I suggest the Election Commission should also consider the hours of election. What lam saying an electro area of say 1400 people can can conveniently cast their vote within the time limit of 7 - 4 unless they put more boxes 2-3 boxes as the process is long. Some areas with say 300 voters and given 2 boxes is and areas with 1400 voters given 1 box is very unfair. The commission should look into that as well.
I suggest the Election Commission should also consider the hours of election.
What lam saying an electro area of say 1400 people can can conveniently cast their vote within the time limit of 7 - 4 unless they put more boxes 2-3 boxes as the process is long.
Some areas with say 300 voters and given 2 boxes is and areas with 1400 voters given 1 box is very unfair. The commission should look into that as well.
Who makes the law?
Ani awandikide Namboze byasoma bulijo teacher wafe akankanamu mbu Mpuuga oluzungu lunji
Owaye kilabiika yasooma ne the late hadji sebagala. Kubanga oluzungu lumulakila bulaala. ," dere duwing dis😂😂😂😂😂😂
I clearly heard and understood all what Hon. Nambooze said.