New heart and new Spirit New birth -turning, repentance, 1 sam 10:6-9 You got crucified the old man I die daily 2 cor 5:17 Psalm 51:10 create me Deut 16:10
Unless you are born of water AND spirit. Jesus said "Amen I say to you, unless you be converted and become as little children you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven". Matthew 18:3.
We absolutely must have God dwelling in us: that is the only way we can be led into the truth, led out of slavery to sin and led into His righteousness. But that is NOT actually what Jesus was talking about when He said we must be "born again" or "born of the spirit." Jesus gave Nicodemus an illustration of what it's like to be born of the spirit: "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit" (John 3:8). No one who claims to be born again or born of the spirit is like the wind. They are not invisible, nor are they able to move around without being seen. Can you do that? Of course not. Neither can I. *_But Jesus could do that after His resurrection. He could appear and disappear at will._* Remember how He suddenly appeared in the midst of the disciples, and also disappeared? Upon His resurrection Jesus was spirit; He was born of the spirit, and was immortal. The apostle Paul described Jesus as the "firstfruits." Jesus was the first to be "born of the spirit," to go from flesh to spirit, to go from mortal life to immortal spirit life. Those who are Christ's will also be born of the spirit, and become immortal. When? The apostle Paul explained: "But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming" (1 Cor 15:23). In 1 Thessalonians Paul described the resurrection of the "dead in Christ" at Jesus' coming, His return: "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first" (1 Thessalonians 4:16). Read Paul's very clear description of the death and resurrection of the elect: "So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: *_It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body"_* (1 Corinthians 15:42-44). When we die our natural mortal body, "born of the flesh," is "sown" or planted back into the ground, the grave. At Jesus' return His elect will be "born of the spirit." The elect who have died will be resurrected with an immortal, spiritual body, just as Jesus - the "firstfruits" - was resurrected. Jesus explained to Nicodemus, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:6). In other words, they are two different things. *_You can't be both at the same time._* Jesus has not returned yet. His elect have not yet been resurrected immortal. So as of now Jesus is the only man to have become spirit, born of the spirit and immortal. The "dead in Christ" are waiting for their resurrection at Jesus' return. That's when they too will be "born of the spirit" and immortal. Don't get me wrong: I am not saying we don't need or don't have or can't have God's spirit *_dwelling in us_* while we are mortals. We absolutely must have God dwelling in us: that is the only way we can be led into the truth, and led out of slavery to sin and led into His righteousness. What I'm saying is that the real meaning of being "born again" or "born of the spirit" has to do with actually receiving, at the return of Christ, the "spiritual body" Paul wrote about. *_Not until then will we be like this:_* "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit" (John 3:8). ************* Just a side note about this: we *_cannot see or enter or inherit the Kingdom as mortals;_* we must first receive an immortal spirit body at our resurrection at Jesus' return. Both Paul and Jesus explained this. Here's Paul; in this passage the "trumpet" that sounds announces the return of Christ and "sleep" refers to being dead, in the grave: "Now this I say, brethren, that *_flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption._* Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory" (1 Cor 15:50-54). And here's Jesus saying we can't enter the kingdom unless we're born of the spirit: "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, *_he cannot enter into the kingdom of God"_* (John 3:5). Paul said we can't inherit the kingdom as mortals; we must first receive an immortal, spirit body. Jesus said we can't see or enter the kingdom unless we're born of the spirit. When Jesus spoke of being "born of the spirit," He was talking about receiving an immortal, spirit body. As Paul explained, we receive our "spiritual body" when Jesus returns. ************* John wrote in 1 John 5:18: "We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not." Has anyone that _believes_ they're "born of God" or "born again" stopped sinning? No: they're not born of God yet. In this mortal life we - if we are Christ's - are _begotten_ of God: we have God's spirit in us, leading us out of slavery to sin, leading us into truth and teaching us His righteousness.
I Agree This Is The New Birth John 3:1-8. I Think Ezekiel 36 25-27 Is A Prophecy Parallel. Eze 36:25 Then Will I Sprinkle Clean Water Upon You, And Ye Shall Be Clean: From All Your Filthiness, And From All Your Idols, Will I Cleanse You. Eze 36:26 A New Heart Also Will I Give You, And A New Spirit Will I Put Within You: And I Will Take Away The Stony Heart Out Of Your Flesh, And I Will Give You An Heart Of Flesh. Eze 36:27 And I Will Put My Spirit Within You, And Cause You To Walk In My Statutes, And Ye Shall Keep My Judgments, And Do Them.
John 3:1 Nicodemus mentioned 5 times Matthew, mark, luke doesn’t mentioned it, during Matthew mark and Luke he was still alive, John wrote about him after he died, Pharisees are missionaries. They were very religious, nicodemous means victory of people . He was a ruler of the Jews. 8-10 thousands Pharisees. 70 were chosen sennhidrein to rule the people. Jesus talk bold was he touched by his grace and came to Jesus during night.
hi i would really love to get baptized but in my country, we only have roman catholic churches or muslim ones and its really bothering me,what can i do?
Hi I have a Question for you if all have to be born again for salvation where does this leave ones like Able Isaac Noah Abraham and so on that weren't born again where do they fit into God's plan for mankind. And if ALL are going to Heaven what will you be doing there and why. Please explain from the scriptures. I look forward to your reply. But you won't reply because you don't have the answer.
Is there anybody ever become like Christ for the past 2000 years? Though, he set his life as an example but there's none become like Christ but Preachers has been called as a Father of Preaching, Billy Graham has been called as America's Pastor, John McArther is being called as the worldest leading bible preacher, and many more in the world. But any of these people has ever thought about becoming like Christ? As of now, it's very clear that there's nobody and if it's then what is the use of those Preaching? I have recently compared the messages of Christ in the Gospels to the famous sermons of these leading preachers and find the differences are so vast but thousands of people are watching and what would they learned from those sermons? In all these exercises I have find that the preachers are not bothered that their preaching is compatible with a word of Christ or not but simply preach without any substances. One example here, about Born Again, no preachers have emphasised why there's a need for Born Again? Or What is the necessity to be Born Again? Either the way people are born in this world is not Godly or Born Again is not necessary. If people are born in Godly way then why there's a need to be Born Again? If people are not born in Godly way & needs to be Born Again then why don't we shun birth? Christians are not ready to shun any of the worldly activities, but at the same time, they wanted to be born again and even this approach they do not know what really is born again. They say that the believer is a Born Again & the born again is a believer as these sort of concepts are detrimental to the instruction of the Lord Jesus Christ. However, if anybody has become a Born Again then he never Dead Again & that's what born again is all about b/c such a person only become like Christ. Why do we become like Christ? Become like Christ is to walk as Christ did, not to preach or nor to perform miracles but to repeat in view of the world what He did back then.
NO Buddhist has or can be saved. John 3: 1- 8. WHEN a Buddhist obeys the Holy Spirit, They see that they are in a pagan religion and come out of Buddhism To THE creator Yahweh. NO Jew or christian has or can be saved. John 3: 1- 8. John 1: 12- 13. WHEN a jew or christian obeys the Holy Spirit they see that they are in a Pagan religion and come out of Christianity and turn to THE creator Yahweh. Anyone from any religion can listen to the Holy Spirit. Evidence of an indwelling Holy Spirit is To LOVE THE creator Yahweh with all your mind and heart and to LOVE your neighbor as your self. LOVE is the fulfilment of the LAW. Fulfil the LAW and you shall be saved. Yahweh is LOVE. 1 John 4: 7- 8. Yahweh put His LOVE in His Son Yahshua and when a person is born again they receive the Spirit of Yahshua IN THEM to show them how to walk as Yahshua walked. 1 John 2: 6. Gal 4: 6. Yahweh's born again Anointed ONES are Sanctified by the truth. So it is written. This because they have the truth IN THEM. Yahshua. The mystery of godliness is The Anointed ONE in you. OR the Anointing in you. The baptism of an indwelling Holy Spirit is the PROMISE of salvation. There is no other WAY. May THE creator Yahweh give you your hearts desire. Heb. 12: 14. bless you
@@sonofyahweh8 Thank you for the message. However, I have emphasised a born again is never dead again. If a born again dies as of those who do not born again then what is the purpose of a born again? What is the difference between a born again & those who do not born again? According to the preachers all of them are same, there's no difference. Therefore, I'm sure the Preacher is still not figured out what is born again or how? According to John 3:1-8, born again is a process in an individual wherein the unclean spirit that has been passed on from the parents must be removed from the physical body & instead the Holy Spirit has to be replaced into the body in a fraction of time or these two removal & replacement takes place without a gap of time. Ezekiel 18 & 36 talks about the new spirit & new heart, why there's a need for a new spirit? There's a need for the new spirit b/c the spirit has has been pazzed on from parents ia not the spirit of God or the breath of life which was departed when the movement Adam ate the forbidden fruit & he died but the same time an evil spirit entered into his physical body & that he lived 930 years as dead man. Thus, the removal of the spirit of God & replacement of the unclean spirit took place in Adam in a fraction of time or these 2 events took place w/o a gap of time. These are the reasons we have to born again or reborn and it's possible now through the Lord Jesus Christ. How? As a result of reading the holy bible, especially as a result of reading the word of Christ one can be born again, thus whatever happened to Adam is now reversed by the last Adam. Thus, a born again never dead again but become like Christ & repeat what he did back then in the 21st century. Pastirs can read the holy bible so many years but all of those reading are utterly waste unless they get a result of reading and that the Result of Reading the Holy Bible is the Reception of the Holy spirit into the physical body. This is what Peter says in 1Peter 1:23. Did ever your Pastor say like these? No never, how do I know? I know b/c it's impossible for anyone to say except through the indwelking of the Holy Spirit & he can't say b/c he didn't get a result of reading the holy bible though, he read the holy bible yet its waste. Hope you ponder & God bless you & yours.
Abram killed many until the day he was born again then Yahshua came to Abram and told Abram his name shall no longer be Abram but Abraham. Born again . From that day for the rest of Abraham's life he never sinned again. Jacob was a sinner for 45 years until Yahshua came to Jacob and changed his name to Israel. Born again. Israel never sinned again for the rest of his life. ALL Yahweh's born again ONES have CEASED from all known sins AFTER they were born again. 1 Peter 4: 1. David sinned for over 50 years until he was born again and then King David ceased from all known sins for the rest of his life. David wrote HALF the Psalms when he was a sinner and the other HALF when he was born again. Evidence of born again is:" CEASED FROM SIN For forever." Rom. 6: 22. 1 john 3: 6 and 9. 1 john 5: 18. CEASED from sin 1 Peter 4: 1. Sinners sin. NORMAL. Sinners are children of the devil condemned to the lake of fire. 1 John 3: 8. At the second coming all Yahweh's born again ONES will receive a NEW NAME. Rev. 2: 17. ALL the sinner will receive DEATH. The wages of sin is DEATH. On judgement day there will be two kinds of people. SHEEP and GOATS. Sheep have CEASED from sin and the GOATS kept sinning and confessing all their lives and died in their sins. FATAL. They were never born again and will be OUTSIDE the CITY of Yahweh on judgement day. Rev. 20: 9. Yahweh's born again SAINTS will enter the gates to the CITY of Yahweh. Rev. 22: 14. May THE creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures. Heb. 12: 14. Bless you
raymond Lindroth, Thanks again for the follow-up message. I'm so upset by reading your message b/c if Abram was born again or David or anybody in the OT then it should have been known to Nicodemus but he never knew about it and that's why he was shocked and marveled. The message about Born Again is not yet realized or figured out by the leading scholars, Pastors, Preachers, and Apologists sadly. Everyone takes Born Again for granted and it's not easy, do you know to make one born again God has to become flesh, so as to die on a cross? Thus, nobody was Born Again in the OT and all of those Godly men in the OT was obedient and having faith in God of Israel and envisioned to see the days of the Messiah and it came to true when an appropriate time came. As I said earlier, Born Again never Dead Again but become like Christ and repeat what Christ did back then now in the 21st century in view of the world, and it's possible with only a few People who were born in South India having their roots from Jerusalem and Born Again which I already explained as the REMOVAL of the Spirit of evil from the physical body and REPLACEMENT of the Holy Spirit into the physical body and eventually becomes a temple of God which can't be destroyed even by bullets. Thus, Born Again has such a profound reality. Hope, you ponder and set yourself and those with you to be in a perfect understanding of the great reality as Born Again. Here is my 25th Born Again message. God bless you and yoursвидео.html
Water baptism does not cause you to be born again. Moses nor Abraham was never water Baptist. Old testament saint's didn't even know anything about water baptism.. The water is God cleansing away your sins, giving you a new heart and sealing you with the holy spirit upon the born again transformation..
Water and Spirit baptism are two parts of one baptism. As Paul said in Eph.4:5 " One Lord, one faith, and one baptism." Water baptism completes our repentance. After we receive the " seed" of the Word into our hearts we must choose to, not only turn from our sinful life, but to step out in obedience to the gospel plan of salvation. That first step is water baptism. As an essential part of the new birth we are water baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so that spiritually the guilt from past sins might be washed away by the blood of the Lord. At that time are body is marked, by His blood, for future bodily resurrection and we are " born of the water". Then we must pray for the Holy Spirit baptism. We receive the indwelling Holy Spirit as a result of the overflowing Spirit infilling. Once God answers our prayer and fills us with the Holy Spirit we must then surrender the body's" most unruly member" the tongue until God allows us to speak in " tongues" which is a spiritual language, which Paul refers to, " He that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks unto God, for man for NO man understands it.." If no man understands it then it isn't a native language of this world. Once God enables us to speak in this language it triggers the Holy Spirit overflow and we are then " born of the Spirit".
NO Buddhist has or can be saved. John 3: 1- 8. WHEN a Buddhist obeys the Holy Spirit, They see that they are in a pagan religion and come out of Buddhism To THE creator Yahweh. NO Jew or christian has or can be saved. John 3: 1- 8. John 1: 12- 13. WHEN a jew or christian obeys the Holy Spirit they see that they are in a Pagan religion and come out of Christianity and turn to THE creator Yahweh. Anyone from any religion can listen to the Holy Spirit. Evidence of an indwelling Holy Spirit is To LOVE THE creator Yahweh with all your mind and heart and to LOVE your neighbor as your self. LOVE is the fulfilment of the LAW. Fulfil the LAW and you shall be saved. Yahweh is LOVE. 1 John 4: 7- 8. Yahweh put His LOVE in His Son Yahshua and when a person is born again they receive the Spirit of Yahshua IN THEM to show them how to walk as Yahshua walked. 1 John 2: 6. Gal 4: 6. Yahweh's born again Anointed ONES are Sanctified by the truth. So it is written. This because they have the truth IN THEM. Yahshua. The mystery of godliness is The Anointed ONE in you. OR the Anointing in you. The baptism of an indwelling Holy Spirit is the PROMISE of salvation. There is no other WAY. May THE creator Yahweh give you your hearts desire. Heb. 12: 14. bless you
New heart and new Spirit
New birth -turning, repentance,
1 sam 10:6-9
You got crucified the old man I die daily
2 cor 5:17
Psalm 51:10 create me
Deut 16:10
Gal 6:15 circumcisiom, new creation
Why born again, old man can’t be change.
Unless you are born of water AND spirit. Jesus said "Amen I say to you, unless you be converted and become as little children you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven". Matthew 18:3.
We absolutely must have God dwelling in us: that is the only way we can be led into the truth, led out of slavery to sin and led into His righteousness. But that is NOT actually what Jesus was talking about when He said we must be "born again" or "born of the spirit." Jesus gave Nicodemus an illustration of what it's like to be born of the spirit:
"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit" (John 3:8).
No one who claims to be born again or born of the spirit is like the wind. They are not invisible, nor are they able to move around without being seen. Can you do that? Of course not. Neither can I.
*_But Jesus could do that after His resurrection. He could appear and disappear at will._* Remember how He suddenly appeared in the midst of the disciples, and also disappeared? Upon His resurrection Jesus was spirit; He was born of the spirit, and was immortal.
The apostle Paul described Jesus as the "firstfruits." Jesus was the first to be "born of the spirit," to go from flesh to spirit, to go from mortal life to immortal spirit life. Those who are Christ's will also be born of the spirit, and become immortal. When? The apostle Paul explained:
"But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming" (1 Cor 15:23).
In 1 Thessalonians Paul described the resurrection of the "dead in Christ" at Jesus' coming, His return:
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first" (1 Thessalonians 4:16).
Read Paul's very clear description of the death and resurrection of the elect:
"So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:
It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:
*_It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body"_* (1 Corinthians 15:42-44).
When we die our natural mortal body, "born of the flesh," is "sown" or planted back into the ground, the grave. At Jesus' return His elect will be "born of the spirit." The elect who have died will be resurrected with an immortal, spiritual body, just as Jesus - the "firstfruits" - was resurrected.
Jesus explained to Nicodemus, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:6). In other words, they are two different things. *_You can't be both at the same time._*
Jesus has not returned yet. His elect have not yet been resurrected immortal. So as of now Jesus is the only man to have become spirit, born of the spirit and immortal. The "dead in Christ" are waiting for their resurrection at Jesus' return. That's when they too will be "born of the spirit" and immortal.
Don't get me wrong: I am not saying we don't need or don't have or can't have God's spirit *_dwelling in us_* while we are mortals. We absolutely must have God dwelling in us: that is the only way we can be led into the truth, and led out of slavery to sin and led into His righteousness.
What I'm saying is that the real meaning of being "born again" or "born of the spirit" has to do with actually receiving, at the return of Christ, the "spiritual body" Paul wrote about. *_Not until then will we be like this:_*
"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit" (John 3:8).
Just a side note about this: we *_cannot see or enter or inherit the Kingdom as mortals;_* we must first receive an immortal spirit body at our resurrection at Jesus' return. Both Paul and Jesus explained this. Here's Paul; in this passage the "trumpet" that sounds announces the return of Christ and "sleep" refers to being dead, in the grave:
"Now this I say, brethren, that *_flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption._*
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory" (1 Cor 15:50-54).
And here's Jesus saying we can't enter the kingdom unless we're born of the spirit:
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, *_he cannot enter into the kingdom of God"_* (John 3:5).
Paul said we can't inherit the kingdom as mortals; we must first receive an immortal, spirit body. Jesus said we can't see or enter the kingdom unless we're born of the spirit. When Jesus spoke of being "born of the spirit," He was talking about receiving an immortal, spirit body. As Paul explained, we receive our "spiritual body" when Jesus returns.
John wrote in 1 John 5:18:
"We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not."
Has anyone that _believes_ they're "born of God" or "born again" stopped sinning? No: they're not born of God yet. In this mortal life we - if we are Christ's - are _begotten_ of God: we have God's spirit in us, leading us out of slavery to sin, leading us into truth and teaching us His righteousness.
19:39 by night
Arrest Jesus by night
18:30-32 Ezekiel
I Agree This Is The New Birth John 3:1-8. I Think Ezekiel 36 25-27 Is A Prophecy Parallel.
Eze 36:25 Then Will I Sprinkle Clean Water Upon You, And Ye Shall Be Clean: From All Your Filthiness, And From All Your Idols, Will I Cleanse You.
Eze 36:26 A New Heart Also Will I Give You, And A New Spirit Will I Put Within You: And I Will Take Away The Stony Heart Out Of Your Flesh, And I Will Give You An Heart Of Flesh.
Eze 36:27 And I Will Put My Spirit Within You, And Cause You To Walk In My Statutes, And Ye Shall Keep My Judgments, And Do Them.
John 3:1
Nicodemus mentioned 5 times
Matthew, mark, luke doesn’t mentioned it, during Matthew mark and Luke he was still alive, John wrote about him after he died, Pharisees are missionaries. They were very religious, nicodemous means victory of people . He was a ruler of the Jews. 8-10 thousands Pharisees. 70 were chosen sennhidrein to rule the people. Jesus talk bold was he touched by his grace and came to Jesus during night.
hi i would really love to get baptized but in my country, we only have roman catholic churches or muslim ones and its really bothering me,what can i do?
Hi I have a Question for you if all have to be born again for salvation where does this leave ones like Able Isaac Noah Abraham and so on that weren't born again where do they fit into God's plan for mankind. And if ALL are going to Heaven what will you be doing there and why. Please explain from the scriptures. I look forward to your reply. But you won't reply because you don't have the answer.
Is there anybody ever become like Christ for the past 2000 years? Though, he set his life as an example but there's none become like Christ but Preachers has been called as a Father of Preaching, Billy Graham has been called as America's Pastor, John McArther is being called as the worldest leading bible preacher, and many more in the world. But any of these people has ever thought about becoming like Christ? As of now, it's very clear that there's nobody and if it's then what is the use of those Preaching? I have recently compared the messages of Christ in the Gospels to the famous sermons of these leading preachers and find the differences are so vast but thousands of people are watching and what would they learned from those sermons? In all these exercises I have find that the preachers are not bothered that their preaching is compatible with a word of Christ or not but simply preach without any substances. One example here, about Born Again, no preachers have emphasised why there's a need for Born Again? Or
What is the necessity to be Born Again?
Either the way people are born in this world is not Godly or Born Again is not necessary.
If people are born in Godly way then why there's a need to be Born Again?
If people are not born in Godly way & needs to be Born Again then why don't we shun birth?
Christians are not ready to shun any of the worldly activities, but at the same time, they wanted to be born again and even this approach they do not know what really is born again.
They say that the believer is a Born Again & the born again is a believer as these sort of concepts are detrimental to the instruction of the Lord Jesus Christ. However, if anybody has become a Born Again then he never Dead Again & that's what born again is all about b/c such a person only become like Christ.
Why do we become like Christ? Become like Christ is to walk as Christ did, not to preach or nor to perform miracles but to repeat in view of the world what He did back then.
NO Buddhist has or can be saved. John 3: 1- 8.
WHEN a Buddhist obeys the Holy Spirit, They see that they are in a pagan religion and come out of Buddhism To THE creator Yahweh.
NO Jew or christian has or can be saved. John 3: 1- 8. John 1: 12- 13.
WHEN a jew or christian obeys the Holy Spirit they see that they are in a Pagan religion and come out of Christianity and turn to THE creator Yahweh.
Anyone from any religion can listen to the Holy Spirit.
Evidence of an indwelling Holy Spirit is To LOVE THE creator Yahweh with all your mind and heart and to LOVE your neighbor
as your self.
LOVE is the fulfilment of the LAW.
Fulfil the LAW and you shall be saved.
Yahweh is LOVE. 1 John 4: 7- 8.
Yahweh put His LOVE in His Son Yahshua and when a person is born again they receive the Spirit of Yahshua IN THEM to show them how to walk as Yahshua walked. 1 John 2: 6. Gal 4: 6.
Yahweh's born again Anointed ONES are Sanctified by the truth.
So it is written.
This because they have the truth IN THEM. Yahshua.
The mystery of godliness is The Anointed ONE in you.
OR the Anointing in you.
The baptism of an indwelling Holy Spirit is the PROMISE of salvation.
There is no other WAY.
May THE creator Yahweh give you your hearts desire.
Heb. 12: 14.
bless you
@@sonofyahweh8 Thank you for the message. However, I have emphasised a born again is never dead again. If a born again dies as of those who do not born again then what is the purpose of a born again? What is the difference between a born again & those who do not born again?
According to the preachers all of them are same, there's no difference. Therefore, I'm sure the Preacher is still not figured out what is born again or how?
According to John 3:1-8, born again is a process in an individual wherein the unclean spirit that has been passed on from the parents must be removed from the physical body & instead the Holy Spirit has to be replaced into the body in a fraction of time or these two removal & replacement takes place without a gap of time.
Ezekiel 18 & 36 talks about the new spirit & new heart, why there's a need for a new spirit?
There's a need for the new spirit b/c the spirit has has been pazzed on from parents ia not the spirit of God or the breath of life which was departed when the movement Adam ate the forbidden fruit & he died but the same time an evil spirit entered into his physical body & that he lived 930 years as dead man. Thus, the removal of the spirit of God & replacement of the unclean spirit took place in Adam in a fraction of time or these 2 events took place w/o a gap of time. These are the reasons we have to born again or reborn and it's possible now through the Lord Jesus Christ.
How? As a result of reading the holy bible, especially as a result of reading the word of Christ one can be born again, thus whatever happened to Adam is now reversed by the last Adam.
Thus, a born again never dead again but become like Christ & repeat what he did back then in the 21st century.
Pastirs can read the holy bible so many years but all of those reading are utterly waste unless they get a result of reading and that the Result of Reading the Holy Bible is the Reception of the Holy spirit into the physical body. This is what Peter says in 1Peter 1:23.
Did ever your Pastor say like these? No never, how do I know? I know b/c it's impossible for anyone to say except through the indwelking of the Holy Spirit & he can't say b/c he didn't get a result of reading the holy bible though, he read the holy bible yet its waste.
Hope you ponder & God bless you & yours.
Abram killed many until the day he was born again then Yahshua came to Abram and told Abram his name shall no longer be Abram but Abraham. Born again .
From that day for the rest of Abraham's life he never sinned again.
Jacob was a sinner for 45 years until Yahshua came to Jacob and changed his name to Israel. Born again.
Israel never sinned again for the rest of his life.
ALL Yahweh's born again ONES have CEASED from all known sins AFTER they were born again.
1 Peter 4: 1.
David sinned for over 50 years until he was born again and then King David ceased from all known sins for the rest of his life.
David wrote HALF the Psalms when he was a sinner and the other HALF when he was born again.
Evidence of born again is:" CEASED FROM SIN For forever." Rom. 6: 22. 1 john 3: 6 and 9. 1 john 5: 18.
CEASED from sin 1 Peter 4: 1.
Sinners sin. NORMAL. Sinners are children of the devil condemned to the lake of fire. 1 John 3: 8.
At the second coming all Yahweh's born again ONES will receive a NEW NAME. Rev. 2: 17.
ALL the sinner will receive DEATH. The wages of sin is DEATH.
On judgement day there will be two kinds of people. SHEEP and GOATS.
Sheep have CEASED from sin and the GOATS kept sinning and confessing all their lives and died in their sins. FATAL.
They were never born again and will be OUTSIDE the CITY of Yahweh on judgement day. Rev. 20: 9.
Yahweh's born again SAINTS will enter the gates to the CITY of Yahweh. Rev. 22: 14.
May THE creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures.
Heb. 12: 14.
Bless you
raymond Lindroth, Thanks again for the follow-up message. I'm so upset by reading your message b/c if Abram was born again or David or anybody in the OT then it should have been known to Nicodemus but he never knew about it and that's why he was shocked and marveled.
The message about Born Again is not yet realized or figured out by the leading scholars, Pastors, Preachers, and Apologists sadly. Everyone takes Born Again for granted and it's not easy, do you know to make one born again God has to become flesh, so as to die on a cross?
Thus, nobody was Born Again in the OT and all of those Godly men in the OT was obedient and having faith in God of Israel and envisioned to see the days of the Messiah and it came to true when an appropriate time came.
As I said earlier, Born Again never Dead Again but become like Christ and repeat what Christ did back then now in the 21st century in view of the world, and it's possible with only a few People who were born in South India having their roots from Jerusalem and Born Again which I already explained as the REMOVAL of the Spirit of evil from the physical body and REPLACEMENT of the Holy Spirit into the physical body and eventually becomes a temple of God which can't be destroyed even by bullets. Thus, Born Again has such a profound reality. Hope, you ponder and set yourself and those with you to be in a perfect understanding of the great reality as Born Again.
Here is my 25th Born Again message. God bless you and yoursвидео.html
Water baptism does not cause you to be born again. Moses nor Abraham was never water Baptist. Old testament saint's didn't even know anything about water baptism.. The water is God cleansing away your sins, giving you a new heart and sealing you with the holy spirit upon the born again transformation..
Water and Spirit baptism are two parts of one baptism. As Paul said in Eph.4:5 " One Lord, one faith, and one baptism." Water baptism completes our repentance. After we receive the " seed" of the Word into our hearts we must choose to, not only turn from our sinful life, but to step out in obedience to the gospel plan of salvation.
That first step is water baptism. As an essential part of the new birth we are water baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so that spiritually the guilt from past sins might be washed away by the blood of the Lord. At that time are body is marked, by His blood, for future bodily resurrection and we are " born of the water".
Then we must pray for the Holy Spirit baptism. We receive the indwelling Holy Spirit as a result of the overflowing Spirit infilling.
Once God answers our prayer and fills us with the Holy Spirit we must then surrender the body's" most unruly member" the tongue until God allows us to speak in " tongues" which is a spiritual language, which Paul refers to, " He that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks unto God, for man for NO man understands it.." If no man understands it then it isn't a native language of this world.
Once God enables us to speak in this language it triggers the Holy Spirit overflow and we are then " born of the Spirit".
Was Nicodemus born again ?
NO Buddhist has or can be saved. John 3: 1- 8.
WHEN a Buddhist obeys the Holy Spirit, They see that they are in a pagan religion and come out of Buddhism To THE creator Yahweh.
NO Jew or christian has or can be saved. John 3: 1- 8. John 1: 12- 13.
WHEN a jew or christian obeys the Holy Spirit they see that they are in a Pagan religion and come out of Christianity and turn to THE creator Yahweh.
Anyone from any religion can listen to the Holy Spirit.
Evidence of an indwelling Holy Spirit is To LOVE THE creator Yahweh with all your mind and heart and to LOVE your neighbor
as your self.
LOVE is the fulfilment of the LAW.
Fulfil the LAW and you shall be saved.
Yahweh is LOVE. 1 John 4: 7- 8.
Yahweh put His LOVE in His Son Yahshua and when a person is born again they receive the Spirit of Yahshua IN THEM to show them how to walk as Yahshua walked. 1 John 2: 6. Gal 4: 6.
Yahweh's born again Anointed ONES are Sanctified by the truth.
So it is written.
This because they have the truth IN THEM. Yahshua.
The mystery of godliness is The Anointed ONE in you.
OR the Anointing in you.
The baptism of an indwelling Holy Spirit is the PROMISE of salvation.
There is no other WAY.
May THE creator Yahweh give you your hearts desire.
Heb. 12: 14.
bless you
If Doug was born again, he'd stop working for that cult.
5winder He doesn't work for the Catholic Church.