always messing with stuff people left up there. Every so often a murder/flock of 100s came to the office at dusk and would caw in the trees, they made the bare branches look full :)
I was also amazed by crows and ravens in Japan, very similar but always seemed larger, and their caw sounded more haww haww to me.
I have befriended a flock of crows that have approximately 5 members.
Every morning they wait for me to bring out their dog food.
If I'm running late they start to vocalize their impatience with me, unit I open the door and walk out.
It's been close to a year and they still don't trust me fully. They always wait almost an hour before they come down from the trees to eat.
I have become so interested in their well being to the point I've adjusted my schedule to ensure they are fed each day.
I have a lot of Fish Crows around my house. Their “caw-caw” calls end up sounding more like “ha-ha!” as if they’re laughing at something. It’s adorable.
bunnybird12 I love Fish Crows, too! Sometimes, flocks of them will fly behind my house or congregate in the trees behind my house. To me, they sound like they’re saying, “Uh-uh!” Funny and adorable.
We had a family of four last summer. The parents constantly fed their “teenagers”. At one point they decided enough was enough and attempted to stop. The begging and pleading that ensued was hysterical. We are looking forward to more antics this summer. I enjoy your videos so much. I think your white throated sparrows visit us in the winter.
I used to park in an open-air corporate parking lot and every morning and there was this crow sitting up top a light pole and it would "Kaw Kaw Kaw" at me. Yes, just me and no one else. I actually started to get a bit paranoid thinking this was some type of sign for my future or whatever. Alas, one morning, as I got out of my truck and the same crow was sitting on the same light pole looking at me. Before it could 'kaw' at me I did a preemptive "KAW KAW KAW" at it and it did a couple of deep nods toward me and flew away. I don't know what any of it meant but I never saw it again. Weird huh?
Steve maybe he was trying to teach you Crow speak and you finally caught on and he approved by the nod and flew away. They are one intelligent bird
@@dsmr3297 I was just recounting an experience. I had no bubble to burst. Yes, a REALLY paranoid observer might read more into than I did but in the end, I just shared what I felt and observed. No drama. Excuse me. There is someone knocking at my door....just a sec......................................................................................
I love how he gave you the nod of approval, LOL. Maybe it wanted the attention? Either way Crowy definitely liked you :) thank you for sharing that strange tale! I hope a crow in my parking lot chooses me too one day, lol!
The universe often uses birds to get our attention. Sometimes it's just to let you know that you are all loved. 😊🌎☀️
There aren't many animals which can recognize humans by their face. Dogs will react more to your clothes and smell. Crows can differentiate between humans independent of their dress, it could be that crows can even interpret different facial expressions.
I love how their feathers look when photographed after I apply different filers. You can see all the complexity and variation which underlies their mostly black appearance. Such wonderful animals.
My crow left feathers which were short and a dark purple colour. This is from the UK.
I have been feeding birds for 40 years. For the first time ever, a family of 5 crows has been visiting me daily the past few weeks. I really enjoy their presence. Their waddly walk kills me lol. I put out grapes, grape jelly, suet, hardboiled eggs. This family loves red grapes.
I'm just picturing those crows going "woah they have the good shit" with stuff like the eggs. Most folks tend to give them peanuts
We give them dog food, but recently we tried offering some chicken and they were totally afraid of it!
@@rosenrot234aber, wo bekomme ich Sonntags Eier her? 😅
It so cute when crows hop around too
I am definitely one who likes crows. They are so smart and totally fascinating to watch! Thanks for the really cool informative video!
Crows are so smart and greet each other on my street around 8am. I want to be a peripheral part of their family, so I bought a 25 lb of unsalted peanuts. They are so smart.
Wow Ehrenmensch
I have a family of three that show up almost daily for food. One will sit on a tree branch closest to my bedroom window and makes an adorable cooing rattle noise if I don't come out quickly enough.
Another great thing- I've seen them escort birds of prey out of the area which is great for squirrel/chipmunk lovers or people who leave pets out
Thank you for this video. Became a friend of a hooded crow pair few years ago and also interacted with many of their offsprings. They changed my view of them for the better. They are intelligent and loving, especially if you feed them!
Ever since I saw the study of facial recognition that crows possess, I've loved them. My husband isn't on board because he relates them to death, evil etc etc. Too many horror movies I think. I love crows and am so happy when I hear them outside my house. Thanks for this lovely glimpse into their lives.
You need to educate your husband. His kind of thinking is off the wall.
A lot of the traditional prejudice comes from them eating crops and gardens (the reason for scarecrows). Farmers regularly shot them. But we don't have to do that anymore and they are fascinating to interact with.
here in Portugal the crow is the symbol of the our capital Lisbon, soo I guess they are actually appreciated and not feared or hated, learning they are considered bringers of death and malice in other countires was somewhat of a suprise it sounded very ignorant minded
I really enjoy their call, I find it familiar and confronting..
They can be extremely affectionate to each other with mellow sounds. This is from watching ravens inside the Grand Canyon.
I’ve spent a lot of time with the local crows feeding them recently. Sometimes they’ll follow me from home to work a couple miles away. One time I watched one catch and eat a giant moth. It was hopping around and flapping it’s wings like it was a moth itself. The funniest thing I’ve seen one do is I watched one hop up a whole flight of stairs one by one
I adore the wit and family devotion that crows exhibit. I sometimes put out a tin of dog food for them. I love how they gently swoop low, and then up to the wire above my head with a soft swoosh of wings. I love how the young ones seem to be saying, "Ma!!Ma!! Maaaaaah!"❤️
Their feathers are so beautiful, they shine and have such depth and dimension of color.
I have been watching my late season crow babies learning the ropes today. My resident crow family has been in my yard most of the day... It is HOT here so I have made sure to keep their bath cool and they like the shade in the yard as well. The babies are still on the small side .. much smaller than the adults still. There are about 7 .. Adults, youngsters from earlier in the season I think.. and the new babies.. (2) .. One baby has been relentlessly LOUD at begging .. but finally figuring out the eating, and drinking on his own. They are truly so SWEET and I have enjoyed "my" crows for several years now... Your video seemed just perfectly timed as I had just come in from a long session of watching, feeding .. freshening and cooling the "bath" ... One of the most interesting things I witnessed this season was a parent with a cat food tin .. Must have had some dried food still in it.. he had it in the bird bath water and was tipping it on its side so the water would wet and soften the contents so it could be eaten... All the while baby is begging feverishly for "a bite" .. Then adult promptly flew off .. leaving the can on top of the water.. floating.. So youngster had to remember that in order to get " the goods " he would need to do as the adult had done.. tip it on its side IN the water etc.. It did not take him long to get it on his own... I have spent hours just watching them.. and yes talking to them.. They are quite used to me and will allow me to get within a couple of feet before they hop a bit further off. Anyway.. this got way long.. Thanks for your awesome bird videos.. I love EVERY single one of them!
The world needs more loving people like you. Thank you for caring about & for these precious birds!!!
Sharon, reading your comment reminded me of something I saw last year. There was a cat food can on the roof of the house next door.
I immediately suspected our local crows. 😄😄
@@jaytee2642 Yes ! LOL ! I bet you are right .. : ]
Yea whenever I go see my dad, we have a family of crows visit the little pond we have in our backyard. The parents would often bring food in need of soaking or even washing some of the prey that they managed to catch. They would usually come around in the mornings and show their babies where there’s a water source as well as where some food can be found.
We have a compost pile in the back where we’ll leave any left over or spoiled food that is safe for the wild animals to eat.
We did leave out peanuts at some point, but one of the squirrels managed to get into my dad’s car hood and ate the peanut in there. So we don’t leave out peanuts anymore 😂.
This video is so adorable! The look on their faces while they’re getting preened makes my heart melt 💗
I love crows and the little jackdaws too. I always feed them peanuts in a shell, because other birds can't take that food and nobody ever feeds the crows.. I live in the city and even though they might have never seen a full peanut, they always know what to do with it. My cats don't mess with crows either, they know they don't stand a chance. Crows have a very good memory too. They have a big territory where I live in the city, but when you're around they're always somewhere in a tree or on a building, watching if you have some peanuts. And if you look at them and hold up a peanut, they'll come flying down. They know exactly who you are.
Blue jays are related to crows and will eat peanuts in a shell. I’ve also watched the titmouse a little grey/blue bird take a whole peanut, in the shell.
The bravery of crow parents during fledgling season is also sweet to me. I live in Seattle where there are also a growing number of eagles and hawks. I have seen crow parents chasing Cooper's hawks and pestering pairs of bald eagles to keep their babies safe. It is amazing to witness
128 likes and no dislikes. That’s what I like to see
3 dislikes
37 dislikes as of August 24, 2020 :-(((
On the other hand the likes do prevail by far :-X)
I love everything about them!
I love crows! I've always thought they were so pretty; and have always enjoyed watching them and listening to them. Corvids are amongst my favorite birds. Thanks for the post.
Lesley, I raised 10 generations of crow families. They are funny and very loving, They enjoy listening to me talk to them and tell stories. They are a hoot!
Yes, I think they like it when we talk to them. I sing to one who visits and he goes "lalalalala."
I feed them daily, usually peanuts. They sit in the tree and wait for me.
One even says what sounds like "hello."
@@google-searchin how can you tell ?
I have a crow call and sometimes I’ll mimic the crows while I’m fishing.
I’ve had a crow lead me in a count up to 8 and back down to 0.
I turned around and looked at the crow in amazement saying, “OMG! It knows how to count!”
Then it flew over to 2 of its buddies and they all turned around and it looked like it said to them, “OMG! It knows how to count!”
True story.
The look of sheer bliss on the face of the crows being preened is priceless. I've also noticed the adults feeding each other in the breeding season. Pretty amazing birds.
I let the crows in our neighborhood know that I'm putting out peanuts or eggs by calling "Hey crooow. Hey croooow." A few years ago, one of them started hanging outside my window imitating me: "Mo mooooh. Mo moooooh." He quickly trained me to put out food whenever he called. This year, he showed up with another crow and their two fledglings. It was so cute to see them standing on the roof or fence and calling for food, then feeding the begging littles. The neighbor kids say they're having a "business meeting."
Early this month, I went to visit my sister in Washington state, where I lived until April 2019. She has her "usuals" every day, like you do, and it includes both crows and Steller's jays. I was on the patio and a crow landed on the wire, looking at me like "You got something lady?" I and my sister both talk to wild critters (of course) so I started talking to this individual. He or she sat there in rapt attention, cocking the head back and forth, watching me and seeming to be catching every word. A few minutes later, a jay also landed on a wire and started listening to me. This one stared directly at me, and I noticed something I'd never seen before: two vertical blue lines on their foreheads! Sis said, "They remembered your voice, from last year!" and I think that's exactly what it was. Hopefully, they'll be there again when I visit next year!
Helen Stanford how meaningful! Passing 2020 together is a big deal!
Wow, that's awesome👍🤗
I throw out peanuts in the shell first thing every morning while my hot tea is seeping and I love how they call out to their mates the peanut guy is up.
I love watching crows playing while flying. About 25 years or so ago, I was driving towards Jones Beach in NY along the Meadowbrook Parkway on a very windy day. I saw a bunch of crows flying into the wind and tumbling around in the air. Sometimes they got pretty close to the water before recovering, but they always did, then flew back into the wind to do it a again. They were calling constantly, and sounded like they were laughing. Pulled over and watched for about 15 minutes.
I've seen big birds playing in thermals for long period's of time - its like being at a fun fair - they love it!
Their caws can be extremely loud at times, but I find their extreme insistence on delivering the message hilarious. Crows really have a strong self of self and what they’re looking for from a given situation. 😊
I love when the crows come around my tree in the morning when I open the garage. The often caw loudly, and when they see me, start cooing and chortling and making other sweet sounds. When I greet them with “good morning”. They will stop and look down at me quietly, then resume with the cooing. A lot of people don’t realize the range of sounds this songbird produces.
I need to add that I do feed the crows in the morning - peanuts in the shell. There are ibis that stay nearby and one ibis will walk amongst the crows checking out the peanuts, but he’s not really interested. Then this week that cheeky ibis walked right into my garage , right to my feet and poked up at me as if to say, “where’s something I’d like?”
Jerry Nepon-Sixt you must have gentle vibration so easily they trust you won’t do harm to them...
I have had two crows when I was a teenager. One thing I liked is that they always were very enthousiastic when they saw me, also when they were not hungry. Another thing I liked is that they made nice sounds when I talked to them.
I can really not think of anything about crows that is not "sweet"! I have had a family in my backyard for many years and I like the way they use me as a supplier of food when they are raising chicks. They have to share with other birds such as Magpies, Butcherbirds Currawongs etc (I live in Australia), that will also come to visit for a feed. I find the crows far more reserved than most of the others and only approach to gather some of the food that I supply when they are busy caring for their new chicks. They will also, almost always wait for their turn rather than take the food off other species of birds and engage them in hostile action. However they won't hesitate to grab food that is in close proximity to, say a Magpie if they feel that they can get away with it! So, thank you Lesley for sharing your crow video with the rest of the world.
They're actually using them to see if they're attacked during feeding. When all's well, and they feel safe... they'll go in.
A crow saved my head once... loved them ever since. ❤
All Life is Important
One morning I was taking a walk with my little dog. I stopped at across from corner of where a crow was hopping up and down what looks like taunting a cat. I was amused by it and laughed softly so not to disturb their little game playing. I like watching crows and all the little creatures.
I love them and find them to be amazing.
Crows are so smart and protective I have been watching a group of them they protect their family and other birds everyday inwatch these crow pair let all the birds know when I bring food to all of them so cool they are 😊😊😊😊😊
Yes, crows are sweet 😊
I wish to become friends with them :)
I wish that too. But it never happens. :(
@@Justme77400 same
Just be consistent with shelled unsalted peanut feedings with fresh water (they will often use to soften the peanuts) as well as drink, and they will start to be your regular visitors!😊 It adds to the fun if you develop your own special call to them!
CJ cj How big of a bowl of water do they like? I want to try that. Thank you!
@@Justme77400 Well I couldn't say for sure, but what I have is a chive plant that sits in a shallow clear plastic dish (was actually a lid on a watermelon bowl from the produce department) and I fill it daily with cool fresh water and watch from the front room window as they pick up their peanuts and dunk them in the water, as well as filling their beaks and tilting their head back to swallow!
I love the little sounds they make when theyre around each other-they sound like theyre sneezing!
I have been feeding a family of 4 crows (UK) now since spring where the adults had 2 little ones to feed.
I shoo the cats & seagulls off when they try to nab the food I put out and the crows now squawk like mad to warn me when the bandits are near.
When they are especially hungry they all line up on the roof and squawk for me.
They are amazing x
Crows are some of my favorite birds, they are so smart and have so much personality
Crows are my favorite birds and what i love most about them is that they're very smart and playful. They don't just "survive" they seem to have fun in life and they try out new things.
I love all animals and not just warm fuzzy mammals; even the birds and reptiles that many people -- that are sadly ignorant -- refer to as "ugly". This is a STUPENDOUS video! It was great to learn this information, Lesley! I appreciate it so much!
Oh my sweet Crows!! I love them so much. They are my favorite bird! They’re so smart and I love how they look out for each other. Lesley, this was a fascinating video. As always, thank you so much💕🌸
I started feeding and interacting with a small family of crows more than a year ago, after my old spaniel died. They used to tease him, which, being a bird dog, was pretty entertaining. Perhaps sensing my loss, the crow-nies began hanging around the deck railing to keep me company. I feed them peanuts, scrambled eggs, leftover meat and veg scraps. You have highlighted the sweetest behaviors that I too have observed. They disappeared for several weeks in springtime, and returned with two fledglings to introduce to me! One of the sweetest things they’ve done is to patiently teach their young how to dip snacks I leave out in the bowl of water. Excellent parents. Also love their clickings and cooings.
There’s a family of Crows at my work that wait for me every morning, I feed them crackers & peanuts & they are there at my get off time as well ! Very smart birds ! I really enjoy them
I have two generations that visit my feeder daily. They wake us each day. I love them, always have. They know its safe at our place.
If you love blue jays, you’ll love crows. They are related.
I didn’t know that!! I love blue jays
Ray Grimes - So are Ravens and Rooks. - Stephanie
Hey. I’m not so sure about that. I used to have annoying stellar jays hanging about, making a racket, being slobs about food handling, a nuisance generally. Then, crows showed up and seemingly drove the jay away. The crows have an extended range in front of my place. The feed and preen on my porch. The only jay sightings for a year are on the back side of the house ... out of sight!
Yes, "my" crows and blue jays know to come to my yard every morning for peanuts. I love them. Both had successful babies this year and it was wonderful to watch them.
I have been a crow lover for years. Several years ago I had daily visits from a crow family. One of the family members had a deformed foot and could not walk. Every morning "Footsy" as I called him would light on the back deck rail. The other family members would mill around in the back yard while I brought the food. I would take "Footsy's" food to the rail where he could reach it. If he accidentally knocked his food off, one of the other family members would bring him more food. They knew my voice and my face. They are truly amazing and wonderful birds.
Knowing that they mourn the death of a loved one and keep returning to the body I had to remove one off a busy street while in Northern California a few weeks ago.
Many others were flying around and perched near a lifeless family member laying on a busy street. I was worried for them so I found a place to pull over. Grabbed my sweater and went out in the road picked up the bird with my sweater and moved him or her away from the traffic.
It was weird because as I parked and moved toward the body all the crows were up flying above me and talking up a storm. I assured them I was there to help. As I moved the body I could tell whatever happened just happened. I seen no blood and silently hoping she was just knocked out and would be okay. But if not she was in a safe place for her family to watch over her.
Good move.
Absolutely lovely of you!
Thank you for doing that! - Stephanie
They are so loyal. They teach us so much. You will never see a crow alone. There always in even numbers ..I once sat in my car and watched as one injured crow who couldn't walk well with an injury, all the crows came and circled his body to protect him, nudging him to make it across the street safely. I love the loyalty and compassion they have for each other.
They are so beautiful. 🖤🖤🖤🖤
We love the summer time when the Adults cows take over their offspring to our feeders .. So funny to watch the antics of the kiddies... One one occasion. a adult crow flew in to one of the tray feeders while a juvenile watch while standing on the lip of the tray watched .. The adult was eating while looking at the child coaching it to try eating. . finally the parent waked over to the child crow and pushed it into the pan. . The juvenile finally got the message and started to try the food ... ... It is amazing how quick the yearling's get wise , and soon don't need the parents direction. Love your videos
I love crows. Their walks are priceless, their lifestyle wonderful. The peer grooming is adorable. Great video!
oh, how I love me a crow..My Dad would sit on his back deck and use a crow call thingya ma bobber..and they would come and talk..cutest thing ever..They are so smart..thank you for this video..for the crows and reminding me of my Dad...peace!
I love crows and ravens
The crows on our city street recognize me since I started putting out food scraps for them. (I heard they are having a hard time getting enough food with most of the restaurants closed.)
With the right seasoning, absolutely! Never be afraid to experiment in the kitchen Lesley, I'm cheering for you!
Crows are so fascinating. For the first time this summer I had crows come to my bird feeder almost always in pairs.
Crows are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE BIRDS OF ALL. They are such intelligent, wonderful, lovely, whimsical, and truly FASCINATING birds. I've enjoyed many rather amazing interactions with crows over the years. It's such a shame they sometimes get a bad rep from misinformed people who are uninformed as to what truly sweet, loving, beautiful, and AMAZING birds crows (& ravens) are.
I simply ADORE crows & love them with ALL of my heart. Always have and always will. ❤❤☺☺
Crows have always been my favourite birds. Corvidae in general are just amazing.
Crows are henceforth to be viewed as sweet.
Case closed.
Seriously though!!! Just their mannerisms alone are super endearing!! Their walk, their hops, the way they peck, the head bobs....
I've always admired them from a distance, but I heard a story on the internet where someone saved a crow baby, and released it when it became an adult. That crow remembered that person, and it and its child one day came to them with presents-- tiny pine sticks woven into the holes of soda bottle tabs. They said they thought it was beautiful because it was like the symbolism of their shared worlds. The pine sticks representing the birds and nature, and the soda tabs representing humans and the society. I was sold on that. 🥰💖💕💕
We absolutely love "our" crows. We began by feeding them in the front of our property a few years ago. This Summer, my husband began putting out meal worms and other treats for them on our back patio. We definitely have a family now...around 8 or 9 gather each evening for din-din. We put a 2nd birdbath in our yard as they love to drink and bathe in it. I'll have to pay especial attention to notice them preening each other.
Crows are my favourite bird. On gusty days I enjoyed watching them play in the wind.
Great show my friend!...I've seen crows as pets...they absolutely love being scratched behind their head!!...thank you Lesley!!!😊😊😊😊