President Nixon's 1970 State of the Union

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • January 22, 1970: President Nixon delivers the State of the Union Address.

Комментарии • 68

  • @Doctor_Grabow
    @Doctor_Grabow 8 лет назад +43

    Listening to Nixon's speech is a refreshing glass of water to those of us that cherish the American dream as it was originally intended. I love when he talks about the dignity of work. Makes me wish I had a time machine and could escape the cultural rot and ruin that today's politicians have wrought.

    • @tubularbill
      @tubularbill 6 лет назад +3

      Seth Duran - can you back that up with any facts?

    • @AndreyRubtsovRU
      @AndreyRubtsovRU Год назад +1

      You back up nixon? Wow lol

  • @MrAitraining
    @MrAitraining 8 лет назад +54

    I'm a President Nixon fan. A very good President.

    • @firgasz2920
      @firgasz2920 7 лет назад +9

      Nixon was a crook.

    • @jerrycollins-doc9959
      @jerrycollins-doc9959 4 года назад +5

      @Seth Duran name a president that didnt do the same

    • @mmjahink
      @mmjahink 2 года назад +2

      I mostly disagree, but I'll say he certainly was far from the worst.

    • @starter47990
      @starter47990 2 года назад +8

      @@mmjahink he accomplished more than most other Presidents in history. He initiated the end of the Cold War, ended the Vietnam War, set the stage for energy policy and created the Environmental Protection Agency and weakened crime. He was certainly one of the most effective and consequential Presidents in history whether you like him or not

    • @djf750
      @djf750 2 года назад

      @@jerrycollins-doc9959 Truman?

  • @donaldramotar4065
    @donaldramotar4065 4 года назад +29

    This man was ahead of his time. Listen to him on environmental matters

    • @starter47990
      @starter47990 2 года назад +4

      He was one of the greatest orators in history hands down

    • @rivaridge7211
      @rivaridge7211 Год назад +4

      Very true! I well recall celebrating the very first "Earth Day" on April 22, 1970, along with my eighth grade class. It was a bright spring day in Western New York, and the day was very special to be sure. Bless Mr. Nixon's memory for always - I wish he was President today.

  • @rapauli
    @rapauli 4 года назад +9

    About 24 mins in - "reparations for the damage we have done to our air, to our land, and to our water"
    Thanks for posting this

  • @jonbrown-ng2hx
    @jonbrown-ng2hx 2 года назад +3

    I have alot of problems with nixon but he was the one of the biggest champions in government in regards to the environment and he should get great credit for that

  • @takumichampion1470
    @takumichampion1470 6 лет назад +5

    Now I can recognise his voice from this speech.

  • @rapauli
    @rapauli Год назад +3

    A speech worthy of a transcript: (partial)
    "These are not the great questions that concern world leaders at summit conferences. But people do not live at the summit. They live in the foothills of everyday experience, and it is time for all of us to concern ourselves with the way real people live in real life.
    The great question of the seventies is, shall we surrender to our surroundings, or shall we make our peace with nature and begin to make reparations for the damage we have done to our air, to our land, and to our water?
    Restoring nature to its natural state is a cause beyond party and beyond factions. It has become a common cause of all the people of this country. It is a cause of particular concern to young Americans, because they more than we will reap the grim consequences of our failure to act on programs which are needed now if we are to prevent disaster later.
    Clean air, clean water, open spaces-these should once again be the birthright of every American. If we act now, they can be.
    We still think of air as free. But clean air is not free, and neither is clean water. The price tag on pollution control is high. Through our years of past carelessness we incurred a debt to nature, and now that debt is being called.
    The program I shall propose to Congress will be the most comprehensive and costly program in this field in America's history.
    It is not a program for just one year. A year's plan in this field is no plan at all. This is a time to look ahead not a year, but 5 years or 10 years--whatever time is required to do the job.
    I shall propose to this Congress a $10 billion nationwide clean waters program to put modern municipal waste treatment plants in every place in America where they are needed to make our waters clean again, and do it now. We have the industrial capacity, if we begin now, to build them all within 5 years. This program will get them built within 5 years.
    As our cities and suburbs relentlessly expand, those priceless open spaces needed for recreation areas accessible to their people are swallowed up--often forever. Unless we preserve these spaces while they are still available, we will have none to preserve. Therefore, I shall propose new financing methods for purchasing open space and parklands now, before they are lost to us.
    The automobile is our worst polluter of the air. Adequate control requires further advances in engine design and fuel composition. We shall intensify our research, set increasingly strict standards, and strengthen enforcement procedures-and we shall do it now.
    We can no longer afford to consider air and water common property, free to be abused by anyone without regard to the consequences. Instead, we should begin now to treat them as scarce resources, which we are no more free to contaminate than we are free to throw garbage into our neighbor's yard.
    This requires comprehensive new regulations. It also requires that, to the extent possible, the price of goods should be made to include the costs of producing and disposing of them without damage to the environment.
    Now, I realize that the argument is often made that there is a fundamental contradiction between economic growth and the quality of life, so that to have one we must forsake the other.
    The answer is not to abandon growth, but to redirect it. For example, we should turn toward ending congestion and eliminating smog the same reservoir of inventive genius that created them in the first place.
    Continued vigorous economic growth provides us with the means to enrich life itself and to enhance our planet as a place hospitable to man.
    Each individual must enlist in this fight if it is to be won.
    It has been said that no matter how many national parks and historical monuments we buy and develop, the truly significant environment for each of us is that in which we spend 80 percent of our time--in our homes, in our places of work, the streets over which we travel.
    Street litter, rundown parking strips and yards, dilapidated fences, broken windows, smoking automobiles, dingy working places, all should be the object of our fresh view.
    We have been too tolerant of our surroundings and too willing to leave it to others to clean up our environment. It is time for those who make massive demands on society to make some minimal demands on themselves. Each of us must resolve that each day he will leave his home, his property, the public places of the city or town a little cleaner, a little better, a little more pleasant for himself and those around him.
    With the help of people we can do anything, and without their help, we can do nothing. In this spirit, together, we can reclaim our land for ours and generations to come.
    Between now and the year 5000, over 100 million children will be born in the United States. Where they grow up--and how will, more than any one thing, measure the quality of American life in these years ahead.
    This should be a warning to us.
    For the past 30 years our population has also been growing and shifting. The result is exemplified in the vast areas of rural America emptying out of people and of promise--a third of our counties lost population in the sixties.
    The violent and decayed central cities of our great metropolitan complexes are the most conspicuous area of failure in American life today.
    I propose that before these problems become insoluble, the Nation develop a national growth policy.
    In the future, government decisions as to where to build highways, locate airports, acquire land, or sell land should be made with a clear objective of aiding a balanced growth for America.
    In particular, the Federal Government must be in a position to assist in the building of new cities and the rebuilding of old ones.
    At the same time, we will carry our concern with the quality of life in America to the farm as well as the suburb, to the village as well as to the city. What rural America needs most is a new kind of assistance. It needs to be dealt with, not as a separate nation, but as part of an overall growth policy for America. We must create a new rural environment which will not only stem the migration to urban centers, but reverse it. If we seize our growth as a challenge, we can make the 1970's an historic period when by conscious choice we transformed our land into what we want it to become.
    America, which has pioneered in the new abundance, and in the new technology, is called upon today to pioneer in meeting the concerns which have followed in their wake--in turning the wonders of science to the service of man.
    In the majesty of this great Chamber we hear the echoes of America's history, of debates that rocked the Union and those that repaired it, of the summons to war and the search for peace, of the uniting of the people, the building of a nation.
    Those echoes of history remind us of our roots and our strengths.
    They remind us also of that special genius of American democracy, which at one critical turning point after another has led us to spot the new road to the future and given us the wisdom and the courage to take it.
    As I look down that new road which I have tried to map out today, I see a new America as we celebrate our 200th anniversary 6 years from now.
    I see an America in which we have abolished hunger, provided the means for every family in the Nation to obtain a minimum income, made enormous progress in providing better housing, faster transportation, improved health, and superior education.
    I see an America in which we have checked inflation, and waged a winning war against crime.
    I see an America in which we have made great strides in stopping the pollution of our air, cleaning up our water, opening up our parks, continuing to explore in space.
    Most important, I see an America at peace with all the nations of the world.
    This is not an impossible dream. These goals are all within our reach.
    In times past, our forefathers had the vision but not the means to achieve such goals.
    Let it not be recorded that we were the first American generation that had the means but not the vision to make this dream come true.
    But let us, above all, recognize a fundamental truth. We can be the best clothed, best fed, best housed people in the world, enjoying clean air, clean water, beautiful parks, but we could still be the unhappiest people in the world without an indefinable spirit--the lift of a driving dream which has made America, from its beginning, the hope of the world.

  • @djf750
    @djf750 2 года назад +3

    Spiro Agnew...a GREAT American, never did a day in prison

  • @mr.republican2358
    @mr.republican2358 3 года назад +4

    1:54 Speaker John McCormack introduces President Nixon

  • @donaldramotar4065
    @donaldramotar4065 4 года назад +5

    What a visionary he was! Look at the quality of his content. Leadership in the world has degenerated since that time

  • @Pantherking916
    @Pantherking916 10 месяцев назад

    Some things to bear in mind - in December, Nixon met Elvis in the Oval Office. The Vietnam War was still very much ongoing. The Nigerian Civil war ended. The respective leaders of West & East Germany met for the 1st time since Germany was divided. China's 1st satellite was launched. The Khmer Republic was declared in Cambodia. The Lockheed Tristar flew for the 1st time. Nixon signed into law the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

  • @randallknapp7528
    @randallknapp7528 6 лет назад +3


  • @pinedelgado4743
    @pinedelgado4743 4 года назад +2

    I'm wondering if this was CBS News's broadcast of the 1970 SOTU because the news commentator sounded lots like Roger Mudd. Was it?

  • @mikeingersoll4466
    @mikeingersoll4466 7 лет назад +11

    hey look Spiro agnew

    • @timothyypearson
      @timothyypearson 6 лет назад +3

      Mike Ingersoll thats honest vice president no lie agnew

  • @danielamare8280
    @danielamare8280 6 месяцев назад

    It was time to a new federalism, thank you Mr. President. In the spirit of President Richard Nixon, it’s time for a new federalism. 34 trillion dollars in national debt Mr. President. GHU JW

  • @williamdunphy352
    @williamdunphy352 6 лет назад +3

    Roger Mudd of CBS News.

  • @TayDays1128
    @TayDays1128 Год назад +4

    Opted to watch this instead of the Biden garbage. Completely different (and importantly better) country shown here.

  • @electionuser3056
    @electionuser3056 4 года назад +1

    Before the midterms

  • @starter47990
    @starter47990 2 года назад +1

    Nixon at it's best

  • @fulldocspepe6272
    @fulldocspepe6272 7 лет назад +12

    We don't have Nixon to kick around anymore )*:.

  • @CookieThug
    @CookieThug Год назад

    the goat

  • @AngryChristian1
    @AngryChristian1 7 лет назад +5

    Misterrrrrr speakerrrrrrrr
    the president urv the urnited states

  • @gloriastitz2162
    @gloriastitz2162 5 лет назад +10

    America’s most experienced, intelligent president
    Backwards on cannabis war but other than that a decent fellow

    • @starter47990
      @starter47990 2 года назад +3

      If not for Watergate he would have been top 5 Presidents of all time

  • @ericsaroni9380
    @ericsaroni9380 27 дней назад

    The don't talk like this anymore.😢

  • @bradyfry8031
    @bradyfry8031 Год назад

    Was Nixon ever looked at the same way again after his resignation? Even by the people in Washington?

  • @jonathanfalkowsky672
    @jonathanfalkowsky672 6 месяцев назад

    Why did he say Mr President when he was president? Maybe because Agnew was the President of the senate?

  • @bombarde1701a
    @bombarde1701a Год назад +1

    Before he went to the dark side Nixon was truly great

  • @adamhonestyanddecency5054
    @adamhonestyanddecency5054 6 лет назад +6

    3:40- "da-cade?"

  • @chiclet_teeth
    @chiclet_teeth 4 года назад

    Good Lord...the audio on this is terrible.

  • @mooman966
    @mooman966 11 лет назад +1


  • @345mrse
    @345mrse Год назад

    Reform government = Less regulation. Detente with China & The Soviet Union = Expanded private markets.

  • @rmoalxa
    @rmoalxa 4 года назад +3

    Guy behind him looks dead

    • @nguyendailam6703
      @nguyendailam6703 3 года назад +3

      That's John McCormack, he was ancient!

    • @rmoalxa
      @rmoalxa 3 года назад

      @@nguyendailam6703 looks it

    • @shahrulamar5358
      @shahrulamar5358 2 года назад


    • @shahrulamar5358
      @shahrulamar5358 2 года назад

      @@nguyendailam6703 Some of the peoples in that room probably born in 19th century. 🤔🤔🤔

    • @starter47990
      @starter47990 2 года назад +3

      Actually, both men behind him are dead lol

  • @pbennett13
    @pbennett13 6 лет назад +7

    war on pornography? lol!

  • @deniselyman5147
    @deniselyman5147 6 лет назад

    Not to Richard but you all dont really seem to care anything about me by allowing the people you work with to destroy my hair. Not to mention what went on yesterday.

  • @ou8126
    @ou8126 4 года назад +2

    I'm not a crook!

    • @nguyendailam6703
      @nguyendailam6703 3 года назад +1

      I'm glad to hear it

    • @jimrobinson6478
      @jimrobinson6478 Год назад +1

      He should have just fired anyone involved with Watergate instead of covering up, which is illegal. Bill Clinton would have just let everyone resign. Clinton took no blame for anything. it was always someone else's fault. "It was Ron Brown. May he rest in peace!"

  • @bullwinkle2380
    @bullwinkle2380 3 года назад +3

    Eat your heart out Donald Trump!!!

  • @ddh2o759
    @ddh2o759 Год назад

    Definitely hypocritical of him to talk about cutting spending on domestic issues while blowing untold billions in Vietnam.

    • @NerdilyDone
      @NerdilyDone Год назад

      You're being unfair. Vietnam was started two presidents ago when Kennedy assassinated a stabilizing leader. Those billions were going to be spent no matter who got elected that term.