Thank you for mentioning the issue about (fast-)fashion towards the end. More people need to be aware that shopping their next SHEIN haul has a big impact on environment but also people's livelihood. If it is cheap, imagine how the works behind-the-scenes are treated. Great video!
Absolutely agreed! Those _"... and I only paid ten bucks for this super-cute dress!!!"_ reactions drive me nuts. That thing has to be spun, woven, cut, sewn together, died/printed, wrapped up and transported... and the shop owners and staff probably like to earn some money too. Also the designer. Given that the materials have to be paid for, what in ---- do think is left for the workers???
Actually it's lovely that you wear the same jacket for all the characters. It's your smartness and art that makes you valuable person not what you put on!
Whenever I see/hear talk about fashion, I am reminded of the quote by Oscar Wilde: "A fashion is merely a form of ugliness so absolutely unbearable that we have to alter it every six months!"
Okay, STAAAAAHP with the “corsets stop women from breathing!” I wear a corset every single day. I can take full, deep breaths. I love the shape they give me, and they also offer phenomenal back support and even anxiety support because it feels like a lovely hug. Corsets rule!!
Corsets were actually comfortable for most people. They were the bras of the past. If you got the right one it’s nice and supporting. Of course you could choose not to breath for fashion reasons but that was a personal choice of the women who didn’t need to work.
It's cool, but over that time it's kind of became Loic's trademark for me. I'm kinda curious, is it just bought like that, or "custom made", possibly with an interesting hindlore on about how it became to be...
Corsets did not prevent women from breathing (unless you're tightening it too much of course ^^), in fact a lot of women who have tried well-made corsets say that they're a lot more conmofrtables than bras. It's just a trend, a fashion if you want :p
This. They didn't make you faint either. Fainting was fashionable. Society dictated that if a lady saw something considered upsetting or inappropriate, she should show she was unsettled and thus fainting (or pretending to faint) became the thing to do. And yes, a well fitting corset is very comfortable.
I was about to say this. The historical fashion youtubers have covered this extensively. Badly made, damaged or ill-fitting ones were uncomfortable of course - much like a badly made or ill-fitting bra today is!
@@stormveil And of course, now we see corsets only in movies, who are really bad at reproducing ancient clothing. They rarely get right anything, armour, clothes, weapons, so why expect them to get right the underwear of women? Especially if they can have drama from the legend of the breath-cutting corset ^^
@@krankarvolund7771 I think corsets could have been a factor in the tuberculosis. The bug that causes that is actually a lot more wide-spread than the visible cases, you can be infected without having any problems. But corsets usually put the most pressure on the lower core --> they keep you not from breathing, but from breathing deeply. Meaning the lower parts of your lungs aren't ventilated, and it's a lot easier for some germs to hang around and happily multiply.
Just a small comment. Yes Marie-Antoinette was libeled as being a high spender and it was part of the story-telling during the french revolution. However, historical studies have shown that despite spending more than her queens predecessor, it was not to the point it led to bankrupcy or any financial crisis for the French kingdom at that time. She was mostly used as a political scapegoat. As we say in France, "Calomniez, calomniez, il en restera toujours quelque chose"
Mettre tout sure le dos de Marie-Antoinette et de l'achat de ses toilettes ayant mené à la Révolution est assez simpliste. Son addiction aux jeux d'argents a sans doute fait plus de dégâts. Sans parler des dettes acquises depuis longtemps. Faire la guerre coute cher, celles de Louis XIV ont pesé sur les dépenses sans parler de la guerre d'indépendance. Et les autre problèmes de trésorerie. Pour parler de la mode de la Révolution, on peut ajouter la mode des Incroyables et des Merveilleuses. Ou de l'impact de l'empire avec Napoléon, notamment avec la robe taille empire qui fut adopté un peu partout. L'impératrice Eugénie joua aussi un rôle dans tout cela. La mode est aussi un objet politique qui permet de s'imposer dans le mode par le biais du soft-power. La France le maîtrise bien avec le développement de son industrie du luxe depuis plusieurs siècles.
@@jfdes4016I got confused by trying to learn Italian and French at the same time. In Italian, 'il brutto' means "the ugly one", and it sounded to me like "le brut", which I equated with "il brutto". Thanks for the correction.
"Hey, let's make the most stupid things we can imagine, call it fashion and see how much morons will actually pay for it!" - "This will never work mate!" As few months later... "Oh my, that was a brilliant idea, my friend!"
@@jean-doturgis3896 Interesting and good insight. Yes, both fashion and art come from the same creative base. Fashion IS art and is taught to budding Designers as art at university and like art, not every piece or artist is for everyone. The difference is when fashion becomes functional for daily activity to formal wear. Art is never 'required' to be functional. The 'modern' cat walk is strictly for art and inspiration. Cheers
"Is fashion overrated?" Yes. Yes it is. Objectively, rationally, it is. If you want to treat it as art, more power to you -- art isn't about rationality. But I don't think the way the world approaches fashion is healthy, and I frankly don't care about it at all beyond "oh, that looks nice."
Fun fact : fashion (also used in France instead of mode) comes from middle english facioun, from anglo-norman fechoun, and from old french façon : way, manner (to do/make something, clothes for example)
I love fashion and paying attention to how I dress, but there is indeed a problem with fast fashion, and I feel like it's coming from people wanting to buy all the new "trendy" things every season. I only buy things I really like, regardless of whether they are trendy, then I wear them for years until they fall apart (or if my size changes) - I think that approach can both make the consumers happier and the fashion brands more ethical.
Something crossed my mind, do you know if your audience is more constitute of native-french-speaker, native-english-speaker, bilingual, or non-native ? I just thought about that and I was curious
I am female. I always hated shopping. I now shop everything online except for the stuff I make for myself and jeans. If I find a shop I like, I will shop my clothes there until they discontinue what I liked. I will import fleece jacket from Scotland and pay import taxes just because i like them. Writing this comment I am wearing a fleece pullover I bought in 2016. It's not pretty enough to wear to work anymore, but still perfect for a cosy sunday. If stuff has minor holes, I will fix them. I am so slow fashion, if all people were like me, one designer would be enough for the whole world 😅
I have no fashion sense. That's why I do not pay extravagant prices for ripped up, pummelled blue jeans. I prefer to get them to that condition myself, preferably starting with a complete, pristine pair and taking years to distress them in my own time and ways.
And by the way, the eye of a Parisian or Parisian educates itself over time. Taking public transport, in 1 glance, we spot the woman wearing a beret (to mark herself as a tourist in Paris, because no Parisian woman wears a beret), the American couple (even without specific brand, the simplest outfit screams "I'm from the USA") and so on ... This is not a judgment. This is an observation.
7:35 In an alternate timeline with the video title "The BIZARRE world of German fashion": "Now unfortunately we can't talk about fashion without talking about the biggest issue with fashion and trends. Which is how it leads to fascism." Hugo Boss I'm looking at you 😅
This is why (in my own humble opinion) it is way better to find a general style that you like and that makes you look good (because that just helps when you don't feel great) and then just browse for clothes that work with your pre-established style. It helps guard against fast fashion, and if it's YOUR style, specific to your body and your environment and your comfort level, that's not going to go out of style, because fashion trends are built around generalizations, not individual people. Besides. As far as I can tell, the secret to fashion is confidence. If you feel confident, you will be able to gaslight a good portion of the general populous into thinking you're fashionable. ~.^
What doesn't make sense about "Fashion" are the prices. For example, my niece recently purchased a NEW pair of Torrm Denims, and paid R900 for it. In her same size, an untorn pair of regular Denims cost R500. WTF? Why not just buy the regular pair and rip it yourself to save money??? 😂
Love those guys. I used to live near a town that had a store called Hammond Floors. I took a picture of the sign and Photoshopped "You idiot" in the middle. Just for fun and cuz their craziness is a part of me now 😂👍
When I lived in France, I looked around at the French and wondered why Paris was considered the fashion capital of the world. It was almost un-fashion which, I guess, is fashionable. Now that I’m older, I appreciate it more.
Ah, une veste Castmember. Jme disais bien que c'était toi que j'avais vu dans les backstages à DLP ^^ Pas osé te déranger. Super cool vidéo, comme toujours !
Simplicity is the best way to live. Pursuit of materialistic objects only complicates life, burdens the soul. Eventually all the things you own, end up owning you. Moving becomes difficult, space becomes cluttered, finances get constrained and things that you love doing like traveling or taking courses, all starts to get delayed.
I wouldn't call the bônnet phrygien fashion statement. It was given to freed slaves to symbolise their freedom. It was used by revolutionaries and as a revolutionary symbol for freedom. And the Paris olympics mascotte looks more like a certain part of the feminine anatomy than a bônnet phrygien.
High fashion is bs. To buy something and throw it out in 6 months because it's out is financially and environmentally irresponsible. I only buy high quality clothes that i know will last and that I can wear for years and years. more than the "skin" that protects me from the weather. Don't get me wrong, I like nice clothes and have a few nice suits and jackets, but they are more timeless than current fads. Also most of the stuff I, and my wife for that matter see on the runway, we find just ridiculous.
I think fashion is all of the above. And also personal. You should wear what you like, What looks flattering on you & what you can afford. Also get a few staple pieces that can be worn in many configurations and wear them till they fall apart.
Never in the history of fashion have so many people been able to afford to dress nicely on a budget. Yet, never have they dressed more like 'poo poo ca-ca' . People follow trends like sheep and if that means ripped jeans, that's their limit. Love Paris, Milan, Florence, etc., for the way many locals dress. Thank goodness someone has class.
Loic, come on! Mary Antoinette was a figure head to attack because, let's face it, something about pretty rich young women just makes them great hate-objects: sexual envy + economic envy. When she _stopped_ being so expensive and made a point out of _not_ wearing all silk on her portraits, the complaints went straight from _"she's spending too much!!"_ to _"she's not supporting the French silk industry!!"_ Between Mary Antoinette gambling exactly as much as the rest of the court and the common people being the only ones to pay taxes ... it's a bit like blaming Meghan Markle for the current internal conflicts of the UK.
Actually the tin can packaging for the Classique perfume by Jean-Paul Gaultier features a regular tin can, covered with a decorative coating made to exact (and carefully kept secret) shade specifications that have not changed since its inception decades ago. The color is dubbed “Canon de fusil” by its manufacturer, which means gun barrel.
Historically, the origin of the french fashion culture is more due to Agnès Sorel (15th century), mistress of Charles VII. At that time, she redefined the court fashion for women, and she influenced all europe. Louis XIV had an immense influence, and yes, the wig fashion is due to him, with dances, ballets and other scenic arts, but the art of clothing was already a french standart.
I've never been a fan of high price label clothing, especially when the women's clothing often doesn't fit me (6'2” or 187cm), it isn't warm enough, and it is often rather flimsy. I often buy good quality clothing from op shops (second hand stores). They're much cheaper, and clothing which survives long enough to be sold second hand is usually rather more sturdy than usual. A friend of mine who had teens who liked label clothing would give them a clothing allowance based on ordinary, non-label generic clothing. Her motto was, "I'll pay for the clothes, you pay for the label", which motivated her teens to get jobs. An excellent compromise. Also, fashion shows are often too pretentious, stupid, and impractical for anyone to enjoy. I was telling my daughter that the idea that art does not have to be beautiful stems from post-modern, deconstructionist thinking. People are actually designed to like/love beauty, not ugliness - even if that beauty is simply luggage that can be stacked neatly! 😁
Skinny jeans are such a gimmick. They're uncomfortable, they're always sliding down and look stupid, and maybe only 1% of the population looks okay in them. For a minute only. 😮
Wasn't Milan a major center of fashion centuries before Paris even cared about style? Italy is often where France gets its ideas. Note: In the name of full disclosure, I have some French heritage but no Italian ancestors.
Of course, fashion is overrated. I personally hate the fact that the H&M chain has a shop probably in every city I`ve ever been but the clothes they sell are just nothing to talk about.
I'm a naturist. CHM. How am I going to to make that fashionable? Oh, silly me. There was a gig in Paris recently. And, a TV series. Oh joy. La Olympics Greek style. Remember, bring a towel. All Froods carry a towel.
2:10 Petite anecdote que j'ai appris quand j'étais en 4e, là actuellement je suis en 3e mais bon c'est passé important, mon prof de français a dit à toute la classe que le mot marré (se marrer genre rire) ça vient des femmes qui avaient des robes tellement serré que si elle riaient bah elles se pisser dessus. À chaque fois je regarde tes vidéos sur les trucs que tu ne comprends pas bah en fait ça m'apprend aussi des trucs.
@@arthelierre5448 le souvenir vague mais je vais quand même essayer, tête parce qu'en riant ça relâche toute la pisse et donc du coup on dirait un marais.
Fashion IN GENERAL _MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE_ lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 not just the French. Like have you seen those tent like dresses things and garbage bag looking...whatever they are, and the sideways dresses and all that ridiculous looking stuff 🤣🤣🤣 its fine Loic don't worry the rest of us don't make sense either 😅
If I have to buy new clothes the first thing I look at is what are they made of. I hate the feel of anything synthetic. If you're buying something online, a lot of times you have to search really hard for what the clothes are made from. It's like the manufacturer doesn't want you to know. And that almost seems kind of sinister. 😮
Just one thing, corsets usually didn’t hurt, weren’t very uncomfortable and didn’t squeeze or make you not be able to breathe… Also Chanel wasn’t responsible for the LBD, and she was an a55wh0l3 that was very good at getting in touch with the right people and advertising herself as more important than she actually was until people started believing and didn’t know her history specially as a n4z1…
I didn’t know you live in Paris!! 😱 I am doing an Au-pair very close to Paris… But asking you if you want to meet some day might be creepy… But I could help out with clips about the German language (as I am from Germany) if you may be interested
I will hold this view until the day I die If you let other people tell you what's acceptable to wear and what looks good, you're not smart enough to figure it out yourself
Thank you for mentioning the issue about (fast-)fashion towards the end. More people need to be aware that shopping their next SHEIN haul has a big impact on environment but also people's livelihood. If it is cheap, imagine how the works behind-the-scenes are treated. Great video!
Absolutely agreed! Those _"... and I only paid ten bucks for this super-cute dress!!!"_ reactions drive me nuts. That thing has to be spun, woven, cut, sewn together, died/printed, wrapped up and transported... and the shop owners and staff probably like to earn some money too. Also the designer.
Given that the materials have to be paid for, what in ---- do think is left for the workers???
Actually it's lovely that you wear the same jacket for all the characters. It's your smartness and art that makes you valuable person not what you put on!
“Not to be confused with: tschanel, Cristian Diorr and LouisVyton” 😂😂
Whenever I see/hear talk about fashion, I am reminded of the quote by Oscar Wilde: "A fashion is merely a form of ugliness so absolutely unbearable that we have to alter it every six months!"
"Fashion is what you wear when you don't know who you are". I don't remember who wrote that, but I have it on one of my shirts.
I like that, I gotta see if I can remember it.
Omg!!!! I like this quote!!!!
Okay, STAAAAAHP with the “corsets stop women from breathing!” I wear a corset every single day. I can take full, deep breaths. I love the shape they give me, and they also offer phenomenal back support and even anxiety support because it feels like a lovely hug. Corsets rule!!
Corsets were actually comfortable for most people. They were the bras of the past. If you got the right one it’s nice and supporting. Of course you could choose not to breath for fashion reasons but that was a personal choice of the women who didn’t need to work.
People were also thinner, so the corset sat comfortably on them. A bulging stomach will not take well to a corset.
@@mihaelac2472 Corsets actually work better on people with more fat. You can't reduce what isn't there.
.....Genuinely, I have watched your videos in the past and thought, "Hey, cool jacket." Apparently I also have no taste. XD
No, like, me too! I was like "he really looks like an American with it, he's so cool!" 😅
@@Kamiyu97 I would genuinely buy and wear that jacket if I encountered it in the store. XD
@@Ari_Dupree I mean, same! And my sis and mom would probably kill me (I'm a girl lol)
It's cool, but over that time it's kind of became Loic's trademark for me.
I'm kinda curious, is it just bought like that, or "custom made", possibly with an interesting hindlore on about how it became to be...
Corsets did not prevent women from breathing (unless you're tightening it too much of course ^^), in fact a lot of women who have tried well-made corsets say that they're a lot more conmofrtables than bras. It's just a trend, a fashion if you want :p
They didn't make you faint either. Fainting was fashionable. Society dictated that if a lady saw something considered upsetting or inappropriate, she should show she was unsettled and thus fainting (or pretending to faint) became the thing to do.
And yes, a well fitting corset is very comfortable.
@@Luubelaar Plus, a lot of people had tuberculosis, syphillis or other illnesses, that was probably also a reason why everyone was so fragile XD
I was about to say this. The historical fashion youtubers have covered this extensively.
Badly made, damaged or ill-fitting ones were uncomfortable of course - much like a badly made or ill-fitting bra today is!
@@stormveil And of course, now we see corsets only in movies, who are really bad at reproducing ancient clothing. They rarely get right anything, armour, clothes, weapons, so why expect them to get right the underwear of women? Especially if they can have drama from the legend of the breath-cutting corset ^^
@@krankarvolund7771 I think corsets could have been a factor in the tuberculosis. The bug that causes that is actually a lot more wide-spread than the visible cases, you can be infected without having any problems.
But corsets usually put the most pressure on the lower core --> they keep you not from breathing, but from breathing deeply.
Meaning the lower parts of your lungs aren't ventilated, and it's a lot easier for some germs to hang around and happily multiply.
Just a small comment. Yes Marie-Antoinette was libeled as being a high spender and it was part of the story-telling during the french revolution. However, historical studies have shown that despite spending more than her queens predecessor, it was not to the point it led to bankrupcy or any financial crisis for the French kingdom at that time. She was mostly used as a political scapegoat. As we say in France, "Calomniez, calomniez, il en restera toujours quelque chose"
I think that these longer videos are much better. Please don't stop making these yet. Patience is a virtue.
Mettre tout sure le dos de Marie-Antoinette et de l'achat de ses toilettes ayant mené à la Révolution est assez simpliste. Son addiction aux jeux d'argents a sans doute fait plus de dégâts. Sans parler des dettes acquises depuis longtemps. Faire la guerre coute cher, celles de Louis XIV ont pesé sur les dépenses sans parler de la guerre d'indépendance. Et les autre problèmes de trésorerie.
Pour parler de la mode de la Révolution, on peut ajouter la mode des Incroyables et des Merveilleuses. Ou de l'impact de l'empire avec Napoléon, notamment avec la robe taille empire qui fut adopté un peu partout. L'impératrice Eugénie joua aussi un rôle dans tout cela.
La mode est aussi un objet politique qui permet de s'imposer dans le mode par le biais du soft-power. La France le maîtrise bien avec le développement de son industrie du luxe depuis plusieurs siècles.
un café pour le plouc 😂
I thought he said “le brut”, but that works, too.
@@FreakyRufus la brute but thats not close to sound this 😆
@@jfdes4016I got confused by trying to learn Italian and French at the same time. In Italian, 'il brutto' means "the ugly one", and it sounded to me like "le brut", which I equated with "il brutto". Thanks for the correction.
That bit about the black T-shirt! Absolute classic French retailing.
"Hey, let's make the most stupid things we can imagine, call it fashion and see how much morons will actually pay for it!" - "This will never work mate!"
As few months later...
"Oh my, that was a brilliant idea, my friend!"
Fabulous. Spot on. Rolled off my chair laughing.
Honestly the same exact comment could be made about art sometimes…
@@jean-doturgis3896 Interesting and good insight. Yes, both fashion and art come from the same creative base. Fashion IS art and is taught to budding Designers as art at university and like art, not every piece or artist is for everyone. The difference is when fashion becomes functional for daily activity to formal wear. Art is never 'required' to be functional. The 'modern' cat walk is strictly for art and inspiration. Cheers
The older I get, the less interested in fashion I become. Casual comfort all the way!😊
"Is fashion overrated?" Yes. Yes it is. Objectively, rationally, it is. If you want to treat it as art, more power to you -- art isn't about rationality. But I don't think the way the world approaches fashion is healthy, and I frankly don't care about it at all beyond "oh, that looks nice."
Fun fact : fashion (also used in France instead of mode) comes from middle english facioun, from anglo-norman fechoun, and from old french façon : way, manner (to do/make something, clothes for example)
Façon very much still used in modern French just in other contexts.
OMG, that 30 yrs Disneyland Paris jacket, I'm officially envious 🤩😅
Good fashion means quality and some kind of timelessness.
Creativity is great, but it doesn't guarantee good fashion.
I love fashion and paying attention to how I dress, but there is indeed a problem with fast fashion, and I feel like it's coming from people wanting to buy all the new "trendy" things every season. I only buy things I really like, regardless of whether they are trendy, then I wear them for years until they fall apart (or if my size changes) - I think that approach can both make the consumers happier and the fashion brands more ethical.
The best Teacher of All Time😅😅😅
Merci pour ta patience, je dirais même ton courage, juste pour aborder le sujet.
Ta veste me rappelle Renaud, ne le change pas !
🤣 "Un café pour le plouc" 🤣
Something crossed my mind, do you know if your audience is more constitute of native-french-speaker, native-english-speaker, bilingual, or non-native ?
I just thought about that and I was curious
I'm native Spanish speaker, but I also have C1 in English, and I'm learning French.
Fashion is overrated. And I like your jacket. Went to the Monterey Jazz Festival once and it was a blast.
I am female. I always hated shopping. I now shop everything online except for the stuff I make for myself and jeans. If I find a shop I like, I will shop my clothes there until they discontinue what I liked. I will import fleece jacket from Scotland and pay import taxes just because i like them. Writing this comment I am wearing a fleece pullover I bought in 2016. It's not pretty enough to wear to work anymore, but still perfect for a cosy sunday. If stuff has minor holes, I will fix them. I am so slow fashion, if all people were like me, one designer would be enough for the whole world 😅
Stacking was so innovative im 1850s but no one thought of putting wheels on luggage until over 100 years later.
I have no fashion sense. That's why I do not pay extravagant prices for ripped up, pummelled blue jeans. I prefer to get them to that condition myself, preferably starting with a complete, pristine pair and taking years to distress them in my own time and ways.
You prefer authenticity over fake. 👍
And by the way, the eye of a Parisian or Parisian educates itself over time. Taking public transport, in 1 glance, we spot the woman wearing a beret (to mark herself as a tourist in Paris, because no Parisian woman wears a beret), the American couple (even without specific brand, the simplest outfit screams "I'm from the USA") and so on ... This is not a judgment. This is an observation.
7:35 In an alternate timeline with the video title "The BIZARRE world of German fashion":
"Now unfortunately we can't talk about fashion without talking about the biggest issue with fashion and trends. Which is how it leads to fascism."
Hugo Boss I'm looking at you 😅
It's unbelievable how seamlessly you can change your pronunciation from English to French. I can't do it from German to English.
Love your videos. You are very informative as well as funny.
I'm a girl and 24, I just toss on whatever when leaving. This is usually a long length tee shirt, jeans, and black sneakers
This is why (in my own humble opinion) it is way better to find a general style that you like and that makes you look good (because that just helps when you don't feel great) and then just browse for clothes that work with your pre-established style. It helps guard against fast fashion, and if it's YOUR style, specific to your body and your environment and your comfort level, that's not going to go out of style, because fashion trends are built around generalizations, not individual people.
Besides. As far as I can tell, the secret to fashion is confidence. If you feel confident, you will be able to gaslight a good portion of the general populous into thinking you're fashionable. ~.^
5:25 had me lough out loud. Perfect.
or this one: of french canadian fashion....🤪🤣😂
7:10 this is a modern twist on 12th century fashion
What doesn't make sense about "Fashion" are the prices. For example, my niece recently purchased a NEW pair of Torrm Denims, and paid R900 for it. In her same size, an untorn pair of regular Denims cost R500.
WTF? Why not just buy the regular pair and rip it yourself to save money??? 😂
The intro sounds like something Richard Hammond would say as an interlude to conversation street.
Love those guys. I used to live near a town that had a store called Hammond Floors. I took a picture of the sign and Photoshopped "You idiot" in the middle. Just for fun and cuz their craziness is a part of me now 😂👍
First modern "haute couture" shop as intended today was established in Paris by a British called C. Worth
I expected the first mention to be of Worth instead of skipping directly to Chanel, et al
Edit spelling
J'adore ❤ ça fait plaisir de voir la mode d'un autre angle. Bisous
"L'éternité dure 6 mois" - Karl Lagerfeld
When I lived in France, I looked around at the French and wondered why Paris was considered the fashion capital of the world. It was almost un-fashion which, I guess, is fashionable. Now that I’m older, I appreciate it more.
Ah, une veste Castmember. Jme disais bien que c'était toi que j'avais vu dans les backstages à DLP ^^ Pas osé te déranger.
Super cool vidéo, comme toujours !
I hope you have a few of those jackets because, honestly, I can't imagine you without it!
Hey Loic, could we get a vid over Cajun French (Louisiana USA)
Simplicity is the best way to live. Pursuit of materialistic objects only complicates life, burdens the soul. Eventually all the things you own, end up owning you. Moving becomes difficult, space becomes cluttered, finances get constrained and things that you love doing like traveling or taking courses, all starts to get delayed.
I wouldn't call the bônnet phrygien fashion statement.
It was given to freed slaves to symbolise their freedom.
It was used by revolutionaries and as a revolutionary symbol for freedom.
And the Paris olympics mascotte looks more like a certain part of the feminine anatomy than a bônnet phrygien.
"Imagine being such a hardcore shopaholic, that it leads to National Revolution!!!"💀
High fashion is bs. To buy something and throw it out in 6 months because it's out is financially and environmentally irresponsible. I only buy high quality clothes that i know will last and that I can wear for years and years. more than the "skin" that protects me from the weather. Don't get me wrong, I like nice clothes and have a few nice suits and jackets, but they are more timeless than current fads. Also most of the stuff I, and my wife for that matter see on the runway, we find just ridiculous.
Right. Timeless quality is true fashion, not the "creative" mess that gets sent down the runway.
Don't worry, we love your jacket!
“This is like…so in right now.” Lol thanks
I think fashion is all of the above. And also personal. You should wear what you like, What looks flattering on you & what you can afford. Also get a few staple pieces that can be worn in many configurations and wear them till they fall apart.
A great french success is the online second hand plateform for clothes Vinted. It limits the excess of fast fashion.
Never in the history of fashion have so many people been able to afford to dress nicely on a budget. Yet, never have they dressed more like 'poo poo ca-ca' . People follow trends like sheep and if that means ripped jeans, that's their limit. Love Paris, Milan, Florence, etc., for the way many locals dress. Thank goodness someone has class.
Loic, come on!
Mary Antoinette was a figure head to attack because, let's face it, something about pretty rich young women just makes them great hate-objects: sexual envy + economic envy. When she _stopped_ being so expensive and made a point out of _not_ wearing all silk on her portraits, the complaints went straight from _"she's spending too much!!"_ to _"she's not supporting the French silk industry!!"_
Between Mary Antoinette gambling exactly as much as the rest of the court and the common people being the only ones to pay taxes ... it's a bit like blaming Meghan Markle for the current internal conflicts of the UK.
Actually the tin can packaging for the Classique perfume by Jean-Paul Gaultier features a regular tin can, covered with a decorative coating made to exact (and carefully kept secret) shade specifications that have not changed since its inception decades ago. The color is dubbed “Canon de fusil” by its manufacturer, which means gun barrel.
If you're out to make a splash chérie, do know your haberdashery
Historically, the origin of the french fashion culture is more due to Agnès Sorel (15th century), mistress of Charles VII. At that time, she redefined the court fashion for women, and she influenced all europe. Louis XIV had an immense influence, and yes, the wig fashion is due to him, with dances, ballets and other scenic arts, but the art of clothing was already a french standart.
I've never been a fan of high price label clothing, especially when the women's clothing often doesn't fit me (6'2” or 187cm), it isn't warm enough, and it is often rather flimsy.
I often buy good quality clothing from op shops (second hand stores). They're much cheaper, and clothing which survives long enough to be sold second hand is usually rather more sturdy than usual.
A friend of mine who had teens who liked label clothing would give them a clothing allowance based on ordinary, non-label generic clothing. Her motto was, "I'll pay for the clothes, you pay for the label", which motivated her teens to get jobs. An excellent compromise.
Also, fashion shows are often too pretentious, stupid, and impractical for anyone to enjoy. I was telling my daughter that the idea that art does not have to be beautiful stems from post-modern, deconstructionist thinking. People are actually designed to like/love beauty, not ugliness - even if that beauty is simply luggage that can be stacked neatly! 😁
I wear my own fashion 😊
No one tells me what to wear.
I tryed one thoes Male skinny jeans and it didn't fit and hurt my balls 😂
Skinny jeans are such a gimmick. They're uncomfortable, they're always sliding down and look stupid, and maybe only 1% of the population looks okay in them. For a minute only. 😮
You Forgot WW1 French Army Fashion 😏🇨🇵
Was worried the vid was gonna transition into a keeps ad
Wasn't Milan a major center of fashion centuries before Paris even cared about style? Italy is often where France gets its ideas. Note: In the name of full disclosure, I have some French heritage but no Italian ancestors.
When considering fashion, the Quakers say "The excess could cloth the world." And it really could.
I noticed the special Disney jacket 😉😋
Excellent talk about fashion though... Funny but so right
Roligt och begåvat😊
Un café pour le plouc 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Of course, fashion is overrated. I personally hate the fact that the H&M chain has a shop probably in every city I`ve ever been but the clothes they sell are just nothing to talk about.
I mean I like a good jacket and shirt with something I like on it, I can be fashionable but it's not the current stuff who cares about that
I love your videos!
I'm a naturist. CHM. How am I going to to make that fashionable?
Oh, silly me. There was a gig in Paris recently.
And, a TV series. Oh joy. La Olympics Greek style.
Remember, bring a towel. All Froods carry a towel.
Have you been a DLP Cast Member? That's so cool man!
Moi j'adore ta veste en tout cas ! 🤩
dude loves his jacket
2:10 Petite anecdote que j'ai appris quand j'étais en 4e, là actuellement je suis en 3e mais bon c'est passé important, mon prof de français a dit à toute la classe que le mot marré (se marrer genre rire) ça vient des femmes qui avaient des robes tellement serré que si elle riaient bah elles se pisser dessus.
À chaque fois je regarde tes vidéos sur les trucs que tu ne comprends pas bah en fait ça m'apprend aussi des trucs.
Mais ducoup, en quoi ça a emmené au mot ''marrer'' ? C'est parce que ça faisait une ''marre'' de pisse ?
@@arthelierre5448 le souvenir vague mais je vais quand même essayer, tête parce qu'en riant ça relâche toute la pisse et donc du coup on dirait un marais.
Euh ... ton prof de français s'est fichu de vous.
@@s.p.8803 Donc c'est quoi dis-moi.
@@Mosasaure974 ça vient de "marri"
Really nice content, but the music drove me crazy 😜. Still i enjoyed it
Fashion IN GENERAL _MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE_ lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 not just the French. Like have you seen those tent like dresses things and garbage bag looking...whatever they are, and the sideways dresses and all that ridiculous looking stuff 🤣🤣🤣 its fine Loic don't worry the rest of us don't make sense either 😅
If I have to buy new clothes the first thing I look at is what are they made of. I hate the feel of anything synthetic. If you're buying something online, a lot of times you have to search really hard for what the clothes are made from. It's like the manufacturer doesn't want you to know. And that almost seems kind of sinister. 😮
bro you're always so energetic, I bet it must ne tiring
"Poopoo caka" 😂
If you ar the king, then you can order fashion
Just one thing, corsets usually didn’t hurt, weren’t very uncomfortable and didn’t squeeze or make you not be able to breathe…
Also Chanel wasn’t responsible for the LBD, and she was an a55wh0l3 that was very good at getting in touch with the right people and advertising herself as more important than she actually was until people started believing and didn’t know her history specially as a n4z1…
I didn’t know you live in Paris!! 😱
I am doing an Au-pair very close to Paris…
But asking you if you want to meet some day might be creepy…
But I could help out with clips about the German language (as I am from Germany) if you may be interested
I will hold this view until the day I die
If you let other people tell you what's acceptable to wear and what looks good, you're not smart enough to figure it out yourself
I go by one rule “copy K-dramas” if I want to be fashionable
To me fashion is pointless.
Why would I buy clothes that look good when they're not comfy and I never go away from home apart from the nearest store?
Fashion is the worst thing to happen to humanity . Come at me
Bro anyone comes at you I got your back
I would say (anti)social media is the worst thing, but fashion is a close second
Fashion seems to be about the environment though I don’t want to wear cat food tins- unless you make them look really good. Ouay Merci 🇺🇸🇫🇷
".. I'm not against it."
it's fashion when you find enough people to buy it 😁
I just avoid trends, jeans, T-shirt and a hoodie for decades
Louis Vuitton or as I like to call him Luigi Vuittone
Don't get the wrong picture. Most people in France absolutely don't care and don't know anything about fashion. So, not like cheese, bread and wine!
Fashion is a fad, but it isn't style or class, which are eternal. You can buy fashion but you can't buy style or class.
Louie was a dandy. A wealthy dandy.
I am unfashionable too.
Loïc, j'ai toujours eu le sentiment que ta veste en jeans était "fashionable" (I didn't say beautiful...)
Actually it was Paul Poiret, not Coco Chanel that freed women from the corsets. It's a common misconception. But good research altogether.