RM10K monthly budget for a single person living in Malaysia is living in the land of paradise. It covered rented for a highend condo in a studio/soho/2 bedrooms condo, a C-segment car monthly payment, & many expenses from foods, utility bills, phone bills, car park, petrol, tolls & many more. Don't be surprised still got $$$ left.
Agree with you. It’s not that I don’t like Malaysia, but there are several things, just make me prefer overseas countries over Malaysia 1. Weather 2. The traffic. You literally need to drive to get around and the traffic is insane There are others but these 2 I just can’t handle
I've been living in New Zealand for 32 years (I left Malaysia when I was 18yo). I still hold a Malaysian passport and I enjoy going back to Malaysia for holidays every year, visiting friends and family but New Zealand will always be my home.🙏🙏
Hilda, I think the immigration policy allows automatic conversion to PR or red IC after 5 years. You can try asking the officer when you apply for renewal next time. Sometimes the officer bully you if you are not aware of this regulation. My wife from Hong Kong went through this experience after I challenge the officer.
Is very true many local want to leave Malaysia. I'm been living in UK for 15 years and now I'm back to Malaysia gain, I can see Malaysia is very comfortable life here.
Malaysia is considered very open country. You can see around the world media at here . Not like China , Facebook is ban😢. You can get almost everything here but expectation don't be so high 😅
8% SST, 10% service charge in most of the restaurant in Malaysia. The Service Tax (SST) is fixed at 8% and can only be imposed by businesses in the hospitality industry under license by the Customs Department.
@@lhueizhi restaurant is 6% and not 8%. Sst got 2 different rate. 1 is 6% such as for restaurant meanwhile 8% for things such as hotel etc. there's a list u can check. Tq
Another couple HK RUclipsr staying in Pg,their condo’s so huge & fantastic👍🏻Joeyful Joey also frequents Pg💪🏻 prices reasonable,affordable but not really cheap for the locals😊
I think you are right. In the last 5 years, I don’t really hear much ppl planning to migrate. Even those that leaves Malaysia for work will come back eventually. I think economy has improved and many FDI is diverting their funds into the country. Nothing beats home for me. The only obstacle is political uncertainty which may hinders growth but is inevitable in the country with various races, religion and different views.
Why are there still foreigners who have the perception that Malaysians are still living on trees? It is just hilarious! Please come to Malaysia and see it for yourselves, and you might be shocked that it might be miles ahead of your country in terms of infrastructure and modernization. Malaysia is an underrated country that many would want to migrate here, but not easy, though. It is a place where you can live the lifestyle you want and at the best value for your money.😂😂
even simple malay also can already. heck if even Bangla and Mynamar workers can speak malay after a few weeks working in Malaysia it shouldn't be too hard for HKers. Oh and learn the national anthem too they will ask you to sing Negaraku
第6年就可以开始申请红IC最主要的是你要会讲和用马来语跟那些官员沟通就可以成功获得红IC。如果在马来西亚工作工资很低可以选择become stock, forex, crypto TRADER 那你赚美金已经是不成问题了在家里有一台performance laptop你就可以business on the move😀是不是很好呢。
0:36. What Mr Shi mentions about Malaysia is true (the weather is very hot, the salary is very low, a lot of places are very backward, if you are not in the cities). The main reason why foreigners want to come here is because they come here to "stretch" their dollars that they earned in their original countries. Usually they come from more advanced countries which are very expensive to live in, but they probably have saved a sizable amount of money in their home country. Once they have earned enough money or ready to retire, they may want to find another place that's inexpensive to live. Example, they can "stretch" their money 2-3 times in Malaysia.
Not really, it's very difficult. Many people living in Malaysia for more than 10-30 years also cannot get PR/Citizenship. It's different from Singapore. But if you marry a Malaysian and your kids are born in Malaysia can get Malaysia birth cert & IC.
Spouse cannot get permanent PR because what if people have a "Marriage of Convenience." (Not a true marriage, but marry legally on papers just to get the PR). That is, a business deal. The outsider marries a Malaysian. After a few years, once the non Malaysian obtains the PR status, they divorce. The Malaysian gets paid handsomely and the other party gets the PR (Marriage PR Loopholes). Then Malaysia will be over flooded with people holding visas through such marriages. Our government is smart and do not want this to happen. In order to prevent this from happening, the Malaysian party will have to apply for their spouse visa, as long as they stay married. They longer you are in your marriage, the duration of your visa will be longer. If you walk out on your marriage, your partner will not apply the spouse visa for you, then you as a divorcee, will have to leave the country.
25:51 I am afraid that is not very true. Malaysia has been suffering from brain drain for decades, lots of people (mostly Chinese Malaysians) have been working abroad because of racial discrimination and the low salary in the country. But in recent years, a lot more Chinese Malaysians are more eager than ever to move abroad because of the depreciation of the Ringgit. The country's national debt (at 1.5 Trillion) is another factor, a lot of Chinese Malaysians are very worried about this, they are seeking to get Singapore PR.
Not really, what you said is probably true for past few years, as a Malaysian Chinese working in Malaysia, i definitely noticed some change happening in our country in term of economy in 2024 now that the politics had stabilised. The racial issue is still there and has been there for years but its still our homeland and i love my country.
除咗馬來西亞之外,有冇旅居好地方推介? 睇埋我係大馬拍嘅其他片🔥
便利店解決2餐幾錢?香港的士好平?尋找性價比最高城市!港台日馬物價大比拼,衣食住行【 #實測】
@@Money-Tab 泰國,越南。
越南 同 泰國 治安差好多@@WORLDPEACE2628
@@Money-Tab me too
北半球夏天住 3 個月葡葡牙, 冬天用 mm2h 住 6-8 個月大馬,另外兩個月返香港住 service apartment, 呢個係我摸索左幾年既心得
我又係嫁過嚟。但我一直住過不同地方,真係馬來西亞最自由自在,性價比高。當然攪掂收入來源,有錢的你住邊都得,香港收入,住新加坡都ok。但住馬來西亞就可以輕輕鬆鬆鄧子峰,why not? 兩位嘉賓講嘅嘢都好真實。馬來西亞有中國文化,又有香港人屬性,加上本地馬來民族和印度等,其實好多元化,好好玩。香港人不要墨守成規,乜嘢都同香港或一線國家比較,相對來說,馬來西亞其實好多機會。貴又貴生活,平有平生活,馬來西亞人都好享受每一日。我住過沙巴幾年,依家住檳城,兩個地方每日都對住藍天白雲碧海沙灘,根本唔諗佢哋政治,坦白講關我鬼事。喺香港,呢個藍天白雲碧沙灘,係要清水灣嘅租金水平,先能擁有。我依家,深水埗價錢,清水灣環境,仲有乜好投訴?我之前小朋友讀國際學校,但依家讀政府華人學校,坦白講國際學校係每年加3-5%。我有三件,長遠嚟講頂唔順。華人學校,其實對小朋友都係可以好開心,上堂除馬拉文堂外,上堂讀中文,落堂同同學繼續講英文。在家講廣東話同英文,睇電視照睇英文,語言上好難唔好。文化不單一,對小朋友將來因多語言技能,會有好彈性和自由嘅生活。但係國際學校,如果屋企又唔講,我保證你只有學好英文。
@@waihongyong9218 不同角度出發,留喺某個地方有唔同原因
養車呢?香港入油貴到爆。馬來西亞有95黃油入,2 RM一公升,平啊!😂
@@jeffchan7435 香港搵車位停都費時間,行街又要返回原地取車。香港交通咁方便何必費神開車。
必須說《馬來西亞咗》介紹很多連本地人都不知道或不熟悉的事物,借著會長和可媛以外國人的視角和觸覺來看待、進一步認識這一片土地、人文民俗與風情是非常珍貴又富有意義的,衷心謝謝《馬來西亞咗》帶著我們看見並領略馬來西亞的真善美 ❤
@@-mrt9598 你冇週圍去撩 ?
@@mcphang 我系大馬人 我要澄清我們是知福+惜福的 包括我的家人朋友都是一樣。即使有機會移民 都不考慮。沒有哪裡比生我育我的家更好
@@mcphang Agree
Kita anak Malaysia.❤
我住在怡保,我四十多岁才开始駕車,我覺得只是小心電單車,悄為讓一讓他们就可以了!或者有時侯有一些没有那么好的駕駛者,不会讓路,雖然你已经開了signal, 那么自己要小心一点了!現在已经七十多岁了,也是照常自己駕車出街!
呢集精彩😊😊 睇到港人在大馬嘅生活,生活態度,住屋同醫療,多謝cfu嘅製作同兩位嘉賓嘅分享😊❤❤❤
另外就是我在台湾生活了好多年最后也选择回流大马,在这里比较舒服比较享受,环境大了人简单了😂 比较适合我😂😂
The best thing about Malaysia is that it's people. They are one of the most welcoming and hospitable people you can find around the world
RM10K monthly budget for a single person living in Malaysia is living in the land of paradise. It covered rented for a highend condo in a studio/soho/2 bedrooms condo, a C-segment car monthly payment, & many expenses from foods, utility bills, phone bills, car park, petrol, tolls & many more. Don't be surprised still got $$$ left.
Ritz Carlson Residences 1 bedroom costs RM8500. That is about US $2000.
It needs ~ USD $4000 to have a “high end” life style. Is it true?
So happy to see you guys collaborate
@@beesengpan1438 ‘’马拉‘’应该是以前的香港人简化马來亞的名字。
我是大马人,非常亨受在加拿大生活,空气和环境一流,驾驶自由自在,很多地方都是 free parking. 儿乎每年回大马避寒儿个月,不喜欢长住在大马因为太熱了。
lol u watchout for those pickup trucks, they are crazy as fk 😂 stay safe
Because you are very rich
Agree with you. It’s not that I don’t like Malaysia, but there are several things, just make me prefer overseas countries over Malaysia
1. Weather
2. The traffic. You literally need to drive to get around and the traffic is insane
There are others but these 2 I just can’t handle
I've been living in New Zealand for 32 years (I left Malaysia when I was 18yo). I still hold a Malaysian passport and I enjoy going back to Malaysia for holidays every year, visiting friends and family but New Zealand will always be my home.🙏🙏
好多你见到留言唱衰马来西亚人通常好多都係上一辈的 uncle auntie,刻板印象怎样都磨灭不了,始终他们的年代经历了这些惨痛。
@@tanrice3381 和我一樣咧,出國旅遊太久就開始想念馬來西亞食物了🤪😜
兩位對馬來西亞的認識非常接地氣,已經深入的習慣本地人性及官方的作風!再次提醒海外同胞馬來西亞不是移民長久居住的地方,無論你已在馬來西亞生活了多少年付出了多少血汗功劳,因種族政策都不易領到永久居留証 Permanent resident 請三思!,
@@djtan9498 虽然很难,最基本是马来文要过关,也是有人成功的。
@@djtan9498 大把印尼仔拿红登记。。。睇皮肤。
@@MillionTAY-w8y yes
超乎想像? 🤔
Hilda, I think the immigration policy allows automatic conversion to PR or red IC after 5 years. You can try asking the officer when you apply for renewal next time. Sometimes the officer bully you if you are not aware of this regulation. My wife from Hong Kong went through this experience after I challenge the officer.
You are lucky, Malaysia PR (Red I. C) Very difficult to get approval.
It's not automatic. You need to apply and meet the requirements which is subject to authority approval.
@@djtan9498 Under Madani with 5 years stay and speak simple malay and national anthem
Learn to speak Malay language. Government officer will like you very much and get things done can be easier.
第一,多謝做呢個訪問。第二,我本身係美國華僑,睇咗Gary嘅Channel之後就做咗決定,要喺馬來西亞買間屋。咁之後就做些少AI調查咁就發現M M 2 H。我哋後生嘅,要加油! 😆
我妈系香港人 嫁俾我马来西亚华裔父亲38年,而我妈妈应该第20年先攞到马来西亚PR红色身份證,不过我妈系已識講馬來話! 以往我爸都係每年擔保我媽用spouse visa俾我媽留底,我媽都唔可以工作,不過佢好彩識一個香港老闆,就做佢私人助理直到之後幫我爸打理生意
在沙巴是否比較容易獲得PR 呢? 如果香港人娶到當地華人老婆呢?
@@ing2911 how do U handle the income?
Is very true many local want to leave Malaysia. I'm been living in UK for 15 years and now I'm back to Malaysia gain, I can see Malaysia is very comfortable life here.
Malaysia is considered very open country. You can see around the world media at here . Not like China , Facebook is ban😢. You can get almost everything here but expectation don't be so high 😅
Hahaha from Hilda's driving description I think she's a Malaysian driver already.
8% SST, 10% service charge in most of the restaurant in Malaysia. The Service Tax (SST) is fixed at 8% and can only be imposed by businesses in the hospitality industry under license by the Customs Department.
@@lhueizhi restaurant is 6% and not 8%. Sst got 2 different rate. 1 is 6% such as for restaurant meanwhile 8% for things such as hotel etc. there's a list u can check. Tq
Another couple HK RUclipsr staying in Pg,their condo’s so huge & fantastic👍🏻Joeyful Joey also frequents Pg💪🏻 prices reasonable,affordable but not really cheap for the locals😊
紐約小費已升至18%-22%. 睇你好唔好意思比15%囉。
I really enjoy your video 👍
其实好像你们有提到,现时有的工作是可以work remotely…我所知道的一个年轻外国朋友,他就是这样做,出糧在新加坡5千新幣,人在马來西亚生活,租楼买车出入,生活都几写意,tourist visa 要到期,返回新加坡又兜个圈回来😅
Remote Work 去旅居確實要考慮埋呢方面因素
每 3 個月轉一個地方 ,有好多好嘅地方,但唔好方面也要去思考
I think you are right. In the last 5 years, I don’t really hear much ppl planning to migrate. Even those that leaves Malaysia for work will come back eventually. I think economy has improved and many FDI is diverting their funds into the country. Nothing beats home for me. The only obstacle is political uncertainty which may hinders growth but is inevitable in the country with various races, religion and different views.
@@vinvin5238 Q1 2024 gdp growth of 4.2% and 5.3% in Q2, which is even higher than China’s
Malaysia have digital nomad visa right?
Why are there still foreigners who have the perception that Malaysians are still living on trees? It is just hilarious! Please come to Malaysia and see it for yourselves, and you might be shocked that it might be miles ahead of your country in terms of infrastructure and modernization. Malaysia is an underrated country that many would want to migrate here, but not easy, though. It is a place where you can live the lifestyle you want and at the best value for your money.😂😂
same being in GuangZhou China 😂
because our Politian are monkeys?
I just build a tree house for an orphanage last weekend. Its true we live on trees :)
對於一個馬來華僑後代, 一大半家人在馬來西亞, 作為旅居是很不錯, 我個人就不會選擇離開香港
In order to obtain PR status, you must be able to speak Malay language
even simple malay also can already. heck if even Bangla and Mynamar workers can speak malay after a few weeks working in Malaysia it shouldn't be too hard for HKers. Oh and learn the national anthem too they will ask you to sing Negaraku
第6年就可以开始申请红IC最主要的是你要会讲和用马来语跟那些官员沟通就可以成功获得红IC。如果在马来西亚工作工资很低可以选择become stock, forex, crypto TRADER 那你赚美金已经是不成问题了在家里有一台performance laptop你就可以business on the move😀是不是很好呢。
0:36. What Mr Shi mentions about Malaysia is true (the weather is very hot, the salary is very low, a lot of places are very backward, if you are not in the cities). The main reason why foreigners want to come here is because they come here to "stretch" their dollars that they earned in their original countries. Usually they come from more advanced countries which are very expensive to live in, but they probably have saved a sizable amount of money in their home country. Once they have earned enough money or ready to retire, they may want to find another place that's inexpensive to live. Example, they can "stretch" their money 2-3 times in Malaysia.
If you want to get Malaysian PR after married, you need to learn how to speak Malay fluently, you will get higher chance.
Not really, it's very difficult. Many people living in Malaysia for more than 10-30 years also cannot get PR/Citizenship. It's different from Singapore. But if you marry a Malaysian and your kids are born in Malaysia can get Malaysia birth cert & IC.
Yes u r right. Very very difficult to get approval PR - Red I/C for foreigners.
我現住澳洲,明年开始到馬來西亚旅居 😊
你用mm2h 去要買樓喎! 我本來打算去西馬,但唔想買樓怕變蟹貨!現在睇緊西班牙退休移居,只少唔駛買樓,住夠四年二個月可以攞永久居留權!我現在叫我女下年返學選西班牙語言😂
@busybee5156 澳洲也是旅居嗎?
@@Money-Tab 不是! 我是澳洲藉 🇦🇺 先生是英国藉,馬來西亚長住對他來說可能太炎热,所以旅居住上一至两個月比较適合 😊
@@sandychung4415 我和先生暫時不考虑到馬來西亞長住,所以应该不會買樓。我有朋友去年到西班牙旅居一年,他们的兒子在西班牙踢足球,所以他們去那边陪他一年。住哪都好,最重要開心 😄
世界局势充满变数未来10年北美欧洲东亚可能有区域战争, 还有 天灾 天气变迁 粮食危机 相对来说东南亚是比较安全低物价 又靠近东亚要回去随时都可以回去不用想太多
CF 想一家移居馬來西亞吧,教育醫療都好好。
For family, Malaysia is the best to migrate especially on education, medical hospitality, foods, languages, costs, plenty of spaces & many more.
哇 会长着长裤👖😂可媛一如既往漂亮!
嘩,呢個大Project 😅
@@Money-Tab mm2h人多😏🧐人多自然可以打造一个街纪念香港人移居时代😏🤔都係历史性好合理过程🤭🤗
Welcome to Malaysia ❤
CFU cross over 马来西亚咗 .劲 !!
@@zhenlik.e 我们对移民申请者的有一定的要求,必须是我国需要的专业人才或非常高额的投资者
其實要睇你住馬來西亞邊個州,我本身每年你都會返去東馬沙巴,幾🔟年都冇乜點變,街市、超市的物價泊得住香港,成個城市亦爛容容,好多地方的路面、行人路等爛晒都冇政府部門去維修,一唔睇路就PK。有啲州連公共交通都冇,公共巴士都冇。 陽光海灘只係KOL放大的冰山一角⋯⋯食嘢亦冇檳城個邊咁多選擇⋯⋯所以退休或旅居唔好揀東馬呢啲地方👎⋯⋯悶、差、垃圾
政府醫院環境亦不堪入目,除非係私家醫院。唯一好的是屋價平、租金平、不過你唔好諗住會升值(除非係KLCC市中心)、搭車grab 平。
我是马来西亚人 以前去香港旅行看到7-11招聘帖文,薪水港币1万,有wow的感觉😆
馬来係比上不足、比下有餘🤔 如要🐴兒好 又要馬兒不食🌿 2者並有 係好困難的 知足就好😊
吉隆坡好多不是高级餐廳都收1O%service charge!
我去過一次旅行 都好想再去👍🏻👍🏻😁
I think... China also not that expensive is almost the similar to Malaysia in terms of general expenses.
It is.
多謝分享!好有資訊性! 可唔可以提供Hilda嘅RUclips頻道名?
@malaysiajor 在描述欄有提及可以直接Click 入去 😊
馬來西亞對那些可以居住在馬來西亞但收入來自馬來西亞境外的人實行兩年「遊牧簽證 Nomad Visa」。這將使許多人體驗馬來西亞的生活。
Wah... 马币万多块月薪,当然可以在大马过舒服的生活啦!别跟那些老板对比啦,这收入已经算是中等收入了啊。可以租中价公寓和买一辆本地车了,如果不大消费,也许还能存点钱呢!
Totally agree. We seldom make trouble for that country.
Spouse cannot get permanent PR because what if people have a "Marriage of Convenience." (Not a true marriage, but marry legally on papers just to get the PR). That is, a business deal. The outsider marries a Malaysian. After a few years, once the non Malaysian obtains the PR status, they divorce. The Malaysian gets paid handsomely and the other party gets the PR (Marriage PR Loopholes). Then Malaysia will be over flooded with people holding visas through such marriages. Our government is smart and do not want this to happen. In order to prevent this from happening, the Malaysian party will have to apply for their spouse visa, as long as they stay married. They longer you are in your marriage, the duration of your visa will be longer. If you walk out on your marriage, your partner will not apply the spouse visa for you, then you as a divorcee, will have to leave the country.
@@micchenchen3702 港馬佬频道片全沒有了😥
@@cheflow2464 😱
25:51 I am afraid that is not very true. Malaysia has been suffering from brain drain for decades, lots of people (mostly Chinese Malaysians) have been working abroad because of racial discrimination and the low salary in the country. But in recent years, a lot more Chinese Malaysians are more eager than ever to move abroad because of the depreciation of the Ringgit. The country's national debt (at 1.5 Trillion) is another factor, a lot of Chinese Malaysians are very worried about this, they are seeking to get Singapore PR.
Not really, what you said is probably true for past few years, as a Malaysian Chinese working in Malaysia, i definitely noticed some change happening in our country in term of economy in 2024 now that the politics had stabilised. The racial issue is still there and has been there for years but its still our homeland and i love my country.
Not many Malaysia Chinese interesting to SG.....
Recent survey show more than 50% Singaporean would like to stay in Johor..😂
@@Money-Tab 新加坡沒錢不能退休啊!我弟弟租新加坡政府組屋一間房間而已,都新幣$1200一個月。差不多馬幣4000。可以在吉隆坡租到一整間3房豪華公寓了。
马来西亚是比较 - Family orientated ❤👩❤️👨🤱🏻
馬來西亞醫院身體檢查長盡, 醫生細心,有耐性,設施又大舒服,服務一流。收費也比香港合理得多。
Well said
比泰国 越南
印尼 印度 好的多了😂
馬來西亞是要買得起車 才覺得自由自在 很方便 但如果沒車 只有公交 屁都沒用啦 馬來西亞不是貧窮 和普通人能住的地方 條件要家人有錢 自己的工資超過4千塊 就可以了
嘩, 師傅crossover 馬來西亞左, 正呀
Interesting topic.
住在这间屋子的 应该叫 Dato Gary !Dato 才玩这些家具
I think in terms of quality of life and money for value, nowhere is better than Malaysia now.
這世界上g 根本就沒有所謂的烏托邦,曾經住過不同的國家,最有感情的始終還是馬來西亞,最後還是選擇落葉歸根,喜歡這裡的生活素質,有一份悠閒感,最可貴的地方,它讓你知道什麼是 life.