You have to surround yourself with other driven people--whether at the gym or in life. Like let's take even starting a youtube channel. You can look at all the failures and comment back and forth why they are failing. And it may be somewhat legitimate--oversaturation, trolls smashing you what have you. But if you fell into that group pretty soon your mindset would be to give it up because of reason (insert the groupthink reason). But what if you started making relationships with people who are determined to excel? If you made an excuse to them they would come down on you and tell you to keep going. Who you align yourself with will determine how far you are willing to go. Hope this helps someone out there----Charles
i guess Im randomly asking but does any of you know a way to get back into an Instagram account?? I was dumb lost the password. I appreciate any assistance you can give me.
💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿 love you gym for ever 👍👍👍👌👌👌
Incredible strength from nod
Great motivation bro.Thank u very much.
😢 0:40
Okay. The editing is insane great job
Love from Bangladesh 🖤
I appreciate your support 😊
My limbs cannot be left alone. great music ❤️
Goosebumps 🫡
Thanks 😊
Nice one
Thanks 🙌🏻
The Editing here is on another level
I appreciate your support brother 🔥🙌🏻
Nice video motivation like it♥️♥️
Nice one bro
Loved your content bruh🔥🔥
Incredible video! Let's keep inspiring others!
Lets. Go hit the gym 👍👍👍
There is no fucking excuses only hustle with power and pride😤😤
Top Top Top 💪💪💪
Nice beat its give extraordinary power 👊
Great 👍 video I hop it will get 2million like 😁
When you wake up the morning tell yourself “I WAS BORN TO DO THIS” thank the day for letting you wake up to it!!!😤😤😤💪💪💪💪💪💪
Let's goo🔥🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Thank god no the day
Thank God for the day !
Gooo!!! 👉🏞️🏞️🌴🌴☀️☀️☀️💪💪💪✊❤️😎
My First Song in the morning ❤
Helped me out a little ☺
I'm happy you started this channel
Name of song?
Keep working out guys💪💪💪👍
Superb 👍🙏
Needed this today you have no idea. Thank you.
Good job guys,dont stop 👏
Yes ok no excuses 💪💪☝
Best motivation ❤️❤️❤️
yeah! I love that spirit!!!!!😍😍
My support will always exist for uu🔥🔥
Bom demais 👍💪💥
Amazing video. How is it so good? Stay connected 𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇
You have to surround yourself with other driven people--whether at the gym or in life. Like let's take even starting a youtube channel. You can look at all the failures and comment back and forth why they are failing. And it may be somewhat legitimate--oversaturation, trolls smashing you what have you. But if you fell into that group pretty soon your mindset would be to give it up because of reason (insert the groupthink reason). But what if you started making relationships with people who are determined to excel? If you made an excuse to them they would come down on you and tell you to keep going. Who you align yourself with will determine how far you are willing to go. Hope this helps someone out there----Charles
Jest moc 💪
Excuses for people who have no destination, keep up the hard work💪.
So much inspiration.
Keep sharing 🔥🙌🏻🙌🏻
This should be on top💖,really love your work brother😍💞
I appreciate your support 🔥💪
@@GymLeague rrtrrwwrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrtwrrrrrrrrttrrrrrtrtrrtrwtrtrrrrrrrrwrrtwrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrtrrrrrrtttttrrrtrrrrwrrrrrrrtrtrrtrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrttrtrrrrrrtrrrttrrrrrrrttttrrrrrwrrwrrrrrrrrrrrrtrwrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrtrrrtrrrrwrtrrrrrrrrrrrtrtrrrtrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrttrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrqtrttrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrtwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrryrrttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwrrtrrrrrrrtrtrrttrrrrrrrrrrrrrqrrtrrrrrrrtrtrrrttrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrtrrtrrrtrqrrrtrrtrrrrurrrrrtrrrrrttrrwryrrtrrrtrryrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrtrrrrtrrrrrtqrrrrtttrrrrrrrrrrrwrrytrrrrrrrrrttrtrttrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrytrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtyrrrryrtrwttrrrrttrrrrtrrrrrrtrrqrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrryrrtrrrrrrryrrrrtrrrrrtrrttrrrrrrrtrtrtrtrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryrrrrryrtrrrrrtyrrrqrrrrwtrrrtrrrtrrrrrrryrrtttywrryrrytrqrrytwtqrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttrrtrtrrqrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrryrrtrrryrtqrrrrqrtrrrrtrrytrrryrrrrrrrrrrrtrtqrrrqrrrqtrrrttrtrryrrwrrrrryrrrrytrrrrrrrwrrrrrrrqrrrwrrrtryrryrrrryttrttrrrrrryrrrttrrorrtrryrrrrrryrrrwrrrrrrrryrrrrrrrrrrrryrrrryrrrrrryrrrrrryrrrrryrrwrurwryrrrrrryrrrrrwryryrtrwrrywrtrrrrrqtrtytryrrryrrtrrrryrrrrrrrwtrttrrttrttrrtttrrrrrwrrrrrrrrrrrrryrrrrwrtrrrrrrtrtrrtrrrrrwrrtwrrrrtrtrtrrrrrtrwurrrtrrryrrrrwrrwrrtrrrtrrrrrrtrrrtrryrtrqrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrurrrrrrrrrttrrrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtrrrrrttrwrrrrtrwrrrrrryrrrrrtrtrrrtryrrryrtrrttprrrrrttwrrrrrrrrrrtyryrqryrrrrtrtrrtyrwrrrwrrtrrrrrrqrtrtryrrrrrtttrtrrrrtrrtrrrrrrrtrrrrrtrqrrrrrtryrrtrrrrytrrrrrotrwttrttwrrrrrrrtrtrqrrrrrrrrrqrrrrrrrtrtttrttqrrrrtrqrrqrrtrrrrrrrywrrrrrrrorrrqtqtutryrrrqtrrrrrrtrrtrrrrrrrryrwtyrqrytqrwtrtqttrtqrrtttrrtrtryrrrrrttrrtqrttrrtryrwtrrwqrrrrrrtrqrtqrtrqrqtrqrrrqtrrrrrqrrrrrrtrtrrpryrrrrqtrttrqtwtrqtrrrrrtrqrrtqtrtrrtytrrtrtryrrrrqrwtrtryrrtrrrryrrrrqrtytttyrrtrrrrrtrwrttqrrtrrurrqryrtrwyrrrrtrtorrrrotrytyrrrrrrqrryrrrrrurrrrqtrtrrrqttrtyrrwttrrqrryturprytrrrrwrrrrytrrrrryrrrrrrrryrrryrrrrrrrwtwtrwrrryrryrrrrrrotwwttrrrtyrrtwrorttprtrrrrrrrrrrrrqrwtrtrrrwrtrrrorrtrrqwrwrrrrrtyrrryrrrrqrrt
Don't be excuses.
I understand why are people racist.. 90% black rappers are so good a this black dude IS best gym motivator 😂💪
Great music, you do well 😆
Thank 🙌 Also, big thanks to everyone who listens and enjoys the track. I appreciate you all 🙏
i guess Im randomly asking but does any of you know a way to get back into an Instagram account??
I was dumb lost the password. I appreciate any assistance you can give me.
@Maximo David Instablaster ;)
0:23 😍😍
Be stronger than your excuses 💪🔥
Who downloaded this video and watch it everyday🔥
0:01 who is he?
jeremy potvin
0:32 lateral raise guys please mention his Instagram I'd
Hollly Shit 💯💯
No pain no...... 💦
انا اللي
Aur la Culturism fetele Baetii la Sală
No escuse for steroid ?
No excuse for Grammar🤡
Bafta la Culturism fetele
Campion la Culturism Andrei Deiu Vâlcea Dragoș Siko George Ioana Sulea Campioană Bogdan Alex Paul
Jeff Seid Gerado Gabriel Lazăr Anghelov Simion Panda Jaco Bruyan Jermy Bundiea Logan Harrison fetele la Culturism