"BUNKER PEOPLE," PUMA PERL & JOE SZTABNIK Locked Down In Joe's Bunker, NYC June 13, 2020

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Lower East Side poet Puma Puma performs two of her poems -- 'Grace & Madness' and 'What In The World (Never Forever)' -- with Joe Sztabnik of New York Junk, locked down in Joe's Bunker, New York City, June 13, 2020.
    Do you believe in grace and madness?
    I am awed by motorcycles, scared of trucks
    I can’t shoot pool and I wish my face hadn’t changed
    Maybe it was my father’s unexpected high-pitched laugh
    or my mother’s borderline ways
    I rocked myself to sleep with dolls and cookies
    Last night it was Romeo Void and sex toys
    Never say Never.
    I’d be lying if I said it really didn’t matter
    and I’m sorry I didn’t take better care of you
    Fear thrills me
    Awe fills me
    The blind dream in stereophonic sound
    and we're all under water
    Waiting for grace
    Living in madness
    Sometimes I can’t believe that I breathe.
    © puma perl, 10/5/09
    What in the world can I do?
    My shoes are still untied.
    I trip into people’s lives
    and out again,
    intimacy as random
    as a taxi cab.
    I am a broken basket.
    Don’t put your eggs in me.
    Like Bowie’s girl,
    I prefer to stay in my room,
    and my eyes are gray
    It's always sometimes,
    never forever.
    My hands are not my hands.
    They tell their own stories
    in street Spanish,
    sign language.
    A knife in the park.
    A fall on a Central Park rock.
    An open artery.
    The right one,
    evenly tanned.
    On the left,
    a ring made from a fork.
    It won’t come off.
    I don’t remember
    where I got it,
    or how it wrapped
    itself around me.
    I don’t remember
    names, places, birthdays
    or my babies’ first words.
    I remember this morning.
    Keys on the coffee table,
    English muffin,
    butter melting,
    hot cup in the car,
    Lou Reed, Sweet Jane,
    Chinese proverbs.
    Lives saved like pennies,
    collected and spent.
    I made a pact to live
    until I die by hands
    other than my own.
    So what in the world can I do?
    © puma perl, 12/22/09

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