If your going to use Shadowbeak as your main combat pal then don't forget to have some fully condensed Hoocrates in your party, if your going to have your flying mount and then a shadowbeak, have the other 3 pals in your part as Hoocrates, they will father improve the attack of shadowbeak or alternativly you can use Shadowbeak as your mount and have 4 fully condensed Gobfin with Vanguard passive to do insane amounts of damage with your guns Even tho the base data says that shadowbeak should be more powerful, every time I test it out in game my Sweepa combo comes out on top in both HP, Defense and Attack, I'm not sure why, this was tested with a fully upgraded Sweepa, souls, partner skill and 4 Swees with max partner skills then the shadowbeak fully upgraded with partner skill, souls and 4 Hoocrates with max partner skill. Where I think the Sweepa comes out on top is with its own partner skill as where shadowbeak only gets bonuses from the Hoocrates and not it self
@@dashthekidddThe whole point of condensing pals is to level up its partner skill, higher the partner skill the better the buffs, level 2 is a big boots to its effect but 3 and 4 not so much, where you get the most is level 5
6:18 you have a blazemut and a rocket launcher, why don't you just ride blazemut and shoot rockets into frotalion? when you ride any pal that you can use your ranged weapon(not pal's weapon), your ranged weapon also do element damage base on what element pal you are riding (for example, you ride blazemut, blazemut is fire pal, you shoot a rocket to frostalion , your rocket will do fire damage to frostalion, if you ride a univolt instead of blazemut, your rocket will do electric damage instead of fire damage) But i reccomend fire flying pal, that will make you look like an AC-130
It’s only specific pals that do that for example chillet it specifically says it will do dragon damage for the others it does not, for blazamut it will not do fire damage
Bad idea. The tower boss glitch causes problems for some players, especially in multiplayer, including losing their saves. This means it could also cause problems in the future, especially with patches.
@@scubasteve2189 Lord of the underworld requires zero glitches. It's breed town by Necromus. If you don't know what you are talking about say nothing next time
@@requiemagent3014 make a strong pal. WOW you made a strong pal. The end. like i hink its useless to do this especially when the game lacks end game content. Tho im not sure what did you expect from something just stronger lol but hey atleast this game lets you have fun your own way so its not that much of a waste.
@@jira_mira Isn't envy such a nasty thing. I have an almost perfect Shadowbeak. Four perfect traits and ALMOST perfect attack IV's. I can three shot the final tower boss. You don't have to be a sore mouthbreather because you don't have the patience to breed something good. Here hold this L
Not sure if you know this but there are IV stats just like in Pokémon assigned when you find or breed a new pal. The max being 100 in each respective trait, attack, defense, and health. So if you do want the “perfect” pal it’d be best to get the best traits then breed it continuously till you get the best IV’s
The one he got has pretty good IVs. HP not so great, but defense is good and attack very good. HP IV ~7.12 (HP Talent #'s: 23.73%) Attack IV ~26.49 (Attack Talent #'s: 88.30%) Defense IV ~22.81 (Defense Talent #'s: 76.03%) As getting perfect IVs and talents is virtually impossible, I would recommend breeding up enough pals to condense one to rank four and just pick the best one of your perfect talent pals. If your doing it right you should have about 5-10 to choose from.
@@gharn2594 it's not as hard as you might think... I'm still working on mine now but I have them coming out with 99 hp 100atk and 100def... It's not that hard, just time consuming... That being said... My shadowbeak is still much stronger than his haha
@@fire-is-mediocre I am really curious to know how long this took and if you also have dark wisp on it (obviously lord of the underworld instead of lucky). If you have a 99 hp 100atk, 100def perfect talent shadowbeak, that's amazing. I would say also time to stop because that 1% hp is nothing, but this is clearly a project for you so I would love to have an update once you have the perfect one (and its name - which is of course one of the most important features).
30:28 There is. It's called Frostalion Noct which is a pal that cannot be found in the wilds, only by breeding a Frostalion with a Helzephyr. I see you have a video about it, but I wanted to put this here for the viewers who didn't know.
To make a Shadowbeak as busted as possible, you should try breeding the Dark Whisp move from Victor's Shadowbeak onto one. Of course, since breeding the bosses always gets you a Chikipi, it would also make the process to get that onto a legit Shadowbeak one of the most frustrating things possible... As for a name suggestion for the optimized Shadowbeak, how about a 'classic' game reference: Perfect Dark!
If you breed shadow beak with the boss shadowbeak, you get shadowbeak, so it’s easier to breed the move down. It’s also easier to breed the move from level 1s
didn't Pocket Pear removed that from the game? I know before you were able to glitch Victor & Shadowbeak to pass onto his ability 'Dark Wisp' but as of now I've tried it and even at lowest HP possible I couldn't catch him. Did the tower bosses then were not meant to be catch in the first place? because as of now it is impossible to replicate it as people done it before.
With that and divine ruin you shred stuff. Replace lucky with lord of underworld 90+iv and that thing nearly one shots most things if not 1 rotations all but tower bosses
You should have caught the shadowbeak boss, then breed a Necromus with a Relaxaurus lux to get astegon, then breed astegon with kitsun to get shadowbeak with lord of the under world, legend, Ferocious, and Musclehead. Make sure that the shadow beak has dark wisp as soon it born or else you don't get dark wisp, and don't go from lv1 to lv50 or else you don't get divine disaster, and then go to every fruit tree in the map to get dark laser.
I imagine it is extremely difficult to get dark wisp to transfer onto a shadowbeak. But it seem like it might be very op, so possible worth it. I just refuse to use the boss cheese glitch, so at least that made my life a little easier. I very much agree that you definitely want Lord of the Underworld instead of Lucky. Being a higher multiplier and also a separate one makes quite a bit of difference.
you dont have to find how many pals you have in inventory by selecting every one of them while doing pal condensation. while doing pal condensation you can just see how many of the same pal you have in your inventory by just selecting a single pal and they will show it in the bottom part of the party tab
BRO I JUST STARTED WATCHING YOU AND IM ADDICTED TO YOU U HAVE SO MUCH JOY Bro no matter how much hate or disrespect I will still love watching you pls don’t ever quit
I usually go over to it every in game day to feed it (vanwyrm Cryst) salad so it doesn't have to get up for food or lose sanity while chilling. I think I'm too soft on the pals though .
All you gotta do is replace Lucky with Lord of The Underworld, breed that Shadowbeak with a Warsect/ Elizabee/ other pal compatible to make Helzephr then breed that with Frostallion to make a god tier Frostallion Noct.....If you want to.
Anubis is super easy to farm with Frostallion. Set spawns to 3 and go farm large souls like its nothing! Also the Kitsun mount makes you immune to temperatures.
41:45 - it didn't miss, its attack was canceled out by one of those many spammable bubble projectiles before it could reach the boss. which goes to show you why having moves like DARK WHISP on shadow beak is so important - its stronger then nightmare ball (the attack that missed) and it fires MANY PROJECTILES AT ONCE! - its like a more edgy version of shadowbeak's signature attack where it uses those golden orbs to blast you with multiple times in a single go. Dark Whisp is just as strong as that attack, not to mention can be bred from a shadowbeak down to any of its offspring. (with some luck!). i got a deadream with dark whisp, its fun when it finally gets around to using the attack LUL Anyways enjoyed the video, watched it fully and left a like. have a good one and thanks for putting up with me in the comments! xD
That Jolthog is actually stuck on top of the food box If it were stuck anywhere else, it would be talking to you about how it's starving to death right now, but since it can eat it's perfectly content to stand there and do nothing😅
Frostalion Noct with the same passives... ferocious, legend, musclehead, lord of underworld... will come out with better stats. The divine skill while riding shadowbeak is the game changer and makes it almost even in a fight. Also the owls boost dark attack power when in your party, I run a maxed shadowbeakwith 2300attack, maxed frostalion noct with 2500attack, and 3 little owls.
I'd kinda go legend, ferocious, musclehead, and 'swift' personally. But if you've got a jetdragon you like... fair enough. I like shadowbeak for a mount though. it makes very quick work of dungeons by fitting through most doors.
one thing to note when batting legendaries, make sure each of your pals has 2 strong skills of the element type the target is weak to, and then one really weak but spamable skill. that way your pals aren't just standing their doing nothing while their stronger skills are still on cool down, helping them keep the aggro off of yourself for longer periods of time. also if your perfect shadowbeak happens to be female, breed it with a Captured Victor & shadowbeak boss combo to try and get another perfect shadowbeak with the boss's currently inheritable attack, DARK WHISP. --btw, tower bosses when caught will never have passives, so when bred with another pal, they will inherit skills from the parent that has passives skills. - also bosses will produce Chikipi(s); except when bread with a matching pal of opposite gender to itself, which then it produces its species instead. Also the "rumors about merchants refreshing their stock every time their summoned at the base" aren't rumors - its factual truth. The only downside is that it only applies to PAL MERCHANTS and Black Marketeers as these are the only types of merchants in the game that periodically refresh their stocks. all other merchants in this game have a fix chart of items they say, bound to the individual NPC Merchant when they first spawn into the world.
You can use a glitch to get legendary pal drops, this includes the legendary pump shotgun, ar and rocket launcher. Butcher them and then mount the pal and drop the palball. Or you could spend some hours breeding and butchering.
If you shoot a PDIF guard, teleport to the snowy mountain tower, then without hurting the boss, trick the guards into hurting it, the boss will run into a corner where you can-through a bug-catch the boss with a regular sphere. This will let you get a secret OP move on the Shaowbeak. Also breeding Necromus with a Shadowbeak to get the Lord of the Underworld stat instead of Lucky will greatly increase the damage Shadowbeak does.
if you put the breeding pens a little bit back out of the safe zone just a little it stops them spawning or walking out back xD depends on your settings though.
I've got a Shadowbeak with Swift, Runner, Musclehead and Ferocious currently, going to work on replacing Runner (20% movement) with Legend. I'll keep the Swift, as it gives 30% movement. So I'll only lose 5% movement, but gain 20% attack and defense from Legend. Current one I have atm is at 1212 Attack, 795 Defense, 5418 Health at lv 50. Without any soul enhancement.
I am so bad at palworld, but I went through a complex series of breeding, and managed to breed shadowbeak by level 32...... lol I'm not bragging just surprised I managed it.
Your Shadowbeak is getting a 7.2% health bonus, 26.72% attack bonus, and 23.15% defense bonus from its IVs. Those are out of a max possible 30% by the way.
Finding a shadowbeak might be stressful but imagine going days on the same island trying to get a lucky one it was a long few days of circling that sanctuary but I finally got it
Blitz you can capture that ice and Firefox right where the freedom pal Tower boss is located at but I have not seen it during the day I only seen it during night and there's an easy way to get that over powerful black dragon go back to the volcano area and captured the boss version of it I believe it's like level 46 or 48.
Somehow I was able to catch a level 35 Ragnahawk with Swift, Ferocious, Vanguard, and Pyromaniac. No idea how that happened. Now at level 50 it has like base 952 attack, base 5,556 hp, and base 990 defense. This is before any upgrades. So far it's my strongest non-legendary pal by a longshot.
you can glitch the frostaillion to walk into your frostaillion and it messes uo with the ai and it does nothing and stands still u can attack it with guns weapons except for stunn weapons. also bring fire and poison aroows and weaps the tick damage does the work💪
@@jayruddock2704 It IS RNG, but there are patterns to it. People have tested extensively. They are right, using parents that have AB and CD have a higher chance to get you ABCD in the child, with the fewest number of eggs needed on average. In fact, I often try to breed specifically for AB and CD, so that I can more quickly get the ABCD child. It works.
@@jayruddock2704 I'm going to ignore probability math to make the explanation of 4/6 simpler. It's still wrong but it at least gives you an estimate closer to the actual value. The value using probability means it's actually smaller than the 6.66% estimate. To inherit 4 passives from a parent there's a 10% chance. with 5 passives on parents u have a 8% chance to get the 4 you want (with 4/5 chance to get the 4 u want). with 6 passives u have a 6.66% chance (4/6 chance). While both are RNG... i'll take the 10% please.
I went with Hooligan over Lucky in my Shadowbeak build, personally. It's not meant to work, so there's no harm in lowering the work percentage further. Sure I could've gone with Lord of the Underworld instead, but giving that extra 15% boost to every attack type rather than a single type boost sounds much more enticing. Though... Dark Whisp and Divine Disaster would be busted with it.
Or you can just buy bones from the bone dealers - I mean red merchants located in most of the settlement locations. For future refernce! Also yeah i noticed the pals acting this way when i tried building a base over on the land directly around the big world tree while playing on xboxone. -- Turns out pals dont move when their in a locations that their path finding AI isn't scripted to generation movement at. like areas considered to be outside of the range pals can naturally spawn at for example.
You really want to stand out blitz you should catch the black marketeer enough times to get him up to five stars then take him out to fight That requires 116 black marketeers if I am remembering correctly😅
Even if you don't plan on using every perfect shadowbox you ended up making, I say keep them anyway just in case we get some kind of global trading feature. You never know, maybe someone else has an extra perfect passives of something else you'll want by the time such a feature is added. Maybe it would be a cool giveaway for some kind of contest or something. There's potential is all I'm saying.
Frostallion and Noct are actually the ones with the best partner skills in the game: Increase damage for both the pal and all player weapons. Shadowbeak's only increases player damage if you're using....poison arrows??? I'm not really sure what weapons have dark element.
No.... its passive enhances Dark Attacks while mounted, meaning its own dark attacks get amplified by about 50%, on top of Lord of the Underground, which adds another 20%, along with having 4 Hoocrates in your party, which also boosts Dark Pals attacks. Shadowbeak's strength is very underrated.
@j I was saying it does not benefit player weapons. Meanwhile Frostallion's benefits both itself and player weapons. At 0 stars they are +50% dmg, and +100%dmg at 4 stars. It is INCREDIBLY effective for people who like to use weapons the same time as their mount is attacking. There really is no reason to use Shadowbeak over Frostallion Noct.
there is new op shadowbeak with bellanoir liberos passive breed a shadow beak to have legend, musclehead, lord of the underworld, and siren of the void doing the math that gives shadowbeaks exclusive skills 100% damage boost
A frostallion or a foxicle in your base and your refrigerator will be fine. All they do is cool so they've got no reason to ever do anything else other than each. So if you put a food box near them, they'll never move. They'll be perfectly content to sit next to your refrigerator all day
@@Man-vs-Metal If you can find something that chills at night. Other than that it's not that bad and if you sort the inventory occasionally it resets all the timers. Anyways, the loss is negligible at least
@@Man-vs-Metal Use Vanwyrm Cryst. It's dark/Ice so it'll never sleep. I can't remember what level its Cooling is, I wanna say its 2, but getting its passive to level 5 will increase its cooling by 1 level also.
When Blizz says Lucky and Workaholic not hugely good you know how far he is... EDIT: Actually I rescind my statement. Swift, Legend and Ice Emperor also not good enough.
"Toruk" (last shadow) :the Na'vi name of that big bird in Avatar. Or you can save that name because you can get an op skill by cheesing a boss, naming this shadow beak: "Second to last shadow"
Youll cut your breeding down by alot if you focus on trying to breed pals that only have 2 of the 4 passives you want. It increases the chances of getting the pal with all 4 passives you want
If your going to use Shadowbeak as your main combat pal then don't forget to have some fully condensed Hoocrates in your party, if your going to have your flying mount and then a shadowbeak, have the other 3 pals in your part as Hoocrates, they will father improve the attack of shadowbeak
or alternativly you can use Shadowbeak as your mount and have 4 fully condensed Gobfin with Vanguard passive to do insane amounts of damage with your guns
Even tho the base data says that shadowbeak should be more powerful, every time I test it out in game my Sweepa combo comes out on top in both HP, Defense and Attack, I'm not sure why, this was tested with a fully upgraded Sweepa, souls, partner skill and 4 Swees with max partner skills then the shadowbeak fully upgraded with partner skill, souls and 4 Hoocrates with max partner skill.
Where I think the Sweepa comes out on top is with its own partner skill as where shadowbeak only gets bonuses from the Hoocrates and not it self
Condensed hoocrstes? It further buffs?
@@dashthekidddThe whole point of condensing pals is to level up its partner skill, higher the partner skill the better the buffs, level 2 is a big boots to its effect but 3 and 4 not so much, where you get the most is level 5
@@Seldion I think What you're trying to say is "The more Hootaces are in your party, The stronger Shadowbeak can be" 😅
Anakinz Attackz are Effective on the Younglinz...I'm Dyin!!🤣😂
6:18 you have a blazemut and a rocket launcher, why don't you just ride blazemut and shoot rockets into frotalion? when you ride any pal that you can use your ranged weapon(not pal's weapon), your ranged weapon also do element damage base on what element pal you are riding (for example, you ride blazemut, blazemut is fire pal, you shoot a rocket to frostalion , your rocket will do fire damage to frostalion, if you ride a univolt instead of blazemut, your rocket will do electric damage instead of fire damage) But i reccomend fire flying pal, that will make you look like an AC-130
It’s only specific pals that do that for example chillet it specifically says it will do dragon damage for the others it does not, for blazamut it will not do fire damage
Faleris has entered the chat
Wrong Trait. You want to replace Lucky with Lord of the Underworld. Pretty sure other comments mentioned this last time
Its good. But it wasnt great 😢
Bad idea. The tower boss glitch causes problems for some players, especially in multiplayer, including losing their saves. This means it could also cause problems in the future, especially with patches.
@@scubasteve2189 Lord of the underworld requires zero glitches. It's breed town by Necromus. If you don't know what you are talking about say nothing next time
@@requiemagent3014 make a strong pal. WOW you made a strong pal.
The end.
like i hink its useless to do this especially when the game lacks end game content. Tho im not sure what did you expect from something just stronger lol
but hey atleast this game lets you have fun your own way so its not that much of a waste.
@@jira_mira Isn't envy such a nasty thing. I have an almost perfect Shadowbeak. Four perfect traits and ALMOST perfect attack IV's. I can three shot the final tower boss.
You don't have to be a sore mouthbreather because you don't have the patience to breed something good. Here hold this L
Not sure if you know this but there are IV stats just like in Pokémon assigned when you find or breed a new pal. The max being 100 in each respective trait, attack, defense, and health. So if you do want the “perfect” pal it’d be best to get the best traits then breed it continuously till you get the best IV’s
The one he got has pretty good IVs. HP not so great, but defense is good and attack very good.
HP IV ~7.12 (HP Talent #'s: 23.73%)
Attack IV ~26.49 (Attack Talent #'s: 88.30%)
Defense IV ~22.81 (Defense Talent #'s: 76.03%)
As getting perfect IVs and talents is virtually impossible, I would recommend breeding up enough pals to condense one to rank four and just pick the best one of your perfect talent pals. If your doing it right you should have about 5-10 to choose from.
@@gharn2594 it's not as hard as you might think... I'm still working on mine now but I have them coming out with 99 hp 100atk and 100def... It's not that hard, just time consuming... That being said... My shadowbeak is still much stronger than his haha
@@fire-is-mediocre I am really curious to know how long this took and if you also have dark wisp on it (obviously lord of the underworld instead of lucky). If you have a 99 hp 100atk, 100def perfect talent shadowbeak, that's amazing. I would say also time to stop because that 1% hp is nothing, but this is clearly a project for you so I would love to have an update once you have the perfect one (and its name - which is of course one of the most important features).
30:28 There is. It's called Frostalion Noct which is a pal that cannot be found in the wilds, only by breeding a Frostalion with a Helzephyr.
I see you have a video about it, but I wanted to put this here for the viewers who didn't know.
To make a Shadowbeak as busted as possible, you should try breeding the Dark Whisp move from Victor's Shadowbeak onto one. Of course, since breeding the bosses always gets you a Chikipi, it would also make the process to get that onto a legit Shadowbeak one of the most frustrating things possible...
As for a name suggestion for the optimized Shadowbeak, how about a 'classic' game reference: Perfect Dark!
If you breed shadow beak with the boss shadowbeak, you get shadowbeak, so it’s easier to breed the move down. It’s also easier to breed the move from level 1s
I put dark wisp on frostallion noct
didn't Pocket Pear removed that from the game? I know before you were able to glitch Victor & Shadowbeak to pass onto his ability 'Dark Wisp' but as of now I've tried it and even at lowest HP possible I couldn't catch him. Did the tower bosses then were not meant to be catch in the first place? because as of now it is impossible to replicate it as people done it before.
@@love404.you need to make pidf hit it
@@Itsjusttamer huh?
I recommend getting the tower boss so you can breed dark whips active skill into it. Its a very strong dark skill that you can't get from skill trees
With that and divine ruin you shred stuff. Replace lucky with lord of underworld 90+iv and that thing nearly one shots most things if not 1 rotations all but tower bosses
@@jacobrodriguez-bertoni i got mine yesterday, now im on to frostalion noct with dark whisp lol
What each unique skills in all tower boss?
@@nateriver6630 Victor's shadowbeak dark whips and lyleen multicutter
we all can tell jetdragon just had a concussion at the start of the video😂
You should have caught the shadowbeak boss, then breed a Necromus with a Relaxaurus lux to get astegon, then breed astegon with kitsun to get shadowbeak with lord of the under world, legend, Ferocious, and Musclehead. Make sure that the shadow beak has dark wisp as soon it born or else you don't get dark wisp, and don't go from lv1 to lv50 or else you don't get divine disaster, and then go to every fruit tree in the map to get dark laser.
I imagine it is extremely difficult to get dark wisp to transfer onto a shadowbeak. But it seem like it might be very op, so possible worth it. I just refuse to use the boss cheese glitch, so at least that made my life a little easier.
I very much agree that you definitely want Lord of the Underworld instead of Lucky. Being a higher multiplier and also a separate one makes quite a bit of difference.
you dont have to find how many pals you have in inventory by selecting every one of them while doing pal condensation. while doing pal condensation you can just see how many of the same pal you have in your inventory by just selecting a single pal and they will show it in the bottom part of the party tab
He knew this in another video, dunno how he forgot in this video 🤷♂️
Bro no matter how much hate or disrespect I will still love watching you pls don’t ever quit
Vanwyvern cryst will cool continuously seeing it never sleeps.perfect refrigerator pal
You kinda have to trap him in the cooler with his own feeder box for that to happen though. Its hard to keep him from trying to transport
even frostalion noct is good
i just use jolthog cryst. all he knows is chillin 😎
I usually go over to it every in game day to feed it (vanwyrm Cryst) salad so it doesn't have to get up for food or lose sanity while chilling. I think I'm too soft on the pals though .
Frostallion Noct has Lv.4 Gathering instead of Cooling, so it's no good for the refrigerator.@@DaveKumar.
Sooo... Who's going to tell him that you can get the large souls out of normal chests on the big icy northern mountian?
All you gotta do is replace Lucky with Lord of The Underworld, breed that Shadowbeak with a Warsect/ Elizabee/ other pal compatible to make Helzephr then breed that with Frostallion to make a god tier Frostallion Noct.....If you want to.
blitz's videos = random good games+good humor+ great guy= blitz's videos= blitz's youtube channel
Anubis is super easy to farm with Frostallion. Set spawns to 3 and go farm large souls like its nothing! Also the Kitsun mount makes you immune to temperatures.
41:45 - it didn't miss, its attack was canceled out by one of those many spammable bubble projectiles before it could reach the boss.
which goes to show you why having moves like DARK WHISP on shadow beak is so important - its stronger then nightmare ball (the attack that missed) and it fires MANY PROJECTILES AT ONCE! - its like a more edgy version of shadowbeak's signature attack where it uses those golden orbs to blast you with multiple times in a single go. Dark Whisp is just as strong as that attack, not to mention can be bred from a shadowbeak down to any of its offspring. (with some luck!). i got a deadream with dark whisp, its fun when it finally gets around to using the attack LUL
Anyways enjoyed the video, watched it fully and left a like. have a good one and thanks for putting up with me in the comments! xD
Nah I cried when you took out the beegarades- THEY MAKE HONEY YOU NEED FOR CAKE.
kitsen as a mount is nice. it keeps you warm or cool while on it...dont need to worry about the temp of the lands lol.
That Jolthog is actually stuck on top of the food box If it were stuck anywhere else, it would be talking to you about how it's starving to death right now, but since it can eat it's perfectly content to stand there and do nothing😅
Frostalion Noct with the same passives... ferocious, legend, musclehead, lord of underworld... will come out with better stats. The divine skill while riding shadowbeak is the game changer and makes it almost even in a fight. Also the owls boost dark attack power when in your party, I run a maxed shadowbeakwith 2300attack, maxed frostalion noct with 2500attack, and 3 little owls.
I'd kinda go legend, ferocious, musclehead, and 'swift' personally. But if you've got a jetdragon you like... fair enough.
I like shadowbeak for a mount though. it makes very quick work of dungeons by fitting through most doors.
I just realized, you're just now attempting to fight Lily and Lyleen yet you've already Been fighting Legends
one thing to note when batting legendaries, make sure each of your pals has 2 strong skills of the element type the target is weak to, and then one really weak but spamable skill. that way your pals aren't just standing their doing nothing while their stronger skills are still on cool down, helping them keep the aggro off of yourself for longer periods of time.
also if your perfect shadowbeak happens to be female, breed it with a Captured Victor & shadowbeak boss combo to try and get another perfect shadowbeak with the boss's currently inheritable attack, DARK WHISP. --btw, tower bosses when caught will never have passives, so when bred with another pal, they will inherit skills from the parent that has passives skills. - also bosses will produce Chikipi(s); except when bread with a matching pal of opposite gender to itself, which then it produces its species instead.
Also the "rumors about merchants refreshing their stock every time their summoned at the base" aren't rumors - its factual truth. The only downside is that it only applies to PAL MERCHANTS and Black Marketeers as these are the only types of merchants in the game that periodically refresh their stocks. all other merchants in this game have a fix chart of items they say, bound to the individual NPC Merchant when they first spawn into the world.
You can use a glitch to get legendary pal drops, this includes the legendary pump shotgun, ar and rocket launcher. Butcher them and then mount the pal and drop the palball.
Or you could spend some hours breeding and butchering.
Kitsun protects you from the cold and the heat, but only when ridden.
Instantly telling a baby they are being sold to the black market is crazy 😂
When you're condensing pals, you can see how many of that pal you have in a little box at the bottom of the palbox menu. It says [In Inventory: X]
If you shoot a PDIF guard, teleport to the snowy mountain tower, then without hurting the boss, trick the guards into hurting it, the boss will run into a corner where you can-through a bug-catch the boss with a regular sphere. This will let you get a secret OP move on the Shaowbeak. Also breeding Necromus with a Shadowbeak to get the Lord of the Underworld stat instead of Lucky will greatly increase the damage Shadowbeak does.
Nice! The first Shadowbeak I captured also had Logging Foreman!
14:40 When Pokemon meets Elden Ring you get big dark dragon radahn and his blue fire mount 🤣
if you put the breeding pens a little bit back out of the safe zone just a little it stops them spawning or walking out back xD depends on your settings though.
I've got a Shadowbeak with Swift, Runner, Musclehead and Ferocious currently, going to work on replacing Runner (20% movement) with Legend. I'll keep the Swift, as it gives 30% movement.
So I'll only lose 5% movement, but gain 20% attack and defense from Legend.
Current one I have atm is at 1212 Attack, 795 Defense, 5418 Health at lv 50.
Without any soul enhancement.
Blitz how xp works is when yiu capture a pal the character gains more xp, but when you unlive a pal your pala get more xp
Hey Blitz! I have an idea try capturing the strongest humans like the reincarnated guy
I am so bad at palworld, but I went through a complex series of breeding, and managed to breed shadowbeak by level 32...... lol I'm not bragging just surprised I managed it.
Same lol
Genetic Splicing will be added in a future update and Blitz will cry for 36 hours straight
Your Shadowbeak is getting a 7.2% health bonus, 26.72% attack bonus, and 23.15% defense bonus from its IVs. Those are out of a max possible 30% by the way.
Finding a shadowbeak might be stressful but imagine going days on the same island trying to get a lucky one it was a long few days of circling that sanctuary but I finally got it
Blitz you can capture that ice and Firefox right where the freedom pal Tower boss is located at but I have not seen it during the day I only seen it during night and there's an easy way to get that over powerful black dragon go back to the volcano area and captured the boss version of it I believe it's like level 46 or 48.
You can find large pall souls in the chests on the icy mountains
Somehow I was able to catch a level 35 Ragnahawk with Swift, Ferocious, Vanguard, and Pyromaniac. No idea how that happened. Now at level 50 it has like base 952 attack, base 5,556 hp, and base 990 defense. This is before any upgrades. So far it's my strongest non-legendary pal by a longshot.
"alright, ill sell that one to the black market" -blitz 11:06
you can glitch the frostaillion to walk into your frostaillion and it messes uo with the ai and it does nothing and stands still u can attack it with guns weapons except for stunn weapons. also bring fire and poison aroows and weaps the tick damage does the work💪
Ok I was legit dying laughing the whole time thank you sir!
So you don’t go insane while breeding pals the best way to breed traits is for both parents to have two of the four traits you are looking for
It's literally all rng so depends how lucky you are can take one breed can take humdreds
@@jayruddock2704 It IS RNG, but there are patterns to it. People have tested extensively. They are right, using parents that have AB and CD have a higher chance to get you ABCD in the child, with the fewest number of eggs needed on average. In fact, I often try to breed specifically for AB and CD, so that I can more quickly get the ABCD child. It works.
@@jayruddock2704 I'm going to ignore probability math to make the explanation of 4/6 simpler. It's still wrong but it at least gives you an estimate closer to the actual value. The value using probability means it's actually smaller than the 6.66% estimate.
To inherit 4 passives from a parent there's a 10% chance. with 5 passives on parents u have a 8% chance to get the 4 you want (with 4/5 chance to get the 4 u want). with 6 passives u have a 6.66% chance (4/6 chance). While both are RNG... i'll take the 10% please.
Blitz mercy hit is a good skill also. Just a tip.
I went with Hooligan over Lucky in my Shadowbeak build, personally. It's not meant to work, so there's no harm in lowering the work percentage further.
Sure I could've gone with Lord of the Underworld instead, but giving that extra 15% boost to every attack type rather than a single type boost sounds much more enticing. Though... Dark Whisp and Divine Disaster would be busted with it.
not sure if you have realized it yet but when your in the condensation menu, it shows you "In inventory#" in bottom corner of the popup screen
You should get a Foxicle for the fridge :)
Or you can just buy bones from the bone dealers - I mean red merchants located in most of the settlement locations. For future refernce!
Also yeah i noticed the pals acting this way when i tried building a base over on the land directly around the big world tree while playing on xboxone. -- Turns out pals dont move when their in a locations that their path finding AI isn't scripted to generation movement at. like areas considered to be outside of the range pals can naturally spawn at for example.
You really want to stand out blitz you should catch the black marketeer enough times to get him up to five stars then take him out to fight
That requires 116 black marketeers if I am remembering correctly😅
@42:28 Should have said cloaca in honor of his older 'bro.
Even if you don't plan on using every perfect shadowbox you ended up making, I say keep them anyway just in case we get some kind of global trading feature. You never know, maybe someone else has an extra perfect passives of something else you'll want by the time such a feature is added. Maybe it would be a cool giveaway for some kind of contest or something. There's potential is all I'm saying.
Frostallion and Noct are actually the ones with the best partner skills in the game: Increase damage for both the pal and all player weapons.
Shadowbeak's only increases player damage if you're using....poison arrows??? I'm not really sure what weapons have dark element.
No.... its passive enhances Dark Attacks while mounted, meaning its own dark attacks get amplified by about 50%, on top of Lord of the Underground, which adds another 20%, along with having 4 Hoocrates in your party, which also boosts Dark Pals attacks. Shadowbeak's strength is very underrated.
@j I was saying it does not benefit player weapons.
Meanwhile Frostallion's benefits both itself and player weapons.
At 0 stars they are +50% dmg, and +100%dmg at 4 stars.
It is INCREDIBLY effective for people who like to use weapons the same time as their mount is attacking.
There really is no reason to use Shadowbeak over Frostallion Noct.
That Alternate Shadow Beak collor!!! 27:03
it was wet when it got captured wont pass it on
@@dustineiswald4984 It was bred though, not captured
yeah wtf was that
love your video blitz.can't wait for next pals video
there is new op shadowbeak with bellanoir liberos passive breed a shadow beak to have legend, musclehead, lord of the underworld, and siren of the void doing the math that gives shadowbeaks exclusive skills 100% damage boost
Please make more palworld videos I love them!!❤❤
Rizzbolt and lamb looks like a 40yr old with a 21😂
A frostallion or a foxicle in your base and your refrigerator will be fine. All they do is cool so they've got no reason to ever do anything else other than each. So if you put a food box near them, they'll never move. They'll be perfectly content to sit next to your refrigerator all day
What about night?
@@Man-vs-Metal If you can find something that chills at night. Other than that it's not that bad and if you sort the inventory occasionally it resets all the timers. Anyways, the loss is negligible at least
@@Man-vs-Metal Use Vanwyrm Cryst. It's dark/Ice so it'll never sleep. I can't remember what level its Cooling is, I wanna say its 2, but getting its passive to level 5 will increase its cooling by 1 level also.
@@derpy_j Does extra cooling really do much?
@@Man-vs-Metal Yes, it extends the time before the food rots.
0:35 He is SO easy to breed that i got him almost as soon as i got the incubator
Burly Body
Only dmg isnt the way✌️
blitz: we need muscle head not vanguard when muscle head is in the trats
You can bread kitsun and astagon to get shadowbeak
If you want a decent small soul farm farm the maraiths in the snow mountain
Thanks for the tip. I'll try it later.
@@Man-vs-Metal no problem also as another tip increase ur spawn count because of rng
love the shadow beaks i have had one since level 23 since i got it through breeding
the strongest i seen you can make it (not counting IVs) is 3000 attack with a team of hoocrates and push it just a bit more with food buffs
mans casually losing his sanity from breeding for us
He just can eat cake tp restore his SAN. Nvm... 😅
27:07 how did you get the different colored one? that looks so freakin awesome!
i looked everywhere online and can't find anything about it.
I have no idea
you can got to the top level of the island it has 3 levels, once on the top level of the island pretty much hug the wall and everythign will respawn
I also build my base where your breeding base is, its the base location gliching the pals
I'm so proud of you for doing math in your brain
you should capture the ammo merchant and keep him in your base
No no lads. Shadowbeaks new name shall be... Dingus
Surprised Blitz doesnt use the shotgun. Pump action shotgun to the face. Heh heh.
call shdowbeak, Buckbeack like harry potter's hagrid hyppogriff
After 4 days of straight breeding -.- I managed to get a perfect Frostalion XD (next up....the fastest Jetragon ! )
20:38 hold 4 and click emote
Blitz I just wanted to let you know I’m proud of you, son
You should name the perfect shadowbeak "the dark griffin"
i love these videos, but i have been slowly watching all your forts videos. they're just so fun
There are a few pals at least that have alt skins. Only other one I've seen is gumoss with a flower on its head
i'm proud of you .young master breeder
2:00 ahh only lv50 when you catch it. I thought you said it was level 52?
Blitz you never told me that you used to be a engineer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish this guy could get a demo of crashlands 2
When Blizz says Lucky and Workaholic not hugely good you know how far he is...
EDIT: Actually I rescind my statement. Swift, Legend and Ice Emperor also not good enough.
is there any difference between the shadowbeak you can catch at the sanctuary to the one you can breed with Kitsun & Astegon?
You can make that shadowbeak stronger by getting victor and shadowbeak to get a secret move
"Toruk" (last shadow) :the Na'vi name of that big bird in Avatar.
Or you can save that name because you can get an op skill by cheesing a boss, naming this shadow beak: "Second to last shadow"
ive laughed nearly the entire time and my sises hurt. ue awesome xD
Kitsun keeps you warm too and i love them as a mount
It also keeps u cold in a desert or volcano or other hot place
You should name it something sweet because it’s a monster. Maybe Sharron, or Tina
Youll cut your breeding down by alot if you focus on trying to breed pals that only have 2 of the 4 passives you want. It increases the chances of getting the pal with all 4 passives you want
“I did the math in my brain” Hold up Blitz has a brain?
Hey Blitz I just watched RCE´s 2 Mil special and I never knew you were an Engineer to.
Now you need to breed up 4 perfect Hoocrates for your party for +80% damage.
Where do you find the breeding things like that?