About Koreans sitting o the floor. In older dramas (6-8 years ago) that feature older, poor or rural character you would see a lot of floor sitting/sleeping. More recent dramas I noticed its dropped off significantly, perhaps because K-dramas now have an international audience.
자르지 않은 전체 버전을 여기에서 시청하세요:
한국은 대부분 온돌방(열수관이 들어 있는 돌 바닥)을 사용합니다. 옛날보다 진화되고 다양한 소재를 사용한 공법이 있습니다.
일본은 다다미 바닥을 사용합니다. 짚으로 만든 돗자리 바닥 입니다.
재미나게 잘봤어요...ㅋㅋ
About Koreans sitting o the floor. In older dramas (6-8 years ago) that feature older, poor or rural character you would see a lot of floor sitting/sleeping. More recent dramas I noticed its dropped off significantly, perhaps because K-dramas now have an international audience.
Kim tae ri ~💖
Chorok is a member from oh my girl