It's not showing me the words that I've said in the serial monitor. Could you help? The only thing I did differently is I used voltage divider because my RXD needs 3.3V and arduino pins give you 5V.
I did everything as you asked in this video but for some reason the Bluetooth won't connect and also it doesn't ask for Bluetooth access when I instal the app. please get to me fast I am in the middle of my last year project submission. also that project you have kept on instrctable "voice control bot" has no app links nor is that ardinu program working. please help me out a bit shreyash kathiriya
+shreyash kathiriya first time i also facing the same problem and then i use app in play store call ardudroid app the spelling is wrong but it will appear in play store and don't need to connect the reserver pin for bt module because because it only use transmitting part
what are the components required for doing this project??
Quick question are u able to make it talk back to your phone saying that the light is on or light is turned off?
and your app does it need internet ? or can it work offline with google speech to text
It's not showing me the words that I've said in the serial monitor. Could you help? The only thing I did differently is I used voltage divider because my RXD needs 3.3V and arduino pins give you 5V.
share code please sir
thanks alot man for this video. it really helps me alot
I did everything as you asked in this video but for some reason the Bluetooth won't connect and also it doesn't ask for Bluetooth access when I instal the app. please get to me fast I am in the middle of my last year project submission. also that project you have kept on instrctable "voice control bot" has no app links nor is that ardinu program working. please help me out a bit shreyash kathiriya
+shreyash kathiriya first time i also facing the same problem and then i use app in play store call ardudroid app the spelling is wrong but it will appear in play store and don't need to connect the reserver pin for bt module because because it only use transmitting part
Md Afroz Ty so much bro I'll give it a try Andean you please give me your ardinuo sketch program that will be a great help thank you
i have this code
int ledPin = 13;
int state = 0;
int flag = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
Serial.begin(9600); // Default connection rate for my BT module
void loop() {
if(Serial.available() > 0){
state =;
if (state == '0') {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
if(flag == 0){
Serial.println("LED: off");
flag = 1;
else if (state == '1') {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
if(flag == 0){
Serial.println("LED: on");
flag = 1;
I got it worked and submitted it still thanks for all the help
@@mdafroz4190 code are correct or not sir
CAN WE USE SAME PROGRAM code for which we have 1st video or my have to write another code
hello!! you can use the same program
Thank you, helped me a lot with your contribution
Thank you!