“FAST ACTION” Q&A* - Leave your most burning question about this video or any other training, PT or nutrition question within the first 2 hours of this video’s release (AS A SEPARATE COMMENT!!) and I will pick 8 to get a detailed reply from me right here in the comments. Answers will be posted within the first 24-48 hours of you leaving the question. Good luck!
I got a groin strain and its really painful. Hard to even bike. Can you pls recommend something to recover fast? I pulled it while doing drunken mountain climbers Thanks Jeff and jesse
A society that says that Brad’s physique in fight club is small- meanwhile the average person is less fit than ever- is broken. Social media has ruined our perspectives on everything.
@@EMB1199He's a smaller framed Man . Sir you must have some impressive well conditioned and built Arms.😊 I know it takes work and sounds like you're doing it.
What gets me is that Pitt's physique is exactly how humans have evolved to be. Lean yet strong. Evolution sorts it all out for us. I don't understand why that shouldn't still be the ideal physique. Having massive muscles isn't natural and in my humble opinion, is not attractive.
Keep in mind, he doesn't maintain this physique. None of them do when they're not filming. They stay fit, sure, but these super lean movie bodies are just that. No one should aspire to something so extreme that even the person you admire doesn't keep it up, lol.
Simple is easy. I'm over 50, and in the best shape of my life (finally!) - just using dumbells, and a pull-up bar. Success is all about what you put in your mouth, and having the discipline to not snack or go rogue with your meals. It's inspiring to see the pic of Brad Pitt at 55 years old. Age is not an excuse!!
So correct I am 51years old, best shape of my life. Weighted burpees and chin/pullups. No supplements at all. Consistency and correct food gives results.
It's bc he looks beautiful, Jeff. Walking around like a gigantic hunk doesn't make you prettier. There's a threshold that you cross where more muscle is generally less attractive. Granted, I like being strong and muscular, but I am under no illusion that being a hunk makes me more attractive. Especially not in 2024. Brad's physique in this film is just beautiful, it's not always about mass.
The bulky build is definitely better than the common skinny fat build of today but I get your point. I am still recovering from veganism and cannot wait to reach Brad Pitt's fight club physique!
Very interesting to see what the early 2000's "peak physique" looked like compared to today. I think drugs and the popularization of them were the worst thing to ever happen to the fitness community.
Being lean makes a huge impact on your physique. I got more compliments when i was 155 and lean than i did being 185 with way bigger arms, traps, chest, etc but slightly higher body fat
Anyone who has ever talked to women or been out and seen who they like to date would realize they are into a range of physiques, sizes, shapes, etc. But if you ask the average guy on social media they will just assume they are only into 6ft8 roided out freaks.
Just know that he didn't maintain this, because it takes way too much work and isn't healthy long term. None of the Hollywood hunks keep their super lean shape or routines unless they're required to for work.
The most appealing thing about Brad's physique is the fact that he's standing up straight... You can have an average body but standing up straight makes you look even better... I've seen guys with huge muscles but the slouching looks off
Face pulls, as Jeff would say. I started doing those and focusing on my shoulders and the difference is crazy. My posture is no longer 'round shouldered', from too much focus on daily pushups. That alone helps so much. My shoulders are not big, but they look bigger than they ever did when my posture wasn't good.
Brad Pitt's Tyler Durden is there among with my physique inspirations, I'm 31 years old and I'm JUST NOW approaching what he looked like at 36 in 1999, after more or less 13 years of training. People today just have a warped sense of what trained physiques should look like.
I'm 35 and I too approaching slowly the physique I always strived for. I started 15 years ago (thin with a little muscle due to sports like tennis) with the smallest amount of training every day. I think it was 3 sets of 20 pushups and same with situps. From there I slowly increased the training till I got to the gym (not every day but every other day) and also increasing slowly. Thats how I set my routine and I never broke it (except when traveling). I have the feeling that I got more strengh with less visible muscles than others who gained a lot of muscle in a short period of time. But thats my subjective feeling.
The thing is Brad's physique is perfect for the film and the character he plays. If he was bigger, somehow I feel it wouldn't work so well. He's a lean, athletic specimen because that's Tyler Durden.
Brad pitts physique looks better than every single body builder shown. that's the ideal goal. I love Athlean-X. you teach real ass shit. the best in the business
I worked as a roofer in my 20's and every guy I worked with had this body type. They did not work our or diet. Just worked their butts off in the heat lifting 90 pound bundles of shingles all day . Hard physical work.
Thanks to that film, I got further into weight training, ate better, and got approximately the same physique. I remember doing something similar at the gym. These days, and all these years later, I tend to swim and do calisthenics, and remain roughly in the same shape. Thanks for the interesting video.
Q&A for Jeff: Jeff, I work from home and have a home gym, which means I sit just a room away from my workout equipment. The past couple weeks, I've been splitting my workouts from one long workout (about 50 minutes) into 3 short workouts (about 15 min each). I'm finding I like this because I don't have cumulative fatigue, but I wondered what your thoughts were for this style.
Hello sir, I don't think there's a problem in performing shorter workout as long as 1) you feel good with it. 2) you put enough intensity in your training ( like in Mike Mentzer's heavy duty ). 3) you keep improving your physique, or at least don't lose your gains. people who don't compete for Olympia, Arnold Classic... Don't have to train like pro bodybuilders. Have a good day.
This works exceptionally well for me. If I do everything in a row my squats impact the rest of my workout because of fatigue. Now I just take a break after squatting and continue later on the day.
Van "Hot-Damne" blows most modern guys out of the water. I don't know if he was all-natural, muscle-wise. But his flexibility was (and is) out of this world. And when he punched a snake out (in the classic 'Hard Target') is a cinema classic.
he was not natural he said it in french interview when he was addict to cocaine he was not working anymore and was taking steroid in order to keep his shape
The reason Pitt had such an impactful physique is because it WASN'T over developed with bulky muscle but instead was slightly enchanced while keeping his natural proportions.
I was around 18 when this film came out. There was next to zero mainstream gym culture. It was lad culture, pubs and clubs, eating terrible food and binge drinking. This is why Pitt was such a visual anomaly at the time.
Man, this Brad Pitt training program has been floating around for decades, who knows how accurate it is. Brad has never come out and confirmed or denied it, or put his actual routine out there... some of it sounds questionable...
Actually he talked a lot about his training back then. I'd actually recorded it and shared it with fellow trainers at the time. He said they trained his abs every single day, first thing so he had plenty of energy for good form and he could do more core work than if he did it at the end of the workout. The fact that this doesn't even mention that tells me it's not what he did at all.
I achieved that physique back in 2014 and it was fun. Started doing boxing which elevated my overall activity level. Supplemented with calisthenics and jogging plus clean eating and it didn't even feel like I did something very out of the ordinary. I still had cheat meals and enjoyed myself. The gf at the time was very happy with my body. Sad to say, that body disappeared somewhere along the way due to illness.
Has it been 25 years already? Brad Pitt's physique from Fight Club is still an iconic goal! His natural build proves that hard work, diet, and consistency beat shortcuts. 🔥 Time to hit the gym and channel some Tyler Durden energy!
Actually when you really think about it Brad Pitts body during fight club is actually a ideal goal for most men. Reason is it comes back to the hunter gatherer roots of men. In prehistoric times in order to hunt men had to be strong and fast. These guys nowadays would have been dead within a week probably picked off by something they were hunting (think grizzly bear). I don’t care how big someone is take on a couple hundred pound grizzly using only a knife and its game over if they are slow. Faster reflexes = longer life.
I've been lifting for 4 years, 40 years old, 6ft 155lb, similar BF to this. My chest and biceps aren't as developed, but I've got similar definition and veins visible. Always kept my workouts in hypertrophy rep range, but all exercises 5 sets with only 30s rest between, which sways towards endurance. Have platueod in nearly all exercises (except squats and RDL), so will soon be switching to 4 sets with 60s rest between, to stimulate next round of growth. Once platueoing in those, will switch to 3 sets with 90s rest. Finally I'll rotate between the 3 - expecting to hit peak me between age of 50 and 55.
I don't know about inspiring me to get into shape, but I started a fight club in college due to this movie. The club consisted of me and one other individual and lasted 1 night. Some background: I had trained in martial arts since I was a young boy. Some context: we were both heavily intoxicated. The Club: We traded a couple of punches and then I caught him in the head with a spinning kick. He slept, his friends from out-of-town had a strange sense of humor, and he woke up in a NYC alley. True story. And glad I won that fight.
Great break down Jeff, someday, once I get Fight Club in shape I'll meet the man, the myth, the legend Jeff Cavaliere. We got the former Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets during the National League East Championship from 06 through 08 giving us mere mortals that professional athelete level fitness training..Thanks man. As far as another celebrity workout breakdown you could do? Maybe Mark Wahlberg's work out routine for Boogie Nights, he wasn't at a low body fat percentage like Brad Pitt in Fight Club's 6%, but probably around 12-14% ish
I'm surprised it was his "Fight Club" physique that Jeff broke down rather than his "Troy" physique where Pitt was older, appeared bigger, and was perhaps just as lean. Interesting stuff as always Jeff!
I have always thought that Brad Pitt's build in Achilles ( or whatever it was called) was his best build. He packed on some mass for that one. But Rambo II still is the pinnacle! I think this lean skinny look was also in style at the time. The lean model look.
I've been Brads height weight and body fat my entire life as a carpenter and semi pro rock climber. Mostly carnivore diet the last 15 years and have no trouble keeping up with guys half my age at work, never sick or injured. I rarely use weights but work hard year around. 68 years old, 52 as a runner/sprinter, 50 as climber /blue collar. No meds and only D3 K2, magnesium for supps.
@@caha9583 meat, fish, eggs and dairy. 100% of all nutrients in their most concentrated and bioavailable form. "Sounds* crazy because corporate media, pharma and unhealth management can't make major profits from healthy people.
I've built myself a program I've been running for 7 weeks now. It's a 7-day workout program, that includes one active recovery day. I'll break it down quickly. Let me know if that's just crazy. So far my body responds well, both with growth and recovery, I think. Nutrition is under control during recomp. Tons of proteins and nutrients. Losing about 2lbs a week while gaining mass. -- So, here's my training plan, in my home gym, most exercises are 3 sets, 12 reps max-ish, I do progressive overload closely. I keep track of everything, reps, sets, volumes, etc in a Spreadsheet. -- Sat, Mon, Wed: Upper body Delt Dumbbell Rows Lat Pulldowns Dumbbell Shoulder Press Dumbbell Bench Press Side Dumbbell Lateral Raises Face Pulls 3D Crossovers Hip Huggers Bicep Curls Hammer Curls Y Raises Side Lying External Rotations Abs exercises, not weighted -- Sun, Tue, Thu: Lower Body (mostly, doing some others) Step Up/Down (1set for cardio mostly) Leg Curls Reverse Leg Curl Calf Raises Triceps Pull Downs Triceps Kickbacks Deadlifts Floor hip thrusts Forearm curls (Front and Back) Weighted abs -- Active recovery Friday: 1h treadmill, abs and core exercises, no weights. I also do some treadmill during the rest of the week, 10-minutes before workouts, doing some forearm grips at the same time, and some random longer sessions depending on how I feel and available time. So, I'm working each group 3x a week. I do this from 6ish to 9ish in the morning except later on the week-ends. I love the schedule so far. Do I have the right approach? Or am I going nuts with it?
The reason why Brad Pitt made such an impact with his physique in Fight Club/Troy is because everyone including their grandma and uncle were thirsting for him. So naturally, every guy wanted/wants that kind of attention. It is the most sexually attractive body type.
Brad’s fight club physique came out of the 90s and I think the popularization of the bodybuilder physique coincided with Thor. After that each actor is trying to outdo each other. Check out Hugh Jackman in the 1st X-men film, which is around the same time as fight club. Jackman had the same lean physique then. Also, fight club physique is more like a fighter’s built. Lean, agile with muscle tone.
Brad Pitt in Fight Club is exactly the image that inspired me to change myself from a fat, unhealthy kid into a healthy, fit man who maintained 6-pack abs and a muscular, athletic, but not beefy upper body for the majority of the next 24 years of my life. I've cited this numerous times over the years when asked.
Well presented as always. Jeff, I'd like to see you do some sort of collaboration with Jeff Nippard . Two natural guys discussing training methods would be great!
I think many modern muscular physiques are some of the worst muscular physiques in history. Like, they're incredibly muscular but they often look weird and not very pleasing to look at. Not sure what's going on today but I'm guessing it has to do with the out of control use/misuse of bodybuilding drugs.
Also impractical. Imagine having all this muscle with zero functional purpose. Some of these guy can’t even touch their back. Look at athletes and professional fighters for practical physiques.
@@jamesn7156So true. Dr Mike (YT) always jokes about not being able to touch his back 😂 Note that Brad Pitt had almost no development of his lats, which I think contribute to that bulky stocky look that women don’t find attractive.
@@NiToNi2002 Yeah, huge lats make body builders look like they have very little arm mobility. I’m not sure how much lats really affect this, but arm mobility and survival is vital. Probably why it’s a turnoff to women. Instinct has them looking for men who can hunt and throw a spear. Not sure how easy that is to do with huge lats, but it looks like they’d have trouble.
Dude the reason Tyler looks so cut and strong is bc of the Narators picture of a strong male dude. The more the movie progresses the heavier Tyler gets. It's in the book dude.
Agreed. It's a lot easier to reach your fitness goals when you don't have to spend 1-3 hours a day getting fresh food and prepping it. Besides Jay Cutler, no one can eat plain chicken and broccoli every day.
I was one of those guys that got ripped out like that because I saw that movie when it came out. And my girlfriend did not complain. But I will say it took about a year of solid training and my bench was about 2:25. I also never ate any carbs besides potatoes once a week on Carb Day. And it's really hard to hold that physique because you can't just cheat. So 10 years later I did it again in my late thirties and then I did it again in my mid-40s and now I'm trying to do it one more time. It can be done but you have to be dedicated. The hardest part is the core. Just go in the gym and keep trying to get stronger but focus on your core. Abs are made in the kitchen
I got close to that physique, and I literally hated every second of it. High reps, extremely low carbs (only in the morning and just after workouts).. cycled with moderate cardio every other day for 20-30 minutes. It’s possible- but look at Pitt’s genetics for wide shoulders and high chest development. The diet made the most difference, and at the end of week 2, I would have killed for a slice of pizza.
I know everyone is different and has their own goals, but who agrees with my current split (meant to optimize recovery time for someone in their mid 30's)? Monday - Chest Tuesday - Back Wednesday - Only cardio and conditioning Thursday - Arms (including forearms) Friday - Shoulders Saturday - Legs Sunday - Rest
you dont need that much recovery normally (except if you train so brutally hard, that you need a week per muscle to recover, which is unlikely). If you are not on steroid you should hit back, chest and legs 2 times a week. You don't need a dedicated arms and shoulders day. You could e.g. do pull, push, legs (and cardio) split and do biceps on back day and triceps on chest day. The shoulder exercises can be done as a bonus on the chest and back days. You can of course train how you want, but if you go 6 times a week it may as well be more optimal.
Would depend on your goal and the time available I suppose. I've been doing push pull leg which gives me two chances to hit the muscle group. Except I replace the 2nd leg day with an intense hike on weekends~ Hope you get there champ! Almost all the fitness guys, friends, RUclips, etc. are telling me to try to hit the major muscle group twice a week though, for growth and definition.
As a trainer I hear more people say “I want to look like Brad Pitt in FIGHT CLUB” than ANY other aesthetic goal…way more than “Arnold” or “Chris Bumstead.” I DO think the fact that Pitt was smoking A LOT at the time probably made the leanness way easier
I’m very similar to Brad Pitt’s physique. I’m 5’11 155lbs also and 10%bf. I’ve been following his workout for about a year. People (men & women) think I’m still really skinny. I think cause the average person is overweight, that a fit person is considered skinny.
This isn't what he did. Back then he talked about his workouts for FC including a very intense ab/core workout done seven day per week at the beginning of the workout, so he'd have energy for good form and doing way more than if he'd done them at the end. As this doesn't even mention that, it tells me this is not what he did to get in shape for that movie. He also said he doesn't train that hard in between movies. Too much, not healthy.
These are always interesting, but I would love to see examples of workouts and nutrition for some of the guys Jeff trains. A while back there were videos with Greg Jennings, Antonio Brown and some of the wrestlers he works with. Seeing examples of what they do would be awesome!
Not to toot my own horn but I am exactly his height and weight and I'd say I've reached his physique after a couple years with a clean diet and no gym membership, just a pull up bar and a set of 20 lb dumbbells. I'm sure someone could have achieved it faster and more efficiently, but my approach with working out is for it to be easy enough for me to repeat everyday, simple enough that it doesn't take hours of my day, and completely cost free (other than some initial equipment). With my diet, on the weekdays I eat a lot of eggs, chicken breast, steak, rice, fruits, and vegetables. On the weekends I eat pretty much whatever, but try to loosely track my calories so that I don't go too far over maintenance. My workouts consist of pull ups, push ups, dumbbell flys, dumbbell overhead presses, dumbbell curls, and pistol squats, all until failure for 3 sets minimum. I also go jogging for 2-3 miles once or twice a week. On top of my workouts, I also do kickboxing and jiu jitsu, but neither of those activities are known for being insane muscle builders. But I'm sure they've improved my strength somewhat and help keep my body fat % lower with the added calories burned. None of this sounds crazy or even that optimal, but it's worked for me 1000%. I am nowhere near as charismatic or attractive as Brad Pitt, which definitely contributed to the appeal of his aesthetics in Fight Club, as Jeff mentioned. However, from a strictly physique perspective, this is totally achievable for anyone with an hour of free time everyday.
Thank you, I have been lurking around that work out routine for some time now with some skepticism and questioning its relevance and effectiveness knowing what we know today about the science of resistance training and hypertrophy. The approach seemed a bit outdated to me and I always wonderned if someone could recreate this program fit for today's world.
Hi Jeff, thanks for the great video. And keep up the good work! Here is my question: As a 60 year old man (6 ft / 178 lb), I exercise three to four times with resistance bands weekly. I exercise with just body weight as well. Since I am kind of tired of gyms and metal weights, I have found such a method. Is it a sustainable method working out with the bands, especially at this age? Thanks in advance for your reply. 🏋♀
Absolutely! In fact, my childhood idol and fitness icon Sylvester Stallone credits band training with a resurgence in his love for training even as he trains now in his 70's. The loads can be adapted easily by simply purchasing a few bands of different thicknesses. As you know, calisthenics is another amazing way to train. The exercise variability and difficulty management is quite easy to do making it adaptable in both a "harder" or "easier" direction.
Jeff Cavelear, Love your content, appreciate you bringing your knowledge to all of us! Suggestion for a video, home gym kettle bell workouts. My son is a wrestler, so in season, which is 9 months a year we don't typically lift heavy to gain mass but do more functional strength exercises. Recently been using kettle bells, slam balls, bulgarian bags etc...would love your thoughts or suggestions on workouts like this especially for home gyms or limited typical gym equipment.
“FAST ACTION” Q&A* - Leave your most burning question about this video or any other training, PT or nutrition question within the first 2 hours of this video’s release (AS A SEPARATE COMMENT!!) and I will pick 8 to get a detailed reply from me right here in the comments. Answers will be posted within the first 24-48 hours of you leaving the question. Good luck!
I got a groin strain and its really painful. Hard to even bike. Can you pls recommend something to recover fast? I pulled it while doing drunken mountain climbers
Thanks Jeff and jesse
Is there an age where the human body is unable to stop progressing in terms of muscular development and strength?
How to maximize kegel gains?
Why beta body?
Make a video about McGill pull-ups technique please! It makes people do 10 pull-ups after doing only 1 just in 6 weeks
A society that says that Brad’s physique in fight club is small- meanwhile the average person is less fit than ever- is broken. Social media has ruined our perspectives on everything.
But he is small, I'm not a bodybuilder or fitness instagramer, just workout for me, and still have bigger arms. But he is fit, and had a nice physique
He's bigger than Bruce Lee
@@EMB1199He's a smaller framed Man .
Sir you must have some impressive well conditioned and built Arms.😊
I know it takes work and sounds like you're doing it.
Always remember Twiggy might just beat that ass.
What gets me is that Pitt's physique is exactly how humans have evolved to be. Lean yet strong. Evolution sorts it all out for us. I don't understand why that shouldn't still be the ideal physique. Having massive muscles isn't natural and in my humble opinion, is not attractive.
This is the physique that I have always strived for since this film first came out. Athletic over swole any day. Chef’s kiss
well have you attained it?
@@smoothyodaproductions4373 the movie cam out not too long ago give him time fn
Didnt it come out in 97? 😂
Keep in mind, he doesn't maintain this physique. None of them do when they're not filming. They stay fit, sure, but these super lean movie bodies are just that. No one should aspire to something so extreme that even the person you admire doesn't keep it up, lol.
Way to break the first rule Jeff!
True 😅
And the second rule.
I thought the movie did that.
What's the first rule?
Simple is easy. I'm over 50, and in the best shape of my life (finally!) - just using dumbells, and a pull-up bar. Success is all about what you put in your mouth, and having the discipline to not snack or go rogue with your meals. It's inspiring to see the pic of Brad Pitt at 55 years old. Age is not an excuse!!
"Success is what you put in your mouth" Harvey Weinstein
@@Drifterteetea underrated comment. lol
So correct I am 51years old, best shape of my life. Weighted burpees and chin/pullups. No supplements at all. Consistency and correct food gives results.
@@Drifterteetea"success is what you put in MY mouth" surely? 😂😂
Have you been working out for a long time or just started rather recently?
It's like Bruce Lee's physique, low body fat, just strength, not volume, 0 bloat.
Bruce Lee's lats were insane
His lats were like wings
Bruce Lee aka Chinese Batman with them lats.
In the desert, a body like that would wither and die in a matter of hours.
@@hotel3667 maybe - but a fat dude would also snuff it from heat exhaustion alone
I miss the times when this was called "shredded"
when people said "shredded".
@@JeffreyBenjaminWhiteBefore you were born
@@Empty12345 wrong.
This was my dream physique as a kid
Right what the fuck is wrong with everyone …Brat Pitt was toned and shredded ..not “small” I never thought I see a day where people got dumber …
Jeff’s self promotion is literally the best there is on YT. It’s not annoying, it’s just a quick reminder and then the video moves on.
It's bc he looks beautiful, Jeff. Walking around like a gigantic hunk doesn't make you prettier. There's a threshold that you cross where more muscle is generally less attractive. Granted, I like being strong and muscular, but I am under no illusion that being a hunk makes me more attractive. Especially not in 2024. Brad's physique in this film is just beautiful, it's not always about mass.
Well said. Brad's body is WAY yummier than the body builder in the video...🍆💦
The bulky build is definitely better than the common skinny fat build of today but I get your point.
I am still recovering from veganism and cannot wait to reach Brad Pitt's fight club physique!
Senseless analysis
@@alexcoble8819 well he is beautiful basically. Thats why he’s been such a massive movie star for decades.
Constantly using the word "hunk" is super SUS.
Very interesting to see what the early 2000's "peak physique" looked like compared to today. I think drugs and the popularization of them were the worst thing to ever happen to the fitness community.
I would say is more about women hypergamy and an arms race for outstanding for getting women.
@@yisusferro603I’ve been 135 lbs at 6’1 and still gotten with the most beautiful women. It’s other men that care about muscles lol
Being lean makes a huge impact on your physique. I got more compliments when i was 155 and lean than i did being 185 with way bigger arms, traps, chest, etc but slightly higher body fat
What's your height? That determines a lot.
It was never about alfa or beta, but Brad Pitt had that body most women think is "Hot"
Perhaps also helps having
Fame, pretty face, Status, and resources
The physique that most women think is hot is “has money”
Except his legs. Those had to be doubled in Troja for example because his legs are thin like matches.
Anyone who has ever talked to women or been out and seen who they like to date would realize they are into a range of physiques, sizes, shapes, etc. But if you ask the average guy on social media they will just assume they are only into 6ft8 roided out freaks.
Exactly. Most men build bodies to impress other men, not the women 😂
Brads fight club physique is my ultimate goal
Just know that he didn't maintain this, because it takes way too much work and isn't healthy long term. None of the Hollywood hunks keep their super lean shape or routines unless they're required to for work.
The most appealing thing about Brad's physique is the fact that he's standing up straight... You can have an average body but standing up straight makes you look even better... I've seen guys with huge muscles but the slouching looks off
Agreed. Stand up straight and push your shoulders back. Plus, the overhead lighting in those scenes helps throw some shadows.
Face pulls, as Jeff would say. I started doing those and focusing on my shoulders and the difference is crazy. My posture is no longer 'round shouldered', from too much focus on daily pushups. That alone helps so much. My shoulders are not big, but they look bigger than they ever did when my posture wasn't good.
Alpha male posture
I'd really like to see some more physique reviews. This is super interesting.
Brad Pitt's Tyler Durden is there among with my physique inspirations, I'm 31 years old and I'm JUST NOW approaching what he looked like at 36 in 1999, after more or less 13 years of training. People today just have a warped sense of what trained physiques should look like.
Smoke some cigarettes.
@@jeltoninc.8542got it, should I also work out?
@@rivr8639 nope, just ciggs
13 years and you’re finally approaching string bean?
I'm 35 and I too approaching slowly the physique I always strived for. I started 15 years ago (thin with a little muscle due to sports like tennis) with the smallest amount of training every day. I think it was 3 sets of 20 pushups and same with situps. From there I slowly increased the training till I got to the gym (not every day but every other day) and also increasing slowly. Thats how I set my routine and I never broke it (except when traveling). I have the feeling that I got more strengh with less visible muscles than others who gained a lot of muscle in a short period of time. But thats my subjective feeling.
I love these celebrity workout breakdowns. I’d love to see Christian Bale or Matthew McConaughey from the movie “Reign of Fire”
Great idea
The thing is Brad's physique is perfect for the film and the character he plays. If he was bigger, somehow I feel it wouldn't work so well. He's a lean, athletic specimen because that's Tyler Durden.
tyler was meant to come off like a feral hobo, so mission accomplished and I agree. Bigger would not have made more sense given the character
Brad pitts physique looks better than every single body builder shown. that's the ideal goal. I love Athlean-X. you teach real ass shit. the best in the business
I worked as a roofer in my 20's and every guy I worked with had this body type. They did not work our or diet. Just worked their butts off in the heat lifting 90 pound bundles of shingles all day . Hard physical work.
I have been watching this channel for years. The plug in this video was so smooth I finally switched protein powder 😂.
Finally, a new one from you!
Thanks to that film, I got further into weight training, ate better, and got approximately the same physique. I remember doing something similar at the gym. These days, and all these years later, I tend to swim and do calisthenics, and remain roughly in the same shape. Thanks for the interesting video.
Brad Pitt was the original 6-pack - he already made it a thing with Thelma and Louise - genetics and balance played a big part here
Bro please make more of these videos they are bloody awesome
Brad Pitt/Tyler Durden was cool, that’s why everyone wanted to get his physique, we all wanted to be him.
Q&A for Jeff:
Jeff, I work from home and have a home gym, which means I sit just a room away from my workout equipment. The past couple weeks, I've been splitting my workouts from one long workout (about 50 minutes) into 3 short workouts (about 15 min each). I'm finding I like this because I don't have cumulative fatigue, but I wondered what your thoughts were for this style.
Hello sir,
I don't think there's a problem in performing shorter workout as long as 1) you feel good with it. 2) you put enough intensity in your training ( like in Mike Mentzer's heavy duty ). 3) you keep improving your physique, or at least don't lose your gains. people who don't compete for Olympia, Arnold Classic... Don't have to train like pro bodybuilders. Have a good day.
This works exceptionally well for me. If I do everything in a row my squats impact the rest of my workout because of fatigue. Now I just take a break after squatting and continue later on the day.
As long as you're equating the volume over the course of the 3 workouts as compared to the 1, I actually prefer the more frequent bouts of training.
@@athleanx Wow, thanks for the confirmation of the approach! It means a lot coming from you.
25 years ago ….. really? Where does the time go. Thanks for the info!
Van "Hot-Damne" blows most modern guys out of the water. I don't know if he was all-natural, muscle-wise. But his flexibility was (and is) out of this world. And when he punched a snake out (in the classic 'Hard Target') is a cinema classic.
Get a hobby, yeah? I know she's left again, I know you're hanging on by a thread, but this really isn't the answer.
he was not natural he said it in french interview when he was addict to cocaine he was not working anymore and was taking steroid in order to keep his shape
The reason Pitt had such an impactful physique is because it WASN'T over developed with bulky muscle but instead was slightly enchanced while keeping his natural proportions.
His natural proportions are gross tho. Weird long skinny torso. Like a teenage girl. Maybe you're into the trans look tho. I don't judge.
I was around 18 when this film came out. There was next to zero mainstream gym culture. It was lad culture, pubs and clubs, eating terrible food and binge drinking. This is why Pitt was such a visual anomaly at the time.
Man, this Brad Pitt training program has been floating around for decades, who knows how accurate it is. Brad has never come out and confirmed or denied it, or put his actual routine out there... some of it sounds questionable...
Agreed. Benching 195 lbs for 8 reps after a bunch of other reps with slightly lighter weights sounds questionable
He probably couldn’t care less or doesn’t even remember.
@@josephesposito3499 i couldn't do 3 sets of 25 pull-ups as a warmup
@@tricktaylor😂 25 pull-ups in 3 sets
Actually he talked a lot about his training back then. I'd actually recorded it and shared it with fellow trainers at the time. He said they trained his abs every single day, first thing so he had plenty of energy for good form and he could do more core work than if he did it at the end of the workout. The fact that this doesn't even mention that tells me it's not what he did at all.
Great video Jeff as always
In the movie Troy, Brad had a double for Leg scenes, no joke
I did not know that
I was one who knew that not also as well.
@@michaeltudyk8660 That makes you and I two who do now know, yet how many are still unknowing
Is this the place where the ones that do not know gather? I also used to was one who knew not
@@regularape It is the place indeed for the ones who know not but await knowledge to gather
He looked even better in Troy! 5'11" 185lbs.... not too big but just right.
A lot of what made him look so good in fight club was having a pump, perfect lighting and a perfect tan. But yeah, he did look better in Troy
he was a fkng beast in Troy
Yeh he absolutely peaked in Troy, he was carrying more muscle mass and looking more hydrated than he did in Fight Club.
I’m 5’11 185 right now… I feel great, look great, and my wife can’t keep her hands off me 😂
Keep in mind that in Fight Club his character was all about the extremes of self indulgence.
I achieved that physique back in 2014 and it was fun. Started doing boxing which elevated my overall activity level. Supplemented with calisthenics and jogging plus clean eating and it didn't even feel like I did something very out of the ordinary. I still had cheat meals and enjoyed myself. The gf at the time was very happy with my body. Sad to say, that body disappeared somewhere along the way due to illness.
I like this physique. He looks like an athlete. Looks good
Has it been 25 years already? Brad Pitt's physique from Fight Club is still an iconic goal! His natural build proves that hard work, diet, and consistency beat shortcuts. 🔥 Time to hit the gym and channel some Tyler Durden energy!
Great shape indeed and proper lighting for cinema ofc does its thing as well
Actually when you really think about it Brad Pitts body during fight club is actually a ideal goal for most men. Reason is it comes back to the hunter gatherer roots of men. In prehistoric times in order to hunt men had to be strong and fast. These guys nowadays would have been dead within a week probably picked off by something they were hunting (think grizzly bear). I don’t care how big someone is take on a couple hundred pound grizzly using only a knife and its game over if they are slow. Faster reflexes = longer life.
I've been lifting for 4 years, 40 years old, 6ft 155lb, similar BF to this. My chest and biceps aren't as developed, but I've got similar definition and veins visible. Always kept my workouts in hypertrophy rep range, but all exercises 5 sets with only 30s rest between, which sways towards endurance. Have platueod in nearly all exercises (except squats and RDL), so will soon be switching to 4 sets with 60s rest between, to stimulate next round of growth. Once platueoing in those, will switch to 3 sets with 90s rest. Finally I'll rotate between the 3 - expecting to hit peak me between age of 50 and 55.
100% naturual. And thats why i respect this type of phsysique and I always will.
Love it Jeff💪
One of his best roles
His physique in that movie is what you call "lean and mean." Considering the character, that seems fitting.
I don't know about inspiring me to get into shape, but I started a fight club in college due to this movie. The club consisted of me and one other individual and lasted 1 night. Some background: I had trained in martial arts since I was a young boy. Some context: we were both heavily intoxicated.
The Club: We traded a couple of punches and then I caught him in the head with a spinning kick. He slept, his friends from out-of-town had a strange sense of humor, and he woke up in a NYC alley. True story. And glad I won that fight.
First role of getting in shape of Hollywood, don’t talk about performance enhancing drugs
That physique has zero to do with performance enhancing drugs. 100% natural.
Obviously they can't because it's a federal offense. They are not stupid. They don't have a choice but to deny it.
He definitely took HgH to get that lean
lol paul newman was super fit , so was marlon brando in a "streetcar named desire '' and even kirk douglas in spartacus 1960!
good vid. And I like the bttf-sounds
Hello jeff thanks for all your videos you are my role model
Great break down Jeff, someday, once I get Fight Club in shape I'll meet the man, the myth, the legend Jeff Cavaliere. We got the former Assistant Strength Coach for the New York Mets during the National League East Championship from 06 through 08 giving us mere mortals that professional athelete level fitness training..Thanks man. As far as another celebrity workout breakdown you could do? Maybe Mark Wahlberg's work out routine for Boogie Nights, he wasn't at a low body fat percentage like Brad Pitt in Fight Club's 6%, but probably around 12-14% ish
Jeff, what ultimately made you peruse athlean x / RUclips 100% and leave behind being a PT for a Major League Baseball team?
Hahaha, this is a blast from the past! There were so many workouts like this floating around 20 years ago lol. Lots of junk volume etc
Can't believe they're rebooting Fight Club. Just leave it alone Hollywood.
A ship is always at its worst and most desperate behavior when sinking.
Yeah but it's gonna be so women 😔 WTF
I stopped watching the woke garbage out of Hollywood over 10 years ago. Only older movies for me.
@@Axiomatic75 same for me. Been on a Deniro/Scorsese binge lately. Just got Casino. Heat is next. Finished Mean Streets and Raging Bull last week
@@K4R3N crazy how these 2 dudes changed to what they are now
I'm surprised it was his "Fight Club" physique that Jeff broke down rather than his "Troy" physique where Pitt was older, appeared bigger, and was perhaps just as lean. Interesting stuff as always Jeff!
Troy wasn't as an iconic film
@@DeRussellMasina Troy is a damn iconic movie
Pitt's physique looks way better than all of todays Instagram show off's.
I have always thought that Brad Pitt's build in Achilles ( or whatever it was called) was his best build. He packed on some mass for that one. But Rambo II still is the pinnacle! I think this lean skinny look was also in style at the time. The lean model look.
I can binge these videos all day!
no one wants you here, bot
One of the personalities who drives me to do workouts and strive to have a body like that - Brad Pitt aka Tyler Durden ! Period ! 💪😎
I've been Brads height weight and body fat my entire life as a carpenter and semi pro rock climber. Mostly carnivore diet the last 15 years and have no trouble keeping up with guys half my age at work, never sick or injured. I rarely use weights but work hard year around. 68 years old, 52 as a runner/sprinter, 50 as climber /blue collar. No meds and only D3 K2, magnesium for supps.
You only eat meat, or what is a carnivore diet? Sounds crazy tbh
@@caha9583 meat, fish, eggs and dairy. 100% of all nutrients in their most concentrated and bioavailable form. "Sounds* crazy because corporate media, pharma and unhealth management can't make major profits from healthy people.
@caha9583 lol it is a new super online fad. No research to support the benefits and likely to be pretty bad for you in the long run
Always intrigued to hear about carnivore variations - what all do you include?
@@terraflow__bryanburdo4547 bet your forearms and hands look awesome..
I've built myself a program I've been running for 7 weeks now. It's a 7-day workout program, that includes one active recovery day. I'll break it down quickly. Let me know if that's just crazy. So far my body responds well, both with growth and recovery, I think. Nutrition is under control during recomp. Tons of proteins and nutrients. Losing about 2lbs a week while gaining mass.
So, here's my training plan, in my home gym, most exercises are 3 sets, 12 reps max-ish, I do progressive overload closely. I keep track of everything, reps, sets, volumes, etc in a Spreadsheet.
Sat, Mon, Wed: Upper body
Delt Dumbbell Rows
Lat Pulldowns
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Bench Press
Side Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Face Pulls
3D Crossovers
Hip Huggers
Bicep Curls
Hammer Curls
Y Raises
Side Lying External Rotations
Abs exercises, not weighted
Sun, Tue, Thu: Lower Body (mostly, doing some others)
Step Up/Down (1set for cardio mostly)
Leg Curls
Reverse Leg Curl
Calf Raises
Triceps Pull Downs
Triceps Kickbacks
Floor hip thrusts
Forearm curls (Front and Back)
Weighted abs
Active recovery Friday: 1h treadmill, abs and core exercises, no weights.
I also do some treadmill during the rest of the week, 10-minutes before workouts, doing some forearm grips at the same time, and some random longer sessions depending on how I feel and available time.
So, I'm working each group 3x a week. I do this from 6ish to 9ish in the morning except later on the week-ends. I love the schedule so far. Do I have the right approach? Or am I going nuts with it?
The "lucky son of a B" part got me 😂😂😂
Especially since Jeff is objectively quite handsome himself
Every guy i know said they wanted that physique back in the day. (Can't blame them. )
I never did
@@gordonsmith5589 I didn't know you back in the day. 🤷♀️
Some people were obviously more inspired by the Meatloaf character
I love meatloaf it's a burger log
But he had tig ol' bitties😂
Love this new format (physique of X)
The reason why Brad Pitt made such an impact with his physique in Fight Club/Troy is because everyone including their grandma and uncle were thirsting for him. So naturally, every guy wanted/wants that kind of attention. It is the most sexually attractive body type.
I think he looked his best in Snatch. Not that FC and Troy were bad in any way but he seemed “leaner” in Snatch and I liked it much better.
Can’t decide which made me laugh more: grandma or uncle
My mom.... Hearing your mom audibly moan while sitting next to her in a movie theater can be really weird.
And women never objectify men... 🙄
Oh I like this new format a lot.
95 pound preachers? No way. These weights are all over the place.
Agreed, some of it is probably to make him look good to other MEN
Brad’s fight club physique came out of the 90s and I think the popularization of the bodybuilder physique coincided with Thor. After that each actor is trying to outdo each other. Check out Hugh Jackman in the 1st X-men film, which is around the same time as fight club. Jackman had the same lean physique then.
Also, fight club physique is more like a fighter’s built. Lean, agile with muscle tone.
Brad Pitt in Fight Club is exactly the image that inspired me to change myself from a fat, unhealthy kid into a healthy, fit man who maintained 6-pack abs and a muscular, athletic, but not beefy upper body for the majority of the next 24 years of my life. I've cited this numerous times over the years when asked.
Well presented as always. Jeff, I'd like to see you do some sort of collaboration with Jeff Nippard . Two natural guys discussing training methods would be great!
I think many modern muscular physiques are some of the worst muscular physiques in history. Like, they're incredibly muscular but they often look weird and not very pleasing to look at. Not sure what's going on today but I'm guessing it has to do with the out of control use/misuse of bodybuilding drugs.
Also impractical. Imagine having all this muscle with zero functional purpose. Some of these guy can’t even touch their back. Look at athletes and professional fighters for practical physiques.
They look like they abuse growth hormone. They look like big muscular blocks
I think Chris Heria has at this point one of the best physiques.
@@jamesn7156So true. Dr Mike (YT) always jokes about not being able to touch his back 😂 Note that Brad Pitt had almost no development of his lats, which I think contribute to that bulky stocky look that women don’t find attractive.
@@NiToNi2002 Yeah, huge lats make body builders look like they have very little arm mobility. I’m not sure how much lats really affect this, but arm mobility and survival is vital. Probably why it’s a turnoff to women. Instinct has them looking for men who can hunt and throw a spear. Not sure how easy that is to do with huge lats, but it looks like they’d have trouble.
Dude the reason Tyler looks so cut and strong is bc of the Narators picture of a strong male dude. The more the movie progresses the heavier Tyler gets. It's in the book dude.
Some body cooking for him really helps.
Agreed. It's a lot easier to reach your fitness goals when you don't have to spend 1-3 hours a day getting fresh food and prepping it. Besides Jay Cutler, no one can eat plain chicken and broccoli every day.
I was one of those guys that got ripped out like that because I saw that movie when it came out. And my girlfriend did not complain. But I will say it took about a year of solid training and my bench was about 2:25. I also never ate any carbs besides potatoes once a week on Carb Day. And it's really hard to hold that physique because you can't just cheat. So 10 years later I did it again in my late thirties and then I did it again in my mid-40s and now I'm trying to do it one more time. It can be done but you have to be dedicated. The hardest part is the core. Just go in the gym and keep trying to get stronger but focus on your core. Abs are made in the kitchen
Very interesting 👌 👍 🤔 and very informative 👌 👍 🤔
What about Bale in American Psycho
Let's see Paul Allen's physique
A bit harder to achieve. He was more muscular than brad pitt
@@vintagejock3951 exactly. That's why I want his diet .
@@tommymack3210Wonder how many people get your joke. I’d like to explain it but I’ve got to return some video tapes
@@lloydbraun6026 lol
I always liked his physique in Troy more. Maybe do that one next?
No way thats his split, if you look his traps,neck and even upper back even with t-shirt LOOKS CRAZY
I got close to that physique, and I literally hated every second of it. High reps, extremely low carbs (only in the morning and just after workouts).. cycled with moderate cardio every other day for 20-30 minutes. It’s possible- but look at Pitt’s genetics for wide shoulders and high chest development. The diet made the most difference, and at the end of week 2, I would have killed for a slice of pizza.
The First rule of Fight club is -- DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE FIGHT CLUB
What club
Sorry what club?
Twas good having you, Jeff
Hahah😂 good one!
Your videos are fantastic I love it I learn slot from it But your fantastic sense of humor goes along way & heps me learn a lot more Thank you ❤
I know everyone is different and has their own goals, but who agrees with my current split (meant to optimize recovery time for someone in their mid 30's)?
Monday - Chest
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Only cardio and conditioning
Thursday - Arms (including forearms)
Friday - Shoulders
Saturday - Legs
Sunday - Rest
you dont need that much recovery normally (except if you train so brutally hard, that you need a week per muscle to recover, which is unlikely). If you are not on steroid you should hit back, chest and legs 2 times a week. You don't need a dedicated arms and shoulders day. You could e.g. do pull, push, legs (and cardio) split and do biceps on back day and triceps on chest day. The shoulder exercises can be done as a bonus on the chest and back days. You can of course train how you want, but if you go 6 times a week it may as well be more optimal.
Would depend on your goal and the time available I suppose. I've been doing push pull leg which gives me two chances to hit the muscle group. Except I replace the 2nd leg day with an intense hike on weekends~ Hope you get there champ! Almost all the fitness guys, friends, RUclips, etc. are telling me to try to hit the major muscle group twice a week though, for growth and definition.
What about coordination?
Forgoten skill.
As a trainer I hear more people say “I want to look like Brad Pitt in FIGHT CLUB” than ANY other aesthetic goal…way more than “Arnold” or “Chris Bumstead.” I DO think the fact that Pitt was smoking A LOT at the time probably made the leanness way easier
2:57 Made me laugh :)
I’m very similar to Brad Pitt’s physique. I’m 5’11 155lbs also and 10%bf. I’ve been following his workout for about a year. People (men & women) think I’m still really skinny. I think cause the average person is overweight, that a fit person is considered skinny.
This isn't what he did. Back then he talked about his workouts for FC including a very intense ab/core workout done seven day per week at the beginning of the workout, so he'd have energy for good form and doing way more than if he'd done them at the end. As this doesn't even mention that, it tells me this is not what he did to get in shape for that movie. He also said he doesn't train that hard in between movies. Too much, not healthy.
This is my physique at 45. Not eating like an asshole has been key.
Brad Pitt still looks pretty much like this in once upon a time in Hollywood
Lol that's the part I'm working on, not eating like an asshole.
Please explain
@@Mr.BondJamesBondeating organic, hitting protein goals, no processed sugar/alcohol
Hahaha! That's hilarious
These are always interesting, but I would love to see examples of workouts and nutrition for some of the guys Jeff trains. A while back there were videos with Greg Jennings, Antonio Brown and some of the wrestlers he works with. Seeing examples of what they do would be awesome!
Please talk about hugh jackman
Hi Jeff,
Can you make a video like this one for Chris Evans body in Captain America?
Why don’t you have a program with gymnastic rings? I’d love to see an Athlean X take on them!
They are hard on the shoulders
They're also for gurls
Not to toot my own horn but I am exactly his height and weight and I'd say I've reached his physique after a couple years with a clean diet and no gym membership, just a pull up bar and a set of 20 lb dumbbells. I'm sure someone could have achieved it faster and more efficiently, but my approach with working out is for it to be easy enough for me to repeat everyday, simple enough that it doesn't take hours of my day, and completely cost free (other than some initial equipment).
With my diet, on the weekdays I eat a lot of eggs, chicken breast, steak, rice, fruits, and vegetables. On the weekends I eat pretty much whatever, but try to loosely track my calories so that I don't go too far over maintenance.
My workouts consist of pull ups, push ups, dumbbell flys, dumbbell overhead presses, dumbbell curls, and pistol squats, all until failure for 3 sets minimum. I also go jogging for 2-3 miles once or twice a week.
On top of my workouts, I also do kickboxing and jiu jitsu, but neither of those activities are known for being insane muscle builders. But I'm sure they've improved my strength somewhat and help keep my body fat % lower with the added calories burned.
None of this sounds crazy or even that optimal, but it's worked for me 1000%. I am nowhere near as charismatic or attractive as Brad Pitt, which definitely contributed to the appeal of his aesthetics in Fight Club, as Jeff mentioned. However, from a strictly physique perspective, this is totally achievable for anyone with an hour of free time everyday.
His name is Robert Paulson
When I was younger it was all about getting big. Now I’m 62 and I embrace being lean.
Jeff broke the first rule of Fight Club!
Thanks, this is very helpful.
Brad's Troy physique was good... Better than the guy in the back.
Thank you, I have been lurking around that work out routine for some time now with some skepticism and questioning its relevance and effectiveness knowing what we know today about the science of resistance training and hypertrophy. The approach seemed a bit outdated to me and I always wonderned if someone could recreate this program fit for today's world.
May as well do Edward Norton. But american history X Norton.
You should have learned your lesson on the basketball court.
great vid! would love vegetarian / vegan alternatives to the meat in those meals!
Hi Jeff, thanks for the great video. And keep up the good work! Here is my question: As a 60 year old man (6 ft / 178 lb), I exercise three to four times with resistance bands weekly. I exercise with just body weight as well. Since I am kind of tired of gyms and metal weights, I have found such a method. Is it a sustainable method working out with the bands, especially at this age?
Thanks in advance for your reply. 🏋♀
Absolutely! In fact, my childhood idol and fitness icon Sylvester Stallone credits band training with a resurgence in his love for training even as he trains now in his 70's. The loads can be adapted easily by simply purchasing a few bands of different thicknesses. As you know, calisthenics is another amazing way to train. The exercise variability and difficulty management is quite easy to do making it adaptable in both a "harder" or "easier" direction.
@@athleanx Great1 Thanks for your kind reply.
Jeff Cavelear, Love your content, appreciate you bringing your knowledge to all of us! Suggestion for a video, home gym kettle bell workouts. My son is a wrestler, so in season, which is 9 months a year we don't typically lift heavy to gain mass but do more functional strength exercises. Recently been using kettle bells, slam balls, bulgarian bags etc...would love your thoughts or suggestions on workouts like this especially for home gyms or limited typical gym equipment.