  • Опубликовано: 7 июн 2024
  • #UKRAINE #donetsk #russia
    FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: / aniak_44

Комментарии • 128

  • @ernstwiltmann3918
    @ernstwiltmann3918 Год назад +39

    With sympathy from Canada, for a compelling and authentic interview. Love both of you.

  • @angelosinisi8996
    @angelosinisi8996 Год назад +19

    I feel so sorry for those Russian youngsters who have to die all because the British and Americans provoked all of this.

  • @zoranpodgorsek8635
    @zoranpodgorsek8635 Год назад +56

    thank you Ania for most excellent guest ... and to Mr. Bentley all i can say is huge respect and eternal gratitude from me

  • @aliceinabsentia
    @aliceinabsentia Год назад +14

    Real news. Thank you. From England.

  • @themissingpeace7956
    @themissingpeace7956 Год назад +57

    An American with a good heart who has accepted the people of Donbass as HIS people. God bless and thank you Ania for these wonderful interviews.

    • @zarhun7
      @zarhun7 Год назад +2

      Excactly his awesome good person. His not only American who has embraced truth.

  • @ingakaleynik4841
    @ingakaleynik4841 Год назад +44

    Thank you Ania for this conversation. Greetings from Australia ❤️

  • @watchfulrasputin
    @watchfulrasputin Год назад +10

    From supposedly "neutral" Ireland I wish to thank both you and Russell for the clarity you bring to what is happening in Donbass and throughout Ukraine. I've watched what the EU Commission and EU Council members and Leaders have done over the past (almost) 5 months in pure horror. There is no rationality, no intelligence and no truth driving the policies and mindset of EU-NATO leadership and unfortunately, for all EU Member State populations, this coming Autumn and Winter will manifest the destruction of the European Union. I'm not sure for just now long it will take for the working populations of the various EU
    Member States to realize and understand the egregious nature and extent of the damage our so-called Leaders have inflicted on and continue to inflict on European populations through our truly deranged policy choices. Russell brings reality to the conversation but the pity is that 99.999% of the EU's population will never hear what either he or you or Scott Ritter are saying because we've been subjected to months of EUNATO-Ukrazed propaganda while censorship ensures that no voice of either reality or reason is allowed to filter through. Our own Government here in Ireland has thrown in its lot with the EU-NATO Crazies while our media has bombarded us with Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian, American, British and Atlanticist Propaganda for months on end. Essentially, therefore, the vast majority of Irish people believe they support a worthy Ukraine against a deranged Russia. Unless and until the cloud of censorship is broken, they will never realize the truth of what's happened in Donbass throughout the past 8 years and will never understand that it's a Fascist cabal that is governing Ukraine led by an actor figurehead who's been puppeteered by Nuland and her NeoCon cronies in the US State Department. Thank you for all that you do!

  • @captainobvious1137
    @captainobvious1137 Год назад +16

    I became interested in the history of Odessa. And I found a set of interesting facts.
    This is a good illustration of the history of how this situation has developed, and we can assume what will happen next.
    The city of Odessa was founded in 1794 by decree of the Russian Queen Catherine II.
    In 1917, a revolution occurred in Russia, which was accompanied by a temporary loss of control. At this moment, neighbors began to invade many border territories.
    So, in 1918, Austro-German military formations invaded Odessa. It is not for nothing that the term "innovation" first appeared in Austria. The Austrian occupation administration began to experiment with the self-consciousness of local residents with talent. In 1918, the word "Ukrainian" first appeared in administrative documents. I think this was done so that the locals would stop identifying themselves with Russia.
    Therefore, when in 1920 this city was recaptured by the Russian Communists, they faced a new reality. As a result, these lands became part of the USSR under the name "Ukrainian Republic".
    The organizer of the revolution, Vladimir Lenin, decided that the Donbass, which used to be Russian, should be annexed to Ukraine in order to increase the percentage of people working in factories among the Ukrainian population, because communists were sympathetic to such people (after all, one of the main slogans of the communists was "factories should belong to workers").
    After the Second World War, the USSR government decided to give the Crimea to Ukraine (before that, Crimea was Russian, since the Turks gave it to the already known to us Queen Catherine II, who is also called Catherine the Great). Also, the USSR government gave Ukraine part of Poland (the city of Lviv), part of Hungary (the Carpathian Mountains). They nursed Ukraine like a small child, making all sorts of gifts, and not quite understanding where this state and this word "Ukraine" came from, which sounds like "territory near the edge" to Russian ears.
    Nationalism is the foundation of Ukraine. When Hitler occupied this territory, units were formed from Ukrainian nationalists whose cruelty to civilians of the "wrong blood" amazed even Hitler's fascists. These are such units as SS Galitchin with his most famous crime "Volyn Massacre", when many Polish-Jewish farmers, including the elderly and children, were stabbed and slaughtered with pitchforks and agricultural equipment.
    But now they are not condemned in Ukraine. Now they are national heroes of Ukraine. All this does not fit into the heads of residents of other former republics of the USSR. Because according to Hitler's plans, all the peoples of the USSR were subject to enslavement and subsequent destruction. Also, after 2014, Ukraine's view of history is distorted. Namely, in the "best" case, an equal sign is drawn between the attacking Germans and the liberated soldiers of the USSR. Such a sign of "equality" is a betrayal of those thanks to whom we are alive.
    This is a consequence of the fact that descendants of Nazis who served Hitler actively participated in the coup in Ukraine in 2014. After WW2 some of them escaped punishment, and since the 1950s have been supported by the CIA because they are against the USSR. In 2014, they were used to carry out a coup, direct the crowd, and suppress dissenters. The most famous case was on May 2, 2014 in Odessa. Nationalists arrived there from western Ukraine and burned 48 civilians alive for expressing their own opinions in the city square. *All the murderers are on the loose.*
    Crimea and Donbass hastened to separate from Ukraine. Crimea used the right to withdraw by voting. Donbass had no such right. Therefore, the men of Donbass took up arms to draw the border in front of Ukraine. In response, Ukrainian mines and shells have been flying at the heads of Donbass residents for 8 years. Many people died, including children. MSM will not show you this, because it is part of geopolitics.
    Note. Similarly, in 2008, Georgia invaded the territory of Ossetia, a few days later, Russia stood up for Ossetia, and pushed Georgian troops back to Georgia. MSM began to be shown only from the moment Russia entered the conflict, accompanied by a large number of fakes - for example, they showed the Ossetian city of Tskhenval destroyed by Georgians, and at the same time accompanied by a comment that this is the Georgian city of Gori destroyed by the Russians. Few people know this geography, so it is easy to deceive viewers by creating a negative impression of Russia.
    The coup in Ukraine in 2014 was carried out in order to move NATO closer to Russia.
    Putin has been expressing diplomatic concerns for several years that if American or NATO missiles are installed in Ukraine, their flight time to Moscow will be 5-7 minutes. This is an unacceptable threat. But by the beginning of this year, Putin was already being laughed at.
    Summing up everything together, Putin decided to start what he called a "special operation" with two goals :
    1. Demilitarization, and
    2. Denazification of Ukraine

    • @rodjarrow6575
      @rodjarrow6575 Год назад +1

      @@Lily-mg4gl Не занимайтесь выдумками, если взялись излагать историческую правду потому что Даниил основатель Львова никогда не был Новгородским князем, но был князем Галицким (очевидно вы его перепутали с каким-то другим Даниилом) хотя Львов изначально не просто Русский город основанный Данилом Галицким а столица Руси Червоной, увы, далеко не все Рюриковичи были Новгородскими князьями и вообще тогда не было Украины в современном понимании, что бы утверждать сегодня, что все города Украины основали новгородские князья, уж точно не новгородские князья основали Киев, более того наоборот, многие старинные Русские города в современной России основаны как повтор своего предыдущего аналога на территории Древней Руси (современной Украины) это Звенигород, Переяслав(ль), Галич, Ярослав(ль), Владимир - все эти названия старинных русских городов современной России есть на территории современной Украины и эти старше своих российский дублеров, также множество названий российских сел имеют свое предка на территории современной Украины с тем же самым названием, растянувшись от западной Украины до Ленинградской области и далее на восток до Волги, вот что на территории Ярославской области делает "Село Великое" (а не Деревня Большая) тоже самое название вы найдете в Ленинградской области и далее на юг ближе к Карпатам вы найдете тоже самое название "Село Великое" не говоря уже о не повторяющихся названий, характерных только для современной западной Украины например городок Рава-Русская на границе Польши и Украины и название села Русская Мокрая на Закарпатьи.. Вот что об этом пишет булгарская летопись о большом переселении славян из южной юго-западной Руси на северо восток Руси:
      «В 1278 году хан Манкай (Мунке) велел галиджийцам (новгородцам) захватить северные земли Булгара (северное поволжье) в обмен на утроение ими кыпчакской дани. Тогда галиджийцы (новгородцы), пользуясь тяжкими бедствиями, обрушившимися на Державу нашу, а также переселением в Галидж (земли Новгорода от финского залива до Волги и Камы) с других русских земель около 500 тысяч ульчийцев (славян), захватили западную часть провинции Бийсу (вероятно, Сев. Двину) и воздвигли там свои остроги. Опираясь на эти разбойничьи гнезда, галиджийцы (новгородцы) стали врываться и в другие области Булгарского Севера." - Обратите внимание на тот факт, что булгарская летопись называет новгородцев Галиджийцами (Галичанам) очевидно не случайно потому что Словене Ильменские - новгородцы являются втвью таких же словен Которые также сидят и на Адриатике а происходят все из территории центральной европы современных Карпат где живут словаки, там же рядом и Галицкое княжество... Повторяю по тексту мы наблюдаем больше переселение славян из так называемой территории современной Украины на земли поволжья) К слову очень сильный волжский Окающий акцент как раз и характерен для современного украинского языка на котором не гАвАрят, а гОвОрят от корня гОвОр, обратите внимание на традицию русского языка на котром говорят А а пишут О, да потому что это один народ изначально, разделенный лишь в годы СССР коммунистической политикой украинизации.

    • @slyderyder3491
      @slyderyder3491 Год назад +1


  • @JCX-9
    @JCX-9 Год назад +29

    Another excellent interview from boots on the ground. Thank you Russell and thank you Ania. ❤️

  • @SidLives
    @SidLives Год назад +91

    Stay safe Russell and family, I hope and pray they surrender sooner rather than later, down here in Australia we had Col Douglas Macgregor on Sky News Australia, we hope his message got through

    • @ingakaleynik4841
      @ingakaleynik4841 Год назад +15

      I really hope the truth get through one day here in Australia ..

    • @barebeautyessentials3323
      @barebeautyessentials3323 Год назад +3

      Did he tell what’s really going on?

    • @davemandaro2138
      @davemandaro2138 Год назад +7

      I love it when MacGregor tells the TRUTH and the interviewer gets all flustered because the bias narrative he’s been spoon fed is upended!

    • @stuartlinnell1239
      @stuartlinnell1239 Год назад +7

      An incredibly common sense warrior…god bless and good luck…hopefully peace soon

    • @SidLives
      @SidLives Год назад +2

      @@barebeautyessentials3323 Yes

  • @debraheard2812
    @debraheard2812 Год назад +33

    Thank you for the work that you do to keep us informed !

  • @miv6770
    @miv6770 Год назад +17

    Dear Ania, it's awesome that you managed to interview Russel Texas Bentley, I was looking forward for this.

  • @user-nn8dy3uq3v
    @user-nn8dy3uq3v Год назад +9

    Thanks Ania for great interview with brave and honest man!

  • @deansawich6250
    @deansawich6250 Год назад +15

    Thanks to both of you. A very important conversation.

  • @LikePhoenixFromAshes
    @LikePhoenixFromAshes Год назад +57

    Aniu, dziękuję Ci z całego serca za otwartość i nieugięty umysł. W czasach pokoju ludzie tacy jak Ty są ciekawą alternatywą, intrygującym elementem codzienności dla pospólstwa. W czasach obecnego kryzysu, stajecie się latarniami, jasnymi punktami na horyzoncie dającymi nadzieję i rozświetlającymi mroki. Nie jestem wierzący, ale modlę się w duchu abyśmy wszyscy w końcu odnaleźli swoje światło i pozwolili sobie na otwarcie oczu. Pozostań bezpieczna! Nadchodzi długa i ciężka zima.

  • @pauliek1317
    @pauliek1317 Год назад +15

    Ania, what a great interview. God bless Russel and his family. Thank you.

  • @patrickcollins563
    @patrickcollins563 Год назад +19

    Thank you both for your amazing work

  • @Geotrekker56
    @Geotrekker56 Год назад +1

    Thank you all for your sacrifice. God Speed and God Bless.

  • @psk7320
    @psk7320 Год назад +24

    Refreshing to hear some reality from someone out there

  • @brianlee7362
    @brianlee7362 Год назад +10

    I like your interviews with Russell. Thanks

  • @robertalexanderho5268
    @robertalexanderho5268 Год назад +13

    God Bless you Russel and your angels of Light ! So many of the world is with you . We see the evil that runs the collective west ! This is the battle for the souls of humanity !

  • @moishaLib
    @moishaLib Год назад +9

    Thank you for a very cool interview.. More truth in the media. 👏👏👏

    @ETALAL Год назад +30

    Thank you both for the interview 🙏🌻🐝❤️

  • @ellinaaidinidu8900
    @ellinaaidinidu8900 Год назад +58

    Анна, Рассел, спасибо большое за отличную беседу! ❤
    Благодарю вас, за то, что передаёт информацию из первых уст. 🤜🤛
    Рассел, берегите себя!

    • @anetasaro9711
      @anetasaro9711 Год назад +9

      Serdce iz Polschy 😇💖💖💖😇

  • @Albanec5539
    @Albanec5539 Год назад +11

    Спасибо за правду.

  • @archer125
    @archer125 Год назад +13

    Great interview again 👍👑

  • @davemandaro2138
    @davemandaro2138 Год назад +23

    Fellow Texan, Glad to hear you are staying the course , stay safe, the end of the Donbas nightmare is near.🙏

  • @thalitagreyvenstein787
    @thalitagreyvenstein787 Год назад +11

    Lord please come and help to get the evil out of this world. Poor poor people that are in the middle of this war. Bless us all 🙏🏻🙏🏻🕊🕊💐🌻

  • @mariabayuk2594
    @mariabayuk2594 Год назад +8

    Thank you 💙- praying for you all in Ukraine and Russia. It is hard to believe our MSM-- I distrust their view of Russia/Ukraine. But, we will see 🙏😇💙- praying for all 💙😇

  • @chagall2530
    @chagall2530 Год назад +34

    Thanks Ania for another great interview with reality, and a big thank you to Russel!

  • @viviennesmith3780
    @viviennesmith3780 Год назад +57

    My heart and prayers go out to the Ukrainian people and Russian areas that are under attack. Thank you Ania for bringing this ‘real’ news on the ground from Russell. May God protect you all. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  • @denissa1
    @denissa1 Год назад +14

    You are truly a beacon in these times Ania! 🥺🙏

  • @ElkoJohn
    @ElkoJohn Год назад +55

    My dearest Ania, this has been the best video I have seen on the Ukraine situation. I can feel your sensitivity and sincerity about the tragedy of this war. Russell has a unique way of thinking about this war that appeals to me because I am a combat veteran of the U.S. war against Viet-Nam. Please have him back often. As Jesus said, “I have come to bring the sword of righteousness against the wicked ones.”

    • @HelenB377
      @HelenB377 Год назад +9

      Русские говорят Сила в правде, у кого правда, тот и победит. Ваше сообщение отозвалось в сердце.

  • @christaj1754
    @christaj1754 Год назад +9

    God bless you, Ania & Russell & the audience. May God have mercy on the innocent & swiftly destroy the enemy, in Jesus Name.

  • @abb7118
    @abb7118 Год назад +8

    Great interview. God bless you Russell.

  • @alishot-2481
    @alishot-2481 Год назад +12

    10-year-old girl was torn in half, it was a French weapon
    macron, you supply these weapons, what was this girl guilty of?

    • @shayaldwarka7907
      @shayaldwarka7907 Месяц назад

      Nazism at its best. Maybe marcron forgot what happened to the French people. Same what Ukrainoan neo nazis do to donbass

  • @judithocasio3367
    @judithocasio3367 Год назад +23

    Ania I could see you take everything to heart like me I feel your pain. I am I. Pain to how could the Contry that I have loved be involved in such a herendous crime against humanity. Mr. B has to pay for what he has created, I just don't have words to give you my heart is in pain. 💜💥🇺🇸🤗🙏

  • @WatchThisSpaceMedia
    @WatchThisSpaceMedia Год назад +20

    Za Mir!

  • @lissrensen5467
    @lissrensen5467 Год назад +3

    Stay safe dear Russel and family. Thank You both fore the info. Lots of love from me 🙏🦋💜💜💜

  • @user-hm8mv6ez3l
    @user-hm8mv6ez3l Год назад +16

    пишу комментарий для поддержки и продвижения видео.люди вправе знать мнение другой стороны.

  • @marciasitterley3354
    @marciasitterley3354 Год назад +4

    Thank you from Nebraska God Bless you

  • @liudmilabrilliantova4191
    @liudmilabrilliantova4191 Год назад +13

    Thank you, Ania! Great video as always!

  • @jameshutchins3396
    @jameshutchins3396 Год назад +6

    Lord have mercy ☦
    Thank you

  • @casiozhuman.8196
    @casiozhuman.8196 Год назад +32

    keeping Poland in my heart thoughts and prayers, WWG1 WGA God in the front seat, and the back, keep Faith. Cas from Australia.xxxx

  • @TAR082
    @TAR082 Год назад +5

    God bless both of you!

  • @fridaberning1971
    @fridaberning1971 Год назад +13

    Strong interview Ania may you both be safe

  • @simonssunuwar4052
    @simonssunuwar4052 Год назад +6

    Thanks for truthful information.

  • @ranchopatriot
    @ranchopatriot Год назад +9

    Thanks for this.

  • @galinka1722
    @galinka1722 Год назад +4

    Рассел рассказал - умно, честно, эмоционально. Анна и Рассел, спасибо за правду! Пусть хранит вас Господь.

  • @zenboy863
    @zenboy863 Год назад +2

    Your a heck of a guy Texas, wishing you and all the folks your fighting for all of the best and positive and quick resolution to the conflict.

  • @rochelleglickman8162
    @rochelleglickman8162 Год назад +8

    I support the people of the Donbass 100% I can only hope their suffering will end soon and with Russia's help their country will be rebuilt.

  • @nemanjanikaljevic141
    @nemanjanikaljevic141 Год назад +7

    May God save you and help you Ania

  • @Throughtheeyesof
    @Throughtheeyesof  Год назад +13


  • @maryellencitron5135
    @maryellencitron5135 Год назад +5

    awesome - great calming info - just an observation his shirt matches wall paper - thanks fir info -

  • @Tim.Reader
    @Tim.Reader Год назад +3

    I miss Russell on RUclips. His comebacks to trolls were EPIC. That said, he’s saving his valuable time not being on American sites verbally destroying trolls.

  • @shachora5900
    @shachora5900 Год назад +6

    an ak and grandmas favorite floral wallpaper. thats about as slav as you get. good vid thank you for posting

  • @joannehooper5326
    @joannehooper5326 Год назад +13

    Please stay safe Russell and your family. May our divine source watch over you till the end.❤️

  • @paulmelonas7263
    @paulmelonas7263 Год назад +2

    Great report and I'm so happy to have found you.

  • @user-bv3lh3bq5l
    @user-bv3lh3bq5l Год назад +6

    Спасибо Милая Девушка за правду! Я в Вас влюбился)😍

  • @jbcosca
    @jbcosca Год назад +1

    Excellent interview with "Tejas". As far as the truth... yes.. really have to work for it but in the long run, it's worth it. Thanks

  • @airtesla3730
    @airtesla3730 Год назад +3

    Great interview Ania with an excellent guest. Highly informative and really puts the situation in real context. Keep up the great work!

  • @educatedgypsee2351
    @educatedgypsee2351 Год назад +10

    Thank you both for telling the truth in this platform that is part of the darkside
    We never know our courage until we are challenged in our faith, not religious face The source of all that we are has our backs. Continue to be the good
    Love to you both

  • @MrSibercat
    @MrSibercat Год назад +7

    NATO troops will make no difference.

  • @user-cr5km4we6c
    @user-cr5km4we6c Год назад +7

    Анна, спасибо за интервью. Послушала с интересом. Рассел, желаю Вам удачи, стойкости. Берегите себя и своих близких.

  • @artgurrl
    @artgurrl Месяц назад +1

    R.I.P Russel Texas Bentley. I'll miss hearing about your independent and fighting spirit for the people of Donbass.

    @MUSCLETAKEOVER Год назад +5

    RT is blocked on Telegram in the US

  • @user-vc8bx2cb3z
    @user-vc8bx2cb3z Год назад +10

    Анна и Рассел, спасибо, что говорите правду и доносите её до граждан Европы и США.

  • @Phiveable
    @Phiveable Год назад +1

    ✨🌎 LoveTruth ❣️

  • @user-fk1wj2fw7d
    @user-fk1wj2fw7d Год назад +4


  • @user-uy8fw5sp4t
    @user-uy8fw5sp4t Год назад +6

    Оооо позывной Техас здарово боец сопротивления! Помню как то у него интервью брали российские СМИ то ли в 16-ом толи в 17-ом году задали вопрос - а вы бы хотели вернуться обратно в сша??
    Техас: - с моей страной явно что то не то происходит если я вернусь обратно в США то только на русском танке! Я тогда подумал - черт истенный американец :)

  • @yonkeuulen8380
    @yonkeuulen8380 Год назад +1

    _Truth is not out there - it is here!_

  • @Mariko991
    @Mariko991 Год назад +1

    надеюсь, когда-нибудь, все люди во всех странах объединятся в единый кулак. Потому что нам всем делить нечего, мы хотим нормально жить и общаться друг с другом.

  • @joecool3332
    @joecool3332 Год назад +1

    Hi Ana, I heard you on the Duran, and checked out your channel. Thanks for bringing us Russel Bentley, I was wondering how he was doing. Glad he's still playing guitar.

  • @bhoward9378
    @bhoward9378 Год назад +1

    Just found your channel via Russel's VK. Excellent interview. Subscribed.

  • @truthalwayswins3078
    @truthalwayswins3078 Год назад +2

    The conflict will stop whe Ukraine complies to Russias requests. Its that simple.

  • @kristinmarie5770
    @kristinmarie5770 Год назад +3

    So very sad they are conscripting basically.. all the men and women of Ukraine. God Bless them. And the US allows and encourages this slaughter...

  • @AlexKoltsov
    @AlexKoltsov Год назад +2

    Ania, спасибо Вам и Russell большое за правду! И ещё я хотел сказать что вы очень симпатичная девушка:)

  • @mamus4
    @mamus4 Год назад

    Russell may the lord protect you Christian fighters of Donbass

  • @jessejames7757
    @jessejames7757 Месяц назад

    RIP bro you fought the good fight.

  • @irena.el.o4198
    @irena.el.o4198 Год назад +1

    Informative, thank you. Stay safe.

  • @stelasabbagh7634
    @stelasabbagh7634 Год назад +2

    They start to recrut women...and the rich.. young ukrainian men enjoy their lives in Tukey.

    • @irenepauls1194
      @irenepauls1194 Год назад +1

      Not just in turkey.... I live in Canada and the western governments have so much money, to give to Ukraine, and you see all those man walking on street and collecting money, which lived somewhere in Europe or somewhere else......

  • @12Georgia83
    @12Georgia83 Год назад +3


  • @pavelfourmanov6427
    @pavelfourmanov6427 Год назад +3

    Thanks for drop of truth in the ocean of lie

  • @renierp.duplessis4017
    @renierp.duplessis4017 Год назад +2

    Ania - can you and Russel - please get Twitter accounts - RUclips do not always notify us of a new video

    • @Throughtheeyesof
      @Throughtheeyesof  Год назад +11

      I am never getting a Twitter. Just check the channel if there is a new video.

  • @franpie2264
    @franpie2264 Год назад +1

    God less this Big Guy💖🙏🙏💖Watch your back Texas and keep your head down.

  • @N238E
    @N238E Год назад

    He could demolish Kiev with his voice.

  • @VV-dx8uk
    @VV-dx8uk Год назад +2

    Бог с нами, нацизм будет уничтожен (ни один невинный ребенок не пострадает). ZOV найдет каждого кто обстреливал мирный города и накажет. Найдем каждого и уничтожим. ZA Donbass.

  • @tonyskoulakis4975
    @tonyskoulakis4975 Год назад +3

    WOW, 100megaton bomb dropped on London. The Hiroshima bomb was a 16kiloton yield bomb. If I have done the sums right that is 6250 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. Go figure.

  • @michaelruddy9000
    @michaelruddy9000 Год назад

    Please ask...why does Russia continue to pump gas throughout Ukraine, and pay Ukraine for the privilege to do so.

    • @irair4846
      @irair4846 Год назад +1

      Because contracts with European countries for the supply of gas are in effect. And no one has canceled the contract with Ukraine on gas transit until 2025. The Russian company Gazprom is a reliable supplier.

  • @user-uy6qh9yl9d
    @user-uy6qh9yl9d Год назад +2

    Thank you, people all over the world, who are finally starting to receive truthful information! With love and friendship from Russia ❤️‍🩹