I've always put the clamp on and had the grip run into the clamp so its on the pipe up where pulling loop meets the woven part of the grip. Don't know where I seen that but so far its worked. Do you think one is better than the other?
Yes, when clamp is at the end it promotes the entire length of the grip to squeeze the pipe as it’s pulled backward. If you put clamp towards cable end it essentially is only grabbing from where you put the clamp to the cable. You want the entire grip to be working.
I've always put the clamp on and had the grip run into the clamp so its on the pipe up where pulling loop meets the woven part of the grip. Don't know where I seen that but so far its worked. Do you think one is better than the other?
Yes, when clamp is at the end it promotes the entire length of the grip to squeeze the pipe as it’s pulled backward. If you put clamp towards cable end it essentially is only grabbing from where you put the clamp to the cable.
You want the entire grip to be working.