I was an alcoholic- I prayed and asked for strength to quit/ I quit- quit cold turkey- 7 days of detox at home- almost died- I didn’t know you could from quitting cold turkey. But God got me through it. 9 years sober. No rehab- just Jesus. That was my rehab. Zero desires- and so happy to be away from that demon. God is the answer to everything.
God delivered me from alcoholism of 10 years drinking. No desire and no 1 day at a time. He took the desire away right then a complete healing. Twenty six years sober. My body went through a lot of healing but never a desire to ever drink again
"A man takes a drink and a drink takes a man".... Quote from Billy Graham. Don't be under the influence of alcohol but be filled and under the influence of The Holy Spirit.
So you made bad decisions and blamed it on booze Then you made a good decision and attributed it to your imaginary friend Take some accountability, this is pathetic
I, by the grace of God, have never drank alcohol in my entire life. Even as an unsaved teen in the 90s something in my mind told me not to take a sip. Even when all my friends were doing it. I knew it was wrong. Fast forward 25 years later and I still have not had any. God has kept me from it and I thank Him for that.
He'll literally tell you it's only the best grape juice. That's the argument I literally had with one of these unbiblical scholars who masquerade as biblical scholars in front of those who are too lazy to study to show themselves approved of God, and are brought up that you trust the pastor's interpretation above everything else.
@CandicejlCook biblically speaking, yes. Go read Psalm 104:15 to see what good can come from alcohol and why the writers of the Bible (God's word) wrote about the benefits of alcohol. Also, try looking up in the bible where Paul speaks to Timothy about the way alcohol can be used medicinally. Everything is a gift from God to be used correctly and responsibly. Even belladonna, a poison, is used by ophthalmologists to dilate pupils for examination and diagnosis of eye problems. Etc etc etc. Know your bible.
@GratefulFromTexas yes, whoever is led astray... but you don't have to be led astray by them if you're in control and don't let them master you. Wine is a good gift from God to cheer the heart - Psalm 104
Everyone has seen all the pictures of how drugs leave people destroyed & suffering, but not the end result of alcohol to a human body. It's every bit as horrific as cancer. It causes prolonged suffering, it's very bloody & traumatic. EVERY hospital has a wing of liver patients every young person should see, the sight of a cirrhosis patient in the end stages is something you'll never forget. I walked through a trail of puddles of blood & big blood clots to get to my Dad the last time I took him to the hospital again. We spent 5 years nursing him after being told he was dying. A lifetime alcoholic, he died at 58, & would have died earlier, but we prayed & fought for him bc he wasn't ready to meet God. In the end, he was saved, and it was answer to decades of prayer & we were eternally grateful. But what a waste of his precious life, & how he, & our family, suffered so needlessly. It left 2 of my brothers with drinking problems too. I HATE alcohol with a passion, and I think those claiming " liberty" are liars, using an excuse to sin.
My father also lost his life to alcohol liver. He wasn't a alcoholic when i was a child. But certainly on his way. I married my husband who didn't drink. But became a alcoholic. And same with my children.
As a physician, I too have seen far too much trauma, damage, evil, and lostness....secondary to alcohol. This drink binds to the same GABA-a receptors as dose Xanax, Valium, Aprazolam, Barbiturates, etc... It is a DRUG.
An excess ov ebeything is bad, including alcohol and religion. Everything in moderation I say, but if you cant stick to only a moderate amount of alcohol, then blame yourself, not the alcohol. I have drunk alcohol only moderately all my life - you are flawed if you cannot do that, because you have given in to the devil. Alcohol has never been a problem for me because I have the willpower to know when I have had enough.
Jesus’ first miracle was turning water to wine. And there’s a discussion at the wedding about how happy everyone was to be getting drunk from drinking food wine. To say that God has never created alcohol is simply, and categorically, wrong.
Nothing of the world will enter into heaven. Everything of the world, including our own bodies, are of sin. The prince of the world is satan and everything of the world is designed to feed its earthly nature or carnal mind. It requires a rebirth spiritual to live for and by God the father god the son and God the holy ghost. Anything that influences the heart, alcholo is proven to, is not of God. A little sin is a sin. You will soon be serving the addiction which has became your master. You cannot serve two masters. Jesus said if you are not with me you are against me. If you are not gathering you are scattering. Drinking in itself is a tool of satan. It adds no glory to be given to god. It offers nothing that raises you up and moves you closer to god. Anything that is not moving you closer is moving you away. Trust in christ and his words and those who love him will follow and hold those words. Nobody who loves anything of the world will enter into heaven. All I have said is not my judgment. Everything I have said is the righteous judgment of the word of God, the only map we have as Christians to separate truth from lies, along with the guiding spirit. God bless you, believe and carry your cross. We are none in the flesh good enough but I am covered by the blood, my sins paid for, redeemed.
After years of making excuses for why it's permissible to drink alcohol as a Christian this teaching brought me to a place of understanding that it should have no place in my life. I never abused alcohol or struggled with addiction, but always excused away many of the same excuses mentioned in this teaching that Christians use to consume alcohol privately, socially, or casually. I have left alcohol behind for about 5 months now and I have zero desire for it. I drink non-alcoholic beer from time to time because I enjoy it as a refreshment, and shortly after making the decision to abstain from alcohol I had a normal beer on accident, and I immediately recognized how I lost all taste for alcohol. Thank you Pastor Tiff for your steadfastness in the Lord and the heart that you have for others to pursue holiness and righteousness in Christ. You are indeed a trusted voice in my life and I thank God for it.
Psalms 104 14 He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate- bringing forth food from the earth: 15 wine that gladdens human hearts, oil to make their faces shine, and bread that sustains their hearts. The Bible warns about drunkenness but alcohol in moderation seems fine.
I'm 62 years old and a devout Christian, thankyou Jesus. My DR who is also a Pastor recommends 1 glass of red wine with evening meal. I took his advice several years ago and have had no spiritual conviction.
@@marleymayfield2635 you must have not even listened to the teaching because if you had you would have be informed that modern day wine is nothing like the wine the Bible refers to. Take your glass of wine and water it down about 10 times and drink a glass of that and now you’re drinking “Biblical wine” or if you must have that slight amount of alcohol just drink kombucha from the store, at least it is full of probiotics and plus it has the small amount of alcohol that biblical wine has.
2-2.75% alcohol = common wine mentioned in the Bible. Listen to the whole teaching, Tiff taught that modern wine is nothing like what the Bible calls wine.
@@heapsofblessings I don't know where he came up with that. According to scholars, the alcohol content of wine during Biblical times was usually between 5-20%, which is enough to intoxicate.1 Wine in the Bible can refer to just simple grape juice or wine that does not exceed an alcoholic content of about 10%. The production capacity apparent from archaeological remains and the frequent biblical references to wine suggest that it was the principal alcoholic beverage of the ancient Israelites. The main difference between Roman and modern wines was likely their alcohol content, as both Greek and Roman wines likely had as high as 15% or 20% ABV, compared with 10-12% or so in most modern wines. The consumption of wine was often very different as well.2 A 2:1 or 3:1 ratio was not unusual, but even a 3:1 ratio would yield a drink of 3-5%, which is similar to an average American beer.
His verson of the lords word is warped. Jesus does not tell us that drinking is a sin. If you believe that then you should go to a mosque, not a church and you are a heretic.
Very good information Pastor Tiff ,alcohol is way out of control in this world , I drank when I was younger,, but not anymore, I love Jesus to much to waste my time on something that is harmful to your body ,our bodies are the Temple of God and should not be defiled by drinking alcohol
I found this fascinating! Well done! I would ask, though, to please include a list of the source material (both biblical scriptures and secular, historical sources) you used to arrive at these conclusions, especially for the dilution ratios of wine to water. A few times you said it was too much information to get into for the video, but if the sources are made available, we can continue a deep dive into the material ourselves. It’s extremely important that we can point to specific sources when presenting an argument, especially for Christians. Thank you!
There is no information that uses ancient sources to suggest the watering down wine. What we do find is ancient mesopotamians distilling alcoholic beverages to stronger levels, and the ancient israelites were told by God that they could drink both alcoholic wine and stronger alcoholic beverages after they had completed their Nazarite vow. Numbers 6.v20... this guy has no awareness of how alcohol is used to kill bacteria in percentage terms. Jesus condoned drinking alcohol to cheer the heart as he changed water into the best wine. The flavour of wine does depend upon the alcoholic level - he's really struggling in eisegesis here as he's using Scripture incorrectly in order to justify his a priori belief against alcohol. God doesn't want people abusing his Scripture like this guy is doing sadly. He's using arguments from silence to suggest the wine was non alcoholic, not good Biblical hermeneutics. I would suggest searching for the words: godofgreenhope wine. You'll find a Biblical analysis of alcohol in Scripture.
This is simple GOD'S WORD don't ever be in a alter mind state, drinking is not prohibited but you have to be careful drinking will bite you like a snake.
Thank God for this teaching. I pray for those who don't believe that alcohol has a way of getting ahold of one's life. I've lost so many loved ones , who fell into the trap of alcoholism. My heart and prayers go out to those who are held in it's clutches.
Wine (yayin in Hebrew) is a gift from God to cheer the heart - psalm 104:15. That same wine (yayin) can also cause drunkenness if abused. That same wine (yayin) God states can be drunk, along with other stronger alcoholic drinks after the Nazarite vow has finished, Numbers 6:20. As the ancient Mesopotamians enjoyed the distillation process back as far as 3500BCE, we can be sure that the Israelites were also enjoying distilled drinks. It's anti historical to say distillation was invented in the medieval period.
Keep praying beloved, Jesus will deliver you... don't give up. Our Father delivered me from alcohol cigarettes and other addictions... seek Jesus with all of your heart. He will break that addiction off you, have faith xxx
I drank and did, said, and on and on things I wouldn't of ever done if I hadn't been drunk. Alcohol caused me a lot of problems, pain and heartaches. I thank God for bringing me to my senses, finally I am no longer a backslider.
The volume of alcohol (porcentage ) is determined by the specific gravity of the juice from the grapes at the beginning of the fermentation process. In modern times depends of the sugar content and the type of yeast used for the fermentation process . Some are more tolerant to the volume of alcohol than others. That means that when the specific gravity drops below zero you will end up with a higher percentage of alcohol. During the old times nature took care of that (naturally fermented) I believe the percentage of alcohol was pretty high. Cutting down wine to 20 to 1 defeats the purpose of sterilization due to the small content of alcohol in the mixture.
Thank you. I think people use the "it wasn't really wine" justification to try and explain why Christians should not drink at all. I agree that there are several passages in scripture warning against drunkenness, but I'm not sure there is Scripture prohibiting drinking wine. I think it's careless to try and equivocate the wine used in the old times.
My research seems to indicate that is unlikely that the yeast in a grapes skin, as compared to genetically 'improved' yeasts used today, caused a potent alcoholic content in Bible times....maybe 7-8% by volume, as this youtube piece suggests. Today's lowest alcoholic % content by volume is 13-14% up to 24%. Also, archeological information records many /most societies in Bible times always diluted the wine with water, from 3:1 up to 20:1 (Pliney).... which agrees with this gentelman's information.
HELLO 👋 I'm back! I found your page accidentally, or I was I was sent to your page for a reason, because you read from God's words, I've been searching for the truth, you are the one 🙏 I thank God for you 🙏 their was one I followed for a short time, when I Heard him say (I am God) OH NO ‼️ I stopped watching him, I became homeless and saw and learned so many things, I believe when I humbled myself and PRAYED 🙏 with all I had inside of myself, he gave me a miracle 🙏 and showed me his timing is always perfect 🙏
Amen! I pray that all Christian’s who are struggling with alcohol, or struggling with understanding this message, be healed and enlightened, in Jesus mighty name!
Could someone explain Matthew 11:19? "The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.” Why did the Pharisees accuse the Lord of being a drunkard if wine was so diluted?
Verses 16-18 help establish context. Whether he ate one slice of bread or a whole loaf, they would accuse him of gluttony. Whether he had diluted or undiluted wine, they would accuse him of drunkenness. In the previous verse, "For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ " In other words, they were grasping for any excuse to convict him and deny his legitimacy.
I’m 56 years old and I have never had even a sip of alcohol. I just don’t understand why people need or want alcohol as a drink. It’s not needed for social events, sports, holidays, parties, yet everyone thinks it is.
I struggle with this very thing! It can easily become an idol. Life can be almost based on whether you will be able to have wine or not. Satan lies and says “ oh you are missing out if you don’t…..”. I must believe God can and will do better!
If there was only a slim chance you'll lose salvation and Gods presence you need to get rid off alcohol. Like Jesus said; "It's better to not drink alcohol and go to heaven than to drink it and go to hell". I know that's not literally what God said, but you get the point I think :) Not saying you can't drink alcohol necessarily, but if you struggle and if it's tempting you than it's way better to sacrifice it!!
The radical differences in potency don't matter. You can't claim the bible to be the word of God and then maintain that it was blindsided by men creating more potent alcohol. The bible makes clear statements against being drunk and inebriated as you point out, which then covers all forms of intoxicants. It allows for you to drink alcohol, doesn't allow for you to be inebriated. It's far harder to get inebriated with the way they did it, but obviously, there were men and women of the time, who would drink undiluted wine, and act up, and become drunk, thus God instructing people to stay sober minded. Christ first miracle was making Wine At A Wedding! Taste, or not taste, he was giving wine at a celebration. This is where moderation goes. This is why the bible never says do not drink Alcohol and do maintains do not be inebriated. It could be 150% alcohol. It Doesn't Matter! What you skipped of Christ words are when he speaks to the pharisees: Christ says clearly that one is not to concern themselves with what goes into their mouths, for that doesn't defile a person, but what comes out of it; that defiles a person. When inebriated or drunk, your ability to control what comes out of your mouth is hindered, thus the ban on inebriation. Not alcohol. And I don't drink. I hate alcohol. I've watched so many people die from alcohol in my work that I think it's a poison. But you're trying to make a case for some sort of biblical standard that isn't there. If you want to argue that alcohol is a slippery, unhealthy slope, that Christians would be best not traveling down. I 100% agree. When you're trying to say that the bible cares what you put into your mouth and into your body, Jesus Christ makes clear, it doesn't. You give great points on why alcohol doesn't serve Christians and why they shouldn't partake, but trying to make a biblical case out of it only creates a disingenuous and unbiblical narrative.
Thanks for this teaching, Tiff. I haven't heard this truth preached or taught for over 40 years. When I was in my early 20's I read a book (can't remember author or title) but he said same thing you taught tonight and the little bit you said about the wine Jesus made-spot on! I've had discussions with pastors, brothers and sisters about how the wine Jesus made was nonalcoholic-sadly it fell on closed ears. Can't wait to watch the video you do on that. God continue to bless you, brother.
Magpie there is a book I have that I bought probably over 40 years ago called. Alcohol the Beloved Enemy and it was written by Jack Van Imp. I use to like him many years ago. but.......
The book of John in the Bible records Jesus, God the Son, making wine. Naturally-occurring yeasts in grape juice will cause ferment, creating alcohol, if the juice is not pasteurised. Grapes will ferment on the vine naturally. So much so that almost all fruit juice (of any kind) made commercially has a tiny bit of alcohol in it. Alcohol is sign God loves us and want us to be happy.
I married a man who never drank, not even as a teenager. We never had any form of alcohol in our home and raised our children not to drink (as I was raised). For some reason, after around 25 years of marriage (and I will tell you our marriage was a good one), I found out he’d been drinking hard liquor bc I discovered him so messed up during times of a family crisis when he was needed (such as in the middle of the night when he thought no one would know, or when I was suppose to be at work but would come home early unexpectedly, etc. ). Our marriage has deteriorated along with his health at an exasperating rate for the past 10+ years. For so long I could not figure out what in the world was going on with us! Or what it was going on with his health bc he’d always looked so much younger than his age, people unable to believe his age, but now he has literally aged and looks at least 10-15 years older than his age. I am certain all this is because of alcohol. I used to think it was ok to drink a glass of wine or a margarita when we went out to dinner occasionally. I’ve been a Christian many years, but I’d told myself that occasional social drinking was on. But now, I feel very differently. I admit , it didn’t really feel “wrong” for me to drink this occasionally, but then I began to see that nothing good ever comes from drinking alcohol! It’s not a good influence for anyone. It does nothing good for my body. It altars my thinking ability and actions. And, now that I see what it has done to my husband, his health, and my 42 year marriage that I thought should’ve been much more peaceful and happy. But instead we have been in the brink of divorce a few times. And I’m not sure we’re out of the woods yet, or ever will be as long as he continues choosing this alcohol. Please pray for him. He is a ch
He is a Christian, but this is his struggle and I know it is a spiritual warfare thing. Satan knew just when and where to set a trap for him (just as he knows this about every single one of us bc he’s been studying us human beings for millennia). And sadly, my husband got trapped in the enemy’s snare and it has destroyed sooooo much!! I ask for prayers from anyone enduring to read this king post. Thank you Tiff for this reaching! May God bless you. (I had to “reply” to finish this post bc the video ran out before I originally was able to finish☺️.)
@@emc8021❤😊Wow dear sister in Christ and fellow servant of our Great God & Savior!!🛐✝️🫶🏻✨🌟✨🙏🏻All Glory to Abba Father, Son and Holy Spirit❤ May the most High bless you and keep you safe, make His Holy Face/Countenance to shine upon you and give you His Shalom💜💙 I'm very sorry for your husbands relapse/iniquity of drinking in secret and hiding his sin from you -his ❤wife of so many decades.....it makes me feel saddened for you, knowing what a blow it is to suddenly realize your longtime husband isn't the same as you thought he was. And especially to hear his consumption was in excess that caused drunkenness and all the behavior that follows one who has pickled their own brain....as Alcoholism actively done to extreme excess leads to blackouts, life changing poor decisions & putting oneself in situations with very dangerous people who prey upon the most vulnerable easy to assault victims they can find..... 😢🙏🏻🫶🏻🛐Folks, pray Almighty God will remove the strongholds of alcohol &/or drugs and have faith He will faithfully set you free!!! Praise Him all you Saints, Baruk & Yhlorify Extol His Name❤💫🌟
Praying, that your husband stops drinking and realizes what the devil is doing, killing-stealing-and destroying your lives. I pray those strongholds are loosed by the mighty power of Jesus, and that your lives and marriage are restored. In the NAME of Jesus!! Amen
I totally agree with you because I’m not a drinker. My question is what did Noah drank that got him so drunk that he passed out in front of his children.
If fermentation involved sin, why did Jesus turn water into wine at the wedding at Cana which is a fermented beverage? And it definitely was wine because the host of the wedding said, "Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now."
I see no reply from the video producer, because they're incapable of giving a reasonable answer that doesn't disregard the facts that even ancient Mesopotamians were not only brewing strong drink, but also distilling it into high % alcoholic beverages back around 3500BCE
@@matthewarnold5531your missing the point. It is unholy to consume alcohol. The Bible is full of verses reflecting this. If you are a Jesus believer, Jesus warned us to remain sober.. peace and grace 🙏
As said in the video, that wine would have been diluted with water (three parts water to one part wine) giving an overall alcohol content of around 2 percent.
@shivli6088 Then Jesus lead people to sin, which is itself a sin. Therefore Jesus is not sinless and is not the Messiah. Use your brain before you comment. God gave you one, use it correctly.
@@TacereM How about you PRAY for a brain, instead of making bizarre, inaccurate correlations to fit your finite understanding for everyone to see how foolish you are? There is a HUGE difference between drinking wine and DRUNKENESS. 1 Timmothy 5:23. The Holy Spirit gives us the gift of discernment which you clearly do not have. In all sincerity, pray for the Holy Spirit to indwell in you. The tribulation is going to be tough. May God have mercy on you. Good day.
Deuteronomy 14 26 read it god told the entire nation to buy strong drink and wine did god sin? Most of you are former alcoholics and in your feelings when you comment
@@stevecampanelli6009❤Thank you kind brother for sharing this verse and your comment enlightened me more than any other in this lesson. Abba knows my heart❤ and soul/life traumas and history. None of us are perfect, I do my very best to live by the 10 commandments and Messiahs commands to love God first, above all...& ❤love all others with the same Agape love that Christ has for humanity🙏🏻🫶🏻
He makes great points that are Biblically sound. One drink can easily lead to two or more. I hear moderation used but I believe we should use the word “sparingly” in drinking alcohol. I appreciate a great ale but if over 5%, I don't like it. Christmas time I might have spiced apple cider with bourbon but it’s diluted. Point is use sparingly and not everyday. Be well and blessed.
Hi Tiff, thank you for your daily blessings and knowledge of the bible. You have answered a lot of my questions. Can you please explain if there is any scriptures in the bible that relates to the foods we eat in particular meat. Thank you Frances
I used to be a serious drinker for over 50 years but gave it up not for spiritual reasons but because I had enough. I haven't drank in about 5 years and have no intentions of drinking again. In regards to those recent studies claiming that just looking at a glass of wine will kill you,I don't pay any attention to them. One day they will come out with a study not to eat eggs, and just about every food you put in your mouth. Then in a month or two they come up with new study saying it's ok to eat those things the other study says not to eat.
Tiff, can you please give us scriptures that say that they diluted wine and strong drink? I have heard this before but I've never found any Scripture saying so. I trust your teaching so I'm hoping that you can expand on this biblically.
I think it's in the research of biblical times culture. If one were to be learned on biblical times cultures and practices, the bible is easier to understand. I have found this to be true in my research. I have 2 shelves on the cultures of the days before, during and after Jesus. Makes studying interesting, easier and fun.
I am also looking for the verse in Revelation Pastor Tiff mentioned about drunkards cannot enter heaven. I'm taking notes and would appreciate the Bible verse. Thank you.
I believe we are going to see the fruit of so many prophetic teachers such as we see on you tube. I really believe that. Never in history have we have this available to us. God is working in marvelous ways concerning this. We are going to see awesome and great things ahead. We are going to see the kingdom of God prevail and take territory, turning the dry places into green pastures spiritually. We have never had this before in history and it is dynamic. It is powerful.
If it was so diluted why does it say in Psalms: “ Wine to gladden man’s heart?” Seems like it was/ is a gift… how could it gladden the heart if it was so diluted? You’d have to drink quite a bit to become glad then
If people exercised self discipline, things would be different. Gluttony is sinful and over indulging will cause us to sin. Better to leave it alone than risk becoming addicted. One of the fruits of the spirit is SELF CONTROL.
1: Xtian claim: 'Jesus turned water into wine'. This works in Hebrew and in English translations. The requirement of of 'interpretation' would mean this book is not 'the perfect word of god'. 2: Xtian claim: '100% of all wine and alcohol is manufactured by fallen men'. All fruit in nature naturally converts sugar and left in common environments, produces alcohol. This is common place.
This topic came up in my feeds and found the history fascinating. What you say is true. During covid i decided to eat healthier, not only to lose weight but to build my immune system. During my research and listening to other doctors speak on the subject it is true that alcohol has no benefits to health. The small amount of reversatrol in red wine is immediately negated by the alcohol having to be processed by your liver. Alcohol has no benefits for us in today’s society only negatives
I never like the taste of wine, but I only take red wine occasionally for my stomach. I don’t go overboard I take one small glass after eating steak and it’ soothes my stomach. I never got drunk in my entire life and I never will because I’m not wine is not my weakness the Bible specifically says drunkenness is a sin. If you’re the type that gets drunk, stay away from wine if you’re the type that is a weak to alcohol stay away from it. But everything in moderation is fine. There’s nothing wrong with eating Or having a glass of wine. If Jesus was so against wine he would have not have them preserve it and he told them to preserve it and put it in new bottles. Jesus made grapes and he knew the fermentation of a grape wine has benefits to it with anything you can make it a sin you can go overboard on eating or drinking and then you’re sitting against yourself. Also, it’s OK if you’ve never drink wine or beer if you feel that it’s a stumbling block to someone else, don’t drink a glass of wine in front of them. Yes, wine can make you drunk that’s only if you keep drinking it and it becomes a obsession but if you have control and God and you take a little for your stomach sake, it won’t hurt you it will help, but I respect the pastor and his right to do what is right for him and his children
I am guilty... though not abusing alcohol... i do have a jack daniels now and then... feel like this study as meant for my ears ... thank you very much!
@@TiffShuttlesworthnotice you don't consider Deuteronomy 14 :26 in your diatribe of nonsense did God sin? How about the alcohol allowed outside the temple and 300 years of church history by the apostles students whom all taught moderation of alcohol every church father taught this
Maybe watch the video first before commenting. The wine they drank back then was diluted with water and had a very low alcohol percentage. He talks about that even the Greeks said it was barbaric to drink wine without it being diluted with water. He also talks about the reason why people drank wine back then, most of the water was bacteria ridden, that being the case putting wine in the water would kill bacteria making the wine safe to drink. He knows that Jesus turned water into wine, he is just stating the differences between modern alcohol which is mostly used for intoxication, and ancient wines/beers that were used for making water safe to drink. To be fair this guys take on Bibical scripture and alcohol is a little extreme, in the bible it says not to get intoxicated/drunk and never said to not drink any alcohol ever. In my opinion there's nothing wrong with drinking within moderation.
Jesus turned water to wine because water was poisonous to drink, and wine was made from grapes and safe. It was still a sin to drink to the point of being inebriated.
Psalm 104 says God gave us wine to gladden the hearts of men, and at the wedding at Cana, the master of the feast tasted the wine Jesus made and said, "Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now." Neither of these stories make any sense whatsoever without referring to at least the mild intoxicating qualities of alcohol.
Part of the reason they drank so much wine was because in many regions the water wasn't good to drink. So saying they diluted the wine with water just doesn't make sense! According to what you are saying someone would have to drink about a gallon of wine to even have a little buzz much less be drunk 😳 And as we know many did get drunk.
What is Jesus going to do when he returns again? He is going to enjoy the fruit of the vine with us once again (Luke 22:18)- get ready to share a wine with Jesus.
Proverbs 31:4-7 - It is not for kings, Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer, lest they drink and forget what has been decreed, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights. Let beer be for those who are perishing, wine for those who are in anguish! Let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more.
The party members said of the wine jesus made that it was the good stuff that normally is given at the beginning of the party,not the cheap stuff given at the end. If its all grape juice, what the distinction? God gave wine to gladden the hearts of men
Something else comes to mind, an alcoholic named Glen. Rest his soul. He would drink a quart of vodka as most other people would drink maybe 5 beers in an afternoon at a table in the shade. I used to hang out with what I called moderate to heavy drinkers, but Glen was a full blown alcoholic. I saw him drink most of a quart of vodka (and he was at the table drinking before I got there) and then he left to drive home. He talked just fine and he walked just fine. I asked my friends if he can drive. They said I didn't have to worry about Glen. He's never had a DUI and likely never will. He drives just fine. He's pretty much built up an immunity to alcohol. I asked if he always drinks a full bottle of vodka in a day, and they said that he will likely drink most of another bottle that evening, or maybe the whole thing yet tonight at home. I don't believe the BAC laws are fair as we might think. However, it's likely about the best we can do. It's a good standard I think, but I do need to remember how people are different when it comes to alcohol. It's not really as fair as I might think. I do believe that. They say he would mix that powdered Kool-Aid in with the vodka. No water. He really drank the Kool-Aid. Sometimes I wonder "What is intoxicated?" Well there are some guidelines and there are noticeable symptoms.
The book of John in the Bible records Jesus, God the Son, making wine. Naturally-occurring yeasts in grape juice will cause ferment, creating alcohol, if the juice is not pasteurised. Grapes will ferment on the vine naturally. So much so that almost all fruit juice (of any kind) made commercially has a tiny bit of alcohol in it. Alcohol is sign God loves us and want us to be happy.
@@natalyd9674 exactly, the pastor was trying to say all wine was weaker in alcohol content in those days, yet Proverbs 31:6 proves that this statement isn't true. It seems Noah was partaking in the strong wine to become blind drunk.
Lets say yes the wine 🍷 back in the days when our Lord walked the earth was not the same as todays wine. Then why was there warnings about Drunkenness in the Old Testament and throughout the Bible meaning they can still get drunk regardless of the wine Alcohol volume. Also Jesus first miracle was he turned water into Wine 🍷 and it was the BEST Wine 🍷 so people at the wedding had drank up all the wine and Jesus made more Wine the Best Wine so that means they where having a great time right?
The book of John in the Bible records Jesus, God the Son, making wine. Naturally-occurring yeasts in grape juice will cause ferment, creating alcohol, if the juice is not pasteurised. Grapes will ferment on the vine naturally. So much so that almost all fruit juice (of any kind) made commercially has a tiny bit of alcohol in it. Alcohol is sign God loves us and want us to be happy.
If we question it at all, then why would we do it? Would we want to take even “a fraction” of a chance of opening the smallest crack to something that could separate us from God for all eternity. It’s just not worth it.
Here is something I found on the internet: Adding sugar to unfirmented grape juice is illegal in California. I wonder if I should look up how much the alcohol content is of California wines. I wonder what would be so different between today's wines of California and wine made in Biblical days.
Dear sis Elva go to a church that teaches the unadulterated of God and also read the bible for yourself and pray to God to make the scriptures understandable to you if you never read the bible before start with the new testiment and read a chapter or two daily and also pray and meditate on the word and do not try to interpret the bible how on how you feel about but it but understand it in its right contex God bless you sis
In addition, Some christians smoke and curse, Its seems as christians we should be separated from the worldly behaviors, we are not perfect,but we want to be more like our father God, he never do these behaviors.
Thank you Tiff. I really appreciate your teaching and I regularly listen to them. I have a question on this subject. When Jesus turned water in to wine in a wedding (feast), wasn't that for more recreational purposes (than purification of water)? This is the only thought I am struggling with. I do take a glass of wine or beer occasionally. Never got drunk ever in my life. My father did the same. Never saw him drunk ever either. Is it then, from a more health perspective that we should not even touch alcohol? Not necessarily because having an occasional glass of wine is dishonouring God? I love your teachings and it helped me to understand some beautiful truths in the bible. I can stop tomorrow because I am not addicted to wine or beer. But I still have these questions though. Thank you!
Some of you might want to try this at home. I liked keeping some frozen concentrate of orange juice and adding a small spoonful of it to a glass of ice water. I liked doing that with the orange, but when I tried that with grape juice, to me, it only made the water taste muddy. I didn't care for it at all. I realize we are all different. I'm just wondering what other people have experienced. If I did the small grape juice from concentrate in a large glass of water every day maybe I would get used to it. I wonder if they had orange trees over there in Israel. I just looked it up. Israel does have a citrus industry today. Does anybody make wine out of orange juice? I imagine it would ferment, but I really don't know much of anything about wine. I used to home brew though.
I was an alcoholic- I prayed and asked for strength to quit/ I quit- quit cold turkey- 7 days of detox at home- almost died- I didn’t know you could from quitting cold turkey. But God got me through it. 9 years sober. No rehab- just Jesus. That was my rehab. Zero desires- and so happy to be away from that demon. God is the answer to everything.
AMAZING PTL ! 🙌🏻🫶🏻🙌🏻🫶🏻✝️🙌🏻
Didn’t Jesus make wine for the wedding,
God delivered me from alcoholism of 10 years drinking. No desire and no 1 day at a time. He took the desire away right then a complete healing. Twenty six years sober. My body went through a lot of healing but never a desire to ever drink again
"A man takes a drink and a drink takes a man".... Quote from Billy Graham. Don't be under the influence of alcohol but be filled and under the influence of The Holy Spirit.
Wisdom. Thank you! Amen🙏🙏🙏
@elie2133 Yes he did, but the Bible warns against drunkenness and the abuse of alcohol.
@@andrewhuckle803Every😢thing in moderation....never to excess❤
We 😮😂❤ 1:29 @@shivli6088
Everything I did sinful, I did while drunk. Praise God I returned to him.
So you made bad decisions and blamed it on booze
Then you made a good decision and attributed it to your imaginary friend
Take some accountability, this is pathetic
@@Brainhorn That's only your view. Why are you even on this site, Brain, LOL.
God lives and is very real. Something you will find out some day.
In vino veritas.
I, by the grace of God, have never drank alcohol in my entire life. Even as an unsaved teen in the 90s something in my mind told me not to take a sip. Even when all my friends were doing it. I knew it was wrong. Fast forward 25 years later and I still have not had any. God has kept me from it and I thank Him for that.
That's wonderful!
Amazing. Can’t wait for the next teaching where you discuss the wedding at Cana.
He'll literally tell you it's only the best grape juice. That's the argument I literally had with one of these unbiblical scholars who masquerade as biblical scholars in front of those who are too lazy to study to show themselves approved of God, and are brought up that you trust the pastor's interpretation above everything else.
@@matthewarnold5531you seriously believe anything good can come from alcohol?
@CandicejlCook biblically speaking, yes. Go read Psalm 104:15 to see what good can come from alcohol and why the writers of the Bible (God's word) wrote about the benefits of alcohol.
Also, try looking up in the bible where Paul speaks to Timothy about the way alcohol can be used medicinally.
Everything is a gift from God to be used correctly and responsibly. Even belladonna, a poison, is used by ophthalmologists to dilate pupils for examination and diagnosis of eye problems.
Etc etc etc.
Know your bible.
@GratefulFromTexas yes, whoever is led astray... but you don't have to be led astray by them if you're in control and don't let them master you.
Wine is a good gift from God to cheer the heart - Psalm 104
Everyone has seen all the pictures of how drugs leave people destroyed & suffering, but not the end result of alcohol to a human body. It's every bit as horrific as cancer. It causes prolonged suffering, it's very bloody & traumatic. EVERY hospital has a wing of liver patients every young person should see, the sight of a cirrhosis patient in the end stages is something you'll never forget. I walked through a trail of puddles of blood & big blood clots to get to my Dad the last time I took him to the hospital again. We spent 5 years nursing him after being told he was dying. A lifetime alcoholic, he died at 58, & would have died earlier, but we prayed & fought for him bc he wasn't ready to meet God. In the end, he was saved, and it was answer to decades of prayer & we were eternally grateful. But what a waste of his precious life, & how he, & our family, suffered so needlessly. It left 2 of my brothers with drinking problems too. I HATE alcohol with a passion, and I think those claiming " liberty" are liars, using an excuse to sin.
My father also lost his life to alcohol liver. He wasn't a alcoholic when i was a child. But certainly on his way. I married my husband who didn't drink. But became a alcoholic. And same with my children.
As a physician, I too have seen far too much trauma, damage, evil, and lostness....secondary to alcohol. This drink binds to the same GABA-a receptors as dose Xanax, Valium, Aprazolam, Barbiturates, etc... It is a DRUG.
An excess ov ebeything is bad, including alcohol and religion. Everything in moderation I say, but if you cant stick to only a moderate amount of alcohol, then blame yourself, not the alcohol. I have drunk alcohol only moderately all my life - you are flawed if you cannot do that, because you have given in to the devil. Alcohol has never been a problem for me because I have the willpower to know when I have had enough.
Christian liberty gives us the freedom to choose to be Holy.
Our joy has to come from Jesus.
The same Jesus who turned water into wine?
Thank you Lord I don't desire alcohol.
Jesus’ first miracle was turning water to wine. And there’s a discussion at the wedding about how happy everyone was to be getting drunk from drinking food wine.
To say that God has never created alcohol is simply, and categorically, wrong.
Nothing of the world will enter into heaven. Everything of the world, including our own bodies, are of sin. The prince of the world is satan and everything of the world is designed to feed its earthly nature or carnal mind. It requires a rebirth spiritual to live for and by God the father god the son and God the holy ghost. Anything that influences the heart, alcholo is proven to, is not of God. A little sin is a sin. You will soon be serving the addiction which has became your master. You cannot serve two masters. Jesus said if you are not with me you are against me. If you are not gathering you are scattering. Drinking in itself is a tool of satan. It adds no glory to be given to god. It offers nothing that raises you up and moves you closer to god. Anything that is not moving you closer is moving you away. Trust in christ and his words and those who love him will follow and hold those words. Nobody who loves anything of the world will enter into heaven. All I have said is not my judgment. Everything I have said is the righteous judgment of the word of God, the only map we have as Christians to separate truth from lies, along with the guiding spirit. God bless you, believe and carry your cross. We are none in the flesh good enough but I am covered by the blood, my sins paid for, redeemed.
After years of making excuses for why it's permissible to drink alcohol as a Christian this teaching brought me to a place of understanding that it should have no place in my life. I never abused alcohol or struggled with addiction, but always excused away many of the same excuses mentioned in this teaching that Christians use to consume alcohol privately, socially, or casually. I have left alcohol behind for about 5 months now and I have zero desire for it. I drink non-alcoholic beer from time to time because I enjoy it as a refreshment, and shortly after making the decision to abstain from alcohol I had a normal beer on accident, and I immediately recognized how I lost all taste for alcohol. Thank you Pastor Tiff for your steadfastness in the Lord and the heart that you have for others to pursue holiness and righteousness in Christ. You are indeed a trusted voice in my life and I thank God for it.
Psalms 104
14 He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate- bringing forth food from the earth:
15 wine that gladdens human hearts, oil to make their faces shine, and bread that sustains their hearts.
The Bible warns about drunkenness but alcohol in moderation seems fine.
I'm 62 years old and a devout Christian, thankyou Jesus.
My DR who is also a Pastor recommends 1 glass of red wine with evening meal.
I took his advice several years ago and have had no spiritual conviction.
@@marleymayfield2635 you must have not even listened to the teaching because if you had you would have be informed that modern day wine is nothing like the wine the Bible refers to. Take your glass of wine and water it down about 10 times and drink a glass of that and now you’re drinking “Biblical wine” or if you must have that slight amount of alcohol just drink kombucha from the store, at least it is full of probiotics and plus it has the small amount of alcohol that biblical wine has.
2-2.75% alcohol = common wine mentioned in the Bible. Listen to the whole teaching, Tiff taught that modern wine is nothing like what the Bible calls wine.
@@heapsofblessings I don't know where he came up with that. According to scholars, the alcohol content of wine during Biblical times was usually between 5-20%, which is enough to intoxicate.1 Wine in the Bible can refer to just simple grape juice or wine that does not exceed an alcoholic content of about 10%. The production capacity apparent from archaeological remains and the frequent biblical references to wine suggest that it was the principal alcoholic beverage of the ancient Israelites. The main difference between Roman and modern wines was likely their alcohol content, as both Greek and Roman wines likely had as high as 15% or 20% ABV, compared with 10-12% or so in most modern wines. The consumption of wine was often very different as well.2 A 2:1 or 3:1 ratio was not unusual, but even a 3:1 ratio would yield a drink of 3-5%, which is similar to an average American beer.
@@algernon_2023 it was 2-2.75% after dilution with water, he didn't "come up with it" - Tiff Shuttlesworth researched the claims he made extensively.
Thank you so much for taking time to teach the undiluted Word of God. I am so blessed.
His verson of the lords word is warped. Jesus does not tell us that drinking is a sin. If you believe that then you should go to a mosque, not a church and you are a heretic.
Put in a nutshell, abstain from the appearances of evil. In other words, if in doubt leave it out. Once again, thanks for the excellent teaching Tiff.
A glass of wine isn't evil considering God himself told his people to buy it lol this is called emotional based responses mostly by former drunks
Very good information Pastor Tiff ,alcohol is way out of control in this world , I drank when I was younger,, but not anymore, I love Jesus to much to waste my time on something that is harmful to your body ,our bodies are the Temple of God and should not be defiled by drinking alcohol
I needed to hear your message today. Thank you.
I found this fascinating! Well done! I would ask, though, to please include a list of the source material (both biblical scriptures and secular, historical sources) you used to arrive at these conclusions, especially for the dilution ratios of wine to water. A few times you said it was too much information to get into for the video, but if the sources are made available, we can continue a deep dive into the material ourselves.
It’s extremely important that we can point to specific sources when presenting an argument, especially for Christians. Thank you!
There is no information that uses ancient sources to suggest the watering down wine. What we do find is ancient mesopotamians distilling alcoholic beverages to stronger levels, and the ancient israelites were told by God that they could drink both alcoholic wine and stronger alcoholic beverages after they had completed their Nazarite vow. Numbers 6.v20... this guy has no awareness of how alcohol is used to kill bacteria in percentage terms.
Jesus condoned drinking alcohol to cheer the heart as he changed water into the best wine. The flavour of wine does depend upon the alcoholic level - he's really struggling in eisegesis here as he's using Scripture incorrectly in order to justify his a priori belief against alcohol. God doesn't want people abusing his Scripture like this guy is doing sadly. He's using arguments from silence to suggest the wine was non alcoholic, not good Biblical hermeneutics.
I would suggest searching for the words: godofgreenhope wine. You'll find a Biblical analysis of alcohol in Scripture.
Thank you for this teaching. GOD bless and protect you Pastor Tiff and your family 🙏🙏🙏
😮 OH my Lord ‼️ I'm a smoker 😢 having a very difficult time trying to stop 😞 I know the consequences of smoking 🚬🙏
This is simple GOD'S WORD don't ever be in a alter mind state, drinking is not prohibited but you have to be careful drinking will bite you like a snake.
Isn't Jesus turning water into wine? Also, God's word simply enough. Yes, he was a fallen man. Kind of ends that whole diety thing
Thank God for this teaching. I pray for those who don't believe that alcohol has a way of getting ahold of one's life. I've lost so many loved ones , who fell into the trap of alcoholism. My heart and prayers go out to those who are held in it's clutches.
Wine (yayin in Hebrew) is a gift from God to cheer the heart - psalm 104:15.
That same wine (yayin) can also cause drunkenness if abused.
That same wine (yayin) God states can be drunk, along with other stronger alcoholic drinks after the Nazarite vow has finished, Numbers 6:20.
As the ancient Mesopotamians enjoyed the distillation process back as far as 3500BCE, we can be sure that the Israelites were also enjoying distilled drinks. It's anti historical to say distillation was invented in the medieval period.
I'm a Christian but sadly got into problems with alcohol😢I'm so ashamed
Keep praying beloved, Jesus will deliver you... don't give up. Our Father delivered me from alcohol cigarettes and other addictions... seek Jesus with all of your heart. He will break that addiction off you, have faith xxx
God bless you my brother 🙏 see u in glory
Thanks to the Lord, you are honest and not in denial...your doing well 🙏.
@@raymondraia1601 yea thanks for that.
I do drink too 🥲 but not drunk 😢
I drank and did, said, and on and on things I wouldn't of ever done if I hadn't been drunk. Alcohol caused me a lot of problems, pain and heartaches. I thank God for bringing me to my senses, finally I am no longer a backslider.
The volume of alcohol (porcentage ) is determined by the specific gravity of the juice from the grapes at the beginning of the fermentation process. In modern times depends of the sugar content and the type of yeast used for the fermentation process . Some are more tolerant to the volume of alcohol than others. That means that when the specific gravity drops below zero you will end up with a higher percentage of alcohol. During the old times nature took care of that (naturally fermented) I believe the percentage of alcohol was pretty high.
Cutting down wine to 20 to 1 defeats the purpose of sterilization due to the small content of alcohol in the mixture.
Thank you. I think people use the "it wasn't really wine" justification to try and explain why Christians should not drink at all. I agree that there are several passages in scripture warning against drunkenness, but I'm not sure there is Scripture prohibiting drinking wine. I think it's careless to try and equivocate the wine used in the old times.
My research seems to indicate that is unlikely that the yeast in a grapes skin, as compared to genetically 'improved' yeasts used today, caused a potent alcoholic content in Bible times....maybe 7-8% by volume, as this youtube piece suggests. Today's lowest alcoholic % content by volume is 13-14% up to 24%. Also, archeological information records many /most societies in Bible times always diluted the wine with water, from 3:1 up to 20:1 (Pliney).... which agrees with this gentelman's information.
HELLO 👋 I'm back! I found your page accidentally, or I was I was sent to your page for a reason, because you read from God's words, I've been searching for the truth, you are the one 🙏 I thank God for you 🙏 their was one I followed for a short time, when I Heard him say (I am God) OH NO ‼️ I stopped watching him, I became homeless and saw and learned so many things, I believe when I humbled myself and PRAYED 🙏 with all I had inside of myself, he gave me a miracle 🙏 and showed me his timing is always perfect 🙏
Amen! I pray that all Christian’s who are struggling with alcohol, or struggling with understanding this message, be healed and enlightened, in Jesus mighty name!
Could someone explain Matthew 11:19? "The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.” Why did the Pharisees accuse the Lord of being a drunkard if wine was so diluted?
Verses 16-18 help establish context. Whether he ate one slice of bread or a whole loaf, they would accuse him of gluttony. Whether he had diluted or undiluted wine, they would accuse him of drunkenness. In the previous verse, "For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ " In other words, they were grasping for any excuse to convict him and deny his legitimacy.
@@Nathaniel_PetersonWell answered. The accusers were haters of Jesus and God!
I’m 56 years old and I have never had even a sip of alcohol. I just don’t understand why people need or want alcohol as a drink. It’s not needed for social events, sports, holidays, parties, yet everyone thinks it is.
It's delicious and relaxing.
I also have never drank alcohol in my entire life. The smell alone makes me nauseous
_"The smell alone makes me nauseous."_
Vodka doesn't have an odor.
@@EvilXtianity that’s not the only alcoholic drink though, I can’t stand the smell of alcohol
_"I can’t stand the smell of alcohol."_
Alcohol made from which plants do you not like?
Agave--pulque (Mexico); tequila
2. Apple--cider
3. Barley--ale; porter; stout; kvass (Russia)
4. Corn--chicha (South America); whiskey; gin
5. Grapes--wine; brandy
6. Hops--ale; stout; weiss (Germany)
7. Millet--pombe (Africa)
8. Potato--vodka; aquavit (Scandinavia)
9. Rice--sake (Japan); oke (Hawaii)
10. Rye--kvass; whiskey
11. Sorghum--burukutu (Nigeria); kafir beer (South Africa)
12. Sugarcane--rum; oke
13. Wheat--weiss; vodka
14. Wormwood--absinthe
Face it, there is nothing positive about alcohol.
It's delicious and relaxing.
@@EvilXtianity I’ll agree it is delicious 😂
@@EvilXtianity so is ice cream
Alcohol is a Life wrecker, nothing good ever came from drinking alcohol.
_"Alcohol is a Life wrecker..."_
How so?
I struggle with this very thing! It can easily become an idol. Life can be almost based on whether you will be able to have wine or not. Satan lies and says “ oh you are missing out if you don’t…..”. I must believe God can and will do better!
If there was only a slim chance you'll lose salvation and Gods presence you need to get rid off alcohol.
Like Jesus said; "It's better to not drink alcohol and go to heaven than to drink it and go to hell".
I know that's not literally what God said, but you get the point I think :)
Not saying you can't drink alcohol necessarily, but if you struggle and if it's tempting you than it's way better to sacrifice it!!
@@BirdNatureView Jesus drank wine, get over it.
@@SilverSixpence888 those words say plenty to me.
Thank you for today's message. It has spoken to my spirit.
Every Blessings
Amen. Loved this teaching 🙏🏽
Glory to God, man of God this is my first video but I am answered bcoz av been making study on these doctrines ,.thank u sir.
More anointing 🔥.
please pray for me that God helps me to stay free of alcohol.
The radical differences in potency don't matter.
You can't claim the bible to be the word of God and then maintain that it was blindsided by men creating more potent alcohol.
The bible makes clear statements against being drunk and inebriated as you point out, which then covers all forms of intoxicants.
It allows for you to drink alcohol, doesn't allow for you to be inebriated.
It's far harder to get inebriated with the way they did it, but obviously, there were men and women of the time, who would drink undiluted wine, and act up, and become drunk, thus God instructing people to stay sober minded.
Christ first miracle was making Wine At A Wedding!
Taste, or not taste, he was giving wine at a celebration.
This is where moderation goes. This is why the bible never says do not drink Alcohol and do maintains do not be inebriated.
It could be 150% alcohol. It Doesn't Matter!
What you skipped of Christ words are when he speaks to the pharisees: Christ says clearly that one is not to concern themselves with what goes into their mouths, for that doesn't defile a person, but what comes out of it; that defiles a person.
When inebriated or drunk, your ability to control what comes out of your mouth is hindered, thus the ban on inebriation. Not alcohol.
And I don't drink. I hate alcohol. I've watched so many people die from alcohol in my work that I think it's a poison.
But you're trying to make a case for some sort of biblical standard that isn't there.
If you want to argue that alcohol is a slippery, unhealthy slope, that Christians would be best not traveling down. I 100% agree.
When you're trying to say that the bible cares what you put into your mouth and into your body, Jesus Christ makes clear, it doesn't.
You give great points on why alcohol doesn't serve Christians and why they shouldn't partake, but trying to make a biblical case out of it only creates a disingenuous and unbiblical narrative.
Thanks for this teaching, Tiff. I haven't heard this truth preached or taught for over 40 years. When I was in my early 20's I read a book (can't remember author or title) but he said same thing you taught tonight and the little bit you said about the wine Jesus made-spot on! I've had discussions with pastors, brothers and sisters about how the wine Jesus made was nonalcoholic-sadly it fell on closed ears. Can't wait to watch the video you do on that. God continue to bless you, brother.
Magpie there is a book I have that I bought probably over 40 years ago called. Alcohol the Beloved Enemy and it was written by Jack Van Imp. I use to like him many years ago. but.......
The book of John in the Bible records Jesus, God the Son, making wine.
Naturally-occurring yeasts in grape juice will cause ferment, creating alcohol, if the juice is not pasteurised. Grapes will ferment on the vine naturally. So much so that almost all fruit juice (of any kind) made commercially has a tiny bit of alcohol in it.
Alcohol is sign God loves us and want us to be happy.
@@paulettelewis992 did Jack go back drinking or did you. 🤔
I married a man who never drank, not even as a teenager. We never had any form of alcohol in our home and raised our children not to drink (as I was raised). For some reason, after around 25 years of marriage (and I will tell you our marriage was a good one), I found out he’d been drinking hard liquor bc I discovered him so messed up during times of a family crisis when he was needed (such as in the middle of the night when he thought no one would know, or when I was suppose to be at work but would come home early unexpectedly, etc. ). Our marriage has deteriorated along with his health at an exasperating rate for the past 10+ years. For so long I could not figure out what in the world was going on with us! Or what it was going on with his health bc he’d always looked so much younger than his age, people unable to believe his age, but now he has literally aged and looks at least 10-15 years older than his age. I am certain all this is because of alcohol. I used to think it was ok to drink a glass of wine or a margarita when we went out to dinner occasionally. I’ve been a Christian many years, but I’d told myself that occasional social drinking was on. But now, I feel very differently. I admit , it didn’t really feel “wrong” for me to drink this occasionally, but then I began to see that nothing good ever comes from drinking alcohol! It’s not a good influence for anyone. It does nothing good for my body. It altars my thinking ability and actions. And, now that I see what it has done to my husband, his health, and my 42 year marriage that I thought should’ve been much more peaceful and happy. But instead we have been in the brink of divorce a few times. And I’m not sure we’re out of the woods yet, or ever will be as long as he continues choosing this alcohol. Please pray for him. He is a ch
He is a Christian, but this is his struggle and I know it is a spiritual warfare thing. Satan knew just when and where to set a trap for him (just as he knows this about every single one of us bc he’s been studying us human beings for millennia). And sadly, my husband got trapped in the enemy’s snare and it has destroyed sooooo much!! I ask for prayers from anyone enduring to read this king post. Thank you Tiff for this reaching! May God bless you. (I had to “reply” to finish this post bc the video ran out before I originally was able to finish☺️.)
@@emc8021❤😊Wow dear sister in Christ and fellow servant of our Great God & Savior!!🛐✝️🫶🏻✨🌟✨🙏🏻All Glory to Abba Father, Son and Holy Spirit❤ May the most High bless you and keep you safe, make His Holy Face/Countenance to shine upon you and give you His Shalom💜💙 I'm very sorry for your husbands relapse/iniquity of drinking in secret and hiding his sin from you -his ❤wife of so many decades.....it makes me feel saddened for you, knowing what a blow it is to suddenly realize your longtime husband isn't the same as you thought he was. And especially to hear his consumption was in excess that caused drunkenness and all the behavior that follows one who has pickled their own brain....as Alcoholism actively done to extreme excess leads to blackouts, life changing poor decisions & putting oneself in situations with very dangerous people who prey upon the most vulnerable easy to assault victims they can find..... 😢🙏🏻🫶🏻🛐Folks, pray Almighty God will remove the strongholds of alcohol &/or drugs and have faith He will faithfully set you free!!! Praise Him all you Saints, Baruk & Yhlorify Extol His Name❤💫🌟
Praying, that your husband stops drinking and realizes what the devil is doing, killing-stealing-and destroying your lives. I pray those strongholds are loosed by the mighty power of Jesus, and that your lives and marriage are restored. In the NAME of Jesus!! Amen
🙏 You are SOOOOO RIGHT !!!! About drinking 😢😞🙏 feeling ashamed what I taught my children 🙏
Why do many passovers include 4 glasses of wine? I’ve been to about 3 passovers and they drink a lot.
This is so good and much needed.
(Second comment here…) everything you said makes so much sense!
Best explanation I've ever heard!
I totally agree with you because I’m not a drinker. My question is what did Noah drank that got him so
drunk that he passed out in front of his children.
And remember Lot also got so hammered that he had sex with his daughters! 🤢
Wow❤really wish all,to learn from this teaching ,very straight,encouraging and powerful,be Blessed
If fermentation involved sin, why did Jesus turn water into wine at the wedding at Cana which is a fermented beverage? And it definitely was wine because the host of the wedding said, "Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now."
I see no reply from the video producer, because they're incapable of giving a reasonable answer that doesn't disregard the facts that even ancient Mesopotamians were not only brewing strong drink, but also distilling it into high % alcoholic beverages back around 3500BCE
@@matthewarnold5531your missing the point. It is unholy to consume alcohol. The Bible is full of verses reflecting this. If you are a Jesus believer, Jesus warned us to remain sober.. peace and grace 🙏
As said in the video, that wine would have been diluted with water (three parts water to one part wine) giving an overall alcohol content of around 2 percent.
Then Jesus lead people to sin, which is itself a sin. Therefore Jesus is not sinless and is not the Messiah.
Use your brain before you comment. God gave you one, use it correctly.
@@TacereM How about you PRAY for a brain, instead of making bizarre, inaccurate correlations to fit your finite understanding for everyone to see how foolish you are? There is a HUGE difference between drinking wine and DRUNKENESS. 1 Timmothy 5:23. The Holy Spirit gives us the gift of discernment which you clearly do not have. In all sincerity, pray for the Holy Spirit to indwell in you. The tribulation is going to be tough. May God have mercy on you. Good day.
Jesus would never have drunk alcohol. If John the Baptist was told not to drnik how much more would jesus not drink
Deuteronomy 14 26 read it god told the entire nation to buy strong drink and wine did god sin? Most of you are former alcoholics and in your feelings when you comment
@@stevecampanelli6009❤Thank you kind brother for sharing this verse and your comment enlightened me more than any other in this lesson. Abba knows my heart❤ and soul/life traumas and history. None of us are perfect, I do my very best to live by the 10 commandments and Messiahs commands to love God first, above all...& ❤love all others with the same Agape love that Christ has for humanity🙏🏻🫶🏻
@@margaretgraham95 he directly told you he drank and compared himself to John who didn't 😆
He makes great points that are Biblically sound. One drink can easily lead to two or more. I hear moderation used but I believe we should use the word “sparingly” in drinking alcohol. I appreciate a great ale but if over 5%, I don't like it. Christmas time I might have spiced apple cider with bourbon but it’s diluted. Point is use sparingly and not everyday. Be well and blessed.
Hi Tiff, thank you for your daily blessings and knowledge of the bible. You have answered a lot of my questions.
Can you please explain if there is any scriptures in the bible that relates to the foods we eat in particular meat.
Thank you
I used to be a serious drinker for over 50 years but gave it up not for spiritual reasons but because I had enough. I haven't drank in about 5 years and have no intentions of drinking again. In regards to those recent studies claiming that just looking at a glass of wine will kill you,I don't pay any attention to them. One day they will come out with a study not to eat eggs, and just about every food you put in your mouth. Then in a month or two they come up with new study saying it's ok to eat those things the other study says not to eat.
Tiff, can you please give us scriptures that say that they diluted wine and strong drink? I have heard this before but I've never found any Scripture saying so. I trust your teaching so I'm hoping that you can expand on this biblically.
I think it's in the research of biblical times culture. If one were to be learned on biblical times cultures and practices, the bible is easier to understand. I have found this to be true in my research. I have 2 shelves on the cultures of the days before, during and after Jesus. Makes studying interesting, easier and fun.
I am also looking for the verse in Revelation Pastor Tiff mentioned about drunkards cannot enter heaven. I'm taking notes and would appreciate the Bible verse. Thank you.
Just found two verses.. 1 Cor.6:10 and Gal 5:21.
@@yulychan6648 1st Corinthians chapter 10
Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
I believe we are going to see the fruit of so many prophetic teachers such as we see on you tube. I really believe that. Never in history have we have this available to us. God is working in marvelous ways concerning this. We are going to see awesome and great things ahead. We are going to see the kingdom of God prevail and take territory, turning the dry places into green pastures spiritually. We have never had this before in history and it is dynamic. It is powerful.
Praise the Lord I no longer even like alcohol🙏🏽🙏🏽
Praise the lord
Thank you for doing your studies for our benefit
If it was so diluted why does it say in Psalms: “ Wine to gladden man’s heart?” Seems like it was/ is a gift… how could it gladden the heart if it was so diluted? You’d have to drink quite a bit to become glad then
This is such a great teaching!
If we think we are Christians we really must take heed to the teachings of the scripture.
Luke 7:33, Matt 11:19, Rom 14:17.
If people exercised self discipline, things would be different. Gluttony is sinful and over indulging will cause us to sin. Better to leave it alone than risk becoming addicted. One of the fruits of the spirit is SELF CONTROL.
1: Xtian claim: 'Jesus turned water into wine'. This works in Hebrew and in English translations. The requirement of of 'interpretation' would mean this book is not 'the perfect word of god'.
2: Xtian claim: '100% of all wine and alcohol is manufactured by fallen men'. All fruit in nature naturally converts sugar and left in common environments, produces alcohol. This is common place.
This topic came up in my feeds and found the history fascinating. What you say is true. During covid i decided to eat healthier, not only to lose weight but to build my immune system. During my research and listening to other doctors speak on the subject it is true that alcohol has no benefits to health. The small amount of reversatrol in red wine is immediately negated by the alcohol having to be processed by your liver. Alcohol has no benefits for us in today’s society only negatives
I never like the taste of wine, but I only take red wine occasionally for my stomach. I don’t go overboard I take one small glass after eating steak and it’ soothes my stomach. I never got drunk in my entire life and I never will because I’m not wine is not my weakness the Bible specifically says drunkenness is a sin. If you’re the type that gets drunk, stay away from wine if you’re the type that is a weak to alcohol stay away from it. But everything in moderation is fine. There’s nothing wrong with eating
Or having a glass of wine. If Jesus was so against wine he would have not have them preserve it and he told them to preserve it and put it in new bottles. Jesus made grapes and he knew the fermentation of a grape wine has benefits to it with anything you can make it a sin you can go overboard on eating or drinking and then you’re sitting against yourself. Also, it’s OK if you’ve never drink wine or beer if you feel that it’s a stumbling block to someone else, don’t drink a glass of wine in front of them. Yes, wine can make you drunk that’s only if you keep drinking it and it becomes a obsession but if you have control and God and you take a little for your stomach sake, it won’t hurt you it will help, but I respect the pastor and his right to do what is right for him and his children
I agree!
Thank you 🙏😊
Pastor, thank you for your clear and concise teaching.
Thank YOU
I am guilty... though not abusing alcohol... i do have a jack daniels now and then... feel like this study as meant for my ears ... thank you very much!
You're welcome.
@@TiffShuttlesworthnotice you don't consider Deuteronomy 14 :26 in your diatribe of nonsense did God sin? How about the alcohol allowed outside the temple and 300 years of church history by the apostles students whom all taught moderation of alcohol every church father taught this
Great teaching 👍
Michael Jones addresses this brilliantly against a pastor who claims ANY alcohol consumption is inherently sinful.
I never let it touch my lips in 44 yrs😊
Jesus turned water into wine, an alcoholic drink, that he gave to others. Just want to point that out
Maybe watch the video first before commenting. The wine they drank back then was diluted with water and had a very low alcohol percentage. He talks about that even the Greeks said it was barbaric to drink wine without it being diluted with water. He also talks about the reason why people drank wine back then, most of the water was bacteria ridden, that being the case putting wine in the water would kill bacteria making the wine safe to drink. He knows that Jesus turned water into wine, he is just stating the differences between modern alcohol which is mostly used for intoxication, and ancient wines/beers that were used for making water safe to drink. To be fair this guys take on Bibical scripture and alcohol is a little extreme, in the bible it says not to get intoxicated/drunk and never said to not drink any alcohol ever. In my opinion there's nothing wrong with drinking within moderation.
Jesus turned water to wine because water was poisonous to drink, and wine was made from grapes and safe. It was still a sin to drink to the point of being inebriated.
Thanks Tiff, I did not know any of this, Very interesting, Thanks for taking your time explaining…🕊
If I go to a church and the pastor just recently said he & his wife drink wine & beer, I feel that I have to leave the church. Am I right?
I wrestled with alcohol but now I don't drink before sporting events.
Psalm 104 says God gave us wine to gladden the hearts of men, and at the wedding at Cana, the master of the feast tasted the wine Jesus made and said, "Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now." Neither of these stories make any sense whatsoever without referring to at least the mild intoxicating qualities of alcohol.
Thank you so much for your teaching on wine.
Part of the reason they drank so much wine was because in many regions the water wasn't good to drink. So saying they diluted the wine with water just doesn't make sense! According to what you are saying someone would have to drink about a gallon of wine to even have a little buzz much less be drunk 😳 And as we know many did get drunk.
I like this teacher. And what he stands for
What is Jesus going to do when he returns again? He is going to enjoy the fruit of the vine with us once again (Luke 22:18)- get ready to share a wine with Jesus.
Can you please give the versus in the Bible of where it states the wine was diluted? Thank you.
You are missing the point. Open your heart and spiritual ears, humility and a willingness to be holy. Jesus said stay sober. Peace and grace 🙏.
Jesus drank wine, Luke 7:34. Plus St Paul tells Timothy to drink some wine, 1 Tim 5:23
Proverbs 31:4-7 - It is not for kings, Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer, lest they drink and forget what has been decreed, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights. Let beer be for those who are perishing, wine for those who are in anguish! Let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more.
His mother's opinion which is the context of that verses is not God speaking
The party members said of the wine jesus made that it was the good stuff that normally is given at the beginning of the party,not the cheap stuff given at the end.
If its all grape juice, what the distinction?
God gave wine to gladden the hearts of men
Something else comes to mind, an alcoholic named Glen. Rest his soul. He would drink a quart of vodka as most other people would drink maybe 5 beers in an afternoon at a table in the shade. I used to hang out with what I called moderate to heavy drinkers, but Glen was a full blown alcoholic.
I saw him drink most of a quart of vodka (and he was at the table drinking before I got there) and then he left to drive home. He talked just fine and he walked just fine. I asked my friends if he can drive. They said I didn't have to worry about Glen. He's never had a DUI and likely never will. He drives just fine. He's pretty much built up an immunity to alcohol.
I asked if he always drinks a full bottle of vodka in a day, and they said that he will likely drink most of another bottle that evening, or maybe the whole thing yet tonight at home.
I don't believe the BAC laws are fair as we might think. However, it's likely about the best we can do. It's a good standard I think, but I do need to remember how people are different when it comes to alcohol. It's not really as fair as I might think. I do believe that. They say he would mix that powdered Kool-Aid in with the vodka. No water. He really drank the Kool-Aid.
Sometimes I wonder "What is intoxicated?" Well there are some guidelines and there are noticeable symptoms.
Many alcoholics never look intoxicated..
.they have a high tolerance....but tolerance can fall.....
My father never looked intoxicated. But he died of alcohol liver disease...he was a drip drip drip drinker. Intravenous drinker...
Very good teaching and background information to help Christians understand this principle. Thank you for addressing issues that many pastors avoid. 🙏
The book of John in the Bible records Jesus, God the Son, making wine.
Naturally-occurring yeasts in grape juice will cause ferment, creating alcohol, if the juice is not pasteurised. Grapes will ferment on the vine naturally. So much so that almost all fruit juice (of any kind) made commercially has a tiny bit of alcohol in it.
Alcohol is sign God loves us and want us to be happy.
Thank you Sir for boldly advocating 'Abstinance'
Amen so true . May God bless His Word
Thank you Brother Tiff
How did Noah become blind drunk if the wine was only 7% in alcohol content.
And why did Solomon differentiate between strong drink and wine in Proverbs 31:6?
@@natalyd9674 exactly, the pastor was trying to say all wine was weaker in alcohol content in those days, yet Proverbs 31:6 proves that this statement isn't true.
It seems Noah was partaking in the strong wine to become blind drunk.
Exactly. He's ignorant of ancient brewing technology, such as the Mesopotamians brewing and distilling to high % alcoholic drinks back in 3500BCE
Lets say yes the wine 🍷 back in the days when our Lord walked the earth was not the same as todays wine. Then why was there warnings about Drunkenness in the Old Testament and throughout the Bible meaning they can still get drunk regardless of the wine Alcohol volume. Also Jesus first miracle was he turned water into Wine 🍷 and it was the BEST Wine 🍷 so people at the wedding had drank up all the wine and Jesus made more Wine the Best Wine so that means they where having a great time right?
Thankyou brother Tiff for speaking the truth……..as you always do! May you and your ministry of Lost Lamb prosper ❤️🔥❤️🔥
The book of John in the Bible records Jesus, God the Son, making wine.
Naturally-occurring yeasts in grape juice will cause ferment, creating alcohol, if the juice is not pasteurised. Grapes will ferment on the vine naturally. So much so that almost all fruit juice (of any kind) made commercially has a tiny bit of alcohol in it.
Alcohol is sign God loves us and want us to be happy.
If we question it at all, then why would we do it? Would we want to take even “a fraction” of a chance of opening the smallest crack to something that could separate us from God for all eternity. It’s just not worth it.
Can I get the Bible verses to support these statements so I can make notes please?
Here is something I found on the internet: Adding sugar to unfirmented grape juice is illegal in California. I wonder if I should look up how much the alcohol content is of California wines. I wonder what would be so different between today's wines of California and wine made in Biblical days.
Dear sis Elva go to a church that teaches the unadulterated of God and also read the bible for yourself and pray to God to make the scriptures understandable to you if you never read the bible before start with the new testiment and read a chapter or two daily and also pray and meditate on the word and do not try to interpret the bible how on how you feel about but it but understand it in its right contex God bless you sis
Shalom brother Shuttlesworth. Maranatha Lord Yeshua come. I love ❤ you LORD ❤️ Yeshua.
In addition, Some christians smoke and curse, Its seems as christians we should be separated from the worldly behaviors, we are not perfect,but we want to be more like our father God, he never do these behaviors.
Thank you Tiff. I really appreciate your teaching and I regularly listen to them. I have a question on this subject. When Jesus turned water in to wine in a wedding (feast), wasn't that for more recreational purposes (than purification of water)? This is the only thought I am struggling with. I do take a glass of wine or beer occasionally. Never got drunk ever in my life. My father did the same. Never saw him drunk ever either.
Is it then, from a more health perspective that we should not even touch alcohol? Not necessarily because having an occasional glass of wine is dishonouring God?
I love your teachings and it helped me to understand some beautiful truths in the bible.
I can stop tomorrow because I am not addicted to wine or beer. But I still have these questions though.
Thank you!
Jesus drank alcohol, get over it.
Some of you might want to try this at home. I liked keeping some frozen concentrate of orange juice and adding a small spoonful of it to a glass of ice water. I liked doing that with the orange, but when I tried that with grape juice, to me, it only made the water taste muddy. I didn't care for it at all. I realize we are all different. I'm just wondering what other people have experienced. If I did the small grape juice from concentrate in a large glass of water every day maybe I would get used to it. I wonder if they had orange trees over there in Israel.
I just looked it up. Israel does have a citrus industry today. Does anybody make wine out of orange juice? I imagine it would ferment, but I really don't know much of anything about wine. I used to home brew though.
New wine must be in new wineshins, why? FERMENTATION.
If wine is a poison, why would Jesus use wine as an element of his sacrificial blood?
Great teaching. I had a discussion abt this last week.
Great Teaching.
Because the Bible says to come eat and drink before the Lord every time it says drink is referring to alcohol