Dr.John Hagelin: Veda and Physics: The Science and Technology of the Unified Field

  • Опубликовано: 28 июл 2024
  • John Hagelin (Ph.D. Quantum Physics) addresses the International Conference to Re-Establish Vedic India, 20 February, 2015 on Veda and Physics: The Science and Technology of the Unified Field.
    Summary points: Vedic Science in Our Modern World
    Vedic Science is scientific, practical, and indispensable in this modern age. The Vedic tradition is founded upon the complete knowledge and practical application of the ultimate reality-the unified field.
    Modern physics has systematically explored finer levels of creation, smaller and smaller time and distance scales, from the classical macroscopic world to the atomic and nuclear levels, culminating in the discovery of one underlying unified field of existence at the basis of all diversity in the universe.
    Ancient Vedic science has likewise explored finer and finer levels of mind and matter, culminating in the discovery and direct experience of one unified field of life-the field of transcendental existence, or pure consciousness. This unbounded field of pure knowledge is known as Veda.
    Are the unified field and Veda one and the same reality? Both sciences, one ancient and subjective and the other modern and objective, describe manifest creation as an expression of infinite dynamism embedded in the infinite silence of the underlying field. Physics describes this relationship in terms of the unified field and vacuum energy, and Vedic Science in terms of Shiva and Shakti.
    Similarly, at every level of manifest creation, these two descriptions of nature’s functioning correspond exactly. Physics describes three superfields giving rise to the five spin types that characterize elementary particles, the resonant frequencies of the unified field and building blocks of creation; Vedic Science speaks of the three Prakritis or Doshas giving rise to the five Mahabhutas that structure the universe.
    Moreover, this correspondence extends to the unmanifest level as well-the self-interacting dynamics of the underlying field. The structure of Rk Veda unfolds sequentially from initial wholeness to 8 to 24 to 64 to 192 elaborations. Similarly, superstring theory in physics describes 8 fundamental vibrational modes of the unified field, which unfold sequentially to 24, 64, and 192 degrees of freedom within the field.
    This correspondence is intriguing, but how can it be practically applied? The ancient Vedic technologies of consciousness, revived by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, allow anyone to gain direct experiential access to the unified field on the level of consciousness and to apply this holistic experience to all aspects of daily life and living.
    The process of transcending-moving from articulated thought (Vaikari) to abstract conceptual thought (Madhyama) to fine feeling (Pashyanti) to pure consciousness, the Self (Atma)-provides the experience of levels of mind at each level corresponding to mathematical structures that have evolved sequentially to describe these more abstract levels of existence.
    Yoga, at its deepest level, is the experience of transcendence (Samadhi)-the union of individual awareness with cosmic intelligence through the effortless transcending process embodied in the TM technique.
    This experience of transcendence is a fourth major state of consciousness, a “wakeful hypo-metabolic state” of profound EEG coherence and deep physiological rest, which has been shown through extensive scientific research to produce wide-ranging, measurable benefits for mental and physical health, as well as significant cost savings for health care.
    Modern pharmacological approaches to health care operate on the chemical level, but Vedic approaches to health care (Ayurveda, Yoga) operate at the level of the unified field. These are Atma-based, unified field-based approaches, with correspondingly greater efficacy and power.
    Similarly, Vedic approaches to education, defense, and civilization as a whole are Atma-based, unified field-based approaches, completely holistic and free from negative side effects. Thus the Vedic tradition is founded upon the complete knowledge and practical application of ultimate reality-the unified field.

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @yavdhesh
    @yavdhesh 6 лет назад +365

    I am crying for the greatness ancient Indian civilization had that I was ignorant for years.

    • @medhaaryaa2762
      @medhaaryaa2762 3 года назад +7

      Same here.
      I'm also crying 😢

    • @luckysinghrajput8404
      @luckysinghrajput8404 3 года назад +4

      Right 😢

    • @vvpChannel3112
      @vvpChannel3112 3 года назад +15

      Yes, dont be librandu, Hindusim is great

    • @AmitKumar-qz2us
      @AmitKumar-qz2us 3 года назад

      Vedanta is the very science of consciousness at both human and cosmic levels. It recognises consciousness as the ultimate reality and affirms its presence in all existence.
      All this- whatever exists in this changing universe, is pervaded by consciousness"
      --Isa Upanishad .5000-BCE
      The ancient Vedic rishis in all their wisdom said as early as 8000 BC , that our universe is not woven from matter but consciousness . (They never patent there knowledge there own name ) There are connections between quantum mechanics & consciousness .
      Consciousness is the intelligence, the organising principle behind the arising of form. The quantum field or pure consciousness is influenced by intention and desire.
      All atoms in the entire universe are capable of mind reading and communicating with other atoms. There is a consciousness in every molecule of matter.
      As per quantum physics things do not exist in its physical form, unless they are observed by a conscious observer.
      In every experiment when an observer expected energy to behave as a particle, it did so. When he thought it would probably be wave-like, it was. And when observers believed it might start out as one form and end up as another, it did so.
      This means ,nothing actually exists in its physical form until observed by someone, was adopted by the group as one of the concepts. You created them by your expectations and your thoughts of what should be. In every situation in your life, including the wealth or lack of it you choose to attract to you.
      Biology is a quantum process. All the processes in the body including cell communications are triggered by quantum fluctuations, and all higher brain functions and consciousness also appear at the quantum level.
      On the subatomic level-mind is over matter. The brain and DNA is governed by the laws of quantum physics rather than the laws of biology or neuro physiology.
      Bhagavad Gita is all about BEING IN THE MOMENT.
      You cannot change your past, you cannot survive without water, you cannot change natures principle. The only solution is to accept things as they are.
      Life is a combination or physical, intellectual and spiritual aspects. Without spiritual development , man is without love or positive emotions ( affection, care, respect, sympathy ) .
      Karma is the result of your actions. If you do something good, you will get good tings in return and if you do bad things, you will get likewise in return.
      Karma or the actions that you do in the present life is passed on to the next life. But fate is not passed on to the next life.
      Dharma is when we are walking the path of our soul's purpose. When we are walking our path we are out of karma. We are no longer creating cause and effect. We are in flow with the universe, with our spirit. Our soul is line with the Divine.
      'Manu-Smiriti'- 5000BC describes the code for leading a disciplined way of life.
      Patience, Pardon, Suppression of will, Stay away from Theft, Purity, Control of desires, Wisdom, Knowledge, Truth, Controlling Anger. These 10 qualities are considered as main characteristics of the Dharma.
      The whole of material creation is conscious. Our consciousness creates our reality. What our consciousness can conceive , it can also create.
      Human beings are conscious. They can see themselves in the mirror and see colours, while an animal cannot.
      To a Vedantic every part of this universe is dynamic, it is vibrating, it is listening and can respond according to ones KARMA, It can be by action and can be purely thought. The universe listens to our action as well as thought and gives in return what exactly we want either knowingly or unknowingly, weather it is bad or good.
      Science is trying to understand the universe ‘out there’ and Vedanta addressed the universe ‘inside you’”
      Schrödinger, in speaking of a universe in which particles are represented by wave functions, said, “The unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and continuity of wave mechanics. This is entirely consistent with the Vedanta concept of All in One.”
      The multiplicity is only apparent. This is the doctrine of the Upanishads. And not of the Upanishads only. The mystical experience of the union with God regularly leads to this view, unless strong prejudices stand in the West. There is no kind of framework within which we can find consciousness in the plural; this is simply something we construct because of the temporal plurality of individuals, but it is a false construction… The only solution to this conflict insofar as any is available to us at all lies in the ancient wisdom of the Upanishad. - Erwin Schrödinger
      " You do not have a soul ,
      you are a soul and you have a body "

    • @AmitKumar-qz2us
      @AmitKumar-qz2us 3 года назад +4

      we fool by congress communist Christian missionary...
      they hijack our education system

  • @kamalbiswas1970
    @kamalbiswas1970 5 лет назад +610

    Proud to be a Hindu, Sanatan
    Dharma. The Vedas should be included in our educational system.

    • @moitrayeesanyal5294
      @moitrayeesanyal5294 5 лет назад +26

      If you are a true hindu dont divide,unite.we are all one.thats what the veda says.assimilate and grow

    • @ASHISHSHARMA-cg4nc
      @ASHISHSHARMA-cg4nc 4 года назад +13

      @curios one caste system created by us only.

    • @dhananjaykulkarni1253
      @dhananjaykulkarni1253 4 года назад +12

      There is no word as "Hindu" in Vedas

    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher 4 года назад

      Peehu Ms

One of the most confronting and difficult lessons one must learn in life is that a person cannot choose his own master. No man or woman is his own master/mistress, despite what most think. EVERY human being (with the possible exception of the current World Teacher) has a master, though it seems most persons have chosen to obey the desires of their fickle minds, rather than their appointed masters.

Even an Avatar (literally, “a descended one”, that is, a male, who is born in the highest state possible for a human being to be born) accepts a master when He incarnates on Earth. Lords Shiva, Krishna, Rama, Jesus, Buddha, Bahá’u’lláh, and every other Divine Manifestation who ever descended to earth, WILLINGLY submitted to His legitimate temporal authority.

An ever-increasing proportion of persons believe, in practice, that they are the Lord of all lords, when they claim that they have no superior, and assert that humans are not an inherently hierarchical species. Society is built on the family unit, which is obviously hierarchically-structured (unless, of course, one considers a newborn baby to be the head of the house). Human society is not dissimilar to ant or bee society, in actual fact - the main difference being that those insect colonies are matriarchal, whilst human society is PATRIARCHAL.
How many men do you know, who would, when taken to a courthouse, challenge the authority of the judge? Very few, I would posit. That is because, when challenged by a (supposed) higher authority, the typical man or woman would grudgingly accede to that authority.
      When a man claims that he has no superior/master, an appropriate response is as follows: “I look forward to the day when one of your children say the same to you, Mister Hypocrite”. The funniest thing about such arrogant fools, is that they often submit to their SUBORDINATES, what to speak of their superiors! For instance, uxorious “men” are often seen kowtowing to their womenfolk, yet when admonished or castigated by an obvious superior (such as his employer, his grandfather, a king, or a priest) they often attack those masters.

Society (that is, the males of society) is divided into FOUR classes (“varṇa”, in Sanskrit):
      The Priesthood (“brāhmaṇa”, in Sanskrit), which acts as the authoritative head of society;
      The Monarchy (“rājanya” or “kṣatriyaḥ”, in Sanskrit), which is the only legitimate form of governance;
      The Businessmen (“vaiśya”, in Sanskrit), who own agricultural and/or business assets;
      The Working Class (“śūdra”, in Sanskrit), who serve their employers (normally business owners).
      The following chapters of this Holy Scripture fully describe the qualities and duties of the above four classes of male society.
Typically, the working-class accounts for approximately 85-90% of society, businessmen for about 10-15%, with kings and priests obviously being such an insignificant fraction of the totality of the population, that it would not be practical to quote a figure.
      There may be a number of men who do not fall neatly into one of the above four classes. For example, Lord Śri Krishna straddled the two higher classes, since He became the monarch of a kingdom, yet temporarily acted as the spiritual master of some of His close friends. Arguably the greatest President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald. J. Trump, was primarily an entrepreneur but showed himself to be a strong national leader (a quality lacked by previous Presidents, due to them being exclusively working-class men). However, there is a significant divide between a businessman and a monarch, so hopefully, one day, that country (and EVERY nation on earth) will once again be controlled by a good king (or, in the case of the U.S.A., many kings, since the country is far too large in size and population to be ruled by a single king).
      Three of the most enlightened men in the past century (of writing this) were working-class men who acted as priests (“brāhmaṇa”, in Sanskrit) - Dr. Alan Watts, Mr. Roger Castillo, and his mentor Mr. Ramesh Balsekar (who only began his teaching career after retiring from administering a bank). It is the duty of members of the Holy Priesthood to disseminate religious/spiritual teachings to the masses, and not members of the working-class. Such workers may be able to assist others to understand life and realize the true self, but they are unqualified to make authoritative moral pronouncements, and must not fool the public into believing that they are spiritual masters. Indeed, when a working-class chap pretends to be a religious leader (“guru”, in Sanskrit), he is LITERALLY stealing the occupation of a priest. The vast majority of extant religious teachers are actually either members of the lower two classes, or even lower than that (in other words, women).
It is UTTERLY imperative to make clear that a man cannot belong to one of the four classes of society unless he has the natural proclivity to do so. A personal anecdote regarding this point springs to mind: when a former maid and I were once travelling in the back seat of a taxi cab, we engaged in a conversation regarding the Holy Priesthood. I explained to her that not just any man embodies the necessary prerequisites to become a priest such as I. I asked her: “Do you believe that our uneducated Filipino taxi driver could become a spiritual master?” and she responded in the affirmative. “Of course! If he enters a seminary and completes the course of studies - why not?” That is akin to stating, “If the despotic German National Socialist political leader, Adolf Hitler, had been schooled by a great Rabbi, he would have become a worshipable Deity, like Lord Jesus”. Anyone who believes such a thing is grossly ignorant of how life operates. It is manifestly impossible for a person to act independently of his genetic code and his up-to-date conditioning. Herr Hitler's genes/conditioning forced him to become a fascist dictator, the taxi driver's genes/conditioning impelled him to seek laborious work, whilst my own particular genes/conditioning resulted in me joining the priesthood, and eventually becoming the current World Teacher, despite being born into a staunchly atheistic family, in an extremely irreligious country. In the case of Lord Jesus, He was destined from all eternity to become a Divine Incarnation (“Avatāra”, in Sanskrit).

The fact is, a member of the priesthood (for example) must not only display the personal qualities incumbent on that role, but MUST also work as a priest, in order to be considered one. There is no such thing as a part-time priest/guru/monk/pastor/rabbi/imam.
Likewise, if a man has all the qualities of a king, yet works as a cook or as cleaner, he can hardly be addressed as “Your Majesty”.
      So, somewhere in your nation resides at least one or two men with kingly attributes, but who are unable to exercise their divinely-sanctioned reign, due to the inordinate power of modern democracies. The most likely place to find such a prospective monarch is in the military or in the martial arts (most probably the head of an army or the owner of a dojo).
      This lack of proper (kingly) leadership is arguably the main cause of the decline of human society. 

The four classes of society can be compared, albeit simplistically, to parts of the human BODY - the priests being the head (since they direct the rest of society in regards to morals and ethics), the kings being the arms (symbolizing protection of the rest of society), the businessmen being the stomach (since farmers owners and business owners govern the supply of the necessities of life, as well as luxuries), and the workers being the legs (since they perform most all the laborious tasks in society).


    • @TheWorldTeacher
      @TheWorldTeacher 4 года назад +2

      So, again, it is imperative to emphasize that the four classes of society is a NATURAL phenomenon, no matter the size of a society. Even a small village has its shaman (spiritual guide), it's chief (the wisest, dominant alpha male), it's producers (of at least food, if not some luxuries), and the workers (such as carpenters, healers, warriors and trench-diggers). It has absolutely nothing in common with any hereditary system, such as the so-called “caste” system of India, which is an adulterated form of the original class and life-stage system (“varnāśrama”, in Sanskrit).

The classification of class according to economic status is illogical and nonsensical, because it implies that the more material wealth a person owns, the higher his “class”, even though he may be a veritable troglodyte. By that inane classification system, Lords Buddha and Jesus were the lowest of the low, since they were mendicants, and not the masters of this entire planet, which they claimed (and proved themselves) to be. Whenever I hear the phrase “the middle-class”, my immediate response is: “which of the FOUR classes of society is the 'middle' class?”

Apart from the four classes of (male) society, there are four STAGES of life for men (“cātuḥ-āśrama”, in Sanskrit). Working-class males and business/farm owners begin life as celibate students (“brahmācharyam”, in Sanskrit), then become married until death parts him from his wife (“gṛhastham”, in Sanskrit). Kings begin as chaste students, marry at least one woman, and end their time on earth alone with their queen, ideally retiring with her to a secluded area such as a forest, devoting their twilight years to spiritual pursuits (“āraṇyakam” or “vānaprastham”, in Sanskrit). Priests pass-through the aforementioned three stages of life, but finally end-up as renounced mendicants, giving-up all material possessions and attachments, except, of course, monastic robes, a staff, a water vessel and a begging-bowl (“saṃnyāsa”, in Sanskrit).

“The four classes of society were created by Me, divided according to a man’s inherent qualities and his type of work.
Although I created this, know that I am the imperishable non-doer.”
Lord Śri Krishna,
“Bhagavad-gītā” 4:13.
“If you want to lead the people, 
you must learn how to follow them.
The Master is above the people, 
and no one feels oppressed. 
He goes ahead of the people, 
and no one feels manipulated. 
The whole world is grateful to him. 
Because he competes with no one, 
no one can compete with him.”
Ch. 66, "Tao Te Ching" by Laozi (AKA Lao-Tzu).

  • @lalitmulay2851
    @lalitmulay2851 4 года назад +353

    We Hindus never claimed that whatever knowledge we gained from our vedas only belong to us Hindus . We believe it's a universal knowledge for entire humanity to be used . Veda says the whole universe is made up of infinite consciousness Brahman or soul ( infinite energy). The same infinite consciousness ( aatman) is present & controls human , animals, birds, plants etc & also controls even non living things. So we Hindus also gives importance for protecting environment as nature is also part of the same consious energy from where we humans are born with , that's why many Hindus don't kill animals & mostly try to be vegetarian.

    • @rajdeepghosh5942
      @rajdeepghosh5942 3 года назад

      @MAni AC 😂Laude
      Mood kharab kardiya

    • @anthonybaransky137
      @anthonybaransky137 3 года назад +17

      To LH. I've recently did some learning on the Hindu religion and philosophical ideals. The Yuga cycles of man explain so much in our distant past of how things were done. It didn't take heavy equipment to move megalithic stone just Satya Yuga man with the ability to move objects with his mind. Heavy stones over 1000 tons. No problem, easy peasy. Weight wasn't the problem only the focus required and for Satya Yuga man I don't think that was much of a problem. The Yuga cycles just explain so much of our past its practically proof of concept for man's behavior, his priorities and his devotion or lack of it to family, diety and community. Man's barbaric tendencies in KaliYuga to his Spiritual strength of mind over matter during times of Satya Yuga and to live in and have peace on earth... At least for a while😊 LH please feel free to respond. I would welcome your communication and be grateful for knowledge shared 😊🙏😊

    • @TheCookieGamer523
      @TheCookieGamer523 3 года назад +10

      Sanatana Dharma is the Eternal Way, Dharma applies to everyone the same way gravity does, the natural order applies to all.
      The Pre-Christian traditions of Europe have the same roots as the Vedic Scriptures, the two share essentially the same philosophy/metaphysical worldview.
      You are a Dharmi wear the bradge with pride.
      Hinduism and Hindu as words never existed before 200 odd years ago, it is called Sanatana Dharma and we are Dharmis.
      From my perspective the name Hinduism itself might steer people away as it implies it is only for those who are Indian which does not reflect the actual nature of the faith.
      Namaste friend.

    • @suppiluiiuma5769
      @suppiluiiuma5769 3 года назад +14

      The idea that there is a universal truth brought me to Sanatana Dharma. I started practicing Hinduism even as a Westerner because it makes more sense to me than anything else. I believe that it is indeed universal truth.

    • @identityloss4428
      @identityloss4428 3 года назад

      who r we? t4y

  • @drkmlakshmipathy
    @drkmlakshmipathy 6 лет назад +673

    i am a nuclear medicine physician, really understood and got great feeling of experiencing the enlightenment of our vedic tradition first time in my life (54 years ) through prof John Hagelin, the great physicist who really described with practical illustration about reality of current physics and our great Veda literature, extremely amazing the way prof Hagelin spoke in English directly transferring the Sanskrit words, infact he was making surprise over surprises, it was simply magical his body language, simplicity with powerful knowledge and completely confident expression..oh my God unable to express by any suitable words for his greatness and style of delivering such a interesting topic...sincerely grateful to you sir...i love to hear more from you because you explain in a very humble and spiritual way which is more attracting to any body follow your physics and Veda linking it was some way similar to Dr Deepak chopra, eminent neuroendcrine physician became Alternative medical management and spiritual doctor in USA.

    • @francablou7978
      @francablou7978 5 лет назад +1

      @@ravikiran4495 Fuel used in pusphaka???
      HAHAHAHAHAAHH!!! Do you have any proof that a book named Ramayana existed AS TODAY before Mughals? Cmon are you this dumb??

    • @francablou7978
      @francablou7978 5 лет назад +3

      @@ravikiran4495 I think Marvel comics are much trustable than your comic books..

    • @ashisroy5119
      @ashisroy5119 5 лет назад +46

      @@francablou7978 hey! i think ur nabi was the first person who went to the space by riding a flying horse (buraq) without fuel😊😆 stay happy with that bro Don't try to understand the science bcoz its not ur subject🤗

    • @kaamdev810
      @kaamdev810 5 лет назад +18

      @@francablou7978 Moron..better try to find out what happened to the three daughters of Allah..Manat,Allat and Al Suwar..

    • @devasishsinha3605
      @devasishsinha3605 5 лет назад +18

      @@francablou7978 what about you flat earth idiot tumhara pegembar toh gadhe me bet k alla se milne jata tha cows piss khud tumhara pegambar udd ka mut pita tha

  • @RonJagannathanVA
    @RonJagannathanVA 7 лет назад +690

    As a student of Physics (Quantum Mechanics) I believed that Advaita Vedanta was possibly the delusion and Quantum Mechanics was real.
    After studying Quantum Mechanics “I no longer knew what was real and what wasn’t.
    The lines between reality and delusion had become blurred.”
    I started seeing logic and reasoning in Advaita Vedanta again.
    --- Ron Jagannathan

    • @robertmitchell8630
      @robertmitchell8630 6 лет назад +43

      Ron Jagannathan after a discussion of Indian Vedanta philosophy a lot of things that seems crazy in quantum physics to me finally makes sense

    • @hyperloke
      @hyperloke 6 лет назад +49

      The founder of quantum physics, Bohr, credited the Vedas for many of his theories. “I go into the Upanishads to ask questions" he once said. Even Schrodinger was a Vedanist.

    • @himdude9637
      @himdude9637 6 лет назад +24

      Ron Jagannathan I would appreciate if there was awareness in people to call it Sanatan Sanskriti or Vedic Dharma. Sanatan Sanskriti is repository of knowledge with human evolution. This evolved with the time and yug (kaal).
      1. The place between Himalaya in north to indu sarovar (Indian ocean) is called Hindu. Himalya Hi and Indu. Makes the word Hindu. Used for geographic demarcation. Hindu kush mountain Hindu river called as Sindhu river all indicated the sanskrit origin of the word. But yes doesn't indicate religion but Geographic. Hindustan is a pure sanskrit origin word. Read the puran. The muslim invaders tried to demean the word Hindu with many bad words to show them down and paint them as bad people. This is how racist jokes are created.
      2. Since Dharma evolved and led humans from darkness to light from ignorance to knowledge. "tamso ma jyotirgamaya". There was no other religion to compete So there is no name, no rules for bashing other religion and concept of conversion. You can't bash criticize or compete non existent.
      3. This is why got more than 1400 books scriptures on various topics helpful in material and spiritual life and this knowledge evolved with time.
      4. Ayurvda, Medicine, Vyakrna, Natyashashtra, state crafts, yagya hawan ritual, philosophy, astrology, Jyotish, poetics, sangita shastra, yoga, Veda,Vedanta, Puran, Mimansa architecture mathematics to name a few. Books are available on every aspect of human brain can imagine in such a detail that only one book Mahabharat contains one lakh shlokas.
      5. In short Dharma is celebration of the diversity of Human knowledge.
      6. We as a layman only know about Dharma as a blind man knows about elephant after holding the tail of the elephant.
      7. Most of us are only able to know what we see on daily basis like nature and creation worship. And on the basis of this we criticize and appreciate dharma. But Dharma criticize none. Dharma don't give scope for criticism but enlightenment and seeking truth .
      8. There is so much more to know. Since I am born in a Dharma followers family. Therefore I celebrate the diversity of human thoughts with ease. Dose not mean i know everything. But once you will know Dharma out of the set criteria of Abrahamic religion for Dharma. You will find nothing to criticize like a blind man holding an elephant tail and saying why he is made to hold a snake. Instead of criticism You will question and seek answers.
      9. For example when you see a survivor on discovery eating dead animal poo and pee either you appreciate or criticize this. But no one can deny that this human will survive the odd. And Dharma have a complete set of philosophy and practicing sect called aghori. However a few. To make sure that the human will survive the extreme. Human will not die out because of the certain dogmas made by the so called civilized society or religion. Dharma supports all accommodates all.
      10. Religion ends at heaven and hell only but the Dharma gives to strive even beyond this. That's Moksha complete liberation.
      11. If someone adopts Sanatan dharma way of life. He automatically fits into the either Varna Vyavstha Brahman Kshatriya Vaishya Shudra according to profession or Ashram Vyavstha Brahmacharya Grihasth Vanprasth and Sanyas. Together its called Varnashram Vyavstha for the benefit of the society. I can enlighten you on this vedic Varnashram vayvstha. Mail me
      Varna division start from us. Our head is our brahma to control our shoulders are our kshatriya to protect us our stomach is our vysya to feed us and our foot are our shudra to serve us.
      Another term division of profession. Which exists all over the world in different forms. And this is most scientific division of profession to avoid conflict in society. This Varna can be achieved by your Karma. To fit into Ashram one has nothing to do. Fits in naturally and can stay in any of the phase as long as he wants.
      Now it depends on us that we respect equally to our teacher and our toilet cleaner. Which Dharma clearly says respect each and every thing. This is why worship for all not only to teachers. So if you respect your teacher and toilet cleaner equally you are a great Dharmik person. Now where you see fault in this varna system. Lots of Rishi were not born in cast Brahman but respected worshipped. For details you mail me. Cast seems a tribal identity with all the evils of Ego and depends totally an individual local social environment no support from Dharma
      12. Comparing Dharma with one book one prophet religion is not a good idea. Can only increase ignorance. Because books of mazhab are small simple and for that for the followers of that particular mazhab only. So better study the world's oldest surviving civilization based on Dharma with universal application, yourself. अहं बर्हमासमी l तत त्वं असी. सर्वे जना:सुखिनो भवन्तु. सर्वे सन्तु निराम्या:l वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम l

    • @akshaymalik5836
      @akshaymalik5836 6 лет назад +6

      Vedanta is one of six darshan (philosophy). All darshan focus on different view and topics.
      Yogdrshn deals with yoga and meditation. Sankhya-darshn with prakriti. Vedanta-darshan in basic mainly focus on god. Veshishik- darshan on 9 basic dravya.

    • @emrao7732
      @emrao7732 6 лет назад +12

      +Robert Mitchell, For your information, not only Schroedinger, but also his predecessor-physicists like Einstein, Max Planck, Heisenberg (all Nobel Laureates) and Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, studied Vedanta and other Vedic literature and had drawn extensively from Eastern wisdom.
      As a matter of fact, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle together with Einstein's Mass-Energy equation are known as "EQUATIONS OF MAYA" in the scientific World. Here is what Schroedinger had to say, citing from Chandogya Upanishad (6.8-16) of Sama Veda!
      “This life of yours which you are living is not merely apiece of this entire existence, but in a certain sense the whole; only this whole is not so constituted that it can be surveyed in one single glance. This, as we know, is what the Brahmins express in that sacred, mystic formula which is yet really so simple and so clear; Tat Tvam Asi, this is you. Or, again, in such words as “I am in the east and the west, I am above and below, I am this entire world.” (Source: Meine Weltansicht, authored by Schroedinger.

  • @ingakloster3949
    @ingakloster3949 8 лет назад +770


  • @alpspitz1
    @alpspitz1 8 лет назад +1900

    The great ancient wisdom of india should be taught world wide. ....It was violated and suppressed by invaders

    • @sandflea1000
      @sandflea1000 7 лет назад +23

      Thank you

    • @tonykurian2645
      @tonykurian2645 7 лет назад +130

      It's not even taught in India. it's really sad

    • @rajeshwarsharma5766
      @rajeshwarsharma5766 7 лет назад +23

      Alpen Jodler agreed...but the real question is how did the Vedas originate. some woukd argue the four Vedas originated from India or even humans....the knowledge in them is so profound it makes one wonder....ancient astronauts? or very advanced civilisations?

    • @AkshayTomar1987
      @AkshayTomar1987 7 лет назад +81

      Yeah Abrahmic religions are based on fear of hell, greed of heaven and sell guilt by saying he took the punishment for your sins. Not to mention the mission of surpassing knowledge and eventually Armageddon.
      Lame... Read and weep on your bank statement.

    • @officergregorystevens5765
      @officergregorystevens5765 7 лет назад +9

      Judaism isn't so much based on fear of hell, greed of heaven or sold through guilt, though.

  • @mridulpandey6646
    @mridulpandey6646 3 года назад +60

    "Young Indian population doesn't know what are Vedas" - very true and it is applicable on me as well!
    Wonderful talk on oneness of science and vedas.

    • @_MadProfessor_
      @_MadProfessor_ Год назад +2

      whose problem is this? u must know this

    • @mridulpandey6646
      @mridulpandey6646 Год назад +2

      @@_MadProfessor_, of course that's us! and only youngsters can rectify this else gradually in coming few generations, this ancient wisdom will fade away.

    • @swatisawant8406
      @swatisawant8406 Год назад +5

      I think the government must consider now to introduce Vedic studies in seondary school education.
      Yoga must be made compulsory right from first standard.

  • @srnp0007
    @srnp0007 6 лет назад +204

    *सर्वेषां स्वस्तिर्भवतु ।*
    *सर्वेषां शान्तिर्भवतु ।*
    *सर्वेषां पूर्नं भवतु ।*
    *सर्वेषां मड्गलं भवतु ॥*
    May there be happiness in all
    May there be peace in all
    May there be completeness in all
    May there be success in all

    • @ugc1784
      @ugc1784 3 года назад +5

      Just flip over the pages of any scripture of any so called religions and try to find out whether they have any such lines for the world at large.

    • @abhigyanshrivastava6847
      @abhigyanshrivastava6847 2 года назад

      @@ugc1784 f*ck your religion

    • @Krishna-vw9ko
      @Krishna-vw9ko 2 года назад +1


    • @nitd955
      @nitd955 2 года назад +1

      @@Krishna-vw9ko he doesn't understand English and I guess knows a few words like stfu fuck you 😂😂😂👍

    • @Pihu523
      @Pihu523 Год назад +3

      We used to chant this after our school prayer in assembly.
      सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
      सर्वे सन्तु निराम्मया
      सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
      मा कश्चित् दुःखभाग् भवेत्॥
      ॐ शांतिः शांति शांतिः

  • @loverlysmith82
    @loverlysmith82 8 лет назад +147

    I watched people emerge from comas chanting the Gayatra Mantra. Good thing it was shown to me in a dream how to help them. RN on a brain injury unit 1995-2000. Thank-You to the Avatar in India who assisted the severely injured patients from the other side of the planet. I merely followed the instructions and it produced results that were profound by western medical standards. Of course, I was run out of the hospital by judgement and opinion. My life is open to the Masters to learn & grow.

    • @saikumar941994
      @saikumar941994 7 лет назад +1

      Loverly Smith Can you name the avatar? That sort of modus operandi is typical Sathya Sai Baba

    • @talvindersingh3143
      @talvindersingh3143 6 лет назад +1

      Loverly Smith is that true? Surly science has to validate your claim? I don't mean 2 offend but any religious text ain't got nothing to do with the super natural.thanks

    • @sunnyk3770
      @sunnyk3770 6 лет назад +11

      @@talvindersingh3143 The Vedas are in no way religious texts.

    • @shagunkhurana7661
      @shagunkhurana7661 5 лет назад +5

      @@sunnyk3770 Yes, they are spiritual texts. Texts about reality.

    • @kartikpepakayala8389
      @kartikpepakayala8389 5 лет назад +2

      You got fired? Omg when will humanity learn?

  • @777playcraft2
    @777playcraft2 6 лет назад +234

    If you chant a mantra with complete scilence and full devotion them you feel the gooze bumps

    • @ravindrastav9858
      @ravindrastav9858 3 года назад +22

      Because mantras have the essence of positive energy hidden inthem.

    • @jaideepsinghshaktawat8636
      @jaideepsinghshaktawat8636 3 года назад +7

      I feel like there is nothing near me, I'm floating in air and 1000 of km away there is nothing.

    • @GrandAncientOak
      @GrandAncientOak 3 года назад +5

      Is that energy flowing through you? I have felt this several times and also my body gets warm and I can visualize and move the heat around my body.

    • @ankit_s
      @ankit_s 3 года назад +1

      I believe .

    • @sangeeta963
      @sangeeta963 2 года назад +1

      I repeated Aum..I found I became Aum..Eternal, Omniscient, omnipresent omnipotent

  • @davehaworth2742
    @davehaworth2742 9 лет назад +84

    wow and wow. Dr Hagelin must have been thrilled to discover this. the oldest tradition and newest agree, in detail.

  • @mayurr5581
    @mayurr5581 6 лет назад +47

    वेदांत (विद् (ज्ञान) + अंत) = अंतीम(मुळ) ज्ञान
    ईस ब्रम्हांड का अंतीम ज्ञान ..

  • @JohnS-mq2mu
    @JohnS-mq2mu 6 лет назад +82

    This is great and brilliant. However, I miss the old days of the Maharishi Vedic Science lectures when we would hear about Rishi, Devata, and Chandas or, the knower, process of knowing, and known; and how from pure consciousness, the One becomes three and the universe unfolds from there - sequentially. There was great beauty to that because you can experience these things within or at least see and feel them with the imagination. It is more difficult in the way it is being explained nowadays - including this lecture by Doctor Hagelin. Can anybody who might be reading this note help me find one of those older lectures online or somewhere else? Does anyone remember Veda Lila (for the TM people out there)? Blessings to all, John

    • @anv.33
      @anv.33 5 лет назад +2

      Follow Swami Mukundananda

    • @bhayankar_Chaudhary
      @bhayankar_Chaudhary 4 года назад +2

      Download english version of Upnishad, Bhagwad Geeta and read it again and again.

    • @bhayankar_Chaudhary
      @bhayankar_Chaudhary 4 года назад +2

      The more times u will read it the more u will get.... reading multiple times give benefit.

    • @candiceruth10
      @candiceruth10 3 года назад

      When you say from One pure consciousness the one becomes three, is it the trinity? And the universe starts from there , which is Vishnu Bhrama Shiva ?

    • @abhigyanshrivastava6847
      @abhigyanshrivastava6847 2 года назад

      @@candiceruth10 maybe

  • @MayaMatrixMuktiManifestor
    @MayaMatrixMuktiManifestor 5 лет назад +44

    I have watched this treatise 3 times in the past year and I get goosebumps viewing it every time. The connection between the exposition of Sanatana Dharma and the reality of existence, consciousness & bliss is complete (mathematical proofs can come later.)

    • @thiruvaranganthiru3340
      @thiruvaranganthiru3340 4 года назад

      That's natural i too same feeling read vivekanandar books it change my views of world u must try

  • @manvendraonline
    @manvendraonline 9 лет назад +109

    This is the best humanity saving lecture. I am so blessed to the person who gave a link in the article to watch this. Now i understand why a person who is in deep love with his work is always in meditation

    • @AllMovies9190
      @AllMovies9190 7 лет назад +2

      Oh brother, I really loved your comment. But can meditation change a person, if it can change what kind of change it brings in his life. Please let me know thinking u r doing meditation..

    • @Vsl2015
      @Vsl2015 7 лет назад +2

      Narsing Rao yes it changes person .. but that person should be strong good and mentally healthy otherwise that person willbecome either mad or bad

    • @kristareid468
      @kristareid468 6 лет назад +1

      V sl. There are debates on this. Some believe, as you say for example, that one must follow the yamas and niyamas and proceed in strict order the 8 limbs of yoga in order to cleans the physical and energetic body first. Others believe you can begin in different order. I believe that if you are strong enough to maintain a focus on the purity of selfless, devoted practice there is no order because synchronicity will eventually be with you. The energy you build will be drawn to similar energy. Practice and all is coming.

  • @arunachala1
    @arunachala1 9 лет назад +204

    Very interesting lecture, enjoyed very much, and learnt to understand some things too. I wish to hear more of that conference.

    • @aashutoshkashyap1886
      @aashutoshkashyap1886 3 года назад +5

      It feels very bad that most of the Indians themselves don't know about their own culture.

    • @parthadasgupta4197
      @parthadasgupta4197 3 года назад


    • @parthadasgupta4197
      @parthadasgupta4197 3 года назад

      @Debbie Singh Even VEDIC language SANSKRIT is THE BEST COMPUTER LANGUAGE means SANSKRIT is better than English.

    • @parthadasgupta4197
      @parthadasgupta4197 3 года назад

      @Debbie SinghVedic scientists SUSTRA was father of MBBS in the world.

    • @sarangtamirisa5090
      @sarangtamirisa5090 3 года назад +1

      @@aashutoshkashyap1886 I'm one of them. And I am don't understand what he said in the video
      Because neither do I know the physics of the unified field theory nor the vedas

  • @1megavideoschannel
    @1megavideoschannel 3 года назад +7

    Thanks to AKTK channel

  • @aryanyadav3690
    @aryanyadav3690 3 года назад +42

    Thanks for this precious knowledge 😘
    This should be taught in schools 🌟
    Especially in INDIA (Bharat) 💯

  • @drbipasha
    @drbipasha 4 года назад +39

    Most people just dismiss Hinduism as bigotry and blind idolatary. If only they could understood the deep wisdom and knowledge that it contains. I am so glad that you have contributed to this.

    • @rairadio7119
      @rairadio7119 2 года назад +3

      Most Hindus practice Hinduism through caste bigotry and idolatry without their significance. First we have to engage with out philosophies and oneness. First we have to stand up and protest when the word Swastika is used to describe Na-azi cross.

    • @ugc1784
      @ugc1784 Год назад


    • @Pihu523
      @Pihu523 Год назад +1

      @@rairadio7119 idolatry is a ritual even tho it doesn't need significance but it does have some significance. Hinduism have many sects that doesn't worship idols. I don't find anything bad in idol worshipping though.

    • @manish7897
      @manish7897 Год назад

      So ignorant of you of assuming idolatory being wrong, your thoughts are bigoted 🤡🤡

    • @pratyushambastha4819
      @pratyushambastha4819 Год назад +4

      ​@@rairadio7119 first it is not idolatry but vigraha Puja. Second in this age of Kaliyuga which is age of sins same veda teaches that bhakti is the only way forward and vigraha bhakti is easiest of all bhakti that's why bhakti is done. Even if you don't like it still you can follow gyan marg but it is more difficult path to reach the same oneness

  • @opm1047
    @opm1047 6 лет назад +251

    he is explaining what Hinduism/Sanatan Dharma is all about.
    even Tesla , Einstein , Oppenheimer read the Vedas , Upanishads. Jung too was fascinated by Hinduism. his thoughts are exactly Dharmic thoughts.
    there are 11 or 26 dimensions according to modern physics. but Vedas say there are 64! Heaven is just one like other dimension. there are many more.

    • @manideepgupta2433
      @manideepgupta2433 4 года назад +16

      That's a fascinating point. As according to Hindu scriptures, our universe is a 4 dimensional universe. That's why Lord Brahma, the creator of this universe according to hinduism is called "Chaturmukha Bramha" -> Four headed, Four heads - represents four dimensions.

    • @devasishsinha8419
      @devasishsinha8419 3 года назад +2

      @@manideepgupta2433 brahma vishnu mahesh are one they are not different brahma means make the universe visnu means preserve and shiva means destroyer most of the puran are mythology they are not real only vedas Upanishads bagwat gita Valmiki Ramayana and Mahabharata are authentic

    • @aayushkumar3861
      @aayushkumar3861 3 года назад

      Brahma exist in 5th dimension

    • @devasishsinha8419
      @devasishsinha8419 3 года назад

      @@aayushkumar3861 tino ek hi h bad me jake isko murti me convert karaya

    • @TheSoLuna2
      @TheSoLuna2 3 года назад

      @@manideepgupta2433 Gross existence in 4 and subtle existence in 64.

  • @exploringworld8731
    @exploringworld8731 6 лет назад +80

    One more product out of the Vedic knowledge is that of the language of Sanskrit. It has been scientificly proven that vibrational frequencies spoken out has profound effect on the development of human mind and body. It is just not a language but a tool to create those vibrations required to reach a higher level of consciousness.

    • @kaamdev810
      @kaamdev810 5 лет назад +2

      @Alfonso G you can find a sanskrit teacher..if you live in Europe..there are universities there who have sanskrit department..in US also..

    • @helloyouthere8133
      @helloyouthere8133 4 года назад +4

      Yet india worships Bollywood

    • @ankitapathak2205
      @ankitapathak2205 3 года назад +3

      @Alfonso G Sanskrit is a very tough language. You can always learn a language but it's hard to retain it without using it in real life. Sanskrit is not a commonly spoken language. Therefore, you might forget it without practical application. As an Indian, I was taught Sanskrit for three years from grade 5 to 7 but we simply memorised it just so we could pass our exams and it's a shame. Although, I hope you get to learn it and remember it for the rest of your life(if you want to). It's a beautiful language and it's a bit easy for Hindi speakers coz Hindi is derived from Sanskrit. Therefore, most of our words and pronunciations are the same. Idk why I ranted so much. But pls do not take this as a discouragement. If you atleast understand the language, you will be able to discover a vast literature that the language has to offer and it's amazing.

    • @Pihu523
      @Pihu523 Год назад

      Absolutely, there are different mantras for solutions of different problems. And chanting a particular mantra vibrates particular body part or part of mouth. Due to which our those senses gets activated,Which helps us. That's what my parents told me. And I have seen effect and few miracles too. May be some of those are just coincidences but it's almost impossible coincidences.

  • @bethbartlett5692
    @bethbartlett5692 7 лет назад +147

    I am such a fan of this man's thoughts, intelligence, wrapped with his balanced demeanor -
    Yep! Fan of Clapton and Al Green too - :-)

    • @I_Am_TheUniverse
      @I_Am_TheUniverse 3 года назад +2

      "...♫..Standing at the crossroads, trying to read the signs
      To tell me which way I should go to find the answer
      And all the time I know
      Plant your love and let it grow..♫..." -EC

  • @utubesanjay
    @utubesanjay 7 лет назад +126

    Just came here after a watching a video of a Muslim scholar on why music is haram in Islam.

    • @himanshuverma9097
      @himanshuverma9097 6 лет назад +32

      UtubeS yeah bcoz it takes u away from allah😂😂
      someone should ask them why god/allah give talent for music and passion for it in human if it is supposed to be haram...why it can give meditating effect?

    • @himdude9637
      @himdude9637 6 лет назад +11

      UtubeS ha ha ha ha. What a great knowledge you got from that video

    • @eugenie1929
      @eugenie1929 6 лет назад +8


    • @anirbanbhattacharjee4188
      @anirbanbhattacharjee4188 4 года назад +23

      zoker nalayak?

    • @Kakarot_369
      @Kakarot_369 4 года назад +11

      @@anirbanbhattacharjee4188 yeah 😄he maybe 😂

  • @antoniarapsomanikis463
    @antoniarapsomanikis463 9 лет назад +61

    Thank you dear Dr. John Hagelin +
    + thank you to MAHARISHI , too +
    O yes I have to thank to my TM TEACHER RAJA FELIX ! JAI GURU DEV

    • @MultiClearsky
      @MultiClearsky 6 лет назад +1

      You ar gifted to learn TM from one of the Rajas of the TM movement. JAI GURU DEV.

    • @avs6362
      @avs6362 4 года назад +1

      Hey there did you also studied in Maharishi Vidya Mandir?

    • @medhaaryaa2762
      @medhaaryaa2762 3 года назад

      According to me Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati was better than Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ji.
      Because there was some contradiction in the thoughts of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ji but Mahabharat Dayanand Saraswati's thoughts are crystal clear.
      The difference between them is-
      Maharishi Mahesh Yogi believed in Vedas as well as Purans(and there are totally contradictory things in Puran and in Vedas) but Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati ji believed only in Vedas(and Vedas are totally scientific).
      But I respect both of them. Both are guru to me.🙏🙏

    • @medhaaryaa2762
      @medhaaryaa2762 3 года назад +1

      And sorry for bad English.

  • @jazzdan
    @jazzdan 6 лет назад +54

    So much knowledge lost in time. I’m grateful for this video. Thank you very much.

    • @MMaheshThakur
      @MMaheshThakur 4 года назад +5

      Not lost . It is destroyed by invaders like muslim british and christians and ever by our own seculars

  • @ChandravijayAgrawal
    @ChandravijayAgrawal 6 лет назад +63

    This comment section is really wonderful full of clear thinking peoples

    • @ravindrastav9858
      @ravindrastav9858 3 года назад +8

      Blessed are the ones who are curious about this and are not lost in material world

  • @indianmilitary
    @indianmilitary 9 лет назад +50

    Brilliant. Thanks to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

  • @sorinelbalan9712
    @sorinelbalan9712 9 лет назад +32

    Mihai Draganescu, former president of Romanian Academy, refer Veda in his scientific model named Ortofizica (Orthophysics), "orthosenses (the deep phenomenological senses are also called orthosenses) for the
    generation of new universes; as such it may be named Indra orthosense after the simi‑lar role played by Indra in Rig‑Veda. The orthosense c) that may be named Agni orthosense, because of the role of Agni is to bring back informations from an universe to thedeep existence. It may change its position with b) and to occupy the pole position."

  • @graceserenachristie2914
    @graceserenachristie2914 9 лет назад +41

    He is a good soul as well. A great person.

  • @dearkrish1
    @dearkrish1 6 лет назад +12

    Great presentation! Quantum Physics has made Western world to go deep in Vedas & Upanishads to obtain answers for some mystery of modern physics.

  • @UlicnyStephen
    @UlicnyStephen 9 лет назад +29

    Bridges and Unifies All Knowledge- Super Brilliant

  • @lnbartstudio2713
    @lnbartstudio2713 7 лет назад +173

    Some followers of the Buddha, the ignorant materialistic reductionist
    atheist ones, gonna have to do a little homework here. Thanks Dr.
    Hagelin. Profound as usual!

    • @WranglerDude
      @WranglerDude 6 лет назад

      Alfonso G.. Really??

    • @emrao7732
      @emrao7732 6 лет назад +12

      +studio 2020, Buddha was not an atheist; some schools of Buddhism, of course, are! Secondly, atheism itself has been given an equal and respectable status and was even elevated to the status of a distinct school of Philosophy by ancient Hindus. Sage Chaarvaaka, who was a hard-core materialist-cum-atheist, is an example! That is the unique feature, and also the strength, of Hinduism - an attribute which neither Christianity nor Islam is endowed with!! No forcible imposition from above, and no persecution of non-believers!

    • @asishpradhan1233
      @asishpradhan1233 5 лет назад +4

      My child buddha wasn't and isnt atheist.Read bhagwat gita.Krishna said abodhya peoples dip in maya and forget their own real self. What is buddha?One who completely knows the vedas and the brahman.If you really extract what buddha said,you can see many buddhas and bodhisattvas.Out of those bodhisattvas -Krishna,shiva ,indra are also their.Boddhisatvas are those who are completely enlightened and and helpings other souls trapped in maya to become enlightened.

    • @abhishekjangid1979
      @abhishekjangid1979 4 года назад +5

      Bhimta is right word for them

    • @vijaykumargupta6926
      @vijaykumargupta6926 3 года назад +1

      Your worlds more true after 4 years

  • @kishorechandradas2014
    @kishorechandradas2014 3 года назад +9

    Bow down with respect, Dr Hegelin! The world needs open minded Scientists and scholars like you!
    Best wishes!💐🙏

  • @ht7461
    @ht7461 6 лет назад +19

    Namaste! Dr. John Hagelin great lecture! The Vedas are the recommended pathways for a Better World...

  • @vidhyadharkulkarni6741
    @vidhyadharkulkarni6741 8 лет назад +64

    It is a wonderful explanation. It requires good understanding of Physics to really appreciate link between Science & vedas

  • @janardhanjavvadi5755
    @janardhanjavvadi5755 5 лет назад +12

    I feel very proud, because I'm Indian and I'm follower of the vedic dharma (Hinduism). jai Bharath

  • @coltmagnus6572
    @coltmagnus6572 5 лет назад +21

    This is amazing and I'm going to study the Vedas and take up meditation.

    • @Dennis28448
      @Dennis28448 4 года назад

      Will church allow you ?

    • @coltmagnus6572
      @coltmagnus6572 4 года назад +4

      @@Dennis28448 Worry about yourself, buddy.

    • @deepakchughani2666
      @deepakchughani2666 2 года назад

      @@Dennis28448 the one that allowed DR. Hagelin to deliver this lecture. Any questions?

  • @bhagwantkaur200
    @bhagwantkaur200 4 года назад +22

    I was completely absorbed in this lecture. It was really interesting to see the ancient Veda's compared and proved in a scientific way. I enjoyed it. Thank you.

  • @gitasn1769
    @gitasn1769 6 лет назад +9

    dr hagelin is the one who accepts with open heart the ancient wisdom bing a scientist and resercher , that shows his expansion of his consciousness.

  • @ijyasworld8773
    @ijyasworld8773 8 лет назад +19

    Thank you sir for your favour for humanity, for truth, for universe, for vedas... Thanks a lot

  • @youtubestudio2817
    @youtubestudio2817 3 года назад +8

    Re Establish Vedic India!

  • @graceserenachristie2914
    @graceserenachristie2914 9 лет назад +167

    Always read out loud the Veda every day. It will be shown you once you say the sounds out loud. The translations lose the power of the sounds.

    • @surendrarathore2680
      @surendrarathore2680 7 лет назад +10

      Grace Serena Christie sanskrit is all about sound doesn't matter if one understand meaning or not .. pronunciation is all that matter

    • @lokeshram2958
      @lokeshram2958 6 лет назад +5

      Nope.only "bheejakshara mantras".the sound makes vibration on that place and that is stored in Kalash.

    • @purnachandramondal9802
      @purnachandramondal9802 3 года назад +1

      how to learn sanskrit quickly?

    • @steelgila
      @steelgila 3 года назад

      Which is, to paraphrase, pretty much what she just said!,

  • @Loshram
    @Loshram 9 лет назад +20

    Truly mind bending. We need to spread this

  • @pinakimazumder8488
    @pinakimazumder8488 6 лет назад +9

    A superb effort to explain metaphysical models of science and medicine of ancient India as scripted in Vedas in terms of quantum physics and string theory. This lecture is bound to evoke more deeper research in this fascinating interdisciplinary fields straddling between abstruse quantum field theory to empirical Ayurveda medicine.
    Ann Arbor, Michigan

  • @mars1783
    @mars1783 3 года назад +12

    I love to learn, but I did hit some educational barriers. I also, feel great hope that we can study ways to heal ourselves and the collective by embracing empathy and educating the world on these holistic 💡. Thanks for the lesson!!! Have a great week y'all 😀

  • @poornachandra80
    @poornachandra80 6 лет назад +13

    I think this person understands Vedic philosophy better than most practicing Hindus. People like him should talk more, here in India so that we Indians get this "approval of white person" to take a look at our own tradition and philosophy

  • @achalkumar44
    @achalkumar44 5 лет назад +1

    I have immensely enjoyed the lectures of Dr. Hagelin due to his vast knowledge of Vedas and its nearness to the modern science.

  • @despinaarzouman3080
    @despinaarzouman3080 5 лет назад +36

    I love this. Thank You! How can I obtain a copy of this video on DVD?

  • @clp2149
    @clp2149 3 года назад +4

    I am really amazed by the deep knowledge of the speaker. Thanks a lot for bringing forth the knowledge that our Sages believed. Love from India.

  • @parishbhasi9089
    @parishbhasi9089 7 лет назад +9

    An excellent presentation relating ancient philosophy and modern
    mathematical physics. Beautifully
    done in an easy to understand manner

  • @cdpandey
    @cdpandey 6 лет назад +4

    A great Understanding of the Ancient Indian Vedic sciences. love you sir Dr John Hagelin

  • @rj6044
    @rj6044 3 года назад +3

    It would have taken years of research and hard work....This work of yours deserves a standing ovation, even from all the people watching at home.

  • @UsmanKhan-el1kz
    @UsmanKhan-el1kz 8 лет назад +3

    what a great thesis and synthesis. 15m into the talk and it's already a seminal video. i like how the camera started vibrating when he was talking about strings vibrating.

  • @jaichandprinda5912
    @jaichandprinda5912 5 лет назад +1

    Awesome ! The ease,precision,clarity ,authority and mastery with which so complex phenemenon pertaining to the modern science and their mention and explanations in the vedas thousands of years ago is just superb and unique,my dear Prof John Hegelin.Really enjoyed the lecture supported by various related power presentations.Salutations and gratitude !

  • @acharyaashis342
    @acharyaashis342 4 года назад +2

    If you start listening to Dr. John Hagelin, you just can not leave midway. His appearance, voice, rich stock of vocabulary, pace of narration, and knowledge of both Physics and Veda are astonishing. He is admirable.

  • @avinashshah1198
    @avinashshah1198 7 лет назад +10

    Out standing presentation on relationship of Veda & modern science & medicine - Avi

  • @stevenunua2118
    @stevenunua2118 8 лет назад +312

    AWESOME. Funny that modern science is nothing more that Veda and has not yet understood all of it. Tesla got his knowledge from Veda. F'n you tube won't let copy paste so I can't post the link. Just do a Tesla veda search and many links will come up. Amazing.

    • @abhimanyu2713
      @abhimanyu2713 8 лет назад +9

      +steve nunua Actually funny that Tesla could invent so many things from vedas although he was not well versed in sanskrit and Indians have never invented anything !!! how is that possible?

    • @adeep12341
      @adeep12341 8 лет назад +26

      +abhi manyu but he came in contact with vivekananda and had long convetsations. at time vnanda told him matter = energy but tesla didnt agree. after some years einstien came with relativity.

    • @abhimanyu2713
      @abhimanyu2713 8 лет назад +6

      +Ochipwa Greenspider well Oppenheimer believed in Sanskrit civilisation more than the Hebrew and i dont know if Freud has stolen ideas from ancient Chinese culture. Of course translations exist , but how come Indians who should know the language easily did not invent what Tesla could. Its funny he doesnt even mention Hinduism and was more interested in Buddhism which is not exactly vedic religion. There are more stories of Tesla being in contact with Aliens though, which are so silly again.Every religion now has started claiming compatibility to science. People who believe in GOD find this idea important as otherwise GOD is an endangered species ! If everything in Vedas is so clear why do we still have so many problems and why do we not have answers to poverty , energy resources, diseases .....& so many things

    • @stevenunua2118
      @stevenunua2118 8 лет назад +10

      abhi manyu
      The human misery industry has NO desire to fix or cure anything. Next question.

    • @stevenunua2118
      @stevenunua2118 8 лет назад +1

      Ochipwa Greenspider
      We are everything that we will ever be. Up to each person do do with it what he wants.

  • @DogeDavidLoredan
    @DogeDavidLoredan 10 месяцев назад +1

    This ancient Wisdom is leading us from afar to look to Mother India with great respect, for the Vedic origins where they travelled out of.
    Dear India, we beg you to cherish your divine history, knowledge, universal truths and the greatness that shall benefit and lead all of Humanity in harmony!
    Please, dear Indian brothers and sisters (who I have met so many young students focusing on the West, sadly who the Colonial Mindset has taken hold of) educate and become scholars of the Vedas, of all the Universal and Eternal Ancient Wisdom within your land! It is you, dear Students of India, who can educate, enlighten, and truly change and lead the World into a great transition that we so yearn for!
    Do not allow the erasure of your history and your truth dear India!
    🙏 🕉️

  • @gregladd213
    @gregladd213 4 года назад +4

    all realities have been transcended by this most powerful detailed in absolute clarity thank you Ishwara

  • @sitaramrudrapattana8823
    @sitaramrudrapattana8823 7 лет назад +6

    Outstanding & mind boggling
    Jai Bharath, Jai Hind & Vande Mataram
    God bless India & its people.

  • @reversefulfillment9189
    @reversefulfillment9189 3 года назад +3

    Glad I found this. My friend here, explains it all well. Thank you sir!

  •  6 лет назад +1

    Never heard such a splendid lecture. Highly knowledgeable and informative. Great. The best I have listened in my life.

  • @surendrasirohi1948
    @surendrasirohi1948 5 лет назад +5

    Thank you sir for rising science of Vedas

  • @kumarkrishnan2327
    @kumarkrishnan2327 5 лет назад +5

    wow,Shri Hagelin should work & teach for India in these fields 🙏🏽

  • @valothprakash3245
    @valothprakash3245 5 лет назад +5

    Really beautiful way of expressing ancient wisdom

    @AJDOLDCHANNELARCHIVE 3 года назад +3

    One of the best lectures I've heard in a long while. Thanks!

  • @shubh3690
    @shubh3690 5 лет назад +2

    Mind blowing research on understanding of veda and ancient culture..... Thanks for your efforts to rediscover them.... Keep going....

  • @ushathyagarajan7570
    @ushathyagarajan7570 8 лет назад +6

    Words fail! What a presentation!

    @ATOMIXGAMEPLAYSYMAS 9 лет назад +5

    one of the most amazing conferences that I´ve ever heard

  • @claudiadieck
    @claudiadieck 2 года назад +2

    Thank you all for that great thoughts and knowledge. It is helpful to know to be one of this field. Honestly may all be blessed!

  • @bmahabir4114
    @bmahabir4114 6 лет назад +2

    God bless ur soul, so many distractions in d material world yet u overcome dem all , enlightenment is its ....

  • @1sanmah
    @1sanmah 5 лет назад +10

    Most people don't understand quantum physics and many don't understand Vedas.
    Dr. John Hagelin studied both and has found them same. WOW again.
    Also Sanskrit language is most suited language for computers.
    Makes one wonder.

  • @chethanshetty7508
    @chethanshetty7508 9 лет назад +7

    Wow great lecture sir... Truly Vedas has immense knowledge but the think is we are not able to interpret it...thanks for this video...

  • @ganesha7674
    @ganesha7674 2 года назад +1

    Apart from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi JI, Dr. John Hagelin is one of the view who is able to relate modern physics to the Veda, not only based on his academic training but rather on his direct experience of the Veda by way of the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique and the advanced technique called the TM-Sidhi program. This was the most wonderful exposition of the unity of both scientific approaches to knowing the truth.

  • @katherinem502
    @katherinem502 6 лет назад +80

    "Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the age of Kali shall get light from this Purana." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.43)
    The conclusion of the Bhagavatam and Vedic knowledge regarding this age, is to chant the Maha ('Great') Mantra:
    Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare,
    Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

    • @myke_770
      @myke_770 6 лет назад +3

      katherine macfie r u from US or germany

    • @ritishdeka9750
      @ritishdeka9750 6 лет назад +2

      katherine macfie bro I think... U should read veda

  • @darshneemerchant6788
    @darshneemerchant6788 7 лет назад +2

    excellent...... Vedic knowledge.....
    many many thanks

  • @bhukkadbaba
    @bhukkadbaba 7 лет назад +37

    Vedas already had all modern discoveries/inventions/knowledge and has all the answers yet not found by modern science. Let's have some more far fetched analogies and foreign testimonials, to prove this. It will really make us feel good. Unfortunately and most probably, we will not be able to identify or invent anything from Vedas, which is not yet discovered by modern science. That is sad, but let's not be skeptical. But be proud of our heritage. How fortunate of us, to be born in this great land. Jai ho!

  • @anamikaabaddha1159
    @anamikaabaddha1159 4 года назад +2

    Wonderful talk. Clearly explains the scientific basis and rationale. Thank you very much.

  • @dg7780
    @dg7780 2 года назад

    Great video indeed, full of ancient wisdom of Great India. As a passionately curious person and a student of physics, i would like you to come up with another such deeply insightful video answering my following humble questions.
    1) What is the seed of unified field?
    2) What is the source of highest consciousness governing the creation of this cosmos and hence ultimately what is the purpose of manifestation of the highest consciousness through all of it's creations in the cosmos including the human lives ?
    3) What is the purpose of human life?
    4) is everything in this universe from it's creation to the end predefined?
    Your in depth video about the above mentioned areas is highly solicited and will be greatly appreciated😊🙏

  • @sandiprohit4375
    @sandiprohit4375 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you for such a great knowledge...

  • @roiferreach100
    @roiferreach100 6 лет назад +3

    I love it, I want to learn Veda and Transcendental Meditation.. Please have more videos like this.

    • @rajupanday3826
      @rajupanday3826 3 года назад

      First learn Sanskrit don't read translation learn Sanskrit

  • @pavan2697
    @pavan2697 6 лет назад +2

    Great thanks for exploring vedas...

  • @namyohorengekyo1882
    @namyohorengekyo1882 3 года назад +2

    The physist of the world appreciate Dr. Hagelin for this great knowledge of vedic sciences

  • @shrushtikant5195
    @shrushtikant5195 3 года назад +5

    Hands up if from AKTK video🔥🔥🚩🚩🚩

  • @saibalbiswas952
    @saibalbiswas952 5 лет назад +9

    Yoga means unity..yet another commonality. It was an eye opener .

    • @_MadProfessor_
      @_MadProfessor_ Год назад

      Tumhari aankhe tabhi q khulti hai jab koi foreigner batata hai. Read the scriptures with full believe . No need to be happy just because foreigner believe is more stronger than u.

    • @AmanDixit1994
      @AmanDixit1994 Год назад

      India ke log yehi kami hain... Khud ancient religion literature book padhte ni ho🙄

  • @NuthanPrasanna
    @NuthanPrasanna 5 лет назад +1

    First thought - "What in this universe did I just watch?"
    Someone spoke about Physics, Consciousness, Medicine, Technology and basically everything that matters in the Universe. Everything that I was interested in, but beautifully stitched together.
    Felt intellectually awestruck. Or something beyond words. More like... true and absolute silence.

  • @kaushalkishore6938
    @kaushalkishore6938 11 месяцев назад +1

    Amazing....vedas- The source of all sources 👌👌👌👌👌👌
    The speaker is just fabulous

  • @SunilThummala
    @SunilThummala 5 лет назад +3

    As a neurologist i found best explanation of life and death, why world, why i and we in Vedas and Bhagvat Geetha

    • @SunilThummala
      @SunilThummala 5 лет назад

      @Venu Gogusetti eloborate please.

    • @SunilThummala
      @SunilThummala 5 лет назад

      @@shaaradpandey5546 very good. Let me know if I can help. I will start closed ended website to share ved from neurologist aspect. People may call it religion i call vedic wisdom as science to be unlocked.

    @AJAYRAJPUT999 2 года назад +3

    Great knowledge Gurudev 🙏❤👌

  • @pavanm4455
    @pavanm4455 Год назад

    How did I miss a great video like this. Thank you SIR for your research

  • @babuda457
    @babuda457 3 года назад +2

    I wish these valuable knowledge is provided to everyone and kept out of religious competition

  • @SaiKrishna-um9mx
    @SaiKrishna-um9mx 6 лет назад +96

    Our congress government destruction our valuable culture and santhana dharma sanskrit vedic education. Should be bring back our valuable sanskrit

    • @vg101187
      @vg101187 3 года назад

      Vedas and santan dharam are two different things. Santan dharam is a religious practice while Vedas is a framework/foundation of universal laws of nature

    • @kingsurya3215
      @kingsurya3215 3 года назад +1

      Yes u are right,

    • @keshavsikdar9284
      @keshavsikdar9284 3 года назад +5

      @@vg101187 Vedas are the foundation of Sanatan Dharma. Stop imposing your atheistic views on the sacred scriptures. Sanatan Dharma doesn't means religion. Correct your knowledge first.

    • @vg101187
      @vg101187 3 года назад

      @@keshavsikdar9284 I do not know much about your expertise in this field but my fundas are clear... I am not writing this because it hurts my ego.. I am writing this because what I have written is a fact...
      I have mentioned my reply in context to what Sai Krishna mentioned. Read it carefully. Even if Santana dharma is originated from Vedas, it’s not the whole vedas, it is just a part of it. Dharma is a word we use for duties ... so if you see Hindus use these Santana dharma, as a religious practice and not as a spiritual practice. Most of the people know this dharma, mentioned in vedas through the religion and the practices done by them.
      So my statement holds true, both are different in meaning and their use even if Santana dharma is mentioned in Vedas. And Mr. Sai mentioned that Santana dharma is the reason to why Sanskrit Vedic education is being obliterated. While it’s not true.
      You should educate more on this to Mr. Sai Krishna
      I am open to listen your thoughts. But please be respectful when you write something... I have not imposed anything on anyone. If Mr Sai wants to agree on this he can agree, I have not messaged him to follow me or like that...

    • @keshavsikdar9284
      @keshavsikdar9284 3 года назад +2

      @@vg101187 first of all, i don't follow people blindly. Secondly dharma doesn't mean duties. Ur whole basic knowledge is faulty. Dharma, comes from the root word "dhri" which means "Dhaaran karne yogya", which is appropriate to be equipped. Though the English translation is vague, the hindi meaning is absolute and i hope u understand what dharma actually means. Thirdly, i also hope u know what sanatan actually means. It means eternal. Which never started at any point, nor will end. Also not started by anyone. The word Dharma becomes subjective according to time, place, people, position, occupation, etc. Factors, specially according to the divine authority of the Scriptures. So dharma can be simply defined as the righteousness action or intention man should equip himself with according to time, place, occupation, etc. Following the Divine authority of Scriptures. The vedas are the sashwat Sanatan scriptures. The application of Dharma in everyone's life is meant to be according to the instructions of the vedas and other scriptures. Don't brainwash people with your faulty knowledge please. People like u r destroying the vedas and sanatana dharna by manipulating its meaning and influencing people with wrong knowledge. Those who don't have "Tatva Gyan" should never talk about vedas and Sanatan dharma cuz it is out of their reach anyway.

  • @kakuchauhan103
    @kakuchauhan103 2 года назад +8

    जय हो सत्य सनातन वैदिक धर्म 🚩🙏

  • @abhinaybarua1362
    @abhinaybarua1362 3 года назад

    I'm gonna read all the Vedas thanks for such a precious knowledge ❤️

  • @oneomself
    @oneomself 2 года назад

    The remarkable Vedic scriptures doesn’t need to have a scientific basis however these meticulous discourse from John is amazing to listen to and serves a great purpose of making this underlying and undeniable truth accessible.

  • @akshaymalik5836
    @akshaymalik5836 6 лет назад +10

    The Vedas are the books of all TRUE knowledge.

  • @2sridhark
    @2sridhark 9 лет назад +25

    This should all be music to the Hindutvawadis though I dare say few have even understood the laws of physics or read the Vedas in its original form!
    We Indians today are so unfortunate that few can understand the language Vedas are written in or understand the deeper meaning.

    • @sitaramrudrapattana8823
      @sitaramrudrapattana8823 7 лет назад +9

      Because of corrupt media & power monger politicians who don't want Sanskrit taught in schools. Sanskrit language should bemade compulsory in schools &colleges. India should make Sanskrit the national language.
      JaiBharath, Jai Hind &Vande Mataram!
      God bless India & its people.

    • @Lakshyakapila
      @Lakshyakapila 7 лет назад +4

      Sridhar Kaushik tekl thia to the fucking sickularist, who will term it as hindu agenda....

    • @krishnadasm7834
      @krishnadasm7834 5 лет назад +1

      thats true, not every one do a PhD, there is limit to a common man according to his circumstances and capability, that doesn't mean he is left out. there are methods for him too to know the ultimate.

    • @ashoksharma31
      @ashoksharma31 5 лет назад +2

      All the librandus/vampanthi to hear this speech and start accepting BHARATIYATA

  • @conscious3714
    @conscious3714 5 лет назад

    Excellent presentation of a section of Vedic knowledge by an eminent American scientist.

  • @namanydv_garud
    @namanydv_garud 3 года назад +1

    Uttam👌🏻 I know you need this type of explaination to make westerners understand this 😌
    Appreciable efforts👌🏻👌🏻
    हरे कृष्ण 🕉️🙏🏻