Duni a Mobi, Kijivu a Gaia -všechny spolu

  • Опубликовано: 6 окт 2024
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Комментарии • 20

  • @janavesela2770
    @janavesela2770 4 месяца назад +1

    To je taková krása. Dvě maminky a dvě miminka pospolu.

  • @PIA-tj5hc
    @PIA-tj5hc 4 месяца назад +1

    Dino is a great first time mom❣️❣️❣️

  • @shawna6683
    @shawna6683 4 месяца назад +4

    Duni has a lot on her mind.

  • @grohoxin5787
    @grohoxin5787 4 месяца назад +2

    Lucie,krásně zachycenomoc děkuji za nádherné video😍

  • @irenacermakova3865
    @irenacermakova3865 4 месяца назад +3

    Spokojené maminy s dětmi 👍💜🤗

  • @lm9991
    @lm9991 4 месяца назад +1

    Is there construction noise going on? Duni looks very nervous. Aw, it is okay Duni. 🩷

  • @bpalmento3468
    @bpalmento3468 4 месяца назад +1

    Kijivu looks nervous because of holding her ear; Duni looks like Shinda to me.

  • @hanafuksova1055
    @hanafuksova1055 4 месяца назад +1

    Dvě úžasné maminy, krásné video! Děkujeme 💞

  • @miriammalanikova9039
    @miriammalanikova9039 4 месяца назад +1


  • @petralebrova293
    @petralebrova293 4 месяца назад +1

    na ty vaše videa se tak hezky dívá👍

  • @maryeddy4871
    @maryeddy4871 2 месяца назад

    Funny how Duni holds or places her hand near her ear like her Granny Kijivu does. ( I remember Kijivu did that a lot when she was nervous or worried ) To see them sitting next to each other and to notice that Duni shares the same mannerism as her Granny is so cool to see. I was thinking if right in the middle of filming this video, the somehow were made to understand they were related, Kijivu realizing that this is her 1st born little girl, Moja's baby Girl, Duni, and Duni knew that was her Mom, Moja's Mom, Kijivu, her Granny, how they would suddenly react as they turned to one another after having this knowledge. Personally, just my opinion, I think they would hug each other and become really close. They are both such easy going and affectionate Females. I think they would both be thrilled to learn this bond they share. Just something I thought of and wanted to share as I'm sure others thought of them realizing they are related by blood , family members. Kind of interesting how well they get along. All the Troop were very welcoming and liked Duni from the start. I know they have no idea they are related, but seems as if they actually do. like it seemed like the Prague Gorillas knew she is Moja's baby that they love and miss When Duni came. It was nice to see how quickly they bonded and became friendly. Such a beautiful Troop.
    *********translated to Czech*******
    Je zvláštní, jak si Duni drží nebo přikládá ruku k uchu jako její babička Kijivu. (Pamatuji si, že to Kijivu často dělala, když byla nervózní nebo ustaraná.) Vidět je, jak sedí vedle sebe a všimnout si, že Duni sdílí stejné způsoby jako její babička, je tak skvělé vidět. Zajímalo mě, jestli si přímo uprostřed natáčení tohoto videa nějak uvědomili, že jsou příbuzní, Kijivu si uvědomila, že je to její prvorozená holčička, holčička Moja, Duni, a Duni věděla, že je to její máma, máma Moja. , Kijivu, její babička, jak by najednou reagovali, když by se k sobě obrátili poté, co měli toto poznání. Osobně, jen můj názor, si myslím, že by se objali a opravdu se sblížili. Obě jsou tak snadné milující ženy. Myslím, že by byli oba nadšeni, kdyby se naučili toto pouto, které sdílejí. Jen něco, co mě napadlo a chtěl jsem se o to podělit, protože jsem si jistý, že si o nich ostatní mysleli, když si uvědomili, že jsou pokrevní příbuzní, členové rodiny. Zajímavé, jak spolu dobře vycházejí. Všechny pražské Gorily byly velmi vstřícné a Duni se jim od začátku líbilo. Vím, že netuší, že jsou příbuzní, ale všichni Duni okamžitě uvítali a oblíbili si ji, opravdu to vypadá, jako by pražské Gorily věděly, že je Mojino miminko, které milují a chybí jim. Bylo hezké vidět, jak rychle se spojili a byli přátelští. Taková krásná tlupa.

    • @annemariemcnamara8756
      @annemariemcnamara8756 2 месяца назад

      Actually Gorillas are able to identify family by shape of their nostrils they are all unique an that’s how they identify family

    • @maryeddy4871
      @maryeddy4871 2 месяца назад

      @@annemariemcnamara8756 , I believe that is how "Humans identify" Gorillas, not other gorilla's. Their nose shapes are like our finger prints. Gorilla's nose shapes are as different as & no two are alike, just like our Human fingerprints. So, how a Gorilla would be able to determine a family Member by a nose shape (since they are all different and never alike ) Also, if that was true, Mother's who had their babies taken at birth for medical reasons and then the baby is rejected later when the Staff tried to reunite Mom with the Baby as she doesn't recognize the baby as her own after being separated then re introduced would never have been an issue with Gorilla mothers and babies.
      The Staff even stated that even though Moja is Duni's Mother, the Females at Prague would have no idea of their being a Genetic connection to them and Moja. They said the Gorillas don't know Duni as Moja's daughter and Kijivu doesn't know Duni is Moja's Daughter and her Granddaughter.
      I thought because of how well and quickly they all bonded with Duni and liked her that they could somehow sense Duni was related to them. But, ( Im trying to find where I read this, either on Prague site page but that wont translate for me so it takes too long to translate every article to find it, or in a video under the video description.
      Also, if you watch the Shabani Family, it has been stated by staff and others that Female Nene never accepted Annie and does not recognize her as a Family member or the Daughter of her Daughter Al. That is why Nene never fully accepted Annie and often attacked her when she was rejoined with the family ( And Nene was and is very protective of her Son, Kiyomasa and if Annie and he were at odds, Nene would go after Annie to defend her Son.
      I thought there may be a way they could sense family relations within each other but I'm wrong about that because the staff who are the experts claim it is not possible. Thanks for the kind reply. I just wanted to share what I had heard and read. Sorry this is longgggg 😜Take care. OH, if I find that info about the staff saying that they don't know they are related, I will add it.

  • @Hugoslavian
    @Hugoslavian 4 месяца назад +1

    Co má Kijivu s tím uchem? Ví to někdo?

    • @grohoxin5787
      @grohoxin5787 4 месяца назад +2

      Je nervózní

    • @luciestepnickova
      @luciestepnickova  4 месяца назад +2

      Delaji to vsichni v jejich rodove linii. Je to zvyk

    • @luciestepnickova
      @luciestepnickova  4 месяца назад +1

      Budou to delat i holcicky...😖🙈

    • @maryeddy4871
      @maryeddy4871 2 месяца назад

      @@luciestepnickova Lucie, I just saw this video and just wrote a comment above about the same "ear holding" behavior,. Duni holding her hand to her ear like Granny, Kijivu, but with another thought. And it's so Funny how Duni has Granny's same mannerism. If only they were to understand that Moja connects them through blood and how. They acted like they knew her from the beginning and welcomed Duni easily to the Troop. I know the experts say they have no idea they are related, but as a fan and my humble opinion, it really seemed as if they could sense Duni was related. I often saw Kijivu hold her ear when anxious or upset. I also seen many other Female adult Gorillas from different Zoo's hold their hand to their ear. Seems many unrelated Gorillas do this. Maybe this is a way they "self sooth"..?? Interesting.
      CZECH***** ---> Lucie, právě jsem viděl toto video a právě jsem napsal komentář výše o stejném chování "držení uší". Duni si drží ruku u ucha jako babička Kijivu, ale s jinou myšlenkou. A je tak legrační, jak Duni má babiččin stejný způsob. Kdyby jen pochopili, že je Moja spojuje krví a jak. Chovali se, jako by ji znali od začátku, a bez problémů přivítali Duni v jednotce. Vím, že odborníci říkají, že nemají tušení, že jsou příbuzní, ale jako fanoušek a můj skromný názor to opravdu vypadalo, jako by cítili, že je Duni příbuzná.
      ~~ Často jsem viděl, jak Kijivu držela ucho, když byla úzkostná nebo rozrušená. Také jsem viděl mnoho jiných dospělých goril z různých zoo držet ruku u ucha. Zdá se, že to dělá mnoho nesouvisejících goril. Možná je to způsob, jak se "sebe uklidňují"..?? Zajímavý...